Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product 78-15589-01 Cisco Systems
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CH A P T E R 3-1 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM This chapter provides deta ils on using SGM to discover and manage your ITP networks .
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Becoming the Root Us er (Solaris Only) 3-2 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 • Printing SGM W ind ow s, page 3-398 • Connecting to .
3-3 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Configuring SNMP Note If you want to chang e SNMP settings, do so befor e runn ing Disco very . T o change SNMP settings in SG M: Step 1 Start the SGM client, as descr ibed in the “Starting SGM” section on page 2-2 .
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Configuring SNMP 3-4 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 Step 4 (Optional) T o change the IP address or DNS name of a node, select the node and enter the ne w address or name in the IP Address Range or Hostname fie ld .
3-5 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Configuring SNMP Step 8 (Optional) If you det ermine that SGM polls a node too often, or not often enough, you can change the poll interv al.
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Discovering the Network 3-6 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 Discovering the Network SGM uses a Discovery process to popula te the SGM databa se, discovering the nodes, signaling points, li nksets, and links in your netw ork.
3-7 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Discovering the Network T o disco ver the net work in SGM: Step 1 Start the SGM client, as descr ibed in the “Starting SGM” section on page 2-2 . Step 2 Select Edit > Netw ork Discovery from the SGM Main Menu.
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Discovering the Network 3-8 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 Step 4 Load one or more seed nodes, u sing one of the foll ow ing procedures: • Enter the name or IP address of a seed node in the IP Address or DNS Hostname f ield, and click Add Node .
3-9 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Discovering the Network – Size (bytes) —Size of the seed f ile or folder , in bytes.
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Discovering the Network 3-10 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 Figure 3-4 Discovery P anel Step 6 (Optional) Specify the e xtent of the network disco very . • T o discover the entire netwo rk, select t he Entire Network checkbox.
3-11 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Discovering the Network If you run D iscovery with Entir e Ne twork cleared, then you run Discovery with Entire Netw ork selected, any Unmanaged nodes in the first Discovery are not rediscov ered by the second Discov ery .
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Discovering the Network 3-12 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 Step 8 Click Dis cover Netwo rk to begin Disco very . When Discov ery begins: • The Discover Network b utton is grayed-out.
3-13 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Discovering the Network Figur e 3-5 Discov e ry P anel with Disco ver ed Nodes By default, SGM displays all of the columns in the Disco vered Nodes section exc ept Internal I D , ITP Uptime , Reboot Reas on , and Last Status Change .
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Discovering the Network 3-14 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 The Discov ered Nodes section displays the following information for each discov ered node: • Internal ID— Internal ID o f the e vent.
3-15 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Discovering the Network • ITP MIB Level— MIB conformance le vel used b y the ITP , such as ITP MB 5 . • ITP Uptime— T ime the ITP has been up, in weeks, days, h ours, minutes, and seconds.
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Discovering the Network 3-16 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 – W aiti ng (gray ball) —The node is in the Discover y queue but is n ot currently being di scov ered.
3-17 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Discovering the Network If the status reason is Unsupported Conf iguration , correct the configuration and enter the sgm cleandiscov er command to delete all curr ent network data and begin a clean discov ery of the IT P ne twork.
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Discovering the Network 3-18 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 Figur e 3-6 Sav e File Dialog : Seed File List Dialog The Sav e File Dialog: Seed File List dialog contains the f o llo wing f ields: • Ty p e —Icon indicating whether the it em in the table is a f ile or a folder .
3-19 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Discovering the Network • Make this my preferr ed s tart option —Specifies whether the selected seed file is t o be loaded automatically whene ver this SGM cl ient is started or the Discov ery Dialog is opened.
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Configuring Seed Files 3-20 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 Y ou can run Discov ery multiple times to attempt to discov e r additional nodes based on the IP address def ined in the Stream Control T ransmission Protocol (SCTP) linksets.
3-21 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Configuring Seed Files Step 4 When you are ready to sa ve the list of seed nodes in a new seed f ile, se lect File > Sa ve As from the Disco very Dialog menu.
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Configuring Seed Files 3-22 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 Modifying an Existing Seed File T o modify an existing seed file in SGM: Step 1 Select Edit > Netw ork Discovery from the SGM Main Menu.
3-23 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Configuring Seed Files Step 6 When you are ready to sav e the modif i ed seed file, use on e of th.
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Configuring Seed Files 3-24 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 Note If another user modif ies and sav es the seed f ile before you sa ve your changes, SGM asks if you want to o verwrite that user’ s changes.
3-25 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Configuring Seed Files When you sav e and name the seed file, keep the fo llo wing considerations in mind: • Y ou can use any letters, numbers, or ch aracters in the name that are allo wed by your operating system .
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with Views 3-26 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 Working with Views When SGM discov ers your network, all disco vered nodes, s.
3-27 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with Vie ws If your personal def ault vie w has been deleted, then the next time you launch t he client SGM informs you that your default vie w has been deleted and that your vie w has been reset to th e DEF A UL T vie w .
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with Views 3-28 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 Figure 3-7 Networ k View Editor Window The Nodes panel and Signaling Points panel display: • New nodes and signaling poin ts that ha ve been fo und by SGM.
3-29 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with Vie ws Step 4 (Optional) The Nodes In Cu rrent V iew table lists the no des that are in the current vie w .
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with Views 3-30 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 When SGM discovers one or more ne w node s in the network, SGM also takes the follo wing actions: • SGM broadcasts the discovery of the ne w nodes to all SGM clie nts.
3-31 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with Vie ws Step 8 (Optional) The Signaling Po ints Excluded from V iew table lists the sign aling points that ha ve been excl uded from the current vie w .
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with Views 3-32 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 Step 10 When you are satisfied with the changes you hav e made to the view , .
3-33 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with Vie ws The Sav e File Dialog: V iew List di alog contains the follo wing f ields: – Ty p e —Icon indicating whether the it em in the table is a f ile or a folder .
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with Views 3-34 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 SGM stores the vie w in the view f ile directory on the SGM server: – If you installed SG M in the def ault directory , /opt , then the SGM vie w file di rectory is /opt /CSCOsgm/views .
3-35 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with Vie ws Loading the DEFAULT View T o load the DEF A UL T network vie w: Step 1 Select Edit > Network V iews from the SGM Main Menu. SGM displays t he Network V iew Editor windo w ( Figure 3-7 ).
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with Views 3-36 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 Figur e 3-9 Load File Dialog: View List Dialog The Load File Dialog: V iew List di alog contains the follo wing fields: • Ty p e —Icon indicating whether the it em in the table is a f ile or a folder .
3-37 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with Linksets SGM closes the Load File Dial og: V iew List di alog, loads the vie w , and returns to the Network V iew Editor window . T o close the Load File Dialog : V ie w List dialog without load ing a vie w , click Cancel .
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with Linksets 3-38 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 Viewing Basic Information for Linksets T o vie w basic information for linksets, select Linksets in the left pane of the SGM Main Wi ndow .
3-39 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with Linksets Y ou can resize each column, or sort the table b ased on the information in one of the column s. See the “Resizing, Sorting, and Hiding T able Columns” section on page 3-279 for more details.
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with Linksets 3-40 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 • Events —Indicates whether there is a recent ev ent associated with the linkset.
3-41 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with Linksets – Not ITP Device – Not Configur ed for ITP – MIB Data Error – SNMP E.
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with Linksets 3-42 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 Viewing Detailed Information for a Linkset SGM can display detailed information abo ut a selected linkset, including its associated links, status , and other informati on.
3-43 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with Linksets Changes you make in this p ane might not be reflected through out SGM until the next poll (by d efault, e very 15 seconds) .
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with Linksets 3-44 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 • Ty p e — T ype of link. Possible link types are: – HSL —The link uses the SS7-ov er-A TM (Asynchronous T ransfer Mode) high-speed p rotocol.
3-45 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with Linksets • Events— Indicates whether there is a recent event associated with the link. – T o dele te the event icon from SGM di splays fo r a spec ific link, select the link and click the ico n.
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with Linksets 3-46 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 – Unknown (r ed ball) —Either the node associated with this link has failed to respond to an SNMP request , or SGM found that th e link no longer exists.
3-47 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with Linksets – Link Remote Interface Inactive – Link Inactive If the cell is too sm all to sho w all of the sta tus reason, place the cursor over the cell to see the full status reason in a mouse o ver help popup.
