Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product CISCO10720 Cisco Systems
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Corporate He adquarters Cisc o Syst ems , Inc . 170 West Ta sman Drive San Jos e, CA 95 134-1706 USA Tel: 408 526-4000 800 553- NETS (638 7) Fax: 408 526-4100 Cisco 1 0720 Intern.
iii Cisco 10720 Inter net Router Uplink Cards Insta llation and C onfigurati on 78-13113-06 B0 CONTENTS Preface vi i Document Revisi on Hist ory vii Object ives vii Organi zation vi ii Elec trom agn e.
Cont ents iv Cisco 10720 Inte rnet Route r Uplink Ca rds In stallation and Configuration 78-13113-06 B0 CHAPTER 2 Prepari ng for Instal lation 2- 1 Hardwa re Requ irements 2-1 Softw are Requ irem ents.
Content s v Cisco 10720 Inter net Router Uplink Cards Insta llation a nd Configurati on 78-13113-06 B0 CHAPTER 5 Troubles hootin g the Uplink Car ds 5-1 Verif ying the Upl ink Card Connect ion 5-1 LED.
Cont ents vi Cisco 10720 Inte rnet Route r Uplink Ca rds In stallation and Configuration 78-13113-06 B0.
vii Cisco 10720 Inter net Router Uplink Cards Insta llation and C onfigurati on 78-13113-06 B0 Preface This pr eface d escrib es the obj ectiv es and o rganizatio n of th is do cument and explains how to find additional info rmation on related prod ucts and services.
viii Cisco 10720 Inte rnet Route r Uplink Ca rds In stallation and Configuration 78-13113-06 B0 Preface Organizati on This publicatio n uses the follo wing terminol ogy to refer to the router and the .
ix Cisco 10720 Inter net Router Uplink Cards Insta llation a nd Configurati on 78-13113-06 B0 Pre face Elect romag netic Co mplian ce Electromagnet ic Compliance Electrom agnetic complia nce informat .
x Cisco 10720 Inte rnet Route r Uplink Ca rds In stallation and Configuration 78-13113-06 B0 Preface Tran sla ted Safe ty Wa rnin gs Distance Limitations for Signaling and Unshielded C onductors Gi ve.
xi Cisco 10720 Inter net Router Uplink Cards Insta llation a nd Configurati on 78-13113-06 B0 Pre face Trans late d Saf ety W arn ings Attent ion Ce symbole d’avertissement indique un danger . V ous vous trouvez dans une situation pouvant entraîner des blessures.
xii Cisco 10720 Inte rnet Route r Uplink Ca rds In stallation and Configuration 78-13113-06 B0 Preface Related Documenta tion Related Documentation The fo llo wing sec tion li sts some refer ence mat erial ou t of the C isco.
xiii Cisco 10720 Inter net Router Uplink Cards Insta llation a nd Configurati on 78-13113-06 B0 Pre face Documen tation Fee dback Ordering Docume ntation Registered Cisco .com users may orde r Cisco docu mentat ion at the Prod uct Docume ntatio n Store in the Cisco Market place at this URL: http://www .
xiv Cisco 10720 Inte rnet Route r Uplink Ca rds In stallation and Configuration 78-13113-06 B0 Preface Obtain ing Techni cal Ass istance Reporting Se curity Problems in Cisco P roducts Cisco is committ ed to deli veri ng secure products.
xv Cisco 10720 Inter net Router Uplink Cards Insta llation a nd Configurati on 78-13113-06 B0 Pre face Obtaining Technical Assistance Access to al l tools on the Cisco T echnical Suppor t & Documentati on website requir es a user ID and password.
xvi Cisco 10720 Inte rnet Route r Uplink Ca rds In stallation and Configuration 78-13113-06 B0 Preface Obtainin g Addi tional Pub lications and Informat ion Se verity 3 (S3)— Opera tional perf orman ce of the network is impaired, w hile most business operations remain f unctiona l.
xvii Cisco 10720 Inter net Router Uplink Cards Insta llation a nd Configurati on 78-13113-06 B0 Pre face Obtaining Additional Publications and Information • Networking products offered by Cisco System s, as well as c ustomer support serv ices, can be obtaine d at th is URL : http://www .
xviii Cisco 10720 Inte rnet Route r Uplink Ca rds In stallation and Configuration 78-13113-06 B0 Preface Obtainin g Addi tional Pub lications and Informat ion.
