Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product V2203-DI (26--00128) Carrier
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Diesel Engine 62 - - 1 1362 Rev - - WORKSHOP MA NUAL for V2203 - DI (26 - - 00128) T ier 4i R.
WORKSHOP MANUAL DIESEL ENGINE V2203 - DI (26 - 001 18) T ier 4i.
i 62- - 1 1362 T ABLE OF CONTENTS P ARAG RAPH NUMBER Page SAF ETY PRECA UTIO NS iv ................................................................... SPECIFIC WAR NING AND CAUTION ST A TEMENTS iv .......................................... Gene ra l 1- - 1 .
ii 62-1 1362 P ARAG RAPH NUMBER Page ENGIN E BOD Y 2- -1 ............................................................................... 2.1 CHECKI NG AND ADJUS TING 2- - 1 ......................................................... 2.1. 1 Compres sion Pressur e 2- - 1 .
iii 62- - 1 1362 P ARAG RAPH NUMBER Page FUEL SYSTEM 5- -1 ............................................................................... 5.1 CHECKI NG AND ADJUS TING 5- - 1 ......................................................... 5.1. 1 Injec tion T iming 5- - 1 .
iv 62-1 1362 SA FETY SAFE TY PRECAUT IONS Y our Carrier T ransic old unit has been designed wit h the safet y of t he operator in m ind. During norm al operation, all moving parts ar e fully enclos ed to help prevent injur y . During all pre-t rip inspect ions, daily inspec tions, and problem troubles hooting, you may be exposed to moving part s.
v 62-1 1362 The st atement s listed below ar e specifically applicable t o this unit and appear els ewhere in this m anual. These recom mended prec autions must be unders tood and applied dur ing operat ion and maint enance of the equipm ent cover ed herein.
1- - 1 62- - 1 1362 SECTI ON 1 General 1.1 ENGIN E IDE NTIFICA TION S/N When c ontacting Car rier T ransic old, always spec ify your engine m odel number and serial number. The engine m odel and it s s erial number need to be identif ied before t he engine can be serviced or parts replaced.
1- - 2 62- - 1 1632 1.2 ENGINE SPECIFICA TIO N S T ab le 1 - 2. S pecifi catio n Chart MODEL NUM BER 26- - 00128 - - 00 26 - - 00128 - - 01 26- - 00128 - - 02 26 - - 00128 - - 04 26- - 00128 - - 05 TYPE V ert ica l, W ate r- - coo le d, 4 cycl e di ese l engine NUMBE R OF CYLINDERS 4 B O R EXS T R O K E m mXm m( i n .
1- - 3 62- - 1 1362 1.3 CYL INDER NUMBER The c ylinder num bers of V2203 - - DI s eries engine ar e designated as s hown above. T he sequence of c ylinder numbers is given as No.1, No. 2, No. 3, and No. 4 st arting fr om the gear cas e end of the engine.
1- - 4 62- - 1 1632 1.5 TORQUE SPECIFI C A TIO N S Scr ews, bolts and nuts mus t be t ightened t o the s pecified tor que using a torque wrenc h. S everal screws , bolt s and nuts such as t hose used on the c ylinder head must be tight ened in the proper s equence and at t he proper torque.
1- - 5 62- - 1 1362 1.6 T ROUBLES HOOT ING Symptom Pr obable Ca use Soluti on Reference Engine Doe s Not Start (Starte r Does Not Run) No fuel Air in the fuel system W ater in the fuel system Fuel pip.
1- - 6 62- - 1 1632 1.6 TROU BLES HOOTING ( Continue d) Symptom Pr obable Ca use Soluti on Reference Excessive L ubricant Oi l Con sumpt i on Pist on ring’ s gap f acing the sam e direction O i lr i.
1- - 7 62- - 1 1362 1.7 SERVICING SPECIFICA TIONS 1.7 .1 Engine Body Item Factory S pecifi catio n A llowable Limit Cylinder Head S urface Flat ness -- 0.05 mm /500mm 0.0020 in. / 19.69 in. Comp ression Pressu re Differenc e Among Cylinders 2.95 t o 3.
1- - 8 62- - 1 1632 1.7 .1 Engine Body ( Continue d) Item Factory S pecifi catio n A llowable Limit V alve S pring Fr ee Length Sett ing Load/ Sett ing Length T ilt 41.7 t o 42.2 mm 1.65 t o 1.66 in. 1 1 8N/ 3 5 . 0m m 12.0 k gf / 35. 0 mm 26.5 lbs . / 1.
