Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product 48TC*D08 Carrier
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48TC*D08 - - - D14 Nominal 7.5 to 12.5 T ons Wi t h Pu ro n (R - - - 410A) Refrigerant Se rvice and Mainte nance Ins truct ions T ABLE OF CONTENTS SAFET Y CONSIDE RA TIONS 1 .................... UNIT ARRANGE ME NT AND ACCESS 2 ........... SUPPL Y F AN (BLOW ER ) SE CTI ON 4 .
2 FIRE, EXPL OSIO N HAZ ARD Failure t o follow thi s warning could result in personal inj ury , dea th and/or prope rty dam age. Refer to the User ’ s Informa tion Manual provide d with this un it for more details. Do not s tore or use gasoline or ot her flam mable vapor s and liqu ids in the vicinity o f this or any o ther applian ce.
3 BLOWER ACCESS PANEL FLUE OPENING CONTROL BOX COMPRESSOR C08450 Fig. 2 - - T yp ical Acces s Pan el Loca tion ( Fron t) Rout ine Ma inte nance These ite ms should be part of a routine mai ntenanc e p.
4 22 3/8 (569 mm) HOOD DIVIDER OUTSIDE AIR CLEANABLE ALUMINUM FILTER BAROMETRIC RELIEF FILTER CAP FILTER C08634 Fig. 3 - - Filter In sta llation T o remov e the filter , open the spring clip s. Re - - install the filter by placin g the frame in its track, then closin g the spri ng c li ps.
5 T o rep lace the belt: 1. Use a belt w ith s ame section ty pe or s imilar size. D o not s ubs titute a “FHP ” type belt. When installing th e new be lt, do not use a tool (screwdriver or pry- - ba r) to force the bel t over the pull ey flanges, t his will stress the belt and caus e a reduction in belt life.
6 Changing fa n wheel speed by c hanging pul leys: The horsepower rati ng of the bel t is pri maril y dict ate d by t he pitch diameter of the smaller pulley in the drive sys tem (typica lly t he motor pul ley i n these unit s). Do not instal l a replacement motor pulley with a smaller pitch diameter than provided on the original fa ctory pul ley .
7 Rou tin e Clean ing o f NOV A TION C ond ens er Coil Surf ace s T o cle an the NOV A T ION condenser coil , chem ica ls are NOT to be used; only water i s approve d as the cl eaning solution. O nly cl ean pot able wat er is aut horize d for clea ning NOV A TION condensers.
8 5. Finned surfaces should rem ain wet with cleaning solution for 10 mi nutes. 6. Ensur e surfaces are not allowed to dr y befor e rins ing. Reapp ly cleaner as needed to en sure 10- - minute satur- ation is achieved. 7. Thoroghly rinse all surf aces w ith low velocity clean water using downward rinsing mot ion of wate r s pray nozzle.
9 1/2-20 UNF RH 30 0.596 .47 5/8” HEX SEA T CORE WASHE R DEPRESSOR P ER AR I 720 +.0 1 /- .0 35 FROM FACE OF BODY 7/16- 20 UNF RH O-RING 45 torqued into the seat. Appropriate handling i s required to not scratch or dent the surface. 1/2" HEX This surface provides a metal to metal seal when o o (Part No .
10 COOLING C HARGING CHAR TS C08669 Fig. 10 - - Cooling Charging Charts (D08) 48TC.
11 COOLING C HARGING CHAR TS C08670 Fig. 1 1 - - Cooling Charging Charts (D 12) 48TC.
12 COOLING C HARGING CHAR TS C09151 Fig. 12 - - Coolin g Ch arging C hart s (D 14 - - Circu it A) 48TC.
13 COOLING C HARGING CHAR TS C09152 Fig. 13 - - Coolin g Ch arging C hart s (D 14 - - Circu it B) 48TC.
14 T ab le 1 – Coolin g Service A nalys is PROBLEM CAUSE REMED Y Compressor a nd Conden ser Fa n W i ll Not S ta r t. Pow er f a il u re . Cal l power c ompany . F use bl own o r ci rcui t brea ker t rippe d. Replace fuse or reset circui t breaker .
