Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product 8600 Series Cisco Systems
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170 West Tasman Drive San Jos e, CA 95134-1 706 USA Cisco Sy stems, I n c. Cor porat e Head quar ter s Tel: 800 553-NET S (6387) 408 526-4 000 Fax: 408 526-4 100 Cisco BPX 8600 Ser ies Ref erence Release 9.
Table o f Content s v T ABLE OF CONTENTS About This M anual xxv Objectives xxv Audience xxv Cisco WAN Switchin g Product Name Change xxv Organizat ion xxvi Related Documentatio n xxviii Convent ions xxviii Chapter 1 Introduction 1-1 Gen eral D e scri pti o n 1-1 BPX Capabi lities 1-1 Extended Ser vices Processor 1-2 New with Release 9.
vi Cisco BPX 860 0 Series Referen ce Network Management 1-17 Network Interfaces 1-17 Service Interfaces 1-18 Statistical Alarms and Network Statis tics 1-18 Node Synch ronization 1-18 Switch Software .
Table of Contents vii Front Panel Desc riptio n 3-12 Line Modu le for the Al arm/Status Moni tor Card 3-15 BPX Swit ch StrataBu s 9.6 and 1 9.2 Gbps B ackplanes 3-17 Chapter 4 Network Interface (Trunk.
viii Cisco BPX 8 600 Series Refe rence ASI- 155 Li ne Modu le, LM -2OC 3- SMFL R 5-17 ASI- 155 Li ne Mo dule, L M-2O C 3-MM F 5-1 7 Y-Cabli ng of ASI Backcard, SMF-2- BC 5 -17 BXM Cards, Access (UNI) .
Table of Contents ix Statistics 6-28 Config uring Conn ections 6-29 Configur ation Management 6-29 Command Line Inter face Examples 6-31 Config uri n g the BP X Swit c h for SVC s 6-40 Config uring th.
x Cisco BPX 860 0 Series Referen ce UBR Conn ection Polici ng 7-35 Leaky Bucket 1 7-35 Leaky Bucket 2 7-35 Traffic Shaping f or CBR, VBR, and UBR 7-37 Config uration 7-37 Traffic Shaping R ates 7 -38 .
Table of Contents xi Virtual Switch Interfaces 9-9 Tag Switchi ng Resource C onfigurat ion Parameters 9-11 Summary 9-11 Config uring VSI LC NS 9-12 Useful Default Allocations 9 -13 Details of More Rig.
xii Cisco BPX 8600 Ser ies Reference Standards 10- 2 Multicasting Bene f its 10-2 Multicasting Overview 10-2 BME Features: 10-2 BME Requirements 10-2 BME Restri ctions 10-3 Addr e ss Crit eria 10-3 Co.
Table of C ontents xiii Chap ter 12 Fram e Rel a y to A TM Netw ork and S ervic e Int erwor king 12-1 Service Interw o rking 12-3 Network ing Interw orking 12-4 ATM Pr ot ocol Sta ck 12- 7 AIT/BTM In .
xiv Cisco BPX 8600 Ser ies Reference Testcon and Testdl y 13-6 IPX Interface Shelf Description 13-6 Configurat ion and Manag ement 13-7 Interface Shelf Managem ent 13-7 Alarm Management of Interface S.
Table of Contents xv Cisco WAN Swi tching Proprie tary MI B Struc t u re 1 4- 6 Switch Service Objects 14-6 Switch Co nnections 14-6 Bandwidt h Class 14-7 Endpoint Statisti cs 1 4-7 Endpoi nt Mapping .
xvi Cisco BPX 8600 Ser ies Reference Control Port, Local Co ntrol C-1 Printer C-2 DIP Switch Settings fo r Okid ata 184 C-2 Modems, Dial-In and Dial-Out C-4 Motorola V.
List of Fi gures xvii LIST OF FIG URE S Figure 1-1 BPX Switch General C onf ig uration Example 1-2 Figure 1-2 Frame Rela y to ATM Netw ork Interworki ng 1-8 Figure 1-3 Frame Rela y to ATM Service I nt.
xviii Cisco BPX 8 600 Series Referen ce Figure 4-9 LM-2OC3-MMF Face Plate 4-18 Figure 4-10 Y-Cable (Model SMFY), LC-OC3-SMF (Model SMF-2-BC) 4-19 Figure 5-1 BPX Switch Service Interface Grou p 5-2 Fig.
List of F igures xix Figure 7-12 CBR.1 Conn ection with B ucket Complia nt 7-25 Figure 7-13 CBR.1 Connect ion, wit h Buck et Discard i ng non -Co mpl ia nt Cel ls 7-25 Figure 7-14 VBR Conn ection, UPC.
xx Cisco BPX 860 0 Series Referen ce Figure 10-5 Statistics Co llection 10-7 Figure 10-6 OAM Cells 10-7 Figure 10-7 Alarms 10-8 Figure 11-1 Unlatching the Air Intake Grille 11-7 Figure 11-2 Remo ving .
List of T ables xxi LIST OF T ABLES Ta b l e 1 - 1 Routing Group Conf iguratio n Example 1-21 Ta b l e 2 - 1 Classes of Tr affic and Associated AAL Layers 2-11 Ta b l e 2 - 2 ATM Cell A ddressing Mode.
xxii Cisco BPX 8600 Series Refe rence Ta b l e 7 - 6 VBR Policing Definitions 7- 15 Ta b l e 7 - 7 UBR Policing Definitions 7- 22 Ta b l e 7 - 8 Traffic Shaping R ates 7 -38 Ta b l e 7 - 9 ILMI Parame.
List of Ta bles xxiii Ta b l e C - 1 C ontrol Port P arameters for Lo cal Control (pc or workstation ) C-2 Ta b l e C - 2 Auxiliary Port Parameters for OkiData 1 84 Printer C -2 Ta b l e C - 3 Switch .
xxiv Cisco BPX 8600 Series Refe rence.
About This M anual xxv About T his Man ual This publication pro vid es an o vervie w of the operation of the BPX 8600 Series wide-area sw itches which i nclude the BPX 8620 switch and the BPX 8650 tag switch. Cisco documentation and ad ditional literature are av ailable in a C D-R OM package, which ships with your prod uct.
xxvi Cisco BPX 8600 Series Reference Organ ization Or gani zation This publication is organized as follows: Chapter 1 Intr oduction Describes the ov erall operat ion of the BPX 860 0 Series wide-ar ea switches and associated per ipherals. Chapter 2 General Description Provides an ov erall physical and functional des c ripti on of th e BPX s witch .
About Th is Manua l xxvii Organization Chapter 9 T ag Switching Provides a s ummary of tag switching on the BPX 8650 where the BPX switch and associated series 7200 or 7500 router co mprise a BPX 8650 T ag Swit ch. Als o provi de s con figuratio n exam ples.
xxviii Ci sco BPX 8600 Se ries Reference Related Documentatio n Related Docum entation The follo wing Ci sco W AN Switchi ng pub licatio ns contain additional information related to the installation a.
About Th is Manu al xxix Conventions Note Means r eader ta k e note . Notes contain helpful sugges tio ns or references to materials not contained in this manual . Caution Means r eader be careful . In this situation, you m ight do someth ing that could resu lt in equipment damage or l oss of data.
xxx Cisco BPX 8600 Seri es Reference Conven tions.
CHAPTER Introduct ion 1- 1 1 Introduction This chapter contains an ov erall descrip tio n of the BPX 8600 Series. For installation information, refer to the Cisco BPX 86 00 Series In stalla tion and Con figu rati on publication . Also , refer to the Cisco W AN Sw itchi ng Comma nd Refer enc e publications .
1-2 Cisco BPX 860 0 Series Refere nce General De scription Figure 1-1 BPX Switch General Configurat ion Example Extend ed Ser vic es Proce ssor W ith a co-located Extended Services Processor (ESP), the BPX switch adds the capability to support A TM and frame relay switched virtual circuits (SVCs), and soft permanent virtual circuits (SPVCs).
Introduct ion 1- 3 New wi th Release 9 .1 New with Release 9.1 BPX Switch • T ag Switching w ith the BXM • BME Multicasting • Release 9.1 adds traf fic shaping for BXM for UBR, VBR, and CBR per VC s chedu ling policies. This w as pre vious ly supporte d for ABR only .
1-4 Cisco BPX 860 0 Series Refere nce Continui ng Features with Release 9.1 • SNMP Enhan cements for con nection management and monitori ng • Support f or Solar is 2.
Introduct ion 1- 5 Continuing Fea tures with Rel ease 9.1 — de-rout e delay tim er — connection routing grou ps by cel l loading • A T M and Frame Relay SVCs, and Soft Permanent V irtual Circui ts (SPVCs) with Extended Services Processor ESP is an adjunct processor that is co-located with a BPX switch shelf.
1-6 Cisco BPX 860 0 Series Refere nce BPX S witch Op erati o n • Easy integration into existing IPX switch and IGX switch networks. • Internal diagnostics and self-test routines on all cards and backplane, status indication on each card.
Introduct ion 1- 7 BPX Switch O peration The BPX Switch with MGX 8220 Shelves Many netw ork locations ha v e increasing bandwidth req uirements du e to emerg ing app lications.
1-8 Cisco BPX 860 0 Series Refere nce BPX S witch Op erati o n • MGX 8220 f rame relay to I GX switch o r IPX switch fram e relay (eith er routing nod e or shelf/feeder) Part B of Figure 1-2 sh ows .
Introduct ion 1- 9 BPX Switch O peration Ser vice Int er working Figure 1-3 shows a typ ical example of Service Interworking. Serv ice Interworking is su pported by the FRSM on the MGX 8220 and the U FM-C and UFM-U on th e IGX switch. T ranslation between the Frame Relay and A TM protocols is per formed in accord ance with RFC 1490 and R FC 1483.
1-10 Cisco BPX 8600 Series Reference BPX S witch Op erati o n Routing Hubs and Interf ace Shelves In a tiered netw ork, interface sh elves at the access layer ( edge) of the netw ork are conn ected to routing nod es via feeder trunks (Figu re 1-4). Those r outing nodes with attached interface shelve s are referred to as rout ing hubs.
Introdu ction 1-11 BPX Switch O peration BPX Switch Routing Hubs T1/E1 Frame Relay connec tions originating at IPX switc h and IGX switch interface shelv es and T1/E1 Frame Relay , T1/E1 A TM, CES, and FUNI connections or iginating at MGX 8220 interf ace shelves ar e routed across the rou ting network vi a their associated BPX switch routing hub s.
1-12 Cisco BPX 8600 Series Reference BPX S witch Op erati o n Figure 1-4 Tiered Netw ork with BPX Switc h and IGX Sw itch Routing Hubs In v erse Mu ltiple xin g A TM Where greater ba ndwidths are not needed, the In v erse Multiplexing A TM (IMA) featu re prov ides a low cos t trunk between two BPX switches.
Introdu ction 1-13 BPX Switch O peration Vir tu al T run king V irtual trun ki ng pro vides th e abil ity to define multip le tr unk s within a single physical trunk port interface.
1-14 Cisco BPX 8600 Series Reference Traffic and Conge stion Manag eme nt T raffic a nd Cong estion Managemen t The BPX switch pro vides A TM standard traf fic and congestion managemen t per A TM Forum TM 4.
Introdu ction 1-15 Traffic and Conge stion Manag eme nt When cells are r eceiv ed from the netwo rk for trans mission out a por t, egress qu eues at that port provi de additional buf fering b ased on the service class of th e connection.
1-16 Cisco BPX 8600 Series Reference Traffic and Conge stion Manag eme nt PNNI The Priv ate Network to Network Interf ace (PNNI) protocol pro vides a standards-b ased dynamic routing pro tocol for A TM and frame relay SVCs.
Introdu ction 1-17 Network Ma nagement ForeSig ht monitors each path in the fo rward direction to detect any p oint where congestion may occur and returns the in formation back to the entry to the network. When spare capacity e xists with the network, ForeSight permits the extra bandwidth to be allocated to activ e virtual circuits.
1-18 Cisco BPX 8600 Series Reference Netw ork Ma n ageme nt The design of the BPX switch permits it to support network interfaces up to 622 Mbps in the current release while prov iding the arch itecture to support high er broadb and netw ork interfaces as the need arises.
Introdu ction 1-19 Switch Software Des cription Since the BPX switch is design ed to be part of a lar ger communications network, it is capable o f synchronizing to hig her-lev el network clocks as well as providing synchronizatio n to lower-le vel de vices.
1-20 Cisco BPX 8600 Series Reference Swit ch Sof twar e D escr i pti on • Alternate Routing—the system softwar e automatically reroutes a f ailed connection. The system softwar e uses the follo wing criteria when it establishes an automatic route for a connection: • Selects the most direct r oute between two nodes .
Introdu ction 1-21 Switch Software Des cription T able 1-1 Routing G roup Co nfiguration Exam ple Cost-Based Connection Routing Release 9.1 includes a cost-b ased route selection method to Cisco StrataCom’ s standard AutoRoute. This feature is referred to as co st-based AutoRoute.
1-22 Cisco BPX 8600 Series Reference Swit ch Sof twar e D escr i pti on • Cache vs. On-Demand Routing–In pre vious releases Hop -Based Route Selection alwa ys requires on-demand r outing. On-demand ro uting initiates an end-to -end route search f or ev ery connection.
Introdu ction 1-23 Network Synchroniz ation Cost-Based A utoRoute Commands The follo wing switched sof tware Command Line Interf ace (CLI) commands ar e used for cost-based route selection: • cnfcmparm - enables cost-based r oute selection. This is a super -user command used to conf igure all AutoRoute parame ters.
1-24 Cisco BPX 8600 Series Reference Switch Availab ility Switch A v ailabilit y Hardware and software compon ents are designed to provide a switch a v ailability in e xcess of 99.99%. Network av ailability will be impacted by link failure, which has a higher probability of occurrence, than equipment fa ilure.
Introdu ction 1-25 Switch Availabili ty BPX switches are completely compatible with the n etwork status and alar m display pro vided by the Cisco StrataV ie w Plus N MS works tation. In ad dition to provid ing netw ork managem ent capabil ities, it disp lays major and minor alarm st atus on its topolog y screen for all nodes in a netw ork.
1-26 Cisco BPX 8600 Series Reference Switch Availab ility.
CHAPTER General D escript ion 2-1 2 Gener al Descr iption This chapter contains an over all physical and function al description of the BPX switch. The p h ysical desc ripti on inc l udes th e BPX sw itch e n clos ur e, power, and cool ing su bsyste ms.
2-2 Cisco BPX 860 0 Series Refere nce Physical De scription Figure 2-1 BPX Switch Exte rior Front Vi ew 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 27" 17 3/4" 22 3/4" 19" Air intake Extra.
