Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product C721 Casio
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1 Contents Ge tt i ng S ta r te d wi t h Y o u r P ho n e ............................ 6 Phone Overview ........................................................................... 6 The Battery .........................................................
Contents 2 Phone Numbers with Pauses ..................................................... 47 Searching Y our Phone’ s Memor y ............................................... 48 Making a Call from Y our Phone’ s Memor y ...........................
3 V oicemail ................................................................................. 110 Visual V oice Mail ...................................................................... 111 Mobile IM ................................................
Contents 4 Bluetooth Menu ........................................................................ 139 Power .......................................................................... 140 Add New Devices ...............................................
5 One T ouch Dial ........................................................... 168 V oice Privacy .............................................................. 169 PC Connections .......................................................... 169 DTMF T ones .
6 Getting Started with Y our Phone Pho ne O ver vi ew 1. E a r p i e c e 2. LCD S cre en 3. Mic rophone 4. L eft Soft K ey 5. Cam era / Vid eo Key 6. S end Key 7 . Voicemail Key 8. Clear/ Voice Co mman ds Key 9. Shif t Key 10. Next Key 1 1. Directional Key 1 2.
7 Getting Started with Y our Phone 26 . Outside D isplay 2. LC D S cre e n* Phon e Closed Phon e T wisted and Closed* * 27 . Ca mera /C amcorder Lens* 28.
8 Getting Started with Y our Phone 1. E a r p i e c e 2. LC D Sc reen Displays mess ages and indicator ic ons. 3. Microphone 4. L Le f t So f t Key Press to display the Me ssage menu o r access th e functio n listed above the key .
9 Getting Started with Y our Phone 1 1. a Dir e ct io na l Key A llows you to scroll t hrough pho ne menu o ptions and provide s a shor tcut to ph one fu nctions f rom the idle scree n. 12. c C e nte r S el e ct Key Press to acces s the M EN U from the idle scree n.
10 Getting Started with Y our Phone 20. S Sh ut t er Key Press to capture an i mage. This key also functi ons as recording key in the Record Video m ode. Press half way to adjust and lo ck the fo cus with out activating the s hut ter . 21 . . Si d e Se le c t Key With t he flip open a nd music playing, press to sk ip to the nex t song.
11 Getting Started with Y our Phone k Wat e r R e s is t a n c e The CA SIO E XIL IM Ph one is water resistant . It provides reliable per formanc e for outdo or life, in such conditio ns as driving rain or high humidit y . The tested device meets t he requirements of MIL - S TD - 81 0 F (R ain & imme rsion 1m, 30 min) standard.
12 Getting Started with Y our Phone NO T E The ph one ca n be rinsed with cle an water when dir t y . T o ensure water resistance, make sure that all covers are securely closed before rinsing. NO T E Periodically, clean the Charging T erminals wit h a dry cl oth or cot ton swab.
13 Getting Started with Y our Phone Wa rn i ng ! Failure to follow the below directi ons for inst alling/remov ing the batter y co uld result in product failure. k I nst al ling t he B at te r y War ni ng ! Do no t install the bat ter y whe re water or liquid may fall directly on the ph one or bat ter y or in a hu mid place such as a bathroom .
14 Getting Started with Y our Phone 7. Pres s the bat ter y cover to the directio n indicated 5 and 6 by the arrows as show n in the figures. 8. Slide th e Lock sw itch to LOCK . War ni ng ! Do not pres s hard on the bat ter y cover wit h the bat ter y cover tab run ning over the pho ne bec ause you m ay damage the batter y c over tab.
15 Getting Started with Y our Phone War ni ng ! Do not le ave the removed batter y w here it can overhe at such as near a flam e, stove, or under direct sunlight. O ther wise, it can ignite, burst, malfuncti on, or caus e a fire. Do not hit, or exert excessive shoc k on the bat ter y .
16 Getting Started with Y our Phone War ni ng ! Do not c onne ct anoth er Wall Charger to the Cha rging/ Data Po r t ( eithe r directly or through the H eadset Adapter) , whe n charging the pho ne inser ted in the H andset Charging Cradle. Damage o r overheat may result.
17 Getting Started with Y our Phone 3. Inser t the CA SIO E XIL IM Pho ne into the H andset Cha rging Cradle to begin char ging. Wa rn i ng ! Whe n conne cting the U SB c able to the Ha ndset Charging Cradle, check th at the tip of the U S B cable co nnecto r matches the shape of th e Handset C harging Cradle jack before inserting.
18 Getting Started with Y our Phone NO T E Charging by using the US B ca ble may take more time tha n using the Wall Charger . Cha rging time when us ing the US B cable may var y depending o n the P C to be con nected.
19 Getting Started with Y our Phone Wa rn i ng ! Failure to completely rese al the Cha rging/ Data Po rt af ter charging may result in damage if the phone is expo sed to water .
20 Getting Started with Y our Phone T urning the P hone On and Of f k T urning the Phone On 1. P ress and ho ld the End / Power Key until the LCD screen lights up. NO T E Avoid any unnece ssar y c ontact wi th the a ntenna whil e your phon e is on. k T urn ing t he Pho ne O f f 1.
21 Getting Started with Y our Phone Rece iving Calls 1. W hen th e phon e rings or vibrates, press the S end Key to answer the cal l. NO T E Since t he answer o ption is set to F lip Ope n as default, you c an directly answer an inc oming c all by simply opening t he pho ne.
22 Getting Started with Y our Phone SS L (Secure S ockets Layer ) is a protoc ol developed by Netscape Co mmunic ations that us es encr yption to secure data thro ugh the public Internet fro m client to ser ver .
23 Getting Started with Y our Phone NO T E All directions in this manual assu me that Ma in Menu S ettings is set to Grid and M ultim edia, and D isplay The mes is set to Optical Black, w hich are the default set tings. NO T E For info rmatio n about h ow to switch betwee n Main M enu t ypes, see page 154.
24 Getting Started with Y our Phone CONT ACTS 1. N e w C o n t a c t 2. Con tac t Li st 3. Gro ups 4. S p ee d Di al s 5. In Cas e of E me rg e ncy 6. My Name Card MESSA G ING 1 . Ne w Mess age 2. Inb ox 3. Sen t 4. Dra f ts 5. V oicemail 6. Visua l Voice M a il 7.
25 Getting Started with Y our Phone 5. Brows e & Dow nlo ad 6. Extras MY VIDEOS VZ NA VIG A TOR V C AST VIDE O SE T T IN GS & TOO LS 1. M y Ve r i z o n 2. T ool s 1. Vo i c e C o m m a n d s 2. Calculator 3. Ca lendar 4. Alarm Clock 5. Stop Watc h 6.
26 Getting Started with Y our Phone 6. P hone Settings 1. A i r p l a n e M o d e 2. Set S hor tcuts 1 . S et My S hor tcuts 2. Set Directi onal Keys 3. V oice Command s 4. Language 5. Location 6. Sec urity 1 . Edit C odes 2. Restricti ons 3. Pho ne Lock S etting 4.
27 Getting Started with Y our Phone T wist and Close the phone Whe n you T wist and Cl ose th e phon e, you can t ake pictures or record videos in a m anner sim ilar to a digital ca mera. 1. O pen th e display in the direction show n in figure 2.- 1. 2.
28 Getting Started with Y our Phone NO T E This procedure described in this manual as sumes th e phone is opened w ith the display facing in unless n oted other wise. k Fu n c t i o n S e l e c t M e n u Whe n you T wist and Cl ose the p hone w ith the idle scree n displayed, the Function S elect Me nu displays automatically.
29 Getting Started with Y our Phone k I nst al ling a M e mor y C ar d Wa rn i ng ! Whe never installing or removing a m emor y c ard, make sure the phon e is turned of f and t hat the Wall charger is not c onne cted.
