Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product 8152B005 Canon
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PUB. DIE-0431-000B HD Camcorder Instruction Manual 64 C OP Y.
2 Introduc tion Important Usage Instructions WA RN I N G TO REDUCE THE RISK OF FIRE OR ELECTRIC SHOC K, DO NOT EXPOSE THIS PRODUCT TO RAIN OR M OISTURE. COPYRIGHT WARNING: Unauthorized recording of copyrighted materials may infringe on the rights of cop yright owners and be contrary to copyright laws.
3 FCC/IC NOTICE HD Camcorder , VIXIA HF R42 / VIXIA HF R40 / VIXIA H F R400 systems This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This d.
4 In these safety instructions the word “appa ratus” refers to th e Canon HD Camcorder VIXIA HF R42 / VIXIA HF R40 / VIXIA HF R400 and all its acces sories. 1 Read these instructions . 2 Keep these instructions . 3 Heed all warnings. 4 Follow all instru ctions.
5 REGIONS OF USE VIXIA HF R42 and VIXIA HF R40 are in compliance (as of Januar y 2013) with the radio signal regulations o f the regions lis ted below . For details on o ther regions wher e they ca n be used, make inquiri es with the contacts l isted on the ba ck side of th is instructio n manual.
6 T rademark Acknowledg ements • SD, SDHC and SDXC Logos a re trademarks of SD-3C, LLC. • Microsoft and Windo ws are trademarks or registered tr ademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries . • App Store, iPad, iPhone, i T unes and Mac OS are trademarks of Apple Inc.
7 Exciting F eatures and New Functions 6 / 4 Wi-Fi Functions ( A 122) Baby Mode ( A 64) Using Baby mode, you will not miss out on baby’ s precious moments. The camcorder’ s settings ar e optimized to captur e the beauty of baby’ s skin. Y ou can also add stamps to th e video to keep t rack of ba by’ s growth.
8 Smart AUTO ( A 43) Smart AUTO au tomat ically sel ects th e best scene mode for the s cene y ou wan t to shoot. Y ou get spe ctacular r ecor dings every time wi thout worrying abo ut settings.
9 Enjoying Y our Recordings on Other Devices Connect the camcorder to an HDTV ( A 105). Upload r ecordings to your computer ( A 111). Save your reco rdin gs. Upload your MP4 movies and photos to t he We b ( A 121). Cop y the c amco rde r’ s enti re memory onto an external hard drive ( A 116).
10 6 / 4 Enjoying Y our Recordings Using the Camcorder’s Wi-Fi Functions Connect th e camcorder t o an access point on y our home network and t hen sha re your recordi ngs on CANON iMAG E GA TEWA Y ( A 130). Fr om there, you can ma ke online albums to enjoy your recordings .
Table of conte nts 11 Introduction 7 Exciting Features and New Functions 15 About this Manual 17 Getting to Know the Camcorder 17 Supplied Access ories and CD-ROM 19 Names of Parts Prepara.
12 Table of cont ents Basic Shooting and Playback 41 Basic Recor ding 41 Shooting Video 43 About the Smart AUTO function 45 Intelligent IS 46 T aking P hotos 47 Zooming 50 Basic Playback 50 Pl.
Table of conte nts 13 86 Audio Scenes 87 Audio Recording Level 89 Using Headphones 90 Using an External Microphone Adva nced Playback and Editing 92 Capturing Video Snapshot Scenes and Photos .
14 Table of cont ents 6 / 4 Wi-Fi Functions 122 Introduction to W i-Fi 125 Recording Movies Using a Smartphone as a Remote Control 126 Remote Browse: Viewing Recordings Using a W eb Browser on.
Introdu ction 15 About this Manual Thank you for pur chasing the Canon VIXIA HF R42 / VIXIA HF R40 / VIXIA HF R400. Please read this manual carefully befor e you use the cam co rder an d ret ai n it for fut ure refe renc e. Sh oul d yo u r cam c orde r fa il to operate cor rect ly , refe r to T rou bleshooting ( A 158).
16 Introduction Self Timer Operating modes: * For movies only. • will appe ar on t he scre en. • Repeat , selecting [ Off], to turn off the self timer . Movies: In record pause mode, press . The camcorder starts r ecording after a 10-second countdown.
Introdu ction 17 Gettin g to Kn ow the Camcorder Supplied Accessor ies and CD-ROM The follo wing acc essories ar e supplied wi th the camcor der: * CA-110E i ncluding powe r cord, in Asi a.
18 Introduction The Canon VIXIA CD-ROM is als o su ppli ed wit h t he ca mcor der . The CD- ROM con tains the followin g comp onents : - In struc tion Manua l - The full- versi on inst ructio n manu al of th e camco rde r (t his PDF fil e).
Introdu ction 19 Names of Parts 1 (play back mo de) bu tton ( A 40) 2 ON/O FF bu tto n ( A 23 ) 3 Memory ca rd slot cover 4 MIC (microphone) termina l ( A 91) 5 AV O U T t e r m i na l ( A 102 , 1.
20 Introduction A f Speaker ( A 52) A g Zoom lever ( A 47) A h LCD touc h screen ( A 25, 35 ) A j ACCESS indicator ( A 41) A k 64 Wi- Fi ante nna ( A 124) A l POWER/CHG (charge) indicator: Green -.
Prepa rat ions 21 Prepar ations This chapt er descr ibes bas ic opera tions, s uch as usi ng the touch panel, navigating the me nus, and firs t time settings to help you learn more a bout your camcorder .
22 Prepa rati ons 4 Charging will start w hen the camcorder is turned off. • If the camco rder was o n, the gr een PO WER/CHG i ndica tor will go out when you turn of f the camcorder . After a moment, the PO WER/CH G indica tor will turn on in r ed (battery pack charging).
Prepa rat ions 23 overs eas trav els or sp ecial p ower s ources such as tho se on aircr aft and ships, DC-AC inve rters, etc. NOTES • We r ecommend cha rgi ng the batter y pack in t emperat ures betw een 10 °C and 30 °C (50 °F and 86 °F).
24 Prepa rati ons [ NOTES • Y ou can use the > q > [Power On Usi ng LCD Pane l] sett ing so that you can turn the camcor der on and of f only b y pr essing . Using the Grip Belt Fast en the gr ip bel t. Adjust the g rip be lt so that you ca n r each the zoom lever with your index finger , and the Y button with your thumb.
Prepa rat ions 25 2 Pu ll the strap to r e move it first from the fr ont bracket on the camcorder , then to unthread it from the handgrip and finally to remo ve it fr om the r ear br acket on the camcor der . Opening the Lens Cover and Adjusting the LCD Screen Befor e you start reco rdi ng, open the lens cover .