General D escript ion 2-3 Phy sical Desc r ipt io n Figure 2-2 BPX Switch Exte rior Rear View Node Cooling A fan as sembly , with three six-inch 48 VDC f ans is mou nted on a tray at th e rear of the BPX sw itch shelf (see Figure 2-2).
2-4 Cisco BPX 860 0 Series Refere nce Physical De scription Nodes may b e equ ipped with either a s i ngle PEM o r dual PEMs for red und anc y . They are m oun ted at the back of the node belo w the backplane. A conduit hook up box or an i nsulated co ver plat e is provided for terminating conduit or wire at the DC power input.
General D escript ion 2-5 Phy sical Desc r ipt io n Figure 2-4 A C P o wer Supply As sembly Fron t View Card Shelf Configuration There are f ifteen v ertical slots in the front o f the BPX switch enclosure to hold plug-in cards (see Figure 2-5).
2-6 Cisco BPX 860 0 Series Refere nce Physical De scription Figure 2-5 BPX Switch Car d Shelf Front Vie w 123456 7 BCC-A 8 BCC-B 9 1 01 11 21 31 4 1 5 ASM status port 13 act fail stby card BNI-3/T3 81.
General D escript ion 2-7 Functional Des cription Functional Description AT M A TM transmits broadband inform atio n using fix ed length, relativ ely small, 53-byte cells which are suitable for carrying both constant rate data (e.g., voice and video) as well as bursty data.
2-8 Cisco BPX 860 0 Series Refere nce Functional Description Figure 2-7 A TM Cell Format A TM Cell Headers There are tw o basic header types d efined b y the standards co mmittees, a UNI header and a NNI header; both are quite similar .
General D escript ion 2-9 Functional Des cription Figure 2-8 UNI Header Figure 2-9 NNI Header Bit — 87654321 Virtual circuit identifier Virtual path identifier Virtual path identifier Flow control P.
2-10 Cisco BPX 8600 Series Reference Functional Description Figure 2-10 STI Header The most important f ields in all three A TM cell header types are the V irtual P ath Identifier (VPI) and a V irtual Cir cuit Identifier (VC I).
General Descri ption 2-11 Functional Des cription In the STI header (see Figure 2-10), the P ayload Cl ass is used to indicate v arious classes of service and BPX switch q ueues, e.g., Opticlass, th e enhanced class o f service feature of the BPX switch.
2-12 Cisco BPX 8600 Series Reference Functional Description Initially , four dif ferent adaptation layers (AAL1 throu gh AAL4) were en visioned for the four clas ses of traf f ic.
General Descri ption 2-13 Functional Des cription Figur e 2-12). T o allo w the I PX sw itch o r IGX swit ch to be us ed in mi x ed ne two rks wi th ot her A TM switches, there ar e two other addres sing modes a vailab le, Cloud Address ing Mode (CAM) and Simpl e Addres s ing Mo de (SAM ) .
2-14 Cisco BPX 8600 Series Reference Functional Description T able 2-2 A TM Cell Address ing Modes Figure 2-12 BAM, CAM, an d SAM Configurations F astP ack et Adaptation to A TM A specialized adaptation that is of particular inter est to users of Cisco equipment is the adaptation of IPX switch F astPackets to A TM cells.
General Descri ption 2-15 Functional Des cription Simple Gatew ay W ith the Simpl e Gate way protocol, the A IT card in the IPX switch (or BTM in the IG X switch) loads 24-byte F astP acket cells into A TM cells in ways th at are consistent with each application.
2-16 Cisco BPX 8600 Series Reference BPX Switch Major Grou ps BPX Switch Major Gr oups There are fou r major groups in the B PX switch. These are listed in T able 2-3. • Common C ore • Network Interface • Service Interface • Power Supplies T able 2-3 lists these groups and their components alon g with a brief description o f each.
General Descri ption 2-17 BPX Switch Major Groups BXM-622 BXM -622-2 OC-12 car d with 1or 2 OC -12/STM- 4 ports. C a r d is configured for use in either network interfa ce or serv ice access (UNI) mode.
2-18 Cisco BPX 8600 Series Reference Optional Periph erals Optional P eripherals At least one node in the network (or network dom ain if a stru ctured netw ork) must inclu de a Strata-V iew Plu s network manag ement station (see Figure 2-14).
CHAPTER BPX Switch Common Core 3-1 3 BPX Switch Common Core This chapter contains a descripti on of the common core group , comprising the Broadb and Controller Cards (BCCs) , the Alarm/Status Monitor (ASM) card, associated back cards, and the StrataBus backplane.
3-2 Cisco BPX 860 0 Series Refere nce Broadband Controller Ca rd (BCC-32, BCC-3, BCC-4) Br oadband Contr oller Card (BCC-32, BCC-3, BCC-4) The Broadb and Control ler Card is a m icroprocesso r-bas ed system co ntroller and i s used to con trol the ov e rall operation of the BPX switch.
BPX Switch Common Core 3-3 Broadband Controller Card (BCC-3 2, BCC-3, BCC-4) The BCC-3 and BCC-3 2 are functionally equi v alent and the B CC-4 is similar except for some additional f eatures such as s upp ort o f 19.6 G bps oper a tion. The term BCC is us ed in t his ma nual to refer to the functional operation of the Broadband Co ntroller Card.
3-4 Cisco BPX 860 0 Series Refere nce Broadband Controller Ca rd (BCC-32, BCC-3, BCC-4) Functional Descr iption The BPX switch is a sp ace switch. It employs a cros spoint switch for indi vidual data lines to an d from each port.
BPX Switch Common Core 3-5 Broadband Controller Card (BCC-3 2, BCC-3, BCC-4) Figure 3-2 BCC-32 and BCC-3 Block Dia gram BCC-A Xpoint switch Arbiter SIU TX data-2A RX data-2A TX data-12A RX data-12A TX.
3-6 Cisco BPX 860 0 Series Refere nce Broadband Controller Ca rd (BCC-32, BCC-3, BCC-4) Figure 3-3 BCC-4 Block Diagram F ront P anel Descriptio n The BCC fron t panel has four Led, three card status LEDs, and a LAN LED. (See Figure 3-4 and Ta b l e 3 - 1 .
BPX Switch Common Core 3-7 Broadband Controller Card (BCC-3 2, BCC-3, BCC-4) Figure 3-4 BCC Fr ont Pane l L A N act fail stby ca rd B C C H8024 LAN act fail stby card.
3-8 Cisco BPX 860 0 Series Refere nce Broadband Controller Ca rd (BCC-32, BCC-3, BCC-4) The BCC r uns self-tes ts continuous ly on intern al functions in the backgrou nd and if a f ailure is detected, the fail LED is li ghted. If the BCC is configured as a redundant pair , the of f-line BCC is indicated by the lighted stby LED.
BPX Switch Common Core 3-9 Broadband Controller Card (BCC-3 2, BCC-3, BCC-4) backcards). The BCC-3 and the BCC- 32 are functionally interchan geable, while the BCC-4 pro vides additional features such as supp ort for 19.2 Mbps operation by the BXM cards.
3-10 Cisco BPX 8600 Series Reference Broadband Controller Ca rd (BCC-32, BCC-3, BCC-4) T able 3-3 Bac k Card (Line Module) f or BCC-3 & 4, Con nectors BCC-3-C Connector BCC-3-C Function CONTR OL A DB25 connec tor for a VT1 00 or equiv alent terminal for a basic termi nal connection using command lin e interface commands .
BPX Switch Co mmon Core 3-11 Broadband Controller Card (BCC-3 2, BCC-3, BCC-4) Figure 3-5 BCC-3-bc or BCC-c F ace Plate Connector s Another function of the line module back card is to pro vide two lo w-speed, ser ial communications ports. (Refer to T ab le 3-3.
3-12 Cisco BPX 8600 Series Reference Alarm /Stat us Mo nitor C ard the secondary Broadb and Control Card becomes primary (acti ve), then its LAN port becomes acti ve. The SV+ workstation will automatically try to rest ore commu nications ov er the LAN and will interface with the n ewly acti ve Broadband Controller Card.
BPX Switch Co mmon Core 3-13 Alarm/Statu s Monitor Card T able 3-4 ASM Fr ont P anel Contr ols and Indicators No Contr ols/ Indicator F unction 1 alarms LEDs A red major alarm and a yello w mino r alarm indi cator to display the stat us of the local node.
3-14 Cisco BPX 8600 Series Reference Alarm /Stat us Mo nitor C ard Figure 3-6 ASM Fr ont P anel Contr ols and Indic ators sta tu s a la rm s major minor D C o k AB ACO hist A C O h isto ry c le a r ac.
BPX Switch Co mmon Core 3-15 Alarm/Statu s Monitor Card Line Module for the Alar m/Status Monitor Card The Line Module for the Alarm/Status Monitor Card (LM-ASM) is a back card to the ASM card. It prov ides a simple connector panel fo r interfacing to the customer alarm system.
3-16 Cisco BPX 8600 Series Reference Alarm /Stat us Mo nitor C ard Figure 3-7 LMI-ASM F ace Plate A L A R M R E L A Y S ASM H8027 Alarm Relays (DB15).
BPX Switch Co mmon Core 3-17 BPX Switch Str ataBus 9.6 a nd 19.2 Gb ps Backplane s BPX Switch StrataBus 9.6 and 19.2 Gbps Backplanes The BPX switch may be equipped with a backplane that supports either a 9.6 or 19.2 Gbps operation. The 19.2 G bps backplane can physically be id entified b y the card slot fuses on the bottom rear of t he backplane.
3-18 Cisco BPX 8600 Series Reference BPX Switch Stra taBus 9.6 and 19.2 Gbps Backplanes.
CHAPTER Network Int erface (Trunk) Cards 4-1 4 Netw ork Interf ace (T r unk) Cards This chapter contain s a description of the BPX switch netw ork interface (tru nk) cards, including the Broadband Netw ork Interf ace (BNI) and associated backcards. Th e BXM cards are briefly described in this chapter and cov ered in full in a later chapter .
4-2 Cisco BPX 860 0 Series Refere nce Broadband Network Inte rface Cards (BNI-T3 and BNI-E3) Figure 4-1 BPX Switch Network In terface Grou p Br oadband Netw ork Inte rface Cards (BNI-T3 and BNI-E3) The BNI-T3 an d BNI-E3 interface th e BPX switch with A T M T3 and E3 broadband trun ks, respecti vely .
Network Int erface (Trunk) Cards 4-3 Broadban d Network Inte rfa ce Car ds (BNI -T3 and BNI- E3) F eatures A summary of fea tures for the BNI card s include: • BNI- T3 pr ov i d es th ree br oadb a nd data ports oper atin g a t 44.7 36 Mb ps. BNI- E3 pr ov i d es th ree br oadb a nd data ports oper atin g a t 34.
4-4 Cisco BPX 860 0 Series Refere nce Broadband Network Inte rface Cards (BNI-T3 and BNI-E3) Ingre ss In the recei ve direction (from the transmission f acility tow ards the BPX switching matrix, some.
Network Int erface (Trunk) Cards 4-5 Broadban d Network Inte rfa ce Car ds (BNI -T3 and BNI- E3) Some of th e functions performed b y the PL PP in the BNI -3T3 includ e: • PLPP— Receiv er Side — Provides fr ame sync for either the M23 or C-bit pari ty frame format.
4-6 Cisco BPX 860 0 Series Refere nce Broadband Network Inte rface Cards (BNI-T3 and BNI-E3) Loopbac ks and Diagnostics There are two types of self-tests that may be performed. A non-di srupti ve self test is automatically performed o n a routine basis.
Network Int erface (Trunk) Cards 4-7 Broadban d Network Inte rfa ce Car ds (BNI -T3 and BNI- E3) Figure 4-3 BNI-3T3 Fr ont P anel (BNI-3E3 a ppears t he same ex cept f or name) sta tu s p o rt 1 act f.
4-8 Cisco BPX 860 0 Series Refere nce T3 and E3 Line Module s (LM-3T3 a nd LM-3E3) T able 4-2 BNI Fr ont P anel Car d Failure I ndications T3 and E3 Line Mo dules (LM-3T3 and LM-3E3) The Line Modules for the BNI-T3 and BNI -E3 front cards are b ack cards used to p rovide a p hysical interface to the transmission facility .
Network Int erface (Trunk) Cards 4-9 T3 and E3 Line Module s (LM-3T3 a nd LM-3E3) Figure 4-4 LM-3T3 F ace Plate, T ypical PORT 2 R X T X PORT 3 R X T X PORT 1 R X T X LM – 3/T3 H8030 Port 1 RX TX Po.
4-10 Cisco BPX 8600 Series Reference T3 and E3 Line Module s (LM-3T3 a nd LM-3E3) Figure 4-5 LM-3E3 F ace Pla te, T ypica PORT 2 R X T X PORT 3 R X T X PORT 1 R X T X LM – 3/E3 H8031 Port 1 RX TX Po.
Network Inte rface (Trunk) Card s 4-11 Broadband Network Inte rface Cards, BNI-155 Br oadb and Netw ork Interface Cards, BNI-155 The BNI-155 interfaces the BPX switch with A TM OC3/STM-1 broadb and trunk s. The A TM trunk may connect to either ano ther BPX switch or cust omer CPE equipped with an A TM OC3/STM-1 interface.
4-12 Cisco BPX 8600 Series Reference Broadband Network Inte rface Cards, BNI-155 Functional Descr iption In the egr ess direction, the BNI-155 has 2 Queue Service Engine (QSEs) which pro vide each of the ports with 12 pro grammable queues with selectable para meters such as minimum bandwidth , priority , and maximum b andwidth.
Network Inte rface (Trunk) Card s 4-13 Broadband Network Inte rface Cards, BNI-155 The Line Interf ace Unit (LIU) performs the f ollowing e gress functions: • Inserts the appropriate fram in g into the outgoing bit stream. • Inserts an y alarm codes for tra nsmission to the far end.
4-14 Cisco BPX 8600 Series Reference Broadband Network Inte rface Cards, BNI-155 T able 4-4 BNI-155 Front P anel St atus Indicator s T able 4-5 BNI Fr ont P anel Car d Failure I ndications Status LED col or Sta tus Description port off T r unk is inact iv e and n ot carryin g data .
Network Inte rface (Trunk) Card s 4-15 Broadband Network Inte rface Cards, BNI-155 Figure 4-7 BNI-155 Front P anel p o rt 1 2 act fail stby ca rd B N I-1 5 5 H8032 port status 1 2 act fail stby card s.