30 Getting Started with Y our Phone 3 . Close th e Me mor y Card Sl ot cover . Wa rn i ng ! Failure to fully clos e the Me mor y C ard Slot cover af ter installing or removing a m emo r y card can allow water to lea k inside and create the risk of malfuncti on.
31 Getting Started with Y our Phone NO T E The m emo r y card is very s mall. Ma ke sure you do not drop it. 4. Cl ose the M em or y Card Slot c over .
32 Quick Access to Convenient Features Using the Headset Adapter Y ou can us e the He adset Adapter included in the box to att ach a standa rd 2.5m m headset to the p hone.
33 Quick Access to Convenient Features NO T E For info rmatio n abo ut how to lo ck and u nlock t he pho ne, see page 163. Mute F unction If you press Mu te during a call, the pers on you are speak ing with cann ot he ar you o r any so unds f rom yo ur side o f the c onvers atio n.
34 Quick Access to Convenient Features Call W aiting If yo u are on a call a nd you receive an other in com ing call, you w ill hear t wo beeps. W ith Ca ll Waiting, you may put the active call o n hold wh ile you answe r the inco ming ca ll. T o use Call Waiting: 1.
35 Quick Access to Convenient Features Spe ed Dialing Spee d Dialing is a co nvenient feature that allows yo u to make phone c alls quickly and e asily with a few keystrokes. Y o ur phone recalls t he number f rom your C ontacts, displays it briefly , and then dials it .
36 Entering and Editing Information T ext Input Y ou can input a nd edit your Ba nner , S chedule, Co ntacts, and Messages. k Key Fun ct ion s L Le ft So ft Ke y: P ress to select o ne of the fo llowing text input modes: T9 Wo rd /Abc/ABC/1 23 / Sym bol s /Add Qui ck T ext * Shift : Press to change cas e.
37 Entering and Editing Information NO T E Abc is the default tex t entr y mode. NO T E Press and ho ld the alphanu meric key to enter a number in A bc mode. k U sing T 9 Word M od e T ext I np ut T9 Word mode inco rporates a built-in - dictiona ry to deter mine a word based on the e ntered characters.
38 Entering and Editing Information k Ad din g Words to t he T 9 D at ab ase If a word is not in the T9 dat abase, add it by using Abc (Multi -t ap ) mode tex t entr y . T o add a new wo rd: 1. Fro m the text entr y scree n, in Abc mo de, press 5 5 6 6 6 7 .
39 Contacts in Y our Phone’s Memory k Contacts Entries This provides e asy acces s to your mo st frequently dialed p hone number s. Y ou may store up to 50 0 entries. The Basics of Stor ing Contact Entries 1. Fro m the idle screen, enter t he pho ne numbe r ( up to 4 8 characters ) yo u want to save.
40 Contacts in Y our Phone’s Memory 6. CON T ACT S AVED appears on t he display . The ph one numb er reappears on screen. P ress the End / Power Key to exit, or press the S end Key to call the numb er . NO T E Use Update Existing to add an other ph one nu mber to a cont act already stored in me mor y , se e page 4 3.
41 Contacts in Y our Phone’s Memory 4. Pres s the Directio nal Key j up or down to s elect th e Group, then press th e Lef t Sof t Key [Se t] . Group options include: No Group / Club / Family / Friends / Wor k 5. Press the D irectional Key j up or dow n to select t he Group ty pe, then press the C enter Sele ct Key [O K] .
42 Contacts in Y our Phone’s Memory k Adding or Changing the Pictures ID T o select a picture or graphic to assign to a C aller ID: 1. Fro m the idle screen, press th e Right S of t Key [C ont acts ] , then press the Directio nal Key j up or down to highlight an e ntr y .
43 Contacts in Y our Phone’s Memory 5. Use the keypad to enter a S peed D ial digit. Pres s the Ce nter Select Key [SE T] , or press the D irectional Key j up or do wn to highlight the Spe ed Dial digit, t hen press the C enter Se lect Key [SET] . 6.
44 Contacts in Y our Phone’s Memory k Ad din g a Phon e Nu mb er f rom t he C ont ac t Lis t Screen 1. Fro m the idle screen, press t he Right S of t Key [Co nta cts] .
45 Contacts in Y our Phone’s Memory 3. Press the D irectional Key j up or dow n to highlight the pho ne number yo u want to assign as th e Default N umber, then press the Right S of t Key [Op tion s] . 4. Pres s the Directio nal Key j up or down to highlight Set As Default , th en press the C enter Sele ct Key [O K] .
46 Contacts in Y our Phone’s Memory Dele tin g k D e let ing a Ph on e Num b er fr om a C ont ac t 1. Fro m the idle screen, press th e Right S of t Key [C ont acts ] . 2. P ress the Directi onal Key j up or down to highlight t he Cont act entr y , the n press the Lef t S of t Key [E di t] .
47 Contacts in Y our Phone’s Memory 6. Press the C enter S elect Key [OK] . A confirma tion message appears. Phone Numbers with P auses Pauses are us ed for auto mated systems (i.e. voicem ail or calling cards) . Inser t a paus e af ter a phone nu mber t hen enter another group of nu mbers.
48 Contacts in Y our Phone’s Memory 8. Enter a name (up to 32 characters ), then press th e Center Select Key [SA VE] . A confirma tion message appears. k Ad din g a Paus e to an E xis tin g Num be r 1. Fro m the idle screen, press th e Right S of t Key [C ont acts ] .
49 Contacts in Y our Phone’s Memory k S crolling Through Y our Contacts 1. Fro m the idle screen, press th e Right S of t Key [C ont acts ] . Y our CO NTACT LIST is displayed alphabetically . 2. P ress the Directi onal Key j up or down to scroll t hrough the list.
50 Contacts in Y our Phone’s Memory NO T E Pressing the D irectional Key j up or dow n to select t he Cont act entr y and th en pressing the S end Key will dial the Default N umbe r of the Co ntact entr y au tomaticall y .
51 Contacts in Y our Phone’s Memory calling feature. Fo r detailed instructi ons on h ow to save a phone number to S peed D ial, see page 120. NO T E Y ou will ne ed to activate One - T o uch Dialing to u se Spe ed Dialing, see page 16 8. k Fo r Sin gl e - D igi t Sp e e d Di als 1 .
52 Camera Wa rn i ng ! The b ody of th e phon e may beco me war m when t he mo nitor screen is displayed for a long tim e while ta king photos o r the came ra is repeatedly zoomed in/o ut. In such c ase, do not keep your sk in in cont act with t he pho ne too l ong bec ause low temperature burn c an occu r .
53 Camera • By using th e self-ti mer , yo u can avoid blurred images du e to came ra movement b ecause yo u do not pres s the shu tter w hen shooting. • Y ou can reduce i mage blurring due to ca mera movem ent by turning o n the Imag e St abilizer .
54 Camera War ni ng ! Fingerprint or o il adhered on the lens sur face causes blurred vision. W ipe the lens sur face wit h a sof t cloth such as o ne for cleaning glasse s, before taking a picture or recording a video. Do not w ipe it strongly to avoid damaging the le ns sur face.
55 Camera S e lf Ti me r T o activate the camera’s timer functio n. (Off / 3 s ec / 5 sec / 10 sec) Macro Off/On Brightness T o increase or decrease the brightnes s. (– 5 to +5) Whi te B al an ce Auto/ Sunny/Shade/ T ungsten/F luorescent Di sp lay S et t ing T o select t he icon display metho d.
56 Camera NO T E Y ou can t urn on t he cam era’ s I mage S tabilizer to reduce i mage blur due to subject m ovement o r cam era movement w hen shoo ting a moving subject u sing telephoto, when sho oting a fast-m oving subject, o r when s hooting un der dim lighting conditions.
57 Camera 4. S elect th e Option yo u want to change by pressing the Volume Keys <> lef t or right and the n press the Side S elect Key . [OK] to view yo ur options. 5. Select th e setting by pressing the Volume Keys <> lef t or right and the n press the Side S elect Key .
