Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product HL-4070CDW Brother
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STEP 1 STEP 2 Setup is Complete! Quick Setup Guide How to u se the pri nter, se e the User’ s Guid e in the CD-ROM. Setting Up the Machine Installing the Printer D river Laser Printer HL-4070CDW Before yo u can us e the pr inter, you must set up the har dware an d instal l the driv er.
1 Symbols used in this guide Warnin g Electrical Haz ard Hot Surface Caution War nin gs te ll y ou w hat t o do to preven t pos sible pe rsonal injury. Electrical Hazard ic ons alert yo u to a po ssi ble e lec tric al shock. Hot Surfa ce icons warn you not to tou ch ma chine parts that are h ot.
Table of Contents 1 Safety Precaut ions ............... ............. ............. .................... ............. ............ .................... ... ................ .......... 2 To Use th e Printer Safe ly .................... ............. .
Safety Precautions 2 To Use the Printer Safely Warning There are high volt age electr odes in side the p rinter. Befo re you cl ean the insi de of the pr inter, ma ke sure that you hav e turned off the p ower swit ch and un plugge d the prin ter from the AC power outlet.
Safety Prec autions 3 DO NOT u se a vac uum cle aner to clea n up sca ttered tone r. Doing this migh t cause t he toner d ust to ign ite insid e the vac uum clean er, poten tially starti ng a fire . Please careful ly clean th e toner dust wit h a dry, lint-f ree cloth and di spos e of it acco rding to l ocal r egul ation s.
Safety Precautions 4 Regulations Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Declaration of Conformity (For USA) declar es, that th e produc ts comply with Part 15 of the FC C Rules .
Safety Prec autions 5 EC Declaration of Conformity Laser Safe ty (110 to 1 20 volt Model O nly) This pr inter is certi fied as a Class 1 l aser prod uct under t he U.S. D epartment of Health a nd Human Servic es (DHHS) Ra diation P erformanc e Standar d acco rdin g to t he Ra diat ion Cont rol for H eal th an d Safety Act of 196 8.
Safety Precautions 6 IMPORTANT - For Your Safety To ensu re safe oper ation, the su pplie d three-pin pl ug must be ins erted on ly into a s tandard t hree-pin power outlet tha t is p roperly g rounded t hrough the normal househo ld wiring.
Gettin g Starte d 7 1 1 What is in the bo x? Carton c omponents may va ry from on e coun try to anothe r. Save a ll pack ing ma terials and the prin ter car ton in case for any rea son you must s hip your p rinte r.
Getting Started 8 2 Control panel For the c ontrol p anel d etails, see Chapter 4 of the Us er’s Gui de on th e CD-ROM . 1 Menu buttons + Scroll backwar d through menus and the av ailable option s. - Scroll forward through me nus a nd the avai lable op tions .
Gettin g Starte d 9 3 Supplied CD-ROM You ca n find a variety o f infor matio n on the CD- ROM. Windows ® Initial Setup Instructional m ovie for printer s etup. Install Printer Dr iver Install the printer driver. Install Ot her Driver s or Uti lities Install optio nal driver s, utili ties and Network managem ent tool s.
Setting Up the Machine 10 STEP 1 1 1 Put the CD -ROM into th e CD-R OM drive For Windo ws ® users Improper Setup DO NOT c onnect the interfac e cable. Connecting the interface cable is done when installing the driver . 1 Put the s upplied CD-RO M into your CD-ROM drive.
Setting Up the Machine 11 2 Remove the packing materials from the printer Important Save all packin g materials and the printer carton in case for any reas on you must ship your printer. 1 Press t he fro nt cover r elease bu tton and open the fron t cove r.
Setting Up the Machine 12 STEP 1 3 Installing the toner cartridges 1 Unpack the ton er cart ridges and rock each toner car tridge 5 to 6 times . 2 Remove the protec tive cover. 3 Hold th e hand le of the toner cartrid ge and slide it into the drum unit.
Setting Up the Machine 13 3 Fan the s tack of paper well to avo id paper ja ms and misfe eds. 4 Put pape r in the pape r tray. M ake sure that the paper i s flat in the tray and below the maxim um paper mark . 5 Put the paper tr ay firmly back in to the pri nter.
