Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product Cisco 12008 Cisco Systems
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170 Wes t Tasma n Drive San Jose, CA 9513 4-1706 USA World Wi de We b URL: http://w Cisc o Sy st ems , In c. Corporate Headquarters Tel: 800 553-NET S (638 7) Fax: 408 526- 4000 408 526- .
Table o f Con tents v CONT EN TS About This G uide xiii Document Objectives xiii Audience xiii Document Or ganization xiv Doc um ent Co nve n tio ns xv Convent ions Us ed in Com mand De scriptio ns xv.
Cisco 12 008 G igabit Sw itch Ro uter Ins tallation and C onfigura tion G uide vi Upper Card C age and As sociated Componen ts 1-23 Gig a bit Ro ute P roc ess or 1-25 Performance Route Process or 1-34.
Table of Contents vii Multimode Power Budget Example (with Sufficient Power for Transmi ssion) 2-24 Multimode Power Budget Example of Dispersion Limit 2 -25 Single- Mode Trans mission 2-25 SONET Singl.
Cisco 12 008 G igabit Sw itch Ro uter Ins tallation and C onfigura tion G uide viii Connecting an External Alarm Monitorin g Faci lity 3-34 Connectin g System G round 3-38 Connecting Sou rce Power to .
Table of Cont ents ix Recoveri ng a Lost Password 4-43 Using Fl ash Memory C ards in the RP 4-46 Installing and Removing a Flash Memory C ard in a RP 4-47 Formatting a Flash Memory C ard 4-49 Specifyi.
Cisco 12 008 G igabit Sw itch Ro uter Ins tallation and C onfigura tion G uide x Chapter 6 Running Diagnostic s on the Cisco 12008 6-1 Diagnostic Test Overview 6-1 Using the diag Command 6-2 Diag nost.
Table of Cont ents xi Installing the RP 7-54 Checking the Instal lation of the RP 7-56 Removing an d Replaci ng Line C ards 7-56 Removin g and Re placing Sw itch C ards 7-56 Remo vi ng a n SF C 7 -57 .
Cisco 12 008 G igabit Sw itch Ro uter Ins tallation and C onfigura tion G uide xii.
About Thi s Guide xiii About This Guide This section desc ribes the objecti ves , intended audience, and or ganization o f this document. T he con ventions used to con vey instructions and inform ation are also included. Cisco documentation and additio nal literature are av ail able in a CD-R OM package that ships with you r product.
Document O rganiza tion Cisco 12 008 G igabit Sw itch Ro uter Ins tallation and C onfigura tion G uide xiv Docu me nt Or ganizat io n This docum ent is or ganized as follo ws: • Chapt er 1, “Product O vervi e w,” introd uces the C isco 12008 rou ter and descri bes the system’ s components.
About This Guide xv Document Convention s Docu m ent Co n venti ons The con ventions used in this doc ument are described in the follo wing sections. Con ve ntion s Used in Comman d De scriptions The follo w ing con ventions are used f or command descrip tions: • Examples containing s ystem promp ts denote interacti v e session s.
Document Con ventions Cisco 12 008 G igabit Sw itch Ro uter Ins tallation and C onfigura tion G uide xvi Con ve ntion s Used in Ex ample s The follo w ing con ventions are used in e xamples: • T erminal sessions and sample console scr een displays are in screen f ont.
Abou t This Guide xvii Document Convention s W aarschuw ing Dit waarschuwingssymbool be tekent ge vaar . U verkeert in een situatie die lichamelijk letsel kan veroor zaken.
Obtaining Documen tation Cisco 12 008 G igabit Sw itch Ro uter Ins tallation and C onfigura tion G uide xviii Adv arsel Dette varselsymbolet betyr fare.
About Thi s Guide xix Obtai nin g Tech nica l Ass ista nce Documen tatio n CD-ROM Cisco documentation and additional literatur e are a v ailable in a CD-R OM package, which ships with your product. The Documentatio n CD-R OM is updated monthly . Therefore, it is probably m ore current than printed docu mentation.
Obtai nin g Tech nica l Ass ista nce Cisco 12 008 G igabit Sw itch Ro uter Ins tallation and C onfigura tion G uide xx resolve techn ical issues with online support serv i ces, do wnload and test softw are packages, and order Cisco learning materials an d merchandise.
About Thi s Guide xxi Obtai nin g Tech nica l Ass ista nce In North America, T A C can be reached at 800 553-2447 or 408 526-7209. For other telephone numbers and T AC e-mail addresses worldwide, consult the following web site: http://www 7/Directory/DirT AC.
Obtai nin g Tech nica l Ass ista nce Cisco 12 008 G igabit Sw itch Ro uter Ins tallation and C onfigura tion G uide xxii.
CHAPTER Product O verview 1-1 1 Product Ov er vie w This chapt er presents an o vervi e w of the C isco 12008 Gig abit Swi tch Router . The follo w ing sections are included in this chapter: • Cisco.
Cisco’s Nex t Generation of Routers Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 1-2 Cisco’ s Next Generation of Routers Cisco Systems ’ ne w f amily o f Intern.
Product O verview 1-3 Features of the Cis co 12008 Ro uter The networking capabilities and features of the Cisco 12000 series o f routers make them ideally suited to meet the needs of the follo wing c.
Feature s of the Cisco 120 08 Route r Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 1-4 Figure 1-1 Cisco 12008 Gig abit Switc h Router The Cisc o 12008 suppor ts the f.
Product O verview 1-5 Features of the Cis co 12008 Ro uter The po wer supp lies of bot h types are hot-sw appab le, load-shar ing units. In a sy stem equippe d with two A C-input po wer s upplie s or .
Overview of the Cisco 12 008 Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 1-6 Separately orderabl e document s called conf iguration notes or replacement instructio ns are av ailable for each of the FR Us described pre viously .
Product O verview 1-7 Overvi ew of the C isco 1 2008 Figure 1-2 Majo r Compo nent s of the Cisco 12008 S L O T -0 GIGABIT ROUTE PROCESSOR S L O T -1 C O L L L IN K T X R X R J-4 5 M II R E S E T A U X.
Overview of the Cisco 12 008 Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 1-8 Router Enclos ure The outer shell of the Cisco 12008 is a rigi d, sheet m etal structure with the following dimens ions: • Wi d t h — 17.
Product O verview 1-9 Overvi ew of the C isco 1 2008 The cable managemen t tray enables you to rou te the line card interface cables to or from the system thro ugh the left side of th e tray , k eeping the cables or ganized, out of the w ay , and free of k inks or sharp bend s.
Overview of the Cisco 12 008 Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 1-10 • V ertical cable-management b racket (one p er line card) — This br acket is attached to a line card b y means of capti ve installation screws at the top and bo ttom of the bracket.
Produ ct Overv iew 1-11 Overvi ew of the C isco 1 2008 If an ov ertemperature condition or a fan failure is detected within the router, the master MBus modu le on the R P d irect s the MB us mod ul e .
Overview of the Cisco 12 008 Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 1-12 A C-Input and DC- Input P ow er S uppl ies The Cisco 12008 router can be conf igured to operate with A C source power or DC source po w er .
Produ ct Overv iew 1-13 Overvi ew of the C isco 1 2008 Figure 1-4 A C-Input P ower Supp ly H10033 INPUT 0K OUTPUT FAI L 0.
Overview of the Cisco 12 008 Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 1-14 Figure 1-5 DC-Input P ower Supply Operati ng Modes of the P ow er Supplie s The A C-inp.
Produ ct Overv iew 1-15 Overvi ew of the C isco 1 2008 • Redu nda n t (1 + 1) m ode — In this co nfiguration, two po wer supplies are installed in the power supply bays, sharing the load current to provide required DC oper ating voltages to the backplane.
Overview of the Cisco 12 008 Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 1-16 Charact eristics of the P ow er Supp lies The A C-input and the DC-input power supplies ha ve the follo wing characteris tics: • W idth of po wer s upply b ody — 3.
Produ ct Overv iew 1-17 Overvi ew of the C isco 1 2008 Figure 1-6 A C-In put P o wer Suppl y F aceplate AC INPUT 0K OUTPUT F AIL H10031 Rotary power switch tive installation scre w Carrying handle INPUT 200-240V ~ 10 A 50/60 HZ 2000 W CA UTION ACHTUNG THIS UNIT MA Y HA VE MORE THAN ONE POWER SUPPL Y CONNECTION.
Overview of the Cisco 12 008 Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 1-18 Rotary P ower Switc h The rotary po wer switch on the power s upply f aceplate (see Figure 1-6) applies a sou rce A C v o ltage to the po wer s upply .
Produ ct Overv iew 1-19 Overvi ew of the C isco 1 2008 DC-Input P ower Sup ply F aceplat e This section describes the functional elements b uilt into the faceplate of the DC-input power supp ly (s ee Fig ure 1-7 ).
Overview of the Cisco 12 008 Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 1-20 Figure 1-7 DC-Input P ower Suppl y Fac eplate CA UTION THIS UNIT MA Y HA VE MORE THAN ONE POWER SUPPL Y CONNECTION. ALL CONNECTIONS NEED T O BE REMOVED TO DE-ENERGIZE THE UNIT .
Produ ct Overv iew 1-21 Overvi ew of the C isco 1 2008 Rotary P ower Switc h The rotar y po wer sw itch on the D C-input po wer su pply per forms the sam e func tions as those described in th e section entitled “ Rotary Power Switch ” on page 18 for th e A C-input power supp ly .
Overview of the Cisco 12 008 Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 1-22 The three contacts on the alarm ter minal block are labeled as follo ws: • COM (Common ) — This contact is common to both the Normally Op en (NO) and th e Normally Closed (NC) contacts .
Produ ct Overv iew 1-23 Overvi ew of the C isco 1 2008 The po wer specif icat ions for the DC-input po wer supplies, as well as the specification s of the source DC po wer cables fo r use with the Cisco 1 2008 router , are presented in the section entitled “ DC-Powered Systems ” on page 16 in Cha pter 2 .
Overview of the Cisco 12 008 Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 1-24 Although yo u can install a line card in slot 0, the reco mmended con ven t ion is f or the RP to occupy this slot.
Produ ct Overv iew 1-25 Overvi ew of the C isco 1 2008 A Cisco 120 08 that is conf igured for full redund ancy contains th e follo wing car ds in the upper card cage: • Tw o R P s • Tw o C S C s �.
Overview of the Cisco 12 008 Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 1-26 • Asynchron ous seri al ports • Ethernet po rt If you h av e a PRP , see the Performance Rou te Processor section. The faceplate o f the GRP is sho wn in Figure 1-9.
Produ ct Overv iew 1-27 Overvi ew of the C isco 1 2008 The GRP communicates with the line cards either through the sw itch fabr ic or through a maintenance bus (MBus). The switch fabric connection is the main data path for routing table distrib ution as well as for packets that are sent between the line cards and the GRP .
Overview of the Cisco 12 008 Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 1-28 The Cisc o 12008 s uppor ts do wnloadabl e syst em softw are for mo st Cisco IOS soft ware upgrades , enablin g you to remo tely do wnload, sto re, and boot from a ne w Cisco IOS software im age.