26 Prepa rati ons NOTES • About the LCD sc reen: The screen is produced using extre mely high-pre - cisi on manufact uring technique s, with mor e than 99.99% of the pix els operating to specification. Less than 0.01% of the pixels may occasion- ally misfir e or appear as blac k, r ed, blu e or gree n d ots.
Prepa rat ions 27 Using a Memor y Card Memor y Cards Compa tible for Use with the Ca mcorder Y ou can use the following types of commer cially availab le Secure Digi- tal (S D) car d s wi th thi s camcor der .
28 Prepa rati ons IMPORT AN T • If you us e an SDXC mem ory car d with a compute r OS that is not SD XC- compatible, you may be prompted to format the memory card.
Prepa rat ions 29 Inserting and Removing a Memory Card If y ou plan o n using a memory ca rd, turn off the camcord er befor e per- formin g the initial setup and t hen insert the memor y card. Af ter per- forming the i nitial setup, ini tialize the memory ca rd ( A 33).
30 Prepa rati ons IMPORT AN T • Memory cards have fr ont and back sides that are not in ter changeable. Inser ting a mem ory car d faci ng the wr ong direct ion can ca use a mal- functi on of the camc orde r . Be su re to ins ert t he memory car d as described in step 4.
Prepa rat ions 31 First T ime Settings Basic Setup The first time y ou turn on the camcor der , you will be guided by the camcor der’ s easy-to-follo w setup scr eens to c onfigur e the cam - corder’ s initial settings. Y ou will set the date and time, movie format, and other basic functions.
32 Prepa rati ons • 7 Skip to step 10. 8T o u c h [ & ] (built-i n memory ) or [ ] ( memory car d) and t hen touch [ æ ]. • When se lecting the memory , you can ch eck the a vailab le r ecor ding time based o n the video quality settin g.
Prepa rat ions 33 Changing the Time Zone Change the time zo ne to match your location. The d efault setting is New Y ork. In ad dition, t he camcord er is abl e to re tain the dat e and time of another lo cation.
34 Prepa rati ons 6 / 4 7 1 T ou ch this opti on if you w ant to physically erase all th e data rathe r than just cl ear the file al location table of the m emory . 2 If you selected the [Complete Initial ization] option, you can touch [Cancel] to canc el the initializatio n while it is in progr ess.
Prepa rat ions 35 Basic Operation o f the Camcorder Using the T ouch Screen The contr ol buttons and menu it ems that appear on the touc h screen change d ynamically depending on the operatin g mode and the t ask you ar e perfor ming. With the intui tive touch scr een interface you have all the controls at your fingertips.
36 Prepa rati ons (Home) Menu The (Home) menu is the gateway to most of the camcorder’ s func- tions and settings. Operating modes: 1 T ouch [ ] on the upper left of the screen to open th e (Home) menu. 2 Drag your finger left/r ight to bring the desired menu to the center .
Prepa rat ions 37 * 6 / 4 only . Menus Available in Playback Mode * 6 / 4 only . NOTES • For brevity’ s sake, r efe re nces to settings i n the (Home) menu will includ e on ly the icon of th e men u, the tab o f the desi r ed subme nu (for settings in the [ Other Se ttings] me nu) and t he sett ing name.
38 Prepa rati ons Operating modes: * In mode, acce ss to functions i s limited. 1 T ouch [ ] on the up per left of the screen to open the (Home) menu. 2 Drag your fin ger left/righ t to bring [ Other Settings] to the center . 3 T ouch the icon to open the [ Other Settings] me nus.
Prepa rat ions 39 Y ou may need to drag your fing er up and down along the scro ll bar or touch [ Í ] and [ Î ] to find the control button of the desired function.
40 Prepa rati ons Playback Press the button to switch the camc ord er betw een camera (r ecor ding) mode and pl ayback mode. Y ou can pr ess when the camcor der is of f to turn it on dir ectly in playba ck mode.
Basi c Shooti ng and P layb ack 41 Basic Shooting and Playback This chapter cover s how to easily reco rd vi deo and photos in mode, pl ay them back, and how t o use other basic func- tions. T o enjoy full access t o menus and more advanced f unc- tions, refer to Advanced Shooting ( A 60) and Advanced Playback and Editi ng ( A 92).
42 Basic Sh ooting and Playb ack 3 Set the camcorder to mode. • This step is not necessary the first tim e you use the camcorder . • T o change t he movie f ormat, r efer to Sele cting the M ovie Form at (A VCHD/MP4) ( A 60). 4P r e s s Y to beg in record ing.
Basi c Shooti ng and P layb ack 43 About AU TO mode • On ly the fo llowing functio ns are availa ble in mode. - Zoom ( A 47). - V ideo sn apshot ( A 74). - Face detecti on and trac king ( A 76) to get beautif ul shots of people e very time, tracking the subjec t even if th e person mo ves.
44 Basic Sh ooting and Playb ack Smart AUTO ico ns * Th e icon in parenthese s appears under backlight c onditions. Background → (co lor of the i con) Bright* (gray) Blu e ski es * (light blue) .
Basi c Shooti ng and P layb ack 45 IMPORT AN T • T o protect the lens , keep th e lens cover closed when yo u are not r ecor d ing mo vies and whe n you ar e not using the camcor der . • Obse rve the f ollowing precaution s while the ACCESS in dicator is on or flashin g.
46 Basic Sh ooting and Playb ack > [LCD Backl ight] setti ng or a djust the brightne ss of the LCD scr een with t he > > [LCD Brightness] setting.
Basi c Shooti ng and P layb ack 47 A green icon ( ) and {æ & ( 6 / 4 only) or {æ will appear mom entari ly on the sc ree n and the ACCESS ind icat or wi ll fl ash as the pho to is reco rded . Ho wev er , if yo u rec ord a p hot o wh ile reco rdin g a movie, will not appear .
48 Basic Sh ooting and Playb ack Using the Z oom Lever Move th e zoom leve r toward T (wide angle) to zoom out. Move it toward S (te lepho to) to z oom in. By defa ult, the zoom le ver oper ates at a vari able spe ed – press gen tly for a slow zoom; pr ess har der for faster zooms.
Basi c Shooti ng and P layb ack 49 Operat ing modes: * In mode, [Zoom T ype] will be set to [ Op tical]. Opt ions NOTES • Keep at least 1 m (3.3 ft.) away fro m the su bject. At full wide a ngle, y ou can foc us on a su bject as close a s 1 cm (0.
50 Basic Sh ooting and Playb ack Basic Play back Playing Back Video Operating modes: 1P r e s s . 2 If necessary , change the index screen. 6 / 4 7 SCN Index screen button (next to [ ]) [ & ·.