C HAPTER 1-1 Book Title 78-13113-06 B0 1 Overview and Specifications This publ ication co ntain s instruct ions for installi ng and configuri ng the OC-4 8 RPR/SRP , OC-48/STM- 16c DPT , and OC-48/STM-16c PO S uplink cards as well as the con sole/auxilia ry card on the Cisc o 10720 Intern et Router.
1-2 Book Ti tle 78-13113-06 B0 Chapt er 1 Overview an d Speci ficat ions DPT Upli nk Card Fa ceplate an d Specific ations The Cisc o 1072 0 I nterne t R outer provid es network ac cess using Eth ernet and op tional D ynamic Packet T r anspor t (DPT), Packet ov er SONET (PO S), or IE EE 802.
1-3 Book Title 78-13113-06 B0 Chapter 1 Overview and Specificat ions POS/D PT Uplin k Car d F acepl ate a nd S pec ifica tion s POS/DPT Uplink Card Face plate and Specificatio ns This sec tion pro vides f aceplate id entif ication and speci fica tions for t he POS/DPT uplink car d.
1-4 Book Ti tle 78-13113-06 B0 Chapt er 1 Overview an d Speci ficat ions POS/DPT Upli nk Card Face plate and Spe cifications T able 1 -2 POS /DPT Uplink Car d Specifications Product ID Description 10720-SR -LC-POS= 2 OC- 48c/STM16c POS/DPT short-reac h (SR) • Dist ance —1.
1-5 Book Title 78-13113-06 B0 Chapter 1 Overview and Specificat ions RPR/SR P Uplink Card Facep late and Speci ficati ons RPR/SRP Uplink Card Fac eplate and Specifications This sec tion pro vides fac eplate iden tif ication and specif ications for the RPR/SRP u plink card.
1-6 Book Ti tle 78-13113-06 B0 Chapt er 1 Overview an d Speci ficat ions Optical Cabl e Speci fications Optical Cable Specificat ions Ta b l e 1 - 7 pro vides optic al cable speci fications for the upli nk cards. T able 1 -5 OC48 SFP Module Spec ifications f or the RPR/SRP Uplink Car d Specification Description Di m en s io n s ( H x W x D) 0.
1-7 Book Title 78-13113-06 B0 Chapter 1 Overview and Specificat ions Consol e/Auxi liary Ca rd Faceplate and Specifi cations Additional feature i n formation is a v ailable on line in th e Cisco IOS S.
1-8 Book Ti tle 78-13113-06 B0 Chapt er 1 Overview an d Speci ficat ions Console/Au xiliary Card Facepla te and Speci fications.
C HAPTER 2-1 Book Title 78-13113-06 B0 2 Preparing for Installation Install ation prer equi sites and pre parat ion informa tion fo r install ing an upl ink card in a Cisco 1072 0 router are in the fo.
2-2 Book Ti tle 78-13113-06 B0 Chapter 2 Prepar ing for Installation Software Requ irements Software Requirements The DPT uplink card is compatible with the follo wing router system software : • Cisco IOS Rel ease 12 .0(1 9)SP or later release s of Cis co IOS 12 .
2-3 Book Title 78-13113-06 B0 Chapter 2 Prepa ring for Inst allation Safety and Compliance Safety and Compliance Before you b egin any of t he proc edures in t his pub licatio n, review the safe ty an.
2-4 Book Ti tle 78-13113-06 B0 Chapter 2 Prepar ing for Installation Safety and Com pliance War ni n g This unit might have more than one p ower cord. T o reduce the risk of el ectric shock, disconnect the two power supply cords before servicing the unit War ni n g Incorporate a readily accessible two-poled disconnect device into the fixed wiring.
2-5 Book Title 78-13113-06 B0 Chapter 2 Prepa ring for Inst allation Safety and Compliance Following are guideline s for preventing ESD damage : • Always use an E SD-preventive wrist o r ankl e stra p and ensur e tha t it m akes go od skin cont act.
