Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product FS2620R Chaparral
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Chaparral FS2620R Fibre Channel-to-SCSI Router User ’ s Guide.
i Copyright © 2000, 20 01 Chapa rral Netwo rk Storag e, Inc. This do cument co vers the FS2620R. Docume nt Number: 07- 0044-0 02 All righ ts reserv ed. No par t of this publica tion ma y be reprod uced with out th e prior writ ten consen t of: Cha parra l Networ k S torag e, I nc.
ii This devic e complie s with part 15 of the FCC rules. O peration is subject to the following t wo cond itions: (1) this devic e may n ot cause harmful in terference and (2) this device must a ccept any interfere nce receive d , including interference that may cause undesired operation.
iii 4 EN 61 000-4-4 —Electroma gnetic Co m patibility (EMC) - Part 4: T esting and M e asur ement T echniques - Section 4 : Electrical Fast Transient/Burst Immunity T est 5 EN 6100-4-5—E lectromag.
v Contents 1 Introduction Abou t this Guid e ........................ .................................... .................. ................. 1-1 Conv enti ons .................................. .................................... .................
FS262 0R Rack Use r ’s Guide vi Rebooting the Router ........................... .................................... .................. ...... 3-23 Changing a nd Displaying Device I nformation ...... .................. ........................ 3-24 Changing t he Mapping Mode ( AUTO or FIXED) .
vii C Reference Documents Standard s .................................... ........................... .................................... ....... C-1 Books ............... .................................... ........................... .............
FS262 0R Rack Use r ’s Guide viii.
1-1 1 Introduction The Chapar ral FS2620R router is a Fibr e Channel (FC)-to- Small Computer Syste m Interf ace (SCSI) route r that enables connectivity be tween SCSI devices a nd storage area networks (SANs).
FS2620R Rac k Model User’s Guide 1-2 Convention s This Gu ide use s several typog raphical convent ions to help exp lain how to use the router . Chapa rral FS 2620 R Route r Benefi ts and Fea tures .
Chaparral FS2 620R Router Benefits and Fe atures 1-3 ! Support f or up to 128 FC init iato rs with up t o 32 concurrentl y active ! Six inde pendent Ultra 160 SCSI de vice chan nels ! Support of up to.
FS2620R Rac k Model User’s Guide 1-4 About Serverless Backup an d Restore Recent ad vances in data pr otection archi tecture s have added the a bility to backu p data by moving it directly from disk to tape without first passing through a backup se rver .
Specification s 1-5 Specifications The Chapar ral FS2620R router is a s elf-cont ained FC-t o-SCSI router in a 1U rack enclosure wi th an int egrated power sup ply . The router is ideal for a ttachin g legacy SCSI storage devices t o Fibre Channel SANs.
FS2620R Rac k Model User’s Guide 1-6 ❒ Environmental 0°C to + 40° C ext ernal am bie nt, norm al oper ating 0°C t o +6 1°C in tern al, opera ting An alarm s ounds when router op erates be twee.
2-1 2 Installing the Router This chap ter provides st ep-by-step ins tructions for installing t he router . Y ou must take many factors into c onside ration wh ile plan ning the router instal lation.
FS2620R Rac k Model User’s Guide 2-2 4 V isual ly in spect the router and noti fy your freight carrie r immediately of a ny dama ge. 5 Record the Medi a Access Control (MAC) add ress located on th e bottom of the ro uter chas sis for fut ure refere nce.
Connec ting the Router 2-3 Parts requi red for th is pro cedur e (s hown in Figu re 2-2 ) ! Left and right mounting br ackets (only left br acket shown) ! Four mounti ng screws (10-32 p anheads) Figure 2-2.
FS2620R Rac k Model User’s Guide 2-4 ! RS-232 ser i al p ort—for conf iguration and man agement of the rou ter . ! Ethernet (10BaseT) — connec ts to your local area net work (LAN) to permit configur ation and managemen t of the router .
Connec ting the Router 2-5 T o connect devices t o the SCSI cha nnels: 1 Be sure the route r is turned of f. 2 T urn off th e SCSI devices you wan t to conne ct. 3 Connect one e nd of a SCSI cable t o a SCSI chan nel(s) on the ba ck of the r outer . See Figur e 2-3 on page 2-4 .
