Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product CTSMX20042K9 Cisco Systems
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ww w. Cisco T elePresence S y stems Prole S eries / Codec C Serie s / Quick Set C20 / M X200 Use w it h Cis co T eleP resence T ouch The ne xt generation Cisco T elePresence System tea m collaboration soluti on.
ww w. Getting star t ed The b asics of t he T ouch Co ntroller ........................ 4 Self vi ew and came ra contro l ................................. 5 Addin g a near end c amera p reset ......................... 6 Chan ging an exist ing near e nd camer a preset .
ww w. Chapter 1 Ge t tin g star t ed 3 Cisc o T eleP rese nce Syst em Pr ol e Series , C od ec C Series , Quick Se t C2 0, MX2 00 User guide D14 5 8 2 . 07 Us er gui de Pro le Se rie s, Cod ec C Se rie s, Qui ck Set C 20, MX20 0, July 201 1 .
ww w. The bas ics of the T ouch Controller St andby is set he re. Do not d isturb i s set here. Microphone mut e (o n /o ) V olume Information bar Call someone Run presen tations Camera .
ww w. Y ou may wa nt to check how you ap pear on th e screen. To do thi s, tap Self view ... . . . then t ap More. Use + and – to adj ust the zoo m and the ar row keys to adjust t he camer a’ s angle. Y ou m ay also dene o r edit ca mera pres ets in this m enu, see “ Addin g a near end c amera p reset” on p age 6 for deta ils.
ww w. Adding a near en d camera preset Ta p Mor e ... . . . then t ap Camera Control . Pres s Add n ew Pres et . Rear position Key in a name for the n ew preset.
ww w. Changing an exist ing near end camer a preset T ap the eld to the right of t he preset to be changed. Ta p U pdat e to cur ren t posit ion to chang e the pres et. Ta p Back to exit th e menu. Ta p Mor e ... . . . then t ap Camera Control .
ww w. Removing an existin g near end camera p reset T ap the eld to the r ight of the pres et t o be cha nged. Ta p Re move to delete th e preset.
ww w. Camera w hit ebalanc e , e xpo sure , a nd backlight comp ensation Y ou may wa nt to adjust th e camera’ s whitebalance , exposure and backlight compensation. T o do thi s, tap More ... . . . then t ap Sett ings t o open the S ettings me nu.
ww w. Y ou may d eactiv at e the m icropho ne for pri vacy reaso ns, if need ed ( ) . T ap as ou tlined ( ) to adjust t he sound vo lume. T o set rin gtones an d sound, ta p More ( ) followed by Set ti ngs ( ) . Then t ap Ringtone & Sound Settings ( ).
ww w. Chapter 2 Placi ng calls 11 Cisc o T eleP rese nce Syst em Pr ol e Series , C od ec C Series , Quick Se t C2 0, MX2 00 User guide D14 5 8 2 . 07 Us er gui de Pro le Se rie s, Cod ec C Se rie s, Qui ck Set C 20, MX20 0, July 201 1.
ww w. T a p in the Search or Dial eld ( ) . Thi s will prod uce the v irt ual keyboard. Ta p ABC to swi tch t o the QW ERT Y ke yb oard and t ap 12 3 to switch to the n umeric keyboard. Key in the n umber or U RI ( ) Ta p END to ter min ate th e ca ll.
ww w. . . . then t ap Search or Dial . . . . t hen tap t he entr y to be call ed ( ) a nd then tap S TA R T ( ) to place t he call. Ta p END to ter min ate th e ca ll. Searching and c alling an entr y in any of the lists Ta p Ca ll as outlin ed, if needed .
ww w. Calling an entr y in one of th e lists . . . then t ap Favor ite s , Director y , o r Histor y . . . . then t ap the ent ry to b e called a nd the Pla ce a cal l dialog b ox appear s. T ap St art to place t he call. Ta p END to ter min ate th e ca ll.
ww w. Ta p ADD P A RTICIP A NT as out lined to add the ent r y t o the li st of par ticip ants to be ca lled. Wh en all have been a dded (two in this exam ple ), tap S TA R T to c all th em al l. Calling more th an one Calli ng several to init iate a video c onference is an optio nal feature.