Produ ct Overv iew 1-29 Overvi ew of the C isco 1 2008 Figure 1-10 Locations of GRP M emory Backplane connector S L O T -0 GIGABIT ROUTE PROCESSOR S L O T -1 C O L L L IN K T X R X R J-4 5 M II R E S .
Overview of the Cisco 12 008 Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 1-30 DRAM The exten ded data output ( EDO) dynamic rando m-access memory (DR AM) on the GRP stores ro uting tables, protocols, and network accounting application s, and runs the Cisco IOS software.
Produ ct Overv iew 1-31 Overvi ew of the C isco 1 2008 NVRAM The system configuration, software conf iguration register settings, and en vironmental monitoring logs are contained in the 512-KB NVR AM, which is backed up with b uilt-in lithium batteries th at retain the con tents for a minimum o f fi ve years.
Overview of the Cisco 12 008 Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 1-32 — T wo RJ-45 or MII Ethernet port select LEDs: these LEDs, wh en on, identify which one of the two Ethernet connections you selected. When the RJ-45 port is selected, its LED is on and the MII LED is of f.
Produ ct Overv iew 1-33 Overvi ew of the C isco 1 2008 Caution T o prevent system problems or loss of data , use the so ft reset switch only at the advice of Cisco se rvice pers onnel.
Overview of the Cisco 12 008 Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 1-34 Note The RJ-45 an d MII receptacles on the GRP faceplate repr esent two ph ysical connection options for one Ethernet interface; therefore, you can use either the MDI RJ-45 connection or the MII connection, but not both simultaneousl y .
Produ ct Overv iew 1-35 Overvi ew of the C isco 1 2008 Figure 1-11 s ho ws th e front pan el vie w of the PRP . Figure 1-11 P erf ormance Rou te Pr ocesso r (Fron t P anel View , Horizontal Orientatio.
Overview of the Cisco 12 008 Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 1-36 • Up to 2 GB of SDRAM on tw o PC133-com pliant , dual in-l ine memor y modules (DIMMs). 512 MB of SD RAM is the d efaul t shippi ng conf iguration.
Produ ct Overv iew 1-37 Overvi ew of the C isco 1 2008 Figure 1-12 PRP (Horizontal O rientation) E J E C T RX TX P R IM A R Y SLOT -1 SLOT -0 LINK EN RX TX ETH 1 ETH 0 AUX CONSOLE PERFORMANCE ROUTE PR.
Overview of the Cisco 12 008 Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 1-38 PRP Memor y Components T able 1-4 lists the memo ry components on the PRP .
Produ ct Overv iew 1-39 Overvi ew of the C isco 1 2008 Note If a single DI MM module is installed, it must be p laced in bank 1 (U1 5). SDRAM SDRAM stores routing tables, protocols, and network accounting applications, and runs the Cisco IOS software.
Overview of the Cisco 12 008 Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 1-40 Flash memory also function s as a T rivial File T r ansfer Protocol (TFTP) server to allow other servers to boot remotely from stored images or to copy them into their own Flash memory .
Produ ct Overv iew 1-41 Overvi ew of the C isco 1 2008 The alphanume ric display LEDs are or ganized as two ro ws of four char acters each and a re located at one end of the card. These LEDs prov ide system status an d error messages that are displayed d uring and after the boot process.
Overview of the Cisco 12 008 Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 1-42 Access to the soft reset switch is throu gh a small opening in the PRP faceplate. T o press the switch, you m ust insert a paper clip o r similar small pointed object into the openin g.
Produ ct Overv iew 1-43 Overvi ew of the C isco 1 2008 Note The transmission speed of the Ethernet por ts is auto-sensing b y def ault and is user conf igur able.
Overview of the Cisco 12 008 Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 1-44 T ab le 1-6 Switch F abric Configuration s A minim ally conf igured router ( one with a singl e CSC and no SFCs ) suppor ts an OC-1 2 data rat e, but pro vides no redundanc y of CSC funct ions.
Produ ct Overv iew 1-45 Overvi ew of the C isco 1 2008 As a multi-functio n board, the CSC pr ovides the following system serv ices: • Provides one plane of swi tch fabric for the router (see the sectio n below entitled “ Switch Fabr ic in t he Cisco 12008 ” ).
Overview of the Cisco 12 008 Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 1-46 T ab le 1-7 Switch Planes Pr o vided b y Switch Car ds Switch F abr ic Controller Funct.
Produ ct Overv iew 1-47 Overvi ew of the C isco 1 2008 Figure 1-13 Block Diagram of the CSC The major fun ctions of each element of the CSC are summ arized briefly in the fo llow ing paragra phs.
Overview of the Cisco 12 008 Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 1-48 In a redund ant C SC con f iguratio n, th e pha se o f the master clock gener a tor o n one car d is synchronized with that of the other car d.
Produ ct Overv iew 1-49 Overvi ew of the C isco 1 2008 This single switch plan e of the CSC can be used alo ne in a minimum rou ter configuration, or it can be used in combination with another CSC and the three optional SFCs for fu ll switching r edundancy .
Overview of the Cisco 12 008 Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 1-50 Figure 1-14 CSC Alarm Monito ring F aciliti es H7701 Critical Alarm A larm s CSC-8 Majo.
Produ ct Overv iew 1-51 Overvi ew of the C isco 1 2008 — DB-25 alarm co ntact connector — A female DB-25 D-sub conn ector incorp orated into the CSC faceplate en ables you to attach an ex ternal alarm monitoring facility to the router, thus supporting a telco style of han dling alarm condit ions in the ro uter .
Overview of the Cisco 12 008 Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 1-52 In a system equ ipped with two CSCs, pressing the A CO/L T button on one CSC is equi valent to pressing this button on either CSC or both CSCs.
Produ ct Overv iew 1-53 Overvi ew of the C isco 1 2008 If the F AIL LED goes on, it indicates that one of the three SFCs in the lower card cage has failed. T o deter m ine which of th e SFCs has failed, you must remov e the air filter assembly and examine th e status o f the LEDs on each SF C.
Overview of the Cisco 12 008 Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 1-54 • Fan tr a y powe r — The Cisco 12008 rout er contains two fan tr ays (see Figure 1-2). Control of fan po wer is initiated at syst em startup, with the fans running at a slow rate for normal o perations.
Produ ct Overv iew 1-55 Overvi ew of the C isco 1 2008 These cards pr ovide the interfaces to the router ’ s ex ternal physical media. The y exchange packet data with each other b y way of the router ’ s switch fab ric.
Overview of the Cisco 12 008 Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 1-56 Figure 1-16 Block Diagra m of the Qua d OC-3c/STM -1c POS Line Card Packet receive (Rx).
Produ ct Overv iew 1-57 Overvi ew of the C isco 1 2008 Figure 1-17 Quad OC -3c/STM-1c PO S Line Car d H10781 Status LEDs Alphanumeric LED display Ejector lever Ejector lever Port 0 Port 1 Port 2 Port .
Overview of the Cisco 12 008 Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 1-58 Each Quad OC-3c/STM-1c POS line card incorp orates the follo wing major components: •.
Produ ct Overv iew 1-59 Overvi ew of the C isco 1 2008 Once the forwarding decision has been made, the silico n queuing engine is notified by the forward i ng process or, and the silicon queuing engine pl aces the packet in the proper queue.
Overview of the Cisco 12 008 Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 1-60 • Cisco Exp ress Forw arding (CEF) memor y table — Each line card maintain s CEF tables . These tables, deri ved from routing tables maintained b y the GRP , are used by the line card processor in making forward ing decisio ns.
Produ ct Overv iew 1-61 Overvi ew of the C isco 1 2008 Figure 1-18 Block Diagram of the OC-1 2c/STM-4c PO S Line Car d Input interface Packet receive (Rx) Burst buffer Burst buffer Switch fabric inter.
Overview of the Cisco 12 008 Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 1-62 Figure 1-19 OC-12c/STM-4c POS Line Car d H10782 ACTIVE 0 CARRIER RX PKT ACTIVE 0 CARRIE.
Produ ct Overv iew 1-63 Overvi ew of the C isco 1 2008 Each OC-12c/STM-4c POS line car d incorporates th e follo wing primary components: Each Quad OC-3c/STM-1c POS line card incorp orates the follo w.
Overview of the Cisco 12 008 Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 1-64 Once the forwar ding processor makes a fo rwardin g decision, it notif ies the silicon queuing engine, and the silicon queuing engine places the packet in the proper queue.
Produ ct Overv iew 1-65 Overvi ew of the C isco 1 2008 • Cisco Exp ress Forw arding (CEF) memor y table — Each line card maintain s CEF tables . These tables, deri ved from routing tables maintained b y the GRP , are used by the line card processor to make for warding decisions.
Overview of the Cisco 12 008 Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 1-66 Figure 1-21 Fr ont View of OC-12c/ STM-4c A TM Line Car d H10783 Single-mode Multimode .
Produ ct Overv iew 1-67 Overvi ew of the C isco 1 2008 Each OC-12c/STM-4c A TM line card incorporates the follo wi ng primary components: • Reassembly an d segmentation — The transcei v ers support pack et reassembly (con verting A TM cells to packets) and segmen tation (con verting packets to A TM cells).
Overview of the Cisco 12 008 Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 1-68 Once the forwarding decision has been made, the silico n queuing engine is notified by the forward i ng process or, and the silicon queuing engine pl aces the packet in the proper queue.
Produ ct Overv iew 1-69 Overvi ew of the C isco 1 2008 Large n etworks may require more D RAM to support l arge CE F tables. F or infor mation on adding memory to a line card, see the document entitled Cisco 12000 Series Giga bit Switch Ro uter Memory Replacement Instructions .
Overview of the Cisco 12 008 Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 1-70 Switch F abr ic Cards The SFCs increase the switch ing capacity of the C isco 12008.
Produ ct Overv iew 1-71 Overvi ew of the C isco 1 2008 Figure 1-22 Components in the Lo w er Card Cage Lower card cage H7693 Air filter assembly S L O T -0 GIGABIT ROUTE PROCESSOR S LO T - 1 C O L L L.
Power Distribution System i n the Cisc o 12008 Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 1-72 The switching fabric of the SFC is identical to that of the CSC.
Produ ct Overv iew 1-73 Power Distri bution Sys tem in th e Cisco 1 2008 Figure 1-23 P ower Distrib ution System in t he Cisco 12008 DC/DC conv erter DC/DC conv erter DC/DC conv erter DC/DC conv erter MBus module MBus module MBus module MBus module +5 VDC +5 VDC +3.
Cisco 120 08 Environmen tal Moni toring Facility Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 1-74 Cisco 12008 En vironmental Monitoring Facility An en vironmental monitoring facility , called the maintenance bus (MBus), supports a v ariety of functions essential to rout er operations.
Produ ct Overv iew 1-75 System Spe cifications The MBus modu les on o ther i nst alle d com pone nts t hen power up on co mm and f rom t he master MBus agent o n the GRP . • Device d iscov ery — The GRP determines the system configuration by means of the MBus facility .
