Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product VFS113 Chaparral
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Chaparral VFS1 13 Fibre Channel-to-SCSI Router User ’ s Guide.
i Copyright © 20 00, 200 1 Cha parr al N etwork S torag e, In c. Docume nt Number: 07-001 5-006-B This do cument co vers the VFS1 13. All righ ts reser ved. No pa rt of this pub lica tion ma y be rep roduce d withou t the pr ior wri tten co nsent of : Chaparral Netwo rk Storage, Inc.
ii Canadian Co mpliance Statement This Class A dig ital apparatus m eets all r equirements of the Canadian Interference-Ca using Equip ment Regulations.
iii 6 EN 61 000-4-6 —Electromagn etic Compa tibility (EM C) - Part 4: T esting and Measur ement T echniques - Secti on 6; Imm unity to Cond ucted Distur bance s, Induc ed by R adio -Freque ncy Fi elds .
v Contents 1 Introduction About This Guide ....................... .................................... ........................... ........ 1-1 Conventions ....... ........................... .................................... .....................
VFS1 13 Rack/Desktop M odel User’s Guide vi Disabling t he Terminatio n on an HVD Router ................................... ...... 3-13 Setting the Date a nd Time ..................... .................................... ............... 3-14 Changing the S can Delay .
Contents vii B LAN Configuration Configuring the Rout er for TCP/IP ..... .................................... ......................... B-1 Using Addre ss Resolution Protocol ......................... ........................... ....... B-2 Dynamic Host Conf iguration Protocol Configuration .
VFS1 13 Rack/Desktop M odel User’s Guide viii.
1-1 1 Introduction This User’ s Guide expl ains how t o instal l and use t he Chaparral™ VFS1 13 rout er . This member of t he V elocity f amily of r outers i s a Fibre Ch annel (FC)- to-Small Comput er System Interface ( SCSI) router tha t enable s connectivity b etween SCSI d evices and storage area net works (SANs).
VFS1 13 Rack/Desktop M odel User’s Guide 1-2 Convention s This Gu ide use s several typog raphical convent ions to help exp lain how to use the router .
Introduction 1-3 I Industr y-leading data transfer (MB/se c) and transact ion proces sing rates (I O PS) I Automatic SCSI device discovery and SCSI-to -FC address mapping I Retenti on of SCSI-t o-FC a.
VFS1 13 Rack/Desktop M odel User’s Guide 1-4 The EC comma nd, as impleme nted in the Chapar ral router , requir es no admini stration. Administe ring an EC en vironment i s most int ensive on the appli cation si de. Chapa rral support s the Stora ge Networking Indus try Associ ation Extended Copy Specific ation (ANSI T10/ 9 9-143R1).
Introduction 1-5 ❒ Indica tors Fibre C ha nnel a ctiv ity SCSI activ ity (3) St at u s Fault Switches AC Power On/O ff RS-232/Eth ernet configura tion port Environment al +0°C to +40°C ambi ent, n.
VFS1 13 Rack/Desktop M odel User’s Guide 1-6.
2-1 2 Installing the Router This chap ter provides st ep-by-step ins tructions for installing t he router . Y ou must take many factors into c onsidera tion whil e plannin g the router in stallati on.
VFS1 13 Rack/Desktop M odel User’s Guide 2-2 4 V isual ly inspe ct the router a nd notify your fr eight carrie r immediate ly of any dama ge. 5 Record the M edia Acce ss Control (MAC) a ddress lo cated on the lab el of the router box for future refe rence.
Installing the Ro uter 2-3 Inst alling in a Rack Y ou can inst all the rout er in a standar d 1U high, 19" rack. Y ou can eit her front or rear mount the router . Parts req uire d for this pro ced ure (show n in F igu re 2 -2) I Left and right mounting br ackets (only left br acket shown) I Four mounti ng screws (10-32 p anheads) Figure 2-2.
VFS1 13 Rack/Desktop M odel User’s Guide 2-4 Inst allation Con figuration Exam ples Y ou can inst all th e router in a variety of confi gurations to m eet you r needs. The exampl es below show the most common installati on config urations. I Simple lo op with two devices on a SAN (FC-AL) Figure 2- 3.