1- - 9 62- - 1 1362 1.7 .1 Engine Body ( Continue d) Item Factory S pecifi catio n A llowable Limit Camshaf t Side Clearance 0.07 to 0. 22 mm 0.0028 t o 0.0086 in. 0.3 m m 0.012 I n. Camshaf t Alignment -- 0.01 m m 0.0004 in. Cam (Lobe) Height (I ntake) Height (Ex haust) 33.
1- - 1 0 62- - 1 1632 1.7 .1 Engine Body ( Continue d) Item Factory S pecifi catio n A llowable Limit Cranks haft Journal to Crankshaf t Bearing2 Cranks haft Journal Cranks haft Bearing2 Oil Clear ance O.D. I.D. 0.040 t o 0.104 mm 0.00158 t o 0.00409 in.
1- - 1 1 62- - 1 1362 1.7 .2 Lubric ating Sy st em Item Factory S pecifi catio n A llowable Limit Engine Oi l Pressure At I dle Speed At Rat ed Speed More T han 98 kPa 1.0 k gf/cm 2 14 psi 300 to 440 k Pa 3.0 to 4 .5kg f/cm 2 43 to 64 ps i 50 kPa 0.5 k gf/cm 2 7p s i 250 kPa 2.
1- - 1 2 62- - 1 1632 1.7. 5 El ectrical System Item Factory S pecifi catio n A llowable Limit Starter Co mmu tator Mica Brush Brus h Holder and Holder Support O.D. Undercut Length Resista nce 32.0 m m 1.26 in. 0.50 m m 0.020 in. 0.18 m m 0.709 in. Infi ni ty 31.
1- - 13 62- - 1 1362 1.8 CHECK AND MAI NTENANCE 1.8. 1 Checki ng E ngi ne Oi l Level 1. Level t he engine. 2. T o check the oil level, draw out the dipstic k (1) , wipe it clean, reins ert it, and draw it out again. Check to see that the oil lev el lies between the t wo notches.
1- - 1 4 62- - 1 1632 1.8. 4 Bleed ing F uel System 1. Open t he air vent coc k (1) on top of the fuel injection pump. 2. Loosen t he priming pump handle ( 2), and pump the handle until bleeding is complet ed. 3. Depres s and twist the pr iming pump handle clock- w i s et ol o c ki n t op l a c e .
1- - 15 62- - 1 1362 1.8. 7 V alve Cl earance 1.8. 8 Fu el Inj ectio n Refer to Sec tion 5.2 NOTE V alve c learance m ust be checked and adjusted when the engine is c old.
1- - 1 6 62- - 1 1632 1.9 SPECI A L TOOLS Additi onal tools may be f ound in t he Carrier T ransic old Per formance P arts Serv ice T ool Cat alog Number 62- - 03213.
1- - 17 62- - 1 1362 1.9 SPECI A L TOOL S (C on tinued) 1.9. 6 Oi l Pressu re T ester Code No. 07916- - 32032 Applicat ion: Use to meas ure lubricat ing oil pressu re. 1. Guage 2. Adapter 2 3. Cable 4. Adapte r 3 5. Threaded J oint 6. Adapter 4 7. Adaptor 1 8 .
1- - 1 8 62- - 1 1632 1.9 SPECI A L TOOL S (C on tinued) The f ollowing are drawings f or special tools that may need t o be fabricat ed. 1.9 .13 V alv e Guide Re plac ing T ool Applicat ion: Use t o press out and pr ess fit the valv e guide. A 20 mm dia.
1- - 19 62- - 1 1362 1.9 SPECI A L TOOL S (C on tinued) 1.9. 16 Cranksh aft Bearing 1 Repl acing T oo l Applicat ion: Use to pr ess out and press fit the cranks haft bearing No. 1 1. Ext racting tool A 130 mm (5.31 in.) B 72 mm (2.83 in.) C R40 m m (R1.
2- - 1 62- - 1 1362 SECTI ON 2 ENGINE BODY 2.1 CHECKI NG AND ADJUSTI NG 2.1. 1 Comp ression P ressure 1. Run t he engine until it is war med up. 2. St op the engine and disconnec t the 2P c onnector fr om the st op solenoid to pr event f uel delivery t o t he engine.