Basi c Shooti ng and P layb ack 51 3 L ook for the scene you want to play back. 4 T ouch the desired scene to play it back. • The camcor der will play b ack the sce ne selec ted and conti nue unti l the end of th e las t scene in the index scr een.
52 Basic Sh ooting and Playb ack 3T o u c h [ K ] twice when finished . During p layback: Adjust ing the volume 1 Duri ng playback, touc h the screen to dis play the playb ack contro ls. 2T o u c h [ Ý ], drag your finger along the [ Speaker]* bar t o adjust the volume and touch [ K ].
Basi c Shooti ng and P layb ack 53 During playback p ause: IMPORT AN T • Obse rve the f ollowing precaution s while the ACCESS in dicator is on or flash ing. Fai ling to do s o may result in perman ent data loss. - Do not open the memory card slot cover .
54 Basic Sh ooting and Playb ack • So und w ill not be outp ut from the bu ilt-in s peaker while the su pplie d High Speed HDMI cable or o ptional STV -250N Stereo Video Cable is connec ted to the ca mcor d er . Viewin g Ph otos Operating modes: 1P r e s s .
Basi c Shooti ng and P layb ack 55 4 L ook for the photo you want to play back. 5 T ouch the photo you wish to view . • The photo is displayed in sin gle photo view .
56 Basic Sh ooting and Playb ack IMPORT AN T • Observe the following precautions while the ACCESS indicator is on or flashing. Fa iling to do so may r esult in permanent data loss. - Do not ope n the me mory car d slot cov er . - Do not discon nect the power s ourc e or turn off the camcor der .
Basi c Shooti ng and P layb ack 57 Del et ing S cenes f rom t he In dex Scr een Operat ing modes: 1 Open the desir ed index scr een ( A 50, 93, 94) . T o dele te al l the scen es r ecorded o n a specifi c dat e, d rag yo ur fi nger left/ right unti l a s cene you want to d elete appears .
58 Basic Sh ooting and Playb ack • Observe the following precautions while the ACCESS indicator is on or flashin g (while sce nes are being de leted). - Do not ope n the me mory car d slot cov er . - Do not discon nect the power s ourc e or turn off the camcor der .
Basi c Shooti ng and P layb ack 59 * When you selec t [Select], pe rform the fo llowing procedure to se lect the individ - ual photo s you want to delete be fore touching [Y es]. ** T o uch [Stop] to inter rupt the operation while it is in pr ogress.
60 Advanced Shootin g Advanced Shooting This chapter covers adv anced shooting functions , such as Spe- cial Scene modes an d Bab y mode. For detail s about basic video shoo ting, refer to B asic Shooting and Playba ck ( A 41). Selecting the Movie For mat (AVCHD/MP4) Y ou can choos e to r ecord movies in AVCHD or MP4 f ormat.
Advanced Sh ooting 61 * Y ou can view inform ation on the vi deo quality with the following procedure. To v iew in form ation on the vide o qual ity 1T o u c h [ I ]. A scr een with the r esolut ion, bit rate a nd frame rate wi ll ap pear . 2T o u c h [ K ].
62 Advanced Shootin g Approximat e recording time s Default value For A VCHD movies: For MP4 movies: 1 Recorded in 1,920x1 ,080 resolut ion. 2 Recorded in 1,440x1 ,080 resolut ion. 3 6 / 4 At the time of purchase, the built-in memor y contains about 70 MB of musi c files (back ground music) and 5 MB of im age files (ima ge mix frames).
Advanced Sh ooting 63 6 / 4 Selecting the Memor y (Built-in Memory/Mem ory Card) for Reco rdings Y ou can select to recor d your movi es and photos in the built-in mem- ory or on a memory card. The defa ult memory for recording both is the built-in memory .
64 Advanced Shootin g - When the video qualit y is set to 60P or 35 Mbp s. - When the shooting mode is set to or . • When dual r ecording is ac tivat ed, decora tion is not availab le.
Advanced Sh ooting 65 Cinema Mode and Cinema-Lo ok Filters In mode, the camcorder will adjust the frame rate and several other picture-r elated settings to give your recor dings a cinematic look. In this mode you can also use a variety of profe ssional cinema-lo ok fil- ters to cr eate unique movies with a distinctive ap pearance.
66 Advanced Shootin g To change the cin ema-look filter 1 T ouch [FIL TER 1]. 2 Select the d esir ed cinema- look fi lter . Option s ( Default value) The camcorder of f ers 7 cinema- look filters. Sele ct the desi red filter whil e preview ing t he effec t on the screen.
Advanced Sh ooting 67 Opt ions ( Default value) [ Por trait] The camco rder uses a la rge ap er- ture , to a chieve a shar p focu s on the subj ect while blurring the backgr ound. [S p o r t s ] T o record sport s scen es such as tennis or golf.
68 Advanced Shootin g NOTES • [ Portra it]/[ Sports]/[ Snow]/[ Beach]: The pictur e may not appear smoot h during playba ck. • [ Portrait]: The bl ur ef fect of t he b ackgr ound incr ease s the mo re you zoom in ( S ). • [ Sn ow]/[ Bea ch]: T he su bjec t may beco me ove rexpos ed on cloudy days or in sha ded plac es.
Advanced Sh ooting 69 Operat ing modes: Decoration: Adding a Personal T ouch Add a new level of enjoyment to your scenes by d ecorating them. Y ou can add animated grap hics, stamps and even your o wn fr eehand drawing eas ily just by simply using your fingertip.
70 Advanced Shootin g ! Canvas - The ar ea wher e you will draw and see your decora tions in act ion. " T oolbar . # [ Ó Pens and Stamps] Select the type of pen or stamp a nd its colo r . Y ou can also save a sing le ca nvas or l oad a previou sly saved canvas.
Advanced Sh ooting 71 • T o select a diff er ent p en or s tamp: Repea t st eps 1 and 2 . • T o change color: T ouch [ Ó ] and then touch the white or black button under [Color s]. Alternatively , touch [ Ó ] > [ Ö ] a nd se lect a color f ro m the c olor palett e.
72 Advanced Shootin g Operating modes: 1T o u c h [ ] . • The screen with stamps for mode will appe ar . 2 Sel ect and set the de sir ed sta mps. • T o add th e age st amp: T ouch [0 days] > [ w ] > Í / Î to set baby’ s date of birth > [ K ].
Advanced Sh ooting 73 POINTS TO CH ECK • 6 / 4 B e f o r e p e r f o r m i n g t h i s p r o c e d u r e , m a k e s u r e t h e m e m o r y with the ima ge mix data i s sel ected ( A 63). At the time o f pur chase , imag e mix da ta is in the bu ilt-i n memor y .
74 Advanced Shootin g 5T o u c h [ K ] to mix your image w ith live video . Decorating Sc enes during Playback Operating modes: 1 Fr om the index screen ( A 50), p lay back the scene you want to decorate. 2 T ouch the s creen to display the playback controls.
