Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product MFC-9840CDW Brother
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If yo u need to c all Custo mer S ervice Ple ase com plete the fol lowin g inform ation for futu re refere nce: Model Number: MFC-9840CDW Ser ial N umb er: 1 Da te of P u rch a se : P lac e o f P urc h as e: 1 The seria l nu mber is on t he back of t he unit .
i Brother numbers IMPORTANT For t echnical help, y ou must call th e country wh ere you bou ght t he machine. Cal ls m ust be made fr om w i thin that country. Re gist er yo ur pr oduct By r egis t ering your produ c t wit h B rother Inter nat ional Corporation , y ou will be rec o rded as the original own er of the product.
ii For C u s tomer S ervi ce Service Ce nter Locator ( USA only) For the location of a Br other authorized servic e c enter, call 1-87 7-B R OTHER (1-877-276-8437). Service Center Locations (Canada only) For the location of a Br o ther authorized service center, call 1-877-BROTHE R.
iii Orde ring acce ssories an d supplie s For best quality results use only ge nui ne Brother ac cessories, which are available a t most Brother retailers. If y o u cannot find the accessory you need and you h ave a Visa, Mas t erCa r d, Discover, or American Express credit card, you can order accessories directly from Brother.
v Br other ® Color Laser On e-Year On -Site Limi ted Warran ty (USA o n ly ) W ho i s co ve red : This limit ed warr anty (“war rant y”) i s g iven only to t he ori gi nal end- use/re t a il .
vi Broth e r ® Color Lase r On e-Year On-S ite Limited Warranty (USA on ly) Wha t Brothe r will do: If the pr oblem rep orte d concern ing you r Mach ine an d/or accom panyin g Con sumab le an d Acce.
vii BROTHER LASER PRINTER / MULTIFUNC T ION CENT ER ® / FAX ON- S ITE WARRANTY (Can ada on ly) For a limited on-site warranty of 1 year labour and part s f rom the date of purch ase, B rother International Co r p orat i on (Canada) Lt d.
viii Tab le of Con tent s Se cti on I Ge ner al 1 Genera l in f o r m a tion 2 Usin g the d ocu menta tio n ..... .... ..... ..... .. ..... ..... .... ..... .. ... ..... .... ..... ..... .. ..... ..... .... ..... .. 2 Sy mbols an d conven tio n s use d in th e document ation .
ix 4 S e curity featur es 28 Secur ity.... ..... .... ....... ..... ..... ..... .. .. ... .... ..... ..... ..... .. .. ..... ..... ..... .... ... .. .. ..... ..... ..... .... .. 28 Sett ing lock .... .... ... .. ... .... ..... ..... .... ... .. ..... .
x 7 Teleph o n e services an d e xternal devices 50 Telephon e line service s .................. ...................................... ............................... 50 Voi ce M ail ..... ..... .. .. ..... ..... ..... .... ... .. ..... ..... .... ..
xi 10 Pollin g 72 Pol ling receive .. ... .. ..... ..... .... ..... .. ... .... ..... ..... ..... .. .. ..... ..... ..... .... ... .. .. ..... ..... ..... .... .. 72 Sequen tial po lling ..... . . ................... ................... . ...... . . .
xii 14 P rinting d ata from a USB flash memory drive 91 Supported file formats ..................... .......................... ........................ ................... 91 Creating a PRN or PostScript ® 3™ fi le f o r dire ct print ing ... ....
xiii C T roub lesh oot ing and rou tin e m aint enanc e 114 Troublesho oting . .. ........................................................................... ................... 114 If yo u are having d iff icult y wit h your mac h i ne . ..... ... ..
xiv E Speci fications 224 Genera l . ..... .... ..... ..... .... ... .. ... .... ..... ..... .... ... .. ..... ..... .... ..... ... .. ... .... ..... .... ..... ... .. ..... 224 Prin t m e dia . .... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... .. ... .... ..... ....
Section I Genera l I General information 2 Loading paper and docum ents 11 General setup 22 Security features 28.
2 1 Using the documen tation 1 Thank y ou for bu y ing a Brother m achine! Reading the docu m entation will help you make the mos t of your ma c h ine. Sy mbols an d co nventi ons used in th e docu men ta tio n 1 The f ol lowing symbols an d conventions are used throughou t t he doc umentation.
General i nformat i o n 3 1 Vi ewi ng docu ment atio n 1 Viewing doc umentation ( Windows ® ) 1 To view the docum entat ion, from the Star t menu , poi nt t o B rothe r , MFC-9840 CDW fro m the program gro up, and then click User’s G u ides in HTML format .
Chapter 1 4 Viewing doc umentation ( Macintos h ® ) 1 a Turn on your Macintosh ® . Insert the Brother CD-ROM labeled Macintosh ® i nto your CD-ROM dri ve. b The following window wil l ap pear. c Double-click the Do cumentation icon. d If the language s el ection screen appears, do uble-cli ck y our la nguage.
General i nformat i o n 5 1 Acces sing Brother support (for Windows ® ) 1 You can fi nd a ll the c ontacts y ou will need , such as Web s upport (Brother Solutions Center), Cu s tomer S ervi ce and Brother Authorized Service Centers on page ii and on the Brother CD-ROM.
Chapter 1 6 Control panel over view 1 1 One-Touch keys These 2 0 keys give you i nstant ac cess t o 40 previ ously store d n umbers. Shift Lets you access One- Touch number s 21 to 40 when held down. 2L C D Displ ays message s to help you set up a nd use your machi ne.
General i nformat i o n 7 1 8 Copy keys: Contrast /Quali t y Lets you ch ange the qua lit y or contr ast for t he next c opy. Enlarge/ Reduce Reduces or enl ar g es copies. Tray Select Lets y ou change which tray wi l l be us ed for t he next c opy. Sort Sorts multi ple copies usi ng the ADF.
Chapter 1 8 12 Print keys Direct Lets you pr i nt data f rom a USB f lash mem ory driv e that y ou can conn ect di rectly to the machine. You c an also print i mages dir ectly from your Pict Bridge co m p atible camera.
General i nformat i o n 9 1 Stat us LED in dica tions 1 The Sta tu s LED (lig ht em itting diode) w ill flas h and change color depend ing on the machine’s stat u s . The LE D i ndi c ations s hown in the table below are used in the i l lustrations in this cha pter.
Chapter 1 10 Note When the powe r sw i tch is off or the m achine is i n Sle ep m ode, the LED is o ff. LED Machine Status Descript ion Sleep Mode The power switch is o ff o r the mach i ne is in Sl eep mode. Green Warming Up The ma chine is warmin g up for printi ng.
11 2 2 Accep table pap er and other media 2 Rec ommend ed pap er 2 To get t h e best print quality, w e suggest using the following paper. Print quality may vary according t o the type of paper y ou are using. You can use the following types of media: plain pape r , l abels or env el opes.
Chapter 2 12 The names f or the paper tra ys i n the printer driver and t his Guide a re as f ollows: 2 Paper capa city of the paper tra ys 2 1 F olio size is 8 i n. × 13 i n. Recommended paper s pe cifi cations 2 The f ol l owing pape r specifications are suitable for t his m achine.
Loading pap er and documents 13 2 Ha ndli ng an d us ing speci al pape r 2 The ma c h ine is de s i gned to work well with most ty pes of x e r ographic and bond pape r. Howev er, som e p aper v ariables m ay ha v e an e f f ect on print quality or handl ing reliab ility.
Chapter 2 14 Envelopes 2 Most envelo pes wi l l be s uitable for your machine. However, some e nvelopes will have feed and print-quality pro bl ems becau s e of the way they have be en made. A suitable envelope s houl d have edge s with straight, well-creased folds and the le adi ng edge s hould not be t hicke r t han t wo pieces of paper.
Loading pap er and documents 15 2 Types of e nv elopes to avoid 2 CAUTION DO NOT use envelopes : • that are dam aged, curled, wrinkled or an unusual s hape • that are extremely shiny or textured .
Chapter 2 16 Labels 2 The ma c hi ne wil l print on most ty pes of labels designed for u s e with a laser machine. L abels should hav e an adhesive that is acr ylic-bas ed since this material is more stable at the h igh temperatu r e s i n t he fus er uni t.
Loading pap er and documents 17 2 Un print able area wh en prin ting fro m a comp uter 2 W hen using t h e de fault driver t he print able are a i s smaller than t he paper size, as s hown bel ow . Po rtrait 1 0.1 6 in . (4 .23 m m) 2 0.1 6 in . (4 .23 m m) Land scape 1 0.
Chapter 2 18 Loading pla in pape r in the pape r tray 2 a Unfold the output p aper tray sup port fl ap (1). b Pull the paper tray c o mpletely out of the machine. c While pressin g the green paper-guide release lever (1), slide the paper guides to f i t t h e p aper size.
Loading pap er and documents 19 2 Loading envelopes or other m edi a in the multi- purpos e tray (MP t ray) 2 Use the MP t ray when printing envelop es, labels, and thick paper. Before loading, press t he corners an d sides of the envelopes t o m ake t hem as flat as pos s ib le .
Chapter 2 20 Loading docum ents 2 You can send a fax, ma k e c opies, and scan from the ADF (aut omatic docu m ent f ee der) and f rom the sc anner glass. Using t he ADF (aut o ma t ic doc ume nt fe eder) 2 The A DF can h old up to 50 pages and feeds each sheet individu al ly.