Setting Up the Machine 14 STEP 1 4 Plug the A C power cord into a n AC power outlet. Tu rn on the p rinter power switc h. 5 After the p rinter has finishe d warming up , the LCD shows Ready . 6 Press Go . The printe r prints a test page. Check that t he test pag e has print ed correc tly.
Windows ® Macintosh ® Installing the Printer Driver 15 STEP 2 Follow the instru ctions on this page for y our oper ating syst em and interface. For the lat est driver and to find th e best so lution for yo ur probl em or que stion, ac cess the Brother So lution s Cente r direc tly from t he CD-ROM / Driver or visit http ://soluti ons.
Installing the Printer Driver 16 STEP 2 Windows ® USB Windows ® 1 1 For USB interface cable users Note If the Found New Hardware Wizar d appe ars on your com puter , click Cancel .
Installing t he Printer Dr iver 17 Windows ® USB Window s ® 5 When th is screen ap pears, m ake sure the prin ter po wer switch is on . Conne ct t he U SB int erf ace c able to your comput er, and the n connec t it to the p rinter. Clic k Next . 6 Clic k Finish .
Installing the Printer Driver 18 STEP 2 Windows ® Windows ® Parall el 2 For parallel interface cable users Note If the Found New Hardware Wizar d appe ars on your com puter , click Cancel . Installing the driver a nd connecting the printe r to your computer 1 Click Install Printer Dr iver on the menu screen .
Installing t he Printer Dr iver 19 Window s ® Windows ® Parall el 5 Turn off the pr inter pow er switc h. 6 Conn ect the paralle l interfa ce cabl e to yo ur comput er, and the n con nect it to your prin ter. 7 Turn on the pr inter pow er switc h. Setup is now complete.
Installing the Printer Driver 20 STEP 2 Windows ® Windows ® Wired Network 3 For wired network i nterface cable users For Peer-to-Peer network printer users 1 Router 2N e t w o r k p r i n t e r Note.
Installing t he Printer Dr iver 21 Window s ® Windows ® Wired Network 6 When th e Licens e Agreem ent window appe ars, cl ick Ye s if y ou agree t o the Li cense Agreem ent. Note For Wi ndows V ista™, wh en this s creen a ppears, clic k the c heck bo x and clic k Install .
Installing the Printer Driver 22 STEP 2 Windows ® Windows ® Wired Network For shared netw ork printer u sers 1 Network Sh ared 2 Also kno wn as “Serve r” or “Printer s erver” 3P r i n t e r .
Installing t he Printer Dr iver 23 Window s ® Windows ® Wired Network 4 Choo se Network Shared Printe r , and then click Next . 5 Choo se yo ur printer 's queu e, and t hen cl ick OK . Note Contact y our adminis trator if y ou do not know the location or the name of the prin ter in the network.
Installing the Printer Driver 24 STEP 2 Windows ® Windows ® Wireless Network 4 For wireless network users Connect your wireless printer and wireless network togethe r: install the printer dri ver in.
Installing t he Printer Dr iver 25 Window s ® Windows ® Wireless Network Confirm your network environment The s etup proces s will b e differe nt depen ding on y our network enviro nment.
Installing the Printer Driver 26 STEP 2 Windwos ® Windwos ® Wireless Network Using the SecureEasySetup™ software to con figure your printer for a wire less n etwork The S ecur eEasyS etup™ sof twar e of Broadc o m Corpor ation is an e asy way t o confi gure yo ur Brot her device to yo ur wirel ess netw ork se tting s.
Installing t he Printer Dr iver 27 Windwos ® Windwos ® Wireless Network 7 Ensur e the o n-screen message and cl ick N ext . 8 Refer to the in stru ction manua l that cam e with your access po int to set the Secur eEasyS etup™ mod e of your access point .
Installing the Printer Driver 28 STEP 2 Windows ® Windows ® Wireless Network Installing the printer driv er Improper Setup • DO NOT try to canc el any of the scree ns during this installation. • If your wireless settings fail, and error message will a ppear during the install ation of printer dri ver and the installation will be terminated.