Advanced Sh ooting 75 1 A ctivate video sn apshot. • T ouch [OFF] instead to deac tivate video snapshot. • A b lue bo r der ap pear s on the s creen. 2P r e s s Y . The camc or der r ecor ds for a few seco nds (th e blue fram e serve s as a visual pro gre ss bar) and then a utomatica lly ret urns to r ecor d pause mode.
76 Advanced Shootin g Option s ( Default value) NOTES • If the degr ee of camcor der sha ke is too high , the imag e stabil izer may not b e able to f ully compens ate. • [ Dynamic] is ava ilabl e only whe n [Zoom T ype ] is set to [ O p t i c a l ] .
Advanced Sh ooting 77 Operat ing modes: * Fac e detection an d trackin g are always activate d in and m odes. POINTS TO CH ECK • Select a shooting mode other than the [ N ight Scene], [ Low Light] or [ Fir eworks ] Speci al Scen e mode in mode.
78 Advanced Shootin g • In cert ain c ases, faces may not be dete cted cor re ctly . T ypica l ex amples includ e: - Faces extr emely small, large, d ark or brig ht in r elation to the overa ll pict ure. - Faces turned to the si de, at a diago nal or parti ally hidden.
Advanced Sh ooting 79 To fad e in/o ut Press Y in re cor d pause mode to start reco rdi ng with a fade in. P ress Y while recor ding to fade out and pause the reco rd ing . NOTES • When you a pply a fader , not only the pictu r e but also the sound will fade in or out.
80 Advanced Shootin g • T he T ou ch AE mark ( I ) wi ll fl ash and t he e xpos ur e will be adj ust ed automati cally so th e area you touch ed w il l be corr ectly exposed. Y ou have th e opti on to f urther adj ust the expos ure manual ly as nece ssary .
Advanced Sh ooting 81 Operat ing modes: POINTS TO CH ECK • Adjust the zoom b efor e you start t he procedur e. 1 O pen the manual focus screen. 2 T ouch a subject that appears inside the < frame. • The T ouch AF mark ( I ) will fl ash an d the f ocusi ng dis tanc e will be adjusted automat icall y .
82 Advanced Shootin g NOTES • When you use [ E ] and [ F ] to adjust the fo cus manu ally , you can tou ch inside t he frame to automati cally f ocus on tha t spot. Pre- Recordi ng The camcord er will start recor ding 3 seconds before you p ress Y , ensuri ng yo u do not mi ss i mpor tant sho oti ng opp ortuni - ties.
Advanced Sh ooting 83 - Changing the shooting mode. Whit e Bal ance The white balance function helps yo u to accurately r eproduce co lors under differ ent lighting conditions so that white objects will always look truly white in your recordings.
84 Advanced Shootin g - D epend ing on the light source, Å may keep flash ing. T he r esult wi ll stil l be be tter t han wit h [ Ã Automatic]. • Cu stom wh ite bal ance ma y provide be tter r.
Advanced Sh ooting 85 Frame Ra te Y ou can chang e the fram e rate (the number of frame s r ecor ded per second) to change the look of your movies.
86 Advanced Shootin g POINTS TO CH ECK • Sel ect a sho oting mo de othe r than th e [ Firewo rks] Spe cial Sc ene mode in mode . 1 Activate tele macro. * T ouc h again to tur n off the tel e macro funct ion. • The camcorde r will automatica lly adjust the zoom to the te lephoto end.
Advanced Sh ooting 87 Opt ions ( Default value) Audio Recording Level Y ou can adjust the audio r ecor ding level of the buil t-in or an external microphone.
88 Advanced Shootin g 2 T ouch and hold [ Ï ] or [ Ð ] to adjust th e audio recording level as necessary . As a guide line, ad just the au dio r ecor d ing le vel so tha t the audio lev el meter will go to the right of the -12 dB mark (yellow area) only occasionally .
Advanced Sh ooting 89 Using Headphones Use head phones for p layba ck or t o check the audio l ev el w hile r ecor d- ing. T he headpho nes ar e connecte d to the A V OUT/ × terminal, which is used for both the headphones and t he audio/v ideo output.
90 Advanced Shootin g To adjust the vo lume during playb ack In mode, and in mode during slideshow playb ack, adjust the headphones volume the same way you adjust th e speaker’ s vol- ume ( A 52, 101). IMPORT AN T • When using h eadphones, make sur e to lower the volume to an appr o- priate le vel.
Advanced Sh ooting 91 Using the WM-V1 Wire less Micropho ne Using the optional WM-V1 Wir eless Microphone, you can r eliably re cor d sound even when reco rding subj ects at a dista nce exceeding the pra ctical r ange of th e buil t-in micr ophone.
92 Advanced Playback and Editing Advanced Playback and Editing In this chap ter , you can learn how to us e functions rel ated to playback and editi ng , such as captur ing video sna pshot scenes and photo s fro m your mo vies a nd playing b ack your movies with ba ckground music.
Adva nced Pl ayb ack and Ed iti ng 93 • Video snapshot scenes canno t be c aptur ed from s cenes shorte r than 1s e c o n d . • When the sour ce scene is i tself a v ideo snapshot scene, you m.
94 Advanced Playback and Editing Operating modes: 1 Open the b aby al bum. 2 Select the scene you want to play back. Drag yo ur finge r left/righ t to bring the des ired scene t o the front. 3 T ouch the s cene’ s thumbn ail to start the play back.
Adva nced Pl ayb ack and Ed iti ng 95 2 Se lect the scene you want to play back. Drag your fi nger lef t/ri ght to bring the d esir ed scen e to the fr o nt. 3 T ouch the scene’ s thumbnail to start the playback. • The camcor der will play b ack the sce ne selec ted and conti nue unti l the end of th e las t scene in the index scr een.
96 Advanced Playback and Editing 2 Select the music track. 3 Adjust the mix balance between the original sound and the backgro und music. To u c h [ y ] (more of the ori ginal sound) or [ Û ] (more of the background music) or drag your fi nger al ong the [Mu sic Bal ance] bar t o adjust the back gro und music ba lance as desir ed.
Adva nced Pl ayb ack and Ed iti ng 97 IMPORT AN T • If you use copyrighted songs and music tracks in your video creations, remem ber th at m usic unde r co pyrig ht ma y no t be u sed witho ut pe rmis- sion fr om the copyri ght holde r , except for ca ses per mitted unde r appl i- cable laws, su ch as for p ersona l use.
98 Advanced Playback and Editing 2 Open the scene’ s [Timeline] scr een. • The [Timel ine] scr een appea rs. Th e la rge t humbnai l wil l sho w the firs t fra me of the scen e. Bel ow it, the ti meli ne rule r shows frames tak en fr om the s cene at fi xed in terval s.
