Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product MI30T*F Bradford-White Corp
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Save this manual for future reference Manual 238-44943-00D SERVICE MANUAL Troubleshooting Guide and Instructions for Service FEATURING (To be performed ONLY by qua lified servi ce providers) For the B.
The Bradford White DEFENDER Safety S ystem ® Flammable Vapor Igniti on Resistant W ater Heaters Table of C ontents Page Service Procedure Introduction 3 - - - Trouble shooting Chart 4 - - - Inner Doo.
Th e Bradfo rd Wh it e DEFE NDER Sa fet y Syste m ® Th e Br ad ford W h ite DE FE NDE R Saf et y Sys tem ® was design ed to resist the ig nit i on of flam ma bl e vapor s tha t ca n occ ur out sid e of t he wat er heat er.
White Rod gers/ Rober tshaw Ga s Valve Tro ublesh ooting Chart SYMPTOM P ROBABLE CAUSE CORRECT IVE ACTION Pilot Will Not Light 1. N o inco mi ng g as or t oo lo w gas pre ssu re. 2. Gas con tr ol kn ob set t o wrong po si ti on. 3. Pi lo t lig ht butto n not b ei ng fu ll y depr e sse d whe n at tem pt in g to l ig ht pi lo t.
Honeyw e ll Gas Co ntrol Troublesho oting Chart LE D Stat us Cont rol St atus Prob ab le Cau s e None (LED n ot on or fla shing Gas Contr ol is operat ing norm ally. Pilo t flame may not be pres ent. Check fo r pilot f lame throug h sight glas s and li ght if necessar y.
Hon eywel l Gas C ontr ol Trouble shooting C hart LE D Stat us Cont rol St atus Prob ab le Cau s e Five flashes and three seco nd pause Therm ostat/w ell sens or faul t.
Inner Do or Removal Pr ocedure Step 1. Rot ate kn ob of th e co mbin a tion ther most at/gas valv e to the “O FF” pos iti on. Step 2. Re mo ve ou te r j a cke t b urn e r a cce ss do or Step 3. In ner Doo r R e mova l . a) D isconn ect r esetta ble th erm al swit ch wire l eads (leadi ng fro m Ga s Co ntrol/ gas va lve ).
Instal lation of Inner Door With Ga sket. WARNING Stripp ed faste n er co n nectio ns may allow for seal breach of inner d oor. A seal brea ch may resu lt in a fire o r exp lo sion causin g pro perty d amag e, p erso n al i njury or d eath. Do no t over tighte n s crews in steps 8, 10 and 11.
St ep 10. Fir mly pl ace righ t side inner door fl ange ag ainst th e lef t side i nner do or fla nge and secu re wi th (2) hex dr ive screws fr om step 3c.
St ep 1. C losed circui t test ing i s the pr eferr ed me thod for testi ng th ermoc oupl e. Fo llo wing t he li ghting instr ucti on labe l on t he heat er, pro ceed to l igh t the pilot an d allow t o ope rate f or th r ee mi nuets .
THERMOCOUPLE REPLACEMENT (White Rodgers/Robertshaw Ga s Valve) Step 1. T urn o ff gas sup ply to w ater heater. Rotat e k nob o f combi natio n the rm ost at /g as valv e to “O FF ” po s ition . Step 2. Remov e outer j acket do or. Step 3. Remo ve right si de of inner d oor pe r SERVICE PROCED URE RG-I, steps 3a thro ugh 3c.
The f oll ow in g te st sh ould be per f orm ed w hi le th e pi lot f lam e is o n. St ep 1. Tu rn knob to pi lot pos ition and dep res s. Step 2. C on ti nue pre ssin g kn ob a nd re move re d ( +) wi re fro m re se tt able th erma l do or sw it ch. Step 3.
PILOT /EL ECTRO DE ASSEM BLY INSPE CTION, CLEANING AND REPLACE MENT St ep 1. Tu r n of f gas supply to water h eater. Rotate knob of gas con tr ol/ ga s v al ve to “O FF” p ositi on. Step 2. Rem ov e ou te r j ack et do or . St ep 3. Re move r igh t side o f inner door p er SERVICE PROCEDURE RG-I, st eps 3a t hro ug h 3 c.
PIEZO IGNITER, ELECTRODE TESTING AND REPLACEMENT W ith t he pilot not i n opera tion (n o pilot fla me) y ou can c heck t he Piez o a nd el ectro de circ uit by view ing pi lot thr u the s ight glass l ocated on th e inne r doo r and ob serving the spa rk acti on.
