Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product AIRRM3000ACAK9 Cisco Systems
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Cisco Systems, Inc. Cisco Aironet Series 1600/2600/3600 Access Point Deployment Gu ide, Release 7.5 Last Updated: July 5th, 201 3 Release: Cisco Aironet Series 1600/260 0/3600 Access Point Deploy ment Guide, Release 7.
2 Cisco Aironet Series 1600/2600/3600 Access Point Deployment Gu ide, Release 7.5 Abstract Abstract This document covers the Cisco 2600 and 360 0 Series Access Points theory of o peration and in stallation as part of a Cisco wireless LAN (WLAN) solut ion.
3 Cisco Aironet Series 1600/2600/3600 Access Point Deployment Guide, Release 7.5 Choosing the Righ t Access Poin t – Stadium/Harsh En vironments – Areas with High V i bration – W arehouse and Fa.
4 Cisco Aironet Series 1600/2600/3600 Access Point Deployment Gu ide, Release 7.5 Choosing the Right Access Point spatial stream (3SS) beamforming, together referenced as 4x4 :3. Clie ntLink 2.0 permits speeds up to 450 Mbps via additional Modulation an d Coding Scheme (MCS) data rates 16-23, while stil l maintaining IEEE 802.
5 Cisco Aironet Series 1600/2600/3600 Access Point Deployment Guide, Release 7.5 Choosing the Righ t Access Poin t Figure 2 AP 3600 Mode ls and Eco-packs Figure 3 AP 2600 Mode ls and Eco-packs.
6 Cisco Aironet Series 1600/2600/3600 Access Point Deployment Gu ide, Release 7.5 Choosing the Right Access Point Figure 4 AP 1600 Mo dels and Eco-pa cks Differences between the AP 3600 and AP 3500 Ac.
7 Cisco Aironet Series 1600/2600/3600 Access Point Deployment Guide, Release 7.5 Choosing the Righ t Access Poin t Figur e 6 Side View of AP 3600 (2.1 1 inch es) and AP 3500 (1.
8 Cisco Aironet Series 1600/2600/3600 Access Point Deployment Gu ide, Release 7.5 Differences between the AP 3600 and AP 2600 AP 3600 Feature Module Support The WSSI (W ireless Sec urity and Sp read S pectru m Inte llig ence) module adds new functionality to the AP to future-proof customers' in vestment.
9 Cisco Aironet Series 1600/2600/3600 Access Point Deployment Guide, Release 7.5 Differences between the AP 3600 and AP 2600 The AP 2600 is v ery similar to t he AP 3600 b ut is a 3X4:3SS so with the A P 2600 - Client Link d oes not beamform to 3-ss clients, ho wev er; it does beamform at le gac y and 1 & 2 Spatial Stream rates.
10 Cisco Aironet Series 1600/2600/3600 Access Point Deployment Gu ide, Release 7.5 Introducing Cisco Aironet 1600 Series Access Point Figure 1 0 Backside of the AP 260 0 - mounting ha rdwa re and ant .
11 Cisco Aironet Series 1600/2600/3600 Access Point Deployment Guide, Release 7.5 Introducin g Cisco Aironet 1600 Series Access Point • ClientLink 2.0 – a k ey addition when movin g up from the AP’ s 1040/1140 and 1260 series. – Support for 802.
12 Cisco Aironet Series 1600/2600/3600 Access Point Deployment Gu ide, Release 7.5 Access Point Physical Hardwa re and Mounting Op tions Figure 12 Compar ison 3600, 260 0 and 1600 series A ccess Points.
13 Cisco Aironet Series 1600/2600/3600 Access Point Deployment Guide, Release 7.5 Access Point Physical Hardware and Mou nting Options Figur e 13 Mechanical Dr awing of the AP 2600 and the AP 360 0 There are many dif ferent installation opt ions a v ailable depending up on the requirements of the customer .
14 Cisco Aironet Series 1600/2600/3600 Access Point Deployment Gu ide, Release 7.5 Access Point Physical Hardwa re and Mounting Op tions If the AP will be mount ed directly to a ceilin g on the gridwork , then AIR-AP-BRA CKET -1 mounts flush and has the lo west prof ile.
15 Cisco Aironet Series 1600/2600/3600 Access Point Deployment Guide, Release 7.5 Access Point Physical Hardware and Mou nting Options Figur e 17 AIR-CHNL -AD APTER (lef t) Slides onto the Rails Figur.
