Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product BPR200 Breville
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Breville i s a registered tra demark of Bre ville Pty . L td. A.B.N. 98 000 09 2 928. Cop yright Breville Pt y . L td. 2012. Due to continued product impr ov ement, the products ill ustrated/ photograph ed in this booklet ma y vary s lightly from th e actual product.
BPR200 The F ast Slo w C ooker ™ Instruction Booklet.
C ONGRA TULA TIONS On the p urch ase of y our n ew Bre ville F ast S low C ooker ™.
3 CONTENT S 4 Bre ville recomm ends safet y first 7 Know Y our Bre ville F ast Slo w C ooker ™ 10 Quick Start Guide 12 Before first us e 17 Operating Y our Bre ville F ast Slo w C ooker ™ 18 Sa .
4 BREVILLE RE CO MMENDS SAFE TY FIRST At Br eville we ar e v ery saf ety cons cious. W e design and ma nufactur e consum er produc ts with the saf ety of y ou, o ur v al ued cus tomer , forem ost in mind. In a ddition we a sk that y ou exer cise a degree of car e when using an y electrical a ppliance an d adhere to the f ollowing prec autions.
5 BREVILLE RE CO MMENDS SAFE TY FIRST 5 • Do not e xceed m ax imu m fil l level . Some foo ds ex pa nd dur ing pres sur e cook ing s uch as r ice , dice d veget ables, do not fi ll re movable cook ing p an ove r ½ f ul l.
6 BREVILLE RE CO MMENDS SAFE TY FIRST • T o protect against electric s hock, do not immerse Bre ville F ast Slow C ooker ba se, power ba se, power c ord or power plug in water or allo w moistur e to come in contact with th ese parts. • Keep Br eville F ast Slow C ooker clean.
KNO W y our Br eville F a st Slow C ooker ™.
8 KNO W YOUR BREVILLE F AST SL O W COOKER A. Lid handle B. Pressur e regulator / release va lve C ontrols rate at which ste am vents out of cooker an d subsequent ly degree of pressur e inside the c ov er. C. Adjustable pressur e control/ dial Choose from L ow, Medi um or High.
9 KNO W YOUR BREVILLE F AST SL O W COOKER P . Timer butt on C ounts down rem aining cooking time. Q. Silicon e rubber sealin g gas ket Dish wash er safe . R. Pr essure saf ety v alve S. Pressur e rele ase va lve co ver T . Gas ket holder U . Pressure indic ator Rod pops up onc e pressur e is re ached acting a s a safet y device.
Quick Start Guide This Quick Start Guide is designed for first time use. For safety and more information, refer to your Instruction Booklet. 2 Wash silicone rubber gasket.
Quick Start Guide This Quick Start Guide is designed for first time use. For safety and more information, refer to your Instruction Booklet. 2 Wash silicone rubber gasket.
BEF ORE FIRS T U SE of y our Br eville F a st Slow C ooker ™.
13 BEF ORE FIRST USE PREP ARING THE F AST SL OW COOKER F OR USE 1. Before first us e, rem ov e all promotiona l label s and pa cking materi als an d disc ard in a safe pl ace to a void a choking h az ard. 2. Remo ve the lid by ta king hold of the handle , turning it co unter clockwise and lifting the lid up an d off the appli ance .
14 BEF ORE FIRST USE DO’S • Alwa ys thaw fr ozen m eat and poultry before c ooking . • U se dry oven mitts w hen lifting th e remo vable bowl after cookin g. • Alwa ys store Bre ville F ast Slow C ooker in a cool, dry pla ce. DONT’S • Do not operate any of s ettings with out remo vable cooking bo wl in position.
15 HINTS AND TIPS BEF ORE PRESSURE COOKING & SL OW C OOKING PREP ARING MEA T AND POUL TRY Select cuts of m eat suita ble for pressure cooking b y choosing cuts from the ta ble below . Pressure cooking a llows less ten der cuts of me at to be cooked quickly and achie ve a ten der juicy res ult.