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with Linksets 3-48 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 – Unknown (r ed ball) —Either the node associated with this linkset has failed to respond to an SNMP request, or SGM fo und that the l inkset no longer e xists.
3-49 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with Linksets If the status reason is Unsupported Conf iguration , correct the configuration and enter the sgm cleandiscov er command to delete all curr ent network data and begin a clean discov ery of the IT P ne twork.
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with Linksets 3-50 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 • Is Ignored— Indicates whether the linkset is Ignored (that is, wheth er the linkset is to be included w hen aggregati ng and displaying SGM status inform ation) .
3-51 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with Linksets Figure 3-12 Recent Events T able f or a Linkset By default, SGM displays all of the columns in the table e xcept Internal ID , Note , Ack By , Ack Time , Node , SP , Linkset , and Link .
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with Linksets 3-52 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 The Recent Events table di splays the follo wing information for the selected linkset: • Internal ID— Internal ID o f the e vent.
3-53 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with Linksets – Status —Status change message g enerated.
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with Linksets 3-54 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 • Link— Name of the link associat ed with the e vent. If there is no link associated with the e vent, None is displayed. • Message— T ext of the message.
3-55 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with Linksets Figur e 3-13 Statistics Details Window for a Linkset Updates for the linksets that are receiv ed from the SGM server are reflected automatically in this wi ndo w .
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with Linksets 3-56 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 Configuration Data Tab: Naming Information T o vie w naming information for the selected linkset, select the Conf iguration Data tab .
3-57 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with Linksets – Not Configur ed for ITP – MIB Data Error – SNMP Exception – Signal.
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with Linksets 3-58 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 Configuration Data Tab: General Information T o vie w general information for the selected li nkset, select the Conf iguration Data tab .
3-59 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with Linksets Configuration Data Tab: Links Information T o vie w links information fo r the selected linkset, select th e Conf iguration Data tab .
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with Linksets 3-60 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 The Recent Events section enables you to perform ev ent-related tasks, such as setting f ilters and ackn owledgi ng e vents.
3-61 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with Linksets – Status —Status change message g enerated.
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with Linksets 3-62 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 • Link— Name of the link associat ed with the e vent. If there is no link associated with the e vent, None is displayed. • Message— T ext of the message.
3-63 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with Linksets The Packet Information sub-section disp lays the following info rmation for the selected link: • Sent Per Sec— Number of pack ets sent by the linkset per second.
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with Linksets 3-64 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 Statistics Tab: Utilization Information T o vie w utilization information for the selected linkset, select the Statistics tab.
3-65 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with Linksets • Receive Utilization— Amount of the linkset ’ s receiv e capacity bei.
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with Linksets 3-66 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 Charts Tab: ReceivedUtilization T o view real-time ReceivedUtilization info rmation for the select ed linkset, select the Charts tab .
3-67 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with Linksets The Receiv edUtilization chart dis plays th e followi ng informatio n for t he selected linkset: • Linkset —Drop-do wn list box used to select the linkset from wh ose perspecti ve data is to be di splayed.
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with Linksets 3-68 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 • SLC —Displays up to 17 color -coded icons: – One for each link (SLC) in the Received Utilization Chart , up to 16 total links.
3-69 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with Linksets Charts Tab: SendUtilization T o vie w real-time SendUtilizatio n information for the selected li nkset, select the Charts tab .
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with Linksets 3-70 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 The SendUtilization chart di splays the follo wing information for the selected linkset: • Linkset —Drop-do wn list box used to select the linkset from wh ose perspecti ve data is to be di splayed.
3-71 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with Linksets • SLC —Displays up to 17 color -coded icons: – One for each link (SLC) in the Send Utilization Chart , up to 16 total links.
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with Linksets 3-72 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 Charts Tab: PktsRcvdPerSec T o view real-ti me packets-recei ved-per-s econd information for the selected link, select the Charts tab.
3-73 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with Linksets The PktsRcvdPerSec chart displays the following information for the selected.
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with Linksets 3-74 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 • SLC —Displays up to 17 color -coded icons: – One for each link (SLC) in the Packets Received Chart , up to 16 total links.
3-75 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with Linksets Figure 3-1 7 PktsSentP e rSec Chart f o r a Linkset The PktsSentPerSec chart.
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with Linksets 3-76 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 • Packets Sent Chart —Displays the Packets Sent P er Sec for the links et as a function of time, i ncluding data for up to 16 l inks.
3-77 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with Linksets Charts Tab: BitsRcvdPerSec T o vie w real-time bits- receiv ed-per-sec ond i.
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with Linksets 3-78 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 The BitsRcvdPerSec chart displays the fo llowin g information for the selected link: • Linkset —Drop-do wn list box used to select the linkset from wh ose perspecti ve data is to be di splayed.
3-79 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with Linksets • SLC —Displays up to 17 color -coded icons: – One for each link (SLC) in the Bits Receiv ed Chart or Bytes Received Chart , up to 16 total links.
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with Linksets 3-80 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 Figure 3-1 9 BitsSentPerSec Char t for a Linkset The BitsSentPerSec chart .
3-81 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with Linksets • Bits Sent Chart or Bytes Sent Chart —Displays t he Bits Sent Per Sec or Bytes Sent Per Sec for the linkset as a functi on of time, including data for up to 16 links.
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with Linksets 3-82 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 T o remove the graphic grid from the chart, click Grid Off . T o display online help for the windo w , click Help . Charts Tab: Drops T o vie w drops information for the selected link, select the Charts ta b .
3-83 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with Linksets The Drops chart displays the follo wing information for the selected link: • Linkset —Drop-do wn list box used to select the linkset from wh ose perspecti ve data is to be di splayed.
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with Linksets 3-84 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 • SLC —Displays up to 17 color -coded icons: – One for each link (SLC) in the Drops Char t , up to 16 total links. – One for the av era ge of all SLCs.
3-85 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with Linksets Figur e 3-21 Edit Notes Dialog for a Linkset If both ends of the lin kset are kno wn to SGM, one is displayed i n the top half of the Edit Notes Dialog for a Li nkset, the other in th e bottom half.
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with Linksets 3-86 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 The Edit Notes Dialog for a Linkset displays the name of the linkset and the date and time the Notes f ield for the linkset wa s last updated.
3-87 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with Linksets Viewing Notes for a Linkset SGM enables you to view the notes that hav e been attached to linksets. T o vie w a note, right-click a linkset in a windo w , then select V iew > Notes in the right-click menu.
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with Linksets 3-88 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 Deleting a Linkset After Disco very , the linksets in your netw ork are kno wn to SGM and added to the SGM database. Physically d eleting linkset s from your netw ork is not the same as deleting them from t he SGM database.
3-89 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with Linksets If you ha ve not physically deleted a kn ow n linkset from your network, and you delete it from SGM, SGM also automatically del etes all associated links from the SGM database.
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with Linksets 3-90 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 Ignoring a Linkset Y ou can instruct SGM to ignore a li nkset when it aggre gates and displays n etwork data. Settin g linksets to Ignored pre vents kno wn linkset problems from af fecting SGM displays for associated nodes.
3-91 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with Nodes Working with Nodes SGM enables you to view information about all disc ov ered nodes, includi ng their IP addresses, status, and other impor tant information.
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with Nodes 3-92 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 Viewing Basic Information for Nodes T o view basic information for nodes, select Nodes in the left pane of the SGM Main Wi ndow .
3-93 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with Nodes The Node Windo w di splays the fol lowing information for each discov ered node: • Internal ID —Internal ID of the node.
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with Nodes 3-94 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 • ITP Uptime— T ime the ITP has been up, in weeks, days, h ours, minutes, and seconds. • Reboot Reason — Reason for the last reboot of the ITP .
3-95 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with Nodes If the associated signaling points ar e not referenced to other signaling point.
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with Nodes 3-96 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 The status re asons are l isted in or der of decreasing magnitu de. If two or more reasons apply , the reason of greatest magnitude is displayed.
3-97 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with Nodes Figure 3-24 Node De tails Window Updates for the node that are receiv ed from the SGM server are reflected automatically in this wi ndo w .
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with Nodes 3-98 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 If a cell is too small to sho w all of its data, place the cursor o ver the cell to see the full data in a mouse o ver help popu p.
3-99 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with Nodes – International —Internation al-bound call. SGM fo rwards international-bound calls to an STP pair that acts as an int ernational gateway .
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with Nodes 3-100 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 – Unconfigur ed – SNMP Timeout – Device is unr eachable , possibly wro.