FS2620R Rac k Model User’s Guide 2-6 Connecting to the RS-232 Port Y ou use the RS-232 po rt to updat e the firmware, confi gure, an d monitor the router using a VT-100/ANSI c omputer wit h a terminal emula t or . For more info rmation abo ut the configur ation and managemen t capabilities, s ee Chapt er 3 , Con figuring the Router .
Powering Up All Dev ices 2-7 Connecting to the Ethern et Port Y ou use the Et hernet ( 10BaseT) port to c onfigure a nd manage the FS2620R. Y ou use this configur ation option when you need t o manage the FS2 620R from a remote comput er that is connec ted to your LAN.
FS2620R Rac k Model User’s Guide 2-8 T o make the host FC con nection: 1 Connect the Fibre Channel cables to the route r and the host computer/hub/ switch. Y ou can use on e or both FC c onnections. If o nly one connectio n is used, disabl e the unused FC c onnection.
Powering Up All Dev ices 2-9 LK Link Host FC Link Statu s Green Solid on when FC li nk is conne cted and establ ished Off when FC link is discon nected and/or not e stablis hed A T FC Host Activit y G.
FS2620R Rac k Model User’s Guide 2-10 Router Default Settings T able 2-3 below lists the rou ter defa ult setti ngs. If these settin gs meet your nee ds, you can use your router now . If they do not, you can change the sett i ngs. Se e Chapter 3, Configuri ng the Router .
Router Default Settings 2-1 1 Installation Configu ration Examples Y ou can inst all th e router in a variety of co nfigurations to meet your needs. The examples below show the mo st common inst allation conf igurati ons. ! Simple lo op with two devices on a SAN (FC-AL) Figure 2- 5.
FS2620R Rac k Model User’s Guide 2-12 ! Multiple se rvers on a SAN (FC-AL) Figure 2 -7. Multi ple serv er configur ation ex ample ! SAN with fab r ic (FC-SW) Figure 2- 8.
Router Default Settings 2-13 ! Multip le SAN s wit h fabric (FC- SW) Figure 2- 9. SAN with fabric configurati on example ! Extended c opy configurati on—serve r less backup tha t performs backup operations direct ly from disk to t ape without copying the data to the serve r Figure 2- 10.
FS2620R Rac k Model User’s Guide 2-14 ! Combinati on loop and s witch configura t ion. Figure 2- 1 1. Comb inatio n loop and switch e xample ❒.
3-1 3 Configuring the Router Y ou can displ ay and chan ge a variety of s e ttings using the Router Administrator so ftware. Using the Router Administra tor , you can : ! Change the router configu rat.
FS2620R Rac k Model User’s Guide 3-2 2 Press Ctrl-r . The in itial Chap arral F C-to -SCS I Ro uter A dmin istra tor sc reen d ispla ys. 3 Press Enter . The Syste m M enu displ ays. Y ou can now per form all of the func tions describe d in this chapte r .
Accessing the Router Adminis trator Softwa re 3-3 Accessing the R outer Adminis trator Using th e Ethernet Port Y ou can acces s the Route r Adminis trator software using the E thernet port vi a T elnet.
FS2620R Rac k Model User’s Guide 3-4 The Enter Password screen d i spla ys. 4 Enter your password and press Enter . There i s no default pass word, ju st press Enter . Either the Netwo rk Management Sys t em Consol e screen or the Rout er Administ rato r screen displays dependi ng on the s ettings in the System Config uration menu.
Accessing the Router Adminis trator Softwa re 3-5 T o access the Router Adm inistr ator soft ware using the Ethernet port and t he T elnet utilit y: 1 At the DOS or UNIX prompt, ente r telnet and press Enter . Y ou should se t your T elnet ter minal pref erences for the router connect ion.
FS2620R Rac k Model User’s Guide 3-6 System Configuration Sc reen Option 1 f rom the Netwo rk Management System Cons ole screen disp lays the System Configur ation scree n. This scr een allows you to change t he system n ame, password, and T elnet timeout.