2-6 Book Ti tle 78-13113-06 B0 Chapter 2 Prepar ing for Installation Safety and Com pliance.
C HAPTER 3-1 Book Title 78-13113-06 B0 3 Installing and Removing the Uplink Cards This ch apter pro vides informatio n about in stalling and remo ving the uplink ca rds.
3-2 Book Ti tle 78-13113-06 B0 Chapter 3 Installing and Remo ving the Uplink Cards Preparing fo r Instal lation Preparing for Installation Please r ead the fol lo wing inst ructio ns when prepa ring t.
3-3 Book Title 78-13113-06 B0 Chapter 3 Installing and Removing the Up link Cards Preparing for Installation Step 2 Attach an ESD-pr ev enti ve st rap to your wrist, a nd to the r outer o r to a b are metal surface. Step 3 Press the power switch on th e router to the off position (O) .
3-4 Book Ti tle 78-13113-06 B0 Chapter 3 Installing and Remo ving the Uplink Cards Removing th e Cable-Man agement System Figur e 3-3 Remo ving the DC P owe r Leads from t he T er minal Block Note The DC site power source must be disconnected to ensure prope r safety is maintained.
3-5 Book Title 78-13113-06 B0 Chapter 3 Installing and Removing the Up link Cards Removing t he Cable-Managem ent Syst em Note It is not necessary to remov e the cable-managemen t tray in order to install or remo ve an uplink card. Only the cab le-ma nage ment cov er mus t be rem ov ed i n or der to in sta ll or remo ve a n upl ink card.
3-6 Book Ti tle 78-13113-06 B0 Chapter 3 Installing and Remo ving the Uplink Cards Removing th e Cable-Man agement System Figur e 3-6 Disconnec ting the Optical Inte rf ace Cable Step 3 Remove the opt ic al inte rface cabl es.
3-7 Book Title 78-13113-06 B0 Chapter 3 Installing and Removing the Up link Cards Removing t he Cable-Managem ent Syst em Figur e 3-7 Remo ving a Bale Clasp SFP Module Step 3 Open the bale clasp on the SFP module by pressing the clasp downw ard until it is in a ho rizontal position as sh own in Figure 3-7 .
3-8 Book Ti tle 78-13113-06 B0 Chapter 3 Installing and Remo ving the Uplink Cards Removing the U plink Card Removing the Uplink Card Use the instructio ns in this section to remov e an uplink card. Step 1 Remo ve any console po rt cab le or auxili ary por t cable fro m the card .
3-9 Book Title 78-13113-06 B0 Chapter 3 Installing and Removing the Up link Cards Installing an Uplink Card Installing an Uplink Card Perform the follo wing steps to safely install an upli nk card int.
3-10 Book Ti tle 78-13113-06 B0 Chapter 3 Installing and Remo ving the Uplink Cards Installing an Uplink Card Installing the OC48 SFP Module s in the RPR/SRP Uplink Card Use the information in this section to install OC48 SFP modules in the RPR/SRP uplink card.
3-11 Book Title 78-13113-06 B0 Chapter 3 Installing and Removing the Up link Cards SONET Dista nce In forma tion f or RPR/ SRP, DP T, an d POS /DPT Uplink C ard s SONET Distance Information for RPR/SRP, DPT, and POS/DPT Uplink Ca rds The maximum distance for single-mode insta llations is determined b y the amount of light loss in the fi ber path.
3-12 Book Ti tle 78-13113-06 B0 Chapter 3 Installing and Remo ving the Uplink Cards Connecting the Port s on the RPR/SRP, DPT, and POS/DPT Uplink Cards War ni n g Class 1 laser product.
3-13 Book Title 78-13113-06 B0 Chapter 3 Installing and Removing the Up link Cards Conne cting the Po rts on the RP R/SR P, DPT, and POS/DP T Upli nk C ards Figur e 3-16 DPT Uplink Car d P or ts • S.
3-14 Book Ti tle 78-13113-06 B0 Chapter 3 Installing and Remo ving the Uplink Cards Connecting the Port s on the RPR/SRP, DPT, and POS/DPT Uplink Cards Figur e 3-18 RPR/SRP Uplink Car d P or ts If you.