4-16 Cisco BPX 8600 Series Reference OC3, Line Modules (SMF, S MFLR, & MMF) OC3, Line Modules (SMF , SMFLR, & MMF) The Line Modu les f or the OC3 BNI card s are back card s us ed to pro vide a physical inter f ace to the transmission facility .
Network Inte rface (Trunk) Card s 4-17 OC3, Line M odules (SMF , SMFLR, & MMF) Figure 4-8 LM-2OC3- SMF F ace Plate H8033.
4-18 Cisco BPX 8600 Series Reference OC3, Line Modules (SMF, S MFLR, & MMF) Figure 4-9 LM-2OC3-MMF F ace Plate H8034 PORT 1 PORT 2.
Network Inte rface (Trunk) Card s 4-19 Y-Cablin g of BNI Backcar d, SMF-2-BC Y-Cabling of BNI Backcar d, SMF-2-BC The LM-OC3-SMF (Mod el SMF-2-BC) backcards ma y be Y -cabled for redundanc y using the Y -Cable splitter shown in Figu re 4-10. The car ds must be configured for Y -Cab le redundancy using the addyr ed command.
4-20 Cisco BPX 8600 Series Reference Y-Cabling of BNI Backcar d, SMF-2-BC.
CHAPTER Service Interfa ce (Line) Cards 5- 1 5 Ser vice Interf ace (Line) Cards This chapter contains a des cription of the BPX switch service interface (line) card s, including the A TM Service Interface (ASI) and as sociated backcards.The BXM card s are briefly des cribed in this chapter and co vered in full in a later chapter .
5-2 Cisco BPX 860 0 Series Refere nce ASI-1, ATM Service Interface Card A BXM port may b e confi gured to opera te as either a trunk or UNI port. The BXM OC- 12 back cards support Single Mode Fiber (SMF), Single Mo de Fi ber Lo ng Reach (SMFLR), or Single Mode Fiber Extra Long Range (SMFXLR).
Service Interfa ce (Line) Cards 5- 3 ASI-1, ATM Service Interface Card F eatures A summary of fea tures for the ASI card includ e: • T wo 45 Mb T3 A TM UNI/NNI ports per card for conn ection of user devices . • Allo ws connectio ns between UNI ports on a sing le node, between nodes, and NNI connections between netw ork s.
5-4 Cisco BPX 860 0 Series Refere nce ASI-1, ATM Service Interface Card Some of th e functions performed b y the PL PP in the ASI -1 include: PLPP—Receiv er Side • Provides fram e sync for the C-bit parity frame format.
Service Interfa ce (Line) Cards 5- 5 ASI-1, ATM Service Interface Card Figure 5-3 A TM Connection via ASI P orts Monitoring Statistics Port, line, and chan nel statistics are collected by the ASI-1. Refer to the Cis co Str ataV ie w Plus Operations Guide for a listing and descriptio n of these statistics.
5-6 Cisco BPX 860 0 Series Refere nce ASI-1, ATM Service Interface Card T able 5-1 ASI-1 Statu s Indicators Status LED color Status Description port off Line is inactive and not carrying data . green Line i s acti vely carrying da ta. yello w Line is in remote alarm.
Service Interfa ce (Line) Cards 5- 7 ASI-1, ATM Service Interface Card Figure 5-4 ASI-1 Fr ont P anel s ta tu s p o rt 1 act fail stby ca rd A S I-2 T 3 H8028 2 status port 1 act fail stby card 2.
5-8 Cisco BPX 860 0 Series Refere nce LM-2T3 M odule LM-2T3 Modu le The T3 Lin e Module for the ASI-1 Front Car d is a backcard used to pro vide a phys ical interface to the service interf ace (see Figure 5-5). The Line Module connects to the ASI-1 throu gh the StrataBus midplane.
Service Interfa ce (Line) Cards 5- 9 LM-2T3 M odule Figure 5-5 Line Modu le, ASI, 2T3 PORT 2 R X T X PORT 3 R X T X PORT 1 R X T X LM – 3/T3 H8030 Port 1 RX TX Port 2 RX TX Port 3 RX TX.
5-10 Cisco BPX 8600 Series Reference LM-2E3 M odule LM-2E3 Module The E3 Lin e Module for the ASI-1 Front Car d is a backcard used to pro vide a phys ical interface to the service interf ace (see Figure 5-6). The Line Module connects to the ASI-1 throu gh the StrataBus midplane.
Service Interface (Lin e) Cards 5-11 LM-2E3 Modu le Figure 5-6 Line Modu le, ASI, 2E3 PORT 2 R X T X PORT 3 R X T X PORT 1 R X T X LM – 3/E3 H8031 Port 1 RX TX Port 2 RX TX Port 3 RX TX.
5-12 Cisco BPX 8600 Series Reference ASI-155 , ATM Service Interface Ca rd ASI-155, A TM Service Interface C ar d The A TM Service Interf ace Card for OC3/STM-1, the ASI-15 5, is a BPX switch front card used to interface with an A TM user de vice e.g.
Service Interface (Lin e) Cards 5-13 ASI-155 , ATM Service Interface Card Configurin g Connections Connections are r outed between CPE con nected to ASI ports. Before add ing connections , an ASI line is upped with the upl n command and conf igured with the cnfln command.
5-14 Cisco BPX 8600 Series Reference ASI-155 , ATM Service Interface Ca rd • Provides optional cell descrambling, header error check (HEC), and id le cell filtering. • Provides a s mall FIFO buf fer for incoming c ells. • Provides op tical to electrical con ver sion.
Service Interface (Lin e) Cards 5-15 ASI-155 , ATM Service Interface Card T able 5-2 ASI-1 55 Status Indicat or s Status LED color Status Description port off Line is inactive and not carrying data . green Line i s acti vely carrying da ta. yello w Line is in remote alarm.
5-16 Cisco BPX 8600 Series Reference ASI-155 , ATM Service Interface Ca rd Figure 5-8 ASI-155 Fr on t P a nel P O R T 1 2 act fail stby S T A T U S A S I-1 5 5 H8035 PORT 1 2 act fail stby STATUS.
Service Interface (Lin e) Cards 5-17 ASI-155 L ine Module, LM-2OC3-SMF ASI-155 Line Mod ule, LM-2OC3-SMF The LM- 2OC3 -SMF (Model SM F-2-BC) li ne module for th e ASI-155 Fron t Card is a back card that prov ides a SMF intermediate range service interface.
5-18 Cisco BPX 8600 Series Reference BXM Cards, Access (UNI) Mode.
CHAPTER BXM T3/E3 , 155, and 622 6-1 6 BXM T3/E3, 155, and 622 This chapter descr ibes the BXM card sets which include the BXM T3/E3, BXM- 155, and BXM-622 .
6-2 Cisco BPX 860 0 Series Refere nce Dynamic Re source Partitioning for S PVCs Dynamic Resource P ar titioning f or SPVCs Also, for switch software Release 9.1, the BXM card su ppo rts dynamic resource partitioning to support the con versi on of PVCs to soft permanent virtual circuit s (SPVCs).
BXM T3/E3 , 155, and 622 6-3 BXM C ard s A BXM card set consists of a front and back card. The BXM T3/E3 is a v ailable with a uni versal BPX-T3/E3 b ackcard in 8 or 12 port versions. The BXM-OC3 is a v ailable wit h 4 or 8 port multi-mode f iber (MMF), single mode f i ber (SMF), o r single mode f i ber long reach (SMFLR) back cards.
6-4 Cisco BPX 860 0 Series Refere nce BXM Cards *The BXM cards can be conf igu red for either , b ut not both, tr unk or service acces s (UNI) on a card by card basis. Once a card is so conf igured, all ports are either trunk or service interfaces until the card is recon figured.
BXM T3/E3 , 155, and 622 6-5 BXM Capabilitie s BXM Capabilities The follo wing lis ts so me of the major capabilities of the BXM cards: F eatures • V irtual Path (VP) as well as V irtual Circuit ( VC) connections. • Support both PVC and SVC conn ections.
6-6 Cisco BPX 860 0 Series Refere nce BXM Capabilities • A TM cell structure and format per A TM Forum UNI v3.1. • Loopback s upport. • 1:1 card redundanc y using Y -cable conf igurati on. • A BXM card ma y be configu red for either n etwork or po rt (access) operation.
BXM T3/E3 , 155, and 622 6-7 BXM Capabilitie s Ser v ice T ype s The BXM cards support the f ull range of A TM service types per A TM Forum TM 4.0. CBR Service: • Usage P arameter Cont rol (UPC) and Adm ission Control . • UPC: Ingre ss rate m onito ring a n d disca rding per I.
6-8 Cisco BPX 860 0 Series Refere nce Card O peration Virtual Inte rfaces • VPI/VCI used to identify virtua l co nnection. • Support for up to 32 virtual interf aces per card, each with 16 Co S queues. • V irtual Interface parameters: — Physical port (trunk or access).
BXM T3/E3 , 155, and 622 6-9 Card O peration Figure 6-2 BXM-622 Fr ont P anel, T wo-P or t Card Show n B X M -622 H9890 port 1 2 status card act stby fail port 1 2 status card act stby fail.
6-10 Cisco BPX 8600 Series Reference Card O peration Figure 6-3 BXM-155 Fr ont P anel, Eig ht-P ort Card Sho wn B X M -155 H9876 port 1 2 3 status card act stby fail 4 5 6 7 8 port 1 2 3 status card a.
BXM T3/E3, 155, and 622 6-11 Card O peration Figure 6-4 BXM-T3/E3 Fr ont Panel, 1 2-P ort Card Sho wn H9885 port 1 2 3 status card act stby fail 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 1 1 12 port 1 2 3 status card act stby .
6-12 Cisco BPX 8600 Series Reference Card O peration BXM, Ba c kcard Co nnecto rs The BXM backcards c onnect to the BXM front card s through the StrataBus midplane. The BXM-622 is a vailabl e in one or two por t version s in either a si ngle-mode f iber in termediate range (S MF) or a sing le-mod e f iber l ong r ange (SMFLR ) backcar d.
BXM T3/E3, 155, and 622 6-13 Card O peration Figure 6-5 SMF-622-2 , SMFLR-622-2, and SM FXLR-622-2 Bac k Card H9891 SMF 622-2.
6-14 Cisco BPX 8600 Series Reference Card O peration Figu re 6-6 B XM-155 -8 Port Backcard, M MF , SMF , or S MFLR TX R X H9875 SMF 15 5 - 8 2 3 1 RX TX R X TX R X TX R X TX R X TX R X TX R X TX 4 5 6.
BXM T3/E3, 155, and 622 6-15 Card O peration Figure 6-7 BPX-T3/E3 Bac k Car d, 12-P ort Option Sho wn H9883 R X1 TX 1 R X2 TX 2 RX 3 TX3 R X4 TX4 RX5 TX5 RX6 TX6 R X7 TX7 R X8 TX8 R X9 TX9 R X10 TX10 .
6-16 Cisco BPX 8600 Series Reference Card O peration Y -Cab ling of SMF-622 Series Bac kca rd s The SMF-622 series backcard s may be Y -cabled for redundancy using the Y -Cab le splitter shown in Figure 6-8. The card s must be con figur ed for Y -Cable redundanc y using the addyred command.
BXM T3/E3, 155, and 622 6-17 BXM Functional Descripti on BXM Functional Descrip tion This funct ional descri ption pro vides an o vervi ew of BXM operation.
6-18 Cisco BPX 8600 Series Reference BXM Functio nal Description Figure 6-9 BXM P ort (Access UNI) Ing ress Operati on.
BXM T3/E3, 155, and 622 6-19 BXM Functional Descripti on Egress Th e egress flow of A TM cells out of the BXM when the card is conf igured for port (access) operation is sh own in Figure 6-10.
6-20 Cisco BPX 8600 Series Reference BXM Functio nal Description Ov er v ie w , T run k Mo de This pro vides an ov ervie w of the operation of the B XM when the card is conf igured in the tru nk mode for co nnection to an other node or network.
BXM T3/E3, 155, and 622 6-21 BXM Functional Descripti on Egress Th e egress flo w of A TM cells out of the BXM when the card is configu red for trunk op eration is sho wn in Fi gure 6-12.
6-22 Cisco BPX 8600 Series Reference BXM Functio nal Description Detai led Descr ip tion, P or t (UNI) an d T r unk Mo des The follo wing provides a summ ary of the principal functions perform ed by the major functio nal circ uits of t h e BXM. DRSIU The DRSIU provides a total eg ress capacit y fr om th e BPX switch f abric of 1.
BXM T3/E3, 155, and 622 6-23 BXM Functional Descripti on SABRE The S cheduling and ABR Engine (SABRE) includes bot h VS/VD and F oresight dynami c traf fic transf er rate control and other funct ions: • A T M Forum T raff ic Managemen t 4.0 compliant ABR V irtual Source/V irtual D estination (VS/VD).
6-24 Cisco BPX 8600 Series Reference Fault Man agement and Stati stics F ault Manag ement and Stat istics Note This is a preliminary listing . F ault Management and Statis tics , P or t (UNI) Mode Com.
BXM T3/E3, 155, and 622 6-25 Fault Ma nagement an d Statistics F ault Management and Statis tics, T runk Mode Comp lian t to Bellc ore GR-25 3-COR E Alarms: • Loss Of Signal (LOS ) • Loss Of Point.
6-26 Cisco BPX 8600 Series Reference Technica l Specificatio ns T echnical Specifications Ph ysical La y er • T runk or p ort (access) interface mo de. • Compliant to SONET standard s. — *Bellcore GR -25 3-C ORE, TR-T SY -000 020 — *ANSI T 1.105, T1E1.
BXM T3/E3, 155, and 622 6-27 General SONET Notes • IEC 801-2 , EN55022 • Safety: EN 6 0950, UL 195 0 • Bellcore NEBS:Lev el 3 compliant • Optical Safety: — Intermediate Reach I EC 825-1 (Cla.
6-28 Cisco BPX 8600 Series Reference User Commands User Command s This secti on pro vides a preliminary summary of config uration, pro visionin g, and monitor ing commands associated with t he BXM cards .
BXM T3/E3, 155, and 622 6-29 Configuring Connection s — clrsl otalm -clear slot alarm — dspsloterrs -d isplay slot errors • Statistical Trun k/Line Alarms —c n f l n a l m -config ure line ala.
6-30 Cisco BPX 8600 Series Reference Configuring Conn ections Note The range of VPIs and VCIs reserv ed for PVC traf fic and SVC traff ic is conf igurable us ing the cnfport command. While adding connections, the system checks the entered VPI/VPC against the range re served for SVC tr aff ic.
BXM T3/E3, 155, and 622 6-31 Command Line Interface Examples Command Line In terface Examples The follo w ing p ages ha ve a num ber of command e xamples, incl uding conf iguring BXM lines and trunks an d adding conn ections termi nating on BXM car ds.