58 Camera • 8 : Change s the Be st Shot set ting. (Of f/ Perso n/ Sce ner y/ Night View/ Pe rson & S cene ry/ T wilight / F ood /C haracter/ Sp ort s/P arty /Mon ot on e/S ep ia/Re ve rs e/Hi g h Sh ar pn es s/ High Contrast / V ivid) • * : Changes t he Macro set ting.
59 Camera NO T E If you press the S hut ter Key S all the way or press t he Center Select Key [T AK E] witho ut lo cking A F , focu s is adjusted and the picture is ta ken after yo u press the key . NO T E Whe n the Auto F ocus set ting is s et to 9 Point AF , nine focus rings appear .
60 Camera k N orm al S hot ( T wis t an d Clo se ) Whe n you t wist and cl ose th e phon e, you can t ake pictures in a manne r similar to a digital c ame ra. 1. T wist a nd close t he pho ne with th e idle screen displayed. 2. P ress the S hut ter Key S to select Ta k e P i c t u r e .
61 Camera 4. S elect fro m the follow ing options: • Press the S hut ter Key S [Sa v e] . T he picture is stored in My Pictures. • Press the S ide Sel ect Key . [SE ND] . The pict ure is stored in My Pict ures, and th en you ca n send a Pict ure Mes sage.
62 Camera • Press the C enter S elect Key [Opt ion s] to access th e following o ptions: View Displays the selected picture in full screen mo de. Sav e All Saves all pictures in My Pictures. Erase Erases the all pictures. • Press the R ight Select Key [Er as e] to erase the all pictures.
63 Camera 3. Press the S ide Sele ct Key . [Op tion s] . 4. P ress the Volume Keys <> lef t or right to sel ect Shot Mode , th en press the Side S elect Key . [OK] . 5. Press the Volume Keys <> lef t or right to s elect Multi Shot , then press the Side S elect Key .
64 Camera k T ake Pi ct ure m od e I con R efe r enc e The fo llowing ico ns are displayed in the T a ke Picture mode screen. T ake Picture mode Best Shot Perso n Scene ry Night View Perso n & Sce.
65 Camera Resolution 2560× 1920 2048 × 1 536 16 0 0 ×120 0 12 8 0 × 9 6 0 640× 480 320×2 4 0 16 0 ×120 Qual ity Normal Fine Flash Auto Flash Off On Only This Shot Macr o On Brightness ( Value ) White Balance Sunn y Sha de Tu n g s t e n Fluores cent Shu tter S ou nd is set to silent.
66 Camera Memory Phone Card Zoom (Ste p ) Key Gu ide Record Video In Reco rd Video m ode yo u can reco rd video wit h sou nd at resolutio n up to 32 0 × 240. k O pt ion s ( Fli p Op e n) 1. Fro m the idle screen, press a nd hold the C amera / V ideo Key V .
67 Camera W hi te Ba la nc e Auto/Sunny/Shade/ T ungsten/ Fluores cent D is pl ay S et ti ng T o select the ic on display method. (Time out/Always ) S ta r t S oun d Sou nd/Si lent Memory T o select the vide o storage loc ation. (Pho ne/C ard) Camera T o change to T ake Picture mode.
68 Camera 3. Press the S ide Sele ct Key . [OPT IONS] . Press the Volume Keys <> lef t or right to se lect the o ption yo u want to change and the n press the Side S elect Key . [OK] . 4. S elect the set ting w hile pressing the Volume Keys <> lef t or right and the n press the Side S elect Key .
69 Camera • Right So f t Key [Op tio ns] : Displays the Options menu • Lef t Sof t Key [ M y Vid e os ] : Displays My V ideos 3. T o begin recording, press the Center S elect Key [RE C] . T he following keys are available while recording : • # : Changes t he Rec ording Light set ting.
70 Camera 4. T o begin reco rding, press the Shut ter Key S [RE C] . The following keys are available while recording : • Back Key , [Ca ncel ] : Cancels recording • Side Se lect Key . [P au se ] : Pauses recording 5. T o stop recording, press the S hut ter Key S [St op ] .
71 Camera Col or Ef fects Black & Whi te Effect Nega tiv e Effe ct Sepi a Eff ect Macr o On Call Interruption is set to Block. Brightness ( Value ) White Balance Sunn y Sha de Tu n g s t e n Fluores cent Sta r t So und is set to silent .
72 MEDIA CENTER Media C enter gives you cu stomiz able ser vic e right on your wireless device that lets yo u get Ringto nes, play games, su rf t he web, get up- to -the - minu te informatio n and mo re.
73 MEDIA CENTER 5 . Br ows e & Dow nl oad Ever y thing yo u need to k now whil e you are on th e go. Loo k for a great restaurant, the n earest A T M, etc. 6. Extras Access additional applicatio ns. Music & T ones Y ou can p erso nalize your phon e’ s ringto nes an d downlo ad music.
74 MEDIA CENTER k Pu rch as e son gs on you r V CAST Mu sic w it h Rhapsody ® c ap abl e d evice* Whe n you purchase music f rom your V CA ST M usic with Rhap sody ® capable device, you als o get a seco nd copy that can be do wnload ed to your P C fro m the V CAS T Mu sic with Rhap sody ® soft ware .
75 MEDIA CENTER Get New Ringtones T o conn ect to M EDI A CE NT ER an d downl oad various ring tones: 1. Fro m the idle screen, press t he Center S elect Key [ME NU] . Sele ct Med ia Center and press the C enter Se lect Key [OK] . 2. Press 1 Mu sic & Tones , 2 G et N ew R ing to ne s , 1 Ge t N ew Ap pl ic at ion s .
76 MEDIA CENTER • Press the R ight Sof t Key [Opti ons] to access t he follow ing option s: Erase* Erase the current ringto ne fro m your pho ne. Rename* T o edit the ringtone’ s title. Lock / Unlock * L ock or u nloc k the current ringto ne in your phone.
77 MEDIA CENTER My Sounds T o select a desired sound: 1. Fro m the idle screen, press t he Center S elect Key [ME NU] . Sele ct Med ia Center and press the C enter Se lect Key [OK] .
78 MEDIA CENTER 3. Press the C enter S elect Key [OK] to begin recording. W hen done, press th e Center S elect Key [STOP] to finish recording. The rec ording is automatic ally saved to your M y So unds list. 4. Y o ur recording is saved with a num ber .
79 MEDIA CENTER NO T E Y our phone c ome s with 5 preloaded sounds: clapping, crowd roar , happy birthday , rainforest, and train. Th ese cann ot be erased. Sync your m usic from y our PC to your V CAST Music with Rhapsody ® wireless de vice This optio n allows you to tra nsfer music files f rom your P C.
80 MEDIA CENTER Picture & V id eo k Q ui ck Acc es s to Pic tur e & Vid e o Fea tur e Y ou can v iew, take and trade your digital pict ures and vide o right from your wir eless phone. k Ac ce ss a nd O pt ion s 1. Fro m the idle screen, press t he Center S elect Key [ME NU ] .
81 MEDIA CENTER k Browsing, Sel ecting , and Pla ying Video Clips 1. Fro m the idle screen, press t he Center S elect Key [ME NU] . Sele ct Med ia Center and press the C enter Se lect Key [OK] . 2. Press 2 Pic tur e & Vi de o . Press 1 V CAST V id e os .
82 MEDIA CENTER 3. Press 2 Sav e Video and th en press the C enter Sele ct Key [OK] . 4. T o agree to th e charge, press the Directio nal Key j up or down to s elect Ye s an d then press th e Center S elect Key [OK] to star t dow nloading the vide o clip.
83 MEDIA CENTER 2. A f ter reading the description of the v ideo clip, press the Right Sof t Key [Opt ions ] . 3. Selec t Ale rts and t hen press the C enter Se lect Key [OK] . 4. Sele ct Configure alerts and then press the Ce nter Select Key [OK] . 5.
