Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product 3163 Bryant
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Service Manual Model 3163 Part No.: 6178 98A (94 -11) Contents Impor tant Safet y Information . . . . . . . . . . 1 Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 General Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Dire ct Vent Re q uirements . . .
Important Safety Information Read this information before attemptin g to perform serv ic e on this refr i g erator. Pa g e 8 shows a wirin g pictorial and dia g r am. Review both the wirin g pictorial and di a g r am to understand the electric al circuits and the relationshi p to the individual components.
Specifications Operati ng Limits AC Mode: 132 volts A C max. - 108 vol ts AC min. DC Mode: 15.4 volts DC max. - 11.5 vol ts DC min. Gas Mode: 11" W.C. max. - 10.5" W .C. min. 15.4 VDC max. - 10.5 VDC min. Curre nt Draws AC Heatin g Element - 1.
st ituti on will v oid the agencies’ certifications and the Norcol d warranty. Refer to this manual for proper in- structions . Ins tall the refriger ator and vents as dir ected by Norcold without modifi cation.
Insulating the Flexi ble Exhaust Piping The flexible exhaust pipe must be i nsulated prior to installati on into the vent terminal housin g . The flexible ex haust pipe connects to the fl ue tube of the refri g era- to r’ s coo lin g unit and routes to the bottom openin g of the vent terminal housin g .
Ch eck Out of Fl ame Fail ure Saf ety Devi ce 1. To verif y operation of the flame failure safet y devic e, start the refri g erator in the g as mode ( re fer to li g htin g instructi ons on pa g e 6 ) and verif y the presence of a flame. 2. Turn off the g as at the manual shut-off valv e or at the main g as suppl y tank.
Lighting and Start-Up Instructions The Li g htin g and Start-Up Instructions are located on the top portion of the interior door li ner. Refer to Fi g ur e 8 for location of the operatin g controls.
Norcold Limited Warranty Time Allowance Char t Rialta To g ain access to the operatin g controls of the refri g - erator , remove the drawer directl y above the refri g era- tor.
Wiring Pictorial & Diagram 8.
Impo rtant Safety Information - AC Circuit Re ad th is in for matio n befo re a ttempt in g to perfo rm service o n this refri g er ator. Understa nd th e service procedu res bef ore performi n g the ser vice . • Us e ca ution w hen perfo rmin g the AC dia g nostic pro cedur es.
YES Is selector switch in the AC position? NO YES Refrigerat or Will Not Operate on AC Se t selector switch to AC and start refrigerator. Sp ecifica tions AC Vo lta g e: 108 - 132 VAC Current Draw: 1.3 - 1.4 amps Heater Resistance: 81.7 - 90.3 ohms Is AC voltage at input of selector switch? NO YES R eplace selector switch and start refrigerator.
Impo rtant Safety Information - DC Circuit Re ad th is in for matio n befo re a ttempt in g to perfo rm service o n this refri g er ator. Understa nd th e service procedu res bef ore performi n g the ser vice . • Use caution w hen pe rformi n g the DC dia g nost ic proc edures.
Sp ecifica tions DC Volta g e: 11.5 - 15.4 VDC Current Draw: 11.7 - 13.6 amps Heater Resistance: .95 - 1.05 ohms Refrigerator Will Not Operate on DC Electric Is selector switch set to DC? NO YES Se t selector switch to DC and start refrigerator. Is 12 VDC to i nput of 20 amp fuse? NO YES Is 12 VDC at output of fuse? NO R epl ace 20 am p fuse.
Important Safety Informatio n - Gas Circuit Re ad th is in form ation befo re att empt in g to perfo rm service o n this refri g er ator. Understa nd th e service procedu res bef ore performi n g the ser vice . • Pro pane g as c an c ause a n ex plos ion.
YES No Spark at Burner Is 12 VDC at input of 1 amp fuse? NO YES Is 12 VDC at output of 1 amp fuse? NO R epl ace 1 amp fuse and start refrigerator. Corre ct DC source to 1 amp fuse. Is selector switch set to Gas? NO YES Se t selector switch to Gas and start refrigerator.
Fi g ur e 9 Note : If flame is burning but t h e flame indicator l a mp is not illumi - nated, check for 2 V o l t s DC from the re- li ghter to the lamp. If 2 Volt s DC is present, repl ace flame indica- tor lamp. If 2 Volts DC is not present, replace the relighter.
Burner Ignites But F lame Will Not Hold Se t thermostat to maximum setting. Is gas pressure at pressure tap tee between 10.5 - 11" W.C.? NO R eplace thermostat. Is the DC volt- age at terminal bl ock between 10.5 - 15.4 VDC? NO YES Corre ct DC volt age input.
Important Safety Informatio n - DC Fan Circuit Re ad th is in form ation befo re att empt in g to perfo rm service o n this refri g er ator. Understa nd the service procedu res bef ore performi n g the ser vice . • Pro pane g as c an c ause a n ex plos ion.
Co rrect 12 VDC source to mode selection switch. Is 12 VDC present at output of 1 amp fuse? NO YES R epl ace 1 amp fuse. Is 12 VDC present at input of 1 amp fuse? NO YES Co rrect 12 VDC source to fuse. Is the mode selection in the Gas position? NO YES Se t mode selection switch to gas.
Diagnosing Cooling Problems Read this information before attemptin g to perform serv ic e on this refr i g erator . Understand the service procedur es before performin g the service. Always apply the safety pr ecautions on page 1 and the precauti ons listed below.
Refrigerator Removal Procedures Improper removal and installation of the refrigerator c an cause injury or property damage. Befor e attempt- i ng the procedures below, review the " Important Safety Information" on page 1 and the procedures below.
Rialta 1. Turn off the g as suppl y at the main tank. 2. Turn the refri g erator’s mode selector to "OFF". 3. Remov e the refri g erator’s s y stem cover located on the left front of the refri g erator b y removin g 5 retainin g screws .
No. P art No. Description 1 617980 O-Rin g 2 617773 Washer 3 61761122 Scre w #8 - 15 x 1/2" S.S . 4 61633330 Screw #8 - 32 x 5/16" 5 617923 Vent Terminal Housin g 6 617924 Vent Terminal Gask.
Final As sembly - 3163 23.
No. Part No. Description 1 617916 Informati on Packet 2 618014 Wire Conduit 3 618013 Wire Conduit 4 617989 Burner Tube 5 618073 DC Fan 6 618403 F an Support 7 618404 Fan Support Bracket 8 618093 Therm.
No. P art No. Description 1 617913 Control Cover 2 617945 Mode Selection Swi tch 3 618040 Terminal Connector 4 61609022 Indicator Lamp 5 617981 Hole Plu g C ontrol C over Asse mbly - 3163 25.
No. P art No. Description 1 61445322 Plu g 2 61594422 Fittin g 3 617965 Safet y Valve 4 61750522 Interrupter 5 617976 Manual Shut-Off Valve 6 61749822 Gas Valve Mountin g Bracket 7 617952 Ther mostat .
No. P art No. Description 1 617995 Si g ht Glass 2 617933 Si g ht Glass Gr ommet 3 617927 Burner Support Bracket 4 617936 Burner Assembl y 5 61753137 Orific e Adapter Ass embl y 6 617983 Thermocouple .
An important point after buying a device Bryant 3163 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Bryant 3163 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Bryant 3163 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Bryant 3163 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Bryant 3163 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Bryant 3163, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Bryant 3163.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Bryant 3163. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Bryant 3163 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center