16 Cisco Aironet Series 1600/2600/3600 Access Point Deployment Gu ide, Release 7.5 Access Point Physical Hardwa re and Mounting Op tions Figur e 19 Optional AIR-AP -BRACKET -3 used t o install the AP dir ectly into the tile Note This bracket will f it the AP 1040, 1140, 1260, 1600, 260 0, 3500 and 3600 Series Access Points.
17 Cisco Aironet Series 1600/2600/3600 Access Point Deployment Guide, Release 7.5 Access Point Physical Hardware and Mou nting Options Figur e 20 W all-mounting APs antenn as should be v ertical (up/do wn) or use the Ober on r i ght-angle mo unting structur e - ide a l for AP 3600i.
18 Cisco Aironet Series 1600/2600/3600 Access Point Deployment Gu ide, Release 7.5 Unique Installations Unique Installations Clean Rooms (Healthcare) Many hospital s and factories ha ve requ irements to wipe do wn or gently spray the en vironment with a chemical (often diluted material th at has cleaning / disinfectant properti es).
19 Cisco Aironet Series 1600/2600/3600 Access Point Deployment Guide, Release 7.5 Unique Installations Figur e 23 Ober on Metal Enclosur e prot ects and secur e s the AP in Clean Room Ar eas Above Ceiling Tiles The AP 2600 and 3600 are rat ed for installation in the Plenum area (UL-2043).
20 Cisco Aironet Series 1600/2600/3600 Access Point Deployment Gu ide, Release 7.5 Unique Installations Figure 24 Example of how to hang an AP abo ve the ceiling tiles Note Installing APs abo ve the ceiling t iles should only be done wh en mounting belo w the ceiling is not an option.
21 Cisco Aironet Series 1600/2600/3600 Access Point Deployment Guide, Release 7.5 Unique Installations Stadium/Harsh Environments Customers wishing t o install the AP in harsh en vironm ents where it may be exposed to weather , such as sporting areas, stadiums, open garden areas or ware house freezers, may wish to use a NEMA type enclosure.
22 Cisco Aironet Series 1600/2600/3600 Access Point Deployment Gu ide, Release 7.5 Unique Installations Figur e 27 A metal pin o r padloc k will not det erior ate ov er time so it is bett er than a pl.
23 Cisco Aironet Series 1600/2600/3600 Access Point Deployment Guide, Release 7.5 Unique Installations Figure 28 AP Placement in W ar ehouse Envir onment Note External dipole “e” series or interna.
24 Cisco Aironet Series 1600/2600/3600 Access Point Deployment Gu ide, Release 7.5 Unique Installations Figur e 29 Mounting an AP onto an Electr ical Conduit Box (ceiling T -Bar or conduit) Ethernet C.
25 Cisco Aironet Series 1600/2600/3600 Access Point Deployment Guide, Release 7.5 Unique Installations Access Point Spacing Recommendations If you ha ve a W i-Fi device such as an AP and yo u are going to use another AP in th e vicinity on a different channel, it is recommende d that you space each AP apart by approximately 6 Ft (2 meters).
26 Cisco Aironet Series 1600/2600/3600 Access Point Deployment Gu ide, Release 7.5 External Antenn a Options and Patte rns Installations Using a Common or Distributed Antenna System (DAS) Due to the dual-band n ature of the antenn a system on the AP 26 00 and AP 3600, al ong with k ey features such as ClientLink 2.
27 Cisco Aironet Series 1600/2600/3600 Access Point Deployment Guide, Release 7.5 External Antenna Options and Patterns AIR-ANT2524D W -R – Dual-band (White) di pole (4 required) – 2 /4 dBi Dipole.
28 Cisco Aironet Series 1600/2600/3600 Access Point Deployment Gu ide, Release 7.5 External Antenn a Options and Patte rns Figure 31 Specifications f or the AIR- ANT2 524Dx -R Dual-ban d Dipole Antenn.
29 Cisco Aironet Series 1600/2600/3600 Access Point Deployment Guide, Release 7.5 External Antenna Options and Patterns Figure 33 Specifications f or the AIR- ANT2566P4W -R Dual-band P atch Ant enna F.
30 Cisco Aironet Series 1600/2600/3600 Access Point Deployment Gu ide, Release 7.5 External Antenn a Options and Patte rns Figure 35 Specifications f or the AIR- ANT2 524V4C-R Dual-band Omni Antenna F.
31 Cisco Aironet Series 1600/2600/3600 Access Point Deployment Guide, Release 7.5 External Antenna Options and Patterns Figure 37 Specifications f or the AIR- ANT2544V 4M-R Dual-b and Omni Antenna Fig.
32 Cisco Aironet Series 1600/2600/3600 Access Point Deployment Gu ide, Release 7.5 External Antenn a Options and Patte rns Figure 39 Radiation P att er ns for the AP 3600i @ 2.