System Spe cifications Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 1-76 T ab le 1-8 Ph ysical Specificatio ns of the Cisco 12 008 Description V alue Chassi s he ight 24.8 in ches ( 63. 6 cm) Chassi s wi dth 17.4 in ches (44.
Produ ct Overv iew 1-77 System Spe cifications T ab le 1-9 Electrical Sp ecificati ons of the A C-Input P ower Suppl y T ab le 1-10 Electric al Specif ications of the DC-Input P ower Suppl y P o wer S.
Agency Approv als Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 1-78 T ab le 1-11 En viro nmental Specifica tions of t he Cisco 12008 Agency Appro v als In addition to meeting G R-63-C O RE and GR-1089 -CORE specificatio ns, the Cisco 12008 meets the requir ements of the agen cies listed in T able 1-12.
Produ ct Overv iew 1-79 Agency Approvals T ab le 1-12 Agenc y Appr ovals Category Ag ency Appr oval Safet y UL 1950 CSA 22.2 No. 9 50 EN60950 A USTEL TS001 AS/NZS 32 60 EMI FCC Cl a s s A CSA Cla ss A.
Agency Approv als Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 1-80.
CHAPTER Preparing for Ins tallation 2-1 2 Prepar ing f o r Installation This chapter provides specific information about preparing your sit e for installation of the Cisco 12008 rou ter . Included are saf ety guidelines, s pecifi c preparatory inf ormation, and tools an d parts required t o ensure s uccessful i nstalla tion of yo ur router .
Safety Recomme nda tions Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 2-2 • Checking the Conten ts of the Shipping Co ntainer • Using a Site Log Before attempting.
Preparing for Ins tallation 2-3 Safety Recomm endation s • Re view the safety warnings contained in the document entitled Re gulatory Compliance and Saf ety Info rmatio n for t he Cisco 12000 Ser ies Gig abit Sw itc h Router s (Docu me nt Number 78-4 347-02).
Safety Recomme nda tions Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 2-4 • Enlist the assist ance of a second person when liftin g the router; do not attempt t o lift the router b y your self. • Secure your footin g when lifting the router; balance th e lifted weight between your feet.
Preparing for Ins tallation 2-5 Safety Recomm endation s • Do not perfor m any action that creates a potential hazar d to personn el or makes the equipment unsafe.
Safety Recomme nda tions Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 2-6 • Always p lace a card compone nt side up on an antis tatic surface, in an antistatic card rack, or in a s tatic-shielding bag. If y ou are retu rning a card to the f actory , immediately place it in a static-shielding bag.
Preparing for Ins tallation 2-7 Site Requirem ents Guide lines Site Requirement s Guidelines Before installin g the Cis co 12 008 router , re vie w the guidelines presented in the follo wing sections.
Site Requirem ents Guide lines Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 2-8 • If you mo unt the router in a telco -style rack, ensure that the rack is bolted to the floor . Ensure that the weight of the router d oes not make the rack uns table.
Preparing for Ins tallation 2-9 Site Requirem ents Guide lines Figure 2-1 Outer Dimen sions o f Cisco 12008 Enc losure ( T op Vie w) 19.10 inches Front Rear 19 inches of clearance required for component removal Vertical mounting rail (rack mounting surface) 17.
Site Requirem ents Guide lines Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 2-10 Air Flo w Guidel ine s The Cisco 12008 air circulation system inclu des two fan trays: • Card cage fan t ray — This router co mponent is located behind the air f ilter assembly (see Figur e 2-2).
Preparing for Ins tallation 2-11 Site Requirem ents Guide lines Figure 2-2 Card Ca ge F an T ray H11403 Air filter assembly Captive installation screw Inser tion/extr action tab Captive installation s.
Site Requirem ents Guide lines Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 2-12 Figure 2-3 P o wer Suppl y F an T ray H11401 Captive installation scre w S L O T -0 G.
Preparing for Ins tallation 2-13 Site Requirem ents Guide lines Figure 2-4 Internal Air Flo w of the Cisc o — Side Vie w T emperature and Hu midit y Gu ideli nes Fo r the operating and nonoperating en vironmental specif i cations for the Cisco 12008, refer to T able 1-11 in Chapter 1.
Site Requirem ents Guide lines Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 2-14 Po w e r G u i d e l i n e s The Cisc o 12008 router can be conf igured with either A C-input or D C-inp ut po wer supplies.
Preparing for Ins tallation 2-15 Site Requirem ents Guide lines • Provide a dedicated po wer so urce for each A C-input po wer supply installed in the router . • Install an unint errup tible po wer source for your s ite, i f possi ble. • Install proper site ground ing facilities to guard against damage from lightnin g or po wer surges.
Site Requirem ents Guide lines Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 2-16 T ab le 2-1 A C P ower Cor d Internation al Options Note All source A C power cords are 14 feet (4.
Preparing for Ins tallation 2-17 Site Requirem ents Guide lines Each set of power terminals on the DC-input po wer supply faceplate con sists of two 6-mm , metric-thread ed, nickel-plated brass stu ds centered 0.625 inch apart. The earth gr ound studs extend 0.
System G round Conne ction Guide lines Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 2-18 System Ground Connection Guidelines Before connecting power to or turning on the Cisco 12008, be sure to provide an adequate ground co nnectio n for y our syst em.
Preparing for Ins tallation 2-19 Site Wiring G uidelines Figure 2-7 Gro unding Hole s on the Cisco 12008 Site Wiring Guidelines This secti on present s gui delines fo r settin g up sit e wiring and cabli ng for your rou t er .
Site Wiri ng Guidelin es Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 2-20 EMI Cons iderati ons When wires are run for any signif icant distance in an electromagnetic f ield, inter ference can occur between the electro magnetic f ield and the s ignals on the wires .
Preparing for Ins tallation 2-21 Site Wiring G uidelines Synch ronous Opti cal Net w ork Connec tion Gu idelin es The Synch ronous Opti cal Netwo rk (SONET ) specif ication fo r f iber -opt ic transmi.
Site Wiri ng Guidelin es Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 2-22 P ower Budget T o design an ef f icient o ptical dat a link, yo u must e valuat e the po wer budget.
Preparing for Ins tallation 2-23 Site Wiring G uidelines Appro ximating the Lin e Card P ow er Mar gin The LED used for a multimode transmis sion ligh t source creates multi ple propagation paths of light, with each p ath ha ving a dif ferent path length and time requirement to cross the optical f iber .
Site Wiri ng Guidelin es Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 2-24 Subtracting the data link loss from the po wer budget should p roduce a result greater th an zero. If a res ult is less than zero, yo u may ha ve insuf f icient po wer for r ecei ver oper ation.
Preparing for Ins tallation 2-25 Site Wiring G uidelines Multimode P ower Bud get Example of Dispersi on Limit Below is a multimode po wer bu dget example based on the same parameters as in the pre vious example, b ut with a multimode link distance of 4 km: PB = 13 dB – 4 km (1.
Installatio n Tools Re quired Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 2-26 Estimate the power b udget as follows: PB = 11.
Preparing for Ins tallation 2-27 Unpacking th e Cisco 1 2008 • 9/16-inch wrench (open- end or s ocket) — f or remo ving the lag b olts from the rout er ship pi ng pa lle t • W ir e cu tters • .
Using a Site Log Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 2-28 If you d o not recei v e e v erything you o rdered, co ntact a Cisco cus tomer service representati ve for assi stanc e.
Preparing for Ins tallation 2-29 Using a Site L og Figure 2-8 Sample Site Log Date Description of Action P erf ormed or Symptom Observed Initials H7706.
Using a Site Log Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 2-30.
CHAPTER Installi ng a C isco 12 008 3-1 3 Installing a Cisco 12008 This chapter presents the pro cedures for installing and st arting the Cisco 12008. It contains the following sections: • Installat.
Installatio n Conside rations Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 3-2 Installation C onsiderations The Cis co 1200 8 of fers the foll ow ing mo unting option.
Installi ng a C isco 12 008 3-3 Installing th e Moun ting Brackets Y ou must allow at least 24 inches (61 cm) of clearance in fro nt of the router enclosure for installing o r replacing line cards , fan trays , and po wer supplies, and for attaching networ k interf ace cable s or equi pment.
Installing the Mou nting B rack ets Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 3-4 Y ou can install a single C isco 12 008 at an y height in t he rack, or you can “ stack ” as man y as three rou ters in the r ack to make max imum use of a v ailable rack space.
Installi ng a C isco 12 008 3-5 Installing th e Moun ting Brackets Figure 3-1 Installing the Moun ting Brac kets (T elco-Style Rack Shown) H11522 3/4" 1 1/4" 2 1/2" 3 3/8" 1/16&quo.
Removing Co mponents from the Router Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 3-6 Remo ving Compon ents fr om the Router Fo r the procedures in this section, it i.
Installi ng a C isco 12 008 3-7 Removing Co mponents from the Router Caution As you remov e the cards from the upper card cage, place them on antistatic mats for ESD protection until they are reinstalled in the rou ter .
Removing Co mponents from the Router Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 3-8 Go back to Step 3 and r epeat the proc edure as man y times as necessa ry to completely depopulate the up per card cage.
Installi ng a C isco 12 008 3-9 Removing Co mponents from the Router Remo ving a P o wer Supp ly fr om the Router The router i s shi pped with al l the circui t boards and the A C-input or the DC-inpu t po wer supply(ies) already ins talled, as ordered , bu t without any cab les connected.
Removing Co mponents from the Router Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 3-10 Go back to Step 1 and r epeat the proc edure to rem ov e the second p ower s upply , if one is present.
Instal ling a Cisco 12008 3-11 Rack-Mounti ng the Cisco 1 2008 If you i ntend to use your router with a single po wer supply of either t ype, the po wer supply blank must remain in place at all times for EMI co mpliance and to ens ure that cooling air flo ws properly through the router .
Rack-Moun ting the Cisco 12008 Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 3-12 Figure 3-4 Lifting Handle s f or the Cis co 12008 Note If you did not install the opt.
Instal ling a Cisco 12008 3-13 Rack-Mounti ng the Cisco 1 2008 Figure 3-5 Installing the Router in the Rac k Step 5 Remov e the two lift ing handles from the side panel s of t he router b efore attempting to slide th e rout er into the rack.
Reinstalling Compone nts in the Route r Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 3-14 In standard EIA and telco-style r acks, the holes in each mounting pos t sho.
Instal ling a Cisco 12008 3-15 Reinstal ling Compo nents in the Router Step 4 Grasp the front edg e of the metal car d carrier with one han d and place you r other hand und er the car rier to supp ort the card ’ s weight and guide it into the card cag e slot.
Reinstalling Compone nts in the Route r Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 3-16 T o reinstall a po wer supply that was rem oved pr ior to rack mounti ng the.
Instal ling a Cisco 12008 3-17 Connecting the Line Card Cables This action engages the blind mating co nnector at the rear o f the po wer supply with its companion back plane connector . Caution T o prev ent damage to the backplane, do not use excessi v e speed or f orce when sliding the power supply into the bay .
