Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product 48HJ004---007 Carrier
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1 48HJ004 - - - 007 48HE003 - - - 006 Sin gl e - - - P ac kag e R ooftop He ati ng /C ooli ng Standard and Low NO x Units Installation Instructions CONTENTS Page SAFETY CONSIDERA TIONS 1 ........................ INST ALLA TION 1 ......................
2 FIRE, EXPLOSI ON HAZARD Fai lure to f ollow t his wa rning c ould deat h and/or pro p erty d amag e. Dis conne ct gas pipi ng from uni t whe n le ak t est ing at pressu re g reater th an 1 / 2 p sig. Pressu res g reater th an 1 / 2 psig will cau se g as valv e d amag e resultin g in h azar dous condi tion.
3 ROOF CURB ACCESSOR Y A UNIT SIZE CRRFCURB001A01 1 -2 [356] CRRFCURB002A01 2 -0 [610] NO TES: 1. Roof cu rb accessor y is shipp ed disassembled. 2. Insula ted panels. 3. Dimensions in [ ] are in millimeters. 4. Ro of curb: g alvanized steel.
4 Lif ting hol es ar e pr ovide d in bas e ra ils as shown in Fi g. 8 a nd 9. Ref er t o riggi ng ins truc ti ons on uni t. PROPERTY DAM AGE HAZARD Fai lure t o fol low thi s wa rning coul d res ult in pe rs onal inju ry, d eath an d pro p erty dam ag e.
5 C0 6 111 Fig. 6 --- Rigging De tai ls UNI T 48HE OPER ATING WEIGHT DIM E NSIO NS “A” “B” “C” lb kg in. mm in. mm in. mm 003 530 240 73.69 1872 35.50 902 33.31 847 004 540 245 73.69 1872 35.50 902 33.31 847 005 560 254 73.69 1872 35.50 902 33.
6 C061 12 Fig. 8 --- 48HJ004- - 007 Base U nit Di mens ions 48HE, HJ.
7 C061 13 Fig. 9 --- 48HE003- - 006 Base Un it Di mens ions 48HE, HJ.
8 C061 14 Fig. 10 --- Flue Hood Det ails LEGEND * Field supplied. NO TE: Follow all local codes. SP ACING OF SUPP ORTS NFGC — National Fuel Gas C ode STEE L PIP E NOMINAL DIAMETER (in.) SP ACIN G OF SUPPO RTS X DIMENSION (ft) 1 / 2 3 / 4 or 1 1 1 / 4 or larg er 6 8 10 C061 15 Fig.
9 T able 1—Phys ical Dat a 48HJ BASE U NIT 48H J HJE/ F/H/ K/ M/N 00 4 HJD/ E/F /G/H/ K/ L/M /N 005 HJD/ E/F /G/H/K /L/M /N0 06 HJ D/E/ F007 NOMI NAL C APACI TY 3 4 5 6 OPERA TING WEIGHT (lb ) Unit .
10 TABLE 1 — PHYSICAL DATA 48HJ ( cont) BASE U NIT 48H J HJE/ F/H/ K/ M/N 00 4 HJD/ E/F /G/H/ K/ L/M /N 005 HJ D/E /F /G/ H/K /L/ M/ N0 06 HJ D/E/ F007 FUR NACE SEC TIO N Ro llout Swi tch Cutout T emp (F)† 195 195 195 195 Burner Orifice Diameter (i n.
11 T able 2—PHYSICAL DA T A 48HE BASE U NIT 48H E HD /E/F 003 HE/F/H /K/M/N004 H/ E/F/ G/H/K /L/ M/ N0 05 HD/E /F/G/H/K/L /M/N006 NOMI NAL C APACI TY 2 3 4 5 OPERA TING WEIGHT (lb) Unit 530 540 560 .
12 TABLE 2 — PHYSICAL DATA 48HE ( cont) BASE U NIT 48H E HD/E/F003 HE /F/H/K/M/N004 HD/E/F/G /H/K/L /M/N005 HD/E/F/G/H /K/L/M/N006 FUR NACE SEC TIO N Ro llout Swi tch Cutout T emp (F)† 195 195 195 195 Burner Orifice Diameter (i n. ...drill size)** Natu ral Ga s — Std* HJE .
13 LEGEND C— Contactor COMP — Compres sor EQUI P — Equipmen t GND — G round IFC — Indoor (Evaporat or) F an Contactor NEC — National Electrical Code TB — Te r m i n a l B l o c k 48HE003-006 48HE004,005 48HE004,005 48HE006 C06124 Fig.