Accessing the Router Adminis trator Softwa re 3-7 T able 3-1 lists Et hernet default settings for use in the fo llowing menu items. Although this version of the router h as no SNMP traps, gatewa ys are included for future expan sion.
FS2620R Rac k Model User’s Guide 3-8 This scre en allows you to set the SNMP tr ap host, en able the tr aps, and read or write to the SNMP communit y (refer to your LAN system admi nistrat or for assist ance in re ading or writing to SNMP community) .
Accessing the Router Adminis trator Softwa re 3-9 Y ou can now perf orm all of the functions d escribed in the re st of this c hapter . All s teps in this c hapte r star t from th e Sys tem Me nu. Accessing the Network M anagement System Y ou can acces s the netwo rk management syste m software f r om the Router Administra tor .
FS2620R Rac k Model User’s Guide 3-10 The Menu T ree ill ustrate s the main menu opti ons and sub- options. Figu re 3-1. M enu T ree.
Changing Rou ter Configuration 3-1 1 Changing t he Screen Display After yo u have accessed t he Router Administrat or sof tware, you c an change t he screen display using a combina tion of ke ystrokes , as shown on the S ystem Menu. T able 3-2 list s the keys trokes require d to change vario us screen dis plays.
FS2620R Rac k Model User’s Guide 3-12 Configuring the FC Host Channels Y ou can confi gure sever al settings f or each FC host channel independently: ! Enable/Di sable —Y ou can disable the FC host chann els. Y ou should disabl e a channel if you ar e not using it.
Changing Rou ter Configuration 3-13 ! Link spee d— Y ou should se t the FC channel l i nk spe ed to match your FC sp eed. Y ou can set the speed to: 1GB, 2 GB, or AUTO. AUT O attempts to determine th e speed of the lin k/lo op an d conf igu res th e FC ch ip app ropr iate ly .
FS2620R Rac k Model User’s Guide 3-14 3 Select th e FC channel you wa nt to configure and press Ent er . The Enab led/Disa bled screen dis plays with th e current setting mark ed with an * . 4 Select Enabled or Disabled a nd press Enter . If you a re not usi ng one channel, you should disable i t .
Changing Rou ter Configuration 3-15 5 Select th e T opology that match es your configur ation and p ress Enter : – LOOP —use thi s option f or all co nfigurations e xcept when the c hannel is connecte d to a switch F-po rt. See Install ation Conf iguration Examples on page 2-1 1 .
FS2620R Rac k Model User’s Guide 3-16 7 If the L oop ID screen di splays, select the option or number you want to use and press Enter . The Router LUN screen displa ys. The text insi de the par enthesis ( ) sh ows the curren t Router LUN. 8 Select the option or nu m ber y ou want to us e and press Enter .
Changing Rou ter Configuration 3-17 9 Sel ect Ye s and pre ss Enter t o make the ch anges. The syst em confirms that the changes are made. 10 Press Enter to re turn to the H ost C onfigu rati on Men u.
FS2620R Rac k Model User’s Guide 3-18 3 Select the SCSI channel ( 0-5) whose SCSI ID you w ant to change and press Enter . The Channel screen displa ys. 4 Select th e SCSI ID (Initiator ID) you want to use for thi s channe l and p ress Enter . Depending on the model you have, other screens may displ ay .
Changing Rou ter Configuration 3-19 Setting the D ate and Time Y ou can set t he router’ s date an d time. T o set the r outer’s date : 1 From the Syst em Menu, selec t Conf iguratio n Menu an d press Ent er . The Confi guration Menu scre en displays.
FS2620R Rac k Model User’s Guide 3-20 T o set the r outer’s time : 1 From the Syst em Menu, selec t Conf iguratio n Menu an d press Ent er . The Confi guration Menu scre en displays. 2 Select S et Date /Time and press Enter . The Set Date /T ime scr een d isplay s.
Changing Rou ter Configuration 3-21 Changing t he Scan Delay Y ou can contro l how long t he router waits before s canning its SCSI ch annels for devi ces. Y ou may want to c hange this setting if you have devices tha t take lo nger to come ready than the router (for exampl e, after a system wid e power cycle).