6-32 Cisco BPX 8600 Series Reference Command Li ne Interface Ex amples An example of the cnftrk command for trunk 4.1 o f a BXM card foll ows : pubsbpx1 TN SuperUser BPX 15 9.
BXM T3/E3, 155, and 622 6-33 Command Line Interface Examples An example of the upln command for UNI port acces s on a BXM card follo ws: pubsbpx1 TN YourID:1 BPX 15 9.1 Jan. 11 1998 02:18 GMT Line Type Current Line Alarm Status 3.1 OC3 Clear - OK 3.2 OC3 Clear - OK 3.
6-34 Cisco BPX 8600 Series Reference Command Li ne Interface Ex amples An example of the cnfport comm and f or por t 3 o f a BX M card i n slot 3 f ollows: pubsbpx1 TN YourID:1 BPX 15 9.
BXM T3/E3, 155, and 622 6-35 Command Line Interface Examples An example of the upport command follo ws: pubsbpx1 TN YourID:1 BPX 15 9.1 Jan. 11 1998 02:28 GMT Port: 3.
6-36 Cisco BPX 8600 Series Reference Command Li ne Interface Ex amples An example of the cnfcls command for class 2 follo ws: pubsbpx1 TN YourID:1 BPX 15 9.
BXM T3/E3, 155, and 622 6-37 Command Line Interface Examples An example of the cnfcon command for a VBR connecti on follo ws. pubsbpx1 TN YourID:1 BPX 15 9.
6-38 Cisco BPX 8600 Series Reference Command Li ne Interface Ex amples An example of the cnfcon command fo r an ABR connection fo llows: pubsbpx1 TN YourID:1 BPX 15 9.
BXM T3/E3, 155, and 622 6-39 Command Line Interface Examples An example of the dsplns command follo ws: pubsbpx1 TN YourID BPX 15 9.1 Feb. 8 1998 00:22 GMT Line Type Current Line Alarm Status 3.1 OC3 Clear - OK 3.2 OC3 Clear - OK 3.3 OC3 Clear - OK 3.
6-40 Cisco BPX 8600 Series Reference Configuring the BPX Switch for SVCs Configuring the BPX Switch fo r SVCs During the con figuration of BPX switch interfaces, you mu st make sure that the BPX switch IP address, SNMP parameters, an d Network IP address are set consistent with y our local ar ea network (Ethernet LAN).
BXM T3/E3, 155, and 622 6-41 Resource Pa rtitioning Resource P ar titioning Starti ng with switch s of t wa re Rel eas e 8.4 , res ou rces on BPX swi t ch UNI ports an d NN I tr unk s c an be di vided between SVCs and PVC s.
6-42 Cisco BPX 8600 Series Reference Resource Parti tioning ASI SV C Re source P ar t itioni ng A BPX switch A TM Service Interface (ASI) card which will sup port A TM SVCs will have to be added and upped l ike a standard PVC port .
BXM T3/E3, 155, and 622 6-43 Resource Pa rtitioning Note The preceding e xample displays a screen with the Protocol parameter set to None. If Protocol had bee n set to LMI or I LMI, the LMI paramet ers would also appear on the screen. The SVC parameters that need to be configured will remain the same, howe v er .
6-44 Cisco BPX 8600 Series Reference Resource Parti tioning BXM SVC Resource P ar titioning A BXM card used as a UNI port can be configu red to support A TM SVCs. The BXM will have to be added an d upped like a standard PVC por t. The BXM port will ha ve to upped as a line (upln) to function as a UNI po rt.
BXM T3/E3, 155, and 622 6-45 Resource Pa rtitioning Step 5 Configu re the SV C Chan ne ls, SVC VPI Mi n, SVC VPI M ax, and SV C Band width as desi red. Step 6 Next you need to conf igure the SVC Port Queue depth with the cn fportq <portnum> command sh own in the follo wing e xample.
6-46 Cisco BPX 8600 Series Reference Resource Parti tioning BNI T runk SVC Resource P ar titioning When the BNI is used as a trunk in a BPX switch network, it will have to ha ve its resources partitioned to support SVCs.
BXM T3/E3, 155, and 622 6-47 Resource Pa rtitioning Exam ple: BN I cn ftrkp arm C omma nd swong135 VT SuperUser BPX 15 9.1 Sep. 24 1997 07:44 GMT TRK 5.
6-48 Cisco BPX 8600 Series Reference Resource Parti tioning Example: BXM cnftrk Command ins-bpx6 TN SuperUser BPX 15 9.1 Sep. 24 1997 07:45 GMT TRK 3.1 Config OC3 [304301cps] BXM slot: 3 Transmit Rate.
CHAPTER ATM Connec tions 7- 1 7 A TM Connections This chapter descr ibes how A TM connection serv ices are established by adding A TM connections between A TM service interface p orts in the network using A TM standard UNI 3.1 and T raffic Management 4.
7-2 Cisco BPX 860 0 Series Refere nce SVCs Figure 7-1 A TM Connections o ver a BPX Swi tch Netw ork . SVCs When an Extended Services Processor (ESP) is co-locate d with a BPX switch, A TM and Frame Relay Switched V irtual Circuits (SVC s) are supported in addition to Permanent V irtual Circuits (PVCs).
ATM Connec tions 7- 3 Traf f ic Man agem ent Over vie w T raffic Managemen t Overview The A TM Forum T raff ic Management 4.0 Specif ication def ines f iv e basic traf fi c classes: • CBR (Co nstan .
7-4 Cisco BPX 860 0 Series Refere nce Traffic Man age men t Overv iew Standa rd ABR no tes: Standard ABR uses RM (Resource Management) cells to carry feedback informatio n back to the connection’ s source from the con nection’ s destination. ABR sources periodical ly interlea ve RM cells into the data they are transmitting.
ATM Connec tions 7- 5 ATM Connection Require ments Figure 7-2 ABR VSVD Flow Cont rol Diagram F oreSight Co ngestio n Control ForeSig ht may be used for con gestion control across BPX/IGX/IPX switches f or connections that hav e one or both end poi nts terminati ng on ASI-T3/E3 o r BXM cards.
7-6 Cisco BPX 860 0 Series Refere nce ATM Connection Require ments When adding A TM connections, f irst the access port an d access service lines connecting to the customer CPE n eed to be conf igured. Also, the trun ks across the netwo rk need to conf igured appropriately for the type o f connection.
ATM Connec tions 7- 7 ATM Connectio n Configuration A TM Conne ction Config uration The follo w ing f igures and tables describe the paramet ers used to co nfigur e A TM connections: • T able 7-2, T raf fic Policing Definitions. — This table describes the policing optio ns that may be selected for A T M co nnection types: CBR, UBR, and VBR.
7-8 Cisco BPX 860 0 Series Refere nce ATM Connection Configu ration T able 7-2 T raffic P olicing Definitions Note 1: - Fo r UBR.2, SCR = 0 Note 2: — CLP = Cell Lost Priority — CLP(0) means cells .
ATM Connec tions 7- 9 ATM Connectio n Configuration T able 7-3 Connection P arameters with Defaul t Settings and Ranges P ARAMETER WITH [DEF A UL T SETTING] BXM T3 /E3, OC3 & OC12 RANGE ASI T3/E3 .
7-10 Cisco BPX 8600 Series Reference ATM Connection Configu ration ICR: max[MCR, PCR/10] MCR - PCR cells/sec MCR - P CR cells/sec N/A ADTF[100 0] 62 - 8000 msec 1000 – 255 000 msecs. N/ A T rm[1 00] ABRSTD: 1 - 10 0 msec ABRF ST : 3 - 255 mse c 20 – 250 msec s.
ATM Connection s 7-11 ATM Connectio n Configuration T able 7-4 Connec tion P arameter Descri ptions P arameter Desc ription PCR Peak cell rate: The cell rate w hich the s ource may n e ver exceed %Uti.
7-12 Cisco BPX 8600 Series Reference ATM Connection Configu ration Nrm (A TM Forum TM 4.0 term), BXM only . Nrm Maximum number of cells a sou rce may sen d for each fo rward RM cell, i.e. an RM cell must be se nt for ev ery Nrm- 1 data cells FR TT (A TM Forum TM 4.
ATM Connection s 7-13 ATM Connectio n Configuration CBR Co nn ections The CBR (constant bit rate) category is a fix ed bandwid th class. CBR traff ic is more time dependent, less toler ant of delay , and generally more deterministic in bandwidth re quirements.
7-14 Cisco BPX 8600 Series Reference ATM Connection Configu ration VBR and A T FR Co nnecti ons VBR Connections VBR (variab le bit rate) connections may be classifi ed as rt-VBR or nrt-VBR con nections.
ATM Connection s 7-15 ATM Connectio n Configuration T able 7-6 VBR P olicin g Definitions A TFR Connections An AT F R (A TM to Frame Relay) conn ection is a frame relay to A TM connection and is conf igured as a VBR connection , with a number of the A TM and frame relay con nection parameters being mapped between each s ide of the connection.
7-16 Cisco BPX 8600 Series Reference ATM Connection Configu ration Figure 7-5 A TFR Connection Pr ompt Sequence A TFR PCR(0+1) %Util CDVT(0+1) SCR MBS Policing (1, 2, 3, 4, or 5) VC QDepth EFCI IBS For policing prompt: 1 = VBR.
ATM Connection s 7-17 ATM Connectio n Configuration ABR Notes The term ABR is us ed to specify one of the following: • ABR standard without VSVD (Th is is ABR s tandard withou t congestion flow co ntrol.) — Supported b y BXM, ASI-T3 (& ASI-E3), and ASI OC3 cards.
7-18 Cisco BPX 8600 Series Reference ATM Connection Configu ration Figure 7-6 ABR Standar d Connection Pr ompt Sequence ABRSTD PCR(0+1) %Util MCR CDVT(0+1) FBTC (Frame based traffic control - AAL5, en.
ATM Connection s 7-19 ATM Connectio n Configuration Figure 7-7 Meaning of VSVD and Flow Control Externa l Segments VS and VD shown below are for traffic flowing in direction of arrow. For the other direction of traffic, VS and VD are in the opposite direction.
7-20 Cisco BPX 8600 Series Reference ATM Connection Configu ration A TFST Connections The ABRFST connection uses the p ropriety ForeSight con gestion control and is usefu l when conf iguring co nnections on which both en ds do not te rminate on BXM car ds.
ATM Connection s 7-21 ATM Connectio n Configuration An AT F S T connection is a frame relay to A TM connection that is config ured as an ABR connection with ForeSight. ForeSight congestion control is autom atically enabled when connection type A TFST is selected.
7-22 Cisco BPX 8600 Series Reference ATM Connection Configu ration UBR Co nn ections The unspecif ied bit rate ( UBR ) connection service is similar to the ABR connection s ervice for bursty data. Ho we ver , UB R traf f ic is deli v ered only when th ere is spare bandwid th in the network.
ATM Connection s 7-23 Traffic Policing Examples T raffic P olic ing Examples T raf fic Policing, a lso known as Usag e Parameter Control ( UPC), is implemented using either an A T M Forum single or du al-leaky b ucket algorithm.
7-24 Cisco BPX 8600 Series Reference Traffic Policing Exam ples Figure 7-11 CBR Connection, UPC Overview For CBR connections, Leaky Bkt 1 ensures that the combined CLP=0 and CLP=1 cell traffic stays in PCR compliance within the CDVT limits. Leaky Bkt 1 admits compliant CLP cells to the network, and discards non-compliant CLP cells.
ATM Connection s 7-25 Traffic Policing Examples Figure 7-12 sho ws a CBR.1 connection policing example, with policing s et to 4, where the CD VT depth of the single leaky b ucket is not exceeded, and all cells, CLP(0) and CLP(1) are admitted to the network.
7-26 Cisco BPX 8600 Series Reference Traffic Policing Exam ples VBR Dual-Lea ky Buck et P ol icing E xample s The contract for a var iable bit rate connection is set up based on an ag reed upon sus tained cell rate (SCR) with allo wance for occasional data b ursts at a Peak Cell Rate (PCR) as specif ied by maximum bu rst size MBS.
ATM Connection s 7-27 Traffic Policing Examples Figure 7-14 VBR Connection, UPC Overview S6344 Admit to network + SCR BT + CDVT Leaky Bkt 2 For VBR connections, the first bucket polices PCR compliance within the CDVT(0+1) limits. The second bucket polices compliance in terms of sustained cell rate and data bursts within the BT + CDVT limits.
7-28 Cisco BPX 8600 Series Reference Traffic Policing Exam ples Leaky Buc k e t 1 Leak y b ucket 1 polices for the PCR compliance of all cells seeking admission to the network, both those with CLP = 0 and those with CLP =1.
ATM Connection s 7-29 Traffic Policing Examples Examples Figur e 7-15 sho ws a V BR connection p olicing e xample, with policing set to 4, leaky buck et 1 compliant, and all cells being admitted to the net work Figure 7-15 VBR Connection, P olicing = 4, Lea ky Buc ket 1 Compliant .
7-30 Cisco BPX 8600 Series Reference Traffic Policing Exam ples Figure 7-16 sho ws a VBR connectio n policing e xample, w ith the polic ing set to 4 , and leak y bu cket 1 non-compliant which indicates that the connection has exceed ed the PCR for a long enough interv al to exceed the CD VT (0+1) limit.
ATM Connection s 7-31 Traffic Policing Examples Figure 7-17 sho ws a VBR.2 connecti on policing example, wi th policing = 2, and bot h buck ets compliant. Leak y bucket tw o is policing the CLP(0) cell stream for conformance with m aximum bu rst size MBS (as specified by BT), and for compliance with the SCR sustained cell rate.
7-32 Cisco BPX 8600 Series Reference Traffic Policing Exam ples Figure 7-18 sho ws a VBR. 2 connecti on policing e xample, wi th policing set to 2, and leak y b ucket 2 non-complian t.
ATM Connection s 7-33 Traffic Policing Examples Figure 7-19 sho ws a VBR.1 connect ion policing exampl e, with polic ing set to 1, and both b ucket s compliant. Leak y bucket 1 is policing the CLP (0+1) cell strea m for conformance with the PCR limit.
7-34 Cisco BPX 8600 Series Reference Traffic Policing Exam ples Figure 7-20 sho ws a VBR.3 connect ion policing e xample, with policin g set to 3, and Leaky b ucket 2 sho wn as non-comp liant.
ATM Connection s 7-35 Traffic Policing Examples ABR Connec tion P olicin g A v ailable Bit Rate (ABR ) connections are policed the same as the VBR connections, b ut in addition use either the ABR Standard with VSVD conge stion flow co ntrol method or the ForeSight option to take ad van tage of unused ban dwidth when it is a vaila ble.