3-101 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with Nodes T o see mouse over help popup for each co lumn in the table, place the c ursor ov er a column header .
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with Nodes 3-102 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 – Vi r t u a l —The links in this li nkset are virtual links, which connect signaling point instan ces running on the same de vice.
3-103 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with Nodes • Status— Current status of the link set. Possible v alues are: – Activ e (green ball) —The lin kset is currently ful ly functional.
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with Nodes 3-104 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 – Link Remote Interface Inactive – Link Inactive If the cell is too sm all to sho w all of the sta tus reason, place the cursor over the cell to see the full status reason in a mouse o ver help popup.
3-105 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with Nodes • Signaling P oint— Name of the signaling point associ ated with the li nk. • Linkset— Name of the linkset asso ciated with the link.
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with Nodes 3-106 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 • Events— Indicates whether there is a recent event associated with the link. – T o dele te the event icon from SGM di splays fo r a spec ific link, select the link and click the ico n.
3-107 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with Nodes – Unknown (r ed ball) —Either the node associated with this link has failed to respond to an SNMP request , or SGM found that th e link no longer exists.
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with Nodes 3-108 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 – Link Remote Interface Inactive – Link Inactive If the cell is too sm all to sho w all of the sta tus reason, place the cursor over the cell to see the full status reason in a mouse o ver help popup.
3-109 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with Nodes V alid values are: – Cisco2600 —Cisco 2650, Cisco 2650X M, Cisco 2651, Cis.
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with Nodes 3-110 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 – Cisco7513 —Cisco 7513 series router – Cisco7513 mx —Cisco 7513mx series router – Cisco7513 z —Cisco 7513z series router – IPDevice —IP de vice, other th an those liste d above.
3-111 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with Nodes – W aiti ng (gray ball) —The node is in the Discover y queue but is n ot currently being di scov ered.
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with Nodes 3-112 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 If the status reason is Unsupported Conf iguration , correct the configuration and enter the sgm cleandiscov er command to delete all curr ent network data and begin a clean discov ery of the IT P ne twork.
3-113 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with Nodes Configuration Data Tab: IP Addresses Not for SNMP T o vie w non-SNMP IP address informat ion for the selected node, select the Confi guration Data tab .
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with Nodes 3-114 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 • Last SGM Poll Response (secs)— Ti me, in seconds, taken b y this node to respond to the last SGM poll request. F or a non-ITP node, this field is left blank.
3-115 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with Nodes Recent Events Tab T o view information about all recent e vents associated with th e node, select the Recent Events tab . SGM displays the Recent Ev ents table for the node ( Figure 3-25 ).
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with Nodes 3-116 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 The Recent Events section enables you to perform ev ent-related tasks, such as setting f ilters and ackn owledgi ng e vents. For more i nformation about these t asks, see the “W orking with Even ts” section on page 3-235 .
3-117 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with Nodes – Status —Status change message g enerated.
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with Nodes 3-118 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 • Link— Name of the link associat ed with the e vent. If there is no link associated with the e vent, None is displayed. • Message— T ext of the message.
3-119 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with Nodes CPU Processes Tab T o vie w CPU utilization info rmation for the selected node, select the CPU Processes tab . The CPU Processes table is not a vailable if the node is in Discove ry , Polling , Unknown , or Unmanaged status.
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with Nodes 3-120 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 Trap Host Configuration T o vie w all trap settings for th e selected node, as well as all hosts an d port numbers to which the nod e sends traps, select the T rap Host Conf iguration tab .
3-121 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with Nodes • Release 4 T rap Settings— Indicates whether the following ITP release 12.
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with Nodes 3-122 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 Figure 3-26 SGM Real-Time Stat istics: CPU Statistics Window The SGM Real-T .
3-123 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with Nodes • CPU Utilization C hart —Displays the CPU utilization percentage fo r the node as a function of ti me. T o see the exact time and data coordinates for a data point, left-cl ick the data point.
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with Nodes 3-124 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 Editing a Node SGM enables you to edit the following aspects of a node: • .
3-125 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with Nodes • A new IP address must use the x.x.x.x format, where x is between 0 and 255, and must contai n only numbers an d periods, but no letters or special characters .
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with Nodes 3-126 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 • SSP —Service switching poin t. Y ou can assign this icon to an unkno wn node if you know that it is an SSP . • STP —Signal transfer point.
3-127 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with Nodes The Note Last Updated field di splays the date and time the Notes fie l d fo r t h i s node was last updated. If there is no no te currentl y associated with this node, this field displays the v alue Not Set .
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with Nodes 3-128 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 • Y ou ca n also select IP addresses that you do not want SGM to use for SNMP polling. This is u seful, for example, to se parate manage ment traff ic from SMS traff ic.
3-129 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with Nodes Figure 3-29 Notes f or Node Dialog The Notes for No de dialog displ ays the following information : • The name of the node is displayed in t he title of the windo w (for example, Notes f or sgm-2600a .
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with Nodes 3-130 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 Deleting a Node After Disco very , the nodes in your netw ork are known to SGM an d added to the SGM databa se. Physically deleti ng nodes from your network is no t the same as deleting them from t he SGM database.
3-131 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with Nodes Be aw are of the follo wing special situ ations: • If you ha ve not physi ca.
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with Nodes 3-132 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 Note If you delete a node, SGM remov es it from the Nodes In Current V iew table of the Network V iew Editor window .
3-133 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with Nodes Unmanaging and Managing a Node SGM enable s you to la bel a node Unmanaged , and to remov e the Unmanaged status from a node.
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with Nodes 3-134 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 Y ou ca n also remove the Unmanaged status f rom a node, when you are ready to return the node to the SGM poll list. T o remove the Unmanaged stat us from a node: Step 1 Select a node in a window .
3-135 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with Nodes Step 4 Click Pol l No d e . SGM begins a poll of th e selected nodes.
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with Si gnaling Points 3-136 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 T o poll one or more nodes, remo ving and then rediscov ering al.
3-137 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with Signaling Points This section includes the following information: • V iewing Basic.
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with Si gnaling Points 3-138 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 Figure 3-30 Signaling P o int Window The Signaling P oint W indow displays information about the sign aling points that hav e been discovered by SGM.
3-139 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with Signaling Points The Signaling Point W indow displays the fo llo wing information for all discovered signaling point s: • Internal ID— Internal ID of the signaling p oint.
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with Si gnaling Points 3-140 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 • Events— Indicates whether there is a rece nt e vent associated with the signaling po int. During Disco very , SGM might flag most signaling points wi th an e vent icon.
3-141 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with Signaling Points – MIB Data Error – SNMP Exception – SignalingP oint Inactive .
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with Si gnaling Points 3-142 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 SGM displays the Signaling Po int Details W indow ( Fig ure 3-31 ).
3-143 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with Signaling Points T o see mouse over help popup for each co lumn in the table, place the c ursor ov er a column header .
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with Si gnaling Points 3-144 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 – Vi r t u a l —The links in this li nkset are virtual links, which connect signaling point instan ces running on the same de vice.
3-145 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with Signaling Points – Shutdown (blue ball ) —An ITP administrator has set the linkset to pre vent traff ic from flowing. When a linkset is set to Shutdown , all its associated links are set to Fa il e d by Ci sc o I OS .
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with Si gnaling Points 3-146 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 The status re asons are l isted in or der of decreasing magnitu de. If two or more reasons apply , the reason of greatest magnitude is displayed.
3-147 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with Signaling Points • Ty p e — T ype of link. Possible link types are: – HSL —The link uses the SS7-ov er-A TM (Asynchronous T ransfer Mode) high-speed p rotocol.
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with Si gnaling Points 3-148 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 • Events— Indicates whether there is a recent event associated with the link. – T o dele te the event icon from SGM di splays fo r a spec ific link, select the link and click the ico n.
3-149 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with Signaling Points – Unknown (r ed ball) —Either the node associated with this link has failed to respond to an SNMP request , or SGM found that th e link no longer exists.
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with Si gnaling Points 3-150 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 – Link Remote Interface Inactive – Link Inactive If the cell is too sm all to sho w all of the sta tus reason, place the cursor over the cell to see the full status reason in a mouse o ver help popup.
3-151 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with Signaling Points – Cisco7513 —Cisco 7513, Cisco 75 13mx, Cisco 7513z – IPDevice —IP de vice, other th an those liste d above. Y ou can assi gn this icon to an unkno wn node if you kno w that it is an IP device.