FS2620R Rac k Model User’s Guide 3-22 T able 3-4 s hows the te m peratu re and voltage t hresholds for ea ch alarm and what t o do to resolve the problem. T o enable or disa ble the al arm : 1 From the Syst em Menu, selec t Conf iguratio n Menu an d press Ent er .
Rebooting the Router 3-23 Restoring th e Default Settin gs Y ou can restore al l of the router’ s default se ttings. Y ou may want to do this if the route r is not worki ng properly and yo u cannot determine why . This lets you then change the setti ngs that are cri tical t o your config uration, specifically the topology .
FS2620R Rac k Model User’s Guide 3-24 Changing and Displaying De vice Informati on Y ou can change and dis play info rmation about the devices connect ed to the router using the Route r Administr ator .
Changing and Disp laying Device Info rmation 3-25 2 Select M appin g Mode pres s Enter . The Mapp ing Mode s creen displays. The current sett ing is mar ked with an * nex t to it. 3 Select th e option you want an d press Enter : AUTO —lets the r outer ass ign the FC LUN to each de vice anytime y ou power u p the router .
FS2620R Rac k Model User’s Guide 3-26 If you as sign an FC LUN t hat is already in use, the FC LUNs for the two devices a r e swapped. For example, if device A has LUN 01 and d evice B has LUN 03 , and you assign 03 to devi ce A, the LUN for devi ce B bec omes 01.
Changing and Disp laying Device Info rmation 3-27 Changing A ddressing Me thod 1 From the Syst em Menu, selec t Addr essing Method and pr ess Enter . The Addres sing Method screen displays . 2 Sel ect Addr essing Method and pr ess Enter . The Addres sing Method screen displays .
FS2620R Rac k Model User’s Guide 3-28 T o display the devic es connected to th e router: 1 From the Syst em Menu, selec t Di splay Devic e s and p ress Enter .
Displayin g Router Informati on 3-29 2 Select Display Addr ess Map pr ess Enter . The Displ a y Addre ss Map sc reen displ a ys. 3 Press Esc to r eturn to t he Address Mapping s creen.
FS2620R Rac k Model User’s Guide 3-30 Y ou should che ck the log regul arly . The ev ent log stores t he most recen t 400 ev ents. Events ar e numbered f rom 001 to 999.
Displayin g Router Informati on 3-31 3 Press ↑ to see the previous event. Y ou can conti nue to view earl ier events by pr essing ↑ . 4 Press Esc to ret urn to the Eve nt Lo g Men u.
FS2620R Rac k Model User’s Guide 3-32 T o capt ure the e vent log file: 1 W ith HyperT erminal u p and running as your RS-232 i nterface ter minal, p ress CTRL-E until the ev ent log di splays. A full s creen of e vents displays with the mos t recent event at t he bottom.
Displayin g Router Informati on 3-33 FC Speed 1G 2G Auto GBIC receive status Signal present—FC is up and runn ing No signal—FC is not up and runn ing Node WWN FC W orld Wid e Name for node. Port WWN FC W orld W ide Name for port . Loop ID, if the topology is LOOP .
FS2620R Rac k Model User’s Guide 3-34 T o display hardwar e information only : 1 From the Syst em Menu, selec t Ut ilitie s Menu and press Enter . The Util ities Menu scr een displ ays. 2 Select Hardware Informat ion and press Ente r . The H ardwa re Info rma tion s creen disp lays .
Displayin g Router Informati on 3-35 T o display hardwar e and configuration i nformation: 1 From anywhere in the Router Admi nistra tor software, pr ess CTRL-E unti l HW Info: i s disp layed at t he bottom of the screen. 2 Press CTRL-E again. The C FG Inf o sc reen d ispla ys.
FS2620R Rac k Model User’s Guide 3-36 Displaying th e Router ’ s FC LUN Y ou can display t he rou ter ’ s FC LUN and the FC LUNs of e ach device connected to the router . T o display the r outer’ s LUN: 1 From the Syst em Menu, selec t Addr ess Mapping and press Ent er .
Upgrading Firm ware 3-37 Upgrading Firmware Y ou can upgrad e the firmware fo r the controll er and the Ethern et card in t he router . Informat ion regarding t he latest releas e of firmware and firmware updates i s avail able from the C haparra l W e b site ( www .