Loading pap er and documents 21 2 Us ing the scan ner glas s 2 You can use the scanner glass to fax, scan, or copy the pages of a bo ok or o ne page a t a time. Docum ents can be up t o 8.5 inches wide and up to 14 inches long (215.9 mm wide to 355.6 mm long).
22 3 Mo de ti mer 3 The m achine has three mode key s on the control panel: Fax , Sc an , and Co p y . You can set how much time the ma c h ine takes af t er the last Copy o r S c an operation to return to Fax mode. If you choose Off , the machine will stay i n the m ode you used last.
General setup 23 3 Paper s ize 3 You can use n ine sizes of paper f or printing copies : A 4, Letter, Legal, Executive, A5, A 6, B5, B 6 and F olio, a nd four s i zes for p r inting faxes: A4, Letter, Legal or Folio (8" × 13").
Chapter 3 24 Tr ay use i n fax m ode 3 You can cha nge t he def ault t ray that the machine will use for pri nt i ng received fax es. When y ou choose Tray#1 Only , MP Only or Tray#2 Only 1 , the machine pulls the paper onl y from that t r a y. If the selected tray is out of paper, No Paper will appear on t he LCD.
General setup 25 3 Volume se ttings 3 Ring volume 3 You can choos e a ring v olume le v el from a range o f settings, f rom High to Off . W hi le in Fax mode pres s or to adjust the volume l evel. The L CD shows the current s etting, a nd each key press will chan ge t he v ol ume to the next level.
Chapter 3 26 Autom atic dayl ight savings time 3 You can set t he m achine to c hange automat icall y f or Day l ig ht Savings Time. It will set it s elf forward on e hour in the Sp r i ng, and back one hour in the Fall. a Pre ss Menu 1 , 5 . 15.Auto Daylight a On b Off Select ab or OK b Pre ss a or b to choose On (or Off ).
General setup 27 3 LCD cont rast 3 You can change the con trast to mak e the LCD lo ok lighter or darker. a Pr ess Me nu , 1 , 8 . 18.LCD Contrast - nnonn + Select dc &O K b Pr ess c to ma k e the LCD darker. Or, press d to mak e t he LCD lighter.
28 4 Security 4 You can set up your machine with multiple levels of security u s i ng Setting Lock and Se cure Fun ction Lock. Y ou will no t b e ab le to continue to sched ul e Delayed Faxes. Howeve r , any presched uled Delayed Faxes will be sen t even if you turn on Secure Functi on Lock, so they won’t be lost.
Securi t y feature s 29 4 Turning setting lock on/off 4 If you enter the wrong password when following the in s truc t i ons below, the LCD will show Wrong Password . Re -e nt er t he correct pa s sword. Turning setting lock on 4 a Pr ess Me nu , 1 , 9 , 1 .
Chapter 4 30 Sett ing the pa sswor d for th e administrator 4 The pa s sword you set in t hese steps is f or the admin i strator. This password is used to set up users and to turn Secure Function Lock on or off. (See Se t t i ng up restricted users on p age 31 a nd Turning Secure Func t i on Lock on on page 31.
Securi t y feature s 31 4 Sett ing up r estr ict ed u sers 4 You can set up users with restrictions and a pas swor d. a Pr ess Me nu , 1 , 9 , 2 . 19.Security 2.Function Lock a Lock Off i On b Set Password Select ab or OK b Pr ess a or b to sel ect Setup User .
Chapter 4 32 Switchi ng Users 4 This setting allows a res t ricted us er t o l og on the machine when Se c u re Function Lock is turned on. Note After a restricted user has f inished using th e machi ne, it w ill retur n to the Publi c setting w ithin the same time as the Mode Timer s ett i ng ( Me nu , 1 , 1 ).
Section I I Fax II Sending a fax 34 Receiving a fax 44 Telephone services and external devices 50 Dialing a nd storing numbers 58 Remote fax options (black & white only) 65 Polling 72 Printing rep.
34 5 How to fax 5 En terin g fa x mode 5 To ent er fax m ode press ( Fax ), and the key will glow blu e. Sen ding a single- side d fax from the ADF 5 Using t he ADF to send y o ur faxes is the easiest way. To cancel a fax in progress press Sto p/ Exit .
Sending a fa x 35 5 Changing a 2 - sided fax layout 5 You need t o c h oose the dupl ex sc anni ng format before yo u send a fa x . T he format you choo s e will depend on t he layout of y our 2- si ded docu men t . a Pr ess Me nu , 1 , 0 , 2 . 10.Document Scan 2.
Chapter 5 36 g Your mac hi ne will automatically s end the fax. Note When faxing multipl e pages fr om the scanner glass, real t i me tr ansmission should b e set t o Off .
Sending a fa x 37 5 Note • The scan profil e of the On e-Touch, Spe ed-Dial or Group num ber y ou chose first will b e applied to the broadcast . • If t he fax resolution o f the fax number yo u choose first i s S.Fine and you enter a stored I-FAX num ber, Select Std/Fine will app ear on t he LCD.
Chapter 5 38 El ec tr onic co ve r pa ge (bla ck & whit e on ly) 5 T his fea ture will not work unless you have already programmed your Station I D.
Sending a fa x 39 5 f Enter t wo digits to s how the number o f pages you are sending. Pr e s s OK . F or ex am ple , en t er 0 , 2 for 2 pages or 0 , 0 to l eave the num ber of pages blank. If you make a mistake, press d or Clear/Back t o ba ck up and re-enter the number of pages.
Chapter 5 40 Ch angi ng fax reso lutio n 5 The q uality of a fax ca n be improved by chang i ng the fax resolution. Resolution can be change d for the next fax or for all faxe s. To change t he fax resol ution f or the next fax 5 a Make sure you are in F a x mode .
Sending a fa x 41 5 Re al time tran smissio n 5 W hen you are sending a f ax, the m achine will scan the docu m en ts into t he m emory bef ore send ing. Then, as soon as the telephone line is f r e e, the mac hi ne wi ll s t art dialing and send ing.
Chapter 5 42 De layed batch tran smis sion (bla ck & whit e on ly) 5 Before s ending th e delayed f axes , your machine will help y ou economize b y sorting all the faxes in t he memory by dest ination and schedul ed t im e.
Sending a fa x 43 5 Se ndin g a f ax manua lly 5 Manual tra nsmission 5 Manu al transmiss i on lets you hear the dialing, ringing and fax-receiving tones whil e send ing a f ax. a Make s ure you are in Fax m ode . b Load your docum ent . c Pr ess Ho ok and listen for a di al t on e.
44 6 Choose the correct Rece ive Mode 6 The correc t Receive m ode is determined by the external de vices and telephone s u bscriber ser vices ( Voice mai l, Distin ctive R ing, et c.) yo u h ave ( or will be u sing) o n the sam e line as the Br ot her mach i ne.
Receivi ng a fax 45 6 Using recei ve m odes 6 Some rec ei ve modes answer autom at i c a lly ( Fax Only and Fax/Tel ). Y ou m a y want t o chan ge t he ring del ay bef ore using t h ese mode s . (See Ring delay on pa ge 46.) Fax Only 6 Fax Only mode w ill automatica lly answer every call as a fax.
Chapter 6 46 Receive mode se ttings 6 Ri ng d elay 6 The ring delay sets the number of times the machine rings before it answers in Fax Only and Fax/Tel mod es. If you have extensio n telep hones on the same l ine as the m achine or subsc ribe to the telephone co m pa ny’s Distinctive Ring service, keep the Ring Delay setting of 4.
Receivi ng a fax 47 6 Ea sy rece ive 6 Turning easy rec eive On allows the machine to recei ve fax ca l l s automati cally i f you lift any hands et on t he same lin e as the m achine.
Chapter 6 48 Additional re ceiving opera tions 6 Pr inting a redu ced inco min g fax 6 If you choose On , the machine autom at i c ally reduces each p age of an incoming fax t o f it on one pag e of A 4 , Letter, L egal or Foli o size paper.
Receivi ng a fax 49 6 Set tin g th e fax re ceive stam p (b lac k & wh ite o nly ) 6 You can set the m achine to print t he received date and tim e in the t op center o f eac h receive d fax page. a Make s ure you are in Fax m ode . b Pr ess Me nu , 2 , 1 , 8 .
50 7 Tel ephone lin e serv ices 7 Vo ice Ma il 7 If you have Voice Mail on the same telephone line as your B rother machine , Voice M ail an d the Brothe r mach ine w ill conflic t with e ach other when receiving incoming call s .
Telep hone ser vices and e xternal device s 51 7 Di stinc tive rin g 7 Brother u ses the term ‘Distinctive Ring ’ but different telephone c ompanies have other names for this servi ce such as Cust.
Chapter 7 52 Before you choose the ring pattern to registe r 7 You can only register one Distinctive Ring pattern with the machine. Some ring patterns canno t b e registered. T he ri ng pat t e rns below are supported by your Brother machine. Register t he one y our telephon e company gives you.
Telep hone ser vices and e xternal device s 53 7 Turning off di stinctive ri ng 7 a Pr ess Me nu , 2 , 0 , 2 . 20.Miscellaneous 2.Distinctive a Off b Set Select ab or OK b Pr ess a or b to choose Off .
