Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product 3700 Cisco Systems
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Cisco A ccess and Int egr at ed Services Rout ers F or T eleworker s, Small Offices, Small to Medium-Sized Businesses, and Enterprise Branc h and Head Offices T hi s is your g u ide to Ci sco Ac ce .
Cis co A cc ess and Int egr a t ed Ser vices Rou t ers Fo r T eleworkers, Smal l Offices, Small t o Medium- Sized Busine sses, and Enterpri se Branc h and Head O ffices Quic k Ref er ence Guide Ser ies Ov erview Cisco SOHO S eries . . . . . . . . . .
Integrat ed Switching • Up to 72 powered 1 0/100 switc h ports • 802.3af Power o ver Ethernet compliance NEW NEW Cisco offers the industry’ s broadest and most versatile portfolio of secure, hig.
7 Ci sco S OHO S erie s broadba nd router s provide se cu re co nne c tiv ity to s ma ll remot e of fice s wit h up to five us ers a nd tele workers.
PLA TFORM O VERVIEW Cisco SOHO Series 9 Platfor m T arget Key Fixed LAN Fixed W AN DRAM (MB) Flash (MB) Po wer Mark et Featur es Connections Connections default max def ault max Supply Ethernet to Eth.
Cisco 800 Series of secure broadband routers are ideal for providing secure Internet and corporate network connectivity to small remote offices and teleworkers.
PLA TFORM O VERVIEW continued Cisco 800 Series 15 Processor RISC CPU Flash Memory 8–16 MB (Cisco 830 Series expandable up to 24 MB) System DRAM Memory 4– 48 MB (Cisco 80 0 Series expandable from 12–48 MB depending on model) Inter nal P ower Supply No Dimensions (H x W x D) 2.
ORDERING INFORMA TION Cisco 800 Series 17 Cisco 80 0 Series P art Number Description Cisco 801 CISCO80 1 ISDN/Ethernet router Cisco 803 CISCO803 ISDN BRI/Ethernet router, 4-port hub, 2 PO TS Cisco 805.
19 Cisco 170 0 S eries The Cisco 1700 Series of access routers is designed to provide a cost-effective, integrated routing platform for small and medium-sized businesses and enterprise small branch offices, ensuring new services can be deployed efficiently as needs change.
V PSTN IP Netw or k Analog V oice or ISDN BRI Lines Analog Phone Cisco 17 60 KTS/PBX Cisco Catalyst ® Switc h PC PC PC Fa x Cisco IP Phone IP WHEN T O DEPL O Y APPLICA TION EXAMPLE 21 Cisco IOS Route.
Cisco 1700 Series 23 NO TES PLA TFORM O VERVIEW Cisco 1700 Series 22 *The Cisco 171 1 and 1712 have two fixed interfaces. The Cisco 171 1 comes with one ADSL over POTS and one ISDN BRI-S/T interface. The Cisco 1712 offers one ADSL over ISDN and one ISDN BRI-S/T interface.
25 CISCO IOS MEMORY REQUIREMENTS 24 Cisco 1700 Ser ies Data and V oice Softwar e Featur e Sets for Cisco IOS Release 12.3(1 0) Rec om me nd ed Platfor m Image Name Softw are Product Description Produc.
Cisco 180 0 S eries Ci sco Sys tems ® i s rede fi n ing b es t - in - clas s enter pri se a nd sma ll to m ed ium- si z ed busi ne ss ( SM B ) routi ng wit h a ne w li ne of int eg rated s er vic es route rs t hat are opt im i zed for t he s ec ure , w ire - spe ed del iver y of dat a ser vi ces .
SECURITY EXAMPLE Cisco 1800 Series 29 WHEN T O DEPL O Y Deploy the Cisco 1800 Series when y ou need: • Performance and densities for concur rent data and security services up to one T1/E1/xDSL W AN .
ORDERING INFORMA TION Cisco 1800 Series 31 PRODUCT BUNDLES SERIES SPECIFICA TIONS Cisco 1800 Series 30 Dimensions (H x W x D) Cisco 1841 1 .73 x 13.5 x 1 0.
Cisco 260 0 S eries Ci sco ex te nds ent erpr is e /prov ider- cl as s versat il it y , i nte grat ion , and power to bra nch of fic es w ith C is co 260 0 S er ies mo dul ar ac ce ss router s.
35 SERIES FEA TURES OVER VIEW SECURITY FEA TURES EXAMPLE WHEN T O DEPL O Y Cisco 2600 Series Deploy the Cisco 2600 Series when you need: • A cost-effective solution for the long term that adapts to .