7-36 Cisco BPX 8600 Series Reference Traffic Policing Exam ples Figure 7-21 UBR Connection, UPC Overview CLP=1 5 CLP= 0 4 CLP=1 3 CLP= 0 2 CLP= 0 1 + PCR(0+1) CDVT(0+1) T ime interval variations Leaky.
ATM Connection s 7-37 Traffic Shaping for CBR, VBR, a nd UBR T raffic Shaping for CBR, VBR, and UBR W ith the introductio n of traf fic shaping for CBR, VB R, and UBR, the us er has the option to pro vide traf fic shaping for these connections types on the BXM.
7-38 Cisco BPX 8600 Series Reference LMI and I LMI Parameters T raffic Sh aping Rates T raff ic shaping rates are liste d in T able 7-8. LMI and ILMI P arameters The follo wing is a listin g of the LMI and ILMI parameters for the ASI and BXM: For ILMI informati on, refer to T able 7-9.
CHAPTER ATM and F rame Relay SVCs , and SPVCs 8-1 8 A TM and F rame Rela y SVCs, and SPVCs This chapter pro vides a brief o vervie w of switched virtual circuits and s oft permanen t virtual circuits with respect to the BPX switch an d co-located Extended Services Proces sor .
8-2 Cisco BPX 860 0 Series Refere nce ATM and Fra me Relay SVCs and SPVCs The ESP provides the BPX switch with the A TM or Frame Relay signaling function. It interprets industry-stand ard signaling messages f rom A TM or Frame Relay CPE to p ro vide the call setup and tear down for switch ed vir tual circuits across the A TM network.
ATM and F rame Relay SVCs , and SPVCs 8-3 ATM and F rame Relay SVCs and SPVCs Refer to t he Cisco W AN Service Node Ext ended Services Pr ocesso r Installat ion and Oper ation for Release 2 .
8-4 Cisco BPX 860 0 Series Refere nce BPX Switch and ESP Interfaces BPX Switch and ESP Interfaces The BPX switch supports the UNI and NNI interfaces for SVC operations as described in the following: • UNI, that is the User Network Interf ace, is the interface fo r either A TM or Frame Relay customer premise equip ment (CPE) to the BPX switch.
ATM and F rame Relay SVCs , and SPVCs 8-5 Signaling Plan e Signaling Plane T o support A TM and Frame Relay SVCs, the BPX switches e ssentially o verlay a s ignaling netw ork ov er a trad itional (that is PVC-b ased) network.
8-6 Cisco BPX 860 0 Series Refere nce Signaling Pl ane Figure 8-3 UNI Signaling Ch annels NNI Signaling Channel There is also a signaling chann el es tablished between each ad jacent pair of BPX switches. This NNI signali ng channel sho wn in Fig ure 8-4 is conf igured for either IISP or PN NI pro tocol.
ATM and F rame Relay SVCs , and SPVCs 8-7 Network Interworki ng Between Frame Relay and ATM Figure 8-4 ESP Signaling PVC Netw ork Interworking Between Frame Relay and A TM Because the BPX switch is an.
8-8 Cisco BPX 860 0 Series Refere nce Extended Se rvices Processor Extended Ser vices Pr ocessor The Extended Services Processor (ESP) is an adjunct proces sor shelf integrated into the BPX switch.
ATM and F rame Relay SVCs , and SPVCs 8-9 Extended Se rvices Proces sor The ESP also pro vides the follo wing application interfaces: • SNMP to configure and monitor the ESP .
8-10 Cisco BPX 8600 Series Reference Extended Se rvices Processor Figure 8-6 ESP Redundant Pair Y -Cable Redundanc y The W AN Service Node p rovides another form of ESP redundanc y protect ion through th e use of Y -cables. W ith Y -cables, the ESP A TM NIC can be con nected to two BXM cards o r two BXM ports, as shown in Figure 8-7.
ATM an d Frame Relay SVCs, and SPVCs 8-11 Network Ma nagement Other Redundancy Options Figure 8-7 illustrates only a single ESP -to-B XM redundancy o ption . There are four ESP-to-BXM redu ndancy o pt ions p ossib l e : 1 A single ESP with a Y -cable to redun dant BXMs.
8-12 Cisco BPX 8600 Series Reference Resource Parti tioning MGX 8220 A USM p ort resources to be partitioned are: • LCN range • VPI range MGX 8220 FRSM por t reso urce s to be partitioned are: •.
CHAPTER Tag Switch ing 9-1 9 T ag Switching This chapt er contains an o v ervie w of tag s witching and instructi ons for conf igur ing the BPX 86 50 for the tag s witching feature: This chapter conta.
9-2 Cisco BPX 860 0 Series Refere nce Tag Switc hing Benefits T a g Switc hing B enefi ts For multi-service networks, tag switching enables the BPX switch to provide A TM, frame relay , and IP Internet service all on a single platform in a highly scalable way .
Ta g Switching 9-3 Elements in a Tag Switching Network Elements in a T ag Switching Netw ork The basic elements in a tag switching networ k are tag edge routers, tag s witches, and a tag distrib ution.
9-4 Cisco BPX 860 0 Series Refere nce Tag Switc hing in an ATM WAN Control The control component consists of tag allocation and maintenance procedures. The con trol component is responsibl e for creating tag bindings between a tag and IP routes, and then distrib uting these tag bindings to the ta g sw itches.
Ta g Switching 9-5 Tag Switc hing in an ATM WAN Figure 9-2 T ag Forw arding Informa tion Base (TFIB) in an A TM En vironm ent Control A TM-TSRs use the do wnstream-on-d emand allocating mechanism. Each A TM-TSR maintains a forwarding information base (FIB) th at contains a list of all IP routes that the A TM-TSR u ses.
9-6 Cisco BPX 860 0 Series Refere nce Tag Switc hing in an ATM WAN Figure 9-3 shows an e xample of conserv ati v e allocation. A TM edge TSR R T A is an IP routing peer to A TM- TSR R TB. In turn, A TM-TSR R TB is an IP routing peer to A TM-TSR-R TC. IP routing updates are e xchanged o ver VPI/VCI 0/32 between R T A-R TB and R TB-R TC.
Ta g Switching 9-7 Tag Switching and the BPX 8650 T ag Switching and the BPX 8650 W ith tag s witching the router functio n can be accomplished b y either inte grating the routing eng ine into the switch or by using a separate routing controller (ass ociated router).
9-8 Cisco BPX 860 0 Series Refere nce Tag Switc hing and the BPX 8650 Figure 9-4 BPX T ag Switc hing 40 12 12 Network 7500 TER-T 7500 TER-U BPX 8650 TS-A BPX 8650 TS-C 7500 TER-S BPX 8650 TS-D BPX 862.
Ta g Switching 9-9 Tag Switching and the BPX 8650 Vir tual Switc h Interf aces Figure 9-5 shows ho w virtual switch interfaces are implemented b y the BPX switch in order to facilitate tag switching.
9-10 Cisco BPX 8600 Series Reference Tag Switc hing and the BPX 8650 Figure 9-6 Connection Se tup, End P oints on same VSI Sla ve Figure 9-7 Connection Se tup, End P oints on Different VSI Slaves Master S6876 Slave Note: Both connection end points on same slave 1.
Tag Switching 9-11 Tag Swit ching Resource Config uration Paramete rs T ag Switching Resource Configuratio n P aram eters This section describes re so urce partitioning for tag switch in g.
9-12 Cisco BPX 8600 Series Reference Tag Switching Resource Co nfigu ration Paramete rs Configuring VSI LCNS In the f irst release of tag s witching, each BXM card suppo rts 16k connections in to tal, including PVCs, tag switching VSI connections, and connections used for internal signaling .
Tag Switching 9-13 Tag Swit ching Resource Config uration Paramete rs T able 9-2 P ort Connecti on Allocations (where x is the port number , and subs cript “ 1 ” is the partition number) AutoRoute is guaranteed to hav e its assigned connection spaces (LCNs) av ai lable.
9-14 Cisco BPX 8600 Series Reference Tag Switching Resource Co nfigu ration Paramete rs Details o f More Rigoro us Allocatio ns More rigorous allocations are pos sible as may b e desired when the default v alues are not applicable.
Tag Switching 9-15 Requiremen ts Requirements • BCC cards of one of th e follo wing v ersions: — BCC-3 -64 — BCC-4 -64 — BCC-4 -128 • BPX switches require BXM cards to originate, terminate, or transfer tag switchin g connections.
9-16 Cisco BPX 8600 Series Reference Related Documents T ag switch controller (T SC) —An IOS platform t hat runs the generic ta g switchi ng softw are and is capable of con trolling the operation of an e xternal A TM (or other type of) switch , making the interfaces of the latter appear e xternally as TC-A TM interfaces.
Tag Switching 9-17 Configuration Crite ria Configuration C riteria T ag switching for VSIs on a BXM card is conf igured u sing the cnfrsr c and cnfqbin commands.
9-18 Cisco BPX 8600 Series Reference Configuration Crite ria A detailed description of the cnfrsr c parameters is provided later in this chapter in the Command Refer ence section under the heading cnfrsr c . A brief summary of the parameters and thei r use is prov i ded in T able 9-4.
Tag Switching 9-19 Configuration Ex ample Configuration Exam ple The following initial configuration example for a BPX tag swi tching router is with respect to a BXM OC3 card l ocated in slo t 4 of the BP X switch, a T ag Switch Co ntroller (e.g. , 7500 or 7200 seri es router) connected to BXM port 4.
9-20 Cisco BPX 8600 Series Reference Configuration Ex ample Step 4 Enter the dspcd command to check the port group ma x that can be entered for the maxv silcn pa rame ter of the cnfrsrc command. In this e xample, the m aximum v alue for a port g roup is 7048.
Tag Switching 9-21 Configuration Ex ample Step 5 On the BXM in slot 4, bri ng up the po rts 4.1, 4.2 , and 4.3, as follo ws: Note The follo wing e xample enables ports 4.1, 4.2, and 4.3 in trunk mode w ith the uptrk command, the y could also all be upped in port mode using the up port command .
9-22 Cisco BPX 8600 Series Reference Configuration Ex ample Sample D isplay: n4 TN SuperUser BPX 15 9.1 Apr. 4 1998 16:40 PST Port/Trunk : 4.1 Maximum PVC LCNS: 256 Maximum PVC Bandwidth:26000 Min Lcn.
Tag Switching 9-23 Configuration Ex ample If the interf aces require other than a max PVC bandwidth of 10 Mbp s or require other than a PVC LCN conf iguration of 256, ad just the conf iguration according ly . Step 8 For this release, Class of Service buf fer 1 0 is used for tag s witching connections.
9-24 Cisco BPX 8600 Series Reference Configuration Ex ample Sample D isplay: Sample Display: n4 TN SuperUser BPX 15 9.1 Apr. 4 1998 16:41 PST Qbin Database 4.1 on BXM qbin 10 Qbin State: Enabled Minimum Bandwith: 0 Qbin Discard threshold: 65536 Low CLP/EPD threshold: 95% High CLP/EPD threshold: 100% EFCI threshold: 40% Last Command: cnfqbin 4.
Tag Switching 9-25 Checking an d Troubleshooti ng Checking and T r oubleshooting Use the follo wing procedur e as a quick checkout o f the tag switching conf iguration and operation with respect to the BPX switch.
9-26 Cisco BPX 8600 Series Reference Checking a nd Troubleshoo ting Step 3 Check the trunk status with the following command: dsptrks The dsptrk s screen sh ould sho w 4.1, 4.2 and 4.3, with the “Other End” of 4.1 reading “VSI (VSI)”. A typical dsptrks screen examp le follows: Sample D isplay n4 TN SuperUser BPX 15 9.
Tag Switching 9-27 Checking an d Troubleshooti ng Step 5 Enter the dsprsrc com mand as follows : dsp rsrc 4. 1 1 The resulting screen shoul d sho w the settings sh o wn in the following e xample: Sample D isplay: n4 TN SuperUser BPX 15 9.1 Apr. 4 1998 16:47 PST Port/Trunk : 4.
9-28 Cisco BPX 8600 Series Reference Checking a nd Troubleshoo ting Step 8 T ry a ping on th e tag switch co nnections. If the ping does n't work, but al l the tag switch ing and routing conf igu.
Tag Switching 9-29 Provis ioning and Mana ging Connection s Pr ovisioning and Managing Conn ections Instructions for configuration of the BPX switch including the setting of VSI p artitions for tag switching ar e prov ided in thi s document. Addi ng (provi sioning) an d administer ing connections is performed from the T ag Switch Co n troller .
9-30 Cisco BPX 8600 Series Reference Command Referenc e Command R eference This section pro vides a description of the BPX switch and TSC commands referenced in this chapter on tag switching. They are presented in the following order: BPX Switch Comm ands A summary of the following commands is provided in this section .
Tag Switching 9-31 addshelf addshelf Adds an A TM link between a hub no de and an interface s helf such as an MGX 8220, I PX shelf, or IGX shelf in a tiered network, or an A TM link between a BXM card on a BPX node and a tag switch controll er such as a s eries 720 0 or 7500 rou ter .
9-32 Cisco BPX 8600 Series Reference addshelf Description f or T ag Switching For tag switching, before it can carry traff ic, the link to a tag switch controller must be “upped” (using either uptrk or upport ) at the BPX node. The link can then be “add ed” to the network (using addsh elf ).
Tag Switching 9-33 addshelf Description f or Inter f ace Shel ves An interface shelf can be one of the follo win g: • An MGX 8220 con nected to a BPX node • An IPX or IGX node connected to a BPX node that s erves as a hub for the IPX/AF or IGX/AF .
9-34 Cisco BPX 8600 Series Reference cnfqbin cnfqbin T ag switched VC connections are gr ouped into large b uffers called Qbins. This command conf igures the Qbins. For the EFT release of tag switching, Qbin 10 is used for tagged switch conn ectio ns.
Tag Switching 9-35 cnfqbin Description The follo w ing example s how s the conf iguration of a BXM Qbin on port 4.1 fo r tag switc hing Example Conf igure a Qbin b y enabling it and accepting the defau lts for the other param eters: cnfqbin 4.1 10 e 0 65536 95 100 40 Sample Display: n4 TN SuperUser BPX 15 9.
9-36 Cisco BPX 8600 Series Reference cnfr src cnfrsr c This command configures resources among AutoRoute PVCs and VSI partitions. Syntax cnfrsrc slot .port maxp vclcns maxpvcb w partition e/d min vsilcns maxvs ilcns vsi startvpi vsiendvp i vsiminbw vsimaxbw Example cnfrsrc 4.