Chapter 7 54 Co nnec tion s 7 The e xternal TAD must be plugged into t he back of the machin e, into the ja c k l abel ed EXT. Your mach i ne c annot wo r k properly if you p l ug the TAD into a wall jack (unl es s you are using Distinctive Ring).
Telep hone ser vices and e xternal device s 55 7 Two-line te le phone system 7 A two-li ne tele phone system i s nothing more than two s eparate telephone num bers on the same wall outlet. The two telephone num bers can be on separate jacks (RJ11 ) or combined into one jack (RJ1 4).
Chapter 7 56 You can keep t wo-line telephones on ot he r wall outlets as always. There are t wo ways to add a two-line t elephone to t he machine ’s wall o ut l et. You c an plug t he telephone line cord from the two-line telephone into the L1+L2 jack o f the tripl ex adapter.
Telep hone ser vices and e xternal device s 57 7 Conn ecti ng an exter n al or ext ensio n telep hone 7 You can c onnect a s eparate tel ephone directly t o your m a chine as shown in t he diagram below. Connec t t he tele phone li ne cord to the jack labeled EXT.
58 8 How to dial 8 You can dial in any of t he following ways. Man ual dial ing 8 Use the dial pad to enter a ll t he digits of the teleph one or fax nu mber. One- touc h d ial i n g 8 Press the One-T ouch key that stores the number you want to call. (See St or ing one-touch dial nu mbers on page 60.
Dial i ng and stori ng numbers 59 8 Se arch 8 You can searc h al phabetica l ly for names you have st ored i n the One-Touch and Spee d-Di al memories. (See Storing one-tou c h dial numbers on page 60 and Storing speed-di al numbers on page 61.) a Pr ess Search/Sp eed Dial .
Chapter 8 60 Storing numb ers 8 You can set up your m achine to d o the following types of eas y dialing: One-Touc h, Speed - Di al and Groups for Broadcasting faxes. You can also specify the default resolution f or each One-Tou c h and Speed - Di al number.
Dial i ng and stori ng numbers 61 8 e Choose one of the options below: Enter t he name using the dial pad (up to 15 characters). Press OK . Press OK to store the number or E-mail a ddress without a name.
Chapter 8 62 e Choose one of the options below: Enter the name using the dial pad (up to 15 c h aracters). Press OK . Pre ss OK t o s t o re the number or E-mail ad dress without a name.
Dial i ng and stori ng numbers 63 8 Se tti ng up gro ups f or br oadc asti ng 8 If you often want to send the same fax mess age t o many fax num bers you c an set up a group. Groups are st ored on a One-Touch k ey or a Spee d-Dial number. E ach group uses up a One-To uch key or a Speed-Dial location.
Chapter 8 64 i If you selected B/W200dpi or B/W200x100 in h , s elect t he fi l e format (TIFF or PDF) that will be used to send to your P C. If you selected Color150dpi , Color300dp i or Color600dpi in h , sel ect t he fi le format (PDF or J P EG) t ha t wi ll be used to send your PC.
65 9 9 Rem o te fax option s ARE NOT available for col or fax. Remote fax options let you receive faxes while you are away from the machine. You can us e onl y on e remote fax option at a time. Fax forwarding 9 The fax forwa rdi ng feature lets you automat i c al ly forward your received f a xes to ano t her m a ch in e.
Chapter 9 66 Paging 9 When P aging is c hosen, y our machine di als the pager number you ’ ve programmed, and then dials your Personal Identification Number (P IN). T his activates your pager so you will know that you have a fax m essage in the memory.
Remote fax opt ions ( black & white only) 67 9 PC fax r e ceive 9 If you turn on the PC Fax Receive feature your machine wil l store rece ived faxes in mem ory and send them to your PC automat ically. Y ou can then use your PC to view and store t hese faxe s .
Chapter 9 68 Chang ing remote fax options 9 If received faxes are left i n your machine’s mem ory when y ou change the remote fax option to Off , the LCD wi ll ask y ou the following me s s age: 25.Remote Fax Opt Erase All Fax? a 1.Yes b 2.No Select ab or OK or 25.
Remote fax opt ions ( black & white only) 69 9 Remote retriev al 9 The rem ote retri eva l fe at ure l et s you retrieve your stored fax messages when y ou are no t at the machine . Yo u can c al l your machine from any touc h tone telepho ne or f ax machin e, then use the Rem ot e Access Code to retrieve your messages.
Chapter 9 70 Ret rie ving fa x mess age s 9 a Dial your fax number f rom a t el ephone or anothe r fax m achine using t ouch tone. b When your machine answ ers, immediately en ter your remot e access code (3 digits followed by l ). I f you hear one long beep, you have messages .
Remote fax opt ions ( black & white only) 71 9 Remote fax comman ds 9 Follow the com m ands b el ow to access features whe n you are awa y from the machine. When you call the m achine and e nt er y our Remote A cc ess Code (3 dig it s f ol lowed b y l ), the system w ill giv e two short beep s and y ou m u st e nter a remote command.
72 10 Polling le t s you set up your mac hi ne s o other people can receive faxes from you, but they pay f or t he call. It also le ts you call som ebody else’s f ax machine and recei v e a fax fr om it, so y o u pay f or the call. T he polling f ea ture needs t o be set up on both machines f or this to work.
Po lling 73 10 Polled trans mit (b la ck & wh ite o nl y) 10 Pol l ed transm i t lets you set up your m achine to wait with a document so another fax ma chin e c an ca ll and re triev e it. Se tup fo r polle d tra nsmit 10 a Make s ure you are in Fax m ode .
74 11 Fax reports 11 Some fax reports (transmission verification and fa x journal) can b e printed automatical ly and m anually. Tr ansmi ssi on ve rifi cat ion repo rt 11 You can use t he tr ans m ission report as proof that y ou sent a fax.
Printin g report s 75 11 Reports 11 The following repo r ts are avai l able: 1 Transmission Displays t he Transmiss i on V eri fication Report for your last outgoing 2 00 faxes and p rints the l ast report. 2 Help List Prints a list of c ommonly used f unct ions to help you program your machi ne.
Chapter 11 76.
Section II I Copy III Making copies 78.
78 12 How to c opy 12 Ente ring cop y mode 12 Press ( Copy ) to enter Copy m ode. 1 Contrast 2Q u a l i t y 3 Copy rati o 4 T r ay se le ctio n 5 Number of copies 6 Bright ness Maki ng a sing le copy 12 a Make sure you are in Copy mode . b Load your documen t .
Making cop ies 79 12 Copy options (temporary s ettings) 12 W hen you wa nt to qu ick l y change t he copy settings t emporarily for the next copy, us e the temporary Co p y keys.
Chapter 12 80 To en large or redu c e the next c opy follow the instructions be low: a Make sure you are in Copy mode . b Load your docume nt . c Use the d ial pad t o enter th e number of copies (up to 99). d Pre ss E n large/Reduce . Pre ss c . e Do one o f the following: Pre ss a or b to choose the enlargemen t or reduction ratio you want.
Making cop ies 81 12 h Place the next page on the scanner glass. Pr e s s OK . Repeat g and h fo r ea ch p age of t he layout. i After all the p ages ha v e been sca nned, press 2 in g to finish .
Chapter 12 82 2 sided i 1 sided Portr ait Lands c a pe a Make sure you are in Copy mode . b Load your docume nt . c Use the d ial pad t o enter th e number of copies (up to 99). d Pre ss Du p l ex and a or b to s ele ct 1sided i 2sided , 2sided i 2sided or 2sided i 1sided .
Making cop ies 83 12 e Pr ess a or b to sel ect 2sided i 1sided or 1sided i 2sided . Pr e s s OK . Duplex Advanced a 2sided i 1sided b 1sided i 2sided Select ab or OK f Pr ess Black Start or Co l o r Start to scan the document . Note Duplex copy usin g a 2-sided l egal s ize doc um ent is not available.
Chapter 12 84 Contrast 12 Adjust the contra s t t o help an im age look sharper and more vivid. To tem porari ly change the contrast s ett ing, follow t he steps bel ow: a Make sure you are in Copy mode . b Load your docume nt . c Use the d ial pad t o enter th e number of copies (up to 99).
Making cop ies 85 12 Tr ay selec tion 12 You can change t he tray use o nly for the next copy. a Make sure you are in Copy mode . b Load your docum ent . c Use the dial pad to enter the n um b er of copies (up to 99). d Pr ess Tray Select . e Pr ess d or c to choose th e MP>T1 , T1>MP , #1(XXX) 1 or MP(XXX) 1 .
Chapter 12 86.
Sectio n IV Walk-up printing IV Printing photos from a digit al camera 88 Printing data from a USB fl ash memory drive 91.
88 13 Your Brother mach i ne supports the PictBridge s t and ard, allowing you to connect to a nd print pho t os di rectly f rom any PictBrid ge compatible d igital came r a . If your camera is u sing the USB Mass Storage standard, you can al s o print phot os from a digital camera without PictBridg e.
Print ing ph otos fr om a digi tal camer a 89 13 a Pr ess Me nu , 5 , 3 . 53.PictBridge 1.Paper Size 2.Orientation 3.Date & Time Select ab or OK b To set the Pic t B ridge settings, press a or b to choose 1.Paper Size , 2.Orientation , 3.Date & Time , 4.