16 P AGE HEADER..... HINTS AND TIPS BEF ORE PRESSURE COOKING & SL OW C OOKING PREP ARING DRIED PULSES (BEANS AND PEA S) Legum es and pul ses can be cook ed without prior soakin g. T o fasten the pressur e cooking tim e, so ak dried pulses in boilin g water for 3 hours or ov ernight.
OPERA TING y our Br eville F a st Slow C ooker ™.
18 P AGE HEADER..... SA UTÉ AND SEAR SETTING SAU TÉ ING A N D SEA R ING BE FOR E PRE SSU RE COO KI NG & SLOW COOK ING Sa utéing and S earing in Br eville F ast Slow C ooker ma y take a little e xtra time and whilst not strict ly necessary , the rew ards are evident in th e end res ult.
19 P AGE HEADER..... SA UTÉ AND SEAR SETTING 6. Wh en desired cookin g time is di spla yed, press ST ART /C ANCEL button. SA UTÉ/ SEAR indic ator light will stop flas hing and will illumin ate a solid red.
20 P AGE HEADER..... PRESSURE C OOK SETTING A BEGINNER’ S GUIDE TO PRESSURE C OOKING Pressur e cookers ar e back in th e for efront again. Th ese time sa vers are won derful for cookin g succulent roa sts, fla voursome casser oles, delicious soups and ev en desserts in a fraction of the tim e and energy they ta ke by con vention al meth ods.
21 P AGE HEADER..... PRESSURE C OOK SETTING 6. En sure Pr essure R egulator R elease V alve is turn ed to PRESSURE position. F or correct PRESSURE position, a lign the press ure rele ase valv e with the dash graphic that goes a cross the pr essure safet y valv e.
22 P AGE HEADER..... PRESSURE C OOK SETTING 9 . When LED displ a ys 0 cookin g has finish ed. Breville F ast Slow C ooker will sound 5 beeps. 10. T o r eleas e press ure f rom Pr essu re re gu lator relea se va lve , press pr essu re rele ase but ton unti l in itia l bur sts of stea m have b een re lease d .
23 P AGE HEADER..... • When cooking under pr essure, lid of the Br eville F ast Slow C ooker can not be opened. Do not try to f orce the lid open. • After making s oups and stocks, allow sever al minutes befor e rel easing pressur e and removing lid to make sur e that hot liquid inside will not boil o ver .
24 P AGE HEADER..... PRESSURE C OOK SETTING & CONVER TING CONVENTIONAL RE CIPES MEA T , POUL TRY & SEAF OOD PRESSURE SETTING PRE SSURE COOK TIME CONVENTIONAL COOKING TIME LAMB Lamb Shan ks 4 x 12–13cm long Lamb, 2cm dic ed (1kg) HIGH HIGH 30–35 minutes 10–12 minutes 2 hours 1½–2 hours BEEF /GAME Rolled beef rib ro ast (1.
25 PRESSURE C OOKING RICE PRESSURE C OOKING RICE W ash ric e well until water runs clear . Drain well and add ric e to remov able cookin g bowl, mea sure water or stock using rice duo c up pro vided and add to r emova ble cooking bo wl of Bre ville F ast Slow C ooker.
26 P AGE HEADER..... NOTE When cooking ric e, cer eals or pasta depressuri ze slow ly after cooking b y pressing th e Steam Rele ase button in short b ursts. NOTE T o speed up the building up of pr essure whilst press ure cookin g, use boilin g water or stock.
27 P AGE HEADER..... LEGU MES PRESSURE SETTING PRE SSURE COOK TIME CONVENTIONAL COOKING TIME Cann ellini beans Chick peas Lima beans, l arge MEDIUM MEDIUM MEDIUM 12–15 minutes 35–40 minutes 6–8 .