2- - 2 62- - 1 1362 2.2 DISASSEMBLE AN D REASSEMBL Y 2.2 .1 Dr aining Coola nt And E ngine Oil CAUTI ON Never remove t he rad iato r cap u nti l coo lant tem per atur e is below its boiling point. Lo osen t he cap sl igh tly to th e first stop t o reli eve any excess pressu re befo re remov- ing the c ap c omple tely .
2- - 3 62- - 1 1362 2.2. 3 Cyli nder Head And Valves 2.2.3. a V al ve Cover 1. Remov e the breather hose (2) . 2. Remo ve the valve cove r bolts (1). 3. Remo ve the valve cove r (3). Wh en Reassembli ng Check t o see that the valv e cover gas ket ( 4) is in good conditi on and in place.
2- - 4 62- - 1 1362 2.2. 3 Cyli nder Head And Valves (Cont inu ed) 3 4 1. Rocke r Arm Br acke t Mounting Bolt 2. R ocke r A rm A ss embl y 3. Push R od 4. T appet 2.2. 3.c Noz zle Hol der Assemb ly 1. Remov e the overf low pipe assembly . 2. Remov e the nozzle holder as semblies (1) .
2- - 5 62- - 1 1362 2.2. 3 Cyli nder Head And Valves (Cont inu ed) 1 2 3 4 5 13 12 16 8 9 17 11 15 7 6 10 14 18 1. Hose Clam p 2. Filter - - D rier Inlet A: Gear Cas e Side B: Fly wheel Side 2.2. 3.e Cyli nder Head 1. Loosen t he hose clamp (1) , and remove the water re- turn pip e (2).
2- - 6 62- - 1 1362 2.2. 4 In jecti on Pump an d Gear Case 2.2. 4.a In jecti on Pu mp 1. Remov e the fuel speed solenoid (2) and hi- - idling body (3). 2. Remov e the engine stop lev er (5) and st op solenoid guide (6). 3. Remov e the fuel inject ion pump assembly (7).
2- - 7 62- - 1 1362 2.2 .4 Injec tion Pump a nd Gea r C ase (Cont inued) 2.2.4. b Govern or Spri ngs and Sp eed Con trol Pl ate NOTE Speci fic T ool (1 ): A 1.2mm (.050 inch ) d iameter wire with a t otal lengt h of 200m m (8 inc h) with the t ip bent into a hook as depicted in the illustr ation is requir ed to hang the gover nor springs .
2- - 8 62- - 1 1362 2.2 .4 Injec tion Pump a nd Gea r C ase (Cont inued) 2.2.4. b Govern or Spri ngs and Sp eed Con trol Pl ate (Cont inued) Wh en Reassembli ng NOTE A lengt h of string pas sed t hru the governor spring c an be used to ret rieve t he spring if it un- hooks f rom both t he specific tool and the speed contr ol plate.
2- - 9 62- - 1 1362 2.2 .4 Injec tion Pump a nd Gea r C ase (Cont inued) 1. Nut 2. Fan Driv e Pulle y 3. 46 mm Deep Soc ket wr ench 4. Gear Puller 1. Gear Cas e 2. Gear C ase Gas ket 3. O - - r ing 4. O - - r ing 5. Oil s eal 2.2. 4.c Fan Drive P ull ey 1.
2- - 1 0 62- - 1 1362 2.2 .4 Injec tion Pump a nd Gea r C ase (Cont inued) 1. Crank shaft Collar 2. O - - r in g 3. Crank shaft O il Slinger 1. Injection P ump Gear 2. Idle Gear 3. Cam Gear 4. Crank G ear 5. Oil Pump D rive G ear 1. Cams haft Set Scr ew 2.
2- - 1 1 62- - 1 1362 2.2 .4 Injec tion Pump a nd Gea r C ase (Cont inued) 1. Fuel Cams haft Stopper 2. Fork Lev er Holder Mounting Screws 3. Fork Lev er 1 4. Fork Lev er 2 5. Injection P ump Gear 6. Fuel Cams haft 7. Fork Lev er Holder 1. Oil Pump 2.
2- - 1 2 62- - 1 1362 2.2 .5 Oil Pan a nd Oil Str ainer (7) 1. Oil Pan Mounting S crew 2. Oil Pan 3. Oil Pan C over G asket 4. Oil Pan C over 5. O - - r ing 6. Oil Str ainer 7. Oil Pan G ask et 2.2 .5.a Oil Pan a nd Oil Stra iner 1. Remov e the oil pan cover ( 4).