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with Si gnaling Points 3-152 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 • Status Reason— Reason for the current status of the signaling point.
3-153 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with Signaling Points Configuration Data Tab: Description T o vie w descripti ve information for the sel ected signalin g point, select the Confi guration Data tab .
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with Si gnaling Points 3-154 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 Configuration Data Tab: Capability Point Code T o vie w capability point code informat ion for the selected sig naling point, select the Configuration Dat a tab .
3-155 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with Signaling Points Configuration Data Tab: QoS Information T o vie w quality of servic e (QoS) information for th e selected signaling point, select the Conf iguration Data tab .
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with Si gnaling Points 3-156 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 Figur e 3-32 Recent Events T able for a Signaling P oint By default, SGM displays all of the columns in the table e xcept Internal ID , Note , Ack By , Ack Time , Node , SP , Linkset , and Link .
3-157 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with Signaling Points The Recent Events table di splays the follo wing information for the selected signaling po int: • Internal ID— Internal ID o f the e vent.
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with Si gnaling Points 3-158 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 – Status —Status change message g enerated. – Tr a p —SNMP trap me ssage genera ted. Y ou c an customize this field.
3-159 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with Signaling Points • Link— Name of the link associat ed with the e vent. If there is no link associated with the e vent, None is displayed.
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with Si gnaling Points 3-160 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 • Destinatio n Point Code— Destination point code for packets on the selected signaling point. The destinati on point code is the point code to wh ich a giv en packet is routed.
3-161 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with Signaling Points GTT MAP Status Tab T o vie w detailed information about all GTT MAPs associated with the selected signaling point, select the GTT MAP Status tab .
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with Si gnaling Points 3-162 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 MTP3 Event Log Tab T o vie w the most recent MTP3 e vents associated with the select ed signaling point , select the MTP3 Event Log tab .
3-163 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with Signaling Points Editing Signaling Point Properties T o edit a signaling point’ s properties, such as its name or associated icon, right-click the signaling p oint in a windo w , select Edit > Properties in the right-click menu.
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with Si gnaling Points 3-164 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 V alid values are: • Cisco2600 —Cisco 2650, Cisco 2650X M, C.
3-165 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with Signaling Points Attaching a Note to a Signaling Point T o attach a note to a signaling point, ri ght-click the signaling point in a windo w , then select Edit > Notes in the ri ght-click menu.
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with Si gnaling Points 3-166 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 Viewing Notes for a Signaling Point SGM enable s you to view th e notes that have been attached to signaling points.
3-167 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with Signaling Points Deleting a Signaling Point After Disco very , the signaling po ints in your netw ork are kno wn to SGM and added to the SGM database.
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with Si gnaling Points 3-168 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 Be aw are of the follo wing special situ ations: • If you ha v.
3-169 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with Signaling Points Note If you delete a signaling point , SGM remov es it from the Signaling Points In Current V iew table of the Network V i e w Editor window .
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with Links 3-170 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 Y ou ca n also remov e the Unmanaged status from a signaling point, when you are ready to return the signalin g point to the SGM poll list.
3-171 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with Links • W orking with Sign aling Points, pag e 3-136 • V i e wing the T opology .
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with Links 3-172 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 If a cell is too small to sho w all of its data, place the cursor o ver the cell to see the full data in a mouse o ver help popu p.
3-173 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with Links • Ignored— Indi cates whether the link is to be included when aggregating and displaying SGM status information: – Clear the checkbox to include t h e link.
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with Links 3-174 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 – Shutdown (blue bal l) —An ITP administrator has set the l ink to pre vent traf fic from fl ow ing.
3-175 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with Links – Link Remote Interface Inactive – Link Inactive If the cell is too sm all to sho w all of the sta tus reason, place the cursor over the cell to see the full status reason in a mouse o ver help popup.
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with Links 3-176 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 Figure 3-37 Link Details Windo w Detailed inf ormation for links associat ed w ith the select ed linkset is displayed in the left column, and for links associated with the adjacent linkset in the ri ght column.
3-177 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with Links Configuration Data Tab: General Information T o vie w general information for the selected link, select the Conf iguration Data tab .
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with Links 3-178 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 Configuration Data Tab: Local IP Address Information (SCTP Links Only ) T o vie w local IP address inf ormation fo r the selected SCTP link, select the Confi guration Data tab .
3-179 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with Links Configuration Data Tab: Configured Local IP Address Information (SCTP Links Only) T o view conf igured local IP address inform ation for the selected SCTP link, select the Configuration Dat a tab .
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with Links 3-180 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 – InhibitLoc (blue ball) —A local ITP admin istrator has set the link to prev ent traffic from flo wing. – InhibitRem (blue ball) —A remote ITP admini strator has set the link to prev ent traffic from flo wing.
3-181 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with Links • Send Utilization— Indicates whether , on average, the link is under its config ured send utilization threshold ( UnderThr eshold ) o r ove r t he threshold ( OverThr eshold ).
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with Links 3-182 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 If the status reason is Unsupported Conf iguration , correct the configuration and enter the sgm cleandiscov er command to delete all curr ent network data and begin a clean discov ery of the IT P ne twork.
3-183 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with Links Notes Tab T o vie w notes for the selected link, select the Notes tab . The Notes section displays: • Notes associated with t he selected link i n the left column.
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with Links 3-184 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 T o see mouse over help popup for each co lumn in the table, place the c ursor ov er a column header .
3-185 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with Links – OverWrite —Ov erWrite ev ent. An existi ng f ile, such as a seed f ile or route f ile, has been ov erwritten. – Pol l —Poll e vent, such as an SNMP poll.
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with Links 3-186 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 • SP— Name of the signaling point associated with the e vent. If ther e is no signaling point associated with the ev ent, None is di splayed.
3-187 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with Links Figur e 3-39 Statistics D etails Window f or a Link Updates for the links that are receiv e d from the SGM server are reflected automatically in this wi ndo w .
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with Links 3-188 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 Note Each link is identif ied by its signaling link cod e ID (SLC). An asterisk indicates that a link is not conf igured, or that a poll could not get d ata for the link.
3-189 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with Links Configuration Data Tab: Interface Information T o vie w interface information fo r the sel ected link, select the Configuration Data tab .
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with Links 3-190 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 Configuration Data Tab: Remote IP Address Information (SCTP Links Only ) T o vie w remote IP address informati on for the selected SCTP link, s elect the Confi guration Data tab .
3-191 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with Links Status Summary Tab: Status Information T o vie w status information for the selected link, select the Status Summary tab .
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with Links 3-192 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 • Congestion Level— Indicates whether there is congestion on the link. A l ink is congested if it has too man y packets waiting to be sent.
3-193 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with Links – Link Receive Utilization Thr eshold Exceeded – Link Local Interface Inac.
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with Links 3-194 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 Status Summary Tab: Remote IP Address Information (SCTP Links Only) T o vie w remote IP address informati on for the selected SCTP link, s elect the Status Summary tab .
3-195 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with Links If a cell is too small to sho w all of its data, place the cursor o ver the cell to see the full data in a mouse o ver help popu p.
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with Links 3-196 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 – Pol l —Poll e vent, such as an SNMP poll. – Purge —Pur ge e vent. A user h as requested Disco very with Delete Existing Data selected, and SGM has delet ed the existing SG M database.
3-197 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with Links • Linkset— Name of the linkset associ ated with th e e vent. If there is no linkset associated with the e vent, None is displayed.
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with Links 3-198 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 – Signalling routi ng control(TSRC): Adjacent Sig nalling Point is restart.
3-199 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with Links – Incorrect NI (Network Indicator) —A signaling link test message was receiv ed with an incorrect N I.
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with Links 3-200 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 – Signal unit err or rate monitor failur e —The signal unit error rate monitor has f ailed. – T1 timeout no FISU recei ved —A T1 timeout no FI SU has been recei ved.
3-201 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with Links cleans them up and sends a “PEER NOT READ Y” to the MTP3. A subsequent request t o start the link from the MTP3 will then cause the link to come up.
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with Links 3-202 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 • T ransmit Queue Depth— Number of packets wait ing to be sent on b y the link.
3-203 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with Links Statistics Tab: LSSU Information T o vie w Links Status Signal Unit (LSSU) in formation for the selected link, select the Statistics tab .
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with Links 3-204 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 • Send Threshold %— Indicates when a cItpSpLinkSentUtilChange is to be generate d for the lin k, as a percent of it s total send ca pacity .