15 Compr essors Lu bricatio n Compressors are charged with the c orrect a mount of oil a t the factor y . UNIT DAMAG E HAZ ARD Failur e to follow th is caution may res ult in d amage to compone nts. The compre ssor is in a Puron R refrige rant system and uses a pol yolester (POE) oil.
16 CONVENIENCE OUTLETS ELECTRIC AL OPERA TION HAZARD Failure t o follow thi s warning c ould result i n personal injury or dea th. Units with c onvenie nce outlet ci rcuit s may use multiple disconnects. Check convenience outlet for power status before opening unit for service .
17 Ma inte nance Perio dically test the G FCI recep tacle by pr ess ing th e TEST button on the face of th e receptacle. This should cause th e internal cir cuit of the r eceptacle to trip an d o pen the receptacle. Ch eck for proper grounding wires and pow er line ph asing if the G FCI receptacle does not trip as required.
18 The sens or uses a pro cess called dif ferential sen sing to prevent gra dual environm enta l changes from triggering false ala rms. A rapid change in e nvironment al condit ions, such as s moke from a fi re, ca uses the sensor to s igna l an alarm state b ut dus t and deb ris accumu lated over time does not.
19 Return Air Sampling T ube C08129 Fig. 22 - - Return Air Samp ling T ube Location Compl etin g In stal lati on of Return Ai r Smoke Sens or: SCREWS EXHAUST TUBE FLEXIBLE EXTENSION TUBE SAMPLING C08126 Fi g. 23 - - Ret urn Air De te ct or Shi pping Po sit ion 1.
20 A E F C D B C08246 Fig. 25 - - T ypical S mok e Detect or Sys tem W iring Highlight C: 24 - - v power signal via ORN lead is remove d at Smoke Dete ctor input on L CTB; all unit operat ions cease immedi ately . Premier Link t and R TU - - MP Controls: Unit operat ing functions (fan, cool ing and hea ting) are te rmina ted as described above .
21 OP ERA TIO NAL TEST H AZARD Failure to fol low t his caut ion m ay result in pe rsonnel and aut hority conc ern. This test places the duct detector into the alarm state. Dis connect all au xiliary equ ipment fr om the contr oller before performi ng the test.
22 SD- - TRK4 Rem ote Al ar m T est P roc edur e 1. Tur n the key switch to the RESET/TES T pos ition for seven seconds. 2. V erify that th e tes t/reset s tation’ s Alarm LED turns on. 3. Reset the sensor by turning the ke y switch to t he RESET/TES T position for two seconds .
23 INDICA TORS Norm al State The smoke dete ctor operates in the normal s ta te in the absence of any trouble conditions and when its sensing chambe r is free of smoke . In the normal state , the Power LED on both the sensor and t he cont roller a re on and all other L EDs are off.
24 T ab le 3 – Detecto r Ind icators CON TROL OR IN DI CATO R DESCRI PTIO N Magnetic test /reset switch R esets the sen sor wh en it is in th e alar m or tr oub le state. Activ ates or tests th e sen sor wh en it is in the n ormal sta te. Alarm LED Indi cate s the sens or is in the al arm stat e.
25 Conde nser F an Mot or Pr otection The conde nser fa n motor is int ernall y protect ed aga inst overtem perat ure. Cont r ol Cir cuit, 24- - V The cont rol circui t is protect ed against overcurrent conditi ons by a circ uit bre aker mounted on control trans former TRA N.
26 48TCDD08 onl y C08238 All 48T C*D except DD08 C08239 Fi g. 31 - - L P L ow P ressure Swi tc h (Insta ll ed) PNK W2 TST A T GRA BRN IGC J2-12 IGC J2-1 1 BRN C NO MGV C LP LPS C08285 Fi g.
28 MANIFOLD PRESSURE TAP GAS VALVE BURNERS C09154 Fig. 35 - - Burner T ray De tails 6. Remove igniter wir es and sens or wires at the Integ- rated G as U nit Con troller ( IGC) . (See F ig. 36 .) 7. Remove the 2 s crews that attach the b urner rack to the ves tibule plate.