ORDERING INFORMA TION Cisco 2600 Series 39 The Cisco 2600 is ordered from components. Y ou must specify: • A 260 0 Series c hassis: All Cisco 260 0 c hassis ship with the minimum recommended memory .
Cisco 280 0 S eries Cisco Systems ® is redefi ning best-in-class enterprise and small to medium- sized business routing with a new line of integrated services routers that are optimized for the secure, wire-speed delivery of concurrent data, voice, and video services.
SERIES FEA TURES OVER VIEW Cisco 2800 Series 43 * Note: A maximum of 72 IP phones are supported in Cisco IOS 12.3(8)T4 on the Cisco 2851, in Cisco 12.3(1 1)T a maximum of 96 IP phones will be supporte.
PLA TFORM O VERVIEW Cisco 2800 Series 45 NME EVM AIM HWIC PVDM* Fixed LAN Por ts DRAM (MB) Default Max Flash (MB) Default Max Po wer Supply Cisco 280 1 0*** 0 2 2** 2 2 FE 128 384 64 128 AC, AC-IP Cis.
CISCO IOS MEMORY REQUIREMENTS Cisco 2800 Series 47 Featur e Sets Software Image Flash Memory DRAM Memory IP Base c280 1-ipbase-mz 64 MB 128 MB IP V oice c280 1-ipvoice-mz 64 MB 128 MB Enterprise Base .
PRODUCT BUNDLES Cisco 2800 Series 49 Par t Number Product Descr iption CISCO2851 -V/K9 Cisco 2851 voice bundle with PVDM2-48, 64 MB Flash/256 MB DRAM, and Cisco IOS SP services CISCO2851 -CCME/K9 Cisc.
Par t Number Product Descr iption CISCO2851 -SEC/K9 Cisco 2851 security bundle with Cisco IOS advanced security , and 64 MB Flash/256 MB DRAM CISCO2851 -HSEC/K9 Cisco 2851 security bundle with Cisco I.
Integr ation/Manageability Provides a single-platform solution for security , branc h office IP telephony , voice gatew ay services, and additional enhanced services, lowering costs of ownership, simplifying management, and allowing flexible, incremental migration.
56 BENEFITS AND AD V ANT AGES continued ORDERING INFORMA TION PRODUCT BUNDLES Cisco 3700 Series The Cisco 3700 is ordered from components. Y ou must specify: • A 370 0 Series chassis: All c hassis s.
Inv estment Prot ection and V ersatility The Cisco 3800 Series provides significant additional value compared to prior generations of Cisco routers at similar price points by offering up to three tim.
IP Phone Support • Optional integrated power supply with inline power • 802.3af support • 360W of inline power Analog V oice Support • Up to 88 FXS and 56 FXO ports Digital V oice Support • .
Cisco 3800 Series Featur es Cisco 3825 Cisco 3845 Embedded VPN (hardware-based VPN encryption acceleration) Y es Y es Number of console por ts (up to 1 15.
APPLICA TION EXAMPLES Cisco 3800 Series 64 CISCO IOS MEMORY REQUIREMENTS continued 65 Options • Complete Cisco IP Communications and voice gatew ay capabilities • Cisco Survi vable Remote Site T e.
PRODUCT BUNDLES Cisco 3800 Series 66 Product Number Product Descr iption CISCO3825-SEC/K9 Cisco 3825 security bundle, advanced security , 64 MB Flash/256 MB DRAM CISCO3845-SEC/K9 Cisco 3845 security b.
Cisco IOS Router Enabled with Firewall and Easy VPN Remote Mobile Worker with Cisco VPN Client Enabled on Laptop Cisco Router Enabled with Firewall and Easy VPN Server Branch Office Teleworker VPN Tun.
Small POP Medium POP Large POP Enterprise Branch Offices Small Town Remote Region Cisco 7200 WAN Aggregation Cisco 7200 CPE Cisco 7200 Small POP APPLICA TION EXAMPLE Cisco 7200/7301 S eries 70 Maximum.
CISCO IOS MEMORY REQUIREMENTS continued Cisco 7200/7301 S eries 72 Cisco 720 0 Series Base Chassis, Processing Engine, and I/O Controller CISCO7204VXR Cisco 7204VXR, 4-slot chassis, 1 AC supply CISCO7.
7 4 75 Cisco IOS Router Enabled with Firewall and Easy VPN Remote Mobile Worker with Cisco VPN Client Enabled on Laptop Cisco Router Enabled with Firewall and Easy VPN Server Branch Office Teleworker .