Chapter 13 90 Note Plea s e refer to the document ation supplied with your c amera for det ai led operatio ns how to p rint using P ictBridge. CAUTION To prevent damage t o your m achine, DO NOT connec t any device other than a digital camera or USB flash m emory drive t o the USB direct i n terface.
91 14 14 W i th t he dir ect print fea t ure, you do not need a co m puter to print data. You can print by j ust pluggin g your US B f l as h m emory drive into the mach i ne’s USB direct interface. Note Some USB flash memory drives may not work with the machine.
Chapter 14 92 Printing data directly from the USB fla sh memor y drive 14 a Connect your USB flash memory drive to t h e USB direct interface (1) on t he front of t he machin e. b When t he machine h as recogni z e d the USB flash m emory drive, t he Direct LED turns bl ue.
Printin g da ta from a USB flash memory driv e 93 14 e Pr ess Bl ac k Start or Color Start if y ou have finished. f Press t h e dial pad key to e nter the number of copies you want. Pr ess OK . Direct Print FILE0_1.PDF No. of Copies: Press Start 1 g Pr ess Black Start or Co l o r Start to print the data.
Chapter 14 94.
Section V Software V Software and network fea tures 96.
96 15 The User’s Guide on the CD-ROM includ es the Software User’s Guide and Net work User’s Guide for features available when conne c t ed t o a compute r (for exam ple, printing an d scanning). These gu ides have easy t o us e links that, w hen clicked, w ill take you di rectly to a particular s ection.
Sectio n VI Appen dixes VI Safety and legal 98 Options 110 Troubleshooting and routine maintenance 114 Menu and features 204 Specifications 224 Glossary 238.
98 A Choosing a location A Place your machine on a flat, stabl e surface that is free of v ibr ation and sho cks. Put the machine near a telephon e wall jack and a stan dard, groun ded AC powe r out l et. Choose a location where the temperature rema ins be t wee n 50 ° F and 90.
Safet y and l egal 99 A To use the machine safely A Ple ase keep these instructions for later re ference and read them before attempting any main t ena nce.
100 To prevent injuries, be c areful not to put your hands on the edge of the machine und er the document cover. To prevent injuries, be c areful not to put your fingers in the area shown in t he il l ustration. DO NOT use a va c uu m cleaner to clean up scattered toner.
Safet y and l egal 101 A CAUTION Lightning and power surges can dam age t hi s produ ct! We recomm end t hat you use a quality surge protection device on the AC power line and on the telephone line, or unplug the co r d s during a li ghtning s torm.
102 Important i nformation A Stan dard t e l epho ne and FCC not ices A These notic es a re i n effect on mo dels sold and used in the United States only. When programm ing emer gency numb ers or m aking t e st calls to emergency numbers : Remain o n t he l ine and briefly explain to the d ispatcher the reason for the call before hanging up.
Safet y and l egal 103 A If y our home h as specially wi red alarm equ ipment conne c ted t o the t el ephone line, ensure t he instal l at ion of t hi s equipm ent does no t disabl e y our alarm eq uipment. If you have questions abo ut what will disable alarm equipment, call your telephone com pany or a qua lified i ns tall er.
104 Fe deral Com muni cati ons Com miss i o n (FCC ) Decl aration of Conform ity (US A only ) declares, that the products Product Nam e: MFC-9840CDW comply with Part 15 of t he FCC Rul es .
Safet y and l egal 105 A Indu stry Ca nada C omplia nce Stat emen t (Cana da onl y) A This Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICE S –0 03. Cet appareil numé r i que de l a classe B est conforme à la norme NMB–003 du Canada . Di scon nect devic e A This product m ust be installed near an electrical jack that is easily accessible.
106 FDA regul a t io n s A U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has implement ed regul ations for laser products manufac t u red on and after Au gust 2, 1 976.
Safet y and l egal 107 A 8 This product is equip ped wi t h a 3-wire ground ed p lug. T his plug wi ll on ly f i t in t o a grounded power outlet. This is a safety f eature. If you are unable to insert the p lug i nto the outlet, call you r electrician to rep lace you r obsolete out l et.
108 Legal li mitations for copying A Color reproductions of certain document s are illegal and many resul t in either criminal or civil liability. This memorandu m i s i ntended to be a guide rather than a complete listing of every possible prohibition .
Safet y and l egal 109 A Trade marks A The Brother logo i s a registered tradem ark of B r other Industries, L td. Brother is a registered trademark of Brother Indust r i es, Ltd. Multi-F unct ion Link is a registered t rademark of Brother International Corporation.
110 B Options B T his ma chin e ha s t he fo llow ing op tion al a c ces sorie s. Y ou c an in creas e th e cap abilit ies of t he machine with these items.
Options 111 B Optional paper tray B Order Nu mber: LT-100 CL An optional lower tray c an be i nstalled, and i t can hold up to 500 sheets of 20 lb (80 g/m 2 ) paper. W hen an opt i onal tr a y i s installed, the machin e c an hold up to 800 sheets of plain paper.
112 e For Win dows ® u sers: Go to Sta rt > Contr ol Panel > Pr inters and F axes . Right-click on your printer icon and choose P r oper ti es . Choose the Accessor i es tab and click Auto Detect . Whe n the opt i onal l ower tray and paper s i ze have been d et ected c lick Apply .
Options 113 B I n stal ling ext ra memo ry B a Turn off the machine’s power switch. Unplug the telephon e line cord. b Disconnect t he interface cab le from the machine, a nd then unplug the power cord from the A C power outlet. c Remove the DIMM c o vers (1 a nd 2).
114 C Troublesh ooting C IMPORTANT For technical help, you must call the country where you bought the machine. Calls must be made from within that country. If yo u ar e ha ving dif ficu lty wit h yo ur mac hine C If you think there is a prob lem, check the chart be l ow and follow the troub leshooting tips.
Troubl eshooting and r outine mai ntenanc e 115 C Telephone li ne or connections Difficulties S ugg e stion s Di alin g does n ot wor k. C he ck for a dia l ton e. Ch ange Tone/Pulse se tting. (Se e the Qu ick Set up Gui de .) (Can ada on ly) Ch eck all lin e cord conn ecti ons .
116 Cu stom fea tures on a sin gle l ine. If you ha ve Call W aitin g, Call Waiti ng/Ca ller I D, Calle r ID, R ing Mast er, V oice Mai l, an an sweri ng mac hine, a n alarm s ystem o r othe r c usto m featu re on a si ngle te leph one line with y our ma chin e, it may crea te a pro blem sendi ng or re ceiv ing faxe s.
Troubl eshooting and r outine mai ntenanc e 117 C Th e mac hine pri nts un expe cted ly or i t prin ts gar b ag e. Pull out the paper tr ay and wait until t he mac hi ne s top s pri ntin g. Th en tur n off the ma chin e’s pow er sw itc h and d iscon nect from t he powe r f or seve ral mi nutes.
118 Paper ha ndling di ffi culties Difficulties Su ggest ions Th e ma chin e do es not lo ad pa per. Th e LCD show s No Paper or a Pap e r Jam messa ge. If there is n o pa per , loa d a n ew s tack of pa per i nt o the pape r tr ay. If t here is pa per in the p aper tray , mak e sure i t is strai ght.
Troubl eshooting and r outine mai ntenanc e 119 C Th e netwo rk sc anni ng feat ure does not wor k. Th e netw ork PC Fa x Re ceiv e fea ture do es not work . Th e netwo rk pri nting feat ure doe s not wor k. (F or Wind ows ® only ) The fir ewall setti ng on yo ur PC may b e rejec tin g the nece ssar y n etw ork c onnec tion.
120 Th e net work scan ning feat ure does not wor k. Th e net work PC Fax Rec eiv e fe ature does not work . Th e net work p rin ting featu re does not wor k. (co nti nued) For Win dows Vista ® use rs: a Click th e Start but ton, Contr ol Pane l , Network and Interne t , W indow s Fir ewall an d clic k C han ge set tin gs .
Troubl eshooting and r outine mai ntenanc e 121 C I mprov in g the pri nt qu ality C If you have a print quality problem, pri n t a tes t page first ( Men u , 4 , 2 , 3 ). If the prin t ou t looks g ood, the probl em i s probably not t he machin e. Che ck the interface cable or try the machi ne on another comput er.
122 Color ed streaks or b ands down the page One of the tone r car tridges may be damaged . Replace the ton er cartr idge tha t matches the c ol o r of the streak or band. (S ee Repl acing a toner car t r idge on page 172.) Clean all fo ur corona wires (one for each co lor) of the dr um un i t b y slid i n g t he green tab .
Troubl eshooting and r outine mai ntenanc e 123 C Color ed spots at 2. 95 in. (75 mm) a Dust, pa per powder, glue, and so on may stick t o the sur f a ce of the photos ensitiv e drum (OPC) and c ause black or whit e spots to appear on pr inted do cuments.
124 Ghos t Make sure tha t you use paper that meet s our speci f i cations. Rough- surfa ced paper or thick paper may ca use t h e p roblem. (See Accepta ble pa per and other m edia on page 11.) Make sure th at you choose the proper media t ype in t he printer dr i ver or in t he machine’ s Paper Ty pe menu se t t i n g.
