Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product MFC-845CW Brother
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STEP 1 STEP 2 Setup is Complete! Quick Se tup Gui de Setting Up the M achine Installing the Driver & Software MFC-845CW Before you can use the machine, yo u m ust set up the hardware and install t h e software. Plea s e read this Q uick Setup Guide f or the correct set up procedure a nd installation inst ruc t ions.
Sym bo l s u sed in th is guide Warn ing Cauti on Improper Setup Warnings tell you wh at to d o to prevent possi ble pe rs on al inj ury. Cauti ons specify pr ocedures you must fol low or avoid to pr event possibl e dama ge to the machine or othe r objects.
Tabl e of C o n tents 1 G ett ing S ta rted Carton com ponents ................ . ........ . ........... . ...... . ...... . ........... . ........... . ...... . ........... . ........... . ... ...... . .... .. . ..... .. ... 2 Control p anel .. . ...
Gett ing St arted 2 1 Carton comp o nents Carton com ponents may vary from one country to another. Save all packing mat erial s and the cart on in case for an y reason you must shi p your m achine.
Getti ng Sta rted 3 Co nt rol pa nel 1 Micr ophone 2 Sp eaker Phone key 3 D ial Pa d 4 T el e phone ke ys 5 Mod e keys 6 Men u keys 7 S tart ke ys 8 O n/O ff k ey 9 Stop/Ex i t key 10 LCD (Liquid Cry .
Set ti ng Up th e Machi ne 4 STE P1 1 1 Removing the pr otective part s 1 Remove t he prote c t ive tape a nd film covering the scanner glass. 2 Remove the foam bag cont aining the ink cartridges from on top of t he paper tray. Im prop er Set up D O NOT connect th e inter f a ce c able.
Setti ng Up the Ma chin e 5 4 Place the battery in the pos ition shown . 5 Install the b attery cover by sli ding it on to the back of t he hand set. Note Be careful that y o u do not catch the battery connector cord. Caution After installation, charge the batter y more than 12 hou rs.
Set ti ng Up th e Machi ne 6 STE P1 6 Posi tion the ant enna on the base uni t 1 Move the an tenna to the up position as sho wn below. Note Avoid using in an area wh ere it i s difficult fo r radio w aves to p enetrate such as in a rei nf orced con crete bui l ding, near metal furniture or doors.
Setti ng Up the Ma chin e 7 Note When you use Legal size paper, press and hold the universal guide re lease button (1) as you slide out the f ront o f the pap er tray. 5 Gently adjust the paper side guides with both hands to fit t h e paper. Make s ure that the pap er side gui des a nd paper length guide touch the edges of the paper.
Set ti ng Up th e Machi ne 8 STE P1 8 Connectin g the phone li ne 1 Connect th e telephone line c ord. Conne c t one end of the t elephone line cord to the jack on the machine m arked LI NE and t he other e nd to a mod ular wall jac k. Im prop er Set up D O NOT connect th e inter f a ce c able.
Setti ng Up the Ma chin e 9 10 Inst alling the ink ca rtridge s Warni ng If i nk g ets i n y our ey es , wa sh th em o ut w ith wa te r at once, an d i f irritation occurs consult a doctor. 1 M ake su re t ha t t he po wer i s t ur ned on . The LCD shows: No Cart ridge Black Yellow Cyan Magenta 2 Open the ink cartridge cover (1).
Set ti ng Up th e Machi ne 10 STE P1 6 Install each in k cart ridg e in the direction of t he arrow on t he label . Take c are to match t he color of t he lock relea se lever (1) with t he cartridge col or (2), a s shown in the di a gram below.
Setti ng Up the Ma chin e 11 11 Print quali ty check 1 After the c l eaning cycle is finished, t he LCD sh ow s : Set Paper and P ress 2 Make sure paper is loaded in t h e paper tray. Pre ss Color Start . The m achine s tarts printing the Pr int Quality Check Sheet (only d uring initial in k cartridge insta llat ion) .
Set ti ng Up th e Machi ne 12 STE P1 12 Set ting the LCD contr ast You can adjust the LCD c ontrast for a s harper and more vivid display. If you are hav ing difficulty reading the LCD, try c hanging the contras t setting. 1 Pre ss Me nu . 2 Pre ss a or b to choose General Setup .