3-205 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with Links Statistics Tab: Service Information T o vie w service information for t he selected link, select the Statist ics tab .
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with Links 3-206 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 Q.752 Measurements Tab: Retra nsmitted Information T o vie w Q.752 retransmitted in formation for the select ed link, select the Q .
3-207 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with Links • IP Address— (SCTP lin ks only) IP address corresponding to t he media-dependent “phy sical” address. If the interface does not hav e such an address (for example, a serial line), this f ield displays N/A .
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with Links 3-208 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 • Line Protocol Stat us— C urrent state of the line pr otocol. Possibl e values are: – Up —Software processes that hand le the line protocol consider the line to be usable (that is, keepalives are successful).
3-209 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with Links Interface Details Tab: Errors Information T o vie w detailed interf ace errors information for the selected link, select the Interface Details tab .
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with Links 3-210 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 • Uptime— T ime the link has been up, in weeks, days, hours, minut es, and seconds. • Remote Port— Remote po rt number for the SCTP association.
3-211 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with Links M2PA Peer Config Details Tab: T ransmission Configuration Information T o vie w detailed M2P A peer transmission confi guration information for the selected link, select the M2P A Peer Config Details tab .
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with Links 3-212 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 M2PA Peer Stats Details Tab: Remote IP Address Information (SCTP Links Only) T o vie w detailed M2P A peer remote IP address statistics i nformation for the selected SCTP link, select the M2P A Peer Stats Details tab .
3-213 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with Links • Unordered Chunk s Received— Number of unordered chunks receiv ed per second by this SCTP association. • Retransmitted Chunks— Number of chunks retran smitted per second by this SCTP associ ation.
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with Links 3-214 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 The Receiv edUtilization chart dis plays th e followi ng informatio n for t he selected link: • Linkset —Drop-do wn list box used to select the linkset from wh ose perspecti ve data is to be di splayed.
3-215 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with Links • SLC —Displays up to 17 color -coded icons: – One for each link (SLC) in the Received Utilization Chart , up to 16 total links.
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with Links 3-216 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 Charts Tab: SendUtilization T o vie w real-time SendUt ilization informati on for the selected link, select the Charts tab . SGM displays the SendUtilization chart ( Figure 3-41 ).
3-217 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with Links The SendUtilizat ion chart displays the f o llo wing information for the selected link: • Linkset —Drop-do wn list box used to select the linkset from wh ose perspecti ve data is to be di splayed.
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with Links 3-218 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 • SLC —Displays up to 17 color -coded icons: – One for each link (SLC) in the Send Utilization Chart , up to 16 total links.
3-219 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with Links Figure 3-42 PktsRcvdP erSec Chart for a Link The PktsRcvdPerSec chart displays.
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with Links 3-220 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 • Packets Received Chart —Displ ays the Packets Receiv ed Per Sec for the link as a function of tim e. T o see the exact time and data coordinates for a data point, left-cl ick the data point.
3-221 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with Links Figure 3-43 PktsSentP erSec Chart f or a Link The PktsSentPerSec chart display.
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with Links 3-222 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 • Packets Sent Chart —Displays t h e Packets Sent Per Sec for the link as a function of time. T o see the exact time and data coordinates for a data point, left-cl ick the data point.
3-223 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with Links Charts Tab: BitsRcvdPerSec T o vie w real-time bits- receiv ed-per-sec ond inf.
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with Links 3-224 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 The BitsRcvdPerSec chart displays the fo llowin g information for the selected link: • Linkset —Drop-do wn list box used to select the linkset from wh ose perspecti ve data is to be di splayed.
3-225 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with Links • SLC —Displays up to 16 color -coded icons, one for each link (SLC) in the Bits Received Chart or B ytes Received Chart . T o remove the data for a link from the chart, click the icon in this fiel d .
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with Links 3-226 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 Figure 3-45 BitsSentPerSec Char t for a Link The BitsSentPerSec chart d ispl.
3-227 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with Links • Bits Sent Chart or Bytes Sent Chart —Displays t he Bits Sent Per Sec or Bytes Sent Per Sec for the l ink as a function of ti me.
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with Links 3-228 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 Charts Tab: Drops T o vie w drops information for the selected link, select the Charts ta b . S GM displays the Drops chart ( Figu re 3-46 ).
3-229 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with Links The Drops chart displays the follo wing information for the selected link: • Linkset —Drop-do wn list box used to select the linkset from wh ose perspecti ve data is to be di splayed.
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with Links 3-230 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 T o superimpose a graphic grid on the ch a rt, which can make the data easier to read, click Grid On . T o remove the graphic grid from the chart, click Grid Off .
3-231 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with Links Figur e 3-47 Edit Notes Dialog for a Link The Edit Notes Dialog for a Lin k displays the name of the link and the date and time the Notes fiel d for the link w as last up dated.
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with Links 3-232 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 In the Notes field, ent er any important information about the link, such as a detailed description, its locati on, its service history , and so on.
3-233 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with Links The Link Notes dialog displ ays the follo wing information: • Name —Name of the link. • Notes Last Updated —Date and time the Notes field for the link w as last updated.
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with Links 3-234 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 Deleting a Link from the SGM Database T ypically , you delete a link in the SGM da tabase for one of the follo wing reasons: • Y ou hav e physically del eted the link from your n etwork.
3-235 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with Events Ignoring a Link Y ou can instruct SGM to ignore a link when it aggreg ates and displays netwo rk data. Se tting li nks to Ignored prev ents known link problems from af fecting SGM displays for associat ed linksets and nodes.
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with Events 3-236 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 • Setting an Ev ent Filter , page 3-244 • V iewing Ev ent Properties, p.
3-237 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with Events Figure 3-49 Ev ent Window The Event W indo w displays information about the e vents deli vered by the SGM e vent logg er and e vent processor for all nodes, signaling point s, linksets, and links in the current network view .
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with Events 3-238 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 The Event W indo w provides the follo wing toolbar b uttons: • Set Filter— Opens the Event Filter dialog.
3-239 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with Events – Edit —Edit e vent. A user has edited a node, signaling po int, linkset, or link. – Ignore —Igno re ev ent. A user has Ignored a link or li nkset.
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with Events 3-240 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 • Ack By —If you hav e not implemented SGM User-Based Access, name of t he device that last ackno wledge d the e vent. If you hav e implemented SGM U ser-Based Access, name of the user who last ackno wledged the e vent.
3-241 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with Events By default, SGM di splays all of the columns in the Recent Ev ents panel except Internal ID , Note , Ack By , Ack Time , Node , SP , Linkset , and Link .
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with Events 3-242 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 – LoginDisable —LoginD isable e vent. SGM has disabled a user’ s User-Based Access authentication as a re sult of too many failed attempts to log in to SGM.
3-243 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with Events • Ack Time— Date and time the e vent was la st ackno wledged or unacknowledged. • Node— Name of the node associated wi th the ev ent.
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with Events 3-244 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 • If the e vent is associated with a link, SGM displays the Conf iguration Data tab of the Link Deta ils W indow ( Figure 3-37 ).
3-245 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with Events Figure 3-50 Event Filt e r Dial og, Showing Event Properties Step 2 (Optiona .
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with Events 3-246 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 • Tr a p —Checkbox used to indicate whether Tr ap e vents are to be displayed in the Event W i ndow . The default sett in g for this checkbox is selected.
3-247 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with Events Step 3 (Optiona l) T o spec ify which event sev er ities you want to display .
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with Events 3-248 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 Step 4 (Optional) T o further def ine the ev ent fi lter for the Event W in.
3-249 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with Events Step 5 (Optional) T o specify th e node, signaling poi nt, linkset, and link fo r which SGM is to displa y ev en ts in the Event Wi ndow , select the Selected Objects tab .
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with Events 3-250 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 Y ou can modify the follo wing settings: • Node— Drop-dow n list box of all nodes that have been discovered b y SGM: – If you want t o filt er e vents based on a node, select a node f rom the drop-do wn list box.
3-251 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with Events Figur e 3-52 Load File Dial og: Load Filter Dialog The Load File Dialog: Load Filter d i alog contains the following f ields: • Ty p e —Icon indicating whether the it em in the table is a f ile or a folder .
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with Events 3-252 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 T o sav e any changes you ma de to the lis t of files, click OK . SGM sav es the changes and closes the Load F ile Dialog: Load Filter dialog.
3-253 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with Events • Last Modif ied —Date and time the ev ent filter f ile or folder was last modif ied. • Size (bytes) —Size of the e vent fi lter fil e or folder , in bytes.