ww w. Chapter 3 Us in g Favor i tes, Dir ect or y and Hist or y 16 Cisc o T eleP rese nce Syst em Pr ol e Series , C od ec C Series , Quick Se t C2 0, MX2 00 User guide D14 5 8 2 . 07 Us er gui de Pro le Se rie s, Cod ec C Se rie s, Qui ck Set C 20, MX20 0, July 201 1.
ww w. Y ou may s earch for entr ies ( numbe rs or UR Is ) . S earches w ill be co nducted w ithin all t he folder s, i. e. wi thin th e Favori tes , the Directory an d the Histo ry . T a p in the Sear ch or Dial eld an d k ey in the n ame, URI or numb er .
ww w. Chapter 4 In - call fea tur es 18 Cisc o T eleP rese nce Syst em Pr ol e Series , C od ec C Series , Quick Se t C2 0, MX2 00 User guide D14 5 8 2 . 07 Us er gui de Pro le Se rie s, Cod ec C Se rie s, Qui ck Set C 20, MX20 0, July 201 1.
ww w. Features in a call— an ov er view Camera control lets you pan a nd zoom your own c amera a s well as d ene and use camera prese ts Layout lets you chan ge the layou t of imag es o.
ww w. . . . then s elect, in t he usua l way , w hom to add to the ongoing ca ll. Calling par ticipants to add t hem to an ongoing call (Multisite ) Whi le in a call you may a dd par ticipan ts provi ded that yo ur system p ermit s t o do so.
ww w. . . . then s elect, in t he usua l way , w hom to add to the ongoing ca ll. Calling par ticipants to add t hem to an ongoing call (Multiway ) Whi le in a call you m ay add participants pr ovided tha t your sy stem permi ts to do so. Ta p Hold to put th e ongoing call on hold.
ww w. Receivin g another incoming c all Fea tures whe n putting someone on hold Th is is an o ptio nal fea ture t hat may, or may n ot, be p rese nt on yo ur sys tem. If in d oubt , ask yo ur Sys tem Adm inis trato r . Th is is an o ptio nal fea ture t hat may, or may n ot, be p rese nt on yo ur sys tem.
ww w. T rans f errin g an ongoing call Th is is an o ptio nal fea ture t hat may, or may n ot, be p rese nt on yo ur sys tem. If in d oubt , ask yo ur Sys tem Adm inis trato r . If app licabl e , tap the p art icipant to be pu t on hold ( ).
ww w. Near end c amera control Using T o uch T o nes ( D TMF) in a call Near end c amera presets Ta p Mor e ... Dur ing a call, or ou tside a ca ll, tap More ... Ta p T ouch T ones ... . . . then t ap Camera Control . Adjust zo om and pan a s required.
ww w. Sharing cont ents—co nducting presentations Make sure yo ur present ation sou rce is conn ected to the vi deo sys t em before you s tar t. In a ca ll, or outsi de a call, t ap Presen tation ... . . . then s elect so urce by scroll ing horizo ntally , if needed .
ww w. Layout control Y ou may a lter the scre en layout w hen you are in a c all. T o d o this st ar t by tappin g More ... . . . then t ap Lay out ... . . . and nally sel ect your preferre d layout. All p ar ticipant s are show n in frame s of ide ntical sizes.
ww w. The v ideo en dpoints w hose us e is descr ibed in th is manual c an be con gured via t he touch scre en controll er or via it s web inter face. For full a cces s t o all co ngurab le param et er s the web inter face mu st be us ed—t he T ou ch Contro ller provi des acce ss to a limited s et of parameters only .
ww w. Acce ss the S ettin gs as follows: Gaining ac cess to the Set tings Ta p Mor e ... . . . then t ap Sett ings ... . . . and t hen you get acc ess to the s ettin gs availab le. Obser ve th at there are sever al other s ettin gs availab le, but the se can be acce ssed f rom the web inter fac e only .
ww w. The S y stem Information pane cont ains inform ation on t he system’ s sof tw are and hard ware versi ons and conn ectio ns, SIP and H .3 23 statu s e tc. System In formation 29 Cisc o T eleP rese nce Syst em Pr ol e Series , C od ec C Series , Quick Se t C2 0, MX2 00 User guide D14 5 8 2 .