Adva nced Pl ayb ack and Ed iti ng 99 Dividing Scenes Y ou can div ide A VCHD scenes in o rde r to lea ve ou t the be s t par ts a nd later cut out the r est. Operat ing modes: 1 P lay back the desired scene ( A 50) . 2 T ouch the screen and then touch [ Ý ] to pause the playback.
100 Advanced Playback and Editing T r immin g Scenes Y ou can trim MP4 scenes by r emoving everything up to a certain point or everything after a certai n point. By doing so, you leave onl y memo- rable moments to k eep for posteri ty . Operating modes: 1 Play back the desired scene ( A 50).
Advanced Playback and Editing 101 Slideshow Y ou can play a slideshow of all the photo s and even set it to music. Operat ing modes: 1 O pen the [ P hoto Playback] index screen ( A 54). 2 Se lect the music track. 3 T ouch the photo that will open the slidesh ow to display it in sing le photo view .
102 Exter nal Co nnecti ons Extern al Connections This chapter expla ins how to connect your camcor der to an external devi ce such as a TV , VCR, or co mputer . 6 / 4 Y ou can also use t he camco rder ’ s convenient Wi-Fi f unctions ( A 122). T er minals on the Camcorde r Open th e LCD panel t o access the t erminals on the camcord er .
External Conne ctions 103 Connection D iagrams In the following connect ion diagra ms, the left side sho ws the termin als on the camcor der and the right side sh ows (for refe rence only) an example of te rminals on a connected device.
104 Exter nal Co nnecti ons Connection " Composite Video T ype: Analog Quality: Standard definition Output only Connect to a standar d TV or a VCR with audi o/video input termi nals.
External Conne ctions 105 NOTES • Po wer t he camc order u sing the c ompac t pow er ad apter and o nly t hen conn ect it to th e compu ter usin g the sup plied US B cable in the follo w- ing cas es. - T o wri te bac k sc enes reco rded w ith th is camc order t hat w ere prev iously saved on a comput er .
106 Exter nal Co nnecti ons NOTES • Y ou can also pl ay video dir ectly fr om your me mory car d on AV CHD- compati ble HD TVs and digi tal r ecorde rs wi th a car d slot compatible with the type of memory car d used* . • We r ecomm end power ing the camcor der using the comp act power adapt er .
External Conne ctions 107 Saving and Sharing Y our Recordings 6 / 4 Copying Movies and Photos to a Memory Card Y ou can copy your reco rd ings from the built-in memory to a memory card. Copying Scen es from the In dex Screen Operat ing modes: 1 Open the desir ed index scr een in the bu ilt-in memory ( A 50, 93, 94).
108 Exter nal Co nnecti ons Option s * Th e last four di gits of the fo lder name i ndicate the d ate the folde r was created. Copying a Si ngle Photo Operating modes: 1 In single photo view , select the photo you wan t to copy . 2 T ouch the s creen to display the playback controls.
External Conne ctions 109 * When you selec t [Select], pe rform the fo llowing procedure to se lect the individ - ual photo s you want to copy before tou ching [Y es]. ** T ouch [Stop] to in terrupt the operation w hile it is in p rogress. To s elect individ ual ph otos 1 T ouch the individual photos y ou want to copy .
110 Exter nal Co nnecti ons 6 / 4 Converting Movies to MP4 For mat Y ou can convert A VCHD movies into MP4 movies or even conver t MP4 movies into small er MP4 movies. This is convenient , for example, when you want to upload the MP4 movies to the W eb.
External Conne ctions 111 NOTES • When you conver t movie s, the video quality you can choose for the r esulting MP4 movie will depend on the video quali ty of the ori ginal movie. Ba sed on the followin g optio ns, movie s in the buil t-in memo ry will be co nve rted and then co pied to the memor y card.
112 Exter nal Co nnecti ons POINTS TO CH ECK • Befor e install ing th e sof twar e, make su re your c omput er is c onnecte d to the I nternet. Installation 1 Down load the z ip fil e fro m PIXELA ’ s Web sit e. Visit the PIXELA ’ s site to download the z ip fil e, which contains the softwar e and inst ruction manua l.
External Conne ctions 113 For deta ils abou t using th e software, refe r to the Softwa re Guide (PDF file) o f the PIXELA ’ s softw are. Saving MP4 Movies and Photos (Windows/Mac OS) With the supplied softw are ImageBrowser EX you can sa ve MP4 movies and phot os to your compute r and easily or ganize them.
114 Exter nal Co nnecti ons 5 Follow the onscreen instructions t o select you r area (continent), country/ r egi on and lang uage. Available option s will vary dependin g on your country/ r egion. 6 In the main installer panel, click [Easy Installation].
External Conne ctions 115 • Connection # - 1 . Refer to Connection Di agrams ( A 104). • Camcor der: When t he co nnectio n is succes sful ly e stablis hed, [USB Connecti on] appear s on the scr een. 4 S ave the recordings onto the comp uter .
116 Exter nal Co nnecti ons (PTP) allow ing you to tran sfer photos (JPEG only) simply by connecting the camcor der to a computer using th e suppli ed USB cable, without having to install th e supp lied softwa re I mageBrowser EX .
External Conne ctions 117 Before discon necting the extern al hard drive Befor e turning off or physi cally disconnecti ng the external hard driv e, be sure t o safely end the connectio n to the camcor der to avoid da m- age to your files.
118 Exter nal Co nnecti ons card), the folde r name of mem ory save fol ders followi ng the first o ne will end in a numeri c al s uff ix. • The index sc r een wi ll appear . 5 T ouch a recording to play it back. T o switch to anoth er memory save folder , touch [ ] and then sel ect the memory save f older you w ith t o play b ack.
External Conne ctions 119 2 P ress to set the camcorder to playback m ode. 3 Co nnect the camco r der to the external hard drive using the optional UA -100 USB Adapter . Connection # - 2 . Refe r to Connection Di agrams ( A 104). 4 I nitialize the exter nal hard drive.
120 Exter nal Co nnecti ons Connecting 1 Power the camcorder using th e compact power ad apter . 2 Open the d esir ed index scr een ( A 50, 93, 94). 3 Connect the c amcor der to t he digital video recorder using the supplied USB cab le. Conn ect ion # - 1 .
External Conne ctions 121 3 Camco rder: Locate the scene you wish to co py and pause the playback shortly just before the desir ed scene. 4 Camco r der: Resume playback. By default, the dat e and time will be embedded in the output video signal . Y ou can change this using the > > [Disp lay Date/ Ti me ] s et t i n g.