FS2620R Rac k Model User’s Guide 3-38 5 Press Enter to reb oot. 6 While th e router reboot s, hold down the spac e bar on your k eyboard . The F lash U tilit y scr een d ispla ys. 7 Press the number on your keyboar d that co rresponds to the protocol you want to use to tra nsfer th e firmware upgrade file from your c omputer to the rou ter .
Upgrading Firm ware 3-39 5 At the User prompt enter: flash 6 At the Pass w ord prompt ente r: flash 7 At the FTP pro m pt en ter: has h 8 At the FTP pro m pt en ter: put [b in file name ] flas h Y ou will see the down loading pr ogress displaye d on the screen.
FS2620R Rac k Model User’s Guide 3-40.
4-1 4 T roubleshooting Resoluti ons to common prob lems you may encoun ter are d escribed in the fo llowing sectio ns. This section d escribes troub leshooting us ing th e RS-232 ser i al p ort.
FS2620R Rac k Model User’s Guide 4-2 Prob lem: The system hangs after the “All diagno stic te sts passed” messa ge or while scanning devices. Solution : Foll ow these st eps to resol ve the pro blem: 1 V erify ther e are no SCSI address confl icts.
Prob lems Dur ing B ootu p 4-3 T o restor e the default c onfigurati on: 1 After power i ng on t he system, h old down the space b ar to prevent t he system f rom rebooti ng. The F lash U tilit y scr een d ispla ys. 2 Select 6. Utility Menu a nd press Enter .
FS2620R Rac k Model User’s Guide 4-4 T erminal Emulator and COM Port Problems Prob lem: Screen conti nuously puts out g arbage characte rs. Solution : The li kely caus e of this probl em is a baud r a te mismat ch between the te rminal emulator and the rou ter .
Device SCSI Chann e l Problems 4-5 Device SCSI Channel Problems Prob lem: Not all driv es connected to t he router devic e channels are di splayed duri ng boot, or the rou ter hangs during display of conne cted driv es and never reac hes the Router Admin ist rator scre en.
FS2620R Rac k Model User’s Guide 4-6 Setting Up Debug Logging The route r has a debug log t hat you ca n view by pressing CTRL-E . Pr essing CTRL-E toggles you through the ev ent log, debug log, hardware informat ion, and confi guration info rmatio n screens.
Using the Loader Diagnost ics Menu 4-7 Using the Loader Diagnostic s Menu A set of d iagnostics is run each time you bo ot the router . Y ou ca n run each test indivi dually to confirm any error s. T o run an individual t est: 1 While booti ng the router , hold down the spacebar .
FS2620R Rac k Model User’s Guide 4-8.
A-1 A Address and Device Mapping SCSI devic es attached to the router are discovered duri ng power on. The r outer def aults t o AUT O mapping mode, whic h automatica lly maps the SCSI devices at each power on.
FS2620R Rac k Model User’s Guide A-2 Figure A-1. FS26 20R devic e addres s mapping Loop ID to AL_P A Mapping During th e Fibre Channel Arb i trated Loop (FC-AL) initi alizati on process , a unique Arbitra ted Loop Phys ical Address (AL_P A) value i s assigned to ea ch port on the loop.
Loop ID to AL_P A Mapping A-3 T able A-1 shows ho w a Loop ID value maps t o an AL_P A. If you set th e Loop ID to SOFT , the rou ter atte mpts to obtain an available Loop I D, in the followin g order: 0, 1, 2, etc .
FS2620R Rac k Model User’s Guide A-4 ❒ 68 6C 91 47 1 14 1F 69 6B 92 46 1 15 1E 70 6A 93 45 1 16 1D 71 69 94 43 1 17 1B 72 67 95 3C 1 18 18 73 66 96 3A 119 17 74 65 97 39 120 10 75 63 98 36 121 0F 76 5C 99 35 122 08 77 5A 100 34 123 04 78 59 101 33 124 02 79 56 102 32 125 01 T able A-1.
B-1 B Configuring the Router for TCP/IP Before yo u can access the Ro uter Administrat or softwa re using t he Ethernet port, yo u must set up your rout er for TCP/IP .