84 MEDIA CENTER My Pictures In My Pictu res you can v iew all the pictures yo u have taken, store selected i mages in yo ur pho ne, send pictures to t he Onlin e Album, delete images an d access addition al picture options. 1. Fro m the idle screen, press t he Center S elect Key [ME NU ] .
85 MEDIA CENTER k B rowse M y Pic tur es ( T wi st an d Clo se ) Y ou can display pictures saved in My Pictures wi th the ph one t wisted and closed. 1.
86 MEDIA CENTER k Zoom Y ou can zoo m pictures saved in My Pi ctures. 1. Fro m the idle screen, press t he Center S elect Key [ME NU ] . Sele ct Med ia Center and press the C enter Se lect Key [OK] . 2. Press 2 Pic tur e & Vi de o , 3 My Pictures .
87 MEDIA CENTER NO T E The resized picture is saved in My Pictures as a file separate from the o riginal file. NO T E Only pictu res taken with CA SI O E XIL IM Ph one ca n be resized. k Crop Y ou can crop pictures s aved in My Pictures. 1. Fro m the idle screen, press t he Center S elect Key [ME NU] .
88 MEDIA CENTER NO T E Only pictu res taken with CA SIO E X ILI M Pho ne can be cropped. k Pe r sp ec ti ve Adju st me nt ( Per s . Adj ) If yo u need to adjust th e perspective of a picture af ter sh.
89 MEDIA CENTER NO T E Only pictu res taken with CA SI O E XIL IM Ph one ca n be adjusted by Perspective Adjustment. N ote that the perspective can not be adjusted for the pictu re with the reso lution of 2 56 0 × 192 0. k S lid e Sh ow ( Fli p Op e n) Y ou can display the pictures saved in My Pi ctures as a slide show.
90 MEDIA CENTER k S lid e Sh ow ( T wist a nd Cl ose ) Y ou can st ar t a slide show wit h the pho ne t wisted and clo sed. 1. Twist and close the ph one wi th the idle screen displayed.
91 MEDIA CENTER 5. Press the C enter S elect Key [OK] to sel ect Ye s . A confir mation message appears. My Videos In M y Vide os, you c an view all th e video s you have taken, store selected video in yo ur phon e, send video to th e Online A lbum, delete video, and access additional vide o options.
92 MEDIA CENTER NO T E Whe n you press the R ight Sof t Key [Opti ons] after s electing a video in My V ideos , you can se lect the foll owing options: Send Send a Video message. Record Video Rec ord a new video. T o On lin e Alb um Access the O nline Album.
93 MEDIA CENTER 3. Press the C enter S elect Key [OK] to sel ect Ye s . A confir mation message appears. k E ras e All V id eos 1. Fro m the idle screen, press t he Center S elect Key [ME NU] , then use t he Directio nal Key a to select My Videos and press the Ce nter Sele ct Key [O K ] .
94 MEDIA CENTER 2. Press 1 Ge t ne w Ap pli ca ti on s . 3. Cho ose th e sof t ware you want f rom the list displayed on t he screen. Foll ow the on - screen prom pts to downlo ad.
95 MEDIA CENTER 2. Press 4 Mobile W eb . The Dashboa rd screen launches. Sele ct Mobi le Web and press t he Center S elect Key [OK] . The browser launches. NO T E T his feature is currently unav ailable ou tside of the United States. It is o nly available within the Verizon Wireless Enhanced Servic es Ar ea.
96 MEDIA CENTER Anchor Link Info • The fo llowing additional o ptions are available if Image is selected : Sav e Image / Save Selected Image /Anchor L ink In fo • The o ptions in W ML c ontents are also available when W ML contents are displayed.
97 MEDIA CENTER k Set tings Allows yo u to set the M obile Web set tings. 1. P ress the R ight Sof t Key [Me nu ] while b rowsin g. 2. P ress the D irectional Key j up or dow n to select Settings , then press th e Center S elect Key [OK] . 3. Sele ct one of the fo llowing optio ns: SSL In fo Current Cer tificate/ R oot Ce rt ificate.
98 MEDIA CENTER Browse & Download T o downlo ad T ools t hat can he lp you navigate to enter tainm ent spots, restaurants, and provide yo u with up -to - date weath er information: 1. Fro m the idle screen, press t he Center S elect Key [ME NU ] .
99 MEDIA CENTER Extras T o download A pplications: 1. Fro m the idle screen, press t he Center S elect Key [ME NU] . Sele ct Med ia Center and press the C enter Se lect Key [OK] . 2. Press 6 Extra s . 3. Press th e Center S elect Key [OK] fo r Ge t Ne w Ap pl ic ati on s .
100 MESSAGING k Ac ce ss a nd O pt ion s 1. Fro m the idle screen, press t he Center S elect Key [ME NU ] , then use t he Directio nal Key a to select Messag ing a nd press the Ce nter Select Key [OK] . 2. S elect a subm enu. 1 . Ne w Mess age Sends a TX T M essage/Picture Message/V ideo Message/ Voi ce Message.
101 MESSAGING Short cut • From t he idle screen, the Lef t S of t Key is a hot key to the Message menu. • Y ou c an make a call to the c allback numbe r by pressing the Send Key during a message chec k. k N ew M es sa ge Al e r t The re are two ways your p hon e aler ts you to new m ess ages: 1.
102 MESSAGING Fro m C o nt a c t s Sea rch for a phone nu mber w hich is stored in the co ntact list. Recent Cal ls Search the ph one num ber which is stored in the recent ca lls list. Groups S earch the groups sto red in the co ntact list. T o On lin e Al bum T o send pictures by using online Address.
103 MESSAGING 8. Press the D irectional Key j up or d own to scroll to and m ake adjustme nts to any additional fields. 9. Press th e Center S elect Key [SEN D] . A sending screen appears. k S ending a Video Messag e 1. Fro m the idle screen, press t he Lef t Sof t Key [Me ss ag e] , press 1 Ne w Messa ge .
104 MESSAGING 6. T ype your message. 7. Pres s the Directio nal Key j up or down to scroll to a nd make adjustme nts to any additional fields. 8. Press the C enter S elect Key [SE ND] .
105 MESSAGING Save Q uic k T ex t A llows you to create phrase s for the Q uick T ext optio n. Quick T ex t can save up to 100 characters per phrase. Form at T ex t Allows yo u to change the lo ok of t he text.
106 MESSAGING 2. Press 1 TX T M es sa ge or 2 Pi ctu re M e ss ag e or 3 Vid e o Me ss ag e or 4 Voice M e ss ag e . 3. Press the R ight Sof t Key [Add] . 4. Press 1 Fr o m C o nt a c ts . 5. Press the D irectional Key j up or dow n to highlight the Cont act entr y cont aining the destinatio n, then press the C enter Select Key [MA R K] .
107 MESSAGING If mem or y is over 8 0% fu ll, one of th e following war ning mess ages will appear . Te x t MEMORY FULL TE X T M SG x x % FU L L Pic tur es / V id eo s MEMORY FULL PIX M SG x x % FU LL Pictures/ Videos Notificati on MEMOR Y FULL PIX NOTI x x % FU L L k Vi ewing Y our Inbox 1.
108 MESSAGING an d unr e ad ) M es sa ge s or Only Read Messa ges . Ex t ra ct Ad dr es se s A llows you to ex tract addresses f rom the me ssage, an d saves them to yo ur Cont acts. Messa ge In fo Allo ws you to check t he received message inf ormation.
109 MESSAGING Resend A llows you to res end the se lected message. Lock Lo cks or unl ocks the se lected message. Locked messages cannot be deleted b y the Erase Sent and Erase All f unctions. Add T o C ont ac t s Stores the callback nu mber , e - mail address, and numb ers from t he address of the sent m essage into yo ur Co ntacts.