Troubl eshooting and r outine mai ntenanc e 125 C Col or mi sregis tra tion Make sure that t he drum unit i s inst al l ed prope rly. (See Rep lacing the drum unit on page 177.) Make sure th at the belt un i t i s i nstal led properly. (See Re placi ng the belt unit on page 183.
126 Uneven dens ity appears peri odicall y across th e p age Ident i f y t he colo r tha t is u neven and put in a new toner cart r i dge for that col or. ( See Re placi ng a toner car t r i d ge on page 172. ) The drum unit may be damaged. Put in a new dru m unit.
Troubl eshooting and r outine mai ntenanc e 127 C Offset image Check the machi ne’s enviro nment. Condit i on s s uch as high temperat ures and high humid i t y can cause this pr oblem. (See Choosing a lo cation on pa ge 98.) Make sure that you use pape r th at meets our speci f i cations.
128 Curl ed or wave Make sure th at you choose the proper media t ype in t he printer dr i ver or in t he machine’ s Paper Ty pe menu se t t i n g. (See Accepta ble paper and other medi a on page 11 and Bas ic t ab in t he Software User’s Guide on the CD-ROM .
Troubl eshooting and r outine mai ntenanc e 129 C Envelop e crea ses a Open the back cover . b Pull down the two gr ay levers, one on the left -hand side and one on the ri ght-h and side to the envelope pos ition, as s hown in the il lustr ation be low.
130 Wh it e line s or ribb i ng do wn t he page on dupl ex print Note Posit ion B is only f or duplex pri nt i ng with rec ycled pap er when t he te mperatur e and humidi t y are low. Choose Th in Pa pe r mod e in th e p rint er drive r and re-se nd the prin t job.
Troubl eshooting and r outine mai ntenanc e 131 C Toner scat ter or toner sta i n on the edge of du plex pages CAUTION We r ecommend that you pl ace the dr um unit and t oner cartr idges on a clea n, flat s urface wi th a pi ece of disp osable paper u nderneath th em in case you acc identa lly spil l or s catter tone r .
132 Set ting dial tone de tect ion C Setting t he dial t one to Detection will shorten the dial tone detect pause. a (U SA) Pres s Men u , 0 , 4 . (Canada) Press Me nu , 0 , 5 . 04.Dial Tone a Detection b No Detection Select ab or OK b Pre ss a or b to c h oose D etection or No Detection Pre ss OK .
Troubl eshooting and r outine mai ntenanc e 133 C Error and mainte nance m essages C As with any sophisticate d off i ce product, error and m aintenanc e m essages m ay be displa y ed. The most com mon error and maintenance messa ges are shown bel ow.
134 Chan ge Part s Lase r Unit It is time to replace t he laser unit . Ca ll Brother Cus tomer Serv i c e t o replac e the las er unit. Chan ge Part s PF Kit M P It is time to repl ace the paper feedi ng kit f or the MP t ray. Call B r ot her Customer Servic e to replace t he PF Kit MP.
Troubl eshooting and r outine mai ntenanc e 135 C Docu ment J am The docum ent was not inse rted or fe d prope rly, or the doc ument scann ed from the ADF was t oo long. See Doc ument jams on page 140 or Using the ADF (automat ic document fe eder) on page 20.
136 No R esponse/B usy The number you dia l e d do es not answer or i s busy. Veri f y t he number and try agai n. No Tr ay The paper tr ay i s no t com plet ely closed. Close t he paper tr ay proper l y . No Wa ste T oner The waste tone r box i s not insta l l ed.
Troubl eshooting and r outine mai ntenanc e 137 C Regi stra tion Registr ation failed. Press Bl ack St ar t or Col or Start and tr y again. Do one of the foll owing: Try Manual Re gi s tration, Menu , 4 , 8 . (Se e Manua l Regist ration in t he Softwar e User’s Guide on the CD-ROM .
138 Tone r Low Pr epare New B lack(K ) To ner Cartr id ge. 1 1 The ton er cartridge color wh ich is n ear th e end of life is s hown in th e mess age. If the LCD shows Tone r Low , you can sti l l pr i nt; however, the machine is tel ling yo u that t he toner car tri dge is n ear the end of its li fe and the t oner will soo n run out.
Troubl eshooting and r outine mai ntenanc e 139 C Ch ecki ng if th e ma chine h as fax es in its memo ry C If th e LCD shows an error message then you can check to see if th ere are faxes i n t he mach ine’ s memor y.
140 Note • If you choose Backup P rint O n, t h e machine will also print the fax at y our ma chine s o you w ill have a copy. Th is is a safety feature in case there i s a power failure before the fax i s f orwarded or a problem at the rec ei ving m achine.
Troubl eshooting and r outine mai ntenanc e 141 C Document is ja mmed in t he duple x slot C a Take out any paper f rom the ADF that is not j am m ed. b Pull th e jammed document o ut to the right. c Pr ess Sto p/Exi t . Paper j ams C To cl ear paper j am s, p lease follow t he steps i n t his se cti on .
142 a Remove the paper from the MP tray. b Remove any j amm ed paper from in and around th e MP tray . c Close the MP tray . Then op en the fron t cover and close it to r e set the machine. Open the MP tray again. d Fan the paper stac k , and then put it back in the MP tray.
Troubl eshooting and r outine mai ntenanc e 143 C b Use b ot h hands to slowly p ull out the jammed paper. c Make s ure the pa per is below t he maximum paper m ark . Whil e pre s s i ng the gree n paper-guide rele ase lever, slide the paper guides to fit the paper size.
144 c Press t he front cov er release bu tton and then op en the fron t cover. d Hold the green handle of t he d rum uni t. Lift the drum unit up and then pull it out until it s t op s.
Troubl eshooting and r outine mai ntenanc e 145 C e Release the gray lock lever (1) that is on the left s i de of t h e machine. Lift the front of the drum unit up and pull the drum unit com pl e tely out of the machi ne using the gree n handles on the drum unit.
146 f The jammed paper ma y be pull ed o ut with the t on er cartridge and drum un it assembly, or this m ay release the paper so you can pull i t out of the paper tray opening. g Put the drum unit back in the m achine as foll ow s. 1 Make sure that the gray lock lever (1) is i n t he up po s i t io n and put the drum u nit in the machine.
Troubl eshooting and r outine mai ntenanc e 147 C Note W hen you p ut the d r um unit in the machin e, m at ch the green g uides (1) of the drum unit hand l e to the g reen arrow s (2) on bo t h sides of the machi ne. 2 Push the drum unit in un t il it st ops.
148 Paper is jammed at the back of the mach in e C If the LC D shows Jam Rear , fo llo w th es e steps: Jam Rea r a Press the cover release lever to open the front cover. b Hold the green handle of t he d rum uni t. Lift the drum unit up and then pull it out until it s t op s.
Troubl eshooting and r outine mai ntenanc e 149 C d Pull down the two green levers, one on the l ef t -hand-side and on e on t he right-hand-side, as shown in the illustration below, and then fold dow n the fuse r cover (1). HOT SURFACE After you have just used the m ac h ine, some internal parts of t he machine will be extremely hot.
150 h Put the drum unit an d toner c art rid ge assembly back in the machine. i Cl os e th e fro nt cov er of t he ma ch i ne. Paper is jammed underne ath Paper Tray 1 or in t he fuse r unit C I f th e L CD sh ow s Jam Duplex , foll o w th ese steps: Jam Duple x a Pull the paper tray compl ete ly out of t he machine and check inside the ma c hine.
Troubl eshooting and r outine mai ntenanc e 151 C c If the paper i s not caught in the paper tray, o pen the back cover. d Push t he gray lev er on the left hand side (1) t o the right. HOT SURFACE After you have just used the m ac h ine, some internal parts of t he machine will be extremely hot.
152 Routine ma intenance C CAUTION The drum unit contains toner, so handle it carefully. If t oner scat t e rs on your hands or clothes, wipe or wash it of f with cold water at once. Cl eaning t he ou tside o f the mach ine C CAUTION Use neutral detergents.
Troubl eshooting and r outine mai ntenanc e 153 C e Wipe the inside of the pape r t r a y with a dry, lint-free cloth to remove dust. f Re-load the paper and put the paper tray firmly back in the machine. g Plug the machine’s power c ord back i nt o the AC power out l et first, and reconn ect all cables and telephone li ne c o r d .
154 Cle anin g the laser sca nner wind ows C CAUTION DO NOT use isopropy l alcohol to clean the laser scanner win dows. DO NOT touch the laser scanner windows wit h y our fingers. a Turn off the machine’s power switch . Unplug the telephone li ne cord first, disconnect al l cables, and then unplug the power cord from t he AC power outlet.
Troubl eshooting and r outine mai ntenanc e 155 C d Release the gray lock lever (1) that is on the left s i de of t h e machine. Lift the front of the drum unit and pull the drum unit complet el y out of t he machine usi ng the green hand les on t he drum uni t.
156 e Wipe the scanner windows (1) with a dry, lint-f ree cloth. f Put the drum unit back in the m achine as foll ow s. 1 Make sure that the gray lock lever (1) is i n t he up po s i t io n and put the drum u nit in the machine. Push down the gray lock lever (1).