FS2620R Rac k Model User’s Guide B-2 T o use ARP to reso lve addresse s in Windows : 1 Y ou must first place the MAC address of the rout er being se t up into your computer’ s ARP cache us ing the foll owing comma nd: arp -s IP a ddress 00:50 :13 :fx- xx- xx .
Simple Network Managem ent Protocol Configuration B-3 T o discover which IP address was a ssigned to the r outer: 1 Follow the st eps above for ARP to b ind the rout er MAC addre ss to a temporary sta tic IP add ress. 2 Use the command arp –g to di splay your computer ’ s the IP-to-MAC addr ess tabl e.
FS2620R Rac k Model User’s Guide B-4.
C-1 C Reference Documents Standards X3T1 1/Project 7 55D Fibr e Channel Physi cal and Sig naling Interface ( FC-PH) Specifi cation - ANSI Stan dard X3.
FS2620R Rac k Model User’s Guide C-2 The exact status, revis i on le vel, and locatio n may change as the dr afts become sta ndards and are r eleased.
G-1 Glossary “A” control ler— In Activ e -Active m ode, o ne control ler is designate d as the “A” control ler and the other controller is de signated as the “B” controller .
G6322/ G7324 Use r ’s Guide G-2 FC protocol for SCSI (FCP)— FCP defines an FC mapping layer (FC-4 ) that uses FC- PH servic es to tra nsmit SCSI command, data , and stat us information betwe en a SCSI initia tor and S CSI target .
Glossa ry G-3 Loop address— Loop a ddress i s an FC term that indicat es the unique ID of a node in FC loop top ology . A loop a ddress i s someti mes refer red to as a Loop ID. Low voltage differ ential (L VD)— L VD is a method of p owering SCSI cables that will be formal ized in the SC SI-3 speci fications.
G6322/ G7324 Use r ’s Guide G-4 SCSI port— A SCSI po rt is an opening at the back of a router that pro vides connectio n between t he SCSI a dapter and SCSI bus.
I-1 Index 0 ligh t 2-9 1 ligh t 2-9 2 ligh t 2-9 3 ligh t 2-9 4 ligh t 2-9 5 ligh t 2-9 A About Network Interface s creen 3-8 accessing the Router Adm i nistrator s oftware 3-1 Addr ess M appi ng sc r.
FS2620R Rac k Model User’s Guide I-2 default settings, restoring 3-2 3 deskto p, inst alling the router o n 2-2 devices changing add resses of 3-25 , 3-27 changing F C LUNs of 3-25 , 3-2 7 disp layi.
I-3 upgradi ng firmware 3-3 7 FT light 2-8 fuse, replacin g 4- 5 G gat eway 3-6 GBICs, compatible types of 2-5 H Hardware Infor mation screen 3-34 , 4-6 hardware in formati on, displ aying 3-32 Host C.
FS2620R Rac k Model User’s Guide I-4 R rack, installing the router in 2-2 reboo ting probl ems duri ng 4-1 the router 3-23 replacing t he fuse 4-5 resolv ing addresses u sing ARP B-2 resolv ing addr.
I-5 Addr ess M appin g 3-24 Alarm 3-22 Chan ge Addr ess M ap 3-26 Chan nel 3-18 Channel Conf iguration 3-17 Config uration Menu 3- 13 Display Address Map 3- 26 , 3-29 Display Devices 3-2 8 Enabled/Dis.
FS2620R Rac k Model User’s Guide I-6 problem s durin g bootup 4-1 rout er no t resp ondi ng 4-5 terminal emulator 4-4 typogr aphic conventi ons 1-2 U unpacking th e router 2-1 upgradi ng firmware 3-.
Cha parra l Networ k Storag e, Inc. 7420 E. Dry Creek Park way Longmo nt, CO 8050 3 © 20 00, 200 1 Chapar ral Network Storage, Inc. All rights reserved. Chaparral and Chaparral logo are trademarks of Chapa rral Network Storage, Inc. Print ed in the U.
An important point after buying a device Chaparral FS2620R (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Chaparral FS2620R yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Chaparral FS2620R - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Chaparral FS2620R you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Chaparral FS2620R will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Chaparral FS2620R, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Chaparral FS2620R.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Chaparral FS2620R. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Chaparral FS2620R along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center