Tag Switching 9-37 cnfrsrc min vsilcns The minimu m number of LCNs guaranteed for th is partition. Th e VSI controlle r guarantee s at least this m any co nnection end points in the partition, pr ovided t hat there are suf f icient free LCNs in the common po ol to satisfy the request at the time the partit ion is added .
9-38 Cisco BPX 8600 Series Reference cnfr src Description The follo win g paragraphs describe vario us conf igurat ions of B XM port reso urces for tag switching . The f irst allocation example is using default allocations . The second allocation e xample describes more rigorous allocations where default allocations are not applicable.
Tag Switching 9-39 cnfrsrc Details o f More Rigoro us Allocatio ns More rigorous allocations are possible when default v alues are not applicable. F or example, the LCN allocations for a port group mu.
9-40 Cisco BPX 8600 Series Reference cnfr src When a port partition has exhausted its con f igured guar anteed LCNs (min LCNs), it may draw LCNs for ne w connections on a FIFO basis from the un allocated LCNs, “z 1 ”, until its maximum number of LCNs, “m 1 (x)”, is reached or the poo l, “z1”, is ex hausted.
Tag Switching 9-41 cnfrsrc The v alues sho w n in T able 9-6 for the po rt group con taining port s 1-4 may be s ummarized as follo ws: — Port 1 i s guaran teed to be ab l e to su ppo rt 12 0 Aut oRou te co nn ectio ns (P VCs) and 3 000 t ag VCs (TVCs).
9-42 Cisco BPX 8600 Series Reference cnfr src T able 9-6 LCN Alloca tions f or 8-port OC3 BXM, P orts Configured in T runk Mode Figure 9-11 LCN Allocation s for P or ts 1-4, P or ts Configured in T ru.
Tag Switching 9-43 cnfrsrc Example 2, 8-P or t OC3 BXM Configured in P or t Mode BXM ports conf igured for port mode rather than trunk mode ha ve more connection spaces av ailable for use b y the TVC connections as it is not necessary to provide connection spaces for u se by the AutoRoute trunks .
9-44 Cisco BPX 8600 Series Reference cnfr src — Port 3 i s guaranteed t o support up to 15 PVCs , and no more. I t is not g uaranteed to su pport any TVCs, b ut will supp ort up to: 4907 TVCs, subject to av ailability of unallocated LCNs “z 1 ” on a FIFO basis.
Tag Switching 9-45 cnfrsrc Figure 9-12 LCN Allocation s for P or ts 1-4, P orts Configured in P ort Mode Example T able 9-7 LCN Alloca tions f or 8-P ort OC3 BXM, P orts Configured in P or t Mode P or.
9-46 Cisco BPX 8600 Series Reference dspcd dspcd Displays the status, re vision, and serial nu mber of a card. If a back card is present, its type, re vision, and serial nu mber appear .
Tag Switching 9-47 dsp cds dspcds Displays the cards in a shelf, front and back, with their type, re vision, and status. Syntax dspcds [l] Example dspcds Attrib utes Related Commands dncd, ds pcd, resetcd, u pcd P arameters-dspcds Description For fro nt and back card sets, the status f ield applies to the card s as a set.
9-48 Cisco BPX 8600 Series Reference dspcds In the preced ing messages , an asteri sk (*) means an addi tional status designation for BCC, NPC, or NPM cards.
Tag Switching 9-49 dspnode dspn ode Displays a summary of interface de vices connected to a routing node, or when executed from an I P X or IGX interf ace shelve sho ws the name of its hub node and tru nk number .
9-50 Cisco BPX 8600 Series Reference dspnode Example Displays information about tag switch controllers and interface shelv es (ex ecuted on the BPX hu b node). Sample D isplay: n4 TN SuperUser BPX 15 9.1 Apr. 4 1998 16:40 PSTT BPX Interface Shelf Information Trunk Name Type Alarm 3.
Tag Switching 9-51 dspqbin dspq bin Displays the conf iguration o f the specified Qbin on a BXM. Syntax dspqbin <slot.port> <q bin number> Example dspqbin 4.1 10 Attrib utes Related Commands cnfqbin P arameters-dspqbin Description The follo w ing example s how s confi guration of Q bin 10 on por t 4.
9-52 Cisco BPX 8600 Series Reference dspqbin Example dspqbin 4.1 10 Sample D isplay: n4 TN SuperUser BPX 15 9.1 Apr. 4 1998 16:40 PST Qbin Database 4.1 on BXM qbin 10 Qbin State: Enabled Minimum Bandwith: 0 Qbin Discard threshold: 65536 Low CLP/EPD threshold: 95% High CLP/EPD threshold: 100% EFCI threshold: 40% This Command: dspqbin 4.
Tag Switching 9-53 dsprsrc dsprsr c Displays the tag switching resource co nfiguration of the specified partition on a BXM card. Syntax dsprsrc <slot.
9-54 Cisco BPX 8600 Series Reference dsptrks dsptrks Display info rmat ion on th e trunk con fi gu rati on and alarm st atus for the tr unk s at a node.
Tag Switching 9-55 dsptrks Example Enter the dsptrks command as follows to display the trunk s on a BP X switch: dsptrks Sample D isplay: n4 TN SuperUser BPX 15 9.1 Apr. 4 1998 16:40 PST TRK Type Current Line Alarm Status Other End 2.1 OC3 Clear - OK j4a/2.
9-56 Cisco BPX 8600 Series Reference resetcd resetcd The reset card command resets the hardw are and softw are for a specif ied card. Syntax resetcd <slot_num> <res et_type> Example res e .
Tag Switching 9-57 upport uppor t Displays the cards in a shelf, fro nt and back, with their type, revis ion, and status. Syntax upport <slo t.port> Example upport 4 .
9-58 Cisco BPX 8600 Series Reference upport Description The follo wing example s hows the screen th at is displayed when the follo wing command is entered to up a port on an ASI card: upport 4.2 System Response Sample D isplay: n4 TN SuperUser BPX 15 9.
Tag Switching 9-59 uptr k uptrk Activ ates (or “up s”) a trunk. Syntax uptrk <slot.port>[.vtrk] Example uptrk 4.1 Related Commands addtrk, dntrk Attrib utes P arame ters-u ptr k Opti onal Pa.
9-60 Cisco BPX 8600 Series Reference uptrk T ag Switch Cont roller: F or a tag switch controller, the delshelf command is also used to deacti vate the link between the B PX routing node and the tag switch controller . In the case of tag switching, this is a link between a p ort on the BXM card and the tag switch co ntroller .
CHAPTER BME Multica sting 10-1 10 BME Multicasting This chapter contains an ov erview o f multicasting and a description of the BME card used on the BPX switch for m ulticasting.
10-2 Cisco BPX 8600 Series Reference Standards • V ideo distr ibutio n, e.g., IP mul ticast video networks to the deskto p • Remo te lea rning • Medical imaging Standar ds • UNI 3.
BME Multica sting 10-3 Connection Ma nagement Crite ria BME Re st rictions • BMEs can fun ction in t he follo wing tw o BPX node con fi gurations: — BCC-4 s and B X Ms onl y — BCC-3 cont rol car.
10-4 Cisco BPX 8600 Series Reference BME Operation BME Operation Cables are connected between port 1 and por t 2 of the backcard, tran smit to recei ve and recei v e to transmit. Note Removing the physical loopback cables or placing line 1 or 2 into loopback will prev ent the cells from the root r eaching the lea ves.
BME Multica sting 10-5 BME Operati on Cell Replic ation Stats As an e xample of ho w traf fic appears on the BME, if there is one ro ot at port 1 with two leav es at port 2, and traf f ic is passed on.
10-6 Cisco BPX 8600 Series Reference BME Operation Figure 10-3 Adding Multic asting Connec tions Multi-Se gme nt Mult ica st Connecti on s Figure 10-4 shows an e xample of a multi-se gment multicast connection where a leaf connection from on e BME can become a root connection f or another BME.
BME Multica sting 10-7 Alarms • dspchstat s 5.2. 75.40 on BP X switch 2 (av aila ble) • dspchstat s 11.9.1 23.432 on BPX switch 3 (av ailable) Figure 10-5 Statistics Collec tion P olicing Policing is supported on all leaf connections on the BME end.
10-8 Cisco BPX 8600 Series Reference Hot Standby Backu p AIS cells AIS cells are automatically generated on the lea ves, as sh own in Figure 10-7, when: • There is a loss o f signal (LOS) on th e far end of the root • There is a trunk failure • When the roo t connection is do wned us ing the dncon command .
BME Multica sting 10-9 Configuration Configuration If the multicast tree has a large number of leaf connections, fo r example, 3000, then the cnfportq command shou ld be used to conf igure the Qbin thre shold to be gr eater than needed for h alf the number of leav es so as to assure that the multicast group will have no discards.
10-1 0 Cisco BPX 8 600 Series Referen ce Configuration M anagement.
CHAPTER Repair a nd Replac ement 11-1 11 Repair and Replacement This chapter descr ibes periodic maintenance pr ocedures, troubleshoo ting procedures, and the replacement of majo r BPX switch components.
11-2 Cisco BPX 8600 Series Reference Troubleshoo ting the BPX Switch The F AIL indicators on the cards indicate that the system has found th ese cards defecti ve in some mode, and n ow co nsiders them as failed cards. Use T able 11-1 to fi nd the cause and ob tain the information on replacing the failed com ponent.
Repair a nd Replac ement 11-3 Troubleshoo ting the BPX Switch BXM Por t LED is r ed or or ange (BXM config ured for trunk mode). T runk is in local or re mote alarm. Use NMS dsptrk scre en to conf irm trouble . BNI Port LED is red or ora nge. Trunk is in loca l or remote ala rm.
11-4 Cisco BPX 8600 Series Reference Troubleshoo ting the BPX Switch Displ a y ing the St atus of Ca rds in the Node When a card indicates a failed condition on the alarm summary screen, use the Display Cards ( dspcds ) command to display the status of the circuit cards on a node.
Repair a nd Replac ement 11-5 Replacing Pa rts Replacing Parts After an alarm occur s, use the BPX switch softw are to isolate the problem. If an BPX s witch part has failed , then it must be re placed. Caution Only authorized p ersonnel should remo ve and replace parts on the BPX s witch system.
11-6 Cisco BPX 8600 Series Reference Replacing P arts Step 5 Unlatch the Air Intake Grille. Locate the small access hole in the top, center of the Air Intake Grille. Step 6 Fully insert a medium, flat-bladed s crewdri ver in the access hole. Step 7 Rotate the scr ewdri ver to release the spring latch ho lding the grille.
Repair a nd Replac ement 11-7 Replacing Pa rts Figure 11-1 Unlatching the Air Intake Gri lle Replac ing a Line Module The conf iguration of the back card may be slightly differen t dependin g on whether it is a single card or redundan t card conf ig uration .
11-8 Cisco BPX 8600 Series Reference Replacing P arts Step 6 Loosen the two capti ve scre ws on the back card faceplate and, pulling on the top and bottom card e xtractors, slide the card straight out of the shelf slot. (See Figure 11-2.) T o install a line module, perform the following steps: Step 1 Insert the line modu le (e.
Repair a nd Replac ement 11-9 Replacing Pa rts Figure 11-2 Remo ving a Line Module Repla cing a DC P ow er En tr y Module DC Po wer Entry Modules (PEMs ) contain fe w activ e components so they should rarely need replacement. Access is from the back of the n ode.
11-1 0 Cisco BPX 8 600 Series Referen ce Replacing P arts Figure 11-3 DC Po wer Entry Module with Conduit Bo x Step 6 If a conduit box is used , remo ve it.
Repai r and Repla cement 11-11 Replacing Pa rts Repla cing an A C P ow er Supp ly BPX switches are po wered by redun dant power supp li es; either p ower supply can supply t he cur rent requirements of the node. Th e A C Po wer Supply is p art of an ass embly which is replaced as a sing le unit.
11-1 2 Cisco BPX 8 600 Series Referen ce Replacing P arts Step 8 There are two power su pply securing fas teners, one on each s ide of the po wer supply assembly (Figure 11-4). The one on the left of each su pply is a spring- loaded pin, the one on the right o f each supply is a nor mal thumb-scre w .
Repai r and Repla cement 11-13 Replacing Pa rts Step 5 Screw in the thumb -scre w o n the right sid e of the power supply ass embly until i t is finger tight.
11-1 4 Cisco BPX 8 600 Series Referen ce Replacing P arts Replac ing the T empe rature Sens ing Uni t The temperature sens ing unit is located on the ASM card. If the temperature indication using the dspasm command does not appear to b e correct, try a replacement ASM card.
Repai r and Repla cement 11-15 Replacing Pa rts Figure 11-6 Card Slo t and F an Fuse Loc ations on System Backpl ane 1 5 1 4 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 0 987654321 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 F10 F11 F12 F13 F14 F15 F16 F17.
11-1 6 Cisco BPX 8 600 Series Referen ce Replacing P arts.
CHAPTER Frame Relay to ATM Network and Service In terworki ng 12-1 12 F rame Rela y to A TM Netw or k and Ser vice Interwor king This chapter describes Frame Relay to A TM interworking.
12-2 Cisco BPX 8600 Series Reference Figure 12-1 Frame Rela y to A TM Network Inte rworkin g Figure 12-2 Frame Rela y to A TM Service Interwor king H8225 CPE Part A Network interworking connection from CPE Frame Relay port to CPE Frame Relay port across an ATM Network with the interworking function performed by both ends of the network.
Frame Relay to ATM Network and Service In terworki ng 12-3 Service Interw orki ng Figure 12-3 Frame Rela y to A TM Interworking Examples with AIT Card on IPX Switch Service Interworking In Service Int.
12-4 Cisco BPX 8600 Series Reference Networking Interworki ng interface s upported b y the MGX 8220, e.g., ASI, A USM. Tran slation between the Frame Relay and A TM protocols is performed in accordance with RFC 149 0 and RFC 1483.
Frame Relay to ATM Network and Service In terworki ng 12-5 Networking Interworki ng Figure 12-5 Frame Rela y to A TM NW Interworki ng Detail S6166 Physical ATM SAR CPCS Upper layers B - CPE Physical ATM BNM Physical ATM BNI Physical ATM BNI Physical Physical Physical ATM SAR CPCS Fr Rly Q.
12-6 Cisco BPX 8600 Series Reference Networking Interworki ng The frame relay to A TM net working interworking function is av ailable as follows: • IPX switch frame relay (shelf/feeder ) to IPX switch frame relay (either routing node or shelf/feeder).