15 T able 4—Electrical Data 48HJ 48HJ004 - - - 014 VOL TAGE RANGE COMPRESS OR (each) OFM (each) COMBUSTION FAN MOT OR IFM FLA CONV OUTLET POWER SUPPL Y * MINIMUM UNI DISCONNECT SIZE UNIT SIZE NOMINAL V --- P H --- H z IFM TYPE Min Max QTY RLA LRA QTY FLA FLA MCA MOCP ** FLA LRA 004 (3 T ons) 208/230 - - - 1 - - - 60 STD 187 254 1 16 88 1 0.
16 T able 4—Electrical Data 48HJ (cont) 008 (71/2 T ons) 208/230 - - - 3 - - - 60 STD 187 254 2 12.4 88 2 1.4 0.6 7.5 NO 38.2 45 40 242 YES 44.2 50 46 247 HS 10.6 NO 41.3 45 44 267 YES 47.3 50 49 271 4 6 0 --- 3 --- 6 0 STD 414 508 2 6.4 44 2 0.7 0.
17 Ste p 8 — Adju st F acto ry- Insta lled O ptio n s cob ra energ y recov ery unit s Ple ase r efe r to the suppl eme nt provide d for inf orm at ion on installin g and o peratin g th e factory o p tion al C OB RA E nergy Rec overy Uni ts .
18 CB — Cir cuit Breaker CR — Co oling Relay DHR — Dehumidify Relay DSV — Discharge Solenoid V alve HR — He ater Relay LPS — Low P ressure Switch LSV — Liq uid So lenoid Valv e LT L O — Low T empera ture Lockout Fiel d Splice T er minal (Unmarke d) Splice F actor y Wiring Field Control Wiring Field P ower Wiring LEGEND C06128 Fig.
19 C06131 Fig. 22 --- Outdoor- - Air Dampe r Wi th Ho o d Atta ched C06132 Fig. 23 --- Outdoor- - Air Dampe r Posit ion Sett ing premierlink co nt r ol Th e P remierL ink co ntro ller is co mp atible w ith Carrier Co mfo rt Net work R (CCN) de vice s.
21 PREMIERLINK CONTROL HINGED DOOR P ANEL C06017 Fig. 25 --- PremierL ink t Co n tr o ller (Insta lled ) T B-1 R Y1 Y2 W1 W2 G C X 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 T B-3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 T B-2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 J6 ANAL O.
22 1. Use a 4- conduc tor , 18 or 20 A WG ca ble to conne ct the ent halpy cont rol to the Pre mier Link c ontr oll er a nd powe r tr ans forme r . 2. Connec t the f oll owing 4 wire s from the wi re ha rnes s loc ate d in roof top unit t o the e ntha lpy c ontrol le r: a.
23 NOTE : T hese in structio n s are for installin g the o p tion al EconoM i$e r I V and EconoM i$e r2 only . Re fer to the accesso ry EconoM i$e r IV or EconoMi$e r2 inst all ati on inst ruct ions whe n field installin g an Ec onoMi$e r IV or EconoM i$e r2 accessory.
24 Supply Air T em per atur e (SA T) Sens or The suppl y ai r te mper atur e sens or is a 3 K the rmi stor l ocat ed at the i nlet of t he indoor fa n. (Se e Fig. 41. ) This sens or is f ac tory ins tal led. The ope ra ting ra nge of te mper atur e me as urem ent i s 0 to 158 _ F .
25 FOR OCCUP ANCY CONTROL REPLACE JUMPER WITH FIELD-SUPPLIED TIME CLOCK LEGEND DCV— Dem and Controlled V entilation IAQ — Indoor Air Q uality LA — Low Ambie nt Lockout Device OA T — Outdoo r-Air T e mperature PO T — P o tentiomete r RA T — Return-Air T emperature P otentiom eter D ef aults Settings: P ower Exhaust Middle Minimum P o s.
26 Dif fe re ntial Ent halphy Contr ol For dif fe rent ial e nthal py contr ol, the Ec onoMi $er IV cont rol le r use s two entha lpy se nsors ( HH57AC078 and CRENTDI F004A00), one in the outs ide ai r and one i n the re turn ai r duct .
27 activatio n to allo w th e d amp ers to o p en. T h is delay allows th e dam per to reach the ap p rop riate po sition to av o id u n n ecessary fan over load. Mi nimum Pos iti on Contr ol Th ere is a min im um d amp er p ositio n p oten tio meter o n th e EconoM i$e r IV cont roll er .