Setti ng Up the Ma chin e 13 14 Settin g you r statio n ID You should s tore y o ur nam e and fax num ber to be pr int e d o n all fax pages that you sen d. 1 Pre ss Me nu . 2 Pre ss a or b to choose Initial Setup . Pre ss OK . 3 Pre ss a or b to choose Station ID .
Set ti ng Up th e Machi ne 14 STE P1 16 Choosing a Receiv e Mode There are t hree possible receive modes: Fax Only , Fax/Tel and Manual . 1 Pre ss Me nu . 2 Pre ss a or b to choose Initial Setup . Pre ss OK . 3 Pre ss a or b to choose Receive Mode . Pre ss OK .
Setti ng Up the Ma chin e 15 18 Se nding in the P roduc t Regist rati on and Test Sheet (USA only ) 1 Fill out th e Product Registration and T est Sheet. 2 Put the she et face down i n the AD F (Automat ic Document Feeder) or the scann er glass. 3 Make sure (Fax) is il luminated in Green.
Su ppli ed CD -RO M ‘M FL-Pr o Sui te’ 16 1 Su pplied C D-R OM ‘M FL-P ro Suit e’ Windows ® Install MFL-Pro Su ite You can install the M FL-Pro Suite sof tware an d mul ti f unction drivers.
Insta lling the Dr iver & Softw are 17 STEP2 Follow the ins tructio ns on this page for your oper atin g system and int erface. For the latest d rivers a nd document ations and to find the best soluti on for you r problem or quest ion, acces s the Br other Sol uti ons Center direct ly fr om t he dr ive r or visit http:/ /soluti ons.
Installing the Driver & Software 18 STE P2 W indow s ® USB Window s ® 1 For USB Inter face Users ( For Wi nd ows ® 98/98 SE/Me/2000 Pr ofessio nal/XP/XP Pr ofessional x64 Edi tion) Import ant Make sure that you have finished the ins tructions fro m Step 1 Setting Up th e Mach ine on pages 4 throug h 15.
Installing the Drive r & Softwa re 19 W indow s ® USB Window s ® 5 Choose Lo cal Co nne ctio n , and t hen c lick Next . The installation continues. 6 After reading and accepting the ScanS oft ® Pa pe rPo r t ® SE License A greemen t, click Yes .
Installing the Driver & Software 20 STE P2 W indow s ® USB Window s ® 13 Lift t he scanner cover to r e lease the lock ( ). Gently p ush the scanner cover support down ( ) and close the scanner c over ( ). 14 Turn on the machine by connecting the power co rd .
Installing the Drive r & Softwa re 21 Window s ® Wi ndow s ® Wi re d Network For Wi red Network I nterfac e Users ( For Wi nd ows ® 98/9 8SE/Me/2000 Pr ofessio nal/XP/XP Pr ofessio nal x64 Edi tion) Import ant Make sure that you have finished the instructions fr om Step 1 Setting Up the Mac hi ne on p ages 4 t hroug h 15.
Installing the Driver & Software 22 STE P2 Window s ® Wi ndow s ® Wi re d Network Im prop er Set up If yo u have setup wirel ess netw orking o n your ma chine before and you setup the wired netwo rk, you should check that the machine’s Network I/F is Wired LAN .
Installing the Drive r & Softwa re 23 Window s ® Wi ndow s ® Wi re d Network 13 When the Brother MFL-Pro S uite Software License Agreem ent window appears, click Yes if you agree t o the Software License Ag re eme n t. 14 The ins ta llatio n of the Bro ther driver s will automatical ly start.
Installing the Driver & Software 24 STE P2 Window s ® Wi ndow s ® Wi re d Network 2 Cl ick the Ad vanced tab and Settings... but ton. 3 Cl ick the Add bu tton. 4 Add port 54925 for network scanning , enter the information below: 1) ( A ny description) 2) Localhost 3) 54925 4) 54925 5) Select UDP Then, click OK .
Installing the Drive r & Softwa re 25 Window s ® Wind ows ® Wireless Network For Wi reless Net work Users ( For Wi nd ows ® 98/9 8SE/Me/2000 Pro fessio nal/XP/XP Prof essio nal x64 Editi on in .
Installing the Driver & Software 26 STE P2 Window s ® Wind ows ® Wireless Network Confirm yo ur netwo r k e nvironment The s etup process will be differen t depending on your netwo rk environment .