Frame Relay to ATM Network and Service In terworki ng 12-7 ATM Prot ocol Sta ck Discard selection is b ased upon the standard CLP bit in the cells. When the routing path enters an IPX/IGX switch, an A.
12-8 Cisco BPX 8600 Series Reference AIT/BTM Inte rworking and the ATM Proto col Stack AIT/BTM Interworking and the A TM Protocol Stac k A TM to Frame Relay i nterworki ng (A TF) performs v arious tasks incl uding the fol lowing : • Con vers ion of PDUs between the frame relay and A TM virtual circuits of the f rame relay and A TM user devices.
Frame Relay to ATM Network and Service In terworki ng 12-9 AIT /BT M I nter work ing a nd th e ATM Proto col S tack Figur e 12-8 Protoc ol Stack Ope ration S5242 FLAG DLCI upper DLCI lower Q.
12-1 0 Cisco BPX 8 600 Series Referen ce AIT/BTM Control Mapping, Fra mes and Cells AIT/BTM Cont r ol Mapping, Fr ames an d Cells In addi tion to perform ing DLCI to PVC/VCC con versi on, the netw ork.
Frame R elay to ATM Network and S ervice Interw orking 12-11 Managem ent, OAM Cells Management, O AM Cells O AM cell processing : • F5 O AM loopback • AIS • FERF • Cisco W AN switching Interna.
12-1 2 Cisco BPX 8 600 Series Referen ce Functional Description • Te s t tstcon not supported at BPX switch endpoints; it is suppor ted at IPX switch endpoints • Gatew ay terminated inter-domain c.
Frame R elay to ATM Network and S ervice Interw orking 12-13 Functional Des cription Structure • NNI The NNI format supp orts a 12-bit VPI. A-bit s tatus changes are passed to the remote end of the connection. • ILMI The ILMI MIB an d protocol was impl emented in releas e 7.
12-1 4 Cisco BPX 8 600 Series Referen ce Functional Description OAM Cell Suppor t O AM cells are detected and transmitted by the ASI- 1 firmw are. System softwar e displays alarm indications detected b y the f irmware. Additionally , loopbacks between the A TM-UNI and the A TM-CPE can be establ ished.
Frame R elay to ATM Network and S ervice Interw orking 12-15 Functional Des cription User Commands The follo wing user commands are as sociated with diagnostics changes: • addloclp • addrmtlp • .
12-1 6 Cisco BPX 8 600 Series Referen ce Managem ent User Commands The follo wing user commands are ass ociated with virtual circuit feature changes: • addcon • addcon grp • cnfcon • cnfatmcls.
Frame R elay to ATM Network and S ervice Interw orking 12-17 Manag ement Routing Interworking conn ections use th e com ple x gate way featu re o f the AIT tr unk card to repack age d ata from frames to A TM cells, and v i ce-v ersa. All BPX switch-IPX switch hops these con nections route ov er must provide the complex gate way function.
12-1 8 Cisco BPX 8 600 Series Referen ce Managem ent Connection Managemen t The NNI cell format has 12 bits for the VPI, so addco n allo ws s pecif ication of VPI 0 -40 95 on N NI ports.
CHAPTER Tiered Network s 13-1 13 Tiered Netw orks This chapter descr ibes the tiered network architecture that supports interf ace shelves (no n-routing nodes) co nnected to an IPX/I GX/BPX routing netw ork.
13-2 Cisco BPX 8600 Series Reference Routing Hubs and Interface S helves Frame relay connection s originating at IPX interface sh elves and frame relay , A TM, CESM, and FUNI connections originating at MGX 82 20 interface shelv es are rout ed across the routing netw ork via their associated BPX ro uting hubs.
Tiered Network s 13-3 BPX Routing Hubs in a Tiered Network BPX Routing Hubs in a Tiered Net w ork T iered networks with BPX routing hubs hav e the capability of adding interface shelves/feeders (non-rou ting nodes) to an IPX/IGX/BPX routing network (Figure 13-2).
13-4 Cisco BPX 8600 Series Reference BPX Routing Hubs in a Tiered Net work • Frame Relay and A TM connection mana gement to an MGX 8220 interf ace shelf is pro vide by Cisco StrataV iew Plus • T elnet is supported to an in terface shelf; the vt com mand is not.
Tiered Network s 13-5 BPX Routing Hubs in a Tiered Network Connections within tiered n etworks cons ist of distinct segments within each tier . A ro uting segment trav erses the rou ting network, an d an interface shelf se gment pro vides connecti vity to the interf ace shelf end-point.
13-6 Cisco BPX 8600 Series Reference BPX Routing Hubs in a Tiered Net work Fo r e Si g h t F oresight for an IPX interf ace shelf terminated Frame Relay conn ections is pro vided end-to-end between Frame Relay ports , r e g ardles s as to whether thes e p orts res ide o n an IPX interf ace shelf or within the routing network.
Tiered Network s 13-7 BPX Routing Hubs in a Tiered Network • Configuration Save/Restore • SNMP Confi gu ration and Ma nagement The interface shelv e s attached to each hub must ha ve unique names . Each interf ace s helf must also be assigned a u nique IP address.
13-8 Cisco BPX 8600 Series Reference BPX Routing Hubs in a Tiered Net work Alarm Management on the IPX Int erf ace Shelf P or t Management Uses existing commands Connection Management Param eters entered at SV+ when adding connection. Bandwidth Manage ment Param eters entered at SV+ when addi ng connection.
Tiered Network s 13-9 IGX Routing Hubs in a Tiered Ne twork IGX Routing Hubs in a Tiered Network W ith tiered netw orks, IGX nodes on the edge of the network are conf igured as interf ace shelves and are connected to IGX nodes conf igured as router hubs.
13-1 0 Cisco BPX 8 600 Series Referen ce IGX Routing Hubs in a Tiered Netw ork Figure 13-4 IGX Shelves a nd Routing Hubs, Fram e Rela y Connections Tiered Netw ork Implementa tion The follo wing applies to IGX routing hubs and interf ace shelves: • An IGX routin g hub supports u p to 4 IGX interface sh elves.
Tiered N etworks 13-11 IGX Routing Hubs in a Tiered Ne twork • Remote printing b y the interface shelf via a print command fr om the routing n etwork is no t support ed.
13-1 2 Cisco BPX 8 600 Series Referen ce IGX Routing Hubs in a Tiered Netw ork Defini tions Upg rad es Con vertin g an IGX node to an interface shelf requires re-conf iguring connections on the node, as no upgrade path is provided in ch anging a routing nod e to an interface shelf.
Tiered N etworks 13-13 IGX Routing Hubs in a Tiered Ne twork Communicat ion includes the real time notif ication of the additio n or deletion of a connection segment and the ability to pass the av ailability (active state) or una v ailabi lity (inacti ve state) of the connections cros sing this interface.
13-1 4 Cisco BPX 8 600 Series Referen ce IGX Routing Hubs in a Tiered Netw ork • IP Relay • Robus t Object Updates • Robust Alarm Updates • Real-time Counters • Event Logging • Software/Fi.
Tiered N etworks 13-15 User Inte rface Comm ands Alarm Management of Int er f ace Shelf on the IGX Hub Node Alarm Management on the IGX Interf ace Shelf P or t Management Uses existing commands Connection Management Param eters entered at Cisco StrataV iew Plus when adding connections.
13-1 6 Cisco BPX 8 600 Series Referen ce User Inte rface Comm ands dspal ms dsptrks Data C onnectio n Comma nds addco n dspcon dspcons Data Cha nn el Commands cnfchdfm cnfcheia cnfcldir cnfdchtp cnfdc.
Tiered N etworks 13-17 Cisco StrataVie w Plus NMS Cisco StrataView Plus NMS Interface shelf and feed er trunk inf ormation is rep orted to Cisco StrataV ie w Plus by the rou ting hub and interf ace shelf. Cisco StrataV ie w Plus can virtually connect to any node in the network via a TCP/IP connection.
13-1 8 Cisco BPX 8 600 Series Referen ce Cisc o Str ataV iew Plu s NMS.
CHAPTER BPX SNMP Agent 14-1 14 BPX SNMP Agent This chapt er introduces the functions o f the Simple Network Manag ement Protocol ( SNMP) agent that is embedded in each BPX node. T o benefit from this chapter , readers should have a general kno wledge of SNMP , IP protocols, and MIBs.
14-2 Cisco BPX 8600 Series Reference SNMP Over view Figure 14-1 sho ws an SNMP manager and the nodes wi thin a domain. Figure 14-1 SNMP Man ager and Age nts in a B PX Domain Communication between the agents and the SNMP manag er uses the standar d UDP protocol encapsulated within IP protocol.
BPX SNMP Agent 14-3 SNMP Function s SNMP Functions The SNMP p rotoco l pro vides a bas ic quer y-respo nse m odel for network mana gement. Th e net work manager has access to Get (Get-Next) and Set functions. A Get request lets the manager read variables in the BPX switch.
14-4 Cisco BPX 8600 Series Reference SNMP Functio ns Responses to Get (Get- Ne xt) Requests When an SNMP manager workstation sends an SNMP Get request packet to a BPX agent, it utilizes the IP protocol f or addressing.
BPX SNMP Agent 14-5 MIB II Support Responses to Set Requ ests When an SNMP manager workstation sends an SNMP Set request packet to a BPX agent, it utilizes the IP protocol f or addressing. The req uest packet can use either a LAN interface for a locally attached management w orkstation or a netw ork interf ace for remote access.
14-6 Cisco BPX 8600 Series Reference Cisco WA N Switching Prop rietary MIB Structure Cisco W AN Switching Proprietary MIB Structu re This section is an overv iew of th e Cisco W AN Switching proprietary MIB. The proprietary MIB resides un der the enterprises branch of the SNMP tree structure (1.
BPX SNMP Agent 14-7 Cisco WAN Sw itching Propr ietary MIB Struc ture The A TM endpoint-specif ic information (last item in the pre vious list) p rovides the mechanism for the manager to p rovision and con figure A TM connections. The a v ailable endpoint-specif ic information is: • Local descri pti on (e.
14-8 Cisco BPX 8600 Series Reference Cisco WA N Switching Prop rietary MIB Structure.
APPENDIX BPX Node Spec ifications A-1 A BPX Node Specifications This appendix lists in formation for the BPX sy stem specifications. (Refer to on-line documents f or latest info rmation). Genera l System Capacity: 1 shelf with 15 card slots. Requir es 1 or 2 de dicated slot(s ) for BCC card.
A-2 Cisco BPX 8600 Series Referenc e General T able A-1 Ambient T emperature and Humidity Limits W eight , approx: 73 lb . (33.2 kg.) empty B PX shelf, w/f ans b ut no PS. 6 lb . (2. 7 kg.) each card. 18 lb . (8.2 kg.) empty A C Po wer Supply T ray . 16 lb .
ATM Trun k Interface (BXM -T3/E3 Cards) BPX Node Spec ifications A-3 A TM T runk Interface (BXM-T3/E3 Cards) A TM T runk Interface (BXM-155 Cards) Character istic T3 (DS3) E3 Line Ra t e: 44.
A-4 Cisco BPX 8600 Series Referenc e ATM Tru nk Interface (BXM -155 Cards) A TM Cell Rate: 353,208 cells/sec. Jitter: A TM F orum UNI 3.1 A TM Layer Protocol: LMI, ILMI Port Alarm Processing: LOS, LOF , LOP , Path AIS, P ath Y ellow Line Errors Counted: Connect or: SC for MMF , SMF (IR ) and SMF (LR) Max.
ATM Tru nk Interface (BXM -622 Cards) BPX Node Spec ifications A-5 A TM T runk Interface (BXM-622 Cards) Line Rate : 622.08 Mbps Line Code: NRZ Signal L ev el: Min dBm Max dBM SMF IR TX -1 5 -8 SMF IR RX -28 -8 SMF LR TX -2 +2 SMF LR RX -2 8 - 8 Framing For mat: STS-12c, STM-4 Port Interface: LMI, ILMI A TM Cell Rate: 1,412,830 cells/sec.
A-6 Cisco BPX 8600 Series Referenc e ATM T3 Trun k Interface (BNI-T3, LM -3T3) A TM T3 T runk Inte rface (BNI-T3, LM-3T3) Line Rate : 44.736 Mb ps 20 ppm , asyn chr on ous. Line Co de: B3ZS. Signal L ev el: DSX-3. Framing Format: C-bit parity is mo nitored.
ATM E3 Tru nk Interface (BNI -E3, LM-3E3) BPX Node Spec ifications A-7 A TM E3 T runk Interface (BNI-E3, LM-3E3) Line Rate : 34.368 Mb ps 20 ppm , asyn chr on ous Line Code: HDB3 Signal L ev el: CCITT G.
A-8 Cisco BPX 8600 Series Referenc e ATM OC3 Trunk Interface (BNI-OC3, LM-OC3) A TM OC3 T runk Interface (BNI-OC3, LM-OC 3) Line Rat e: 155. 52 Mbps Line Code: NRZ Signal Level: Max Min MMF TX –8 dB.
ATM Servic e Interface (B XM-T3/E3 Card s) BPX Node Spec ifications A-9 A TM Ser vice Interface (BXM-T 3/E3 Car ds) Capacity: 8 or 12 ports per card Interface: DS3/T3/E3 Line R ate: DS3 44 .736 M bs, E3 34 .368 Mbps No. o f chan nels per ca rd: 16, 000 No.
A-10 Cisc o BPX 8600 Se ries Referen ce ATM Service Interface (ASI-1, LM -2T3) A TM Ser vice Interface (ASI-1 , LM-2T3) A TM Ser vice Interface (ASI-1 , LM-2E3) Capacity: 2 po rts per card Interface: T3 Line Rate : 96,000 c ells/sec. No. of chann els per card: 1000 No.
ATM Service In terface (ASI-2, LM-OC3) BPX Node Specificati ons A-11 A TM Ser vice Interface (ASI-2 , LM-OC3) Capacity: 2 po rts per card Interface: OC3 Line Rate: 353,208 cells/sec.
A-12 Cisc o BPX 8600 Se ries Referen ce ATM Service Interface (ASI-2, LM-OC3 ).
APPENDIX BPX Switch Ca bling Summar y B-1 B BPX Switch Cab ling Summar y This appendix provides details on the cabling requi red to ins tall the BPX switch. Note In all cable references, the transmit direction is from the BPX switch, recei ve is to the BPX switch.
B-2 Cisco BPX 8600 Series Referenc e LM-BCC Cabling T abl e B- 2 AC P ower Ca bles DC P owered Nodes DC wiring ( T able B-3) is gene rally prov ided by the customer . T able B-3 DC P ower Wiring LM-BCC Cabling This cabling connects data p orts on the LM-BCC to StrataV ie w Plus NMS computers, contr ol terminals, and modems .