29 125,000/90,000 BTUH INPUT 180,000/120,000 BTUH INPUT 240,000/180,000 BTUH INPUT 250,000/200,000 BTUH INPUT C08447 Fig. 37 - - Spark Adjus tment (08 - - 14) Bu rn er Ign i tion Unit is equipped w ith a direct spark ignitio n 100% lockout sys tem. Integ rated Gas Unit Co ntroller (IGC ) is located in the control box.
30 C08240 C08241 48TCDD08 onl y All 48T C*D except DD08 Fig. 38 - - Gas V alve Orif ice Re placem ent This unit uses orific e type LH32RFnnn (where nnn indicates orifice refer ence size). When rep lacing unit orifices , order the neces sar y parts via Car rier RCD .
31 Red LED-Status C08452 Fig. 39 - - Integrated G as Contr ol (IGC) Boar d T abl e 10 – IG C Conne ct ions TERMIN AL LABEL POINT D ESC RIPT ION SENSOR LOCA TION TYPE OF I/O CON NE CTI ON PIN N UMB E.
32 T ab le 1 1 – Orifice Sizes ORIFICE DRILL S IZE CARRIE R PA R T N U MB ER DRIL L DIA. (in.) #30 LH 32RF 129 0.1285 1/8 LH 32RF 125 0.1250 #31 LH 32RF 120 0.1200 #32 LH 32RF 116 0.1160 #33 LH 32RF 113 0.1130 #34 LH 32RF 111 0.1110 #35 LH 32RF 110 0.
33 Minim um Heatin g En tering A ir T emperat ur e When oper ating on fir st stage heating, the minimum temperatur e of air entering th e dimpled heat exchang er is 50 _ F cont inuous and 45 _ F intermittent for standar d heat exchan gers and 40 _ F continuous and 35 _ F intermittent for stain less s teel heat exchan gers .
34 T able 14 – IGC Board LED Alarm Codes LED FLASH CODE DESCR IPTI ON AC TION TAKEN BY CON TR OL RESET M ETHO D PRO BA BLE CA USE On Normal Op eration — — — Off Hardw are Failure No gas he ati ng.
35 CONDENSER COIL SER VICE Conde nse r Coil The conde nser coil is ne w NO V A T ION Heat Exc hanger T echnol ogy . This is a n all - - aluminum constructi on with louvere d fins over singl e - - de pth crosstubes. The crosstubes have multiple small pa s sages t hrough which the refrig erant pas ses fr om header to header on each end.
36 PR EMIERLINK t CONTROL The Premier Link contr oller (see F ig. 41 ) is co mpatible with Car rier Comf ort Netw ork r (C CN) devices . This contro l is designed to allow users the access and ability to change fact ory - - defined settings, t hus expa nding the function of t he standa rd unit c ontrol board.
37 C08665 Fig. 43 - - T ypical Pr emierLink t Sys tem Co ntr ol W iring D iagram 48TC.
38 T ab le 15 – T hermis tor R esist ance v s T emp eratu re V al ues for Spa ce T e mpe r ature Se nsor , Supply Air T emp eratu re S ens or , and Outd oor A ir T emp eratur e Senso r TEMP (C) TEMP.
40 T able 18 – Thermostat Mode TB1 TERMINA L F IELD C ONNEC TION INPU T S IGNAL 1 RAT S EN An alog (10k th erm istor) 2 G Discrete, 24VAC 3 RAT S EN An alog (10k th erm istor) 4 Y1 Discrete, 24VAC 5.
41 Configure the unit for Therm ostat Mode — Conne ct t o the CCN bus using a CCN service t ool and naviga te to Premier Link Con figuratio n s creen for Operatin g Mode. Defau lt setting is S enso r Mod e (value 1 ). Change the value t o 0 to reconfigure t he controlle r for T hermostat Mode.
42 The CO 2 sensors are all fa ctory set for a range of 0 t o 2000 ppm and a l inea r mA output of 4 to 20. Refer t o the instr uctions s upplied with the CO 2 s ensor for electrical requirem ents and t ermina l loc ations. See Fig. 51 for typica l CO 2 sensor wiring schemat ic.