Installing the Ro uter 2-5 I Multiple se rvers on a SAN (FC-AL) Figure 2 -5. Mu ltiple s erver co nfigurati on ex ample I SAN with fab r ic (FC-SW) Figure 2- 6.
VFS1 13 Rack/Desktop M odel User’s Guide 2-6 I Multip le SA Ns w ith fa bric (FC- SW) Figure 2- 7. SAN with fabric configur ation examp le I Extended c opy configurati on—serve rless bac kup that p erforms bac kup operations direct ly from disk to t ape without copying t he data to th e server Figure 2-8.
Installing the Ro uter 2-7 Connecting the Router The route r has severa l types of data conn ections: I Fibre Cha nnel (gigabaud i nterface connec tor [GBIC])—permitt ing connection t o other FC d evices, typical ly throug h an arbit r ated lo op or SAN with fabric .
VFS1 13 Rack/Desktop M odel User’s Guide 2-8 Y ou must use the pr oper SCSI cables o n the model you purch ased. For example, i f you purchase d the L VD model, you must use L VD-qualifie d SCSI cables . Symbols on the re ar panel t ell you whi c h model you ha ve.
Installing the Ro uter 2-9 T o connect to the Fibr e Channel port: 1 Be sure the route r is tur ned of f. 2 Insert t he GBIC into the Fibre Ch annel port . See Figur e 2-9 on page 2-7 . The GBIC is keyed and can onl y go in one way . Be sure t hat the GBI C locks int o place.
VFS1 13 Rack/Desktop M odel User’s Guide 2-10 3 Mo ve the E-S swit ch to the S pos itio n. 4 Connect the ot her end of the RS-23 2 cable (DB-9) to the COM port on the comput er that wi ll monitor and confi gure the r outer . Connecting to the Ethern et Port Y ou use the Et hernet ( 10BaseT) por t to confi gure and man age the router.
Installing the Ro uter 2-1 1 The route r recognizes al l SCSI devi ces connected to the th ree SCSI channels on the VFS1 13, and assigns each device a unique LUN address, which will be mapped as part of a unique FC address. Y ou can configur e the router to assign i tself a LUN for in -band management, server-f ree backup, and ot her uses.
VFS1 13 Rack/Desktop M odel User’s Guide 2-12 Router Default Settings T able 2-13 below list s the rou t er defa ult settings. I f these s ettings meet you r needs, you can use y our router now . If the y do not, you can cha nge the setting s. See Chapter 3 , Configuri ng the Router .
3-1 3 Configuring the Router Y ou can display a nd change a varie ty of settings using the Router Administra tor soft ware. Using the Router Administra tor , you can : I Change the router configu rati.
VFS1 13 Rack/Desktop M odel User’s Guide 3-2 2 Press Ctrl-r . The in itia l Cha par ral F C-to -SC SI R out er Ad mini stra tor scre en di spla ys. 3 Press Enter . The Syste m M enu displ ays. Y ou can now perfor m all of the func tions des c ribed in this chapter .
Configuring the Router 3-3 Accessing the R outer Adm inistrator Using the Ethernet Port Y ou can access t he Router Administrat or software usi ng the Ethe rnet port using T elnet. For W indows use r s, if you wa nt to use T elnet, you mus t configu re the pre ferences and font from the T erminal menu each t ime as shown below .
VFS1 13 Rack/Desktop M odel User’s Guide 3-4 Access ing th e Rout er Softw are Us ing the Ethe rnet P ort Y ou can configure a var iety of settings for the Ethernet connection. For more inf ormation, see Co nfiguring the Additional L AN Settings on page D-3 .
Configuring the Router 3-5 8 Press Enter . The Syste m M enu displ ays. Y ou can now perfor m all of the func tions des cribed in the following ch apters. Al l steps star t fro m the Sys tem M en u. Accessing the Network M anagement System Y ou can access the network mana gement system sof tware fr om the Rout er Adminis trator .
VFS1 13 Rack/Desktop M odel User’s Guide 3-6 Changing t he Screen Display After yo u have accessed t he Router Administrat or softwar e, you can c hange the screen display using a combina tion of ke ystrokes , as shown on t he System Menu. T able 3-2 lists the keys trokes require d to change vario us screen dis plays.