LM-BCC Cabling BPX Switch Ca bling Summar y B-3 T able B-5 Auxilia ry and Contro l P ort Pin Assignments LAN P or t Cabling The LAN connection is used to connect one of the node s in the netw ork to a StrataV iew Plus NMS wor kstation. See T able B-6 and T able B-7 for det ails.
B-4 Cisco BPX 8600 Series Referenc e LM-BCC Cabling Exter nal Clock Input Cabling This cabling is for making external clo ck connections for use by the BCC-32, BC C-3, and BCC-4 backcards. The B CC-32 uses the BCC-bc back card, and the B CC-3 and BCC-4 both u se the BCC-3-bc back card.
LM-BCC Cabling BPX Switch Ca bling Summar y B-5 E1 Cloc k Cabling T able B-12 thro ugh T able B-15 lists E1 clock cablin g details. T able B-12 E1 Connector Pin Ass ignments f or External Cloc k T abl.
B-6 Cisco BPX 8600 Series Referenc e External Alarm Cabli ng External Alarm C a b ling This cable (T ab le B-1 6) is for connecting network alarm outputs to th e LM-ASM ALARM OUTPUT con nector only . T able B-17 lists th e pinouts for the network alarm output s.
Redundancy “ Y ” Cable BPX Switch Ca bling Summar y B-7 T abl e B- 18 St anda rd Cables A vaila ble from C isco Redundancy “ Y ” Cab le The redun dancy cables are a special “Y” cable av ailable from Cisco. T h ey are required for redu ndant trunk and d ata interfaces.
B-8 Cisco BPX 8600 Series Referenc e Redundancy “ Y ” Cable.
APPENDIX BPX Switch Periphe rals C-1 C BPX Switch P er ipher als This appendix provide details on BPX s witch peripheral equipment, incl uding printers and modems.
C-2 Cisco BPX 8600 Series Referenc e Printer T able C-1 Control P or t P arameters f or Local Co ntrol (pc or workstati on) Printer An optional maintenance printer f or th e BPX s witch is the Okidata Model 184 dot matrix printer . This pri nter may be conn ected to any node.
Printer BPX Switch Periphe rals C-3 The High Speed Serial I nterface DIP Switch cons ists of two DIP switches, SW1 an d SW2, located on a serial-board that is attached to the printer's main board. Set switches 1 and 2 as indicated in T able C-4 and T able C-5.
C-4 Cisco BPX 8600 Series Referenc e Modems, Dial-In and Dia l-Out Modem s, Dial -In an d Dial -Out Customer serv ice uses modems for d iagnosing and cor recting customer prob lems with installed BPX switches. The modem that is currently recommended fo r use with the BPX switch is the Code x Model V .
Modems , Dial-In and Dial-O ut BPX Switch Periphe rals C-5 Step 6 Connect the mod em to the BPX CONTR OL port using a null-mod em cables Figure C-1. A null modem cable is used, as th e connection is essentially a DCE to DCE ra ther than a DTE to DCE conn ection.
C-6 Cisco BPX 8600 Series Referenc e Modems, Dial-In and Dia l-Out IPX A uto-Di al to Customer Ser vice The follo wing is a setup p rocedure for the cus tomer’ s BPX to dial up customer service. Step 1 Using the cnfterm command, set t he BPX A UXILI AR Y port speed to 9600 bps and enabl e XON/XOFF flow control.
Modems , Dial-In and Dial-O ut BPX Switch Periphe rals C-7 T able C-9 V .34R with talk/data , Aut o-Dial Configuration (dial-out to custom er service)* Figure C-2 Dial Modem Cabling f or A uto Dial (dial-out to customer s ervice) Step Comma nd Function Thes e conf igur ation co mmands are fo r a V .
C-8 Cisco BPX 8600 Series Referenc e Modems, Dial-In and Dia l-Out.
APPENDIX AT3-6ME Inte rface Adap ter D-1 D A T3-6ME Interf ace Adapter This appendix des cribes the A T3-6ME Interface Adapter , sometimes referred to as the T3-T 2 Interface Adapter , that is used with the BPX switch to provide a 6 Mbps A TM network interface to T2 transmission facilities.
D-2 Cisco BPX 8600 Series Referenc e Equipment De scription A T M cells from one interface are m apped to the other interface enabling us ers with A TM node equipment with North Amer ican T3 A TM ports to operate in a T 2 network. The A TM cell throughput on a T2 digital trunk using this adapter is limi ted to 14,4 90 cells p e r second .
Equipment Des cription AT3-6ME Inte rface Adap ter D-3 T able D-1 Rear Pa nel Connector s Connec tor T ype Desc ription T3 RX BNC Receive T3 input from BPX, IGX, o r IPX A TM port. T3 TX BNC Transmit T3 outp ut to BPX, IGX, or IPX A T M po rt. T2 RX BNC Receiv e 6 MB inp ut from T2 f acility .
D-4 Cisco BPX 8600 Series Referenc e Equipment De scription F ront P anel Indicators The front panel of the system pro vides LED indicators for the alarm st atus of the transmit and the recei ve T3 and the T2 interfaces (r efer to T able D-2 and Figure D-2).
Equipment Des cription AT3-6ME Inte rface Adap ter D-5 Figure D-2 Fr ont and Rear P anel Features T3 Recieve Status T3 Transmit Status T2 Recieve Status T2 Transmit Status FT2 T2/T3 Loop Configuration.
D-6 Cisco BPX 8600 Series Referenc e Installatio n Installation Install the A T3-6ME in a rack ad jacent to the BPX enclosure (allo wing room for an y A C Po wer Supply Assembly that may also need to be mounted) or in the IPX enclosure wherev er there is space for the A T3-6ME adapter .
Operati on AT3-6ME Inte rface Adap ter D-7 T able D-4 DIP Switch SW -2 Selectio n Guide BPX, IGX, or IPX P or t C onfiguration The trunk on the BPX, IGX, o r IPX node must b e reconf igured from Cis co StrataV ie w Plus or a local control terminal. Step 1 T elnet to the f irst no de equipped with an A T3-6ME.
D-8 Cisco BPX 8600 Series Referenc e Oper ation Through the sel f test, all LEDs light up. When the test i s completed successfully the Activ e/Fail LED turns green. If the system fails self test, it will repeat the self-test twice more. If it continues to fail, the Active/F ail LED tu rns red.
Operati on AT3-6ME Inte rface Adap ter D-9 Upon power u p, the system goes th rou gh power up diagnostics. The terminal displays the diagnostics sequence. Upon successful self test the unit is av ailable for operation. The terminal will display the actual set up of the system represented b y the DIP switches (see T able D-6).
D-10 Cisc o BPX 8600 Se ries Referen ce Specificati ons T able D-8 Status Display Specifications The follo wing are the specif ications for the A T3-6ME Inter face Adapter: T3 interf ace Status T3 1 1.
Specification s AT3-6ME I nterface Ad apter D-11 T2 Interface Po w e r Mechanical T er minal In terf ace Line r ate: 6.312 M bps Line code: B8ZS Synchro nizat i on: Internal 6.312 Mbps 30 ppm or Sla ve to the incoming 6 Mb ps line or Slav e to the T3 PLCP frame Framing format: I TU-T G.
D-12 Cisc o BPX 8600 Se ries Referen ce Specificati ons.
APPENDIX Glossar y E-1 E Glossar y A A-bit (active bit) The bit in the fram e relay frame header that indicates the status o f the far end u ser de vice and the status of the PVC se gment in the f oreign network.
E-2 Cisco BPX 860 0 Series Referen ce AIT -T3 (A TM Interw orking T runk T3 Interface Car d) The AIT -T3 backcard pr ovides a T3 in terface for the AIT (IPX switch) or BTM (IGX s witch) AT M . alte rnate routing An automatic rerouting of a failed connection by a node to a ne w route through the network to maintain s ervice.
Glossar y E-3 B8ZS (Bipolar w ith Eight Zer o Suppress ion) A T1 line protocol that co n verts a channel w ord with eight co nsecuti ve zeros into a code which, at the far end , is con verte d back to eight zeros. Allo ws 64 Kbps clear channel op eration while assuring the ones de nsity required on the T1 lin e.
E-4 Cisco BPX 860 0 Series Referen ce BNI (BPX Network Interface Car d) The front card used to netw ork BPX s witches together and to connect to AXIS shelv es, and IPX and IGX nodes configured as shelves. Sup ports T -3, E-3, and OC3 trunks carrying A TM cells.
Glossar y E-5 Cell A unit of data with a f ixe d number of b ytes. Fo r A TM the cell size is 53 by tes. cell rela y A form of digital communicat ions using fix ed length cells consisting of data and a small h eader IPX FastP acket was an ear ly implementation of cell relay .
E-6 Cisco BPX 860 0 Series Referen ce contro l port An RS-232 po rt on the face plate of a back card for a controller card (BCC, NPC, NPM.) that may used for connecting a control terminal. This port is bi-directional. COS (Class o f Service) The priori ty assigned each user co nnection.
Glossar y E-7 DDS (Digital Data S ervice) An A T&T dial-up dat a service of fering fo r 2.4 to 56 Kb ps ov er subscriber l oop cable. Req uires a Data Service Unit, DSU, at customer p remise for interface to the DDS trunk. De vice Code The f irst 8 bits of a F astPacket Addres s.
E-8 Cisco BPX 860 0 Series Referen ce DSI (Digital Spe ech Interpolatio n) An algorithm that analyz es DS0 voice bits for non-speech codes . Suppresses these bits to conserve p acket line bandwidth and inserts a code to indicate to the f ar end that these bits have been remov ed.
Glossar y E-9 frame f orwar ding A softw are feature allo wing point-to-poi nt frame relay type connecti on for v arious data applications that do not conform to the Frame Relay Interface Specif ication. FPC (Fa stP AD Ba c k Card) The FPC is us ed with an FTC (IPX s witch) or FTM (I GX switch) card.
E-10 Cisco BPX 86 00 Series Refere nce FTC (F astP AD T runk Car d) An IPX frame relay front card that provides an interface to a FastP AD . The FTC is used with an FPC backcard. that pr ovides either a T1 , E1, V .35, or X.21 interface. FTM ( FastP A D T runk Module ) An IPX frame relay fr ont card that pro vides an interface to a FastP AD.
Glossa ry E-11 IPX Switch A narro wband cell relay netw ork switch from for pri v ate and publ ic networ ks. ISDN (Integra ted Services Digit al Network) A service pro vided by the telephone compan y or OCC that suppo rts combined customer v oice and data connection s over the twisted pair subscriber loop .
E-12 Cisco BPX 86 00 Series Refere nce local addressin g A frame relay addr essing con vention that uses the DLCI to identify the IPX frame relay po rt at the interface between the user de vice and the frame relay network. In local addressing, a particular DLCI is used only at the local FR connection.
Glossa ry E-13 node An IPX/IGX/BPX switch serving as a connection point to the ne twork. At a node, con nections from servi ce lines ar e routed to tr unks for transmission to other nodes in the netw ork. NPC (Network Processor Car d) Micro-processor based system contro ller front card that cont ains the software us ed to operate the IPX switch.
E-14 Cisco BPX 86 00 Series Refere nce partially-interl eaved E IA One control lead in each direction, generally R TS-CTS, is transmitted in s ame byte as se ven data bits.
Glossa ry E-15 Q Q.921/Q.931 ITU-T specif ications for the ISDN use netw ork interf ace (UNI) data link layer . QSIG A common-channel message-orie nted sign alling protocol, def ined by the European T elecommunications Standard I nstitute (ETSI), commo nly used b y pri vate b ranch exchanges (PBXes).
E-16 Cisco BPX 86 00 Series Refere nce RS-449 The phys ical interface for the RS42 2 and R423 electrical interf aces. Contains the Process or Controller Card and the PCC utility bus, and provides syst em timing and control v ia the system bus .
Glossa ry E-17 speech de tection Determining the pres ence or absence of speech fo r Digital Speech Interpolation. Performed in either the CDP card or VDP card in an IPX node. split c loc k A data clocking configuration where the timing for the transmit data is obtained from one source (e.
E-18 Cisco BPX 86 00 Series Refere nce timestamp A field in certain FastPac ket formats that indicates the amo unt of time the packet has spe nt waiting in queues during the transmis sion between its source and destinatio n nodes. Used to control the delay e xperienced by the pack et.
Glossa ry E-19 V. 3 5 A data communications interf ace standard adopted by the CCITT . Often used for data circuits operating at 56 Kbps and abov e. V AD (V oice Activity Detection) Used to statistically compress v oice by not s ending packets in the abs ence of speech.
E-20 Cisco BPX 86 00 Series Refere nce XON/XOFF A simple communications protocol f or contro llin g the flow of data from one de vice to another . An XON sent from a recei ving device indicates it is ready to accept data and the transmitting dev ice may be gin to output data.
Index 1 IND EX A AAL 2-11 classes of traffic 2-11 AAL5 Frame Base Traffic Control 7-9 ABR 5-4 ABR (Available Bit Rate) 7-3 ABR an d A TFS T Connecti ons 7-17 ABR Con nectio n Pol i ci ng 7-35 ABR STD .
Index 2 Cisco BPX 8 600 Series Reference D DC Power input 2 -4 Power E nt ry Modul e 2-3, 11 -9 diagno stics 1-6, 1- 24 Dijkstra’s Shortest Path Algorithm 1-21 displa y card sta tus 11 -4 DLCI 0 8-5.
Index 3 redund ancy opt ions 1 -24 Sync hronizati on 1-18 non-b locking 3- 4 Nrm 7-10 nrt-VBR (Non-Real T ime Variable Bit Rate) 7-3 O OptiCla ss 1-15, 1- 19 P PCR 7-9 PEM (DC Power En tr y Mo du le ).
Index 4 Cisco BPX 8 600 Series Reference TFTP 8-9 throttled 4-5 Topol og 8-4 Traffic 7-23 tra f fi c clas ses and a daptatio n layer s 2-12 Traff i c Polic ing 7 - 23 Traffic Pol ici ng Defin itio ns .
Feedbac k on the Cisco BPX 8600 Series Reference, 78-539 1-01 Release 9.1, May 1998 Thank you for taking the time to fill out this response card. Y our input is important to us and helps us to pr ovide yo u with better documen tation.
An important point after buying a device Cisco Systems 8600 Series (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Cisco Systems 8600 Series yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Cisco Systems 8600 Series - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Cisco Systems 8600 Series you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Cisco Systems 8600 Series will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Cisco Systems 8600 Series, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Cisco Systems 8600 Series.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Cisco Systems 8600 Series. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Cisco Systems 8600 Series along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center