11 0 MESSAGING Lock L ocks or unl ocks the se lected mess age. Locked messages cannot be deleted b y the Erase Draf ts and Erase All functio ns. Add T o C ont ac t s Stores the callback nu mber , e - mail address, and numb ers from t he address included in the draf t mess age into your Cont acts.
111 MESSAGING Visual V oic e Mail Visual Voice Mail allows t he managem ent of voice ma il directly from the devic e rather than acce ssing voice mail v ia traditional method ( s) .
11 2 MESSAGING 2. P ress the D irectional Key j up or dow n to select yo ur e - mail provider , and the n press the Ce nter Sele ct Key [O K] . 3. T o send an e - mail, foll ow the on - screen prompts a nd functio ns. Chat T o chat with Internet M essenge r users: 1.
11 3 MESSAGING Signature None / Custom Messaging F ont Size Small / Normal / Large NO T E Whe n “T9 Word” is se lected for Entr y M ode, text can be input using the T9 Word mo de. For det ails about t he T9 Word mode, see page 37 . NO T E The e ntr y mode yo u select is als o applied to the N otepad and the Calendar .
11 4 MESSAGING 6. Quick T ext Allows yo u to display , e dit, and add tex t phrases. T hese tex t strings allow you to reduce manual text inpu t into mess ages. A saved Quick T ext c an be up to 10 0 characters long. 7. Vo i c e m a i l # Allows yo u to manually e nter the acces s number fo r Voicemail Ser vic e (V M S) .
11 5 MESSAGING • Press 4 Er as e Al l to erase all mes sages stored in the Inbox, Sent, a nd Draf ts folders. P ress the D irectional Key j up or dow n to select A ll M es sa ge s in cl udi ng U nr ea d or All exce pt U nr ea d M es sa ge s , then press th e Center S elect Key [OK] .
11 6 CONT ACTS The C ontacts m enu allows yo u to store names, ph one nu mbers and othe r informati on in your p hone’s memo r y . k Ac ce ss a nd O pt ion s 1. Fro m the idle screen, press t he Center S elect Key [ME NU ] , then use t he Directio nal Key a to select Contacts and press the Ce nter Sele ct Key [O K ] .
11 7 CONT ACTS 1. Fro m the idle screen, press t he Center S elect Key [ME NU] , then use t he Directio nal Key a to select Contacts and press the Ce nter Sele ct Key [O K ] . 2. Press 1 New C on ta ct . 3. Enter the name, th en press the D irectional Key d down.
11 8 CONT ACTS New C ont ac t / E ra se / Ne w T X T M es sa ge / N ew Pic tu re Messa ge / New V ideo Me ssage / New V oice Message/ Set As I CE C ont ac t ( U na ss ign e d IC E co nt ac t ) / C al l / Er as e All Contacts / S end Name Card • Press the Lef t S of t Key [E di t] to edit th e entr y .
11 9 CONT ACTS k Ad d a N ew Gr oup 1. Fro m the idle screen, press t he Center S elect Key [ME NU] , then use t he Directio nal Key a to select Contacts and press the Ce nter Sele ct Key [O K ] . 2. Press 3 Groups . 3. Press the Lef t S of t Key [Ne w] .
120 CONT ACTS 3. Press the D irectional Key j up or down to s elect the existing group name t hat you want to cha nge, and then press t he Right Sof t Key [Opt ions ] . 4. Press 5 Rename . 5. Enter the new group na me, then press th e Center S elect Key [S A VE] .
121 CONT ACTS 4. Pres s the Directio nal Key j up or down to highlight th e Cont act then press t he Center S elect Key [OK] . 5. Press the D irectional Key j up or dow n to highlight the number yo u wish to sele ct then press t he Center S elect Key [OK] .
122 CONT ACTS 4. W hen selecting fro m the Co ntact List, press 1 Fro m Contacts , press th e Directional Key j up or d own to sele ct the Co ntact entr y, and then press the Ce nter Select Key [OK] . Whe n adding a new Cont act, press 2 New C ontact , enter the info, and the n press the C enter Sele ct Key [S A VE] .
123 CONT ACTS My Name Card T o register a name, telephone nu mber , and e - mail addres s to My Name Car d: 1. Fro m the idle screen, press t he Center S elect Key [ME NU] , then use t he Directio nal Key a to select Contacts and press the Ce nter Sele ct Key [O K ] .
124 RECENT CALLS The R ecent Ca lls menu is a list of the last p hone nu mbers o r Cont act entries fo r calls you plac ed, accepted, missed, or blocked. It is co ntinually updated as new number s are added to the beginning of the list a nd the oldest e ntries are removed from the bot tom of t he list.
125 RECENT CALLS Missed T o view a list of the 9 0 m ost recently m issed calls: 1. Fro m the idle screen, press t he Center S elect Key [ME NU] , then use t he Directio nal Key a to select Recent Calls and press the Ce nter Select Key [OK] . 2. Press 1 Missed .
126 RECENT CALLS S a v e t o C on t ac ts/E ra se/L oc k (U n l o c k)/E ra s e A l l/Vi e w Timers • Press the Lef t S of t Key [Me ss a ge] to se lect: Ne w T X T M es sa ge / N ew Pic tu re M es sa g e / N ew Vi de o Messa ge / New V oice Message Dialed T o view a list of the 9 0 m ost recent o utgoing calls: 1.
127 RECENT CALLS 1. Fro m the idle screen, press t he Center S elect Key [ME NU] , then use t he Directio nal Key a to select Recent Calls and press the Ce nter Select Key [OK] . 2. Press 4 Blocked . 3. Enter the four-digit l ock code, th en press the C enter Sele ct Key [OK] .
128 RECENT CALLS • Press the R ight Sof t Key [Opti ons] to select: S a v e t o C on t ac ts/E ra se/L oc k (U n l o c k)/E ra s e A l l/Vi e w Timers • Press the Lef t S of t Key [Me ss a ge] to .
129 SETTINGS & TOOLS The S et tings & T oo ls menu has optio ns to custo mize your pho ne. k Ac ce ss a nd O pt ion s 1. Fro m the idle screen, press t he Center S elect Key [ME NU] , then use t he Directio nal Key a to select S et t ing s & T o ols and press the C enter Sele ct Key [O K] .
130 SETTINGS & TOOLS NO T E Air time is f ree when acce ssing My Verizon. Once c onne cted, the V Z W My Verizon page will be displayed. T o exit the browser at any time and return to the idle scree n, press the End/ Power K ey . To o l s k Ac ce ss a nd O pt ion s 1.
131 SETTINGS & TOOLS 2. Press 2 To o l s , 1 V oice Commands. 3. Follow t he prompts to s et up your voice c om mand ( s) . Short cut Y ou can directly acce ss the Voice Co mman ds function by pressing the Voice Com mands Key C .
132 SETTINGS & TOOLS k Go T o < Shortcut > The “ Go T o” com mand allows yo u to access a m enu wit hin the phon e (for e xa mple, “Go to C ont act”).
133 SETTINGS & TOOLS k Voice Commands Set tings 1. Fro m the idle screen, press t he Center S elect Key [ME NU] , then use t he Directio nal Key a to select S et t ing s & T o ols and press the C enter Sele ct Key [O K] . 2. Press 2 To o l s , 1 Vo i c e C o m m a n d s .
134 SETTINGS & TOOLS NO T E Y ou can input a rithmetic o perators using t he following keys. • Directional K ey u up: + • Directional K ey r right: × • Directional K ey l l ef t: ÷ • Directional K ey d d own: − • Ce nter Sel ect Key : = NO T E T o inser t a decimal, press * .
135 SETTINGS & TOOLS 3. Press the D irectional Key a up, down, left o r right to highlight the scheduled day . 4. P ress the Lef t S of t Key [Add] .