Configuring the Router 3-7 I Change the scan delay (see page 3-15 ) I Enab le a nd di sabl e th e ala rm (see page 3-16 ) I Rest ore the d efau lt se ttin gs (se e page 3-18 ) Selecting the T opology Y ou should be sure that the router ’ s topolo gy setting is c orrect for your configu ration.
VFS1 13 Rack/Desktop M odel User’s Guide 3-8 3 Select th e T opology that match es your con figuration and p ress Ent er : – LOOP —use thi s optio n for all c onfigurat ions exc ept when the router is conn ected to a switch F-port . See Installat ion Configu ration Examples on page 2-4 .
Configuring the Router 3-9 T o change the Loop ID: 1 From the Syst em Menu, selec t Confi guration Me nu and press Enter . The Confi guration Menu scre en displays. 2 Select Host Configuration and pre ss Enter . The Host Con f igurat ion scree n displays .
VFS1 13 Rack/Desktop M odel User’s Guide 3-10 5 Press Enter . If you wa nt to change the router LUN, you can do so. See Changing the Router ’ s FC LUN on page 3-10 . The syst em confirms that you wan t to make the change . 6 Select Ye s and press Enter to make the change s.
Configuring the Router 3-1 1 If you s elected LOOP , the Loop ID scr een displays. T o displ ay the Route r LUN screen , press Enter . If you want to c hange the Lo op ID, you can do so. See Cha nging the Rout er ’ s Loop ID on page 3-8 . If you selected POINT -TO-POI N T , the Router LUN screen displays.
VFS1 13 Rack/Desktop M odel User’s Guide 3-12 Changing t he SCSI ID Assigned to Each Route r Channel The route r assigns each o f its SCSI channels o ne of the SCSI IDs (i nitiat or IDs), leav ing 15 SCSI ID s availa ble for d e vices. Y ou can change the SCSI ID assi gned to each channe l.
Configuring the Router 3-13 4 Select th e SCSI ID (Initiator ID) you want to use for thi s channel a nd press Enter . Depending the model you ha ve, other s c reens may d isplay . The syst em confirms that you wan t to make the change . 5 Select Ye s and press Enter to make the change s.
VFS1 13 Rack/Desktop M odel User’s Guide 3-14 Setting the D ate and Time Y ou can set t he router’ s date an d time. T o set the r outer’ s date : 1 From the Syst em Menu, selec t Confi guration Me nu and press Enter . The Confi guration Menu scre en displays.
Configuring the Router 3-15 The Confi guration Menu scre en displays. 2 Select S et Da te/Tim e and press Ente r . The Set Da te/Time scree n dis play s. 3 Select Set Time and pr ess Enter . The Set T ime s creen dis plays. 4 Enter the time you want and press Enter .
VFS1 13 Rack/Desktop M odel User’s Guide 3-16 2 Select Scan Configuration a nd press Ent er . The Scan Con figuration scr een displ ays. 3 Select th e number of seco nds you want the router to wai t and pre ss Enter . Y ou can sele ct any number between 0 a nd 255.
Configuring the Router 3-17 T able 3-3 s hows the te mperatu re and volt age thre sholds for each alarm and what to do to resolve the problem. T a ble 3-3.
VFS1 13 Rack/Desktop M odel User’s Guide 3-18 T o enable or disa ble the al arm : 1 From the Syst em Menu, selec t Confi guration Me nu and press Enter . The Confi guration Menu scre en displays. 2 Select Alarm and press Enter . The Alarm s creen displays.
Configuring the Router 3-19 2 Select Restore Defaults a nd press Enter . The Restore Defaults screen displays. The selected option is marked with an * next to it. 3 Select Ye s and press Enter to make the change . The syst em confirms that the changes are made.
VFS1 13 Rack/Desktop M odel User’s Guide 3-20 Changing and Displaying De vice Information Y ou can change and displa y information ab out the devices c onnected to the r outer us ing the Route r Administrat or .
Configuring the Router 3-21 2 Select M apping Mo de press Enter . The Mapping Mode sc reen disp lays. The cu rrent sett ing is m arked wit h an * next to it. 3 Select th e option you want an d press Enter : AUTO —lets the rout er assign the FC LUN to each device a nytime you po w er up th e router .