28 CONTROL CURVE A B C D CONTROL POINT APPROX. deg. F (deg. C) AT 50% RH 73 (23) 70 (21) 67 (19) 63 (17) 1 2 1 4 1 6 1 8 2 0 2 2 2 4 26 28 30 32 3 4 3 6 3 8 40 42 4 4 46 9 0 1 0 0 80 70 6 0 50 4 0 30 .
29 TR1 24 V ac COM TR 24 Va c HOT 12 3 4 5 EF EF1 + _ P1 T1 P T N EXH 2V 10V EXH Set Set 2V 10V 2V 10V DCV DCV Free Cool B C A D SO+ SR+ SR SO AQ1 AQ DCV Min Pos Open Max N1 C06038 Fig.
31 T able 9— 48HJ and 48he Fan R pm at Mot or Pull ey Set ting W ith St andard Mot or* UNI T 48HJ 48HE MOTOR PULLEY TUR NS OPEN 0 1 / 2 1 1 1 / 2 2 2 1 / 2 3 3 1 / 2 4 4 1 / 2 5 5 1 / 2 6 003 936 90.
32 T able 14—48HJ Outdoor Sound Power ( T otal Unit ) UNI T 48HJ ARI RA TING (dec ibels) OCTAVE BANDS 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000 004,005 76 55.
33 T able 17—Fan Per formanc e 48HJ004, 48HE004 — V er ti cal Dis charge Uni ts; St andard Motor (Belt D rive)* AIRFL OW CFM EXT ERNAL ST ATIC PR ES SUR E (in. wg) 0.2 0. 4 0. 6 0.8 1.0 Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Wa tts Rpm Bhp Watts 900 567 0.
34 T able 19— Fan Per for mance 48HJ005, 48HE005 — V er tic al Dis char ge Units ; Standard Mot or (Belt D rive)* AIRF LOW CFM EX TE RNAL ST A TIC PRE S SUR E (i n. wg) 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Rpm Bhp Wa tts Rpm Bh p W atts Rpm Bhp W atts Rpm Bhp W atts Rpm Bhp W atts 1200 666 0.
35 T able 20—Fan Per formanc e 48HJ005, 48HE005 — V ert ical Di schar ge Units ; High-St ati c Motor (Be lt Dri ve)* AIRFL OW CFM EXT ERNAL ST ATIC PR ES SUR E (in. wg) 0.2 0. 4 0. 6 0.8 1.0 Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Wa tts Rpm Bhp Watts 1200 666 0.
36 T able 22—Fan Per formanc e 48HJ006, 48HE006 Thr ee -Phase — V er tic al Dis charge Uni ts; Standar d Mot o r (Be lt Dri ve) * AIRFL OW CFM EXT ERNAL ST ATIC PR ES SUR E (in. wg) 0.2 0. 4 0. 6 0.8 1.0 Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Wa tts Rpm Bhp Watts 1500 848 0.
37 T able 24—Fan Per formanc e 48HJ007 — V e rt ic al Dis charge Uni ts; St a ndar d Motor ( Bel t Dri ve)* AIRFL OW CFM EXT ERNAL ST ATIC PR ES SUR E (in. wg) 0.2 0. 4 0. 6 0.8 1.0 Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Wa tts Rpm Bhp Watts 1800 967 0.
38 T able 25—Fan Per formanc e 48HJ007 — V er tic al Disc harge Unit s; High- Stati c Mot or (Be lt Dr ive) * AIRFL OW CFM EXT ERNAL ST ATIC PR ES SUR E (in. wg) 0.2 0. 4 0. 6 0.8 1.0 Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Wa tts Rpm Bhp Watts 1800 967 0.
39 T able 27—Fan Per form ance 48HJ004, 48HE004 — Hori zont al Dis char ge Unit s; St andard Motor (Belt D rive)* AIRFL OW CFM EXT ERNAL ST ATIC PR ES SUR E (in. wg) 0.2 0. 4 0. 6 0.8 1.0 Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Wa tts Rpm Bhp Watts 900 553 0.
40 T able 29—Fan Per form ance 48HJ005, 48HE005 — Hori zont al Dis char ge Unit s; St andard Motor (Belt D rive)* AIRFL OW CFM EXT ERNAL ST ATIC PR ES SUR E (in. wg) 0.2 0. 4 0. 6 0.8 1.0 Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Wa tts Rpm Bhp Watts 1200 643 0.