Connecting t he Line Card Cables Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 3-18 T o install the network interface cab les in the cable-managem ent system and conn .
Instal ling a Cisco 12008 3-19 Connecting the Line Card Cables Figure 3-6 Attac hing N etw ork Interface C ab le to Line Ca r d (Cisco 1 201 2 Sh ow n) A C T IV E 0 C A R R IE R R X P K T A C T IV E 1.
Connec ting Route P roces sor Cables Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 3-20 When you h ave completed installing the netw ork interface cables on the left-most line card, proceed to the ne xt card in turn in the upper card cage.
Instal ling a Cisco 12008 3-21 Connecting Route Processo r Cables Figure 3-7 Console and A uxilia ry P ort Connections Note The console and auxiliary ports are asynchronous serial ports; any de vices connected to these ports mu st be capable of asynchr onous transmiss ion.
Connec ting Route P roces sor Cables Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 3-22 Note Y ou must provide the EIA/TIA-2 32 cables to con nect the terminal to the GRP console por t or othe r devi ces to the auxi liary port.
Instal ling a Cisco 12008 3-23 Connecting Route Processo r Cables GRP A uxi liary P or t Signals The auxilia ry port on the G RP is a DB-2 5 plug DTE p ort f or connectin g a modem o r oth er DCE de vice (such as a C SU/DSU or other rou ter) to the Ci sco 12008.
Connec ting Route P roces sor Cables Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 3-24 Note At the auto-sensed data transmiss ion rate of 100 Mbps, the Ethernet port .
Instal ling a Cisco 12008 3-25 Connecting Route Processo r Cables Depending on the typ e of media y ou use between th e MII receptacle and yo ur switch or hub, th e network side o f your 100-Mbps transcei ver should b e appropria t ely equi pped with ST -type conn ectors (f or optical f iber), BNC connectors , and so f orth.
Connec ting Route P roces sor Cables Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 3-26 T able 3- 4 Ethe rn et R J-4 5 P inou t Figure 3-10 sho ws the pin orientation of the fem ale RJ-45 receptacle on the Ethern et port.
Instal ling a Cisco 12008 3-27 Connecting Route Processo r Cables Figure 3-10 Ethernet RJ-45 Receptacle Wa r n i n g The ports la bele d “ Ethernet, ” “ 10BASE-T , ” “ T oken Ri n g, ” “ Console, ” and “ A UX ” are safety ex tra-lo w vo ltage (SEL V) circuits.
Connec ting Route P roces sor Cables Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 3-28 Figure 3-11 PRP Console an d A uxilia ry P ort Connections Note The console and auxiliary ports are both asynchronous serial ports; any de vices connected to these ports mu st be capable of asynchr onous transmiss ion.
Instal ling a Cisco 12008 3-29 Connecting Route Processo r Cables PRP Console P or t Signals The console port on the PRP is a DCE RJ-45 receptacle. T able 3-5 lists the signals used on this port.
Connec ting Route P roces sor Cables Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 3-30 PRP Ethe r net Connec tio n Eq uip m en t There are tw o RJ-45 Ethernet interface receptacles o n the PRP , providing med ia-dependent interface (MDI) Ethernet por ts.
Instal ling a Cisco 12008 3-31 Connecting Route Processo r Cables Figure 3-12 sho ws an e xample of the f unctionality of an Ethernet port. In this e xample, you cannot access Netwo rk v ia the Ethernet p ort (ETH0) on the PRP in Router A; you can only access th e hosts and Rout er C, which are in Netw ork 1.
Connec ting Route P roces sor Cables Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 3-32 Figure 3-13 RJ-45 Recep tac le and Plug (H orizo ntal Orientati on) Wa r n i n g The ports la beled Et hernet, 1 0B ASE-T , T oken Ring, Co nsole, an d A UX are safety extra-low v oltage (SEL V) circ uits.
Instal ling a Cisco 12008 3-33 Connecting Route Processo r Cables Depending on yo ur RJ-45 c abli ng requir ements , use the cable pino uts sh o wn in F igure 3- 14 or Fi gur e 3- 15.
Connecting a n External Alarm Monitoring Fa cility Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 3-34 T able 3-9 lists IEEE 802.
Instal ling a Cisco 12008 3-35 Connecting an Externa l Alarm Monitori ng Facility The alarm signals sent to this DB-25 conn ector correspond to thos e sent to the system alarm LEDs on the CSC f aceplate (see Figure 3-16).
Connecting a n External Alarm Monitoring Fa cility Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 3-36 Figure 3-16 DB-25 Connecto r and Syste m Alarm L EDs on the CSC H.
Instal ling a Cisco 12008 3-37 Connecting an Externa l Alarm Monitori ng Facility Figure 3-17 sho ws an e xpand ed vie w of the DB-2 5 connector on the CSC facep late.
Connecting S ystem G round Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 3-38 T ab le 3-10 DB-25 Connecto r Pinout A ssignments Note Only safety e xtra-lo w v oltage (SEL V) circuits can be connected to the DB-25 connector .
Instal ling a Cisco 12008 3-39 Connecting System Ground These grounding lugs are not a vailable from Cisco Sy stems; they are common items that can be obtained f rom any electrical equipment v endor , such as P anduit.
Connecting S ystem G round Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 3-40 Figure 3-18 Connec ting System G ro und on the Cisc o 1200 8 H7688 Grounding lug Wire Sys.
Instal ling a Cisco 12008 3-41 Connecting Sourc e Power to the Power Supplie s Step 6 Place the groundin g lug against the g r ounding recep tacle on the side panel of the router . Step 7 Insert two scr e ws th rough th e holes i n the gr ounding lug a nd the gro unding receptacle.
Connecting S ource Power to the Power Supp lies Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 3-42 Note Y ou sh ould not install two power supplies of either type unless you intend to use both units. In other words, you sh ould not inst all two po wer supplies and power th e router with only one of the un its .
Instal ling a Cisco 12008 3-43 Connecting Sourc e Power to the Power Supplie s T o connect source p o wer to an A C-input po wer sup ply , perform the foll ow ing step s: Step 1 V eri fy that the rotary power switch on the power supply is in the Standby (OFF) posi tion.
Connecting S ource Power to the Power Supp lies Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 3-44 Step 5 Connect t he other end o f the A C po wer cord to the source A C o utlet for your site (see Figu re 3-19).
Instal ling a Cisco 12008 3-45 Connecting Sourc e Power to the Power Supplie s Figure 3-19 Connecting a Sour ce A C P ower Cor d to an A C-Input P ower Sup ply Step 7 T urn on the source A C circuit break er that services the A C-inp ut po wer supply(ies).
Connecting S ource Power to the Power Supp lies Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 3-46 Connecting Source P ower to a DC-Input P ower Supply In the f ollo w.
Instal ling a Cisco 12008 3-47 Connecting Sourc e Power to the Power Supplie s Also, be fore attem pting to con nect sour ce po wer to a DC-input po wer supp ly , re view th e content of the section i.
Connecting S ource Power to the Power Supp lies Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 3-48 Note The color cod ing scheme used for the so urce DC po wer cables for the DC-inpu t po wer supply depends on the schem e used f or the si te DC po wer source.
Instal ling a Cisco 12008 3-49 Connecting Sourc e Power to the Power Supplie s Figure 3-20 Connecting So urc e DC P o wer Cab les to a DC-Inp ut P o wer Suppl y a b c H7707 INPUT 0K OUTPUT FAI L C O M N C N O 0 TER MIN ALS MA Y BE EN ER GIZ ED.
Starting t he Cisco 12008 Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 3-50 Step 7 If you intend to attach an external alarm monitoring f acility to the circuit breaker alarm terminal block on the power supply , do so at this time.
Instal ling a Cisco 12008 3-51 Starting th e Cisco 12008 T o start up y our Cis co 1200 8, perfor m the fol lo wing steps: Step 1 V eri fy th at the fo llowing conditions are satisfied: • Each line card is fully seated and its captiv e installation screws are tightened.
Starting t he Cisco 12008 Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 3-52 • For the DC- input pow er su pply(i es), t he green INPUT OK L ED sh ould go on. Step 3 Listen for the fans in the card cage f an tray and the po wer supply fan tr ay to po wer up.
CHAPTER Observin g Syst em Start up and Performi ng a Ba sic Con figuration 4-1 4 Obser ving System Star tup and P erf or ming a Basic Configuration This chapter describes the initial system startup process and provides procedures for perfor ming a bas ic conf i guration for your Cisco 12008 .
Sources of Cis co IOS Softw are Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 4-2 This chapter will help you to • Conf igure your router so that it can access the ne.
Observin g Syst em Start up and Performi ng a Ba sic Con figuration 4-3 Checking Co nditions Prior to S ystem Sta rtup Checking Conditions Prior to System Star tu p Before attempting to start up your .
Starting t he System an d Observing Initial Con ditions Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 4-4 Star ting th e System and Obser ving I nitial Conditions This section describes the in itial system startup process es and procedures.
Observin g Syst em Start up and Performi ng a Ba sic Con figuration 4-5 Starting th e System an d Observing Initial Con ditions Figure 4-1 RP Alp hanumer ic LEDs (P artial Fa ceplate Vie w) T able 4- .
Starting t he System an d Observing Initial Con ditions Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 4-6 Step 4 During the line card boot pr ocess, which occurs immediately follo wing that o f the RP , observ e the alphanumeric LEDs on each line card.
Observin g Syst em Start up and Performi ng a Ba sic Con figuration 4-7 Starting th e System an d Observing Initial Con ditions T ab le 4-2 T ypical Conte nts of the Line Car d Alphan umeric L EDs Line Car d LED Displa y Meaning Sour ce MR OM nnnn The MBus mi crocode begins to execute; nnnn i s the microc ode versi on num ber .
Starting t he System an d Observing Initial Con ditions Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 4-8 Note If a Flash memory ca rd containing a v alid Cisco IOS so.
Observin g Syst em Start up and Performi ng a Ba sic Con figuration 4-9 Starting th e System an d Observing Initial Con ditions Step 6 T o locate a desired Cisco IOS softw are image fo r manually boot.
Starting t he System an d Observing Initial Con ditions Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 4-10 This command boots the specified f ile from the Flash memory card in PCMCIA slot 1. rommon 3> boot tftp: gsr-p-mz.
Observing Syste m Startup an d Performing a Basic C onfigur ation 4-11 Configuri ng the Cisco 1 2008 The syst em asks y ou if yo u wa nt to cont inue wi th the conf iguration dial og. If you answer yes , the system proceeds with the interacti ve script for the setup facility .
Configuring the Cisco 12 008 Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 4-12 Y ou can perform a basic conf ig uration for your Ci sco 12008 usi ng either of the fol lo wing methods : • Method 1 — Using the setup facility or the setup command.
Observing Syste m Startup an d Performing a Basic C onfigur ation 4-13 Configuri ng the Cisco 1 2008 Using th e Setup F acility or the Set up Command Y ou m ust consi der the following types of parame.