30 HO W TO POT RO AST HO W TO POT RO AST The addition of liquid i s required f or pot roa sting . Plac e meat in r emova ble cooking bowl, then a dd sufficient liquid to co ver up to a third of the m eat.
31 NOTE If you w ould like to s low cook this recipe f ollow the SLO W COOK instructions on pa ge 47-49 an d set for 6 or 8 hours. HO W TO ROA ST Ro ast ing meat s using e ither PR ESSU R E COOK or SLOW C OOK se tt ings , create s tender, fl avour some res ults .
32 P AGE HEADER..... BA SIC ROA ST INGREDIENTS 1–1.2 kg beef, v eal, lamb or pork ro ast or whole 1.2kg chicken 250ml (1 cup) beef or chicken st ock METHOD Sauté S ett ing 1. Press F UNCTION b utton then select SA UTE, indicator light will ill uminate.
33 P AGE HEADER..... PRESSURE C OOK RECIPES - DIP HOME MADE HO MM US Ma kes 2 c ups INGREDIENTS 2 cups dried chickpeas 750ml (3 cups) w ater 2 clov es garlic, crush ed Juic e of a lemon 2 tablespoons hulled ta hini 2-3 tablespoons oli ve oil Salt to ta ste METHOD 1.
34 P AGE HEADER..... PRESSURE C OOK RECIPES - S TOCKS CHICKEN ST OCK Ma kes 2 . 5 lit res INGREDIENTS 1 kg chicken car casses 1 onion, sliced 1 carrot, cut int o 5 chunks 1 stick celery , sliced 4 white peppercorn s 1 ba y leaf 5 parsle y stalks 2.5 litres water METHOD Sauté s ett ing 1.
35 P AGE HEADER..... PRESSURE C OOK RECIPES - S TOCKS BEEF ST OCK Ma kes 2 . 5 lit res INGREDIENTS 2 tablespoons oil 2 carrots, diced 2 sticks celery , sliced 2 onions, chopped 2 garlic clov es, sliced 1.5kg beef bones, rinsed 2 thyme sprig s 4 parsle y stems 2 ba y lea ves 1 teas poon black pepper corns 2.
36 P AGE HEADER..... PRESSURE C OOK RECIPES - SOUP CHICKEN SOUP Ser v es 6 to 8 INGREDIENTS 1.5kg chicken pieces (legs, wings, thighs,) 1 medium onion, quarter ed 2 carrots, peeled and c ut into 3cm s.
37 P AGE HEADER..... PEA AND HAM SOUP Ser v es 6 to 8 INGREDIENTS 500g split peas ( green or yellow) 1 tablespoon v egetable oil 30g butter 2 large onions, fin ely chopped 3 large carr ots, diced 3 sticks celery , diced 1.
38 P AGE HEADER..... VEGE T ABLE SOUP Ser v es 4 to 6 INGREDIENTS 1 tablespoon v egetable oil 1 large onion, finel y chopped 3 clov es garlic, finely ch opped 2 large carr ots, diced 1 small sweet p.
39 P AGE HEADER..... CHICK PEA CURR Y WITH S WEET PO T A TO Ser v es 6 to 8 INGREDIENTS 1½ cups (335g) dried chick peas 1 tablespoon v egetable oil 1 large onion, finel y chopped 4 clov es garlic, .
40 P AGE HEADER..... CHICKEN AND PES TO RISO TTO Ser v es 4 to 6 INGREDIENTS 30g butter 300g chicken bre ast fillets, thinly s liced 1 tablespoon oli ve oil 1 large onion, finel y chopped 3 clov es garlic, finely min ced 350g Arborio or Carn aroli rice 1.
41 P AGE HEADER..... P APRIKA CHICKEN Ser v es 4 to 6 INGREDIENTS 2 tablespoons v egetable oil 2 medium onions, dic ed 2 vine-ripened t omatoes, skinn ed and diced 1 red or green c apsicum, diced 1½ .