43 Refer to the Ro oftop P remierLink Ins tallation, Start- Up, and Configuration Instruct ions (Form 33CS - - 58SI), Premier Link Installation , Start- - up, and Con figur ation Instructions, for deta iled c onfigurat ion informa tion.
44 Power Exhaust J8-3 15 C TB1 THERMOST A T PL PEC TA N GRA LCTB C08120 Fig. 58 - - PremierLin k t Power Exhaus t Output Con nect ion Space Rel ative Humi dity Sensor — The RH sensor is not used w ith 48TC models at this time. CCN Commu nication Bus — The PremierLink co ntroller connec ts to t he bus in a da isy c hain a rrangem ent.
45 C07129 Fig. 60 - - R TU- - MP Multi - - Pr otocol Control Board 48TC.
46 C09163 Fig. 61 - - T ypical R TU - - MP System Contr ol W ir ing Diagram 48TC.
47 T abl e 21 – RTU - - MP Cont roll e r Inputs and O utputs POI NT N AME BA Cnet OB JE CT NAME TYPE OF I/O CON NE CTI ON PI N NUMB ERS INPU TS Space T emperatu re Sensor sptsens A I (10K Th ermisto.
48 Outdoor air m anagem ent func tions can be e nhance d with field- - ins tallation of th ese access ory contr ol devices : Enthal py control (outdoor ai r or differential sensors) Sp ace CO 2 sensor.
49 Loca te the ent halpy control in the economiz er hood. Locate two G RA leads in the factory harn ess and conn ect these lea ds to ent halpy c ontrol sensors 2 and 3. (See Fig. 49.) Connec t the e nthal py control powe r input te rmina ls to econo mizer actuator pow er leads RED (connect to TR) and BLK (conne ct to T R1).
50 T o conn ect the senso r to the contr ol, identify the positiv e (4 to 20 mA) and ground (SIG COM) terminal s on the OAQ sensor . See Fig. 51. Connect t he 4 to 20 m A terminal to R TU- - M P J 4- - 5. Connect the S IG CO M terminal to R TU - - M P J 4- - 6.
51 SW3 Protocol Selection PROTOC OL DS8 DS7 DS6 DS5 DS4 DS3 DS2 DS1 BAC ne t MS/TP (Ma ster) Unused OF F OFF OFF ON OF F Select B au d Select Bau d Modb us (Slave) Unused OF F OFF ON ON OFF Select Bau.
52 C07170 Fig. 69 - - BACview 6 Handhe ld Co nnec ti ons T able 22 – LEDs The LEDs on the R TU- - MP s how th e status of certain function s If this L ED is on .
53 T abl e 23 – T rouble shoot ing Al ar ms POINT NAME BAC ne t OBJECT NAM E ACTION T AKEN B Y CON TROL RESET METHOD PROBA BLE CAUSE Saf ety C hain A larm sa fe ty_ cha in Alarm Generated Immed iate Shut down Automa tic Over load Indoor Fan or El ectric Heater o verheat.
54 Alarms Alarms can be checked t hrough t he net work and/ or the local acces s. All th e alarms are lis ted in T able 23 with name , object na me, ac tion taken by control, re set method, and pr obable cause.
55 Device Instance: 0160001 1 PRGs loaded. 1 PRGs running. Module status: Firmware sections validated in flash memory ============================================ Boot16-H - v2.
56 T abl e 24 – M anuf ac ture Date When t roubleshooting, you ma y need t o know a control m odule’ s manufa cture da te Obta in the m a nu f ac tur e da te f ro m a... Note s Mo dule st atus re port (m odst at) T o obtain a modstat with BA Cview 6 : 1.
57 NOTE : See R TU - - MP 3rd Party Inte grati on Guide (or alternatively R TU- - M P 3rd Party I ntegration Guid e (or alternatively R TU- - MP Con trols, S tart- - Up, Operation , and Troubleshooting Instruc tions (Form 48 - - 50H- - T - - 2T), Appendix) for Modbus Protocol Conformanc e Stat eme nt.