122 Wi-Fi Fu nctions Wi-Fi Functions This chapte r contains i nformation ab out how to operate the Wi-Fi functions of your camcorder , starting with the Wi-Fi net- work setup nee ded to add your camcor der to an existing Wi-Fi networ k.
Wi-Fi Functi ons 123 Wi-Fi co nnection Wirelessly conne ct the camcor der to your i OS or Android smar tphone or computer 3 and use the dev ice’ s Web browser t o view reco rdings in th e camcorder ( A 126). 3 Y ou can also u se a comput er connected via an access po int.
124 Wi-Fi Fu nctions IMPORT AN T • Using an unprote cted Wi-Fi network can expose your files and data to moni toring by un autho rized t hird parti es. Be aware o f the risks involv ed. NOTES • Do not open the memo ry ca rd slot cove r duri ng t he wir eless con nec- tion.
Wi-Fi Functi ons 125 Recording Movies Using a Smartphone as a Remote Control Using the CameraAc cess app* for i OS devices and Andro id™ smar t- phones, y ou can contr ol the camcor der fr om a distance while you view the camcor d er’ s image on the smartphone’ s scre en.
126 Wi-Fi Fu nctions • The ca mcorder’ s SSID (network n ame) and password will app ear . • The camcor der will be r eady to con n ect wi th the smartphone. 2 Smartphone: Activate Wi-F i in the se ttings screen. The ne twork names of de tected acces s poin ts will appear .
Wi-Fi Functi ons 127 Operat ing modes: 1 Camco rder : From any movie index scr een, set the camcorder to connect with the smartpho ne. • The c amcorder’ s SSID (n etwork name) a nd password will a ppear . • The camcor d er w ill be re ady t o connect with the smartphon e .
128 Wi-Fi Fu nctions For mov ies, th e select ed recording will star t playi ng back . For phot os, the photo will be disp layed. 8 Smartphone: T ouch to save the recording on the smartphone. 9 Smartphone: T ouch when finished . 10 Camcorder: T ouch [End] when finished.
Wi-Fi Functi ons 129 from the following site . http://itun ieuploade r 1 Camco rder : From any movie index scr een, set the camcorder to connect with the iOS device. • The c amcorder’ s SSID (n etwork name) a nd password will a ppear .
130 Wi-Fi Fu nctions - Scenes rec ord ed at a video qual ity ot her than 35 Mbp s excee ding 1h o u r Sharing Recordi ngs with CANON iMAGE G A TEW A Y After you register for CANON iMAGE G A TEWA Y*, you will be able to access various W eb services**.
Wi-Fi Functi ons 131 • A ccount settin gs for Y ou T u be, Fa ceboo k and T witte r (dep endi ng on the servi ces you plan to use). Setting th e Desired Web Ser vices in the Camco rder Using the supplied s oftware Cam er aWin dow , log in to CANON iMAGE GA TE WA Y and set the W eb services you want to use.
132 Wi-Fi Fu nctions 6 Computer: Click Edit Web Services > Desired Web service > Edit > Follow th e onscreen instructions and enter your account information for the selected Web serv ice > Set > Finis h. The camera setti ngs sc ree n will ap pear ag ain.
Wi-Fi Functi ons 133 Available W eb servi ces* * Th e available Web services m ay be updat ed. For de tails, refer t o the help m odule of CANON i MAGE GA TEWA Y . NOTES • If the d ate set in the c amcorder is not corr ect, the camcor der cannot connect to CANON iMAGE GA TE W A Y .
134 Wi-Fi Fu nctions 2 When [Configuration complete d] appears on the screen, touch [OK ]. 3 Perform the procedure in Wi-Fi Connectio n Using an A ccess Point ( A 137). [Con nected] will appea r on the ca mcor der’ s scre en and the conn ection will be es tablis hed.
Wi-Fi Functi ons 135 • For movies, you can upload one at a time; for photos, u p to 10 at a time . • Dependi ng on th e wirele ss r outer ’ s setti ngs and capab ility , it can take some time to upload files.
136 Wi-Fi Fu nctions 2 When [Configuration completed] appears on the screen, touch [OK]. 3 Perf orm the pr ocedure in Wi-Fi Connection Using an Access Point ( A 137 ). [Con nected] will appea r on the ca mcor der’ s scre en and the conn ection will be es tablis hed.
Wi-Fi Functi ons 137 • If you have alr eady performe d this pr ocedur e b efor e, the connection will be est ablishe d auto maticall y . S kip t o step 4 . 2 Camco rder : When [Save the access point] appears on the screen, touch [OK ]. 3 Camco rder: Perform the connection in Wi-Fi Connection Using an Access Point ( A 137).
138 Wi-Fi Fu nctions General requireme nts • Corre ctly conf igur ed router that compli es with th e 802.11b/g/n protocol and i s Wi-Fi certified (bears the logo shown on the right) a nd a home network. Operating modes: T ouch the desired connection method.
Wi-Fi Functi ons 139 [Sear ch for Acc e ss Points] method. Refer al so to th e rout er’ s ins truc- tion manual. 1 [ WPS: Butto n] method Press and hold the WPS button on the wireless ro uter . • Depending on the rout er , the amount of ti me re quir ed may dif fer .
140 Wi-Fi Fu nctions 4T o u c h [ O K ] . After the connect ion i s est ablishe d, continu e using the functi on you were previou sly u sing. For d etails, refer to Vi ewing and Cha nging Wi- Fi Settings ( A 142) or Sharing Y our Re cor dings Using Web Services ( A 133), as necessary .
Wi-Fi Functi ons 141 In step 2, i f you selected [OPEN NONE], this step is not necessary . 4 T ouch [Automatic] or [Manual] to select how to obta in the IP addr ess. If you selecte d [Auto matic], pr oceed to st ep 11. 5 F or both the IP address and subnet mask areas, touch [0.
142 Wi-Fi Fu nctions 1 From any movie index screen, open th e setting selection screen. To view the sm artphone’s co nnection sett ings 2 T ouch [Smartphone Co nnection Settings] .
Wi-Fi Functi ons 143 Gloss ary This is a glossary of s ome of the basic terms used frequently in this chapter . The documentation for your wire less ro uter may also con- tain a glossary you can refer to.
144 Additional Information Additional Information This chapter contains tr oubles hooting advice, sc reen mes- sages, handling and maintenanc e tips, and othe r information. Appendix: Menu Options Lists The functi ons that ar e availab le depend on the shooting m ode.
Addition al Informatio n 145 [ZOOM] Zoom contr ols, [ST A RT]/[STOP] control zzzzz 48 [ W ] (tele macro): T oggle on or of f –– zzz 85 [ R Fad e rs ] [ j O ff], [ T Fade Tr igger], [ V Wipe], .