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with Events 3-254 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 Figur e 3-54 Event Proper ties Dialog The Event Properties dialog pro v ides the follo wing information for the selected eve n t : • Properties T ab— Displays detailed information about the selected e vent.
3-255 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with Events – Edit —Edit e vent. A user has edited a node, signaling po int, linkset, or link. – Ignore —Igno re ev ent. A user has Ignored a link or li nkset.
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with Events 3-256 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 • Acknowledged By— Name of the de vice that last acknowledged the e vent. If no one has ackno wledged the ev ent, this field is blank.
3-257 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with Events Figur e 3-55 Edit Event Dialog The Edit Ev ent Dialog di splays the message te xt of the e vent and the date and time the Notes field for t he ev ent was last updated.
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with Events 3-258 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 Viewing Notes for an Event SGM enables you to view the notes th at hav e been attached to events.
3-259 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Viewing the Topology o f the Network The Event Notes dialog displays the follo wing information: • Name —Message text of the e vent. • Last Updated —Date and time the Notes field for the e vent was last updated.
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Viewing the Topology of the Network 3-260 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 Figur e 3-57 T opology Windo w The T opology W indow displays tab ular information about sign aling points an d linksets in the left pa ne and the graphical t opology ma p in the ri ght pane.
3-261 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Viewing the Topology o f the Network SGM automatically assign s th e follo wing node elements: .
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Viewing the Topology of the Network 3-262 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 A line indicates a single logical con nection conf igured between two no des: • A line that ends in a diamond or circ le indica tes that the connection has a configured linkset, associ ated with that node.
3-263 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Viewing the Topology o f the Network Step 2 The topology signaling p oint table in the left pane of the T opology win dow displays the name and status of the sign aling po ints that are cur rently displayed in the topolog y map.
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Viewing the Topology of the Network 3-264 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 Step 6 T o see mouse ov er help popup in the topology map, p lace the cursor ov er a signaling point or li nkset.
3-265 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Viewing the Topology o f the Network Step 13 (Optional) T o display the topolog y map in a spring.
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Viewing the Topology of the Network 3-266 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 Step 16 (Optional) Some topolog y maps are so larg e and comple x that it can be diff icult to fi nd a specif ic signaling point or linkset.
3-267 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Viewing the Topology o f the Network Step 19 (Optional) T o display detail ed information about a.
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Viewing the Topology of the Network 3-268 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 Step 21 (Optional) T o displa y the topology e xcluded signaling point panel, select th e Excluded Signaling Poin ts tab in the left pane.
3-269 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Viewing the Topology o f the Network The Sav e as JPEG dialog pr ovides the fol lo wing options: • T o sav e the entire topology map as a JPEG file, select All .
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Viewing the Topology of the Network 3-270 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 Figur e 3-59 Save Dialog f or a T opo logy Map The Sav e di.
3-271 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Viewing the Topology o f the Network – T o specify a name for the JPEG f ile, enter the name in the File Name field, or select a file from those listed in the Sav e In fi e ld .
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Viewing the Topology of the Network 3-272 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 The Magnetic Grid Settings d ialog provides th e follo wing options: • T o activ a te the grid , select the Grid Activated checkbox.
3-273 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Viewing the Topology o f the Network The Pick Grid Color di alog pro vides the follo wing options: – T o select a grid color from a set of color swat ches (the recommended method), click the Swat ches tab and select a swatch.
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Viewing Server Status Information 3-274 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 Step 26 (Optional) T o ha ve SGM hide linkset lines as you d .
3-275 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Viewing Server Status Information Figur e 3-62 Server Status Inf ormation Windo w The Server Stat.
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Viewing Server Status Information 3-276 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 • State— Current state of the process. V alid v alues are: – Initial (yello w ball) —Process is being initialized.
3-277 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Viewing Server Status Information The T asks table displays the foll ow ing information ab out the long-runni ng services being performed b y the SGM server: • T ask ID— Number to uniquely id entify the task.
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Finding Information in a Window 3-278 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 Finding Information in a Window Sometimes it can be dif ficult to f ind a specifi c piece of information, such as a node name or ev ent text, in a window .
3-279 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Resizing, Sorting, and Hiding Table Columns Step 4 (Optional) If you w ant SGM to search forward (do wn and to the right) in the window , select the Sear ch F orward radio b utton.
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Viewing Online Help 3-280 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 • T o sort a table based on the data in a column, left-click in the column header . The table is sorted alphanumerically from top to bottom, based on the data i n the selected column.
3-281 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Editing an ITP Route Table File Editing an ITP Route Table File ITP uses a route table to select the appr opriate signaling path for ea ch message, or signal unit, that i t must forward.
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Editing an ITP Route Table File 3-282 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 The Replace Linkset Dialog enables you to quickly rep lace inco.
3-283 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Editing an ITP Route Table File From the drop-do wn list box of signaling points, select th e signaling point with the point code, v ariant, and netw ork name t hat matches the route table file y ou want to edit.
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Editing an ITP Route Table File 3-284 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 Y ou can resize each column in the r oute table, but you cannot sort the table based on the information in one o f the columns.
3-285 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Editing an ITP Route Table File If you enter a ne w mask that is more restricti ve than the desti.
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Editing an ITP Route Table File 3-286 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 Step 8 (Optional) T o add a n e w route to the route table, select the Dest. Point Code fie l d in a blank ro w , then fill i n the fi elds with v alues for the new route.
3-287 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Editing an ITP Route Table File • Size (bytes) —Size of the route table f ile or folder , in bytes. • Number of Files —T ot al number of rout e table fi les and folders (displayed in bottom left corner).
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Editing an ITP Route Table File 3-288 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 Figure 3-68 Sa ve File Dialog: Route T able File List Dialog Th.
3-289 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Editing an ITP Route Table File T o sav e the route table file wit h a new name, use on e of the follo wing procedures: • T o sav e the file with a completely ne w name, enter the new na me and click OK .
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Editing a Global Title Translation Table 3-290 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 Step 14 Copy the modifi ed route table f ile from the SGM ro u t e s directory to a location that the ITP can reach via TFTP .
3-291 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Editing a Global Title Tran slation Table T o edit a GT T fil e using SGM: Step 1 Launch the SGM GTT client, usi ng one of the follo wing procedures: • Select Products > Glob al Title Conf igurator from the SGM Main Menu.
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Editing a Global Title Translation Table 3-292 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 Figur e 3-69 GTT Co nfigurat or , Showi ng Selectors an d GT A T ab The GTT Configurator windo w provides a set of tabs , each of which launches a specific GTT panel.
3-293 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Editing a Global Title Tran slation Table • Current select ed tab ( Selectors and GT A , App Gr.
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Editing a Global Title Translation Table 3-294 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 Figur e 3-70 Save File Dialog : GTT Pr efer ences File.
3-295 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Editing a Global Title Tran slation Table T o sav e the GTT preferences file with a ne w name , use one of the following procedures: • T o sav e the file with a completely ne w name, enter the new na me and click OK .
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Editing a Global Title Translation Table 3-296 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 Figure 3-71 Load File Dialog: GT T Pref erences File L.
3-297 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Editing a Global Title Tran slation Table T o sav e any changes you ma de to the lis t of files, click OK . SGM sav es the changes and closes the Load File Dialog: GTT Preferences File List.
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Editing a Global Title Translation Table 3-298 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 • T o populate th e MAP T able, select a ro w in the GT A T able that does not have an asso ciated A pplication Group .
3-299 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Editing a Global Title Tran slation Table The GT A T able displays the follo wing information: • Name —Name of the selector as sociated with this GT A.
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Editing a Global Title Translation Table 3-300 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 • Cost —Relati ve cost of t he application group. V alid values are inte gers in the range 1 through 8 .
3-301 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Editing a Global Title Tran slation Table • Adjacency —Indicates whether a point code -SSN co.
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Editing a Global Title Translation Table 3-302 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 • T o populate t h e CPC List, sel e ct a ro w in the MAP T able that has an associated CPC List Name .
3-303 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Editing a Global Title Tran slation Table • T o populate the Ap p Group T able and GT A T able, select a row in the MAP T able.
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Editing a Global Title Translation Table 3-304 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 Step 9 Select the CPC tab if you are primarily in terested in displaying da ta for concerned point code names.
3-305 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Editing a Global Title Tran slation Table T o copy one or more po int codes from one CPC list to anot her , select a CPC list in the CPC List Name column.