2- - 1 3 62- - 1 1362 2.2. 6 Pi ston and Co nnect ing Ro d 6 2.2. 6.a Pi stons 1. Com pletely remov e the c arbon ridge ( 1) at the top of the cy linder walls. 2. Remov e the connect ing rod cap (3). 3. Turn the f lywheel and bring t he pist on to t op dead cent er .
2- - 1 4 62- - 1 1362 2.2 .6 Pist on and Conne ct ing Rod (C ontinued) 7 8 7 2.2. 6.b Pi ston Rin g and Con necti ng Rod 1. Remo ve the piston rin gs (1), (2), (3). 2. Remov e the piston pin ( 8) and t hen seperat e the con- necti ng rod (6) fr om the pist on (5).
2- - 1 5 62- - 1 1362 2.2. 7 Crankshaf t 1. Fly wheel 2. Fl y wheel Bolt 3. Flyw heel Guide Bolts 1. Bearing Cas e Cov er Mounting Bolt 2. Bearing Cas e Cov er Mounting bolt 3. Bearing Cas e Cov er 4. Oil Seal 5. Bearing Cas e Gas ket 6. Bearing Cas e Cov er Gaske t ( a ).
2- - 1 6 62- - 1 1362 2.2. 7 Cranksh aft (Con tin ued) 2.2. 7.c Cranksh aft Assembl y Removal NOTE Befor e disassembling, check the s ide clearanc e of the cr ankshaft . Check it during reas sembly . 1. Remov e the three m ain bearing case bolt s (1).
2- - 1 7 62- - 1 1362 2.2. 7 Cranksh aft (Con tin ued) 7 8 8 2.2. 7.d Mai n Bearing Case Assembl y 1. Rem ove the two m ain bearing case bolts ( 7), and re- move t he main bearing case as sembly being caref ul with t he thrust bearing and cr ankshaft bearing.
2- - 1 8 62- - 1 1362 2.3 SER VICING 2.3. 1 Cyli nder Head And Valves 1. Red Dy e 2. Deter g ent 3. White Dev eloper 2.3. 1.a Cyli nder Head Su rface Fl atness 1. Clean t he cylinder head surf ace. 2. Pl ace a straight edge on the cylinder head surf ace, in six loc ations as depict ed in the drawing.
2- - 1 9 62- - 1 1362 2.3. 1 Cyli nder Head And Valves (Cont inu ed) 1. Cylinder H ead Surface (A) Re cess ( B ) Protr usion 2.3. 1.c V alve Recessi ng 1. Clean t he cylinder head surface ( 1), valve fac e and valve seat . 2. I nsert t he valve into t he head, making cert ain that the valve is fully s eated.
2- - 2 0 62- - 1 1362 2.3. 1 Cyli nder Head And Valves (Cont inu ed) (A) When Remov ing (B) When Installing 1. Corre ct 2. I nco rre ct 3. I nco rre ct 2.3. 1.e Repl acing V alve G uid e (A) (W hen remo ving ) 1. Pres s out the used v alve guide using a valve guide re- placing tool.
2- - 2 1 62- - 1 1362 2.3. 1 Cyli nder Head And Valves (Cont inu ed) ab (1) (2) a. 0.26 rad.( 15 ° )o r 0.52 rad.( 30 ° ) b. 0.79 rad.( 45 ° )o r 1.0 rad.( 60 ° ) c. 0.52 rad.( 30 ° )o r 0.26 rad.( 15 ° ) A . C heck Contac t B . C orrect S eat Width C Chec k Contact 1 .
2- - 2 2 62- - 1 1362 2.3. 1 Cyli nder Head And Valves (Cont inu ed) 2.3 .1.i Fre e Length and Tilt of V alve S pring 1. Measur e the free lengt h A of the valv e spring wit h ver- nier caliper s. If the m easurement is less than t he al- lowable limit, replac e the spring.
2- - 2 3 62- - 1 1362 2.3. 1 Cyli nder Head And Valves (Cont inu ed) 2.3. 1.m Oil Cl earance Between T app et and T app et Guide Bor e 1. Meas ure the tappet O .D. wit h a micromet er . 2. Meas ure t he I. D. of t he t appet guide bor e with a cylin- der gauge and calc ulate the clear ance.