VFS1 13 Rack/Desktop M odel User’s Guide 3-22 T o change the device FC LUNs : 1 Set t he a ddr ess mode to F IXED . See Cha nging the Map ping Mode (AUT O or FIXED) on page 3-20 . 2 From the Syst em Menu, selec t Addr ess Mapping and pres s Enter . The Addres s Mapping screen di splays.
Configuring the Router 3-23 Displaying th e Devices Con nected to the Ro uter Y ou can display a list of the SCSI devices c onnected t o the rout er . Currently , the list only include s the first 15 devices on each channe l. T o display a lis t of all devices, see Displayi ng the FC-t o-SCSI Addr ess Map on page 3-23 .
VFS1 13 Rack/Desktop M odel User’s Guide 3-24 The addre ss map lists devi ces in as cending or der based on the FC LUN, i ncluding the router itself if it has an FC LUN as signed to it . For ad ditional informat ion about addres s mapping, see Appendix A, Add re ss and Devi ce Mapping .
Configuring the Router 3-25 I Firmware u pdate I T emperature warning I T emperature failure (this lead s to a shutdown of r outer which i s logged as a shut down) I V oltag e wa rning I V oltage failur e (this leads to a shutdown of ro uter which is logged as a shutdown) Y ou should che c k the log regularly .
VFS1 13 Rack/Desktop M odel User’s Guide 3-26 2 Select Vi ew Event Log and press Enter . The E ven t Log scre en displ ays the l ast e ven t th at o ccurr ed. 3 Press ↑ to see the previous event. Y ou can conti nue to vie w earlier event s by pressing ↑ .
Configuring the Router 3-27 Displaying Hardware an d Configurat ion Informat ion Y ou can display t he router ’ s hardwar e and confi guration infor mation. This is whe re you can see what ve rsion of the fi rmware you have. Cha parral technica l support personnel may also r equ est this in for matio n.
VFS1 13 Rack/Desktop M odel User’s Guide 3-28 T o display hardwar e informat ion only: 1 From the Syst em Menu, selec t Util ities M enu and pres s Enter . The Util ities Menu scr een displ ays. 2 Select Hardware Informat ion and press Ente r . The H ardw are Infor ma tion s cree n di splay s.
Configuring the Router 3-29 T o display hardwar e and confi guration informati on: 1 From anywhere in the Router Admi nistra tor soft ware, press Ctrl-e . The fir st scree n of event s from the e vent log d i splays. 2 Press Ctrl-e again The H ardw are Infor ma tion s cree n di splay s.
VFS1 13 Rack/Desktop M odel User’s Guide 3-30 Displaying th e Router ’ s F C LUN Y ou can display t he route r ’ s FC LUN and the FC LUNs o f each devi ce connected to the router . T o display the r outer’ s LUN: 1 From the Syst em Menu, selec t Addr ess Mapping and pres s Enter .
Configuring the Router 3-31 Upgrading Firmware Y ou can upgrad e the fir mware fo r the rout er and th e Ethernet card i n the router . Informat ion regarding t he latest releas e of firmware and firmware updates i s avail able from the C hapar ral W eb si te ( www .
VFS1 13 Rack/Desktop M odel User’s Guide 3-32 6 While th e router reboots, h old down the space b ar on your keybo ard. The F lash Util ity s cre en d ispla ys. 7 Press the number on your keyboar d that co rresponds to the protocol you want to use to tra nsfer th e firmware upgrade file from your c omputer to the rou ter .
Configuring the Router 3-33 Upgrading the Ethernet Card’ s Firmware Y ou can a lso upda te th e fir mwa re fo r th e Ethe rne t ca rd ins ide t he r out er .
VFS1 13 Rack/Desktop M odel User’s Guide 3-34.
4-1 4 T roubleshooting Resoluti ons to common prob lems you ma y encounter are described in the followin g sectio ns. This section d escribes troub leshooting us ing the RS- 232 serial port .
VFS1 13 Rack/Desktop M odel User’s Guide 4-2 Prob lem: The system hangs after the “All diagnost ic tests passe d” message or while scanning devices. Solution : Follow th ese steps to res olve the pro blem: 1 V erify th ere are n o SCSI address confl icts.