146 Additional Information [Ed it] Panel - Mode [Ed it] Panel - Mode [ Other Settings] Me nus p Camera Se tup Contr ol Butt on Index Screen Playback Pause A 6 / 4 From th e built-in memory: [Copy .
Addition al Informatio n 147 [Zoom Position at Startup] : All ows you to c hoose the position of the zoom when you tur n on the camc order . [Full Wide Angle]: The zoom position will be at full wide angle. [Last Used Posi tion]: The zoom position w i ll b e at t h e s a m e p o s i ti o n i t w a s the last ti me you used zoom.
148 Additional Information s / Playback Setup Disp lay S etup [Onscree n Markers ]: Y ou can displa y a gr id or a ho rizo ntal li ne at the cen- ter of the scr een. U se the markers as a re ference to make sure yo ur sub- ject is framed correctl y (verti call y and/o r horizo ntal ly).
Addition al Informatio n 149 [Outpu t Onscree n Displays ]: When set to [ i On], the camcorder’ s onscr een displays will ap pear als o on the scr een of a TV or monitor co n- nect ed to the c amcor der . • This function is not ava ilable when the shooting mode is set to .
150 Additional Information • This fun ction is no t availab le when the ca mcor der is connected to an HDTV using the supplied High Speed HDMI cable.
Addition al Informatio n 151 * Opt ion availab le only after connecting a n exter nal hard drive to the camcorder . [Av ailable Spac e in Memor y]/[Used S pace in Memor y]: Displays a screen wher .
152 Additional Information • Estimat ed figur es ab out av ailable m ovie r ecordi ng tim e an d avail able number of ph otos ar e appro ximate and base d on th e curr ently select ed video quality a nd a photo size of 1920x1080. • In the inform ation screen of a m emory card yo u can also chec k its Speed Class .
Addition al Informatio n 153 • If th e memory card you in sert alrea dy conta ins a file wit h a larg er num- ber , a ne w file will be assign ed a n umber one hi gher t han th at of th e last file on the memory card. • We re commen d usi ng t he [ n Continuous] sett ing.
154 Additional Information Appendix: Onscre en Icons and Displ ays Recording Movies and modes (with the zoom control displayed) 1 Control button [PHOT O]: T ake a photo ( A 41, 93) 2 Smart AUT O* .
Addition al Informatio n 155 Recording Movies and modes mode SCN A a Control bu tton [ ]: Open the (Home) menu ( A 36) A s Shoo ting mo de ( A 39) A d Exposure ( A 79) A f Focus ( A 80) A g Face d.
156 Additional Information Playing Movies (du ring playback) D s Playback control butt ons ( A 52) D d Scene pl ayback time D f Scen e nu mber D g Date/Time ( A 148) D h V o lume and bac kground m.
Addition al Informatio n 157 5 Memory operation Ü Rec ord, Û Rec ord pa use, Ð Play back, Ý Playb ack paus e, × Fast playback, Ø Fast reverse playback, Õ Slo w playbac k, Ö Slow rever se p layb ack , Ó Frame advance, Ô Fr ame reve rse.
158 Additional Information Tro u bl e? T roubleshooti ng If you have a problem with your camcor der , refer to this section. Some- times what you think is a malfunction of the camcor der may have the simples t of solutions - please r ead the “CHECK THIS FIR ST” box before going on to the more detailed problems and solutions.
Addition al Informatio n 159 - If you are using a batter y pack recommen ded by Canon for use with this camcor der , there may be a problem with the camc order or ba ttery pack. Consult a Canon Service Center . A noise can be heard from the compact power adapter .
160 Additional Information After using the camcorder for a long time , it becomes hot. - The camcorder may become hot a fter using it cont inuously for long p e riods of time; this is not a malfunction. If the camcorder becomes unusually hot or it becomes h ot after using it only for a short while, it may indicate a problem with the camcorder .
Addition al Informatio n 161 Indicators and Onscreen D isplays lights up in red. - Ba ttery pack is exhausted. Repl ace or char ge the battery pack. appears on the screen. - The camcorder cannot communicate with the batte ry pack attached so the remaining batter y charge cannot be displ ayed.
162 Additional Information Abnormal characters appear on the screen and the camcor der does not operate properly . - Disconnect the power source and reconnect it a fter a short time. If the problem s till persists, remove the battery pack and disconnect all other power source s from the camcorder .
Addition al Informatio n 163 Connections with Extern al Devices Video noise appears on the TV screen. - When using the camcorder in a room where a TV is located, keep a distance betw een the compact power adapter and the power or antenna c ables of the TV .
164 Additional Information - Wi-Fi networks with a stealth functi on that do not broadcast their network name (SSID) will not be detected by the camcorder during the Wi-F i networ k setup. Perform the se tup manu- ally ( A 140) or turn off the stealth function of the wireles s router .
Addition al Informatio n 165 6 / 4 Built-in memory is full - The built-in memory is full ([ & End] appears on the screen). D elete some recordings ( A 56, 58) to free some space. Alternatively , sav e your recordings ( A 111) and initializ e the built-in memory ( A 33).
166 Additional Information 6 / 4 Cannot play back Cannot access the built-in memory - There is a problem with the built-in memory . Save your recordings ( A 111) and initialize the built-in memory using the [Complete Initialization] option ( A 33).
Addition al Informatio n 167 Cannot record movies on this memory card Initialize only using the camcor der - The memory card in the camcorder was initia lized using a c omputer . Initialize the memory card with this camcorder ( A 33). Cannot save the canvas - Cannot save your [Pens and Stamps] drawings on the memory .
168 Additional Information Do not disconnect the power source . Do not disconnect the USB cable unless you first use the computer to safely end the connection. - When the camcorder is in mode and is connected to the computer with the s upplied USB cable, the camcor der cannot be operated.
Addition al Informatio n 169 Memor y card wri ting er ror Attempt to recover the data? - This message will appear the next time y ou turn on the camcord er if power supply was acci- dentally interrupted while the ca mcorder was writ ing to the memory.
170 Additional Information 6 / 4 List of Messages for Connecting to an External Hard Drive Some scenes could not be deleted - Movies that were protected/edited with other devi ces cannot be deleted with this ca mcorder . Some scenes were recorde d using another device and cannot be copied.
Addition al Informatio n 171 6 / 4 List of Messages for Wi-Fi Functions Refer also to the instruction manual of your wireless ro uter and other devices you will use. The compact power adapter was disconnected. Could not safely re move the external hard drive .
172 Additional Information Unable to complete WPS. - T urn off the camcorder and wir eless router . After a short while, tur n them on again and try again. If the problem persists, perfor m setup using the [Search for Acces s Points] option ( A 137).
