Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product LV-8215 Canon
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Multimedia Projectors FULL LINE PRODUCT GUIDE L V S e r i e s REALiS — LCOS PROJECTORS n WUX 4000 D n WUX 4000 n WUX 10 MARK II D n WUX 10 MARK II n SX 7 MARK II D n SX 7 MA.
At the hear t of ou r LV M ulti med ia Pr oje ctor s lie s the amaz ing co mbi nati on of illu min ati on an d fle xib ilit y. Amo ng it s man y ad van tage s: dr ama tic im age re pro duct ion , raz .
FEATUR ES n 1.5x Optica l Powered Zoom Lens (10:0 Lens Offset) n AISYS-Enhan ced LCOS Technol ogy n 1000:1 Contrast Ratio n HDMI Versio n 1.3 Deep Color with 1080p Support n Full 10-bit Image Processi.
2 3 L V- 75 8 5 Lens changes must be performed by a Canon-authorized representative. O p t i o n a l A c c e s s o r i e s FEATUR ES n 3 Optional Lenses Available n 1.5x Zoom Lens n Long Focus Zoom Lens n Ultra Wide Angle Lens n AISYS-Enhan ced LCOS Technol ogy n 1000:1 Contrast Ratio n Motorized Lens Shift n HDMI Versio n 1.
4 5 FEATUR ES n 1.7x Optical Powere d Zoom Lens (9:1 Lens Offset) n AISYS -Enhanced LCOS Technol ogy n 1000: 1 Contrast Ratio n DVI-I Interface with HDCP (HD Ready) n Adobe RGB Color Space n DICOM Simulation Mode (SX7 Mark II D only) n Photo Image Mode n Auto/ Manual Keystone Correc tion (+/- 20 degrees Vertica l/Horizonta l) n Throw Distance: 3.
S X 80 0 S X 60 FEATUR ES n 1.7x Optica l Powered Zoom Lens (9:1 Lens Offset) n AISYS -Enhanced LCOS Technol ogy n 1000: 1 Contrast Ratio n 2000: 1 Contrast Ratio in Home Cinema Mode n DVI-I Interface.
X 70 0 FEATUR ES n 1.2x Optica l Zoom Lens n 16:10 Aspect Ratio for Wide Screen Content n DVI-I Interface with HDCP n Auto/ Manual Keystone Correc tion (+/-30˚ Vertical ) n Throw Distance: 2.
FEATUR ES n 1.2x Optica l Zoom Lens n DVI-I Interface with HDCP n Auto/Manual Keystone Correc tion (+/-30 ˚ Vertical ) n Throw Distance: 2.6 to 39.4 ft.
L V- 75 9 0 12 13 L V- 75 9 0 OPTION AL PROJECTO R LENSES Lens changes must be performed by a Canon-authorized representative. Ultra Wide-Angle Lens (LV-IL01) n Throw Ratio: 0.8:1 n Focal Length: 22.33 mm n F-number: 2.5 n Projection Distances: 3.7 – 6.
14 15 L V S e r ie s RE ALiS Product Model No. Use with n WUX400 0 D / WUX4000 n WUX10 MARK II D / WUX10 MARK II n SX7 MARK II D / SX7 MARK II n SX80 MARK II D / SX80 MARK II n SX800 n SX60 n X700 RS-LP03 RS-LP04 RS-CL07 RS-LP05 RS-LP06 RS-CL08 15.75"-23.
16 COMPA RISON CHART REALiS NEW Co mpu ter In put 1 In put s Inp ut 2 Vi deo Su ppo rt COMPA RISON CHART REALiS NEW Co mpu ter In put 1 In put s Inp ut 2 Sc ann ing Fr equ enc y Vi deo Su ppo rt W U X 40 0 0 D W U X 40 0 0 W U X 10 Ma r k II D W U X 10 Ma r k II S X 7 M a rk II D S X 7 M a rk II FEATURE 1 Supports digital or analog signals.
17 18 H: 2:3 - 3:2 , V ari able 26 00 Lu mens (L V- 728 5) 22 00 Lu mens (L V- 728 0) 35 00 Lu mens (L V- 738 5) 30 00 Lu mens (L V- 738 0) LV Series SX60 SX800 X700 LV-7590 REALiS 5 With MLA 6 In Hom.
©2010 CANON U.S.A., INC. PRINTED IN U .S.A. Specification s and availability ar e subject to change w ithout notice. Weig ht and dimensions are approximate. Canon an d REALiS are registered t rademarks of Canon In c. in the United Stat es and may also be regi stered trademarks in other countries.
An important point after buying a device Canon LV-8215 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Canon LV-8215 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Canon LV-8215 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Canon LV-8215 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Canon LV-8215 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Canon LV-8215, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Canon LV-8215.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Canon LV-8215. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Canon LV-8215 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center