41 T able 31—Fan Per form ance 48HJ006, 48HE006 Singl e- Phase — Hori zontal Di sc harge Uni ts ; Standar d Mot o r (Be lt Dri ve) * AIRFL OW CFM EXT ERNAL ST ATIC PR ES SUR E (in. wg) 0.2 0. 4 0. 6 0.8 1.0 Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Wa tts Rpm Bhp Watts 1500 800 0.
42 T able 32—Fan Per formanc e 48HJ006, 48HE006 Thr ee -Phase — Hor iz o ntal Di schar ge Units ; Standar d Mot o r (Be lt Dri ve) * AIRFL OW CFM EXT ERNAL ST ATIC PR ES SUR E (in. wg) 0.2 0. 4 0. 6 0.8 1.0 Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Wa tts Rpm Bhp Watts 1500 800 0.
43 T able 34—Fan Per formanc e 48HJ007 — Hori zontal Di sc harge Uni ts ; Standar d Motor (Be lt Dri ve)* AIRFL OW CFM EXT ERNAL ST ATIC PR ES SUR E (in. wg) 0.2 0. 4 0. 6 0.8 1.0 Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Wa tts Rpm Bhp Watts 1800 913 0.
44 T able 35—Fan Per form ance 48HJ007 — Hori zont al Disc harge Uni ts ; High- Stat ic Mot or (Be lt Dr ive) * AIRFL OW CFM EXT ERNAL ST ATIC PR ES SUR E (in. wg) 0.2 0. 4 0. 6 0.8 1.0 Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Wa tts Rpm Bhp Watts 1800 913 0.
45 PRE -ST AR T -UP FIRE, EXPLOSION, ELECTRI CAL SHOC K HAZA RD Fai lure t o fol low thi s wa rning coul d res ult in pe rs onal inj ury , dea th a nd/or prope rty da mage : 1. Follow r ecogni ze d sa fe ty pra cti ces a nd wea r prot ec tive goggle s whe n che cking or ser vici ng a re fri gera nt sys tem .
46 2. Tur n of f powe r t o the unit a nd tag di sc onnec t. 3. Reve rs e any two of the uni t power l eads . 4. Tur n on powe r t o the uni t a nd ene rgi ze the compr es sor . The suct ion and dis cha rge pre ssur e leve ls should now move t o their n o rmal start-u p lev els.
47 A ma ximum of 9 t ri ps c an oc cur , e xtendi ng the eva porat or- fan of f del ay to 180 s ec onds. T o re stor e the ori ginal de faul t va lue , r es et the powe r to the unit . T o Shut Of f Unit —Se t sys te m se le ct or swit ch at of f posi tion.
48 S If SA T > SASP + 5 a nd e conomiz er pos ition >80 %, ec onomiz er wil l go to m ini mum pos ition fo r 3 min utes or unti l SA T > 68 _ F. S If com pre ssor one i s on the n se cond s tage of mech an ical coo lin g w ill be en ergized ; oth erw ise the first stage w ill b e energized .
49 S SP T reading is availab le S OA T ± SPT S Econom iz er Pos itio n is NOT forced If a ny of the a bove cond itions are not met , the e conomi ze r sub master r eference (E CS R) is set to m ax imu m lim it and th e dam per move s to mini mum posit ion.
50 C06136 Fig. 54 --- Humidi- - MiZer Subc ooling Mo de O pera tio n C06137 Fig. 55 --- Hu mi di - - M izer t Hot Gas Rehe at Mode Oper ati on Hot Gas Re heat Mode Wh en the hu mid ity lev els in th e.
51 T able 39—Hum idi -Mi zer Adapt ive De humidi fi cat ion Syste m Sequenc e of Oper ati on and Syst em Res ponse — Si ngle Com pre ssor Uni t (48HE003- - 006, 48HJ004-007) THE RMOSTAT INPUT EC ONOMIZER FU NCTION 48HE, HJ UNI T OPERATI ON H Y1 Y2 OAT .
52 Ste p 7 — Los s- -of- - Charge Swi tch The los s-of -cha r ge s wit ch conta ins a Schr ade r cor e depre ssor , and is located on th e co mp ressor liqu id lin e. This sw itch o pen s at 7 psig an d clo ses at 2 2 psig . No ad justm ents are necessary .
