Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product X600 Canon
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User Command Specifications 1 C over ver. 01.0100/05 2005.12.27 ver. 01.0100/04 2005.12.5 ver. 01.0100/03 2005.11.14 ver. 01.0100/02 2005.11.10 ver. 01.
User Command Specifications Version revision history 1 I. Version revision history I. Version revision histor y Version number of User Commands changed to "01.0100." Entire document Listing of the parameters for each command changed to the listing obtained by the "RANGE" command.
User Command Specifications Contents 1 II . Contents II. Contents 1. Overview 2. Communication Specifications 3. Communication Flow 4. Command System SX50 SX6 / SX60 / X600 5. Control Mode 6. Key/Emulation function 7. Power Management Mode 8. Command List 9.
User Command Specifications 1. Overview 1 1 . O verv i ew ・ These specifications describe the methods of controlling the projector from the PC over an RS-232C connection ・ Virtually all operations possible with the remote control can be controlled from the PC ・ The following symbols are used in these specifications .
User Command Specifications 2. Communication Specifications 4 2. Communication Specifications Tc : 10ms * For the SX50 : 5S (Timeout between CR and LF is 10ms.
User Command Specifications 2. Communication Specifications Request transmissions sent from PC to the projector △ <Command character strings> △ <Delimiters> One of CR (0Dh), LF (0Ah), CR+LF (0Dh+0Ah), Null (00h ) Null □ BUSY ■ WARN ■ ERR □ GET □ RANGE Control Projector control command.
User Command Specifications 2. Communication Specifications Transmissions sent from Projector to PC in response to commands from PC <Response character string> <Delimiter > The first two characters are always <one lowercase letter>: The first character indicates the response type.
User Command Specifications 2. Communication Specifications Transmission is recognized when delimiter is received. Even if a maximum transmission length is received, the entire received transmission will be lost unless a delimiter is received. The <Parameter value> is defined as shown below.
User Command Specifications 3. Communication Flow 1 3. Communication Flow One response is always returned for each command sent from the PC. Within Tr *The timeout interval between command and response (Tr) is 10 seconds.
User Command Specifications 4. Command System SX50 1 4. C SX50 SX50. User Command System Display setting INPUT *User commands use only automatic selection of input signals. *Running of Auto PC will change the values set in “Input signal settings”.
User Command Specifications SX6 / SX60 / X600 1 SX6 / SX60 / X600 SX6, SX60 or X600 User Command System Mode chang e Setting/Control Display setting *Running of Auto PC will change the values set in “Input signal settings”.
User Command Specifications 5. Control Mode 1 5. Control Mode The table below shows the states and limitations of the LOCAL and REMOTE control modes. Mode Item Status State indicator Constant remote i.
User Command Specifications 6. Key/Emulation function 1 6 . K ey /E mu l a ti on f unc ti on The table below shows how the main unit/remote control keys and emulation function operate in each control mode 6.
User Command Specifications 7. Power Management Mode 1 7. Power Management Mod e Concerning the processing for switching to the power management standby or exit mode in the remote or local mode Events.
User Command Specifications 8. Command List 1 8. Command List Mode Control Setting Reference 1 ○ 2 ○ 3 ○ 4 ○ 5 ○ 6 ○ 7 ○ 8 ○ 9 ○ 10 ○ 11 ○ 12 ○ 13 ○ 14 ○ 15 ○ 16 ○ 17 .
User Command Specifications 9. Details of command 1 9. Details of command 9. Details of command Descriptions of each command are provided starting from the next page. The command descriptions have the format shown below. * Alphabetic command nam e * This indicates the command format.
User Command Specifications (SET command) 0 PAGE 13.
User Command Specifications (GET command) 0 PAGE 13.
User Command Specifications (RANGE command) 0 PAGE 13.
User Command Specifications 9. Details of command REMOTE 1 REMOTE REMOTE REMOTE None "i:OK" is returned when it was possible to switch the mode properly. This switches to Remote mode. -1 -2 However, zoom or focus lens drive stops if the zoom or focus lens is being driven.
User Command Specifications 9. Details of command LOCAL 1 LOCAL LOCAL LOCAL None "i:OK" is returned when it was possible to switch the mode properly. This switches to Local mode. -1 RC -2 However, zoom or focus lens drive stops if the zoom or focus lens is being driven.
User Command Specifications 9. Details of command POWER 1 POWER POWER POWER □ <Paramete r :ID > "i:OK" is returned if the parameter was set properly. This performs ON/OFF control of the power supply. -1 -2 However, zoom or focus lens drive stops if the zoom or focus lens is being driven.
User Command Specifications 9.Details of comman d AUTOSETEXE 1 AUTOS ETEXE AUTOSETEXE AUTOSETEXE□<Auto set parameter:ID> Auto set parameters For details, refer to the RANGE command . “i:OK” is returned when the automatic processing was completed successfully.
User Command Specifications 9.Details of command B LANK 1 BLANK BLANK BLANK=<BLANK parameter:ID> BLANK parameters For details, refer to the RANGE command . For all other res p onses, refer to "Error List." (1) However, a "busy" response is given while the zoom or focus lens is being driven.
User Command Specifications 9. Details of command INPUT 1 INPUT INPUT INPUT=<Input selection parameters :ID > Input selection parameters "i:OK" is returned if the parameter was set properly. -1 A "busy" response is given while the zoom or focus lens is being driven.
User Command Specifications 9. Details of command AUTOPC 1 AUTOPC AUTOPC AUTOPC None -1 A "busy" response is given while the zoom or focus lens is being driven. Furthermore, it may not be possible to execute the command with some input signals.
User Command Specifications 9. Details of command DOTS 1 DOTS DOTS DOTS=<Number of dots: Number> Number of dots 1 This designates the total number of dots for one horizontal period. -1 A "busy" response is given while the zoom or focus lens is being driven.
User Command Specifications 9. Details of command TRACK 1 TRACK TRACK TRACK=<Adjustment value: Number > Adjustment value -1 A "busy" response is given while the zoom or focus lens is being driven. Furthermore, it may not be possible to execute the command with some input signals.