59 T abl e 27 – E co noM i$e r IV Input/ O utput Lo gic INPU TS OU TP UTS Demand Contro l V entilation (DCV) Ent hal py* Y1 Y2 Compressor NT e r m i n a l † Ou tdoor Retu rn Sta ge 1 Stage 2 Occu .
60 Supply Air T em per ature ( SA T ) Sensor The supply a ir tem perat ure sensor is a 3 K therm istor locat ed at the inl et of the i ndoor fan. (See Fig. 76. ) This sensor is fact ory installe d. The operat ing ra nge of temperatur e measurement is 0 to 158 _ F( - - 1 8 _ to 70 _ C).
61 Diff eren tial Dry Bu lb Con tro l For differential dry bul b control the sta ndard outdoor dry bulb sensor is used in conjunc tion wit h a n addit ional access ory dr y b ulb sen sor (part nu mber CR TEMPSN002A 00). T he accessory se nsor must be mounted i n the return ai rstream .
62 TR1 24 V ac COM TR 24 Va c HOT 12 3 4 5 EF EF1 + _ P1 T1 P T N EXH 2V 10V EXH Set Set 2V 10V 2V 10V DCV DCV Free Cool B C A D SO+ SR+ SR SO AQ1 AQ DCV Min Pos Open Max N1 C06038 Fig.
63 Adju st the minimum po sition po tentiometer to allow the minim um am ount of outdoor ai r , a s required by local codes , to enter the bu ilding. Make min imum p osition adjus tments w ith at least 1 0 _ F temperatur e dif ference betwee n the outdoor a nd return-a ir tem perat ures.
64 The same e quation ca n be used to determ ine the occupie d or maximum ven tilation rate to the build ing. For example, an output of 3. 6 volts to t he ac tuat or provides a base ventilation r ate of 5% and an output of 6.7 volts provides the maximum ventilation rate of 20% ( or base plus 15 cfm per person).
65 T ab le 29 – E conoMi$ er IV Sens or U sage APPLICATION ECONOMI$ ER IV WIT H OUTDOOR A IR DRY BULB SE NSOR Acces sories Required Ou tdoor Air Dry Bu lb None .
66 5. Tur n the DC V setp oint poten tiometer CW until the DCV LED turns off. The DCV LE D should turn off when the poten tiometer is approximately 9- - v . The actua tor should drive fully c losed. 6. Turn the DCV and E xhaust potenti omet ers CCW unti l the Exhaust LE D turns on.
67 C09156 Fig. 84 - - 48TC T ypical Unit W iri ng D iagram - - Power (D08, 208/230 - - 3- - 60) 48TC.
68 C09157 Fig. 85 - - 48TC T ypical Unit Wiring Diagram - - Contr ol (D08, 208/230 - - 3 - - 60) 48TC.
69 PRE- -ST AR T - - UP PERSO NAL INJ URY HAZARD Failure t o follow thi s warning c ould result i n personal injury or dea th. 1. Follow recogniz ed safety pra cti ces and wear protec tive goggl es when chec king or servici ng refrigera nt system.
70 UNIT OP ERA TIO N AND SAF ETY H AZARD Failure t o follow thi s warning c ould result i n personal injury or dea th. Disconnect gas piping from uni t when l eak testing at pres sur e greater than 1/2 ps ig. P res sures greater than 1/2 ps ig will cause gas valve damage resulting in hazardous conditi on.
71 NOTE : The defaul t va lue for the e vaporat or - - fan mot or on/off del ay is 45 seconds. The Inte grate d Gas Unit Controller (IGC) m odifies this value when abnormal limit sw itch cycles occur . Based upon unit operatin g conditions, the on de lay c an be re duced t o 0 sec onds a nd the off delay can be exte nded to 180 seconds.
72 Field Service T est mode has t he following cha nges from normal opera tion: S Outdoor air tempe rature limits for cooling c ircuits, economi zer , a nd heat ing are ignored. S Nor mal compres sor time guar ds and oth er stagin g delays are ignored.