Addition al Informatio n 173 List of Messages for Web Services Wi-Fi error Incorrect encryption method - Make sure the camcorder and acces s point are using the same authentication/ encryption method. - If the access point is using MAC address fil tering, enter the camcorder’ s MAC address in the access point’ s configuration screen.
174 Additional Information T r y again - An error occurred when connecting to the CANON iMAG E GA TEW A Y ser ver or the server is temporarily down.
Additional Information 175 Do’s an d Don ’ts Hand lin g Prec au tions Cam cord er Be sur e to observe the follow ing pr ecautions to ensur e maximum per- forma nce.
176 Additional Information • Do not use or st ore the ca mcorder in d usty or sa ndy place s. The cam- cor der i s not w aterpr oof – avoi d also water , mud or sa lt. If any of the above should get into the cam cor d er i t may damage the c amcor de r and/or the lens.
Additional Information 177 • Dirty termin als may cause a p oor contact betwee n the battery pa ck and the camcor der . W ipe th e terminal s wit h a sof t cl oth. Long-ter m storage • Stor e batte ry pac ks in a d ry plac e at t emperat ures no hig her tha n 30 ° C (86 ° F).
178 Additional Information • Sec ure Digital (SD) memo ry cards have a physic al swi tch to pr event writ- ing on the c ard so a s to avoid the accid ental erasur e of the car d’ s con- tent. T o wr ite- prot ect the memory c ar d set the switch to the LOCK posi tion.
Additional Information 179 Maintenance/Other s Cleaning Camcor der Body • Use a so ft, dry cloth t o clea n the c amcorde r bod y . Never use ch emical ly treate d cloth s or v olatile so lvents such as paint thinne r . Lens • If the lens s urfac e is dirty , autofo cus may not work prop erly .
180 Additional Information • Re move the mem ory ca rd and batt ery pa ck. Th en, plac e the ca mcorder in an air tight pl astic bag and let it ad just g raduall y to temp eratur e change s befo re re moving it from the ba g.
Additional Information 181 Genera l Inform ation Accessories * Supplied wi th the cam corder; not availab le as an op tional acces sory . ** 6 / 4 only .
182 Additional Information Option al Accesso ries Call or v isit your local r etailer /dealer for genuine Canon video acce sso- ries. Y ou can also obtain genuine accessories for your Canon ca m- corder b y calling: 1-800-828-4040, Ca non U.S.A. Information Center .
Additional Information 183 Recor ding and playb ack times given in the foll owing t ables ar e approxi - mate and vary accor ding to video quality and charging, r ecording or play- back con ditio ns.
184 Additional Information 6 / 4 Recording MP4 m ovies using the built -in memor y Recording MP4 mo vies using a memor y card * A pproximate times f or recording with repeated operations such as start/st op, zoom ing, and powe r on/ of f. BP-727 60P 135 min.
Additional Information 185 4 WM-V1 Wi reless M icroph one Reli ably r ecor d rich sou nd even when shoot ing s ubject s at a di stan ce. Th e transm itter is conveni entl y equip ped wi th a clot hing clip a nd the r eceiver can b e attache d to the c amcorder’ s grip belt.
186 Additional Information Specifications VIXIA HF R42 / VIXIA HF R40 / VIX IA HF R400 — V alues given are approximate figures. System • Recording System Movies: A VCHD* Video: MPEG-4 A VC/H.264; Audio: Dolby Digital 2ch MP4 Video: MPEG-4 AVC/H.
Additional Information 187 MP4 movies: 35 Mbps : 1 hr . 24 Mbps : 1 hr . 25 min. 17 Mbps : 2 hr . 5 min. 4 Mbps : 8 hr . 40 min. • Image Sensor 1/4.85-in. CMOS, 3,280,000 pixels Effective pixels: 2,070,000 pixels (1920 x 1080) When advanced zoom is on: 1920 x 1080 (wide angle) 1360 x 765 (full telephoto) • LCD T ouch Screen: 3 in.
188 Additional Information • USB T erminal: mini-AB, Hi-Speed USB • HDMI OUT T erminal HDMI Mini Connector; output only • MIC T erminal ∅ 3.5 mm stereo minijack –64 dBV (with 600 Ω microphone) / 5 k Ω or more Wi-Fi ( 6 / 4 only) • Standard: Complies with the IEEE 802.
Additional Information 189 BP-718 Battery Pack • Battery type Rechargeable lithium ion battery • Rated voltage: 3.6 V DC • Operating temperature : 0 – 4 0 °C (32 – 104 °F) • Battery capacity : 1,840 mAh (typical); 6.5 Wh / 1,790 mAh (minimum) • Dimensions : 30.
190 Additional Information About th e music fi les The specifi cations of t he music file s compatible with the camc order are as f ollows. Audio encoding : Linear PCM Audi o samplin g: 48 kHz, 16 bits, 2 channels Minimum length : 1 second File typ e: WA V The musi c data is saved in t he memory under the following folders.
Additional Information 191 Index 60P recording . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 A Abroad, usin g the cam corder . . . . 180 Aspect ratio of a conne cted TV (TV t ype) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 9 Au di o re co rdi ng l eve l . . . . . . . .
192 Additional Information Low light (Sp ecial Scene mo de) . . . 68 M Main Funct ions pan el . . . . . . . 38, 144 Main tena nce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179 Marker s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148 Memory card . . . . . . . . .
Additional Information 193 Wi-Fi f unctions* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 2 Y Yo u Tu b e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 21 Z Zoom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Advanced zo om . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Zoom speed . . . .
194 CANON CONSUMER DIGIT AL VIDEO EQUIPMENT LIMITED WARRA NTY FOR THE UNI TED ST A TES The limited warranty set forth belo w is given by Canon U .S.A., Inc. (“ Canon USA ”) with respec t to Canon Consum er Digital Video Eq uipment (the “Equipment”) purchased in the United Stat es.
196 CANON CONSUMER DIGIT AL VIDEO EQUIPMENT LIMITED WA RR AN TY The limited war ranty set forth below is giv en by Canon Cana da Inc. (“Canon Canada ”) with respect to Cano n Consumer Digital Video Equipm ent (the “Equipment”) purchas ed in Canada.
USA CANON U.S.A., INC. NEW JERSEY OFFICE 100 Jamesburg Road, Jamesburg, NJ 08831 USA CANON U.S.A., INC. CHICAGO OFFICE 100 Park Blvd., Itasca, IL 60143 USA CANON U.S.A., INC. LOS ANGELES OFFICE 15955 Alton Parkway , Irvine, CA 92618 USA CANON U.S.A., INC.
An important point after buying a device Canon 8152B005 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Canon 8152B005 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Canon 8152B005 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Canon 8152B005 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Canon 8152B005 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Canon 8152B005, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Canon 8152B005.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Canon 8152B005. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Canon 8152B005 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center