2- - 2 4 62- - 1 1362 2.3. 2 Timi ng Gears, Camshaf t and F uel Camshaf t (Cont inu ed) 2.3. 2.c Camshaf t Sid e Clearance 1. Set a dial indicat or with it s tip on the c amshaft . 2. Move the c amshaft gear f ront to r ear to meas ure t he side clear ance.
2- - 2 5 62- - 1 1362 2.3. 2 Timi ng Gears, Camshaf t and F uel Camshaf t (Cont inu ed) 2.3. 2.f Camshaf t Alig nment 1. Support the cam shaft wit h V blocks on a surf ace plate at bot h end journals. 2. Set a dial indic ator with it s tip on the interm ediate jour- nal.
2- - 2 6 62- - 1 1362 2.3. 3 Pi ston and Co nnect ing Ro d 2 .3.3.a P iston Pin Bore I.D . 1. Measur e the pist on pin bore I. D. in bot h t he horizontal and vert ical direct ions with a cylinder gauge. 2. I f the meas urement exc eeds the allowable limit, re- place the pis ton.
2- - 2 7 62- - 1 1362 2.3 .3 Pist on and Conne ct ing Rod (C ontinued) 2.3. 3.d Pi ston Rin g Gap 1. Inser t t he pist on ring int o the lower part of t he cy linder (t he least worn sec tion). Us e the pis ton to squar e the ring in t he cylinder . 2.
2- - 2 8 62- - 1 1362 2.3. 4 Crankshaf t A B 2.3. 4.a Cranksh aft En d Clearan ce 1. Push on the end of t he crank shaft t o seat it towar d the fly wheel end of the engine block . 2. Att ach, t hen zero a dial indicator on the for ward end of the cr an ksha ft.
2- - 2 9 62- - 1 1362 2.3. 4 Cranksh aft (Con tin ued) 2.3. 4.c Crankpi n to Co nnect ing Ro d Beari ng Clear - ance 1. Clean t he crankpin and the c onnecting rod bear ing. 2. Put a st rip of plastigage on the cent er of t he crankpin in each direc tion as shown in t he figure.
2- - 3 0 62- - 1 1362 2.3. 4 Cranksh aft (Con tin ued) 1. Seam 2. Crank shaft Bear in g #1 3. Cylinder B lock A Dimens ion 2.3. 4.d Cran kshaft Jou rnal to Cran kshaft Bearin g #1 Clearan ce 1. Meas ure the O. D. of t he crankshaf t journal with an outs ide micromet er .
2- - 3 1 62- - 1 1362 2.3. 4 Cranksh aft (Con tin ued) 2.3. 4.f Cranksh aft Jou rnal to Cran kshaft Beari ng #2 Clearan ce 1. Put a st rip of plast igage on t he center of t he c rank- shaft j ournal. 2. I nstall the bear ing case and tight en the bolts to spe- cificatio n.
2- - 3 2 62- - 1 1362 2.3. 4 Cranksh aft (Con tin ued) 1. Stopper 2. Sleeve G uide 3. Crank shaft Sleev e 4. Auxiliar y Sock et For Pushing 5. Crank shaft 2.3. 4.g Repl acin g Crankshaf t Sleeve 1. Remov e the cranks haft s leeve (3) using a special - - use puller s et.
2- - 3 3 62- - 1 1362 2.3. 5 Cylin der a. To p b. Middle c. Bottom (skirt) a. Right - - angled t o Piston Pin b. Pis ton Pin Direc tion 1. Cylinder I .
3- - 1 62- - 1 1362 SECTI ON 3 LUBRICA TI NG SYSTEM 3.1 CHECKI NG AND ADJUSTI NG 3.1. 1 En gin e Oil Pressure 1. Remov e the engine oil pressur e switch, and inst all an oil press ure gauge. 2. Star t the engine. Aft er war ming up, read t he oil pres- sure at idling and at r ated speeds.
3- - 2 62- - 1 1362 3.2 SER VICING 3.2 .1 Rotor Lobe C lea ra nce 1. Measur e the clearanc e between lobes of t he inner ro- tor and the out er rotor wit h a feeler gauge. 2. Meas ure the clear ance between the out er rotor and the pum p body with a feeler gauge.
4- - 1 62- - 1 1362 SECTI ON 4 COOL ING SYSTEM 4.1 CHECKI NG AND ADJUSTI NG W ARNI NG Be war e of mov ing V - - belt and belt driv en com ponents 4.1. 1 Not ched V - - Bel t Service NOT E A fray ed, cracked or worn V - - belt must be re- placed.