Troubl eshooting and r outine mai ntenanc e 157 C Note W hen you p ut the d r um unit in the machin e, m at ch the green g uides (1) of the drum unit hand l e to the g reen arrow s (2) on bo t h sides of the machi ne. 2 Push the drum unit in un t il it st ops.
158 Cl eaning t he co rona w ire s C If you have print quality problems, clean the corona wires as follows: a Turn off the machine’s power switch . Unplug the telephone li ne cord first, disconnect al l cables, and then unplug the power cord from t he AC power outlet.
Troubl eshooting and r outine mai ntenanc e 159 C CAUTION We rec ommend that you pla c e the t one r cartridges on a clean, f l at surface wi th a piece of disposable paper unde r n eath i t in case you accidenta lly spi ll or scatte r toner. DO NOT put a toner cartridge into a f ire.
160 f Clean the c orona wire in s i de the drum unit by gently sliding the green tab from left to right and right to left several t i mes. CAUTION Be sure to return the tab to the home position ( b ) (1). I f you do not, printed pages may have a vertical st ripe.
Troubl eshooting and r outine mai ntenanc e 161 C j Push the drum unit in until it st ops. k Close the front cover of the m achine. l Plug the machine’s power c ord back i nt o the AC power out l et first, and reconn ect all cables and telephone li ne c o r d .
162 c Pull out the MP tray ( 1) and unfold the MP tray support flap (2). d Put a b lank sheet of A4 or Letter size d paper in the MP tray . e While pressin g and ho ldi ng dow n Clear/Back pr es s d u nti l DRUM CLEANING is displayed on the LCD. f Pre ss Bl ac k Start or Color Start .
Troubl eshooting and r outine mai ntenanc e 163 C l Hold the green handle o f the drum uni t. Lift the dru m unit up a nd t hen pull it out until it stops.
164 CAUTION We recommend t hat you place th e dru m unit on a clean, f la t surface with a piece of disposable pap er underneat h it in c ase you accident ally spill or scatt er t oner. n Hold the handle of the t on er cartridge and pull it o ut of t he drum uni t.
Troubl eshooting and r outine mai ntenanc e 165 C CAUTION To avoid print quality problems, DO NOT touch the shaded parts shown in the illustrations. o Turn the drum unit over by holding the green handles. M ake s u r e tha t t he drum unit g ears (1) are o n the left hand side.
166 q Turn the drum unit g ear toward you by hand while looking at t he s u r face of the drum (1). r When you have found the ma r k on th e drum that matches the print sample, wipe the surface of the drum gently wi th a cotto n swab until the dust or paper powder on the surface c omes off.
Troubl eshooting and r outine mai ntenanc e 167 C t Hold the handle of the t o ner cartridge and slide the toner cartridge into t he drum un it . Make sure that you match th e toner cartridge color to the same color label o n the drum unit, and make sure that you fold down t he toner cart ri dge handle (A ) once the t oner cartridge is i n place.
168 Note When you pu t the drum unit in the machine , ma t c h the green guides (1) of the drum unit handle to the green arrows (2) on both sides o f the mac hi ne . 2 Push the drum u nit in until i t stops . v Close the fr o nt cover of t he machine.
Troubl eshooting and r outine mai ntenanc e 169 C Replacing the consu m abl e items C You will need to replac e t he follow ing consuma ble items r egularly. When t he tim e come s t o rep lace consu mable it e ms, the foll owin g mess ages w ill appe ar on the LCD.
170 The following are maintenance me s sag es t hat app ear o n the LCD in the Ready mode. These mess age provide advanced warnings to replace the consumable item s be fore t h ey run out. To avoid any i nconveni ence, you may w ish t o buy spare cons umable items before t he machine stops printing.
Troubl eshooting and r outine mai ntenanc e 171 C The f ol low ing are maintena nce messages that appe ar alternately with the normal m ess age on t he upper row of the L CD when the machine i s in th e Ready m ode.
172 Re placin g a toner car tridg e C Order Num bers: Toner C artri dge S tandard: TN- 1 10 ( BK, C, M, Y) Toner C artri dge Hi gh Yield: TN- 1 15 ( BK, C, M, Y) The H igh Yield t o ner cartridges can print appro x i m ately 5,000 pages (Blac k ) and appro x i mately 4,000 pages each (Cyan , Magenta and Y ell ow).
Troubl eshooting and r outine mai ntenanc e 173 C Replacing the toner cartridges C HOT SURFACE After you have just used the m ac h ine, some internal parts of t he machine will be extremely hot. Whe n you open the front or back cov er of t he machine, DO N OT touch the shad ed parts s h own in the illustration.
174 CAUTION We recommend t hat you place th e t oner cartridges on a clean, f l at surfac e with a piece of disposable paper undernea t h it in case you accidentally spill or sc a tter t oner. DO NOT put a toner cartri dg e into a fire. I t could explode, resulting in injuri es.
Troubl eshooting and r outine mai ntenanc e 175 C CAUTION DO NOT use flamma ble substa nce s near the machine. DO NOT use any type of spray to clean the inside or outside of the machine. Doing this may cause a fire or electrical shock. Refer to Ro ut i ne maintenanc e on page 152 f or how to clean th e m ach ine .
176 f Remove the orange protective cover. g Hold the handle of the t on er cartridge and slide the toner cartridge into the drum unit. Make sure that you match the toner cartridge c o lor to the s ame color label on the drum unit, and m ake su re that you f ol d down the t on er cartridge handle (A) once t he t oner cartridge is in place.
Troubl eshooting and r outine mai ntenanc e 177 C Re plac ing the dru m uni t C Order Nu mber: DR-110CL Change Parts Drum message C Change Parts Drum The m achine uses a drum uni t to create print imag es on pap er. I f the LCD shows Change Parts Drum , t he drum unit i s near the end of its lif e an d it is t i me to buy a ne w one.
178 a Turn off the machine’s power switch . Press t he front cov er release bu tton and then op en the fron t cover. b Hold the green handle of t he d rum uni t.
Troubl eshooting and r outine mai ntenanc e 179 C c Release the gray lock lever (1) that is on the left s i de of t h e machine. Lift the front of the drum unit and pull the drum unit complet el y out of t he machine usi ng the green hand les on t he drum uni t.
180 To avoid print q uality problem s, DO NOT touch the shaded parts shown in the illust rati ons. d Hold the handle of the t on er cartridge and pull it o ut of t he drum uni t.
Troubl eshooting and r outine mai ntenanc e 181 C f Hold the handle of the t o ner cartridge and slide the toner cartridge into t he drum un it . Make sure that you match th e toner cartridge color to the same color label o n the drum unit, and make sure that you fold down t he toner cart ri dge handle (A ) once the t oner cartridge is i n place.
182 Note When you pu t the drum unit in the machine , ma t c h the green guides (1) of the drum unit handle to the green arrows (2) on both sides o f the mac hi ne . 2 Push the drum u nit in until i t stops . h Close the fr o nt cover of t he machine.
Troubl eshooting and r outine mai ntenanc e 183 C j Pr ess Me nu , 8 , 4 . The LCD shows the parts name whi ch needs to be reset the counter. 84.Reset Menu Drum Select ab or OK k Pr ess a or b to choose Drum . Pr ess OK . l Pr ess 1 t o reset the drum unit counter.
184 b Hold the green handle of t he drum unit. Lift the drum unit u p and then pull it out until it stops. c Release th e gray lock le v e r (1) that is on the left side o f the ma c h ine. Lift the f ront of the drum unit a nd pull th e drum unit completely ou t of t he machine using the green handles on the drum unit.
Troubl eshooting and r outine mai ntenanc e 185 C CAUTION Hold the h andles of drum unit wh en you carry it. DO NOT hold the sides of the drum unit. We rec ommend that you pla c e the drum unit on a clean, f l at surf a ce wi th a piece of disposable paper underneat h it in case you accidentally spill or sc atter toner.
186 e Unpack the new belt unit, and remove the protective cover and paper. f Put the new belt unit in t he machine. Match the h mark on the belt unit to the g mark on the m achine. Push down on the gree n area o f th e belt un i t to lock it i n place.
Troubl eshooting and r outine mai ntenanc e 187 C Note W hen you p ut the d r um unit in the machin e, m at ch the green g uides (1) of the drum unit hand l e to the g reen arrow s (2) on bo t h sides of the machi ne. 2 Push the drum unit in un t il it st ops.
188 j Pre ss Menu , 8 , 4 . The LCD shows the parts name which needs to be reset the c ounter. 84.Reset Menu Belt Unit Select ab or OK k Pre ss a or b to choose Belt Unit .
Troubl eshooting and r outine mai ntenanc e 189 C a Press the front cove r rele ase b utton and then o pen the fr ont cover. b Hold the green handle of t he drum uni t.
190 c Release the gray lock lever (1) that is on the left side of t he machine. Lift the front of t he drum unit and pull the drum unit complete l y ou t of the machine using t he green handles on the drum unit. CAUTION H ol d the handles of drum unit when you carry i t .
Troubl eshooting and r outine mai ntenanc e 191 C d Hold the green parts of the be l t unit with both hands and lift the belt unit up, then pull it out. CAUTION We recomm end that you pla c e the belt unit on a c l ean, flat surface wi t h a piece of disposable paper underneat h it in case you accidentally spill or sc atter toner.