User Command Specifications 9. Details of command HPOS/VPOS 1 HPOS/VPOS HPOS/VPOS HPOS=<Horizontal position: Number> V POS=<Vertical position: Number> Horizontal/vertical positions -1 A "busy" response is given while the zoom or focus lens is being driven.
User Command Specifications 9. Details of command HPIX/VPIX 1 HPIX/VPIX HPIX/ VPIX HPIX=<Horizontal resolution: Number> V PIX=<Horizontal resolution: Number> Horizontal/vertical resolution -1 A "busy" response is given while the zoom or focus lens is being driven.
User Command Specifications 9. Details of command SEL 1 SEL SEL SEL=<Input signal selection parameter: ID> Input signal selection parameter Auto This selects the input signal. -1 A "busy" response is given while the zoom or focus lens is being driven.
User Command Specifications 9. Details of command ASPECT 1 ASPECT ASPECT ASPECT=<Screen setting parameter s :ID > Screen setting parameters Auto Normal Wide Full screen Real -1 A "busy" response is given while the zoom or focus lens is being driven.
User Command Specifications 9. Details of command IMAGE 2 IMAGE IMAGE IMAGE=<Image mode setting paramete r :ID > Image mode setting parameters This sets the image quality. -1 A "busy" response is given while the zoom or focus lens is being driven.
User Command Specifications 9. Details of command IMAGE Supported Command State s OFF ON PM × ○ × × ○ × * If a command cannot be supported, 'INVALID_MODE' or 'NOT_POWER_SUPPLIED' is returned as an error response. * "i:BUSY" may be returned if the power status is being switched.
User Command Specifications 9. Details of command BRI 1 BRI BRI BRI=<Brightness setting: Number> Brightness setting (-20 to 20) This sets the screen brightness. -1 A "busy" response is given while the zoom or focus lens is being driven.
User Command Specifications 9. Details of command CONT 1 CONT CONT CONT=<Contrast setting: Number> Contrast setting (-20 to 20) This sets the screen contrast.
User Command Specifications 9. Details of command SHARP 1 SHARP SHARP SHARP=<Sharpness setting: Number > Sharpness setting (-4 to 4) -1 A "busy" response is given while the zoom or focus lens is being driven.
User Command Specifications 9. Details of command GAMMA 1 GAMMA GAMMA GAMMA=<Gamma adjustment: Number > Gamma adjustment (-4 to 4) This performs the Gamma adjustment. -1 A "busy" response is given while the zoom or focus lens is being driven.
User Command Specifications 9. Details of command DGAMMA 1 DGAMMA DGAMMA DGAMMA=<Dynamic gamma setting paramete r :ID > Dynamic gamma setting parameters The command is used to set the dynamic gamma function to ON or OFF. -1 A "busy" response is given while the zoom or focus lens is being driven.
User Command Specifications 9. Details of command PROG 2 PROG PROG PROG=<Progressive conversion setting parameter s :ID > Progressive conversion setting parameters This command is used to set the progressive conversion processing to ON or OFF.
User Command Specifications 9. Details of command PROG Supported Command State s OFF ON PM × ○ × × ○ × * If the command cannot be supported, 'INVALID_MODE,' 'NOT_POWER_SUPPLIED' or 'INVALID_SOURCE' is returned as an error response.
User Command Specifications 9. Details of command WB 1 WB WB WB=<Screen color correction parameter s :ID > Screen color correction parameters Meaning Standard Blackboard Adjust -1 A "busy" response is given while the zoom or focus lens is being driven.
User Command Specifications 9. Details of command WBRGB 1 WBRGB WBRGB RGB setting value (Each value –20 to 20) This sets the RGB adjustment values of the screen color correction. -1 A "busy" response is given while the zoom or focus lens is being driven.
User Command Specifications 9. Details of command SAT 1 SAT SAT SAT=<Color saturation value setting: Number> Saturation setting (-20 to 20) This sets the screen color saturation. -1 A "busy" response is given while the zoom or focus lens is being driven.
User Command Specifications 9. Details of command HUE 1 HUE HUE HUE=<Hue setting value : Number> Hue setting (-20 to 20) This sets the screen hue. -1 A "busy" response is given while the zoom or focus lens is being driven. Furthermore, it may not be possible to execute the command with some input signals.
User Command Specifications 9.Details of command RGBGA IN 1 RGBGAIN RGBGAIN RGBGAIN=<R gai n setting:Number>▽<G gain s etting:Number>▽<B gain setti ng:Number> RGB gain settings (from -20 to 20 for each value) The RANGE command can be used to obtain the parameter range that can be set at that time.
User Command Specifications 9.De tails of command RGBOFFSET 1 RGBOFFSET RGBOFFSET RGB offset settings (-20 to 20 for each value) The RANGE command can be used to obtain the parameter range that can be set at that time. For details, refer to the RANGE command .
User Command Specifications 9. Details of command ACADJUST 1 ACADJUST ACADJUST ACADJUST=<Advanced color adjustment paramete r :ID > Advanced color adjustment parameters Low memory color ad.
User Command Specifications 9.Details of c ommand MEMCADJ 1 MEMCADJ MEMCADJ MEMCADJ=<Memory color adjustment parameter:ID> Memory color adjustment parameters For details, refer to the RANGE command . For all other res p onses, refer to "Error List.
User Command Specifications 9.Details of command 6 AXADJ 1 6AXADJ 6AXADJ 6AXADJ=<6-axis ad justment parameter:ID> For details, refer to the RANGE command . For all other res p onses, refer to "Error List." (1) However, a "busy" response is given while the zoom or focus lens is being driven.
User Command Specifications 9 . Details of command 6AXR- Y 1 6AXR-Y 6AXR-Y 6AXR=<R hue: Number > ▽ <R saturation: Number> 6AXG=<G hue: Number> ▽ <G saturation: Number> .
User Command Specifications 9. Details of command LAMP 1 LAMP LAMP LAMP=<Lamp output setting parameters :ID > Lamp output setting parameters -1 A "busy" response is given while the zoom or focus lens is being driven.
User Command Specifications 9. Details of command RESET 1 RESET RESET RESET □ <Reset parameter s :ID > Reset parameters This resets the projector settings. -1 A "busy" response is given while the zoom or focus lens is being driven.