42 P AGE HEADER..... CORNED BEEF Ser v es 4 to 6 INGREDIENTS 1–1.2kg piece of corn ed beef 1 large onion studded with 6 clo ves 1 tablespoon cider vineg ar 12 black pepperc orns 1 stick celery , cut into 4 pieces 1 ba y leaf 1 bouquet garni 2 tablespoons br own sugar, firmly p acked 1 carrot cut int o chunks water METHOD 1.
43 SO Y AND GARLIC BEEF ROA ST Ser v es 4 to 5 INGREDIENTS 1.2kg rolled beef boneless s cotch fillet 1 tablespoon oli ve oil 1 tablespoon light so y sauce 1 tablespoon chopped g arlic 1 birds’ ey e chilli, deseeded and finely minced 250ml (1 cup) beef stock 250ml (1 cup) cup dry r ed wine Salt an d pepper to taste METHOD 1.
44 44 SP AGHE TTI WITH QUICK BOLOGNAISE S AUCE Ser v es 6 to 8 INGREDIENTS 2 tablespoons oli ve oil 1 medium onion, diced 4 clov es garlic, crush ed 800g beef or pork mince 2 x 400g cans chopped tom a.
45 P AGE HEADER..... BA SIC EGG C UST ARD Ser v es 4 INGREDIENTS 4 eggs, be aten 1 ⁄ 3 cup caster s ugar 200ml milk 1½ teas poons vanill a essence METHOD 1. Whisk eg gs, sugar , milk and vanilla together in a lar ge bowl. 2 . Pour m ix t ure t hrough a fi ne sieve i nto a gr ease d 6 cup sou fflé or ov enproof di sh .
46 P AGE HEADER..... Pre ssur e Cook Se tti ng 5. Plac e triv et into remov able cooking bowl and po ur in 2 cups of boiling w ater. Plac e pudding b asin or soufflé di sh onto triv et. Secure lid on. 6. Pr ess FUNC TION button then select PRESSURE C OOK , indicator light will illuminate .
47 SLO W COOK SE TTING Bre ville F ast Slow C ooker has been designed specifica lly with a unique Slow C ook setting f or fla vour la yering . A technique profession al chefs use to enhanc e and dee.
48 HO W TO SLO W COOK HO W TO SLO W COOK 1. Plac e remo vable cookin g bowl into stainless steel ba se. 2. Atta ch clean silicon e rubber gask et securel y into gas ket holder using the indicated arr ows as a g uide. Ensure that the arrow s are facing up when ins erting into the lid.
49 HO W TO SLO W COOK 5. Press F UNCTION b utton until SL OW COOK in dicator light fla shes r ed. 6. T o set TIMER; press TIMER button and choose eith er 6 hours or 8 hours, 6H or 8H this will illumin ate on LED displ ay . When desired cooking tim e is dis pla yed, press ST ART /C ANCEL button.
50 P AGE HEADER..... SLO W COOK RE CIPES - LAMB LAMB SHANKS BRAISED IN CHAR SUI SA UCE Ser v es 4 INGREDIENTS 4 lamb sh anks (10–12cm long) 1 tablespoon plain flo ur 1 tablespoon v egetable oil 1 m.
51 P AGE HEADER..... SLO W COOK RE CIPES - CHICKEN CHICKEN WITH SHALLO TS AND GARLIC Ser v es 4 to 6 INGREDIENTS 1kg chicken pieces (thigh c utlets and drumsticks), e xcess fat an d skin rem ov ed 1 t.
52 THAI BEEF RED CURR Y Ser v es 6 to 8 INGREDIENTS 1 tablespoon v egetable oil 1 large onion, diced 4 clov es garlic, finely min ced 1 tablespoon chopped fr esh ginger 1 ⁄ 3 cup red curry p aste 1.