SERVICE PROCE DURE RG-V Gas Valve Testing and Replacement (White Rodgers/Robertshaw) The gas val ve is a non rep airabl e device. If tro uble sh ooting has det ermine d a probl em with the gas valve, it mus t be repl aced.
See SERVICE PRO CEDURE RG-II THERM OCOUPL E TEST ING MAGNET ASSEMBLY T ESTING (White Rodgers Co ntrol) Ste p 1. Follo win g t he li gh ti ng in stru c tion la bel on the he ate r, p roc eed to li gh t t he p il ot and allo w t o ope ra te f or thre e min uets .
COMBINATION THERMOST AT/GAS VALVE REPLACEMENT Step 1 . Rot at e kn ob of th e ga s va lv e to th e “O FF ” pos i ti on. Ste p 2. Tu rn of f g as sup ply to wa ter heat er. Ste p 3. Dis con nec t gas suppl y line f rom gas v alve. Ste p 4. Tur n off wa ter supp ly and dr ain wa ter h eater co mpletel y.
Step 7. Removal of gas va lve. a) Disconnect main burner feedline, pilot tube and the rmocouple from gas valve & remove burner from combustion chamber. NOTE: Feed line nut for natur al gas control us es right hand threads, LP control us es left hand thread.
Step 9. Re insta llation of inner door assembl y. (cont.) b) Clean a ny gask et residu e or oth er de bris f rom co mbust ion c hambe r sur f a ce bef ore inst alling the in ne r doo r/g as ket a ss emb ly . c) P ositio n therm ocouple , pilo t tub e and P iezo w ire agai nst left sid e inne r do or flange gasket .
SERVICE P ROCEDURE RG-VI Gas Control Testing, Disa ssembly & R eplacement (Honeywell) The Bra dford White DEFENDER Safety Sys tem ® Honey well Gas Control T esting, D isasse mbly, and Replacem en.
SERVICE PROCEDURE RG -VI Gas Control Testing, Disa ssembly & Replacement (H oneywell) The Bradford White DEFENDER Safety Sy stem ® MANIFOLD P RESSURE T ESTING (this proce dure presumes a maximum line pr essure of 14.0" w.c.) St ep 1. Set th e Gas Co n tr ol to th e “OFF ” positi on.
SERVICE P ROCEDURE RG-VI Gas Control Testing, Disa ssembly & R eplacement (Honeywell) The Bra dford White DEFENDER Safety Sys tem ® TEMPERAT URE S ENSOR TESTING T emp era tu re S en so r T es ti ng Fol lowin g “Gas Co ntr ol Dis a s sembl y/Rea ssembly” inst ructi ons, disasse mble Ga s Co nt rol to a cces s tem pe rat ure se ns or.
SERVICE P ROCEDURE RG-VI Gas Control Testing, Disa ssembly & R eplacement (Honeywell) The Bra dford White DEFENDER Safety Sys tem ® ° F 012345678 9 40 26109 25400 24712 24045 23399 22771 22163 2.
SERVICE P ROCEDURE RG-VI Gas Control Testing, Disa ssembly & R eplacement (Honeywell) The Bra dford White DEFENDER Safety Sys tem ® GAS CONTROL DISASS EM BLY/REAS SEMBL Y St ep 1. R otate knob o f the Gas Cont rol to the “OFF ” posi tion . St ep 2.
SERV ICE PROCE DURE RG- VI Gas Control Testing, Disassembly & Replacement (Honeywell) The Bradford White DEFENDER Safety S ystem ® GAS CONTROL DISAS SEMBL Y/REA SSE MBLY Step 8. Disco nnect te mper ature sen sor fr om contr ol b oard and remove wire fr om the t empera ture s ensor wir e rout ing cli p.
SERV ICE PROCE DURE RG- VI Gas Control Testing, Disassembly & Replacement (Honeywell) The Bradford White DEFENDER Safety S ystem ® GAS CONTROL DISAS SEMBL Y/REA SSE MBLY Step 11.
T emperat ur e sensor Insertion s tick SERVICE P ROCEDURE RG-VI Gas Control T esting, Dis assembly & R eplacement (Honeywell) The Bra dford White DEFENDER Safety Sys tem ® GAS CONTROL DISASS EM BLY/REAS SEMBL Y St ep 12. Re mov e tem peratur e senso r from inser tio n stick by pu llin g apar t as illu stra ted be low.