Installing t he Printer Dr iver 29 Window s ® Windows ® Wireless Network Configuration in Infrastructure mode Before configuring the wireless settings Important Before configur ing the w ireless settings, confirm your network environment.
Installing the Printer Driver 30 STEP 2 Windows ® Windows ® Wireless Network 2 Click Wireless Network us ers . Note For Windows Vista™ , when the Us er Account Control screen ap pears, c lick Allow . 3 Choose W ireless S etup and Dr iver Install , and t hen clic k Next .
Installing t he Printer Dr iver 31 Window s ® Windows ® Wireless Network If you are using a wired compu ter, cho ose This computer uses a network cable to connect to the wireless network. , you m ust con figur e the w ireless sett ings f rom the c ontrol p anel.
Installing the Printer Driver 32 STEP 2 Windows ® Windows ® Wireless Network 4 Selec t and rig ht clic k Wireless Network Connection . Cli ck View A vailable W ireles s Network s . 5 You ca n see the SSID o f the wir eless printer in th e list . Se lect SETUP and cl ick Connect .
Installing t he Printer Dr iver 33 Window s ® Windows ® Wireless Network 14 If yo ur network is confi gured for Authent ication and Enc ryptio n, the fo llowing s creen will appear .
Installing the Printer Driver 34 STEP 2 Windows ® Windows ® Wireless Network 17 The dr iver ins tallatio n starts . When the Lice nse Agree ment window appear s, click Yes if you agree t o the Li cense A greement . Note For Win dows Vista™ , when th is scree n appears, click t he che ck box and click Install .
Installing t he Printer Dr iver 35 Macnin tosh ® Macnintosh ® USB 5 For USB interface cable users Connecting the printer to yo ur Macintosh ® and installing the driver 1 Conne ct t he U SB int erf ace c able to your Macint osh ® , and then conne ct it t o the prin ter.
Installing the Printer Driver 36 STEP 2 Macnin tosh ® Macnint osh ® USB 8 Choose USB . 9 Choose y our print er, an d then cli ck Add . 10 Click Print Center , then Quit Print Center .
Installing t he Printer Dr iver 37 Macintosh ® Macintosh ® Wired Network 6 For network interface cable users Connecting the printer to yo ur Macintosh ® and installing the driver 1 Conn ect the netw ork inte rface cabl e to the printe r, and then c onnect it to a free port on your hub .
Installing the Printer Driver 38 STEP 2 Mac intos h ® Macintosh ® Wire d Netw ork 8 Make th e follo wing s electio n. 9 Choose y our print er, an d then cli ck Add . Note If there is mo re than one of the same printer model connec ted on your network, the Ethernet addr ess (MAC ad dress) will be display ed afte r the mod el name.
Installing t he Printer Dr iver 39 Macintosh ® Macintosh ® Wirel ess Netw ork 7 For wireless network users Connect your wireless printer and wirel ess network together: install the printer driver in.
Installing the Printer Driver 40 STEP 2 Mac intos h ® Macintosh ® Wirel ess Netw ork Confirm your network environment The se tup proc ess wil l be differen t depen ding on your ne twork envi ronment.
Installing t he Printer Dr iver 41 Macintosh ® Macintosh ® Wirel ess Netw ork Using the Sec ureEasySetup™ softw are to configure your printer for a wireless network The S ecur eEas ySet up™ soft war e of Br oa dcom Corpor ation is an easy w ay to conf igure your Br other devic e to yo ur wire less net work set tin gs.
Installing the Printer Driver 42 STEP 2 Mac intos h ® Macintosh ® Wirel ess Netw ork 9 Put the p rinter in Secur eEasySet up™ mod e using the con trol panel. 1 Press a ny of the M enu button s ( + , - , OK or Back ) to take the printer offli ne. Ready h Select ab or OK Machine Info.
Installing t he Printer Dr iver 43 Macintosh ® Macintosh ® Wirel ess Netw ork 12 The B rother sof tware w ill searc h for the Brother printe r. Durin g this ti me the foll owing screen will a ppear. Note If more th an one prin ter is av ailable , the foll owing list a ppears.