76 77 Cisco 7304 Series SERIES SPECIFICA TIONS CISCO IOS MEMORY REQUIREMENTS Processor RM 70 00 MIPS and Parallel Express Forwarding (PXF) Flash Memory 64 MB (expandable to 128 MB) Syst em DRAM Memory 512 MB (expandable to 512 MB) Modular Slots 4 Fixed Por ts 2 Inter nal Pow er Supply AC or DC (both redundant) Dimensions (H x W x D) 7 x 17 .
78 NO TES Cisco 7304 Series 79 Cisco 260 0 S eries Modular Access Routers Cisco Network Modules LAN AND MIXED MEDIA NETW ORK MODULES ETHERNET SWITCHING NETWORK MODULES AND ACCESSORIES NM-16ESW 16-port 10/1 0 0 EtherSwitc h network module Provides 1 6 switch ports and one internal por t to the router engine.
BENEFITS AND AD V ANT AGES continued Cisco Network Modules 80 NM-16ESW -PWR-1GIG 16-port 10/1 0 0 EtherSwitc h network module with inline power and GE Provides 1 6 switch ports with inline power suppor t, one GE port and one internal port to the router engine.
82 LAN AND MIXED MEDIA NETW ORK MODULES PPWR-PS-360W 360W power supply for EtherSwitc h modules Provides up to 360W inline power . Suitable for up to 36 IP phones.
LAN AND WIC COMBO NETWORK MODULES 84 Product Descr iption Support ed Platfor ms and Minimum Cisco IOS V ersions Comments NM-1FE2W 1-por t 1 0/100 Ethernet, two WIC slot network module Pro vides one fu ll/half duple x, auto -sensin g 1 0/1 00 Ether net por t and two WIC expansio n slots .
86 LAN AND WIC COMBO NETW ORK MODULES Product Descr iption Support ed Platfor ms and Minimum Cisco IOS V ersions Comments NM-2W T wo WIC slot network module Provides two WIC expansion slots supporting all cur rent WICs and VWICs. Modular Router Solutions Serial and L egacy Concentration V oice and Fax Integration 3800 Series – 12.
88 AS YNCHRONOUS SERIAL NETWORK MODULES — UP T O 128 KBPS NM-4A/S 4-port async hronous/ sync hronous serial network module Provides four low-speed serial connections via DB- 60 connectors that support five interface types (RS- 232, RS-449, RS-530, V .
90 91 Product Descr iption Support ed Platfor ms and Minimum Cisco IOS V ersions Comments Channeliz ed T1/E1 and ISDN Network Modules CHANNELIZED T1/E1 AND ISDN PRIMARY RA TE INTERF ACE NETWORK MODULES NM-1CT1 1-por t c hannelized T1/ ISDN-PRI network module Provides a single c hannelized T1/ISDN PRI connection via a DB-15 connector .
94 A TM Network Modules Product Descr iption Support ed Platfor ms and Minimum Cisco IOS V ersions Comments NM-1A -OC3MM-EP 1-por t OC-3 multimode A TM enhanced performance network module for 37 45 Provides UNI-mode A TM adaptation Layer 5 (AAL5) for UBR, VBR-rt, VBR-nrt, UBR+, and ABR classes of service.
96 SERIES FEA TURES OVER VIEW A TM T3/E3 NETW ORK MODULES Product Descr iption Support ed Platfor ms and Minimum Cisco IOS V ersions Comments NM-1A -T3 1-por t DS3 A TM network module Provides a single A TM connection of 45 Mbps for DS3 using 75 ohm BNC connectors.
98 Product Descr iption Support ed Platfor ms and Minimum Cisco IOS V ersions Comments NM-6DM 6-port digital modem network module Contains six configurable V .90-compliant digital modems for use with the ISDN PRI and BRI network modules. This module is field upgradable to a maximum of 30 digital modems.
1 0 0 ANAL OG MODEM NETWORK MODULES Product Descr iption Support ed Platfor ms and Minimum Cisco IOS V ersions Comments NM-16AM 16-port analog modem network module Provides suppor t for basic dial service via RJ-1 1 connectors. It allows up to 16 remote analog modem users to connect via internal V .
1 03 Product Descr iption Support ed Platfor ms and Minimum Cisco IOS V ersions Comments NM-HD-1V 1-slot IP communications voice/fax network module Provides a one-slot voice/fax network module with an integrated digital signal processor (DSP), enabling voice and fax traffic to be routed over data networks.
1 04 ANAL OG AND ISDN BASIC RA TE V OICE NETW ORK MODULES Product Descr iption Support ed Platfor ms and Minimum Cisco IOS V ersions Comments EM-HD A-6FX O 6-port FX O voice and fax expansion module Provides of f-premises connection to the central office.