User Command Specifications 9. Details of command VKS/HKS 1 VKS/HKS VKS/HKS V KS=<Vertical keystone distortion value: Number> HKS=<Horizontal keystone distortion value: Number> Vertical/horizontal keystone distortion values This sets the vertical and horizontal keystones.
User Command Specifications 9. Details of command AVOL 1 AVOL AVOL AVOL=<Audio volume level: Number > Audio volume level (0 to 20) -1 A "busy" response is given while the zoom or focus lens is being driven.
User Command Specifications 9. Details of command MUTE 1 MUTE MUTE MUTE=<Mute control parameter: ID> Mute control parameter -1 A "busy" response is given while the zoom or focus lens is being driven. -2 -3 -4 -5 Setting > MUTE=ON This mutes the volume.
User Command Specifications 9. Details of command BVOL 1 BVOL BVOL BVOL=<Beep sound setting: Number> Beep sound setting -1 A "busy" response is given while the zoom or focus lens is being driven. -2 -3 -4 Setting > BVOL=0 This mutes the BEEP sound.
User Command Specifications 9. Details of command IMAGEFLIP 1 IMAGEFLIP IMAGEFLIP IMAGE FLIP=<Image flip setting pa rame ters :ID > Image flip setting parameters Flip horizontally Flip vertically Flip horizontally and verticall y -1 A "busy" response is given while the zoom or focus lens is being driven.
User Command Specifications 9. Details of command PMM 1 PMM PMM PMM=<Power management setting parameters :ID > Power management setting parameters -1 A "busy" response is given while the zoom or focus lens is being driven.
User Command Specifications 9. Details of command PJON 1 PJON PJON PJON=<Parameters for setting display screen at startup; ID > Parameters for setting display screen at startup -1 A "busy" response is given while the zoom or focus lens is being driven.
User Command Specifications 9. Details of command NOSIG 1 NOSIG NOSIG NOSIG=<Parameters for setting display screen in no-signal mode :ID > Parameters for setting display screen in no-signal mode -1 A "busy" response is given while the zoom or focus lens is being driven.
User Command Specifications 9. Details of command NOSHOW 1 NOSHOW NOSHOW NOSHOW=<Parameters for setting display screen in no show status :ID > Parameters for setting display screen in no show status -1 A "busy" response is given while the zoom or focus lens is being driven.
User Command Specifications 9. Details of command LOGOPOS 1 LOGOPOS LOGOPOS LOGOPOS=<User image position setting parameters :ID > User image position setting parameters This sets the logo display position. -1 A "busy" response is given while the zoom or focus lens is being driven.
User Command Specifications 9 . Details of command LANG 1 LANG LANG LANG=<Language selection parameter s :ID > Language selection parameters -1 A "busy" response is given while the zoom or focus lens is being driven.
User Command Specifications 9. Details of command TERMINAL 1 TERMINAL TERMINAL TERMINAL=<Terminal setting parameter s :ID > Terminal setting parameters -1 -2 -3 -4 Setting > TERMINAL=IN This sets to input < i:OK Reference > GET TERMINAL or ?TERMINAL This retrieves the terminal setting state.
User Command Specifications 9. Details of command KEYLOCK 1 KEYLOCK KEYLOCK KEYLOCK=<Key lock setting parameter s :ID > Key lock setting parameters -1 A "busy" response is given while the zoom or focus lens is being driven.
User Command Specifications 9. Details of command RCCH 1 RCCH RCCH RCCH=<Remote control setting parameter s :ID > Remote control setting parameters -1 A "busy" response is given while the zoom or focus lens is being driven.
User Command Specifications 9. Details of command GUID 1 GUIDE GUIDE GUIDE=<Guide setting parameter:ID> Guide setting parameters For details, refer to the RANGE command . For all other res p onses, refer to "Error List." This command is used to set the guide function display to ON or OFF.
User Command Specifications 9. Details of command DPON 1 DPON DPON DPON=<Direct power-on setting parameter:ID> Direct power-on setting parameters For details, refer to the RANGE command . For all other res p onses, refer to "Error List.
User Command Specifications 9.Details of command L EDILLUMINA TE 1 LEDILLUMINATE LEDILLUMINATE LEDILLUMINATE=<LED lighting control setting parameter:ID> LED lighting control setting parameters For details, refer to the RANGE command . For all other res p onses, refer to "Error List.
User Command Specifications 9.Details of comman d ZSTEPDRV 1 ZSTEPDRV ZSTEPDRV ZSTEPDRV=<Zoom lens step control parameter:ID> Zoom lens step control parameters For details, refer to the RANGE command . For all other res p onses, refer to "Error List.
User Command Specifications 9.Details of command ZCONTDRV 1 ZCONTDRV ZCONTDRV ZCONTDRV=<Zoom lens continuous control parameter:ID> Zoom lens continuous control parameters For details, refer to the RANGE command . For all other res p onses, refer to "Error List.
User Command Specifications 9.De tails of command FSTEPDRV 1 FSTEPDRV FSTEPDRV FSTEPDRV=<Focus lens step control parameter:ID> Focus lens step control parameters For details, refer to the RANGE command . For all other res p onses, refer to "Error List.
User Command Specifications 9.Details of c ommand FCONTDRV 1 FCONTDRV FCONTDRV FCONTDRV=<Focus lens continuous control parameter:ID> Focus lens continuous control parameters For details, refer to the RANGE command . For all other res p onses, refer to "Error List.
User Command Specifications 9. Details of command RC 2 RC RC RC □ <Remote control emulation button parameters :ID > Remote control emulation button parameters The key assignment for the remote control emulation buttons is as follows. *Use the application to adjust the time between pressing of keys.
User Command Specifications 9. Details of command RC "i:OK" is returned when the button press request has been acknowledged successfully. (It does not indicate if the operation for the pressed button was executed properly.
User Command Specifications 9. Details of command MAIN 1 MAIN MAIN MAIN □ <Main unit panel emulation button parameters :ID > Main unit panel emulation button parameters The key assignments for the front panel buttons are shown below.
User Command Specifications 9 . Details of command GET 1 GET GET GET □ <Parameter> ? △ <Parameter > GAMMA DGAMMA Retrieve each data AVOL Color saturation setting Gamma correction VKS.