4- - 2 62- - 1 1362 FULL LOW 2. I f t he coolant level is too low , check the reason f or t he lost coolant . a. I f coolant loss is due to evaporation, add only clean soft w ate r . b. I f coolant los s is due to a leak, repair the leak , t hen add a coolant m ixture of the same t ype and spec ifi- cation t h at is in the system.
4- - 3 62- - 1 1362 4.2 SER VICING 4.2. 1 Th ermostat Assemb ly 1. Thermos tat Cover B olt 2. Thermos tat Cover 3. Thermos tat Cover G ask et 4. Thermos tat Ass embly 5. Thermos tat Housing 1. Remove t he thermost at cover m ounting bolts (1) , and remove the the rmostat cover (2).
62- - 1 1362 5- - 1 SECTI ON 5 FU EL SYSTEM 5.1 CHECKI NG AND ADJUSTI NG 5.1. 1 In jecti on Timin g 1. Remov e the fuel speed s olenoid. 2. Remov e the injection pipes and nozzle. 3. M ove the speed cont rol lever t o the maxim um speed position. NOT E T urn t he flywheel with a s crewdriver.
62- - 1 1362 5- - 2 5.1 CHECKI NG AND ADJUSTI NG 1. Inj ect io n Pu mp P ressu re Te s t e r 2. Inj e ctio n No zzle 3. Protec tive Cov er 5.1. 3 Pu mp Pressure T est 1. Remov e the engine fuel speed s olenoid. 2. Remov e the injection pipes and nozzle.
62- - 1 1362 5- - 3 5.2 INJ ECTION N OZZLE W ARNI NG Che ck the inje ction nozzle only a fte r confir ming that nobody is ne ar the s pra y . If the s pray from t he nozzle c ontac ts the hum an body , cells m ay be de str oye d and blood poisoning ma y re sult.
6- - 1 62- - 1 1362 SECTI ON 6 ELECT RICAL SYSTEM 6.1 ST ARTER TEST 1. C T erminal 2. Posit ive T erminal 3. Negativ e T erminal 1. S T erminal 2. Posit ive T erminal 3. Negativ e T erminal 6.1. 1 Mo tor T est W ARNI NG Secure th e start er to preven t it f rom movi ng when powe r is applied t o it.
6- - 2 62- - 1 1362 6.2 F UEL SPEED SOLENOID 6.2. 1 So leno id T est W ARNI NG Th e sol enoi d can beco me very warm to th e touch whe n ene rgize d for any length in time. 1. Disc onnect t he plug from t he solenoid connec tor (2) . 2. Remov e the solenoid (1) f rom t he engine.
6- - 3 62- - 1 1362 6.3 INT AKE AI R HEA T ER 6.3. 1 In take Air Heater T est 1. Disc onnect the lead f rom t he heater ter minal (1). 2. Meas ure the resis tance bet ween the heater positiv e ter minal (1) and the heat er body (2) . 3. I f the resist ance is infinity or s ignificantly diff erent than t he specific ation, replac e the heater .
INDEX Index - - 1 62- - 1 1362 B Batte ry , iv bearing case, 2 - - 15, 2 - - 17 C cams haft, 2 - - 10, 2 - - 24, 2- - 25 compre ssion pressu re, 2 - - 1 connect ing rod, 2 - - 14, 2 - - 27 coolant, i .
INDEX Index - - 2 62- - 1 1362 S Safet y Precaut ions, iv specif ications, 1 - - 2 speed contr ol plat e, 2- - 7, 2 - - 8 st arter mot or , 6 - - 1 T tappet s, 2- - 5, 2 - - 23 ther mostat , 4- - 2 ti.
© 2008 Carrier Corporatio n D Printed in U. S. A. 0508 Carrier Transic old Div ision, Carrier Corporat ion Truck/ T railer P roducts Group P . O. Box 4805 Sy racuse, N.
An important point after buying a device Carrier V2203-DI (26--00128) (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Carrier V2203-DI (26--00128) yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Carrier V2203-DI (26--00128) - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Carrier V2203-DI (26--00128) you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Carrier V2203-DI (26--00128) will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Carrier V2203-DI (26--00128), but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Carrier V2203-DI (26--00128).
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Carrier V2203-DI (26--00128). Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Carrier V2203-DI (26--00128) along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center