Configuring the Cisco 12 008 Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 4-14 Configuring Global P arameters When you first enter the setup facility or iss ue the set up command, you ar e queried b y the system to co nf igure glo bal paramete rs for yo ur router .
Observing Syste m Startup an d Performing a Basic C onfigur ation 4-15 Configuri ng the Cisco 1 2008 2 four-port OC3 POS controllers (8 POS). 5 OC12 POS controllers (5 POS). 1 Ethernet/IEEE 802.3 interface(s) 13 Packet over Sonet network interface(s) 507K bytes of non-volatile configuration memory.
Configuring the Cisco 12 008 Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 4-16 Pressing Return in either case accepts the default respo nse [yes]. The fo llow ing sa mple disp lay resu lts from a yes response to the current interf ace summary query that i s entered while you are using the se tup facility .
Observing Syste m Startup an d Performing a Basic C onfigur ation 4-17 Configuri ng the Cisco 1 2008 A typical minimum con f iguration procedu re using IP fo llo ws and continues throug h Step 8: Conf.
Configuring the Cisco 12 008 Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 4-18 In either case, you cannot use a n umber as the f irst char acter . Spaces, ho w e ver , are v alid passw ord characters. Fo r e xample, “ two wo rds ” is a v alid passwor d.
Observing Syste m Startup an d Performing a Basic C onfigur ation 4-19 Configuri ng the Cisco 1 2008 Note SNMP is th e most widel y suppor ted standard for managi ng netw orks. SNMP pro vides a means to access and set conf iguration and run-time parameters and to monitor and control netw ork elements fo r routers and communication s erv ers.
Configuring the Cisco 12 008 Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 4-20 The displa y indicat es the or der in which t he parameter s and th eir defau lts appear o n your console terminal.
Observing Syste m Startup an d Performing a Basic C onfigur ation 4-21 Configuri ng the Cisco 1 2008 Note The sample configuration dialog in this section continues the script display ed when you used .
Configuring the Cisco 12 008 Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 4-22 Also, consider Step 3 below , which shows this same Quad OC-3c POS line card interface being conf igured fo r IP unnumbered ; perform whiche ver s tep is appropriate to you r conf iguration requirements.
Observing Syste m Startup an d Performing a Basic C onfigur ation 4-23 Configuri ng the Cisco 1 2008 Repeat Step 2 or Step 3, as required, to indi vidually conf igure each port on ev ery Quad OC-3c POS line card installed in your s ystem. If you ha ve an A TM line card installed in your router , proceed with Step 4; otherwise, skip to Step 5 .
Configuring the Cisco 12 008 Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 4-24 Step 5 When you ha v e complete d entering the conf iguration inform ation f or all of .
Observing Syste m Startup an d Performing a Basic C onfigur ation 4-25 Configuri ng the Cisco 1 2008 Check ing the Sof tw are V ersion Number an d the Installed Inter f aces T o determine the cur rent v ersion of the Ci sco IOS s oftwa re runni ng on your router , issue the sh ow versio n command at the user EXEC prompt ( Router> ).
Configuring the Cisco 12 008 Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 4-26 20480K bytes of Flash PCMCIA card at slot 0 (Sector size 128K).
Observing Syste m Startup an d Performing a Basic C onfigur ation 4-27 Configuri ng the Cisco 1 2008 At the gl obal conf igu ration mode prompt, en ter the interface type slot/port command to en ter t.
Configuring the Cisco 12 008 Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 4-28 Example of Running Confi gurati on Settings f or Quad OC-3 POS I nterf ace The show run.
Observing Syste m Startup an d Performing a Basic C onfigur ation 4-29 Configuri ng the Cisco 1 2008 Example of Running Configur at ion Settings f or OC-12 POS Interf ace The sh ow running-config command typically displays outp ut in the follo wing form for an OC-12 POS inter face installed in slot 6: Turing# sh run Building configuration.
Configuring the Cisco 12 008 Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 4-30 no service tcp-small-servers ! hostname Turing -------------! enable password lab ! no ip domain-lookup ip host ray ip host crusty 171.
Observing Syste m Startup an d Performing a Basic C onfigur ation 4-31 Configuri ng the Cisco 1 2008 Re vie wing th e Runn ing Co nfigur atio n Se ttings T o display the r unning conf igurat ion set tings s tored in NV RAM, iss ue the show s tart up- conf ig command at the pri v i le ged EXEC mode pro mpt.
Configuring the Cisco 12 008 Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 4-32 no cdp enable ! interface ATM4/0 ip address 15.
Observing Syste m Startup an d Performing a Basic C onfigur ation 4-33 Performing Other Configura tion Task s P erforming Other Configu ration T asks This section presents pr ocedu res for perf orming.
Performing O ther Configuration Tasks Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 4-34 • Force an au tomatic boot using a boot image . When you f irst p ower o n the router , a boot image called the RP R OM monitor is execute d, re su ltin g in t he di spl a y of t he R OM m o nit or pro mpt ( rommon> ).
Observing Syste m Startup an d Performing a Basic C onfigur ation 4-35 Performing Other Configura tion Task s T able 4-4 specif ies the content o f the boot field , which de fi nes a source f or bootin g the default Cisc o IOS software image required to r un the router .
Performing O ther Configuration Tasks Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 4-36 Boot Field Setting s and t he Use of t he Boot Command The four lo w-order bit.
Observing Syste m Startup an d Performing a Basic C onfigur ation 4-37 Performing Other Configura tion Task s • When the boot field is set to 1, the system automatically boots u sing the f irst image found i n the onb oard Flash SIMM on the RP .
Performing O ther Configuration Tasks Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 4-38 Note If a bootable Cisco IOS software imag e exists in a Flash memo ry card in.
Observing Syste m Startup an d Performing a Basic C onfigur ation 4-39 Performing Other Configura tion Task s The ne w contents of the software co nf iguration re gister are sav ed to NVRAM. Howe ver , these ne w settings do not take eff ect until you reload the system or rebo ot t he rou ter .
Performing O ther Configuration Tasks Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 4-40 If you s et the boot f ield v alue to 0x2 through 0xF an d a v alid boot system comman d is stored in the conf iguration f ile, the system boots the Cis co IOS software image as directed by th a t val u e.
Observing Syste m Startup an d Performing a Basic C onfigur ation 4-41 Performing Other Configura tion Task s T ab le 4-5 Default Bo ot Filenames Computed fro m Boot Field Bits The sign if icance of ot h e r impor t ant bi ts in t he soft w are conf iguration reg i st er is descr ibed in the fo llo wing p aragraphs .
Performing O ther Configuration Tasks Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 4-42 Bit 10 o f the so ftwar e conf igurati on re gister control s the host portion of th e IP broadcas t address.
Observing Syste m Startup an d Performing a Basic C onfigur ation 4-43 Performing Other Configura tion Task s bit 13 causes the system to continue attempting to load a boot file from the network TFTP server indef initely . By default, bit 13 in the software config uration register is set to 0 at the facto ry prior to router shi pment.
Performing O ther Configuration Tasks Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 4-44 Step 3 Enter the show versio n command at the pri vi leged EXEC mode p rompt t o display the current so ftware configuration register setting: Router# show version .
Observing Syste m Startup an d Performing a Basic C onfigur ation 4-45 Performing Other Configura tion Task s Configuration Summary enabled are: console baud: 9600 boot: image specified by the boot sy.
Performing O ther Configuration Tasks Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 4-46 Step 11 Enter the show start-up config command at the pri vileged EXEC mode prompt to display the enable password in the configuration f ile: Router# show sta rt-up c onfig .
Observing Syste m Startup an d Performing a Basic C onfigur ation 4-47 Performing Other Configura tion Task s • Copyin g Files t o a Flash Memory Medi um • Copying a C isco IOS Software Im age ont.
Performing O ther Configuration Tasks Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 4-48 Figure 4-3 Instal ling and Remo ving a Flas h Mem ory Card S L O T -0 S L O T .
Observing Syste m Startup an d Performing a Basic C onfigur ation 4-49 Performing Other Configura tion Task s F ormatting a Flash Memor y Card The Flash memory card that shipped with your router contains t he def ault Cisco IOS image for boot ing yo ur router .
Performing O ther Configuration Tasks Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 4-50 The ne w Flash memory card is no w ready for use. Specifyi ng a Cisco IOS Image f or Boot ing t he System Use the procedure in this section to id entify a particular Cisco IOS so ftware image (named new .
Observing Syste m Startup an d Performing a Basic C onfigur ation 4-51 Performing Other Configura tion Task s Console Commands Associate d with Flash Memor y Use This section ou tlines the console commands f or using the on board Flash memory SIMM on the RP and the PCMCIA Flash memo ry cards.
Performing O ther Configuration Tasks Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 4-52 An e xample of deleting th e f ile fun1 fro m the current Flash m emory direct.
Observing Syste m Startup an d Performing a Basic C onfigur ation 4-53 Performing Other Configura tion Task s Note During the s queeze operation, the system maintains a log identifyi ng which of the s.
Performing O ther Configuration Tasks Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 4-54 Cop ying File s t o a Flash Memor y Medium It is a good idea to copy a ne w Cisco IOS software image to a Flas h memory medium (1) when a ne w image becomes a vailable or (2) when you w ant to back up the image.
Observing Syste m Startup an d Performing a Basic C onfigur ation 4-55 Performing Other Configura tion Task s T ypical output gene rated b y a cop y tftp :filena me command follows: Router# copy tftp:myfile1 slot0:myfile1 20575008 bytes available on device slot0, proceed? [confirm] Address or name of remote host [1.
Performing O ther Configuration Tasks Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 4-56 The follo w ing assumptions apply for the Flash memory card co pying pro cedures in this section: • Y ou hav e a formatted Flash memory card inserted in a PC MCIA slot in the RP .
Observing Syste m Startup an d Performing a Basic C onfigur ation 4-57 Performing Other Configura tion Task s !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
Performing O ther Configuration Tasks Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 4-58 Note In this procedure, it is assumed that th e new Cisco IOS software image will fit on the old Flash memory c ard inserted in s lot 0, together with the old image.
Observing Syste m Startup an d Performing a Basic C onfigur ation 4-59 Performing Other Configura tion Task s Router# copy Y ou can also enter this comman d in the following form to achie v e the same result: Router# copy slot1:image.
Performing O ther Configuration Tasks Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 4-60 Cop ying a Configur at ion File from NVRAM to a Flash Memor y Card T o copy a .
Observing Syste m Startup an d Performing a Basic C onfigur ation 4-61 Performing Other Configura tion Task s CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC.
Performing O ther Configuration Tasks Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 4-62 T o initiate the copy operation, issue the following command at the pri vilege.
Observing Syste m Startup an d Performing a Basic C onfigur ation 4-63 Performing Other Configura tion Task s Cop ying a Configur ation Fil e from a Fl ash Memory Card to NVRAM T o copy a config urati.
What to Do Next? Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 4-64 When a block of Flash memory is locked, it canno t be written to or erased.
Observing Syste m Startup an d Performing a Basic C onfigur ation 4-65 If You Ne ed More Config uration Inf ormation • For systems with C isco IOS R elease 11.