User Command Specifications 9 . Details of command GET MODE 1 GET MODE GET MODE This inquires about the current control mode. -1 -2 -3 a. b. > GET MODE or ?MODE < g:MODE=REMOTE * Commands are indicated by ">", and responses are indicated by "<".
User Command Specifications 9.De tails of command GET POWER 1 GET POWER GET POWER GET □ POWER ? △ POWER g:POWER=<Power status: ID> OFF OFF2ON ON ON2PMM Transitioning from power on → standby mode PMM PMM2ON Transitioning from standby → power on ON2OFF For all other responses, refer to "Error List.
User Command Specifications 9.Details of command GET B LANK 1 GET BLANK GET BLANK For all other res p onses, refer to "Error List." (1) However, a "busy" response is given while the zoom or focus lens is being driven. ( Refer to the ZCONTDRV command and FCONTDRV command.
User Command Specifications 9 . Details of command GET INPUT 1 GET INPUT GET INPUT GET □ INPUT ? △ INPUT g:INPUT=<Input type: ID> For all other responses, refer to "Error List." -1 This inquiry can be made in the power-on status.
User Command Specifications 9 . Details of command GET DOTS 1 GET DOTS GET DOTS GET □ DOTS ? △ DOTS g:DOTS=<Total number of dots: Number> For all other responses, refer to "Error List." -1 A "busy" response is given while the zoom or focus lens is being driven.
User Command Specifications 9 . Details of command GET TRACK 1 GET TRACK GET TRACK GET □ TRAC K ? △ TRAC K g:TRACK=<Tracking adjustment value: Number > -1 A "busy" response is given while the zoom or focus lens is being driven. ( Refer to the ZCONTDRV command and FCONTDRV command.
User Command Specifications 9 . Details of command GET HPOS/VPOS 1 GET HPOS/VPOS GET HPOS/VPOS Horizontal position adjustment inquiry Vertical position adjustment inquiry GET □ HPOS GET □ V POS .
User Command Specifications 9 . Details of command GET HPIX/VPIX 1 GET HPIX/VPIX GET HPIX/VPIX Horizontal resolution inquiry Vertical resolution inquiry GET □ HPI X GET □ V PIX ? △ HPI X ? △ V PIX g :HPIX=<Horizontal resolution: Number> g :VPIX=<Vertical resolution: Number> For all other responses, refer to "Error List.
User Command Specifications 9 . Details of command GET SEL 1 GET SEL GET SEL GET □ SEL ? △ SEL g :SEL=<Input si g nal: ID> For all other responses, refer to "Error List." -1 A "busy" response is given while the zoom or focus lens is being driven.
User Command Specifications 9 . Details of command GET ASPECT 1 GET ASPECT GET ASPECT GET □ ASPEC T ? △ ASPEC T g :ASPECT=<Screen settin g :ID > Auto Normal Wide Full screen Real For all other responses, refer to "Error List." -1 A "busy" response is given while the zoom or focus lens is being driven.
User Command Specifications 9 . Details of command GET IMAGE 1 GET IMAGE GET IMAGE GET □ IMAGE ? △ IMAGE g :IMAGE=<Ima g e mode :ID > For all other responses, refer to "Error List." -1 A "busy" response is given while the zoom or focus lens is being driven.
User Command Specifications 9 . Details of command GET BRI 1 GET BRI GET BRI GET □ BRI ? △ BRI g :BRI=<Bri g htness : Number> For all other responses, refer to "Error List." -1 A "busy" response is given while the zoom or focus lens is being driven.
User Command Specifications 9 . Details of command GET CONT 1 GET CONT GET CONT GET □ CONT ? △ CONT g :CONT=<Contrast value: Number> For all other responses, refer to "Error List." -1 A "busy" response is given while the zoom or focus lens is being driven.
User Command Specifications 9.Details of command GET SHARP 1 GET SHARP GET SHARP GET □ SHAR P ? △ SHAR P g ;SHARP=<Sharpness settin g : Number > For all other responses, refer to "Error List." -1 A "busy" response is given while the zoom or focus lens is being driven.
User Command Specifications 9 . Details of command GET GAMMA 1 GET GAMMA GET GAMMA GET □ GAMM A ? △ GAMM A g :GAMMA=<Gamma ad j ustment valu e : Number> For all other responses, refer to "Error List." -1 A "busy" response is given while the zoom or focus lens is being driven.
User Command Specifications 9 . Details of command GET DGAMMA 1 GET DGAMMA GET DGAMMA GET □ DGAMM A ? △ DGAMM A g :DGAMMA=<Settin g : ID> For all other responses, refer to "Error List." -1 A "busy" response is given while the zoom or focus lens is being driven.
User Command Specifications 9 . Details of command GET PROG 1 GET PROG GET PROG GET □ PROG ? △ PROG g :PROG=<Set ( status ) value: ID> For all other responses, refer to "Error List." -1 A "busy" response is given while the zoom or focus lens is being driven.
User Command Specifications 9 . Details of command GET WB 1 GET WB GET WB GET □ WB ? △ WB g :WB=<Screen color correction value: ID> Meaning Normal Blackboard ADJUST Adjust For all other responses, refer to "Error List." -1 A "busy" response is given while the zoom or focus lens is being driven.
User Command Specifications 9 . Details of command GET WBRGB 1 GET WBRGB GET WBRGB GET □ WBRGB ? △ WBRGB For all other responses, refer to "Error List." -1 A "busy" response is given while the zoom or focus lens is being driven.
User Command Specifications 9 . Details of command GET SAT 1 GET SAT GET SAT GET □ SA T ? △ SA T g :SAT=<Color saturation value settin g : Number> For all other responses, refer to "Error List." -1 A "busy" response is given while the zoom or focus lens is being driven.
User Command Specifications 9 . Details of command GET HUE 1 GET HUE GET HUE GET □ HUE ? △ HUE g :HUE=<Hue value settin g : Number> For all other responses, refer to "Error List." -1 A "busy" response is given while the zoom or focus lens is being driven.
User Command Specifications 9.Details of command GET RGBGA IN 1 GET RGBGAIN GET RGBGAIN GET□RGBGAIN ?△RGBGAIN For all other res p onses, refer to "Error List." (1) However, a "busy" response is given while the zoom or focus lens is being driven.