SERVICE P ROCEDURE RG-VI Gas Control Testing, Disa ssembly & R eplacement (Honeywell) The Bra dford White DEFENDER Safety Sys tem ® GAS CONTROL REPL ACEMENT Ste p 1. Ro tate kno b of t he Gas Co ntrol to th e “OFF” po siti on. Ste p 2. Tu rn of f g as sup ply to wa ter heat er.
SERVICE P ROCEDURE RG- VI Gas C ontrol Testing, Disassembly & Replacement ( Honeywell) The Bradford White DEFENDER Safety Sy stem ® GAS CONTROL REPL ACEMENT b) Re a tt ach ma in bu rn er f eed li ne , p il ot tu be , pi e zo ig ni te r w ir e, i nn e r do or wi re ( re d) and t he rm op il e wir e (white ) to Gas Co ntrol.
SERVICE P ROCEDURE RG-VI Gas Control Testing, Disa ssembly & R eplacement (Honeywell) The Bra dford White DEFENDER Safety Sys tem ® GAS CONTROL REPL ACEMENT Step 9.
Step 1. W it h ma in bu rne r i n o pera t ion , re mo v e r igh t s ide inn e r do or pe r SE RV ICE P ROC ED URE I , st eps 3b & 3 c. Be s ur e to m ain tai n wi re co n nectio n to reset tabl e therm al s wit ch fo r th is a dju stme nt p ro ced ure.
Step 3. Fully in spect i nner ga sket pe r SERVI CE PROCED URE RG-I, step 4. Replace ga sket if r equire d followi ng SERVICE PROCEDURE I, ste ps 5 & 6.
Step 5. Disco nnect (uns crew) Mai n burner (st eel) fro m main bur ner ori fic e or on c ast i ro n burne rs (“C ” bur ner) , loose n air shutt er & dis conne ct (u nsc r ew ) f eedli ne from burner. St ep 6. Remov e main bu rner ori fice fro m feed l ine.
Ste p 1. Remo ve ou ter jack et doo r. Step 2. D i sconn ect wire le ads f rom re setta b le th erma l sw it ch. Ste p 3. Usin g a mu ltim eter cap able of m ea surin g cont inui ty (Oh ms), place o n.
RESET TABLE THERMAL SWIT CH REPLACE MENT Ste p 1. Rot a te kn ob of c om bina ti on th er mo stat g a s va lve to the o ff p osi tion . Step 2 . Remove out er jac ket door . Step 3. Di sconn ect wir e lea ds from res ettab le th erma l swit ch. Ste p 4.
S ERVICE PROCEDU RE RG-IX S creenLok ® F lam e Arrestor Cleaning St ep 1. Rotat e knob of co mbinat ion ther most at gas valve t o the o ff pos ition . St ep 2. Remov e outer j ac ket door. Step 3. Re mo ve i nn er door pe r SER V ICE PRO CE DUR E RG -I , st e p 3a thr ou gh 3e.
SERVICE PROCE DURE RG- X Dip Tube a nd Anode Inspection and Replacement St ep 1. Rotate k nob of c ombi na tio n therm o st at/g as valv e to “OFF ” posi tion. Step 2. Tu rn o ff c o ld wate r s upp ly to hea te r. C o nne ct ho se to d r ain s p igot of wa te r h eat e r a nd rou te t o a n o p en dr ai n.
St ep 1. Turn of f wat er suppl y to w ater heat er. Ro tate k nob of c ombinat ion t hermost at/gas v alve to “O FF” posi tion. Step 2. Tu rn o ff c o ld wate r s upp ly to hea te r. C o nne ct ho se to d r ain s p igot of wa te r h eat e r a nd rou te t o a n o p en dr ai n.
1 Draft Hoo d 2 Ho t Water Outle t/Ano de 3 Col d Wa te r I nle t Tu be 4 Flue Baf fle 5 T&P Relief Valve 6A Gas C on tr ol (H on eyw e ll) 6B Gas Val ve (R obertsh aw) 6C Gas Val ve (Whi te Ro dg.
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An important point after buying a device Bradford-White Corp MI30T*F (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Bradford-White Corp MI30T*F yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Bradford-White Corp MI30T*F - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Bradford-White Corp MI30T*F you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Bradford-White Corp MI30T*F will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Bradford-White Corp MI30T*F, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Bradford-White Corp MI30T*F.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Bradford-White Corp MI30T*F. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Bradford-White Corp MI30T*F along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center