If You Need M ore Configuration Informatio n Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 4-66 • For additional informatio n about the GRP , ref er to the configuration note Gigabit Route Pr ocessor Installation and Configuration (document number 7 8-4339-02 ) that sh ipped with yo ur GRP .
CHAPTER Trouble shooti ng the Installa tion 5-1 5 T roub leshooting the Installation Y our Cisco 12008 w as subjected to exte nsi v e testi ng and b urn-in b efore bei ng ship ped from the factory . Howe ver , if you encounter problems starting up the ro uter , the information in this chapter will help you to isolate the prob able cause.
Troubleshoo ting Overvie w Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 5-2 If you can not solv e a problem, con tact a customer serv ice representati ve for assistance.
Trouble shooti ng the Installa tion 5-3 Troubleshooti ng Overv iew T ab le 5-1 Status o f Alphan umeric Di spla ys and LED s at Syste m Startup Car d LED Function Display Conten ts/LED Status /Me ani .
Troubleshoo ting Overvie w Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 5-4 Prob lem Solving Using a Su bsystem A pproac h The key to solving s ystem problems is to tr y to isolate the difficu lty to a specific subsystem.
Trouble shooti ng the Installa tion 5-5 Troubleshooti ng Overv iew Each fan tray incorporates indi vidual f ans that draw +24 VDC from a DC-DC con verter on the CSC t hat operates un der contro l of its onboard MB us module. B oth fan trays should be gin to operat e about t wo second s a fter appl ication of system po wer .
Troubleshoo ting Overvie w Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 5-6 • Proce ssor su bs ystem — The processor su bsystem includes the RP and all installed line cards. Each line card has an on board p rocessor , to which the RP down loads a cop y of the Cisco IOS operating imag e.
Trouble shooti ng the Installa tion 5-7 Troubleshooti ng Overv iew • The MBus module on the RP mo nitors the prog ress of the CSC p ower -up sequence. When the CSC is po wered up, the MBu s modu le on t he RP turns on it s DC-DC con verter to po wer its o wn electronics.
Troubleshoo ting Overvie w Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 5-8 If this LED does not go on, or if it goes of f while system power is still applied, there .
Trouble shooti ng the Installa tion 5-9 Troubleshooti ng Overv iew — If the A C INP UT OK LED (on the A C- input pow er supply) or the INPUT OK LED (on the DC-input p o wer supply) goes on, and the .
Troubleshoo ting the Po wer Subsystem Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 5-10 T r oubleshooting the P ower Subsystem The po wer subsystem i n the Cis co 120.
Troub leshootin g the I nstall ation 5-11 Troubleshoo ting the Po wer Subsyste m — If the answer is no , but the fan tray s are operating and the alphanumeric display s on the RP and line card s are functional, the likely suspect is a f aulty po w er supply LED.
Troubleshoo ting the Pro cessor Subsys tem Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 5-12 • In systems po wered b y source DC, check the ca ble connections to th.
Troub leshootin g the I nstall ation 5-13 Troubleshootin g the Proce ssor Subs ystem The MBus modu le processor be gins to operate as soon as po wer is ap plied to the sys tem. The MBus processor determin es what t ype of card it i s mounted on and whether it shou ld turn on the card ’ s DC-DC con verter .
Troubleshoo ting the Pro cessor Subsys tem Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 5-14 Some messages appear briefly (milli second duration), and others last several seconds. If one of the messages appears frozen, the boot process could be h ung.
Troub leshootin g the I nstall ation 5-15 Troubleshootin g the Proce ssor Subs ystem • Is a critical, major , or minor alarm LED on the CSC(s) on? — If an y one of the thr ee system ala rm LEDs is on, a f ault has been d etected in the system. Check the console for messages indicating the source of the pro blem.
Troubleshoo ting the Pro cessor Subsys tem Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 5-16 process continues on the line card.
Troub leshootin g the I nstall ation 5-17 Troubleshoo ting the Coo ling Subs ystem CSC Alar m Functions The CSC incorp orates the follo wing system and compo nent alarm fu nctions: • Primary system ala rm functions — The system ’ s primary alarm LEDs are incorpo rated into the CSC f aceplate (see Figure 3-16) .
Troubleshoo ting the Co oling Subsyste m Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 5-18 • Power supp ly fan tr ay — This fan tray is moun ted in the lo w er right cor ner of the router enclosure.
Troub leshootin g the I nstall ation 5-19 Troubleshoo ting the Coo ling Subs ystem 5 T ighten the fan tray capti ve installation scre ws. 6 Reinstall the air f ilter assembly . If the left fan tray LED rem ains on after reseating the card cage f an tray , the unit is faul ty and should be r eplaced.
Additional Trouble shoo ting Referen ce Inform ation Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 5-20 +3.3 VDC and +5 VDC from the DC-DC con verter , the +5 .2 VDC for the MBus module, and th e operating v oltage fo r the f an trays.
CHAPTER Running Diagno stics on the C isco 12008 6-1 6 Running Diagnostics on the Cisco 12008 Field diagnostics are av ailable for the Cisco 1 2008 to help you isolate faulty hardware to the le vel o f a f ield-replaceable unit (FR U) without disrupting the o peration of the sys tem.
6-2 Cisco 120 08 Gigab it Swi tch Rou ter Inst allati on and Configu rati on Guide Using the di ag Comma nd Note When usin g Cis co IOS R elease 1 2.0(21) S or 12.0( 21)ST , or a later release o f 12.0S or 12.0ST , the default down load method changes fro m the mb us to the switch f abric.
Running Diagno stics on the C isco 12008 6-3 Diagnosti c Testing Seq uence where: T o stop diagnostic testing at an y time, enter the halt option in the command, at the privilege d EXE C m ode p rom p.
6-4 Cisco 120 08 Gigab it Swi tch Rou ter Inst allati on and Configu rati on Guide Loading an d Running Diagnostic s 2 Down loads a diagnostic image f rom the RPs ru nning IOS software to the line card before tes ting.
Running Diagno stics on the C isco 12008 6-5 Loading an d Running Diagnostic s Step 2 Enter the passw ord assign ed to the system. The prompt changes t o the pr i vile ged EXEC prompt: Router# Step 3 Determin e the slot number of the card on which y ou wa nt to ru n diagnos tics.
6-6 Cisco 120 08 Gigab it Swi tch Rou ter Inst allati on and Configu rati on Guide Loading an d Running Diagnostic s Without v erbose Option T o see how the verbose option changes the me ssag es from the diagnos tics to the console, ref er to the fo llo wing e xamp les .
Running Diagno stics on the C isco 12008 6-7 Loading an d Running Diagnostic s The message in the line sho wn abo ve in dicates that the diagnostic tests run on the card in slot 2 all pass ed.
6-8 Cisco 120 08 Gigab it Swi tch Rou ter Inst allati on and Configu rati on Guide Loading an d Running Diagnostic s FD 2> **************************************************** FD 2> GSR Field Diagnostics V3.0 FD 2> Compiled by award on Tue Aug 3 15:58:13 PDT 2000 FD 2> view: award-bfr_112.
Running Diagno stics on the C isco 12008 6-9 Loading an d Running Diagnostic s F ailed Diagnost ic If a diagnostic test fails on a line card, testing halts with th at test. The line car d wil l not reload or come back online automatically . The following example s ho ws a diagnostic message stream to the co nsole for a line card located in slot 7.
6-10 Cisco 12008 G igabit Switch Ro uter Ins tallat ion an d Config uration Guide Loading an d Running Diagnostic s Note The DRAM is the only f ield-replaceab le componen t on a line card ; therefore, if a diagnostic test f ails, you m ust replace the line card, which is the f i eld-replaceable unit (FR U).
CHAPTER Maint aining th e Cis co 12008 7-1 7 Maintaining the Cisco 12008 After you r Cisco 12008 has been operatio nal for a pe riod of ti me, you mi ght need to perform specif ic maintenance tasks, r.
Clea ning th e A ir F ilte r Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 7-2 Cleaning the Air Filter The Cisco 12008 has a remov able air filter assembly that forms part o f the outer enclosure of the lo wer card cage (see Figur e 7-1).
Maint aining th e Cis co 12008 7-3 Cleaning th e Air Filter Step 2 Inspect the condition of the air filter and decide if it should be removed and cleaned. Step 3 T o remove th e fi lter , slide it off the tw o panel f asteners ( see Figure 7-1). Caution Ex ercise care to pre vent damage to the h one ycomb screen in the EMI fram e.
Clea ning th e A ir F ilte r Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 7-4 Figure 7-1 Remo ving and Replacin g the Air Filter Ass embl y H7697 S L O T -0 GIGABIT R.
Maint aining th e Cis co 12008 7-5 Installing and Rem oving a Blank Fill er Panel Installing and Remo ving a Blank Filler P anel The Cisco 1 2008 must b e fully enclos ed to ens ure that coolin g air is circul ated properly throughout the interior of the router .
Installing and Remo ving a Blank Filler Panel Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 7-6 Figure 7-2 Installing a Blank F iller P a nel in the Upper Car d Cage S.
Maint aining th e Cis co 12008 7-7 Adding, Remo ving, or Re placing an AC-In put Power Supp ly Ad din g, Re mo ving, or Rep lac ing a n A C- Input P o wer Suppl y The Cisco 12008 can operate with either one or tw o A C -input po wer supplies.
Adding, Remo ving, or Re placing an AC-In put Power Supply Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 7-8 Note It is recommended that you connect each A C-input po wer supply to an independen t source of po wer with a 20A service.
Maint aining th e Cis co 12008 7-9 Adding, Remo ving, or Re placing an AC-In put Power Supp ly Figure 7-3 Fac eplate o f the A C-Input P o wer Suppl y AC INPUT 0K OUTPUT F AIL H10031 Rotary power swit.
Adding, Remo ving, or Re placing an AC-In put Power Supply Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 7-10 Caution T o prev ent damage to the blind-mating connector at the rear of the po wer supply , do not use e xcessi ve speed or fo rce when inserting th e po wer supp ly into the bay .
Mainta ining the Cis co 12008 7-11 Adding, Remo ving, or Re placing an AC-In put Power Supp ly Figure 7-4 Connecting P ower to an A C-Input P ower Suppl y Remo ving an A C-Input P ow er Sup ply For th.
Adding, Remo ving, or Re placing an AC-In put Power Supply Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 7-12 It is also assumed that the p o wer supply to be removed is installed in the lower po wer supply bay , which, by con ven tion, is the normal configuration for a single power supply .
Mainta ining the Cis co 12008 7-13 Adding, Remo ving, or Re placing an AC-In put Power Supp ly Step 8 Place your free h and beneath the po wer supply to support its weigh t and withdraw the unit completely from the bay . Step 9 Set the power supply aside, pending further d isposition.
Adding, Remo ving, or Re placing an AC-In put Power Supply Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 7-14 Step 5 Release the bail latch that s ecures the source A C po w er cord to the A C receptacle on the po wer supply faceplate.