User Command Specifications 9.De tails of command GET RGBOFFSET 1 GET RGBOFFSET GET RGBOFFSET GET□RGBOFFSET ?△RGBOFFSET For all other res p onses, refer to "Error List." (1) However, a "busy" response is given while the zoom or focus lens is being driven.
User Command Specifications 9 . Details of command GET ACADJUST 1 GET ACADJUST GET ACADJUST GET □ ACADJUS T ? △ ACADJUS T g :ACADJUST=<Details of ad j ustmen t :ID > For all other responses, refer to "Error List." -1 A "busy" response is given while the zoom or focus lens is being driven.
User Command Specifications 9.De tails of command GET MEMCA DJ 1 GET MEMCADJ GET MEMCADJ GET□MEMCADJ ?△MEMCADJ g:MEMCADJ =<Details of adjus tment:ID> For all other res p onses, refer to "Error List." (1) However, a "busy" response is given while the zoom or focus lens is being driven.
User Command Specifications 9.Details of command GET 6AXA DJ 1 GET 6AXADJ GET 6AXADJ GET□6AXADJ ?△6AXADJ g:6AXADJ=<Setting:ID> For all other res p onses, refer to "Error List." (1) However, a "busy" response is given while the zoom or focus lens is being driven.
User Command Specifications 9. Details of command GET 6AXR-6AXY 1 GET 6AXR-6AXY GET 6AXR-6AXY R setting inquiry G setting inquiry B setting inquiry C setting inquiry M setting inquiry Y setting inquir.
User Command Specifications 9 . Details of command GET LAMP 1 GET LAMP GET LAMP GET □ LAMP ? □ LAMP g :LAMP=<Settin g :ID > For all other responses, refer to "Error List." -1 A "busy" response is given while the zoom or focus lens is being driven.
User Command Specifications 9 . Details of command GET VKS/HKS 1 GET VKS/HKS GET VKS/HKS Vertical keystone setting inquiry Horizontal keystone setting inquiry GET □ V KS GET □ HKS ? △ V KS ? .
User Command Specifications 9 . Details of command GET AVOL 1 GET AVOL GET AVOL GET □ AVOL ? △ AVOL g :AVOL=<Volume settin g : Number> For all other responses, refer to "Error List." -1 A "busy" response is given while the zoom or focus lens is being driven.
User Command Specifications 9 . Details of command GET MUTE 1 GET MUTE GET MUTE GET □ MUTE ? △ MUTE g :MUTE=<Settin g :ID > For all other responses, refer to "Error List." -1 A "busy" response is given while the zoom or focus lens is being driven.
User Command Specifications 9 . Details of command GET BVOL 1 GET BVOL GET BVOL GET □ BVOL ? △ BVOL g :BVOL=<Settin g ID > For all other responses, refer to "Error List." -1 A "busy" response is given while the zoom or focus lens is being driven.
User Command Specifications 9. Details of command GET IMAGEFLIP 1 GET IMAGEFLIP GET IMAGEFLIP GET □ IMAGEFLIP ? △ IMAGEFLIP g :IMAGEFLIP=<Settin g :ID > For all other responses, refer to "Error List." -1 A "busy" response is given while the zoom or focus lens is being driven.
User Command Specifications 9. Details of command GET PMM 1 GET PMM GET PMM GET □ PMM ? △ PMM g :PMM=<Settin g :ID > For all other responses, refer to "Error List." -1 A "busy" response is given while the zoom or focus lens is being driven.
User Command Specifications 9. Details of command GET PJON 1 GET PJON GET PJON GET □ PJON ? △ PJON g :PJON=<Settin g :ID > -1 A "busy" response is given while the zoom or focus lens is being driven. ( Refer to the ZCONTDRV command and FCONTDRV command.
User Command Specifications 9 . Details of command GET NOSIG 1 GET NOSIG GET NOSIG GET □ NOSIG ? △ NOSIG g :NOSIG=<Settin g :ID > For all other responses, refer to "Error List." -1 A "busy" response is given while the zoom or focus lens is being driven.
User Command Specifications 9 . Details of command GET NOSHOW 1 GET NOSHOW GET NOSHOW GET □ NOSHOW ? △ NOSHOW g :NOSHOW=<Settin g :ID > For all other responses, refer to "Error List." -1 A "busy" response is given while the zoom or focus lens is being driven.
User Command Specifications 9 . Details of command GET LOGOPOS 1 GET LOGOPOS GET LOGOPOS GET □ LOGOPOS ? △ LOGOPOS g :LOGOPOS=<Settin g :ID > For all other responses, refer to "Error List." -1 A "busy" response is given while the zoom or focus lens is being driven.
User Command Specifications 9. Details of command GET LANG 1 GET LANG GET LANG GET □ L ANG ? △LANG g :LANG=<Lan g ua g e :ID > For all other responses, refer to "Error List." -1 A "busy" response is given while the zoom or focus lens is being driven.
User Command Specifications 9. Details of command GET TERMINAL 1 GET TERMINAL GET TERMINAL GET □ TERMINAL ? △ TERMINAL g :TERMINAL=<Settin g :ID > For all other responses, refer to "Error List." -1 A "busy" response is given while the zoom or focus lens is being driven.
User Command Specifications 9 . Details of command GET KEYLOCK 1 GET KEYLOCK GET KEYLOCK GET □ KEYLOC K ? △ KEYLOC K g :KEYLOCK=<Settin g :ID > For all other responses, refer to "Error List." -1 A "busy" response is given while the zoom or focus lens is being driven.
User Command Specifications 9 . Details of command GET RCCH 1 GET RCCH GET RCCH GET □ RCCH ? △ RCCH g :RCCH=<Settin g :ID > For all other responses, refer to "Error List." -1 A "busy" response is given while the zoom or focus lens is being driven.
User Command Specifications 9.De tails of command GET GUID 1 GET GUIDE GET GUIDE GET□GUIDE ?△GUIDE g:GUIDE=<Setting:ID> For all other res p onses, refer to "Error List." (1) However, a "busy" response is given while the zoom or focus lens is being driven.
User Command Specifications 9.Details of command GET DPON 1 GET DPON GET DPON GET□DPON ?△DPON g:DPON=<Setting:ID> (1) However, a "busy" response is given while the zoom or focus lens is being driven. ( Refer to the ZCONTDRV command and FCONTDRV command.