33 Cisco Aironet Series 1600/2600/3600 Access Point Deployment Guide, Release 7.5 External Antenna Options and Patterns Figure 41 Radiation P att er n s for the AP 2600i @ 2.
34 Cisco Aironet Series 1600/2600/3600 Access Point Deployment Gu ide, Release 7.5 Understanding Exte rnal Antenna Dep loyments Figure 43 Radiation P att er ns for the AP 1600i @ 2.
35 Cisco Aironet Series 1600/2600/3600 Access Point Deployment Guide, Release 7.5 Understanding Exte rnal Antenna Dep loyments While it is not recommen ded that you use less antennas – the p roduct (in a pinch) wo uld support 802.
36 Cisco Aironet Series 1600/2600/3600 Access Point Deployment Gu ide, Release 7.5 Understanding Exte rnal Antenna Dep loyments Figur e 45 6 dBi patch ante nna – while not critical, ideally por t “ A ” and “B” would be on the ends.
37 Cisco Aironet Series 1600/2600/3600 Access Point Deployment Guide, Release 7.5 Understanding Exte rnal Antenna Dep loyments Remember the best antenna placement is the one wher e the antenna is physically closest to the actual users.
38 Cisco Aironet Series 1600/2600/3600 Access Point Deployment Gu ide, Release 7.5 Understanding Exte rnal Antenna Dep loyments Figure 48 In areas wher e high amounts of metal is present, a site surve y is requ ired When using 802.
39 Cisco Aironet Series 1600/2600/3600 Access Point Deployment Guide, Release 7.5 802.11n Primer - Understanding Sp atial Streams Figure 49 Example of a high gain antenna AIR-ANT2480V -N with cov er r.
40 Cisco Aironet Series 1600/2600/3600 Access Point Deployment Gu ide, Release 7.5 802.11n Primer - Unders tanding Spatial Streams Figur e 50 AP 3500i/e is a 2x3:2 system (supports up to 2 tr a nsmit chains) Note 2x3:2 means two transmi tters, three recei vers suppor ting two spatial streams.
41 Cisco Aironet Series 1600/2600/3600 Access Point Deployment Guide, Release 7.5 802.11n Primer - Understanding Sp atial Streams Figur e 52 AP 3600: 4 T r ansmitt ers and 4 Receivers per Radio Band T.
42 Cisco Aironet Series 1600/2600/3600 Access Point Deployment Gu ide, Release 7.5 802.11n Primer - Unders tanding Spatial Streams Clients That Support Three Spatial Streams Clients with 3SS support are start ing to become co mmonplace. As the ne w 802.
43 Cisco Aironet Series 1600/2600/3600 Access Point Deployment Guide, Release 7.5 802.11n Primer - Understanding Sp atial Streams Figur e 54 ClientLink 2.0 W ith beamforming technology , changing the timing of two transmit ters creates a stronger signal for the receiv er, e.
44 Cisco Aironet Series 1600/2600/3600 Access Point Deployment Gu ide, Release 7.5 Site Survey Considerations Figure 56 Example of ClientLink (dir ecting the signal t o a client, in this case 1 spatia.
45 Cisco Aironet Series 1600/2600/3600 Access Point Deployment Guide, Release 7.5 Site Survey Considerations Figur e 57 AP 3600 Site Surve y Rang es (typical cell siz es hav e not chang ed; AP 3500 an.
46 Cisco Aironet Series 1600/2600/3600 Access Point Deployment Gu ide, Release 7.5 General Considerations Regarding Access Points Figur e 59 Site Su rve y Sensitivity and SNR General Considerations Regarding Access Points Follo wing are some guidelines to remember regarding all access points.
47 Cisco Aironet Series 1600/2600/3600 Access Point Deployment Guide, Release 7.5 802.11ac Primer – How is it different from 802.11n? 4. If you require 3 spatial stream co verage for the fastest throu ghput, and/or you are loo king for the best BY OD experience, the Ci sco Aironet 3600 and 26 00 Series Access Points with Cl ientLink 2.
48 Cisco Aironet Series 1600/2600/3600 Access Point Deployment Gu ide, Release 7.5 802.11ac Primer – How is it different from 802.11n? 802.11ac W ave-2 features include: (Note th is paper concentrates on W ave-1) as W av e-2 is still in flux.
49 Cisco Aironet Series 1600/2600/3600 Access Point Deployment Guide, Release 7.5 802.11ac Primer – How is it different from 802.11n? Figure 63 F aster speeds with newer MCS rat es an d bonding – up to 433 Mbps on 1 stream.