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Editing a Global Title Translation Table 3-306 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 The Address Con version T able displays t he follo wing information: • Name— Name of the GT T address con version table.
3-307 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Editing a Global Title Tran slation Table • Nature of Addr ess Indicator— (China and ITU onl y) Nature of address indicator for t he selector . V alid va lues are inte gers in the range 0 thr ough 127 .
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Editing a Global Title Translation Table 3-308 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 The Edit GTT T able dialog contains the followi ng field s and b uttons: • Va r i a n t — SS7 protocol variant.
3-309 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Editing a Global Title Tran slation Table Figur e 3-75 Selector A dd Dialog The Selector Add Dialog contains the following f ields: • Selector Name —Name of the selector to be added.
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Editing a Global Title Translation Table 3-310 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 • Post-Con version T able name —GTT address con version table to apply af ter performing local GTT tran slation.
3-311 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Editing a Global Title Tran slation Table Figur e 3-76 GT A Add Dialog The GT A Add Dialog contai ns the follo wing fields: • Selector Name —Name of the sele ctor associated with this GT A.
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Editing a Global Title Translation Table 3-312 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 • Confi gure By P oint Code— Indicates whether to configure the GT A by point code. T o conf igure the GT A by point code, select this radio b utton.
3-313 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Editing a Global Title Tran slation Table • A pp. Group —Name of the application group that is to provide th e point code, routing in dicator , and SSN to be us ed by the GT A.
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Editing a Global Title Translation Table 3-314 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 Figure 3-77 Phone Nu mb er Lookup Dialog The Phone Num.
3-315 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Editing a Global Title Tran slation Table • Pre-Addr es s Con version Entry Used— Entry in the GTT address con version table used for pre-address co nv ersion, if the Se lector T able being searched performs pre-address con version.
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Editing a Global Title Translation Table 3-316 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 Click Perf orm Lookup to launch the search: • If one or more matchi ng entries are found, di splays the entrie s that contained the GT A digits in the GT A T able.
3-317 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Editing a Global Title Tran slation Table Figure 3-78 App Group Add Dialog The App Group Add D ialog contains the f ollo wing f ields: • A pp. Group —Name of the application group to be added.
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Editing a Global Title Translation Table 3-318 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 • Routing Indicator —Routing indicator for the ap plication group. S elect a v alue from the drop-down list box.
3-319 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Editing a Global Title Tran slation Table Figur e 3-79 MAP Add Dialog The MAP Add Dialog contains the fol low ing fi elds: • Primary Pt. Code —Primary point cod e for the MAP .
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Editing a Global Title Translation Table 3-320 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 • CPC List Name —Name of the CPC list t o be associated with this MAP .
3-321 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Editing a Global Title Tran slation Table Step 17 (Optional) T o add a ne w CPC list to a CPC T able, select a Concerned Pt. Code Name List or a CPC List, then use one of the fo llo wing procedures: • Select Edit > Add from the GTT menu.
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Editing a Global Title Translation Table 3-322 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 Step 18 (Optional) T o add a new Address Con version T able, select a n Address Conv ersion T able, then use one of the follo wing procedures: • Select Edit > Add from the GTT menu.
3-323 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Editing a Global Title Tran slation Table Step 19 (Optional) T o ad d a ne w entry to a Con version Entry T able, select a Con version Entry T able, then use one of the follo wing procedures: • Select Edit > Add from the GTT menu.
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Editing a Global Title Translation Table 3-324 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 • In Address— Input SCCP address entr y . Ente r an address as a 1 to 15 digit hexadecimal string . • Out Address— Output S CCP address entry .
3-325 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Editing a Global Title Tran slation Table Figur e 3-83 Create New T able Dialog The Create New T able Dialog co ntains the following f ields: • Va r i a n t —SS7 p[rotocol varian t.
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Editing a Global Title Translation Table 3-326 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 Select a v ariant, version, and instan ce for the ne w GTT file, then click OK . SGM creates the new GTT f ile and closes the Create New T able Dialog.
3-327 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Editing a Global Title Tran slation Table • Size (bytes) —Size of the GTT f ile or folder , in bytes. • Number of Files —T otal number of GTT f iles and folders (displayed in bottom left corner).
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Editing a Global Title Translation Table 3-328 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 If you ha ve not yet load ed or sa ved a GTT f ile, SGM displays No File Loaded in place of the GTT file name.
3-329 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Editing a Global Title Tran slation Table Figure 3-86 Semantic Chec k GTT Dialog The Semantic Check GTT dialog contains the following f ields: • ITP Name or IP Address —Name or IP address of the I TP against which to check the GTT file.
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Editing a Global Title Translation Table 3-330 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 Figure 3-87 GTT T a ble Info Dialog The GTT T able Info Dialog contains the follo wing fields: • Filename —Name of the GTT file.
3-331 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Editing a Global Title Tran slation Table • Instance ID —ID of the instance used by the GTT . V alid IDs are 0 to 7 . The default in stance ID is 0 .
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Editing a Global Title Translation Table 3-332 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 The Sav e File Dialog: GTT File Li st contains the following f ields: • Ty p e —Icon indicating whether the it em in the table is a f ile or a folder .
3-333 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Editing a Global Title Tran slation Table T o delete a GTT file fro m the GTT f ile list, select a file and cli ck Delete . SGM issues an informational message containing the name and location of the deleted file.
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with SGM Statistics Reports 3-334 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 Working with SGM Statistics Reports Once e very hou r , SGM gathers critical information from all kno wn nodes, signaling points, linksets, and li nks.
3-335 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with SGM Statistics Reports • /custom —Contains all custom report f iles. These are the report files generate d using t he sgm accstats and sgm linkstats commands.
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with SGM Statistics Reports 3-336 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 • T o specify whether SGM is to generate netw ork statist.
3-337 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with SGM Statistics Reports • T o specify whether SGM is to veri fy th at a disk has at.
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with SGM Statistics Reports 3-338 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 • T o specify whether SGM is to display send and recei ve.
3-339 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with SGM Statistics Reports T o include a specif ic signaling point, specify the node name and signaling po int: om;net0: sgm-26-51a.
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with SGM Statistics Reports 3-340 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 – If a linkset a ppears in both the linksets.i nclude fi l e a n d t h e linksets.e xclude file, it is e xcluded.
3-341 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with SGM Statistics Reports – If a node or si gnaling poin t appears in b oth the nodes.incl ude file and the nodes.e xclude f ile, it is excluded.
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with SGM Statistics Reports 3-342 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 • T o use P A GER to display the contents of t he system reports log, enter the sgm replog command . The reports log lists al l messages related to the creation and maintenance of SGM reports.
3-343 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with SGM Statistics Reports Note This command copies all f iles in the current directory to the ne w directory . If you are logged in as t he super user , and you do not o wn the ne w directory , you might not be able to cop y the f iles.
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with SGM Statistics Reports 3-344 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 Viewing the Linkset Statistics Hourly Reports SGM enables y ou to vie w hourly summaries of statistics for all l inksets kno wn to SGM on the specif ied date and hour .
3-345 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with SGM Statistics Reports • Hourly InSrv —Percentage of time the linkset was in service on the specified date and h our .
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with SGM Statistics Reports 3-346 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 • T o display only the top 100 o r bottom 100 records, ba.
3-347 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with SGM Statistics Reports T o vie w an archiv ed linkset statistic su mmary report, click a date. SGM displays the Linkset Statistics: Daily Su mmary Report page for that date.
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with SGM Statistics Reports 3-348 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 SGM enables you to modif y the way inf ormation is presente.
3-349 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with SGM Statistics Reports • T o display only the top 300 o r bottom 300 records, base.
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with SGM Statistics Reports 3-350 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 The Link Statistics: Daily All Hours Report an d Link Stati.
3-351 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with SGM Statistics Reports • L T erm Send Util or L T erm Send Erls —Lon g-term a ve.
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with SGM Statistics Reports 3-352 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 SGM enables you to modif y the way inf ormation is presente.
3-353 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with SGM Statistics Reports • T o display only the top 300 o r bottom 300 records, base.
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with SGM Statistics Reports 3-354 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 Viewing the Link Statistics Daily Summary Reports SGM enables you to vie w a daily summary of statistics f or all links kno wn to SGM on a specified date.
3-355 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with SGM Statistics Reports The Link Statistics: Daily Summary Report page displays the f.