User Command Specifications 9.Details of command GET L EDILLUMINA TE 1 GET LEDILLUMINATE GET LEDILLUMINATE GET□LEDILLUMINATE ?△LEDILLUMINATE g:LEDILLUMINATE=<Setting:ID> For all other res p onses, refer to "Error List." (1) However, a "busy" response is given while the zoom or focus lens is being driven.
User Command Specifications 9.Details of command GET NOSHOWSTATUS 1 GET NOSHOWSTATE GET NOSHOWSTATE GET□NOSHOWSTATE ?△NOSHOWSTATE g:NOSHOWSTATE=<Status:ID> For all other res p onses, refer to "Error List." (1) However, a "busy" response is given while the zoom or focus lens is being driven.
User Command Specifications 9.Details of command GET FREEZE 1 GET FREEZE GET FREEZE GET□FREEZE ?△FREEZE g:FREEZE=<Status:ID> For all other res p onses, refer to "Error List." (1) However, a "busy" response is given while the zoom or focus lens is being driven.
User Command Specifications 9 . Details of command GET SIGNALSTATUS 1 GET SIGNALSTATUS GET SIGNALSTATUS GET □ SIGNALSTATU S ? △ SIGNALSTATU S g :SIGNALSTATUS=<Si g nal statu s :ID > .
User Command Specifications 9 . Details of command GET LAMPCOUNTER 1 GET LAMPCOUNTER GET LAMPCOUNTER GET □ LAMPCOUNTE R ? △ LAMPCOUNTE R g :LAMPCOUNTER="<Lamp ON time: Character strin g > " For all other responses, refer to "Error List.
User Command Specifications 9 . Details of command GET ERR 1 GET ERR GET ERR GET □ ER R ? △ ER R g :ERR=<Erro r ID : ID > NO_ERROR No error ABNORMAL_TEMPERATUR Temperature error FA.
User Command Specifications 9 . Details of command GET PRODCODE 1 GET PRODCODE GET PRODCODE GET □ PRODCODE ? △ PRODCODE g :PRODCODE="<Product name: Character strin g > " For all other responses, refer to "Error List." -1 This inquiry can be executed in any status provided that AC power is supplied to the projector.
User Command Specifications 9.De tails of command GET ROMVER 1 GET ROMVER GET ROMVER GET □ ROMVER ? △ ROMVER g :ROMVER="<ROM VERSION : Character strin g >" <ROM VERSION> := 99.9999 -1 This inquiry can be executed in any status provided that AC power is supplied to the projector.
User Command Specifications 9 . Details of command GET COMVER 1 GET COMVER GET COMVER GET □ COMVER ? △ COMVER g :COMVER="<User command version : Character strin g >" <User command version> := 99.9999 For all other responses, refer to "Error List.
User Command Specifications 9. Details of command RANGE 2 RANGE RANGE RANGE □ <Parameter> Screen color correction value (RGB) Color saturation setting value Hue setting value RGB gain adjustme.
User Command Specifications 9. Details of command RANGE <Parameter name>=<Type>, <Setting range> 1. When the type is I (ID) <Setting range>: = <Setting option 1>, <Setting option 2>, <Setting option 3>, <Setting option 4>, …, <Setting option N> 2.
User Command Specifications 9 . Details of command RANGE POWER 1 RANGE POWER RANGE POWER RANGE □ POWER r:POWER=I, <Setting option 1>, <Setting option 2>, ..., <Setting option n> -1 This inquiry can be executed in any status provided that AC power is supplied to the projector.
User Command Specifications 9.De tails of command RANGE B LANK 1 RANGE BLANK RANGE BLANK RANGE□BLANK r:BLANK=I, <Setting option 1>, <Setting option 2>, …, <Setting option n> For all other res p onses, refer to "Error List.
User Command Specifications 9.Details of command RA NGE AUTOSETEXE 1 RANGE AUTOSETEXE RANGE AUTOSETEXE RANGE□AUTOSETEXE r:AUTOSETEXE=I, <Setting option 1>, <Setting option 2>, …, <Setting option n> For all other res p onses, refer to "Error List.
User Command Specifications 9 . Details of command RANGE INPUT 1 RANGE INPUT RANGE INPUT RANGE □ INPUT r:INPUT=I, <Setting option 1>, <Setting option 2>, …, <Setting option n> For all other responses, refer to "Error List.
User Command Specifications 9 . Details of command RANGE DOTS 1 RANGE DOTS RANGE DOTS RANGE □ DOTS r:DOTS=N, <Minimum setting value>, <Maximum setting value> For all other responses, refer to "Error List." -1 A "busy" response is given while the zoom or focus lens is being driven.
User Command Specifications 9 . Details of command RANGE TRACK 1 RANGE TRACK RANGE TRACK RANGE □ TRAC K r:TRACK=N, <Minimum setting value>, <Maximum setting value> -1 A "busy" response is given while the zoom or focus lens is being driven.
User Command Specifications 9 . Details of command RANGE HPOS/VPOS 1 RANGE HPOS/VPOS RANGE HPOS/VPOS Horizontal position adjustment range inquiry Vertical position adjustment range inquiry RANGE □.
User Command Specifications 9 . Details of command RANGE HPIX/VPIX 1 RANGE HPIX/VPIX RANGE HPIX/VPIX Horizontal resolution setting range inqui r Vertical resolution setting range inquiry RANGE □ H.
User Command Specifications 9.De tails of command RA NGE SEL 1 RANGE SEL RANGE SEL RANGE □ SEL r:SEL=I, <Setting option 1>, <Setting option 2>, …, <Setting option n> -1 A "busy" response is given while the zoom or focus lens is being driven.
User Command Specifications 9 . Details of command RANGE ASPECT 1 RANGE ASPECT RANGE ASPECT RANGE □ ASPEC T r:ASPECT=I, <Setting option 1>, <Setting option 2>, …, <Setting option n> -1 A "busy" response is given while the zoom or focus lens is being driven.
User Command Specifications 9 . Details of command RANGE IMAGE 1 RANGE IMAGE RANGE IMAGE RANGE □ IMAGE r:IMAGE=I, <Setting option 1>, <Setting option 2>, …, <Setting option n> -1 A "busy" response is given while the zoom or focus lens is being driven.