50 Cisco Aironet Series 1600/2600/3600 Access Point Deployment Gu ide, Release 7.5 Understanding 802. 11ac and the option module Understanding 802.11ac and the option module AP 3600 Radio Module Cisco Part Number (AIR-RM3000AC-x-K9=) Independent radio mo dule pro viding 802.
51 Cisco Aironet Series 1600/2600/3600 Access Point Deployment Guide, Release 7.5 Understanding 802. 11ac and the option module limited (for e x ample 15.4W 802.3af po wer) the Acce ss Point will come up with the radio module disabled until a su itable source of power is av a ilable such as enhanced PoE, 802.
52 Cisco Aironet Series 1600/2600/3600 Access Point Deployment Gu ide, Release 7.5 Understanding 802. 11ac and the option module Figur e 67 T op cov ers remo ved fr om AP and module to sho w how anten.
53 Cisco Aironet Series 1600/2600/3600 Access Point Deployment Guide, Release 7.5 Understanding 802. 11ac and the option module Figure 69 Module ant ennas are int er nal t o the Access P oint and radiat e omni-dir ectionally Because the 5 GHz module operates in the same freq uency band as t he internal 5 GHz 802.
54 Cisco Aironet Series 1600/2600/3600 Access Point Deployment Gu ide, Release 7.5 Understanding 802. 11ac and the option module Figur e 71 Cur r ent channel allo cation plan ETSI T heater .
55 Cisco Aironet Series 1600/2600/3600 Access Point Deployment Guide, Release 7.5 Understanding 802. 11ac and the option module Right no w USB adapters and “W orkgroup Bridge” like media adap ters are a vaila b le – Here is a partial list, keep in mind ne w products are being released all the time.
56 Cisco Aironet Series 1600/2600/3600 Access Point Deployment Gu ide, Release 7.5 Understanding 802. 11ac and the option module Figur e 72 Understanding RF r adio interf aces Since 802.11ac is f airly ne w , having a dedicat ed module handling the VH T (V ery High Throughp ut) requests makes it easy to see which clients are co nnected at 802.
57 Cisco Aironet Series 1600/2600/3600 Access Point Deployment Guide, Release 7.5 Understanding 802. 11ac and the option module • Not understanding SSID’ s for both 5 GHz need to be the same and all .
58 Cisco Aironet Series 1600/2600/3600 Access Point Deployment Gu ide, Release 7.5 A Quick Look at a few "Non-Optimal" Installations A Quick Look at a few "Non-Optimal" Installations The pictures b elo w present e xamples of ins tallations that are not recom mended.
59 Cisco Aironet Series 1600/2600/3600 Access Point Deployment Guide, Release 7.5 A Quick Look at a few "Non-Optimal" Installations Figure 77 Example of an AP Installation near metal and clu.
60 Cisco Aironet Series 1600/2600/3600 Access Point Deployment Gu ide, Release 7.5 A Quick Look at a few "Non-Optimal" Installations Figur e 79 Example of a poor installation – A ccess P o.
61 Cisco Aironet Series 1600/2600/3600 Access Point Deployment Guide, Release 7.5 Misc. Questions and Answers Ti p When mounting antennas o utside, al ways moun t with the WIRES D O WN and ne ver obstruct or p ut weather pr oofing material over the drain holes.
62 Cisco Aironet Series 1600/2600/3600 Access Point Deployment Gu ide, Release 7.5 Misc. Question s and Answers A. Generally speaking the AP 260 0e or 3600e would be my f irst choice as these external antenna models ha ve the h ighest operating temperatu re range -20 to 55C.
63 Cisco Aironet Series 1600/2600/3600 Access Point Deployment Guide, Release 7.5 URL Links and Other Re sources A. Y es. All 3 radios will be acti ve The 2.
64 Cisco Aironet Series 1600/2600/3600 Access Point Deployment Gu ide, Release 7.5 URL Links and Othe r Resources Cisco antenna reference guide http://www lateral/wireless/ps7183/ps469/ product_dat a_sheet09186a0 08008883b .html Why buy Cisco brand antennas http://www .
An important point after buying a device Cisco Systems AIRRM3000ACAK9 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Cisco Systems AIRRM3000ACAK9 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Cisco Systems AIRRM3000ACAK9 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Cisco Systems AIRRM3000ACAK9 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Cisco Systems AIRRM3000ACAK9 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Cisco Systems AIRRM3000ACAK9, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Cisco Systems AIRRM3000ACAK9.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Cisco Systems AIRRM3000ACAK9. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Cisco Systems AIRRM3000ACAK9 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center