ww w. The Call St atus pane p rovides info rmatio n on call rate, encr ypti on, as well as imp or tant vi deo and au dio parameters. Call St atus 30 Cisc o T eleP rese nce Syst em Pr ol e Series , C od ec C Series , Quick Se t C2 0, MX2 00 User guide D14 5 8 2 .
ww w. The Camer a Control & Settings pane l e ts you s et the w hitebalan ce and expo sure of the c amera. If you do not wa nt t o t weak this yo ursel f , jus t leave it to the syste m by selecting Auto . Backlight compensat ion com es in hand y when th ere is muc h light behin d you.
ww w. The R ingtone & Sound Settings pane lets yo u specif y: • K eytones on or o . When set to on you will hear a sound ev ery time you tap a eld on the T ouch controller . • Ringtone volume . Ho w loud your ringt one shall sound.
ww w. The D ate, T ime & L ocat ion set tings l et you specif y: • 24h or 12h time format. • Y our preferred date format. • Y our preferred time zone. • Whether date and time shall be set automatically or manually . Note how th e sett ings chos en are indic ated.
ww w. The Call Set tings pane l ets you spe cify: • Auto Answer On or O . If you set this to On , the system will respond automatically to incoming calls . Note that the microphone will NO T be muted. If risk of eav esdropping is an issue, y ou may want to set this setting to O .
ww w. The IP s ett ings p ane for the C odec of t he system let s you sp ecif y whethe r t o use I Pv4 ( b elow lef t) or IPv 6 (below rig ht ) . Administr a tor settin gs—I P se t tings for the code c If IP v 4 ass ignment is s pecie d to be Auto, you must s ave your set tings to put ch anges into eec t.
ww w. The IP s ett ings p ane for the T o uch contro ller of the syste m le ts you specify: • The use of DHCP or Static IP addresses. If y ou decide to use Static , mak e sure y ou tap Save before leaving the menu.
ww w. The Pairing pan e shows st atus on the p airing of t he Co dec and t he T ou ch control ler of your vid eo system. It als o provide s you with t he option of u npairin g the t wo .
ww w. The H . 323 Set ti ngs p ane lets you s pecif y: • An H.323 alias . • Y our H.323 id. • Gatek eeper discov ery ( Manual or Automatic ). • The Gatek eeper address must be specied b y you if discov ery has been set to manual.
ww w. The S IP s ett ing s pane lets yo u specif y: • Y our URI . • The Default transport lay er , this can be set to TCP , UDP , TLS or Auto . • The Pro xy type can be set to Standard, Alcatel, Av aya, Cisco , Microsoft, Nortel, Experimental, Siemens .
ww w. Provisi oning co nnects yo u t o Call way or VCS. Wh en eith er of thes e were ordered an d receive d from Cisc o you sho uld also have o btained t he nece ssar y infor mation an d cod es.
ww w. All e ndpoint s using th e T C serie s sof tware oe rs Mult iway as a mea ns of creating v ideo co nferences wi th more th an just two par ticipan ts. Note that a s ucces sful us e of Multiw ay requires th e pres ence of cer tain i nfrast ructure p roduct s and inst allatio ns.
ww w. If th e T ouch c ontroll er is used in env ironment s with considerable amounts of electr omagnetic noise present, you may experience an appearance o f false signals—as if som eone ta pped t he T ou ch control ler when n obody obvi ously di d so .
ww w. Y ou may wa nt to reset your vid eo system. Note t hat you will l oose all c ongurat ions, the c all histor y an d your loc al list of co ntacts.
ww w. On ou r web site you will nd an over view of the wo rldw ide Cisco contacts. Go to: h ttp: / /w ww. cisco. com/we b/ siteassets/ contacts/inde x.
An important point after buying a device Cisco Systems CTSMX20042K9 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Cisco Systems CTSMX20042K9 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Cisco Systems CTSMX20042K9 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Cisco Systems CTSMX20042K9 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Cisco Systems CTSMX20042K9 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Cisco Systems CTSMX20042K9, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Cisco Systems CTSMX20042K9.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Cisco Systems CTSMX20042K9. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Cisco Systems CTSMX20042K9 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center