Installing the Printer Driver 44 STEP 2 Mac intos h ® Macintosh ® Wirel ess Netw ork Configu ration in In frastr ucture mod e Before you configure the wir eless settings Important Before configuring the wire less settings, confirm your network environment.
Installing t he Printer Dr iver 45 Macintosh ® Macintosh ® Wirel ess Netw ork 2 Clic k Wireless Network u sers . 3 Choo se Wireless S etup and Driver Inst all , and then click Next .
Installing the Printer Driver 46 STEP 2 Mac intos h ® Macintosh ® Wirel ess Netw ork 8 Read the Import ant Notice . Check the box if you co nfirm , and th en click Next . 9 You nee d to temp orarily chang e your compute r’s wireless settings . Follow the on- screen in structi ons.
Installing t he Printer Dr iver 47 Macintosh ® Macintosh ® Wirel ess Netw ork 3 Your wireles s network is connecte d succ essfull y. 11 If th e list is blank, che ck if th e acces s point and the pri nter are po wered on, and then click Refr esh . Choose the printer y ou wish to conf igure, a nd clic k Next .
Installing the Printer Driver 48 STEP 2 Mac intos h ® Macintosh ® Wirel ess Netw ork 15 Click Next . The setting s will be s ent to you r printe r. The sett ings will rem ain unch anged i f you cli ck Cancel .
Installi ng the Printer Drive r 49 20 When th is screen ap pears, c lick Add . 21 Make th e foll owing sele ction. 22 Choo se yo ur printer , and th en clic k Add . Note If ther e is mo re than one of the sam e printer model connec ted on y our netw ork, the Etherne t addres s (MAC a ddress ) will b e displa yed aft er the model name.
For Network Users 50 1 1 BRAdmin Light ut ility (For Windows ® users) The BRA dmin Light is a utility for initial setup of B rother ne twork conn ected devi ces. I t also can se arch for Brothe r produc ts on you r networ k, view the s tatus and confi gure bas ic network settings , such as IP addr ess.
For Network Users 51 2 BRAdmin Light utility (Fo r Mac OS ® X users) The BRA dmin Light is a uti lity for ini tial setup of Brother ne twork connec ted devic es. It also can s earch for Br other produc ts on yo ur networ k, view t he status and co nfigure b asic networ k setti ngs, suc h as IP ad dress from a compute r running M ac OS ® X 10.
For Network Users 52 3 Web Based Management (web browser) The Brothe r print ser ver is equip ped with a web server that allo ws you to monito r its statu s or ch ange s ome of it s confi gurat ion set tings, usi ng HTT P (Hyp er Te xt Transfer P rotocol ).
Consumables and Options 53 1 1 Options The prin ter ha s the foll owing o ptional acc essories . You can expand the ca pabiliti es of the pr inter b y adding t hese items. See Chap ter 5 of th e User's Guid e on the CD- ROM. 2 Consumables When the time com es to rep lace co nsuma ble items , an err or mess age will be indic ated on the LCD.
Other Information 54 1 1 Shipment of the printer Caution • Once you r print er has b een se t up and us ed, we d o not rec ommend tha t it be m oved or shipp ed unles s absol utely necess ary. • Color l aser pri nters are c omple x print ing devi ces.
Tra demar ks The Brother l ogo is a regist ered tradem ark of Broth er Indu stries, Ltd . Apple, the Apple L ogo, Mac intosh an d TrueTy pe are reg istered tra demarks of Appl e Computer, Inc in the United States a nd othe r coun tri es. Microso ft, MS-DOS and Wind ows are regist e red trad emarks of M icrosoft Co rporatio n in the U.
LR1447001 EN Printed in Ch ina.
An important point after buying a device Brother HL-4070CDW (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Brother HL-4070CDW yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Brother HL-4070CDW - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Brother HL-4070CDW you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Brother HL-4070CDW will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Brother HL-4070CDW, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Brother HL-4070CDW.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Brother HL-4070CDW. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Brother HL-4070CDW along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center