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with SGM Statistics Reports 3-356 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 • L T erm Send Util or L T erm Send Erls —Lon g-term a .
3-357 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with SGM Statistics Reports If a statistics calculation results in a n im possible valu e, such as a number di vided by zero, or a number that is impossible based on the configuration, SG M displays MathError in the field.
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with SGM Statistics Reports 3-358 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 • T o display only the top 100 o r bottom 100 records, ba.
3-359 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with SGM Statistics Reports Viewing the Five Day Link Utilization Report The Fiv e Da y Link Utilizatio n Report page disp lays send and re ceiv e util ization percentages for all links for the last f ive (5) days.
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with SGM Statistics Reports 3-360 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 SGM enables you to modif y the way inf ormation is presente.
3-361 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with SGM Statistics Reports • T o display only the top 300 o r bottom 300 records, base.
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with SGM Statistics Reports 3-362 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 On the Hourly Network Statisti cs Export Files page, the Zip f iles are archived b y type (linkset or l ink), date, and hour .
3-363 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with SGM Statistics Reports See the “SGM Linkset Statistics Daily Export File Format” section on page F-5 for detailed information abou t the format of daily link and linkset statistics expo rt files.
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with SGM Statistics Reports 3-364 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 Viewing SGM Accounting Statistics Reports SGM enables you to view accounting statis tics reports. Y ou can also export the reports.
3-365 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with SGM Statistics Reports Figur e 3-90 Acco unting Statistics: Da ily Detail Repor t Pa.
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with SGM Statistics Reports 3-366 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 • Linkset —Name of the linkset.
3-367 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with SGM Statistics Reports • T o display only the top 20 or bottom 20 records, based o.
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with SGM Statistics Reports 3-368 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 • T o display only the top 500 o r bottom 500 records, ba.
3-369 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with SGM Statistics Reports Generating and Viewing Custom SGM Statistics Reports SGM enables you to create custom link and linkset statist ics summary reports, and custom accounting reports.
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with SGM Statistics Reports 3-370 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 • (Optiona l) T o in clude or ex clude specific nodes or linksets in the report, use the node-list ar gument.
3-371 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with SGM Statistics Reports Step 3 (Optional) If this is the f irst time you are using the sgm linkstats command to generate a report, you must enter the command two more times: • The first en try gets the f irst set of raw data.
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with SGM Statistics Reports 3-372 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 Generating a Custom Acc ounting Statistics Report T o creat.
3-373 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with SGM Statistics Reports – -ssi —Sort numerically based on servi ce indicator (SI), in ascending order . – -ssm —Sort based on number of MTP3 MSU s sent, in descending order .
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with SGM Statistics Reports 3-374 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 If you installed SGM i n the defau lt directory , /opt , then the /custom directory is located a t /opt/C SCOsgm/reports/cus tom .
3-375 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with SGM Statistics Reports K eep in mind the following considerations: – If you instal led SGM in the def ault directory , /opt , then the nodes.
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with SGM Statistics Reports 3-376 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 K eep in mind the following considerations: – Each line i.
3-377 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with SGM Statistics Reports K eep in mind the following considerations: • If you installed SGM i n the defau lt directory , /opt , then the linksets.
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with SGM Statistics Reports 3-378 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 K eep in mind the following considerations: • If you instal led SGM in the def ault directory , /opt , then the nodes.
3-379 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with SGM Statistics Reports For e xample, the following command genera tes an accounting stat istics report that excludes the li nksets spec ified in the linksets.
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with SGM Statistics Reports 3-380 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 The Custom Net work Statistics Export Fi les page disp lays the following inform ation: • Export File —Name of the custom statistics export ZIP f ile, archived b y type (linkset or link ), date, and hour .
3-381 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with SGM Statistics Reports T o access the Accounting Statistics: Cust om Detail Report pa ge, click HTML in the Vi e w column beside a custom accounting statistics report on the Custom Network Statistics Expo rt Files page .
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with SGM Statistics Reports 3-382 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 • Recv MSUs —T otal number of MTP3 MSUs rec ei ved on the specified date. • Send Bytes —T otal number of b ytes sent on the specif ied date.
3-383 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with SGM Statistics Reports • T o display only the top 100 o r bottom 100 records, base.
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with SGM Statistics Reports 3-384 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 The Link Statistics: Cust om Detail Report page disp lays t.
3-385 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with SGM Statistics Reports • L T erm Send Util or L T erm Send Erls —Lon g-term a ve.
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with SGM Statistics Reports 3-386 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 SGM enables you to modif y the way inf ormation is presented in the Li nk Statistics : Custom De tail Repor t page: • Y ou can sort the pages based on the information in one o f the columns.
3-387 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with SGM Statistics Reports • T o display only the top 300 o r bottom 300 records, base.
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with SGM Statistics Reports 3-388 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 The Linkset Statistics: Custom Det ail Report page displays.
3-389 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with SGM Statistics Reports SGM enables you to modif y the way inf ormation is presented in the Li nkset Statistics : Custom De tail Repor t page: • Y ou can sort the pages based on the information in one o f the columns.
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with SGM Statistics Reports 3-390 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 • T o display only the top 300 o r bottom 300 records, ba.
3-391 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with SGM Statistics Reports Viewing the Current Point Code Inventory The Current Point Code In ventory page disp lays all point codes that are currently being used by all node s that are known to SGM.
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with SGM Statistics Reports 3-392 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 The Current Point Co de In ventory page displays the fol lo.
3-393 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with SGM Statistics Reports On the Point Code In ventory: Daily Re ports page , point code in ventory re ports are archi ved b y date.
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with SGM Statistics Reports 3-394 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 Viewing the Daily Point C ode Inventory Export Files The Da.
3-395 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with SGM Statistics Reports T o access the SGM System Reports Log: Last X Messages page, use one of the follo wing procedures: • Select System Report Log from the SGM Serv er Home Page.
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Working with SGM Statistics Reports 3-396 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 The SGM System Report Paramet ers and T imers page displays.
3-397 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Working with SGM Statistics Reports • DiskCheck —Indicates whether SGM is to ve rify that a disk has at least 10 MB of space remaining before generating netw ork statistics reports.
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Printing SGM Windows 3-398 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 • We b U t i l —Indicates whether SGM is t o display send and recei ve utilization for linksets and links as percentages or in Erlangs, in W eb pages.
3-399 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Connecting to a N ew Server Figure 3-92 Print Dialog The Print dialog enables you to specify prin.
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Connecting to a New Server 3-400 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 T o connect t he client to a ne w serv er: Step 1 (Optional) If you want to determine the def ault host name before you connect to the ne w server , it is contained in the SER VER_NAME entry in the System.
3-401 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Integrating SGM with Other Products Integrating SGM with Other Products SGM does not require either CiscoW orks2000 or HP OpenV iew , but SGM does integrate wi th those products to p rovide added v alue.
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Integrating SGM w ith Other Produc ts 3-402 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 Integrating SGM with CiscoWorks2000 SGM can integ rate with CiscoW orks2000 during install ation, reg istering with CiscoW orks2000 as an installed applicatio n.
3-403 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Using the Windows Start Menu Launching CiscoView CiscoV ie w provides a real-time, color-co ded, graphical representat ion of Cisco ITPs. Y ou can use CiscoV iew to quickly identi fy an incorrect status on a port or interface.
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Using the Windo ws Start Menu 3-404 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 Launching the SGM Client T o launch the SGM Client, use one o f the follo wing procedures: • Double-click the SGM icon on the desktop .
3-405 Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide 78-15589-01 Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Using the Windows Start Menu Changing the Default SGM Telnet Path SGM provides a def ault T elnet interface fo r T elnet sessions, but you can also specify a path to a different T eln et application, if you prefer .
Chapter 3 Managing ITP Netw orks Using SGM Using the Windo ws Start Menu 3-406 Cisco Signaling Gateway Mana ger User Guide 78-15589-01 Launching the SGM SSL Certificate Tool T o launch the SGM SSL Certif icate T ool from the W indows Start menu , select Start > Pr ograms > Cisco SGM Client > SGM SSL Certif icate T ool .
An important point after buying a device Cisco Systems 78-15589-01 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Cisco Systems 78-15589-01 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Cisco Systems 78-15589-01 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Cisco Systems 78-15589-01 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Cisco Systems 78-15589-01 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Cisco Systems 78-15589-01, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Cisco Systems 78-15589-01.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Cisco Systems 78-15589-01. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Cisco Systems 78-15589-01 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center