1 07 Product Descr iption Support ed Platfor ms and Minimum Cisco IOS V ersions Comments NM-HD V2-1T1/1E1 High-density digital voice/fax network module Include a built-in T1/E1 port and a VIC/WIC slot that can be fitted to either digital or analog/BRI voice/W AN interface cards.
1 08 T1/E1/J1 DIGIT AL V OICE NETWORK MODULES Product Descr iption Support ed Platfor ms and Minimum Cisco IOS V ersions Comments T1/E1/J1 DIGIT AL V OICE NETWORK MODULES 1 09 NM-HD V -1E1-12 1-por t .
NM-HD V -2E1-60 2-port 60-c hannel digital E1 pac ket voice trunk network module Pr ovi des two E1 con nec tion wit h supp ort f or six c han nels of med ium com plex ity vo ice com pres sion us ing an y o f t he f ollo win g co decs : G.7 29A , G. 729A B, G.
T1/E1/J1 DIGIT AL V OICE NETWORK MODULES 1 12 Product Descr iption Support ed Platfor ms and Minimum Cisco IOS V ersions Comments Cisco Network Modules NM-HD V Digital T1/E1 pac ket voice trunk network module — Spare This network module is the carrier card for the PVDM-12 and VWIC cards.
1 15 BENEFITS & AD V ANT AGES continued PVDM2-16 16-c hannel pac k et voice/ fax DSP module Installable into a NM- HDV2 module or into the motherboard slots of a Cisco 2800 or 380 0 Series router .
1 16 NM-CE-BP -40G-K9 Content Engine Network Module, Basic Performance, 40-GB IDE hard disk Provides intelligent content acceleration and content delivery . The module operates a self-contained and independent Cisco Application and Content Networking System (ACNS) with 40-GB local storage capacity .
1 19 NETW ORK ANAL Y SIS AND MONIT ORING Product Descr iption Support ed Platfor ms and Minimum Cisco IOS V ersions Comments Product Descr iption Support ed Platfor ms and Minimum Cisco IOS V ersions Comments NM-AIC-64 Alarm Monitoring and Control Network Module Provides por ts for 64 discrete alarm points and 16 relay control points.
120 WIC-2T 2-port serial WAN interface card Provides a two serial connections up to T1/E1 speeds. The DB-60 connector supports an y of five interface types (RS- 232, RS-449, RS-530, V .35, X.21) in either DTE or DCE mode. This interface card inserts into a Cisco mixed- media network module or directly into a Cisco WC expansion slot.
122 SERIAL WICS Product Descr iption Support ed Platfor ms and Minimum Cisco IOS V ersions Comments DSL WICS Product Descr iption Support ed Platfor ms and Minimum Cisco IOS V ersions Comments WIC-1B-U-V2 1-por t ISDN with NT -1 WIC Provides a single ISDN BRI connection via an RJ-45 connector .
125 Cisco Interface Cards CIsco Interface Cards WIC-1AM 1-por t analog modem WIC Provides a single integrated analog modem via an RJ-1 1 connector. Supports for speeds up to 56 Kbps (V .90). Modular Router Solutions Dial-up Remote Access 3800 Series – 12.
127 Cisco Interface Cards Cisco Interface Cards ETHERNET AND HIGH-SPEED SWITCHING WICS Product Descr iption Support ed Platfor ms and Minimum Cisco IOS V ersions Comments ETHERNET AND HIGH-SPEED SWITC.
129 T1, E1, AND G.703 MUL TIFLEX TRUNK V OICE AND W AN INTERF ACE CARDS Product Descr iption Support ed Platfor ms and Minimum Cisco IOS V ersions Comments Product Descr iption Support ed Platfor ms a.
Product Descr iption Support ed Platfor ms and Minimum Cisco IOS V ersions Comments T1, E1, AND G.703 MUL TIFLEX TRUNK V OICE AND W AN INTERF ACE CARDS VWIC-1MFT -E1 1-por t RJ-48 multiflex trunk-E1 voice/WIC This module supports voice, data, and integrated voice/data applications.
ANAL OG VOICE INTERF ACE CARDS 133 Product Descr iption Support ed Platfor ms and Minimum Cisco IOS V ersions Comments VWIC-2MFT -G703 2-port RJ-48 multiflex trunk-E1 framed/unframed voice/WIC with drop and insert This module supports voice, data, and integrated voice/data applications.
ANAL OG VOICE INTERF ACE CARDS 135 VIC-2FX O-M2 2-port FX O voice interface card with battery rever sal and caller ID suppor t for Europe The two-port FX O voice/ fax interface card for Cisco voice/fax network modules is used to connect to PBX or key system, and to provide of f-premise connections in Europe only .