136 SETTINGS & TOOLS Alarm Clock The A larm Cl ock to ol allows you to s et up to three alarm s. Whe n you set an alar m, the current tim e is displayed. When the alarm go es of f, Alarm 1 ( o r 2 or 3, as applicable) will be display ed on the scree n and the alar m will so und.
137 SETTINGS & TOOLS 2. Press 2 To o l s , 4 Al arm C lo ck . 3. Press the D irectional Key j up or dow n to highlight an alarm, then press th e Right So f t Key [Op tio ns] . 4. S elect o ne of the follow ing options: Tu r n O f f T urns of f the highlighted alarm.
138 SETTINGS & TOOLS W orld Clock T o determine the current time in a nother tim e zone or cou ntry: 1. Fro m the idle screen, press t he Center S elect Key [ME NU ] , then use t he Directio nal Key a to select S et t ing s & T oo ls and press the C enter Sele ct Key [O K] .
139 SETTINGS & TOOLS 3. Press the D irectional Key j up or dow n to highlight a note, then press th e Center S elect Key [VI EW] . 4. If yo u need to edi t the note, press th e Center S elect Key [ED IT] . 5. Edit the note. W hen you a re done, press the C enter S elect Key [S A VE] .
140 SETTINGS & TOOLS P ower T o toggle B lueto oth ® power O n/ Of f: 1. Fro m the idle screen, press t he Center S elect Key [ME NU ] , then use t he Directio nal Key a to select S et t ing s & T oo ls and press the C enter Sele ct Key [O K] .
141 SETTINGS & TOOLS 5. The ha ndset will prompt yo u with the fo llowing me ssage on t he LCD screen: PL ACE DE VI CE YOU A RE C ON NEC T IN G TO I N DISCOVERABLE MODE . Press the Ce nter Sel ect Key [O K ] . 6. The device will appe ar in the ADD NEW DEVICE menu.
142 SETTINGS & TOOLS k I co n Ref er en ce W he n Add ing N ew D evice Whe n the Bl uetoot h ® wireles s conne ction is active and paired devices are foun d, the follow ing icons m ay appear: Whe.
143 SETTINGS & TOOLS NO T E • In the B lueto oth Me nu, you can disc onne ct the co nnected device with an ico n by pressing the C enter Sele ct Key [D ROP] .
144 SETTINGS & TOOLS k M y Phon e N am e T o edit the B lueto oth ® na me of you r phon e: 1. Fro m the idle screen, press t he Center S elect Key [ME NU ] , then use t he Directio nal Key a to select S et t ing s & T oo ls and press the C enter Sele ct Key [O K] .
145 SETTINGS & TOOLS 4. Press 3 Suppor ted Prof iles . 5. Press the D irectional Key j up or dow n to select on e of the follow ing profiles, and the n press the C enter Select Key [VI EW] .
146 SETTINGS & TOOLS k S ending My Name Card T o send My N am e Card by Bluetoot h ® : 1. Fro m the idle screen, press t he Center S elect Key [ME NU ] , then use t he Directio nal Key a to select Contacts and press the Ce nter Sele ct Key [O K ] .
147 SETTINGS & TOOLS 1. T he m essage “ Want to Rece ive files? ” will app ear on yo ur phon e’ s display when a nother B lueto oth ® device sends your phone a na me card. 2. P ress the D irectional Key j up or dow n to select Ye s , th en press the Ce nter Select Key [OK] .
148 SETTINGS & TOOLS Sounds Set tings Provides o ptions to custo mize the ph one’s sounds. k Ac ce ss a nd O pt ion s 1. Fro m the idle screen, press t he Center S elect Key [ME NU ] , then use t he Directio nal Key a to select S et t ing s & T oo ls and press the C enter Sele ct Key [O K] .
149 SETTINGS & TOOLS k Call Vibrate 1. Fro m the idle screen, press t he Center S elect Key [ME NU] , then use t he Directio nal Key a to select S et t ing s & T o ols and press the C enter Sele ct Key [O K] . 2. Press 4 Sounds Settings , 1 Cal l Sounds , 2 Call Vibrate .
150 SETTINGS & TOOLS Ke ypad V olume T o set the keypad volum e: 1. Fro m the idle screen, press t he Center S elect Key [ME NU ] , then use t he Directio nal Key a to select S et t ing s & T oo ls and press the C enter Sele ct Key [O K] . 2. Press 4 Sounds Settings , 3 Keypad Volum e .
151 SETTINGS & TOOLS 1. Fro m the idle screen, press t he Center S elect Key [ME NU] , then use t he Directio nal Key a to select S et t ing s & T o ols and press the C enter Sele ct Key [O K] . 2. Press 4 Sounds Settings , 5 Power On / O f f .
152 SETTINGS & TOOLS 3. Enter your ba nner text (up to 1 8 characters) then press the Center S elect Key [OK] . k ERI Banner If you use E RI S er vice, ER I T ex t is show n on the sub ba nner .
153 SETTINGS & TOOLS Contrast T o set the front LC D Co ntrast: 1. Fro m the idle screen, press t he Center S elect Key [ME NU] , then use t he Directio nal Key a to select S et t ing s & T o ols and press the C enter Sele ct Key [O K] . 2. Press 5 Display Settings , 3 Contrast .
154 SETTINGS & TOOLS 3. Press the D irectional Key j up or dow n to select o ne of the following set tings, th en press the C enter Sele ct Key [S ET] . Cla ss ic / O pt ic al Bl ac k / Pos it ive Re d / C om po sit e Si lver Main Menu Settings T o change Main M enu layout and t ype: 1.
155 SETTINGS & TOOLS 3. Press the D irectional Key j up or dow n to select o ne of the following set tings, th en press the C enter Sele ct Key [O K ] . Normal / Larg e Only Clock Format T o choos e the kind of cl ock to be displayed on the LCD scree n: 1.
156 SETTINGS & TOOLS 1. Fro m the idle screen, press t he Center S elect Key [ME NU ] , then use t he Directio nal Key a to select S et t ing s & T oo ls and press the C enter Sele ct Key [O K] . 2. Press 5 Di sp lay S et t ing s , 9 Slide Sho w , 1 Aut o Start On / Of f .
157 SETTINGS & TOOLS k Repeat Set ting whet her to repeat a slide sh ow: 1. Fro m the idle screen, press t he Center S elect Key [ME NU] , then use t he Directio nal Key a to select S et t ing s & T o ols and press the C enter Sele ct Key [O K] .
158 SETTINGS & TOOLS 2. Press 6 Phon e S et ti ngs , 1 Airpla ne Mode . 3. Press the D irectional Key j up or dow n to sele ct On / Of f , the n press the Ce nter Select Key [OK] . Set Shortcuts k S et M y Sh or tc uts Y our pho ne of fers you th e option of assigning fo ur sho r tcuts for favori te or of te n- u se d fu nct ion s.
159 SETTINGS & TOOLS k Reset ting My Shortcuts T o return My Sho rtcuts to t heir original defaults: 1. Fro m the idle screen, press t he Center S elect Key [ME NU] , then use t he Directio nal Key a to select S et t ing s & T o ols and press the C enter Sele ct Key [O K] .
160 SETTINGS & TOOLS k R es et ti ng t he D ire c tio nal Key S et t ing s Use the foll owing procedure to specif y the default directio nal key settings. 1. Fro m the idle screen, press t he Center S elect Key [ME NU ] , then use t he Directio nal Key a to select S et t ing s & T oo ls and press the C enter Sele ct Key [O K] .
161 SETTINGS & TOOLS 2. Press 6 Phon e S et ti ngs , 4 Langua ge . 3. Press the D irectional Key j up or dow n to select o ne of the following set tings, th en press the C enter Sele ct Key [O K ] .