53 P AGE HEADER..... HO W TO STEA M 1. Pl ac e st ai nl ess st ee l tr i v et i ns ide re mo v abl e c ook in g bo wl a nd ad d 1 li tr e (4 c ups) of hot liqu id ( w at er o r s tock ). Pl ace sta in less s te el s te amin g b as ke t co ntai ni ng fo od o nto tri ve t us ing han dle .
54 P AGE HEADER..... STEA M SETTING 8. T o release pr essure from Pressur e relea se valv e; press press ure rele ase button. Stea m can be r eleas ed in t he follow ing t wo w ays: NOTE Qu ick Relea se – T his me thod u ses the S trea m Rele ase But ton .
55 P AGE HEADER..... BA SIC STE AMING CHAR T F OOD TIME Beetroot Brussels spr outs Parsni ps Pumpkin 2cm pieces 20–25 minutes 8–10 minutes 5–6 minutes 10–12 minutes Basic Steam ed V egetables Sele ct ve getable f rom basic s team ing c har t .
56 P AGE HEADER..... STEA M RECIPES - FISH ASIAN FISH P ARCELS Ser v es 2 INGREDIENTS 2 x 150g fish fillets, s kin on, such as sna pper or blue ey e trevall a 1 bunch as parag us, trimmed 2 green on.
57 P AGE HEADER..... CARA MEL PUDDING WITH BUTTERSC OTCH S AUCE Ser v es 4 to 6 INGREDIENTS 60g butter ½ cup milk 2 tablespoons br own sugar 1 egg , well beaten 1½ teas poons vanill a essence 1 cup .
58 STEA M RECIPES - DE SSER TS Stea m Cook Se tt ing 6. Pl ace tri vet into remo vable cookin g bowl and po ur in 3 cups of boiling w ater. Plac e ov enproof dish onto tri vet. Secur e lid on. 7 . Pre ss FU NCT ION button t hen selec t ST EA M COOK , i ndicator light w il l il lumi nate.
C ARE AND CLEANING y our Br eville F a st Slow C ooker ™.
60 P AGE HEADER..... CARE AND CLE ANING 1. Before cle aning Breville F ast Slow C ooker , switch off at power outlet, unplug fr om power outlet and r emo ve the conn ector end of power c ord from applian ce inlet. 2. W ash remo vable cookin g bowl with warm so apy w ater and a clean soft cloth or sponge .
61 P AGE HEADER..... 5. Disa ssemble lid. a) Fir st, gent ly p ull th e sil ic on e r ub ber ga ske t o ut fr om un der th e ga ske t ho lde r . Ch eck pe rio dic ally that it i s cle an, fl ex ib le an d n ot cr ac ke d o r torn . If da ma ged d o n ot us e t he a ppl ia nce .
62 P AGE HEADER..... CARE AND CLE ANING NOTE Ca n soak s ilicon e rubb er gas ket in a mi x tur e of bicarb onate so da an d wate r to help eli min ate odou rs bef ore clea ning . NOTE During cleanin g of the lid ensur e Pressur e Indicator R od moves freel y (up and down).
63 P AGE HEADER..... CARE AND CLE ANING IMPOR T ANT All lid parts must be r eassembled correctly to ensur e safety as w ell as optimal perf ormance of your F ast Slow C ooker . NOTE A mixture of 1 tables poon vanilla, ½ cup lemon juice , 1 tablespoon lemon rind plus 500ml h ot water , cook at HIGH pressur e for 5 minutes.
65 TROUBLESHOO TING PROBLEM EAS Y SOLUTION EO is di spla yed on LED Screen a. Check that lid i s closed properly . b. Check the pressur e relea se v alv e is in the correct position. c. Make sur e the silicon e rubber ga sk et is attach ed properly to the g asket holder an d is secur ely in pla ce on the lid.
66 NOTE S.
67 NOTE S.
An important point after buying a device Breville BPR200 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Breville BPR200 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Breville BPR200 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Breville BPR200 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Breville BPR200 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Breville BPR200, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Breville BPR200.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Breville BPR200. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Breville BPR200 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center