User Command Specifications 9 . Details of command RANGE BRI 1 RANGE BRI RANGE BRI RANGE □ BRI r:BRI=N, <Minimum setting value>, <Maximum setting value> -1 A "busy" response is given while the zoom or focus lens is being driven.
User Command Specifications 9 . Details of command RANGE CONT 1 RANGE CONT RANGE CONT RANGE □ CONT r:CONT=N, <Minimum setting value>, <Maximum setting value> -1 A "busy" response is given while the zoom or focus lens is being driven.
User Command Specifications 9 . Details of command RANGE SHARP 1 RANGE SHARP RANGE SHARP RANGE □ SHAR P r:SHARP=N, <Minimum setting value>, <Maximum setting value> -1 A "busy" response is given while the zoom or focus lens is being driven.
User Command Specifications 9 . Details of command RANGE GAMMA 1 RANGE GAMMA RANGE GAMMA RANGE □ GAMM A r:GAMMA=N, <Minimum setting value>, <Maximum setting value> -1 A "busy" response is given while the zoom or focus lens is being driven.
User Command Specifications 9 . Details of command RANGE DGAMMA 1 RANGE DGAMMA RANGE DGAMMA RANGE □ DGAMM A r:DGAMMA=I, <Setting option 1>, <Setting option 2>, …, <Setting option n> -1 A "busy" response is given while the zoom or focus lens is being driven.
User Command Specifications 9 . Details of command RANGE PROG 1 RANGE PROG RANGE PROG RANGE □ PROG r:PROG=I, <Setting option 1>, <Setting option 2>, …, <Setting option n> -1 A "busy" response is given while the zoom or focus lens is being driven.
User Command Specifications 9 . Details of command RANGE WB 1 RANGE WB RANGE WB RANGE □ WB r:WB=I, <Setting option 1>, <Setting option 2>, …, <Setting option n> -1 A "busy" response is given while the zoom or focus lens is being driven.
User Command Specifications 9 . Details of command RANGE WBRGB 1 RANGE WBRGB RANGE WBRGB RANGE □ WBRGB -1 A "busy" response is given while the zoom or focus lens is being driven. -2 > RANGE WBRGB < r:WBRGB=N, -20, 20, -20, 20, -20, 20 * Commands are indicated by ">", and responses are indicated by "<".
User Command Specifications 9 . Details of command RANGE SAT 1 RANGE SAT RANGE SAT RANGE □ SA T r:SAT=N, <Minimum setting value>, <Maximum setting value> -1 A "busy" response is given while the zoom or focus lens is being driven.
User Command Specifications 9 . Details of command RANGE HUE 1 RANGE HUE RANGE HUE RANGE □ HUE r:HUE=N, <Minimum setting value>, <Maximum setting value> -1 A "busy" response is given while the zoom or focus lens is being driven.
User Command Specifications 9.Details of command RANGE RGBGAIN 1 RANGE RGBGAIN RANGE RGBGAIN RANGE□RGBGAIN For all other res p onses, refer to "Error List." (1) However, a "busy" response is given while the zoom or focus lens is being driven.
User Command Specifications 9.Details of command RA NGE RGBOFFSET 1 RANGE RGBOFFSET RANGE RGBOFFSET RANGE□RGBOFFSET For all other res p onses, refer to "Error List." (1) However, a "busy" response is given while the zoom or focus lens is being driven.
User Command Specifications 9 . Details of command RANGE ACADJUST 1 RANGE ACADJUST RANGE ACADJUST RANGE □ ACADJUS T r:ACADJUST=I, <Setting option 1>, <Setting option 2>, …, <Setting option n> -1 A "busy" response is given while the zoom or focus lens is being driven.
User Command Specifications 9.Details of comman d RANGE MEMCADJ 1 RANGE MEMCADJ RANGE MEMCADJ RANGE□MEMCADJ r:MEMCADJ=I, <Setting option 1>, <Setting option 2>, …, <Setting option n> For all other responses, refer to "Error List.
User Command Specifications 9.Details of comman d RANGE 6A XADJ 1 RANGE 6AXADJ RANGE 6AXADJ RANGE□6AXADJ r:6AXADJ=I, <Setting option 1>, <Setting option 2>, …, <Setting option n> For all other res p onses, refer to "Error List.
User Command Specifications 9 . Details of command RANGE 6AXR-6AXY 1 RANGE 6AXR-6AXY RANGE 6AXR-6AXY R range inquiry G range inquiry B range inquiry C range inquiry M range inquiry Y range inquiry R.
User Command Specifications 9 . Details of command RANGE LAMP 1 RANGE LAMP RANGE LAMP RANGE □ LAMP r:LAMP=I, <Setting option 1>, <Setting option 2>, …, <Setting option n> -1 A "busy" response is given while the zoom or focus lens is being driven.
User Command Specifications 9 . Details of command RANGE VKS/HKS 1 RANGE VKS/HKS RANGE VKS/HKS Vertical keystone setting range inquiry Horizontal keystone setting range inquiry RANGE □ V KS RANGE .
User Command Specifications 9 . Details of command RANGE AVOL 1 RANGE AVOL RANGE AVOL RANGE □ AVOL r:AVOL=N, <Minimum setting value>, <Maximum setting value> -1 A "busy" response is given while the zoom or focus lens is being driven.
User Command Specifications 9 . Details of command RANGE MUTE 1 RANGE MUTE RANGE MUTE RANGE □ MUTE r:MUTE=I, <Setting option 1>, <Setting option 2>, …, <Setting option n> -1 A "busy" response is given while the zoom or focus lens is being driven.
User Command Specifications 9 . Details of command RANGE BVOL 1 RANGE BVOL RANGE BVOL RANGE □ BVOL r:BVOL=I, <Setting option 1>, <Setting option 2>, …, <Setting option n> -1 A "busy" response is given while the zoom or focus lens is being driven.
User Command Specifications 9 .Details of command RANGE IMAGEFLIP 1 RANGE IMAGEFLIP RANGE IMAGEFLIP RANGE □ IMAGEFLIP r:IMAGEFLIP=I, <Setting option 1>, <Setting option 2>, …, <Setting option n> -1 A "busy" response is given while the zoom or focus lens is being driven.