3-15 Book Title 78-13113-06 B0 Chapter 3 Installing and Removing the Up link Cards Instal ling t he Cable-M anagemen t System Installing the Cable -Management System The ca ble-man agemen t system , locate d on the fr ont of th e route r , orga nizes the in terfa ce cables .
3-16 Book Ti tle 78-13113-06 B0 Chapter 3 Installing and Remo ving the Uplink Cards Turning On Power to th e Router Figur e 3-21 Instal ling Cable-Manag ement Cov er Step 5 Using a Nu mber 1 Ph illips scre wdri ver , attach the cabl e-management cov er to the ca ble-management tray .
3-17 Book Title 78-13113-06 B0 Chapter 3 Installing and Removing the Up link Cards Turni ng On Powe r to the Rout er Connectin g the AC P ower Supply War ni n g Before you install, operate, or service the sy stem, read the Regulato ry Compliance a nd Safet y Information fo r the Cisco 10720 Inter net Router publication.
3-18 Book Ti tle 78-13113-06 B0 Chapter 3 Installing and Remo ving the Uplink Cards Turning On Power to th e Router Figur e 3-24 P ower C ord Secur ed with Wir e Br ack et Step 3 Close th e wire brack et over the pow er cord plug.
3-19 Book Title 78-13113-06 B0 Chapter 3 Installing and Removing the Up link Cards Turni ng On Powe r to the Rout er Figur e 3-26 P ower S witch in the On P osition Step 5 Press the power switch to on the (–) position.
3-20 Book Ti tle 78-13113-06 B0 Chapter 3 Installing and Remo ving the Uplink Cards Turning On Power to th e Router Figur e 3-27 P ower S witch in the Of f P osition Step 3 V erify tha t the po wer switch l ocated on the front o f the p o wer supply is in the o f f (O) positi on.
3-21 Book Title 78-13113-06 B0 Chapter 3 Installing and Removing the Up link Cards Turni ng On Powe r to the Rout er Figur e 3-29 Connec ting the DC P ow er Leads ‘ Step 5 Connect t he po wer lead s in the f ollo wing order: a. Ground (gr een wi re) (See 4 in Figure 3-29 .
3-22 Book Ti tle 78-13113-06 B0 Chapter 3 Installing and Remo ving the Uplink Cards Turning On Power to th e Router Note Leav e a sma ll service l oop in t he ground lead to e nsure that the grou nd lead is the last lead to disconn ect f rom the power supply if a grea t dea l of str ain i s plac ed on the DC- inpu t leads.
3-23 Book Title 78-13113-06 B0 Chapter 3 Installing and Removing the Up link Cards Verifying Uplink Card Functionality Verifying Uplink Card Functionalit y Observ e the LEDs card is initi alized (see Figure 3-31 ) and consul t the LED tables in Chapter 5, “T rouble shoot ing t he Upli nk C ards,” to verify th e status o f the car d.
3-24 Book Ti tle 78-13113-06 B0 Chapter 3 Installing and Remo ving the Uplink Cards Configuring the RPR/ SRP, DPT, and POS/DPT U plink Card Interf aces • Configuring Basi c SRP Funct ionality , p ag.
C HAPTER 4-1 Book Title 78-13113-06 B0 4 Creating a Four-Nod e Ring Using the Uplink Cards This cha pter pr ovides infor mati on for cr eating a four-node ri ng, ei ther DP T or IEE E 802.
4-2 Book Ti tle 78-13113-06 B0 Chapter 4 Creating a Four- Node Ring Usi ng the Uplink Ca rds DPT Up link C ard Step 1 Install a DPT upl ink ca rd in a Ci sco 1072 0 Int ernet R oute r on the ne twork. Step 2 Choose a route r with a DP T uplink ca rd to b ecome Node 1 in t he four-node DPT r ing.