Mainta ining the Cis co 12008 7-15 Adding, Remo ving, or Re placing an AC-In put Power Supp ly Note All the necessary electrical connections between the po wer supply and the backplane are accomplished automatically b y means of the blind-mating connectors.
Adding, Remo ving, or Re placing an AC-In put Power Supply Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 7-16 • The source end o f the A C power ca ble is properly conn ected to the main source A C circuit breaker . • The main source A C circuit breaker se rvicin g the A C-input power s up ply is ON.
Mainta ining the Cis co 12008 7-17 Adding, Removin g, or Repla cing a DC-Input Po wer Supply • If the OUTPUT F AIL LED behav es as expected, proceed with normal system operations .
Adding, Remo ving, or Re placing a DC-Inp ut Power Supply Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 7-18 T o add, remov e, or r eplace a DC-input po wer supply , y.
Mainta ining the Cis co 12008 7-19 Adding, Removin g, or Repla cing a DC-Input Po wer Supply T o install a second (redundant) DC-inpu t power supp ly , y ou must first satisfy the following requirements: • Ensure that a dedicated 4 0A service is a v ailable for the second po wer supply .
Adding, Remo ving, or Re placing a DC-Inp ut Power Supply Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 7-20 Figure 7-5 Dimensions of the Lugs Us ed with the Sour ce DC P ower Cable s 4 AWG, high-strand-count conductor Terminal crimp H7684 2.
Mainta ining the Cis co 12008 7-21 Adding, Removin g, or Repla cing a DC-Input Po wer Supply Figure 7-6 Fac eplate of the DC-Input P ower Suppl y CA UTION THIS UNIT MA Y HA VE MORE THAN ONE POWER SUPPL Y CONNECTION. ALL CONNECTIONS NEED T O BE REMOVED TO DE-ENERGIZE THE UNIT .
Adding, Remo ving, or Re placing a DC-Inp ut Power Supply Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 7-22 T o add a second ( redundant ) DC-inpu t po wer su pply to.
Mainta ining the Cis co 12008 7-23 Adding, Removin g, or Repla cing a DC-Input Po wer Supply Note The carryi ng handl e on the D C-inpu t po wer su pply i s design ed to be grasped w ith your left han d, rather th an your right hand.
Adding, Remo ving, or Re placing a DC-Inp ut Power Supply Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 7-24 (b) Grasp the safety shield and move it to the right and obliquely upward, positioning th e shield so that it can be freed from the th ree standoffs on the po wer supply face plate.
Mainta ining the Cis co 12008 7-25 Adding, Removin g, or Repla cing a DC-Input Po wer Supply Step 10 As an added safety precaution, it is recommended that you add a length of shrink tubing to the cr imp area on each po wer cable lug (see Figure 7-5) before connecting the leads to the power supply .
Adding, Remo ving, or Re placing a DC-Inp ut Power Supply Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 7-26 Note The circuit b reaker alarm terminal bl ock enables yo.
Mainta ining the Cis co 12008 7-27 Adding, Removin g, or Repla cing a DC-Input Po wer Supply Figure 7-8 Connecting So urce DC P ower Cab les to the DC-In put P ower Supply a b c H7707 INPUT 0K OUTPUT FAI L C O M N C N O 0 TER MIN ALS MA Y BE EN ER GIZ ED.
Adding, Remo ving, or Re placing a DC-Inp ut Power Supply Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 7-28 Figure 7-9 Connecting Lead s to the Ci rcu it Break er Ala.
Mainta ining the Cis co 12008 7-29 Adding, Removin g, or Repla cing a DC-Input Po wer Supply Step 17 Set the circuit breaker to the ON position. Step 18 Set the rotary power switch on the new DC-input power supply to the ON (|) posi tion.
Adding, Remo ving, or Re placing a DC-Inp ut Power Supply Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 7-30 T o remove the plastic safety shield (see Fig ure 7-7) , t.
Mainta ining the Cis co 12008 7-31 Adding, Removin g, or Repla cing a DC-Input Po wer Supply Step 8 Using a 10 mm nu tdri ver (or a 1/4 -inch so ck et wren ch with a 1 0 m m dee p-well socket) loos en.
Adding, Remo ving, or Re placing a DC-Inp ut Power Supply Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 7-32 Replac ing a DC- Input P ow er Supp ly In the following procedure, it is assumed that you will be replacing an existing power supply in a router contai ning redundant D C-input po wer supplies.
Mainta ining the Cis co 12008 7-33 Adding, Removin g, or Repla cing a DC-Input Po wer Supply Wa r n i n g T o be completely sure that po wer has been remov ed fr om the source DC circuit presently ser.
Adding, Remo ving, or Re placing a DC-Inp ut Power Supply Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 7-34 Step 11 If an e xternal alarm monitoring facility is attached to the circuit breaker alarm terminal block on the po wer supply f aceplate (see Figure 7-9) , make a no te of ho w the leads are connected.
Mainta ining the Cis co 12008 7-35 Adding, Removin g, or Repla cing a DC-Input Po wer Supply Step 20 Gently slide the ne w po wer supply into the v acant bay , carefully seating it so that the po wer supply faceplate is flush ag ainst the sheet m etal of the po w er supply bay .
Adding, Remo ving, or Re placing a DC-Inp ut Power Supply Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 7-36 Step 24 Befor e connecting each cable to the appropriate termin als on the po wer su pply faceplate, remo ve the tape (that yo u applied in Step 10 abo ve) from the lug.
Mainta ining the Cis co 12008 7-37 Adding, Removin g, or Repla cing a DC-Input Po wer Supply V erifying the In stalla tion of a DC-Inpu t P ow er Su pply T o verify the operati on of a n ewly-inst alled DC -input po wer suppl y , f irst apply pow er to th e unit and observ e the status of the LEDs on the p ower s upply f aceplate.
Removing a nd Replac ing the Fan T rays Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 7-38 • If the INPUT OK LED goes on, proceed to Step 4.
Mainta ining the Cis co 12008 7-39 Removing and Replacin g the Fa n Trays The Cisco 12008 supports online ins ertion and rem o v al of f i eld-r eplaceable un its (FR Us); thus, you can remo ve and r eplace a fan tray while the rest of the syst em remains po wered up an d ful ly ope r atio nal .
Removing a nd Replac ing the Fan T rays Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 7-40 Caution The card cag e fan tray weighs approximately 12 lb ( 5.45 kg). F or safety , use both hands when handli ng this ass embly .
Mainta ining the Cis co 12008 7-41 Removing and Replacin g the Fa n Trays Figure 7-10 Remo ving the Card Cage Fa n T ray fr om the Route r H11402 Air filter assembly Captive installation screw Inser t.
Removing a nd Replac ing the Fan T rays Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 7-42 Install ing a F an T ra y in t he Lo wer Card Cage Fo r the following pro cedure, it is assumed that you ha ve remo v ed a defecti ve f an tray from the lo wer card cage and that you intend to replace it with a n e w one.
Mainta ining the Cis co 12008 7-43 Removing and Replacin g the Fa n Trays Figure 7-11 Inserting the Car d Cage Fa n T ra y into th e Router H11403 Air filter assembly Captive installation screw Inser .
Removing a nd Replac ing the Fan T rays Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 7-44 Removing t he P ower Suppl y F an T ra y T o remove the po wer supply fa n tray f rom the ro uter , perform the fo llo wing s teps.
Mainta ining the Cis co 12008 7-45 Removing and Replacin g the Fa n Trays Figure 7-12 Remo ving the P ower Supply F an T ray fr om the Router H11400 Captive installation scre w S L O T -0 GIGABIT ROUT.
Removing a nd Replac ing the Fan T rays Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 7-46 Install ing th e P ow er S upply F an T ra y Fo r the follo wing procedu re, it is assumed th at you ha ve already remo ved a defecti ve po wer supply fan tray and that you intend to re place it with a ne w one.
Mainta ining the Cis co 12008 7-47 Removing and Replacin g the Fa n Trays Figure 7-13 Inserting the P ower Supp ly F an T ray into th e Router Step 4 Using gentle pr essure, fully ins ert the assembly into the bay until the sheet m etal carrier of the f an tray rests against the st op for the capti ve installation scre w .
Removing a nd Replac ing the Fan T rays Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 7-48 Chec king the I nstal lat ion of a F an T ra y T o verify that a replacemen .
Mainta ining the Cis co 12008 7-49 Removing and Replacin g the Fa n Trays T able 7- 1 Stat us LE Ds for the Fan T rays If a fan in one of the fan trays fails, the follo wing occurs: • Fan speed on both f an tr ays increases to the maximum rate, e ven in the absence of an ov er-temp erature condition in the ro uter .
Removing a nd Replac ing the Fan T rays Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 7-50 Figure 7-14 Fan T ra y Status L EDs on the CSC Critical Alarm A larm s CSC-8.
Mainta ining the Cis co 12008 7-51 Removin g and Rep lacing th e RP Remo ving and Replacin g the RP The follo wing sections p resent the pr ocedu res for re mo v ing an d rep lacing the RP . The RP can be in stalled in any of the up per card cag e slots 0 through 3 and 4 through 7.
Removing a nd Replacing the RP Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 7-52 Caution Before replacing the RP with another , back up the running conf iguration file to a T ri v ial File T ransf er Protocol (TFTP) f ile server o r an installed Flash memo ry card.
Mainta ining the Cis co 12008 7-53 Removin g and Rep lacing th e RP Step 5 Using a 3/16-inch flat-blade scre wdri v er , loosen the two captiv e scr e w s at the top and bo ttom of the RP faceplate (s ee Figure 7-15a).
Removing a nd Replacing the RP Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 7-54 Figure 7-15 Removing the RP (C isco 12012 Sho wn) Inst alling the RP As noted in the preceding section, Figure 7-15 illustrates an RP be i ng remov ed from a Cisco 12012.
Mainta ining the Cis co 12008 7-55 Removin g and Rep lacing th e RP T o ins tall th e RP i n the Cisco 12008, perform th e following steps: Step 1 Put on an antistatic wrist s tra p and make sure that it m a kes ample cont act with your skin .
Removing a nd Replacing Line Cards Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 7-56 Chec king th e Inst allat ion o f the RP T o verify that the new (or reinstalled).
Mainta ining the Cis co 12008 7-57 Removing a nd Replacing Switch Ca rds When you install a ne w C SC or SFC, the router ’ s OIR capability enables the new card to be recognized, initialized, and become operational in a transparent manner .
Removing a nd Replacing Switch Cards Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 7-58 Figure 7-16 Remo ving an SFC H7699 S L O T -0 GIGABIT ROUTE PROCESSOR S L O T -.
Mainta ining the Cis co 12008 7-59 Removing a nd Replacing Switch Ca rds Step 2 Grasp the front of the card carr ier ’ s metal faceplate, unsea t the card from the backplane, and slide the SFC out of the s lot, supporting the weight of th e card by p lacing your other hand undern eath the card car rier .
Removing a nd Replacing Switch Cards Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 7-60 Figure 7-17 Installing an SFC H7698 S L O T- 0 GIGABIT ROUTE PROCESSOR S L O T .