73 Cooling/Econ SA T Low Setpt The supply air tem perat ure must rema in above this value to allow coo ling with th e economizer and/o r comp ress ors . There is 5 _ F plus and mi nus dea dband to t his point. If the SA T fall s below t his value during cooling, al l compressors will be staged of f.
74 T55 /56 Override D uratio n This sets t he oc cupanc y override durati on when the override button is pushed on the space sensor . Facto ry Defau lt = 1 hr Range = 0 - - 24 hr IAQ Low Reference @ 4mA This is used when an IAQ sensor is insta lle d on Input 1 or 2.
75 OPERA TING SEQUENCES Base Un it Con tr ols Cooling, Un its Wit hout E conomize r When thermostat calls for Stage 1 cooling , terminals G and Y1 are e nergized. T he indoor - - fan contact or (IF C), outdoor fan cont act or (OFC) and Compre ssor 1 conta ctor (C1) are e nergized and indoor-fan motor, outdoor fan and Compressor 1 start.
76 DCV operation is availa ble in Occupied and Unoccupied periods with EconoMi$e r IV . However , a c ontrol modific ati on will be re quired on the 48TC unit to imple ment the Unocc upied pe riod functi on.
77 Routine No. 2: If DXLOCK (or DX Cooling Loc kout is disabled) < OA T 68 _ F when Y1 input i s e nergized, t he econom izer wil l be m odulate d to mainta in SA T at SASP = SA TLO1 + 3 _ F.
78 Indoor Fan — The indoor fa n will be turned on whenever any one of the following condit ions are met : S If the Premi erLi nk controll er is in t he occupi ed mode and ASHR AE 90.
79 T able 30 – A vailable Cooli ng Stages NUMB ER OF ST AGES 0 1 (ECO NOM IZ ER *) 2 3 Compressor 1 Off Off On On Compressor 2 Off Off Off On * If conditi ons are suit able for economi zer operati on. Any time the compress ors ar e running, the PremierLink controll er will loc kout the compre ssors if t he SA T become s too low .
80 If the OA T is between D XLO CK and 6 8 _ F ( DXLOCK < OA T < 68 _ F) and addit ional cool ing is required, the economizer w ill close the to minimu m position f or th ree minute s, the e con.
81 There is als o a SA T temperin g routine that will act as SA T low limit saf ety to preven t the SA T fro m becoming to o cold should the economiz er fail to close. One stage of heating w ill be ener gized if it is n ot in the Cooling or Free Cooling mode and the OA T is below 55 _ F and the SA T is below 40 _ F .
82 T empe rature Compensate d Start — This function will run when t he cont rolle r i s in unoc cupie d state and will calculate early star t bias time (SB T) based on space tempe rature de viat ion from occ upied set points i n minut es per degree .
83 The Pr emierLink t controller wil l genera te a Li nkage Commu nication Failure alarm if a failure occurs for 5 consecut ive minut es once a Linka ge has previously been establis hed. It will then revert back to its own SP T , setpoints and occupa ncy schedule for cont rol.
84 The Holida y schedule is creat ed to overri de the Dai ly schedule and ide ntify a specific day and month of the year to start a nd stop the uni t and change control t o the unoccupi ed heat ing and cooling set points. Follow the same ste ps to turn on one of the twelve Holiday schedul es and s tart and s top times.
85 Economize r The Ec onomiz er dampers are used t o provide free c ooling and Indoor Air Quality , if optional CO 2 sens or is installed, when the outside condit ions are suitabl e. The following condi tions must be t rue for economi zer operati on: S Indoor Fan has been on for a t lea st 30 seconds.
86 T abl e 33 – T orque V al ue s Supply fan motor mounti ng 120 ¦ 12 in - - - lbs 13.5 ¦ 1.4 N m Sup ply f an m otor ad ju stment p late 120 ¦ 12 in - - - lbs 13.5 ¦ 1.4 N m Motor pu lley setscrew 72 ¦ 5 i n --- l b s 8.1 ¦ 0.6 N m Fan pulley setscrew 72 ¦ 5 i n --- l b s 8.