User Command Specifications 9 .Details of command RANGE PMM 1 RANGE PMM RANGE PMM RANGE □ PMM r:PMM=I, <Setting option 1>, <Setting option 2>, ..., <Setting option n> -1 A "busy" response is given while the zoom or focus lens is being driven.
User Command Specifications 9 . Details of command RANGE PJON 1 RANGE PJON RANGE PJON RANGE □ PJON r:PJON=I, <Setting option 1>, <Setting option 2>, …, <Setting option n> -1 A "busy" response is given while the zoom or focus lens is being driven.
User Command Specifications 9 . Details of command RANGE NOSIG 1 RANGE NOSIG RANGE NOSIG RANGE □ PJON r:NOSIG=I, <Setting option 1>, <Setting option 2>, …, <Setting option n> -1 A "busy" response is given while the zoom or focus lens is being driven.
User Command Specifications 9.Details of command RA NGE NOSHOW 1 RANGE NOSHOW RANGE NOSHOW RANGE □ NOSHOW r:NOSHOW=I, <Setting option 1>, <Setting option 2>, …, <Setting option n> -1 A "busy" response is given while the zoom or focus lens is being driven.
User Command Specifications 9.Details of command RANGE LOGOPOS 1 RANGE LOGOPOS RANGE LOGOPOS RANGE □ LOGOPOS r:LOGOPOS=I, <Setting option 1>, <Setting option 2>, …, <Setting option n> -1 A "busy" response is given while the zoom or focus lens is being driven.
User Command Specifications 9 . Details of command RANGE LANG 1 RANGE LANG RANGE LANG RANGE □ LANG r:LANG=I, <Setting option 1>, <Setting option 2>, …, <Setting option n> -1 A "busy" response is given while the zoom or focus lens is being driven.
User Command Specifications 9 . Details of command RANGE TERMINAL 1 RANGE TERMINAL RANGE TERMINAL RANGE □ TERMINAL r:TERMINAL=I, <Setting option 1>, <Setting option 2>, …, <Setting option n> -1 A "busy" response is given while the zoom or focus lens is being driven.
User Command Specifications 9 . Details of command RANGE KEYLOCK 1 RANGE KEYLOCK RANGE KEYLOCK RANGE □ KEYLOC K r:KEYLOCK=I, <Setting option 1>, <Setting option 2>, …, <Setting option n> -1 A "busy" response is given while the zoom or focus lens is being driven.
User Command Specifications 9 . Details of command RANGE RCCH 1 RANGE RCCH RANGE RCCH RANGE □ RCCH r:RCCH=I, <Setting option 1>, <Setting option 2>, …, <Setting option n> -1 A "busy" response is given while the zoom or focus lens is being driven.
User Command Specifications 9.De tails of command RANGE GUID 1 RANGE GUIDE RANGE GUIDE RANGE□GUIDE r:GUIDE=I, <Setting option 1>, <Setting option 2>, …, <Setting option n> For all other res p onses, refer to "Error List.
User Command Specifications 9.Details of command RA NGE DPON 1 RANGE DPON RANGE DPON RANGE□DPON r:DPON=I, <Setting option 1>, <Setting option 2>, …, <Setting option n> For all other res p onses, refer to "Error List." (1) However, a "busy" response is given while the zoom or focus lens is being driven.
User Command Specifications 9.De tails of command RAN GE LEDILLUMINA TE 1 RANGE LEDILLUMINATE RANGE LEDILLUMINATE RANGE□LEDILLUMINATE r:LEDILLUMINATE=I, <Setting option 1>, <Setting option 2>, …, <Setting option n> For all other res p onses, refer to "Error List.
User Command Specifications 9.Details of command RAN GE ZSTEPDRV 1 RANGE ZSTEPDRV RANGE ZSTEPDRV RANGE□ZSTEPDRV r:ZSTEPDRV=I, <Setting option 1>, <Setting option 2>, …, <Setting option n> For all other res p onses, refer to "Error List.
User Command Specifications 9.De tails of command RAN GE ZCONTDRV 1 RANGE ZCONTDRV RANGE ZCONTDRV RANGE□CONTZDRV r:ZCONTDRV=I, <Setting option 1>, <Setting option 2>, …, <Setting option n> For all other res p onses, refer to "Error List.
User Command Specifications 9.Details of comman d RANGE FSTEPDRV 1 RANGE FSTEPDRV RANGE FSTEPDRV RANGE□FSTEPDRV r:FSTEPDRV=I, <Setting option 1>, <Setting option 2>, …, <Setting option n> For all other res p onses, refer to "Error List.
User Command Specifications 9.De tails of command RA NGE FCONTDRV 1 RANGE FCONTDRV RANGE FCONTDRV RANGE□FCONTDRV r:FCONTDRV=I, <Setting option 1>, <Setting option 2>, …, <Setting option n> For all other res p onses, refer to "Error List.
User Command Specifications 10. Error List 1 10. Error List (1) (2) (3) (4) 2 e ○○○○ Send the correct command. 4e ○○○○ Send in the correct command format.
User Command Specifications 11. Other 1 11. Othe r 11. Other Use the remote control emulation function (RC command) in Local mode for the following functions.
User Command Specifications Appendix 1 Reset Items 1 Appendix 1 Reset Items Appendix 1 Reset Items What is initialized by the "RESET" command is set forth in the table below.
User Command Specifications Appendix 2 Table of Response Patterns by Command 3 付録 2 コ マンド 別応答 パタ ー ン 表 Appendix 2 Table of Response Patterns by Command (1/3) 2005.
User Command Specifications Appendix 2 Table of Response Patterns by Command Appendix 2 Table of Response Patterns by Command (2/3) DG A1 A2 CM V SV DV SC X ON OF F 60 GET MODE – – 62 GET BLANK .
User Command Specifications Appendix 2 Table of Response Patterns by Command Appendix 2 Table of Response Patterns by Command (3/3) DG A1 A2 CM V SV DV SC X ON OF F 120 RANGE POWER 121 RANGE AUTOSETEX.
An important point after buying a device Canon X600 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
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However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Canon X600. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Canon X600 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center