Installing the Drive r & Softwa re 27 Window s ® Wind ows ® Wireless Network U sing th e Se cure Easy Set up™ s oftw ar e to conf ig ure y our mac hine for a w irel ess ne tw ork Import ant Make sure that you have finished the instructions fr om Step 1 Setting Up the Mac hi ne on p ages 4 t hroug h 15.
Installing the Driver & Software 28 STE P2 Window s ® Wind ows ® Wireless Network Connection Error i s displayed when the print server h as not successfully connected t o your router o r access point.
Installing the Drive r & Softwa re 29 Window s ® Wind ows ® Wireless Network U sing the Se tu p Wizar d fr om the c ontro l pan el LAN menu for wire less netw ork co nfig urat ion Import ant Make sure that you have finished the instructions fr om Step 1 Setting Up the Mac hi ne on p ages 4 t hroug h 15.
Installing the Driver & Software 30 STE P2 Window s ® Wind ows ® Wireless Network 2 Turn on the machine by connecting the power co rd . Im prop er Set up If yo u have previ ously con f i gured the w ireless settin gs of t he m achine you must rese t the netwo rk (LAN) setti n gs before you can con figure the wireless settings ag ain.
Installing the Drive r & Softwa re 31 Window s ® Wind ows ® Wireless Network 11 Pre ss a or b to choose TKIP or AES for Encryption Type and press OK . Ent er the WPA/WPA 2 -P SK p ass word you wrote down in step 1 using the dial pad to choose each letter or num ber.
Installing the Driver & Software 32 STE P2 Window s ® Wind ows ® Wireless Network 17 Cli ck on Ch ecked a nd co nfirmed check box, and then click Next . 18 After reading and accepting the ScanS oft ® P ape rP or t ® SE License A greement, click Yes .
Installing the Drive r & Softwa re 33 Window s ® Wind ows ® Wireless Network Note • After restarting t he c omputer, the Installation Diagnostics will run automatically. If the installation is unsuccess ful, the installation results window will be shown.
Installing the Driver & Software 34 STE P2 Ma cint osh ® Maci nt osh ® USB For USB Inter face Users ( For Mac OS ® X 10 .2.4 or g reater) Import ant Make sure that you have finished the ins tructions fro m Step 1 Setting Up th e Mach ine on pages 4 throug h15.
Installing the Drive r & Softwa re 35 Ma ci nt osh ® Maci nt osh ® USB 5 Turn on the machine by connecting the power co rd . 6 Turn on your Macintosh ® . 7 Put th e supplied CD-ROM into your CD-ROM drive. 8 Double-click the St ar t Here OS X icon to ins ta ll.
Installing the Driver & Software 36 STE P2 Ma ci nt os h ® Maci nt osh ® USB 15 Cli ck Print Cen ter , the n Quit Prin t Cen ter . The MFL- Pro Suit e, B ro ther prin ter driv er , scanner driver and Brother ControlCen ter2 have been installed a nd the installation is now comp le te.
Installing the Drive r & Softwa re 37 Ma ci nt osh ® Ma cint osh ® Wired Network For Wi red Network I nter face Users (F or Mac O S ® X 10.2 .4 or great er) Import ant Make sure that you have finished the instructions fr om Step 1 Setting Up the Mac hi ne on p ages 4 t hroug h 15.
Installing the Driver & Software 38 STE P2 Ma ci nt os h ® Ma cint osh ® Wired Network Im prop er Set up If yo u have setup wirel ess netw orking o n your ma chine before and you setup the wired netwo rk, you should check that the machine’s Network I/F is Wired LAN .
Installing the Drive r & Softwa re 39 Ma ci nt osh ® Ma cint osh ® Wired Network 12 For Mac OS ® X 10.2.4 to 10 .3.x users : Make t he selection s hown be low. 13 Choose MFC-XX XX (where XXXX is your model name), and then click Add . Go to st ep 15 .
Installing the Driver & Software 40 STE P2 Ma ci nt os h ® Ma cintos h ® Wireless Network For Wi reless Net work Users ( For Ma c OS ® X 10.2. 4 or great er i n infrast ructur e mode) C onne ct.
Installing the Drive r & Softwa re 41 Ma ci nt osh ® Ma cintos h ® Wireless Network Conf irm yo ur ne two rk envi ron ment The s etup process will be diffe rent depe nding on your netwo rk environment .