137 ANAL OG VOICE INTERF ACE CARDS Product Descr iption Support ed Platfor ms and Minimum Cisco IOS V ersions Comments VIC2-2FX O 2-port FX O voice/fax interface card (universal card for all countries).
139 VIC-2BRI-S/T -TE 2-port BRI ISDN voice interface card This two-port ISDN, S/T , terminal side, basic rate interface (BRI) voice interface card (VIC) connects directly to PSTNs and supports both on- premise and off-premise connections.
141 Product Descr iption Support ed Platfor ms and Minimum Cisco IOS V ersions Comments COMPRESSION AD V ANCED INTEGRA TION MODULES Product Descr iption Support ed Platfor ms and Minimum Cisco IOS V e.
143 Product Descr iption Support ed Platfor ms and Minimum Cisco IOS V ersions Comments SECURITY MODULES AIM-VPN/HP DES/3DES VPN advanced integration module for Cisco 3660 and Cisco 37 45 — high-per.
145 V OICE MAIL AD V ANCED INTEGRA TION MODULES Product Descr iption Support ed Platfor ms and Minimum Cisco IOS V ersions Comments AIM-A TM High-performance A TM segmentation and reassembly (SAR) advanced integration module Provides A TM hardware SAR for AAL2 and AAL5 low-density T1/E1 A TM applications.
3825 3845 3725 37 45 281 1 2821 2851 2691 2600XM Ether net Switc hing Networ k Modules and A ccessor ies NM-16ESW 16 -po rt 1 0/1 0 0 Eth erS witc h NMs • • • • • NM-16ESW -1GIG 16 -po rt 1 .
3825 3845 3725 37 45 281 1 2821 2851 2691 2600XM LAN and WIC Combo Networ k Modules NM-1FE2W 1 1 0/1 00 Et her net, 2 W AN car d s lot net wor k m odul e • • – • – NM-1FE2W -V2 1 1 0/1 00 Et.
High-density Digital V oice Networ k Modules and A ccessor ies NM-HD V2-1T1/1E1 • • • • • NM-HD V2-2T1/1E • • • • • NM-HD V -1T1 -12 1 -po rt 12 -c hann el T1 vo ice/ fax ne twor k.
3825 3845 3725 37 45 281 1 2821 2851 2691 2600XM PVDM2-16 16 -c hann el pac ket voi ce DSP mod ule • • • • • PVDM2-32 32 -c han nel pa c ket v oice DS P mo dul e • • • • • PVDM2-48.
VIC-1J1 1 -po rt di gita l v oic e i nte rfac e c ard (J 1) f or Ja pan • • 281 1, 282 1, 285 1 onl y • • – – – – J1 V oice Interf ace Card for Japan Cisco Interface Cards 155 155 INTE.
157 Cisco Advanced Integration Module Compatibility Quic k Look 3825 3845 3725 37 45 2851 2821 281 1 280 1 2691 26 00XM 1 841 1760 1751 1721 Compr ession A dv anced Integr ation Modules AIM-COMPR4 Co .
Cisco 70 0 0 S eries P or t Adapter Compatibility Quic k Look 7200VXR 7301 7304 Carr ier Card 7 400 750 0 (VIP4/VIP6) 7600 FlexW AN 7600 Enhanced FlexW AN A TM P ort Adapters P A-A2-4E1X C-OC3SM CE S .
161 PORT ADAPTER COMP A TIBILITY QUICK LOOK Cisco 700 0 Series PORT ADAPTER COMP A TIBILITY QUICK LOOK Cisco 700 0 Series 7200VXR 7301 7304 Carr ier Card 7 400 750 0 (VIP4/VIP6) 7600 FlexW AN 7600 Enhanced FlexW AN Multichannel Ser ial P ort Adapters (cont.
163 162 Cisco 1721/1841 Product Comparison Cisco 1721 Cisco 1841 For m Fact or Desktop Desktop (1RU) Chassis T ype Plastic Metal DRAM (default) 64 MB 128 MB DRAM (maximum) 128 MB 384 MB Flash (default.
NO TES 164 Access Router Guide.
Argentina • A ustralia • Austria • Belgium • Brazil • Bul garia • Canada • Chile • China PRC • Colombia • Costa Rica • Croatia • Czech Republic Denmark • Dubai, UAE Finland �.
An important point after buying a device Cisco Systems 3700 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Cisco Systems 3700 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Cisco Systems 3700 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Cisco Systems 3700 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Cisco Systems 3700 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Cisco Systems 3700, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Cisco Systems 3700.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Cisco Systems 3700. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Cisco Systems 3700 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center