4-3 Book Title 78-13113-06 B0 Chapter 4 Creating a Fo ur-Node Rin g Using th e Uplink Cards RPR/ SRP Upli nk Ca rd— IEEE 8 02.17 RPR Mod e Figur e 4-2 F our -Node DPT Ring RPR/SRP Uplink Card—IEEE 802.17 RPR Mode Use Figure 4-3 and Ta b l e 4 - 2 to he lp organiz e the cabl e conn ections for a fou r-node IE EE 802.
4-4 Book Ti tle 78-13113-06 B0 Chapter 4 Creating a Four- Node Ring Usi ng the Uplink Ca rds RPR/SRP Uplink Card—IEEE 802.17 RPR Mode Figur e 4-3 Cr eating an IEEE 802.1 7 Mode Ring Usi ng RPR/SRP Uplink Car ds The TX spa n East port o n Nod e 1 goe s to t he RX span W est po rt o n the next rout er , wh ich will becom e Node 2.
4-5 Book Title 78-13113-06 B0 Chapter 4 Creating a Fo ur-Node Rin g Using th e Uplink Cards RPR/ SRP Upli nk Ca rd— IEEE 8 02.17 RPR Mod e Figure 4-4 p rovides a vi ew of the n etwork when a f our-node IEE E 80 2.17 mode ring i s crea ted. Figur e 4-4 F our Node IE EE 802.
4-6 Book Ti tle 78-13113-06 B0 Chapter 4 Creating a Four- Node Ring Usi ng the Uplink Ca rds RPR/SRP Uplink Card—IEEE 802.17 RPR Mode.
C HAPTER 5-1 Book Title 78-13113-06 B0 5 Troubleshooting the Uplink Cards This chap ter cont ains the foll ow ing secti ons: • V erif ying t he Upli nk Card Conne ction, page 5- 1 • LEDs, pa ge 5-.
5-2 Book Ti tle 78-13113-06 B0 Chapte r 5 Troubl eshooting the Uplink Ca rds LEDs LEDs The fol lo wing LED i nformation i s found in this sect ion: • DPT and POS/ DPT Upli nk Card LED s, page 5-2 .
5-3 Book Title 78-13113-06 B0 Chapter 5 Troublesh ooting the Up link Ca rds LEDs The LE Ds l ocat ed on t he r ight s ide of the u plink card provide system st atus informa tion. Note Ta b l e 5 - 3 also indicates the system status of the card as it initializ es.
5-4 Book Ti tle 78-13113-06 B0 Chapte r 5 Troubl eshooting the Uplink Ca rds LEDs RPR/SRP Uplin k Card LEDs Inform ation on both uplink car d spec ific LEDs and syst em LEDs for th e RPR/SRP upli nk cards is located in this section . The LEDs located on the left side of the RPR/SRP uplink card provide RPR and SRP uplink status inform ation.
5-5 Book Title 78-13113-06 B0 Chapter 5 Troublesh ooting the Up link Ca rds LEDs The LE Ds l ocat ed on t he r ight s ide of the u plink card provide system st atus informa tion. Note Ta b l e 5 - 5 also indicates the system status of the card as it initializ es.
5-6 Book Ti tle 78-13113-06 B0 Chapte r 5 Troubl eshooting the Uplink Ca rds Troubles hooting the U plink Cards Installatio n Troubleshooting the Uplink Cards In stallation Read the follo wing trouble.
5-7 Book Title 78-13113-06 B0 Chapter 5 Troublesh ooting the Up link Ca rds Troubleshooting the Uplink Cards Installation T able 5-6 Keepaliv e Alar m Messag es f or All Upl ink Car ds Alarm Description Solution SRP1/1 Side A K eepali ve Fai lur e ( MAC) MA C failur e is detect ed C heck tr anspor t span for pro blems.
5-8 Book Ti tle 78-13113-06 B0 Chapte r 5 Troubl eshooting the Uplink Ca rds Troubles hooting the U plink Cards Installatio n RPR- IEEE 1/1 spa n WES T Keep alive Failure (L SF) SONET line si gnal failu re Check the neig hboring node/transp ort/regene rator for SONET Layer 1 issues (L OS, LSF).