53 C06141 Fig. 62 --- Co o ling C ha rg ing C ha rt, Standar d 48HJ006 C06142 Fig. 63 --- Co o ling C ha rg ing C ha rt, Standar d 48HJ007 C06143 Fig. 64 --- Cooli ng Charging C hart , 48HJ004 wit h Op tion a l Hu mid i - - M iZer A da p tive D ehu mid ificatio n S ystem C06144 Fig.
54 Th e ch arts reference a liq u id p ressure (p sig ) and temperatu re at a point be twee n the c ondens er coi l and t he subc ooli ng/re heat dehum idi fi ca tion c oil. A t ap i s pr ovided on t he uni t t o me as ure li quid pr es sure e nter ing the subc ooling/ rehe at de humidi fi ca tion coil.
55 48HE - - 2 TO N CHARGI NG CHART 65.0 70.0 75.0 80.0 85.0 90.0 95.0 100.0 105.0 42 52 62 72 S u c t i o nL i n e T e m p( d e gF ) Suction Line Pr essure (psig) 448.0 498.0 548.0 598.0 648.0 698.0 5.5 10.5 15.5 20.5 25.5 Suction Line T em peratur e (deg C) Suction Line Pr essure (kpa) FC 125 52 115 4 6 105 41 95 35 85 29 75 24 C06148 Fig.
56 by re moving one s et sc rew . The n r emove nuts t hat hold mo tor to mo un tin g plate. 6. T o rein stall, rev erse th e pro ced ure o u tlined a bove. Ste p 12 — Li mit Swit ch Rem ov e b lo wer access p anel (F ig. 8 ). Li mit sw itch is l ocated o n the fan deck.
57 LO W HEA T 48HJE/H004, 48HJ D/G005-00 7 — 72,000 BTUH INPUT 48HJM004 , 48HJL005 ,006 — 60,000 BTUH INPUT M E D I U MA N DH I G HH E A T 48HJE/H00 5-007, 48H JF/K004 — 115,000 BTUH I NPUT 48HJ.
58 LEGEND OFM — Outdoo r (Cond enser) Fan Motor OLR — Overload Relay P— Plug PL — Plug Assembly QT — Quadrupl e T erminal RS — Rollout Switch SA T — Supp ly Air T empe rature Sen sor TRA.
59 TROUBLES HOOTING Ste p 1 — Uni t T r ouble shoot ing Ref er t o T abl es 35-39 for unit troubl eshoot ing det ai ls. Ste p 2 — Ec onomi$e r IV T r oubles hooting See T able 40 for Ec onoMi$e r IV logi c. A func tiona l vie w of t he Ec onoMi $er IV i s shown in Fig.
60 3. S et D CV max imu m po sitio n po ten tiom eter to p revio u s setting . 4. Set mi nimum pos it ion, DCV se t point , and exha ust po ten tiom eters to p rev iou s settin gs. 5. Remove 620-ohm re si stor from t er minal s S R and + . 6. Remove 1.
61 T ab le 4 2— Heat ing Serv ice An aly sis PROBLEM CAUSE REMED Y Burners Will Not Igni te. Mi sali gne d spark e lect rodes. Check flame ignition and sensor electr ode pos itionin g. Ad just as needed. No g as at main burner s. Check gas line for air purge as neces sary .
62 T ab le 4 5— Co o ling Serv ice An aly sis PROBLEM CAUSE REMED Y Compressor a nd Condenser Fan Will Not S tart. Pow er f ai lu re. Cal l pow er c ompa n y . Fuse blo wn or ci rcui t bre ake r tri pped. Replac e fuse or res et circuit bre aker . Defe ctive thermo stat, co ntactor , transf ormer , or cont rol rel ay .
63 T able 46—Ec onoMi$e r IV Input/ Output Logic INPUTS OUT PUTS Demand Co ntrol Ventilation (DCV) Enth alpy* Y1 Y2 Compressor NT e r m i n a l † Outdoor Ret urn Stage 1 Stage 2 Occupied U noccu p.
64 ST ART -UP CHECKLIS T (Remov e a nd Store in J ob File ) I. PRELIMIN AR Y INFOR MA TION MODEL NO. : SERI AL NO.: DA TE : TE CHNICI AN: II. PRE - ST ART - UP (inser t checkm ark in bo x as each it e.
An important point after buying a device Carrier 48HJ004---007 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Carrier 48HJ004---007 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Carrier 48HJ004---007 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Carrier 48HJ004---007 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Carrier 48HJ004---007 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Carrier 48HJ004---007, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Carrier 48HJ004---007.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Carrier 48HJ004---007. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Carrier 48HJ004---007 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center