192 g Put the belt unit back in t he machine. Match the h mark on the belt unit to the g mark on the m achine. Push down on the gree n area o f th e belt un i t to lock it i n place. h Put the drum unit back in the m achine as foll ow s. 1 Make sure that the gray lock lever (1) is i n t he up po s i t io n and put the drum u nit in the machine.
Troubl eshooting and r outine mai ntenanc e 193 C Note W hen you p ut the d r um unit in the machin e, m at ch the green g uides (1) of the drum unit hand l e to the g reen arrow s (2) on bo t h sides of the machi ne. 2 Push the drum unit in un t il it st ops.
194 Packing and shipp ing the machine C If for any reason you must move or ship your machin e, careful l y re-p ack the mach ine in the original packing mate r i al t o av oi d any damage during trans port. I f you d o not pack the machine properly, you c oul d v oi d your warranty.
Troubl eshooting and r outine mai ntenanc e 195 C Make sure that y ou have the following parts for repacking: 1 Insert ion sheet for repacking 2 Plasti c b ag for the waste t oner box 3 Orange pr otec.
196 d Hold the green handle of t he drum unit. Lift the drum unit u p and then pull it out until it stops. e Release th e gray lock le v e r (1) that is on the left side o f the ma c h ine. Lift the f ront of the drum unit a nd pull th e drum unit completely ou t of t he machine using the green handles on the drum unit.
Troubl eshooting and r outine mai ntenanc e 197 C CAUTION We rec ommend that you pla c e the drum unit on a clean, f l at surf a ce wi th a piece of disposable paper underneat h it in case you accidentally spill or sc atter toner. f Hold the handle of the t o ner cartridge and pull it out of the drum unit.
198 i Remove t he waste t oner box fr om the machine using the green handle and place it i nto the plastic bag included in the cart on. j Put the belt unit back in t he machine. Match the h mark on the belt unit to the g mark on the m achine. Push down on the gree n area o f th e belt un i t to lock it i n place.
Troubl eshooting and r outine mai ntenanc e 199 C m Put the drum unit bac k i n t he machine as follo ws. 1 Make sure that t he gray l ock lever (1) is in the up position and put t he drum unit i n the m achine.
200 2 Push the drum unit back in until it stops. n Insert the origi n al orange packing material for the drum unit until as shown in the i llustration, and then close the front cover. o Note We rec ommend y o u repack t he m achine on a table or desk.
Troubl eshooting and r outine mai ntenanc e 201 C r Put the assembled “FRONT” (1) and “REAR” (2) cardbo ard pieces i n the lower carton at t he front and rear of t h e ma chine as s how n in t he illustr ation. The f oam pads should fit cl os ely t o the machine to suppo r t it .
202 v Put the four j oi nts (1) into t he hol es of the carton using steps A and B as shown below. w Close the carton and t ape it shu t . Machi ne informati on C Ch ecking the s erial numb er C You can see the m achine’s serial number on the L CD. a Pre ss Menu , 8 , 1 .
Troubl eshooting and r outine mai ntenanc e 203 C Ch ecki ng the r emain ing li fe of part s C You can view t he remaining life of these parts on t he LCD. a Pr ess Me nu , 8 , 3 . 83.Parts Life 1.Drum 2.Belt Unit 3.PF Kit MP Select ab or OK b Pr ess a or b to choose 1.
204 D On-scre en programmin g D Your machine has been desig ned to be e asy to use. The LCD provides on-screen programm i ng us i ng t he menu k eys. We hav e creat ed step by s tep on-scree n instructions to help you program your machine. Simp ly f ol low the steps as they guide you through the men u sele c tions and programm i ng options.
Menu and feat ur e s 205 D Ho w to acce ss the me nu mode D a Pr ess Me nu . b Choose an option. Press 1 for General Setup menu. Press 2 for Fax menu. Press 3 for Copy menu. Press 4 for Print er menu. Press 5 for USB Direct I/F menu.
206 Menu ta ble D The factory settings are shown in Bold with an as terisk. Choose & OK Choose & OK to acc ept to e x it Main Menu Submenu M enu S elect ions Opt ions Des c rip tions P age 1.
Menu and feat ur e s 207 D 1.General Setup (co nti nued) 3.Paper Size (co nti nued) 2.Tray#1 A4 Letter * Legal Executive A5 A6 B5 B6 Folio Set s the size of the pa per in t he pape r tray . 23 3.Tray#2 (Th is m enu on ly appea rs i f you h ave t he op tion al tra y #2 .
208 1.Gener al Setup (co nti nued) 7.Tray Use 1.Copy Tray#1 Only Tray#2 Only MP Only MP>T1>T2 * T1>T2>MP (Tray#2 or T2 appe ars o nly if yo u inst all ed th e op t i onal pape r t ra y.) Selec ts the tray t h at wi ll be us ed f or Cop y mo de.
Menu and feat ur e s 209 D 1.General Setup (co nti nued) 0. Docume nt Scan (co nti nued) 2.Duplex Scan Long edge * Short edge Ch ooses the dupl ex sc anni ng fo rmat. 35 2.Fax 1.Setup Receive (I n Fax mode only ) 1.Ring Delay 00 01 02 03 04 * Se ts th e num ber of r ings befo re the mach ine answ er s i n Fax Only o r Fax/ Tel mod e.
210 2.Fax (co nti nued) 2.Setup Send (In Fa x mo de only ) (c onti nued) 2. Fax Re solution Standard * Fine S.Fine (B&W o nly) Photo (B&W o nly) Sets th e default re solutio n for outg oing faxes. 40 3.Delayed Fax (B&W o nly) — S ets t he tim e of day in 24 hour forma t that th e dela ye d fax es wil l be se nt .
Menu and feat ur e s 211 D 2.Fax (co nti nued) 4. Report S etting 1.Transmission On On+Image Off * Off+Image Sets initi al setu p for Tr ansmiss ion Ver ifica t i on Re port an d Fax J ou rnal .
212 3.Copy 1.Quality — Auto * Text Photo Yo u can choose the C o py re solu t i on f o r you r type of do cum ent. 79 2.Brightness — - nnnn o + - nn non + - nn onn + * - no nnn + - on nnn + Ad justs t he b right ness for co pies. 83 3.Contrast — - nnnn o + - nn non + - nn onn + * - no nnn + - on nnn + Ad j u sts the c o n trast for co pies.
Menu and feat ur e s 213 D 4.Printer (co nti nued) 3.Duplex — Off * On(Long Edge) On(Short Edge) Ena bles or di sabl es dupl ex p rin ting . Yo u ca n als o choo se lon g ed ge or shor t edge d uple x pri ntin g. See Soft ware User’s Guide on the CD-RO M.
214 5. USB Dire ct I/F 1 .D ire ct P rint 1.Paper Size A4 Letter * Legal Executive A5 A6 B5 B6 Folio Se ts t h e pape r s ize when printi ng d irectly from the US B fl ash me mory d rive. 92 2.Media Type Thin Plain * Thick Thicker Recycled Paper Set s the me dia typ e when printi ng d irectly from the US B fl ash me mory d rive.
Menu and feat ur e s 215 D 5. USB Dir ect I/F (co nti nued) 2.Scan to USB 1.Resolution Color 150 dpi * Color 300 dpi Color 600 dpi B&W 200 dpi B&W 200x100 dpi Sets the res olution to send the sc anne d da ta t o US B fl ash mem ory dr ive. See Soft ware User’s Guide on the CD-RO M.
216 6.Print Reports (co nti nued) 3.Tel Index List 1.Numeric — Lis ts na me and n umbers s tor ed in th e One- Touc h and Spee d-D ial memor y, in nu meri cal o r alph abet ical order. 75 2.Alphabetic — 4 . Fax Jour nal — — L is ts in for mati on ab out yo ur last 20 0 in comi ng and outg oi ng fa xes.
Menu and feat ur e s 217 D 7.LAN (conti nued) 1.Wired (co nti nued) 1.TCP/IP (c onti nued) 8.DNS Server ( Primary ) 00 0. 000 .0 00.00 0 ( Secondary ) 00 0. 000 .0 00.00 0 Spec ifi e s the IP ad dres s o f the p rimar y or seco ndary DNS s e rver. See Netw ork Use r’ s G ui de on the CD- ROM.
218 7.LAN (conti nued) 2.WLAN (c onti nued) 1.TCP/IP (c onti nued ) 6.WINS Config Auto * Static Ch oose s th e W INS conf igu r a tio n mode . Se e Ne twor k User ’ s G uid e on the CD- ROM. 7.WINS Server ( Primary ) 0 00. 00 0.0 00.00 0 ( Secondary ) 0 00.
Menu and feat ur e s 219 D 7.LAN (conti nued) 3.Setup IFAX 1.S etup Int ern et 1.Mail Addr ess — E nte r th e mai l addr ess. ( Up to 60 c haract ers) See Netw ork Use r’ s G ui de on the CD- ROM. 2.SMTP Server Name? ( up to 64 char acter s) IP Address? [000 -255 ].