87 APP ENDIX I. MODEL NUMBER SIGNIFICANCE Mo del Num ber N ome ncla tur e 123456789 1 0 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 1 6 1 7 1 8 4 8 T C D D 0 8 A 1 A 5 -- 0 A 0 A 0 ____ ____ ____ Unit Heat T ype 48 = Coolin .
88 APP ENDIX II . PHYSICAL DA T A Physical Data (Cooling) 7.5 - - 12.5TONS 48TC*D08 48TC*D12 48TC*D14 Refr igera tion System #C i r c u i t s/#C o m p .
89 APP ENDIX I I. P HYSICAL DA T A (cont. ) Physical Data (Heating) 7.5 - - 12.5TONS 48TC**08 48TC**12 48TC**14 Gas Connect ion #o f G a sV a l v e s 111 Nat. ga s supply line press (in. w .g.)/(PSIG) 4 --- 1 3 / 0 . 1 8 --- 0 . 4 7 4 --- 1 3 / 0 . 1 8 --- 0 .
90 APP ENDIX III. F AN PERF ORMANCE 48TC**08 3 PHASE 7.5 TON HORIZONT AL SUPPL Y CFM A V A I L A B L EE X T E R N A LS T A T I CP R E S S U R E( i n .w g ) 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1. 0 RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BH P Standard Static Option Medium St atic Op tio n 2250 505 0.
91 F AN P ERFORMANCE (cont .) 48TC**12 3 PHASE 10 TON HORIZONT AL SUPPL Y CFM A V A I L A B L EE X T E R N A LS T A T I CP R E S S U R E( i n .w g ) 0.2 0.4 0. 6 0.8 1.0 RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BH P F i e l d --- S u p p l i e d D r i v e 1 Standar d Static Option Medi um Stati c Opt ion 3000 579 0.
92 48TC**14 3 PHASE 12.5 TON HORIZONT AL SUPPL Y CFM Ava i la ble E xte r na l Sta ti c Pre ss ur e (i n . wg) 0.2 0.4 0. 6 0.8 1.0 RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BH P Standard Static Option Medium St atic Op tio n 3438 639 0.98 713 1.20 781 1.43 843 1.
93 APP ENDIX III. F AN PERF ORMANCE ( cont .) Pulle y Adjus tme nt UNI T MOTOR/DRIVE COMB O MOTOR PULLEY TUR NS OPEN 0.0 0.5 1. 0 1.5 2.0 2. 5 3. 0 3.5 4.
94 ELECTRICAL INFO RMA TION 48TC*D08 2 - - - Stage C ool ing 7.5 T ons V --- P h --- H z VOL TAGE RANGE COMP ( Cir 1) COMP (Cir 2) OFM (ea) IFM RLA LRA RLA LRA WAT TS FLA TYPE Max WAT TS Max AMP Draw EFF at F ull Load FLA MIN MAX 2 0 8 --- 3 --- 6 0 187 253 13.
96 APP ENDIX IV . WIRING DIAGRAM LIST Wir ing Diagrams 48TC SIZ E VOL TA GE CONT RO L POWER D08 208/230 - - - 3 - - - 60 48TM501325 48TM501326 460 - - - 3 - - - 60 48TM501325 48TM 501326 575 - - - 3 -.
97 APP ENDIX V . MOTORMASTER SENSOR LOCA TIONS C09158 Fig. 86 - - 48TC*D08- - D12 Outd oor Circuiting NOTE : The low ambient kit for the 12.5 ton unit utilizes a pres sure tran sducer , and th erefore there is no Motor master temperatur e sens or location fo r this unit.
98 UNIT ST AR T -UP CHECKLIST I. PRE LI MINAR Y INFORMA T IO N: MODEL NO.: DA TE: ______________ SERIAL NO: _____________________________________ TECHNI CIAN: ___________________________________ BUILDI NG LO CA TIO N:____________________________ II.
An important point after buying a device Carrier 48TC*D08 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Carrier 48TC*D08 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Carrier 48TC*D08 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Carrier 48TC*D08 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Carrier 48TC*D08 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Carrier 48TC*D08, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Carrier 48TC*D08.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Carrier 48TC*D08. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Carrier 48TC*D08 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center