162 SETTINGS & TOOLS 1. Fro m the idle screen, press t he Center S elect Key [ME NU ] , then use t he Directio nal Key a to select S et t ing s & T oo ls and press the C enter Sele ct Key [O K] . 2. Press 6 Phon e S et ti ngs , 6 Security . 3.
163 SETTINGS & TOOLS 3. Enter the four-digit Lo ck Co de, then press the C enter Se lect Key [OK] . The default Lock C ode is the last 4 digits of yo ur mobile telephone number . 4. Press 2 Restrictions . 5. Enter the four-digit Lo ck Co de, then press the C enter Se lect Key [OK] .
164 SETTINGS & TOOLS 1. Fro m the idle screen, press t he Center S elect Key [ME NU ] , then use t he Directio nal Key a to select S et t ing s & T oo ls and press the C enter Sele ct Key [O K] . 2. Press 6 Phon e S et ti ngs , 6 Security . 3.
165 SETTINGS & TOOLS 1. Fro m the idle screen, press t he Center S elect Key [ME NU] , then use t he Directio nal Key a to select S et t ing s & T o ols and press the C enter Sele ct Key [O K] . 2. Press 6 Phon e S et ti ngs , 6 Security . 3. Enter the four-digit Lo ck Co de, then press the C enter Se lect Key [OK] .
166 SETTINGS & TOOLS NO T E Af ter you purchase yo ur pho ne before you acti vate it by obtaining a phon e number , th e available settings will be Ho me Only, Automatic A , and Auto matic B. Af ter the phon e is activated by obtaining a phone numbe r , Ho me Onl y or Auto matic set tings will be available.
167 SETTINGS & TOOLS Answer Options T o set how to answe r an inco ming call: 1. Fro m the idle screen, press t he Center S elect Key [ME NU] , then use t he Directio nal Key a to select S et t ing s & T o ols and press the C enter Sele ct Key [O K] .
168 SETTINGS & TOOLS TTY Mode Y ou can at t ach a T T Y devic e to your ph one en abling you to com municate with pa rt ies also using a T T Y devic e. A phone w ith T T Y suppo r t is able to translate ty ped characters to voice. Voice can also be tran slated into characters and then displayed on the T T Y .
169 SETTINGS & TOOLS V oice Privacy T o turn the vo ice privacy feature On o r Of f: 1. Fro m the idle screen, press t he Center S elect Key [ME NU] , then use t he Directio nal Key a to select S et t ing s & T o ols and press the C enter Sele ct Key [O K] .
170 SETTINGS & TOOLS Normal: Se nds out a to ne for a fixed pe riod of tim e even if you continue to pres s the key . Long : S ends o ut a continu ous to ne for the du ration the key is pressed and he ld.
171 SETTINGS & TOOLS 1. Fro m the idle screen, press t he Center S elect Key [ME NU] , then use t he Directio nal Key a to select S et t ing s & T o ols and press the C enter Sele ct Key [O K] . 2. Press 8 Memory , 2 Phon e M em or y , 1 Pho ne Memory Usage .
172 SETTINGS & TOOLS NO T E Sele ctin g Move All T o C ar d in step 3 moves all the files stored in Pho ne Me mor y to C ard Mem or y . NO T E Do no t remove the me mor y c ard from the ph one w hile a file is being moved to Card M emo r y .
173 SETTINGS & TOOLS My Pic tu re s / M y Vid e os / M y Ri ng ton es / My M usi c / M y Sounds 4. P ress the Right S of t Key [Opt ion s] . 5. Press the D irectional Key j up or dow n to select Erase if yo u want to delete a f ile or Move if you wa nt to move a file to P hon e Mem or y , and t hen press the C enter Se lect Key [O K ] .
174 SETTINGS & TOOLS My Number T o view your p hone’s Mobile D evice N umbe r (MD N), Mo bile Identificatio ns Numb er (MIN), and othe r device informati on: 1. Fro m the idle screen, press t he Center S elect Key [ME NU ] , then use t he Directio nal Key a to select S et t ing s & T oo ls and press the C enter Sele ct Key [O K] .
175 SETTINGS & TOOLS Software Update k Status T o check th e status of a S of t ware Update: 1. Fro m the idle screen, press t he Center S elect Key [ME NU] , then use t he Directio nal Key a to select S et t ing s & T o ols and press the C enter Sele ct Key [O K] .
176 SETTINGS & TOOLS NO T E Af ter the so f twa re downlo ad is com plete, you can press t he Right So f t Key [Op tio ns] a nd then 2 Reject to reject the Softwa re Upda te . k I nst al l De fe rre d S / W Whe n there is a Sof t wa re Update that has been deferred, the “Check N ew” item change s to “Install D eferred S/ W .
177 Included Items This package includes all items listed below. Contact th e retailer where you purchased th e phon e if any items are missing. • CASI O E X IL I M Phon e • Wal l C h a rg e r Easy to us e while traveling on business or pleasure.
178 Safety TIA Safet y Infor mation The fo llowing is th e comp lete TIA S afety Info rmatio n for wirele ss handheld phones. k T ips o n Ef fici en t Op er at ion Do no t touch th e antenna u nnece ssaril y when t he pho ne is in use.
179 Safety k Elect ronic D evices Y our wireless ha ndheld por table telep hone is a l ow power radio transmit ter and recei ver . When it is O N, it rece ives and also se nds out radio frequency (R F) signals. Most m odern electro nic equipment is shielded f rom RF e nergy .
180 Safety Heari ng A ids So me digital wirele ss phon es may interfere wit h some h earing aids. In the event of such inter ference, you may want to consult your ser v ice provider (or call the custo mer ser v ice line to discuss alternativ es) .
181 Safety Always request and o btain prior c onsent an d approval of an autho rized airline representative before using your ph one aboard an aircraft . Always follow th e instructio ns of the airline representative whenever using your ph one aboa rd an aircraft, to prevent any possible interference wit h airborne ele ctronic equipment.
182 Safety In August 199 6 the F ederal Co mmunic ations Co mmis sion (F CC) of the United S tates with its actio n in Repo rt a nd Order FC C 9 6 - 3 26 ado pted an updated safety standa rd for human exposure to radio frequency electro magnetic ene rgy emit ted by FCC regulated transmitters.
183 Safety guidelines are based on sta ndards that were developed by independent scientific organizatio ns through periodic and thorough evaluation of scientific studies. The st andards include a substantial safet y margin designed to assure the safety of all persons, regardless of age and healt h.
184 Safety The F CC has granted an Equipm ent Auth orizatio n for this m odel phone w ith all repor ted SA R levels evaluated as in compliance with the F CC R F exposu re guidelines. SA R inform ation o n this mode l phon e is on file w ith the F CC a nd can be fo und und er the Display Gra nt sectio n of http:// w w w.
185 Safety • Con nect the equip ment into an o utlet on a circuit dif ferent from that to which t he receiver is co nnected • Consult t he dealer or an experienced radio/ T V technician for help.
186 Safety k D o wir el es s pho ne s po se a h ea lt h ha za rd ? The available scientific evidence do es not sh ow that any health problems are asso ciated with using wireless pho nes. T here is no proof, however , that wireless ph ones a re absolutely safe.
187 Safety • Suppo rt n eeded research into pos sible biolo gical ef fects of RF of the t ype emit ted by wireless phon es; • Design w ireless ph ones in a way that m inimizes any R F exposure to .
188 Safety Base stati ons are thus n ot the prima r y subject of the s afety questio ns discussed in this d ocume nt. k W hat a re t he r es ult s of t he r es ea rch d on e alr ea dy? The research do ne thus far has produced c onflicting results, and many studies have suffered from flaws in their research methods.
189 Safety k W hat r es ea rc h is ne e de d to d ec id e whe th er R F expo sur e fro m wir el es s ph on es p os es a h eal th risk? A combinati on of laborator y studies a nd epidemiol ogical studies of people actually u sing wireless ph ones would provide s ome of the data that a re needed.