Trou bleshooting 4-3 Restoring th e Default C onfigu ration Th rough the Flash Utility Y ou can clear t he router confi guration and restore all r outer default s ettings wit hout accessi ng the Router Admi nistra tor soft ware.
VFS1 13 Rack/Desktop M odel User’s Guide 4-4 2 Select 6. Utility Menu a nd press Enter . The Util ity Menu screen di splays. 3 Select 2. Clear Configurat ion and pres s Enter . 4 The system conf irms that you want to make the change. Enter Y to confir m and press Enter to clear the configur ations.
Trou bleshooting 4-5 Prob lem: Nothing is di splayed on the te rminal emulator . Solution : The probab l e cause o f this problem is yo ur terminal emula tor soft ware is not configur ed correctly . Prob lem: Screen is upd ated, but won’ t respond to keystroke s.
VFS1 13 Rack/Desktop M odel User’s Guide 4-6 Router is Not Responding Prob lem: The router is t urned on and con nected, but is not wor king prop erly and it s LED light s are not lit. Solution : Replace t he fuse. 1 Insert a small flat-blade screwdriver unde r the tab where t he fuse is located and pul l out the fuse and fuse box.
Trou bleshooting 4-7 3 Use the ↑ and ↓ k eys to browse thro ugh the list of eve nts. T o view a whole screen of event s at once follo w these ste ps: 1 T ype Ctrl- e to switch s creens until t he Event Log s creen appears ( the text “Event Log” is loca ted in the low er lef t co rner of the scre en).
VFS1 13 Rack/Desktop M odel User’s Guide 4-8 V olt age and T emperature Errors and W arnings Most volta ge and temperature er rors occur due to environ m ental co nditions. See Ta b l e 1 - 1 on page 1- 4 for envi ronmental spe c ificat ions. Setting Up Debug Logging The route r has a debug log that you can view by pre ssing Ct rl- E .
A-1 A Address and Device Mapping Devices a t tached t o the rou ter are discove red durin g power on. The router default s to AUT O mapping mode, which auto m atica lly maps the SCSI devi ces at each power on.
VFS1 13 Rack/Desktop M odel User’s Guide A-2 Figur e A-1. V FS1 13 de vice ad dres s mapp ing Host Computer Fibre Channel Disk 1 Tape 1 Robot Channel 0 Channel 1 Channel 2 Disk 2 Disk 3 Disk 4 Disk .
Address and De vice Mapping A-3 Loop ID to AL_P A Mapping During th e Fibre Channel Arb i trated Loop (FC-AL) i nitializa tion process, a unique Arbitra ted Loop Ph ysical Address (AL_P A) value is assigned to each p ort on the loop .
VFS1 13 Rack/Desktop M odel User’s Guide A-4 ❒ 62 74 85 4E 108 2A 63 73 86 4D 109 29 64 72 87 4C 1 10 27 65 71 88 4B 1 1 1 26 66 6E 89 4A 1 12 25 67 6D 90 49 1 13 23 68 6C 91 47 1 14 1F 69 6B 92 4.
D-1 D LAN Configuration Before yo u can access the Ro uter Administrat or softwa re using t he Ethern et port, you must set up your rout er for TCP/ IP .
VFS1 13 Rack/Desktop M odel User’s Guide D-2 Using Address R esolution Protocol The ARP confi guration method r equires no IP address r e-config uration o f any compute r on the ne twork. The ARP command i s availab le in var ious forms and sometimes with varying syntax in UNIX and Wi ndows systems .
LAN Configuration D-3 Dyna mic Ho st Confi guration Protoc ol Configu ration The Dynamic Ho st Configuratio n Protocol (DHCP) is a protoco l designed to make IP address assignment dynamic and automat ic. When a router is co nfigured in DHCP mode, it gene rates a request for an I P address.
VFS1 13 Rack/Desktop M odel User’s Guide D-4 3 Select Ethernet Config and press Enter . The Networ k M anagement System Consol e screen displays . From here you can access the LAN settin gs. Each screen and its settings are descri bed briefly in the followin g sections .
LAN Configuration D-5 TCP/IP Configuration Screen Option 2 f rom the Netwo r k Management System Console scre en displays the T C P/IP Configur ation scree n. 3S y s t e m Location Location of the ro uter. Y ou can enter up to 32 characters . 4 T elnet Password Password for acces sing the router using the Ethernet port and T elnet.