Mainta ining the Cis co 12008 7-61 Removing a nd Replacing Switch Ca rds Removing a CSC T o remove a CSC f rom the ro uter , perform the fo llo wing s teps. Note Before accessing an y of the rou ter ’ s internal com ponents, put on an antistatic wr ist strap and m ake sure th at it makes ample contact with your skin.
Removing a nd Replacing Switch Cards Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 7-62 Figure 7-18 Remo ving a CSC S L O T -0 GIGABIT ROUTE PROCESSOR S L O T -1 C O L.
Mainta ining the Cis co 12008 7-63 Removing a nd Replacing Switch Ca rds Install ing a CSC T o install a CSC in the router, perform the fo llowing steps. Note Before accessing an y of the rou ter ’ s internal com ponents, put on an antistatic wr ist strap and m ake sure th at it makes ample contact with your skin.
Removing a nd Replacing Switch Cards Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 7-64 Figure 7-19 Installing a CSC Chec king the I nstal lati on of S witch C ards This section tells you ho w to verify the o perability of a newly installed switch card.
Mainta ining the Cis co 12008 7-65 Removing a nd Replacing Switch Ca rds Figure 7-20 Status LEDs on a CSC H7701 Critical Alarm A larm s CSC-8 Major Minor Fail SFC Fan Fail Enabled LINECARD PWR SPL Y D.
Removing a nd Replacing Switch Cards Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 7-66 T o verify that a ne w switch card is operating properly , perform the follo wi.
Mainta ining the Cis co 12008 7-67 Removing a nd Replacing Switch Ca rds Step 2 The secondary in dication of SFC status is pro vided by two LEDs on each SFC (see Figu re 7-21). Figure 7-21 Status LEDs on an SFC Observ e each pair of LEDs on each SFC for the fo llo wing indicatio ns: • If the left LED (OK) is on (green), the SFC is operational.
Removing a nd Replac ing the Cable Manage ment Sys tem Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 7-68 In Step 2 abov e, sin ce the SFCs are not v i sible dur ing n orm al oper ation, you mus t rem o v e the air f ilter assembly fr om the route r to observ e the status LEDs on each SFC (see Figure 7-21) .
Mainta ining the Cis co 12008 7-69 Removing and Replacin g the Cabl e Managem ent System Figure 7-22 Cable-Managem ent T ray on a Cisco 1 2008 S L O T -0 GIGABIT ROUTE PROCESSOR S L O T -1 C O L L L I.
Removing a nd Replac ing the Cable Manage ment Sys tem Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 7-70 T o remove the cable-m anagement tray while the system is operatin g, perform the follo wing steps.
Mainta ining the Cis co 12008 7-71 Removing and Replacin g the Cabl e Managem ent System Step 2 Once the interface cables are remov ed from the cable-management tray , position the interface cab les out of the w ay in preparation for remo v al of the cable- management t ray .
Removing a nd Replac ing the Cable Manage ment Sys tem Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 7-72 Step 4 Remov e the top trim piece from the chassis by pulling it aw ay from the chassis fast eners (see Fi gure 7-24, part 1).
Mainta ining the Cis co 12008 7-73 Removing and Replacin g the Cabl e Managem ent System Figure 7-25 Installing a Cabl e Managem ent T ray Step 5 Install the end cap onto the chas s is b y pushing it onto the chas sis f a steners ( see Figure 7-25, part 2).
Removing a nd Replac ing the Cable Manage ment Sys tem Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 7-74 Step 8 Carefully arran ge the attached interf ace cables in the bottom of the cable- management tray s o that they emer ge from the tray directly o v er the intended line card ( see Figure 7-29) .
Mainta ining the Cis co 12008 7-75 Removing and Replacin g the Cabl e Managem ent System Figure 7-26 Remo ving Inte rface Cab les fr om a Lin e Car d Step 5 Go back to Step 2 and proceed thro ugh the cab le remov al pro cedure in a bottom to top direction until you hav e remo ved all of the interface cables from the line card port s.
Removing a nd Replac ing the Cable Manage ment Sys tem Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 7-76 Step 7 Remov e the cable-man agement brack et from the line card. This completes the rem ov al procedure for the Cisco 120 08 cable-managemen t brack et.
Mainta ining the Cis co 12008 7-77 Removing and Replacin g the Cabl e Managem ent System Install ing a Cab le-Managemen t Bra c ket For the procedure in this section , it is assumed that you hav e in stalled a new line card in the router , in which case y ou must also install a cab le-management br acket on the card.
Removing a nd Replac ing the Cable Manage ment Sys tem Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 7-78 Figure 7-28 Attaching a Cab le-Managem ent Brac ket to a Line.
Mainta ining the Cis co 12008 7-79 Removing and Replacin g the Cabl e Managem ent System Figure 7-29 Installing Interface Cables onto a L ine Car d Horizontal cable- management tra y Interface cab le .
Upgradin g Memory on a Line Ca rd Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 7-80 Upgra ding Memo ry on a Lin e Car d This secti on present s the proced ures fo r upgrading m emory on a Cisco 12000 seri es line card.
Mainta ining the Cis co 12008 7-81 Upgrading Mem ory on a Line Card Figure 7-30 Memory Locations on Cisco Series 12 000 Lin e Car ds (Qu ad OC-3 c/ STM-1C POS Card Show n) Before attem pting to upgrad.
Upgradin g Memory on a Line Ca rd Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 7-82 T able 7-5 lists the a vailable conf igurations and associated product n umbers of SDRAM DIMMs for upgrad ing the trans mit and recei v e b uf fer memor y on a line card.
Mainta ining the Cis co 12008 7-83 Upgrading Mem ory on a Line Card Remo ving a Line Ca rd fro m the Rout er This section pres ents the proced ures for remo ving a line card from the ro uter .
Upgradin g Memory on a Line Ca rd Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 7-84 Figure 7-31 Remo ving V ertical Cable-Ma nagement Brac ket from Li ne Card (Quad O.
Mainta ining the Cis co 12008 7-85 Upgrading Mem ory on a Line Card Step 6 Grasp the line card faceplate with one hand and pull the line card straight out of the slot, keep ing your ot her hand under the line card t o support its weight.
Upgradin g Memory on a Line Ca rd Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 7-86 Removing a DIMM fr om a Li ne Card Line card memor y consists of DRAM DIMMs f or the line card ’ s processor , as well as SDRAM DIMMs for the line card ’ s transmit and recei ve b uf fers.
Mainta ining the Cis co 12008 7-87 Upgrading Mem ory on a Line Card Step 5 As one end of the DIMM is released, g rasp the top corners of the DIMM with the thumb and foref inger of each hand and pull the DIMM completely out of its socket.
Upgradin g Memory on a Line Ca rd Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 7-88 Step 5 Gently inse rt the DIMM into the socket until the release lev er is f lush against the side of the socket. If necessary , rock the DIMM back and forth gently to ensure that it is fully seated.
Mainta ining the Cis co 12008 7-89 Upgrading Mem ory on a Line Card Step 6 Replace the v ertical cable-management brack et, as follo ws: (a) Unhook the line card v ertical cable-management b racket from th e horizontal cable tray . (b) Position the brack et o ver the front of the line card f aceplate.
Upgradin g Memory on the RP Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de 7-90 If the system fails to restart prop e rly after several attempts and you are unable to resolve the problem, contact your Cisco service r epresen tative for assistance.
Unpac king an d Rep acking t he Ci sco 120 08 A-1 APPENDIX A Unpac king and R epac king the Cisco 12008 This append ix presen ts inform ation ab out the sh ipping container fo r the Ci sco 12008. The shipping con tainer , which includes a shipping p allet and an accesso ries box, has the following specifications: • Wi d t h — 25.
Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de Cisco 120 08 Pack aging Mater ials A-2 Cisco 12008 P ac ka ging Materials The packaging materials for the Cisco 1 2008 co.
Unpac king an d Rep acking t he Ci sco 120 08 A-3 Cisco 1 2008 Packa ging Ma terial s Figure A-1 Com ponents of the Cisco 1 2008 P ackagi ng System H7704 Foam top cap Accessories box Anchor P allet Ca.
Cisc o 12008 G igabi t Switch Router Installa tion a nd Confi guratio n Gui de Unpacking/ Packing T ools A-4 Unpacking/P acking T ool s Fo r visual gu idance in un packing o r repacking the Cisco 12008, refer to Fi gure A-1. Caution T o prevent damage, ne ver attempt to lift or tilt the Cis co 1200 8 using the handles on the po wer supplies .
Index 1 INDEX Numerics 100BASE -T maximum cable lengths 3-34 speci ficat ions 3-34 trans missio n re comme ndatio ns 3-3 4 A AC p ow er cord s 2-1 4 AC power re quire ment 3- 43 AC-input power su pply.
Cisco 120 08 Gi gabit Switch Rou ter Ins tallati on and Config uration Guid e Index 2 to E therne t p ort 3-24 to 3- 27, 3 -30 to 3- 34 distan ce l imitat ions 2-20 safety guide li nes 2-5 ungro unded.
Index 3 pinout 3-2 2, 3-29 settings 3-21, 3-27 cooling su bsystem componen ts 5- 17 envir onme ntal shu tdown 5-19 troubleshoo ting 5-17 copy comma nd 4- 55 copy comma nd (Flash memory ) 4 -58 copy ru.
Cisco 120 08 Gi gabit Switch Rou ter Ins tallati on and Config uration Guid e Index 4 formatting a Flash memory card 4-49 multimod e powe r budget, line card 2-24 squeeze com mand 4-52, 4-53 EXEC comm.
Index 5 unpacki ng the syst em 2-27 interface command 4-27 config urati on 4-20 to 4-24 Ethernet (MDI) 3-30 Ethernet (MII and MDI) 3-23 parameters, configuring 4-20 interference, radio frequency 2-20 .
Cisco 120 08 Gi gabit Switch Rou ter Ins tallati on and Config uration Guid e Index 6 PRP attribute summary (t able) 1-38 description 1-39 saving settings 4-30 O observing sys tem startup 4-4 P passwo.
Index 7 RP, trou bleshooting 5-12 PRP alphanu meri c LED displ ay s 1-41 Cisco IOS software images 1-36 Flash di sk slot s 1 - 42 Flash memory, description 1-39 LEDs, type s 1-40 NVRAM 1-39 onboar d F.
Cisco 120 08 Gi gabit Switch Rou ter Ins tallati on and Config uration Guid e Index 8 weig ht 1-76 squeeze com mand 4-52, 4-53 SRAM description 1-28 GRP 1-30 PRP (table) 1-38 startup, system 4-4 to 4-.
An important point after buying a device Cisco Systems Cisco 12008 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Cisco Systems Cisco 12008 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Cisco Systems Cisco 12008 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Cisco Systems Cisco 12008 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Cisco Systems Cisco 12008 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Cisco Systems Cisco 12008, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Cisco Systems Cisco 12008.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Cisco Systems Cisco 12008. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Cisco Systems Cisco 12008 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center