5-9 Book Title 78-13113-06 B0 Chapter 5 Troublesh ooting the Up link Ca rds Troubleshooting the Uplink Cards Installation RPR- IEEE 1/1 wr appe d on span EAST (span WEST Span Neighbor Signal Fail) Neighbor node wr apped due t o signal fail In vesti gate the sig nal de grade on neighbo r node.
5-10 Book Ti tle 78-13113-06 B0 Chapte r 5 Troubl eshooting the Uplink Ca rds Troubles hooting the U plink Cards Installatio n T able 5-9 IEEE 802.1 7 RPR Steer M essag es Alarm Descriptio n Solution .
5-11 Book Title 78-13113-06 B0 Chapter 5 Troublesh ooting the Up link Ca rds Troubleshooting the Uplink Cards Installation RPR-I EEE1/1 p rotecte d on span EAST (span WEST Long Re quest Manual Switch).
5-12 Book Ti tle 78-13113-06 B0 Chapte r 5 Troubl eshooting the Uplink Ca rds Troubles hooting the U plink Cards Installatio n RPR- IEEE1/ 1 Effe cti ve jumbo pref on ring is set for ju mbo fra mes All sta tions o n the ring now suppo rt jumbo fram e prefer ence, MTU for the ring has been ch anged to JUMBO M TU (9100 bytes).
5-13 Book Title 78-13113-06 B0 Chapter 5 Troublesh ooting the Up link Ca rds Troubleshooting the Uplink Cards Installation SRP1/1 wrapped on side B (side A Self Detect W ait to Restore [WTR]) Wrap c leare d, no de initi ated W ait to Restore (WTR) state WTR perio d is 10 to 360 seco nds (user configured) , node w ill unwra p at end of WTR.
5-14 Book Ti tle 78-13113-06 B0 Chapte r 5 Troubl eshooting the Uplink Ca rds Troubleshoot ing the RPR/SRP Up link Card Installat ion Troubleshooting the RPR/SRP Uplink Card Installati on Use the transceiver keyword to display ad diti onal infor matio n about t he status of the smal l form- factor pluggable (SFP) module used in an RPR port.
5-15 Book Title 78-13113-06 B0 Chapter 5 Troublesh ooting the Up link Ca rds Troubleshooting the POS Uplink Card Installation Static information ID: SFP transceiver Extended ID: 4 Connector: LC SONET .
5-16 Book Ti tle 78-13113-06 B0 Chapte r 5 Troubl eshooting the Uplink Ca rds Troubles hooting th e POS Uplink Car d Install ation • STS Pa th L oss- of- Point er (LOP ) • STS Path Alarm Indicatio.
5-17 Book Title 78-13113-06 B0 Chapter 5 Troublesh ooting the Up link Ca rds Additional Troubleshooting Resources Loopbac k Testin g The POS uplin k card suppor ts two loopbac k modes for network testi ng, fault iso lation, and agency compl iance .
5-18 Book Ti tle 78-13113-06 B0 Chapte r 5 Troubl eshooting the Uplink Ca rds Cleaning the F iber-Optic Connection s.
IN-1 Book Title 78-13113-06 B0 INDEX A AC power supp ly 3-17 alar m mess ages 5-6 keepa live alarm messag es for all up link ca rds 5-7 C cable co nnectio ns four-nod e DPT ri ng 4-2 four-nod e IEEE 802.
Index IN-2 Book Title 78-13113-06 B0 IEEE 8 02.17 RPR other ala rm messages 5-11 unwrap m essages 5-9 wrap messages 5-8 installing tools require d 3-1 installing an uplink card 3-9 L laser safety 2-4 .
Inde x IN-3 Book Title 78-13113-06 B0 IEEE 802. 17 RPR wrap messag es 5-8 keepalive messages for all upli nk cards 5-7 LEDs 5-2 POS uplink card installation 5-15 RPR/SRP uplink card fiber misconn ecti.
An important point after buying a device Cisco Systems CISCO10720 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Cisco Systems CISCO10720 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Cisco Systems CISCO10720 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Cisco Systems CISCO10720 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Cisco Systems CISCO10720 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Cisco Systems CISCO10720, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Cisco Systems CISCO10720.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Cisco Systems CISCO10720. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Cisco Systems CISCO10720 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center