VFS1 13 Rack/Desktop M odel User’s Guide D-6 T able D-2 descr ibes the settings you can change her e. SNMP Configuration Screen Option 3 f rom the Netwo rk Management System Console scre en displa ys the SNMP Configur ation scree n. T able D-3 descr ibes the settings you can change her e.
LAN Configuration D-7 Rest artin g the LAN Bo ard Option 4 f rom the Netwo r k Management System Console scre en restarts th e LAN board. A screen wi ll display not ifying you that your system is re starting.
VFS1 13 Rack/Desktop M odel User’s Guide D-8.
C-1 C Reference Documents S t andards X3T1 1/Project 7 55D Fibr e Channel Physi cal and Sig naling Int erface ( FC-PH) Specifi cation - ANSI S tandard X3.230 -1994 X3T1 1/Project 1 133D Fibr e Channel Arbitrat ed Loop (FC-AL-2 ) Specificatio ns, Rev 6.
VFS1 13 Rack/Desktop M odel User’s Guide C-2 The exact status, revis i on level , and locatio n may change a s the drafts bec ome standar ds and are r eleased.
G-1 Glossary “A” control ler— In Activ e-Active mode, one cont roller is designa ted as the “A” control ler and the other controller is de signated as the “B” controller .
VFS1 13 Rack/Desktop M odel User’s Guide G-2 initia tor and SCS I target . FC P enab les tran smi ssio n an d re cei pt of S CSI c om mand s, da ta, and stat us across the FC using stan dard FC frame and seq uence forma ts.
Glossa ry G-3 Low volt age differential (L VD)— L VD is a meth od of powering SCSI cabl es that will be formal ized in the SC SI-3 speci ficati ons. L VD uses les s power than the c urrent dif ferential driv e (HVD), is less expensive, an d allows fo r higher speeds s uch as those o f Ultra2 SCS I .
VFS1 13 Rack/Desktop M odel User’s Guide G-4 Simple Network Management Protocol ( SNMP) — S NM P is the In tern et s tanda rd protocol , defined in STD 15, RFC 1 157, develope d to manage no des on an Interne t Protocol (IP) networ k.
I-1 Index Numerics 0 ligh t 12 1 ligh t 12 2 ligh t 12 A About Network Interface s creen 7 accessing the Router Adm i nistrator software 1 Addr ess Mapp ing s cre en 20 Address R esolution Pr otocol, .
VFS1 13 Rack/Desktop M odel User’s Guide I-2 disp layi ng 23 configuration information 27 devices 23 events 24 hardware information 27 E enabling, the ro uter’s alarm 16 Ethernet card upgradi ng f.
Index I-3 disp layi ng FC-t o-SC SI add ress m ap 23 FC-to-SC SI addr esses 1 Loop ID to AL_PA 3 mapp ing m ode AUTO setting 20 chan ging 20 FIXED setting 20 Mapping Mode screen 21 N navigating in the.
VFS1 13 Rack/Desktop M odel User’s Guide I-4 accessing 1 Addr ess Mapp ing s cre en 20 Alarm screen 18 Chan ge Ad dres s Map s cre en 22 Channel Config uration screen 12 Channel screen 12 Config ura.
Index I-5 software accessing to configure the router 1 navigating in 5 specifications 4 ST light 11 status li ghts 11 suppor t 1 System Conf iguration screen 4 System Menu 2, 5 T table, installing the.
VFS1 13 Rack/Desktop M odel User’s Guide I-6.
Chaparral Netwo rk Storage, Inc. 7420 E. Dry Creek Parkway Longmo nt, C O 8 0503 © 20 00, 200 1 Chapar ral Networ k S torage, I nc. All rights reserved. Chaparral and Chaparral logo are trademarks of Ch aparral N etwork Storage , Inc. Print ed in the U.
An important point after buying a device Chaparral VFS113 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Chaparral VFS113 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Chaparral VFS113 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Chaparral VFS113 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Chaparral VFS113 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Chaparral VFS113, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Chaparral VFS113.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Chaparral VFS113. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Chaparral VFS113 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center