190 Safety been the develop ment of a detailed agenda of rese arch needs that has driven the e stablish ment of new resea rch programs around the wo rld. The P roject has also helped develop a s eries of public informati on docu ments o n EM F issues.
191 Safety use a wirele ss pho ne co nnected to a rem ote antenna . Again, the scientific dat a do not dem onstrate that wireless ph ones are harmful. B ut if you are co ncerne d about t he R F exposure from thes e products, you can u se measures like those described above to reduce you r RF exp osure from w ireless ph one us e.
192 Safety absorption of R F en ergy in the head bec ause the ph one, which is the source of th e RF e mission s, will not be placed against the head. On the ot her hand, if the ph one is m ounted against the waist or other par t of th e body during u se, then that pa r t of the bod y will absorb mo re RF en ergy .
193 Safety k W hat a bo ut wi re le ss ph on e int er f er enc e wi th medical equipment? Radiofrequen cy energy (R F ) from wireless p hone s can interact with so me electronic devices.
194 Safety Emergency Calls Never rely solely up on your w ireless pho ne for es sential com municatio ns ( e.g., medical emergencies) , if it can be avoided, since a wireless pho ne requires a complex combinatio n of radio signals, relay stations and landline n etwo rks for its o peration.
195 Safety dependent on: ( a) the use of digita l technolo gy by the wireless net work; (b ) G PS s atellite signals being able to reach the handset ( such t ransmissi ons do n ot always work indo ors.
196 Safety • Never use obscen e, indecent, or profane language. • Never use you r Cellular P hone to s end false distress c alls. • Never wiretap o r other wis e intercept a phone c all, unles s you have first obtained the consent of t he par ties par ticipating in the call.
197 Safety DO N OT use unautho rized accesso ries. DO N OT disassemble th e phone o r its accessorie s. If ser vice or repair is required, r eturn u nit to an autho rized PC D cellular ser vic e center . If unit is disas sembled, the ris k of electric sh ock or fire may result.
198 Safety the specified tim eframe, stop recharging. It may cause leakage, heat generatio n, explosion o r fire. If device is damaged by dropping and the internal par ts a re exposed, do n ot touch t he expose d par ts. Y ou might get e lectric shoc k or injured from dam aged part s.
199 Safety T o avoid injury , do not u se device as the earpie ce magnet picks up metal obje cts such as pins. Never bring device near a floppy disk, magnetic card, magnetic tape, MO s, MD s, prepaid card, or other similar objects. It may destroy or corrupt these dat a.
200 Safety • Use onl y the Wall charger provided with t he pho ne. Using any charger other tha n the one included wi th the pho ne may damage yo ur pho ne or bat ter y . • Only us e the bat ter y and charger approved by the manufactur er . • Only u se the bat ter y for its original pu rpose.
201 Safety • Do n’t leave the batter y in hot o r cold temps. Othe r wise, it could significantly reduce the c apacit y and lifetime of the bat ter y . • Do n’t dispose of the bat ter y into a fire. • Don’t sh or t the po sitive electrode and negative electrod e on batter y pac k.
202 Safety a PC D autho rized ser vice center, if r epair or replace ment is requ ire d. Never alter the AC c ord or plug on yo ur travel charger or desk top charger . If the plug will not f it into the available outlet, have a proper outlet installed by a qualified electrician.
203 Safety Do not to uch the e lectric plug w hen star ts lightning. It m ay cause the electric sh ock from th underbolt. Do no t overload a powe r outlet w ith to o many device s.
204 Safety problems such as tendo nitis, carpal tunnel syndro me, or other musculoskele tal disorders : • T ake a minimum 15- minu te break every hour of ga me playing. • If your hands, wrists, o r arms bec ome tired or s ore while playing, stop and rest for several ho urs before playing again.
205 Safety Wha t is H ea ring A id Co mp at ibil it y? The Fe deral Com municatio ns Co mmissi on has implem ented rules and a rating system designed to enable pe ople who we ar hearing aids to more ef fectively use th ese wireless tele com municatio ns devices.
206 Safety How wi ll I kn ow if my he ari ng ai d will wo rk wit h a pa r tic ula r dig it al wi re le ss ph on e? Y ou’ll want to tr y a numb er of wireles s pho nes so t hat you ca n decide which wor ks the best wit h your hearing aids.
207 Safety sound and disto r ted hearing. Individual susceptibilit y to noise - induced hearing los s and other potential hearing problem s varies. The a mount of s ound produc ed by a port able audio device varies depending on th e nature of the sound, t he device, the device set tings and the h eadpho nes.
208 Safety k Y ou c an o bt ain a ddi ti ona l info rmat io n on t his subj ec t fro m th e followin g sour ce s : Am eri ca n Aca d emy of Au di ol ogy 1 1730 Pla za Am erican D rive, Suite 30 0 Resto n, V A 2 0190 Voice : (80 0) 222 -23 3 6 Email: info@audiology.
209 Safety industry ’s r ecycling w ebsite w ww.r ecyclewirelessphones. com. T o mail in your o ld wireles s device to P CD Pe rsonal Co mmunic ations fo r recycling purposes, si mply package you r .
210 12 MONTH LIMITED WARRANTY Personal Co mmunications D evices, LLC. ( the “C ompany”) warrants to the original retail purchaser of this handh eld por table cellular telepho ne, that sho uld this.
21 1 12 MONTH LIMITED WARRANTY ( e ) Defects in appearance, cos metic, decorative or structural items such as framing a nd non - operative par ts; (f) Product dam aged from external cause s such as fire, flooding, dirt , sand, weath er conditi ons, bat ter y leakage, blow n fuse, thef t or impro per usage of any elect rical source.
212 12 MONTH LIMITED WARRANTY phone nu mber and /or fa x numbe r and com plete description of the problem, tran spor tatio n prepaid, to the Com pany at the address shown bel ow or to the plac e of purchase for repair or replaceme nt processing.
213 12 MONTH LIMITED WARRANTY So me states or provinc es do not all ow limitatio ns on how l ong an implied warrant y lasts or the exclusion o r limitation of incident al or conseque ntial damage so th e above limitation o r ex clusi ons may not apply to you.
214 Index 1 2 MONTH L IMITED WARR A NT Y ................ 21 0 A Accessibility ................ 2 0 4 Add New Devices........ 1 4 0 Airplane Mo de ............. 1 57 Alarm Clock ................. 1 3 6 Aler t So unds ................ 1 4 9 All (R ECEN T CA LL S) .
215 Index E Edit Codes ................... 1 61 Editing Contact Entries .. 4 3 Email ............................. 1 1 1 Emergency Calls ......... 1 9 4 Emergency T one ......... 1 49 ERI ............................... 150 ERI Banner ................
216 Index Mute Function ................ 3 3 My Music ....................... 76 My Na me Card ............ 1 23 My Numbe r ................... 1 7 4 My Pictures .................... 8 4 My Ringtones ................ 75 My S ounds ....................
217 Index Sending and Re ceiving Images......................... 1 4 7 Sending and Re ceiving Name Cards ................ 1 4 5 Sent ............................. 1 0 8 Ser vice Aler ts .............. 1 5 0 Set Directional Keys .... 159 Set My S houtcuts .
219 Index T9 T ext Input is c overed by U . S. Pat. 5 ,81 8 ,4 37 , U.S . Pat. 5,9 5 3, 5 4 1, U . S. Pat. 6 ,01 1,55 4, 6 ,3 07 ,5 4 8 , U.S. Pat. 6 ,2 8 6,0 6 4, U.S. Pat. 6 ,3 07 ,5 4 9 and othe r patents pending. This Produ ct incorpo rates technolog y from Nua nce Com munications, Inc.
An important point after buying a device Casio C721 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Casio C721 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Casio C721 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Casio C721 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Casio C721 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Casio C721, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Casio C721.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Casio C721. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Casio C721 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center