Installing the Driver & Software 42 STE P2 Ma cint osh ® Ma cintos h ® Wireless Network U sing th e Se cure Easy Set up™ s oftw ar e to conf igu re y our mac hine for a w irel ess ne tw ork Import ant Make sure that you have finished the ins tructions fro m Step 1 Setting Up th e Mach ine on pages 4 throug h 15.
Installing the Drive r & Softwa re 43 Ma ci nt osh ® Ma cintos h ® Wireless Network Connection Error is displayed when the print server h as not successfully connected t o your router or access po int.
Installing the Driver & Software 44 STE P2 Ma cint osh ® Ma cintos h ® Wireless Network U sing the Se tu p Wizar d fr om the c ontro l pan el LAN menu for wire less netw ork co nfi gurat ion Import ant Make sure that you have finished the ins tructions fro m Step 1 Setting Up th e Mach ine on pages 4 throug h 15.
Installing the Drive r & Softwa re 45 Ma ci nt osh ® Ma cintos h ® Wireless Network 2 Turn on the machine by connecting the power co rd . Im prop er Set up If you have p reviously configured the w ireless settings of the machine you must rese t the network (LAN) settings before you can configure the wireless settin gs again.
Installing the Driver & Software 46 STE P2 Ma ci nt os h ® Ma cintos h ® Wireless Network 11 Pre ss a or b to choose TKIP or AES for Encryption Type and press OK . En ter the WPA/WPA 2-PSK pas sword you wrote down in s tep 1 using th e dial pad to choose each letter or num ber.
Installing the Drive r & Softwa re 47 Ma ci nt osh ® Ma cintos h ® Wireless Network Note • If the machine is c onfigured for your network , choose the m achine from the li st, and t hen c lick OK . This window will not app ear i f t he re i s only one machine connected on the network, it will be chosen automat ically.
Installing the Driver & Software 48 STE P2 Ma ci nt os h ® Ma cintos h ® Wireless Network The MFL- Pro Suit e, B ro ther prin ter driv er , scanner driver and Brother ControlCen ter2 have been installed a nd the installation is now comp le te.
For Netwo rk Users 49 BRAd min Professional configuration utility (For Wind ow s ® users) The BRAd min Professional utility for Wi ndows ® is designe d to m anage your Bro ther network c onnected devices such as netw ork -read y Multifunction devices and/or network-ready printers in a Lo cal A rea Network (LAN) env ironment.
For Ne twork U sers 50 BRA dm in Lig ht config uratio n utility ( For Ma c OS ® X user s) The B r o ther BRAdmi n Li ght software is a J a va™ application that is designed for the Apple Mac OS ® X env ironment. It support s some of the feature s of the Windows BR Admin Profe ssional software.
For Netwo rk Users 51 How to set t he machine’s network set tings to wi reless LAN or w ired LA N To connec t your B rot her machine to a wirel e ss or w ired net w ork you must configure the machine from the mac hine’s control panel for t he network type you ar e using.
For Ne twork U sers 52 Ent er i ng Te xt W hen setting cert a in menu selections, such as the Station ID, you will ne ed to type text characters. T he number keys have l etters printe d above t hem. T he keys : 0, # l do not ha ve prin ted letters bec ause they are used f or spe c i al c h aracters.
Co nsuma bles 53 1 Replacement consumables W hen the t ime co mes to repl ace ink cartridges, an error message will be indicated o n the LCD. F or more informat ion abo ut the i nk cartridges f or your m achine, visit http://solutions .b rot or contact your local Brother re-seller.
Trademar ks The Brother logo is a regist ered trademar k of Brother In dustries, Lt d . Brother is a regist ered trademar k of Brother In dustries , Ltd. Multi-Func tion Link i s a r egistere d trademark of Br ot her Int ernation al Corporati on. Windows and Micr osoft are regi stered tr ademarks of Micr osoft in the U.
LP519 8001 USA Pr inte d in Chin a.
An important point after buying a device Brother MFC-845CW (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Brother MFC-845CW yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Brother MFC-845CW - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Brother MFC-845CW you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Brother MFC-845CW will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Brother MFC-845CW, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Brother MFC-845CW.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Brother MFC-845CW. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Brother MFC-845CW along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center