220 7.LAN (conti nued) 3.Setup IFAX (c onti nued) 3 .Setu p Mail TX (c onti nued ) 2.Size Limit On Off * Limi ts th e s ize of E-mai l docu ment s. Se e Ne twor k User ’ s G uid e on the CD- ROM. 3.Not ification On Off * Se nds no tific at ion mes sag es.
Menu and feat ur e s 221 D Ma in Me nu Su bmen u Men u Se lect io ns Opti ons De scr ipt i on s Pa ge 8.Machine Info. 1.Serial No. — — You can che ck the se rial numb er of yo ur machi ne. 202 2 .Pa ge Co un ter — Total Fax/List Copy Print Yo u ca n ch eck the numb er of to tal pa ge s the mach ine ha s print ed dur ing its l ife.
222 Entering tex t D Wh en setting certain menu selections, such as the Station ID, you w ill need to type text characters . The dia l pad k eys have l etters printed o n them. T he k eys: 0 , # and l do not have printed letters because they are used for special characters.
Menu and feat ur e s 223 D Sp eci a l characters and symbo l s Press l , # or 0 , then press d or c to mov e the cursor to the sym bol or c haracter you wan t . Press OK t o choos e it. The symbo ls and c haracters be low will appe ar depending on your me nu select ion.
224 E Gen eral E Specification s E Memory Cap acity 12 8 MB AD F (a utom at ic docum en t feeder) Up t o 50 pa ges (Staggered) [20 lb (80 g/m 2 )] Duplex, up to Le t ter size Recomm ended Environment .
Specif i c ations 225 E Noise level S ou nd power Operating (Copying): LWAd = 6.9 Bell Standby: LWAd = 4.4 B el l Sound pressure Operating (Copying): LpAm = 54.
226 Print media E Pape r Inp ut Pa per Tr ay Paper Type: Plain paper, Th in pa per or Recycled paper Paper Size: Lette r , A4, B5 (ISO), A5, B6 (IS O), A6, Executive, Legal and F oli o Pap.
Specif i c ations 227 E Fax E 1 ‘Pag es’ r efe rs to th e ‘Bro ther S tanda rd Cha r t No. 1’ (a typi cal b usi ness l ett er, Stand ard re soluti on, JBIG co de) . Spec ifi cat ion s and pr inte d mate rials a re subj ect to c hange witho ut pri or no tic e.
228 Copy E 1 The c opy spe ed may c hange de pend ing on t h e typ e of docu ment y ou cop y. 2 F rom the st anda rd pa per tra y and opt iona l pape r t ray . 3 When makin g a B&W copy f rom the sc anner g lass i n text qu ali ty mod e at th e 25 t o 150% r a tio .
Specif i c ations 229 E Scan E 1 Max im um 1200 × 1200 dpi sc anni ng wit h the WI A d rive r in W i ndow s ® XP/W indows Vista ® ( resolu tion u p to 19 200 × 19200 dpi ca n be ch ose n by usi ng.
230 Print E 1 T he pri ntin g sp eed m ay chan ge d epen di ng on the type of d ocum ent you pri nt. 2 F rom the st anda rd pa per tra y and opt iona l pape r t ray . 3 Fir st pri nt out t ime ma y chan ge if th e machi ne is c al ibr ating o r regi steri ng it self.
Specif i c ations 231 E PictBridge E Direct pri nt feature E 1 JBIG 2 imag e files , JPEG20 00 ima ge fi les a nd lay ered f iles a re no t sup po rte d. Compat ibil ity Support s the Cam era & Imagin g Products Association Pict Bridge standard CIPA DC-001.
232 Computer requ irements E 1 For W I A, 120 0x120 0 resol uti on. Brot her Scan ner Ut ility enabl es to en han ce up t o 192 00 x 192 00 dpi. 2 Thi rd pa rty US B port s are no t sup porte d.
Specif i c ations 233 E Consumable items E 1 A pprox . yi elds bas ed on 5% page cover age (Let ter ). 2 Drum yiel d is ap proxi mate , an d may va ry by type o f use.
234 Ethernet w i red n etwork E 1 PC Fax Send for Mac ® 2 Pri ntin g onl y fo r Wi ndows Se rver ® 2003 3 Mac OS ® X 10.2 .4 or g reat er (mDN S) 4 BRA dm in Pro fess ion al an d We b B RAdmin ar e av aila ble a s a do wnl oad f rom h ttp ://so lutio ns.
Specif i c ations 235 E Ethernet wi r e less ne tw ork E 1 PC Fax S e nd for Mac ® 2 On ly p rintin g f or Wi ndow s Se rver ® 2003 3 Mac OS ® X 10.2.4 or gr eater (m DNS) 4 B RAdm in P rofe ssion al an d W eb BRAd min a re av aila ble as a down loa d fro m http: //s oluti ons.
236 Aut hent ica tio n an d encr ypti on for w ir e les s use rs onl y E Auth enti catio n met hod E The Brother machi ne s u pports t h e following methods: Open syst em Wireless devices are allowed to access the netw ork without a ny aut hentication.
Specif i c ations 237 E Network key E There are some rules for each security method: Open s ys t em/Shared key wit h WEP This key is a 64-bit or 128-bi t value that must be entered in an ASCII or hexadecimal format. • 6 4 (40) bit ASCII: U s e s 5 text c haracters.
238 F This is a co mprehensiv e list of f eatures and t e rms that appear in Brother manuals. A vailab ility of these features depend s on t h e m odel you purchased. Glossary F ADF (au tomatic docum ent feed er) The doc um e nt can be placed in t he ADF and s canned on e page a t a t ime autom aticall y.
Gl os sar y 239 F Easy Receive Ena bl es your machine to respond to CNG tones if you interrupt a fax cal l by ans wering i t . EC M (Err or C orrectio n M ode) Detects errors durin g f ax transmi ssion and res ends the pages of the fax th at had an error.
240 O ne-Touch Keys on the machine’s c ont rol panel where you can store numbers for easy dialing. Y ou can store a second num ber on each key if you press Sh ift and the One-Tou c h key together. Out o f Paper Reception Receiv e s faxes i n t o the mach ine’s mem ory wh en th e machi ne is out of paper.
Gl os sar y 241 F Te leph one An swer Code (F ax/Tel mode on l y ) W hen the machine ans wers a voice call, it pse udo/double-rings. You can pick up at an ex tension teleph one by pres sing this code (# 5 1 ). Tem p ora ry se ttin gs You c an select certain options for each f ax transm ission and copy without changin g the default sett i ngs .
In dex 242 G A Acces s ori es and suppl ies ...... .... ..... ..... .. ... iii ADF (autom at ic document feede r ) .... ..... .. 34 using .... ..... .... ..... .. ... ..... .... ..... ..... .. .. ..... .. 20 Answering machine (TAD) connecting ... ....
243 G Direct Direct ke y ..... .... ..... ....... ..... ..... .... ... .. ..... ... 8 Direct print .... ..... .. ... .. ..... ..... .... ..... .. ... .. ..... . 91 Direct ke y ..... .... ..... ....... ..... ..... .... ... .. . 8 , 92 specification ...
244 Fax / Tel m ode answering at extension telephones .. ..... ....... ..... .... ..... .. ... .... 5 6 , 57 easy recei ve .. ..... .. ... .. ..... ..... .... ..... .. ... .. ..47 F/T ring ti m e (double-ring) .... ..... .... ... ....46 fa x recei ve cod e .
245 G N N in 1 (page layout) .. ..... ..... .... ... .. ..... ..... ... 80 Network fa xin g See Software User’s Guide on the CD-ROM. printing See Network User’s Guide on t he CD-ROM. scanning See Software User’s Guide on the CD-ROM. O One-t ouch changing .
246 R Redial/Pa use key .. .. ..... ..... ..... .... . 59 , 60 , 64 Reducing copies ..... ..... ..... .. ..... ..... .... ..... .. ... .. ..... ....79 inco ming fa xes ... ..... .. ..... ..... .... ..... .. ... .. .. 48 Re mo te r etr iev al .... ....
247 G Trouble s hooting ..... ..... .... ..... ..... .... ..... .... 114 document jam ..... ....... ..... .... ..... .. ... ..... . 140 error messages on LCD .... ..... .. .. ... .. .... 133 if you are having diff iculty copy quality ... ........ ....
EQUIPMENT AT T ACHMENT LIMITAT I ONS (Can ada on ly) NOTICE This product meet s t he appl icable Industry Canada techn ical s p ecif ications . NOTICE The Ringer Equivale nce Nu mber is an indi cation of the maximu m number of devices allowed to be conn ect ed to a telephone interface.
Bro the r Inte rnat io nal Cor por ati on 100 S omerse t Corp orate Bo ulevar d P.O. Box 6911 Br idgewa ter, NJ 0880 7-0911 USA Brot her Inte rnatio nal Corp oratio n (Cana da) Lt d. 1 r u e Hôtel de V ille , Dol lard- des-O rmeaux , QC, Cana da H 9B 3H 6 Vi sit us on the W orld Wi de We b http: //www.
An important point after buying a device Brother MFC-9840CDW (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Brother MFC-9840CDW yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Brother MFC-9840CDW - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Brother MFC-9840CDW you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Brother MFC-9840CDW will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Brother MFC-9840CDW, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Brother MFC-9840CDW.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Brother MFC-9840CDW. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Brother MFC-9840CDW along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center