Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product 250SX NG Bosch Appliances
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MOD EL 2 50S X N G a nd 2 50SX L P T emperature Modulat ed wit h Elect ronic Ignition Suit able for heating pot able wat er only Not approved for space heat ing purpose s (Intende d for varia ble flow applicatio ns with multipl e tapping poin ts) 250 SX NG 250 SX LP 6 720 607 057 US (04.
6 720 607 057 2 Index Index 1W a r n i n g 2 2 Appliance details 4 2.1 Features 4 2.2 250 SX Specif ications (Tech nical data ) 4 2.3 Dimensions an d Minimum installation clearances 6 2.4 Genera l rules to follow for safe op eration 7 2.5 Proper location for installing your heater 7 2.
6 720 607 057 Warning 3 What t o do i f you s mell gas • Clos e gas val ve. Open windows. • Do not tr y to light any ap pliance. • Do n ot touch any e lectrical s witch; do not us e any phone in your bu ilding . • I mm ed ia te ly c al l y ou r g as su pp l ie r f ro m a ne ig hb o r’ s phone.
6 720 607 057 4 Applia nce deta ils 2 Applianc e details 2.1 Featur es Parts • Tou ch Pad i nterfa ce contro l • High power pre-mix compact burner with low Nox emissions • Modulating Gas Valve with constant gas:a ir ratio contr ol • Modulating water valve for improved c omfort and tempe rature contro l.
6 720 607 057 App lianc e de tails 5 • Minim um recomme nded wate r pressure : 30 PSI (2.07 bar) • Connecti ons: – Bottom of heater Comb ust ion •N O x ≤ 55 ppm •C O ≤ 250 ppm •C O 2 level set from fa ctory, see ch apter 9.
6 720 607 057 6 Applia nce deta ils 2.3 Dimension s and Minimum in stallation clear ances Fig. 5 Dimension s 1 Cover 2 On/Off switch 3 Rese t butto n 4 LCD di splay 5 Program bu tton 6 Temperature buttons Fig.
6 720 607 057 App lianc e de tails 7 2 . 4 G e n e r a l r u l e s t o f o l l o w f o r s a f e operatio n B 1. You should follow these instr uctions when you instal l your hea ter.
6 720 607 057 8 Applia nce deta ils 2.6 Cleara nces The 250 S X is design certified for i nstallation on a combus tible w all (see 2 .7 M ounting ins tallation) provid ed the floor cover ing bel ow the heate r is noncom bustible.
6 720 607 057 App lianc e de tails 9 – b) In unconfi ned spaces in bu ildings o f convent ional frame, mas onry, or metal const ructio n, infilt rati on air is normal ly adequate to provide air for combustion.
6 720 607 057 10 Applia nce deta ils The maximum flue gas exhaust temperature on the 250 SX is 437°F (225° C) Venting Optio ns Exhaust vent diameter and material * Exhaust ven t max imum length * Ex.
6 720 607 057 App lianc e de tails 11 The applia nce s hould be locat ed as close to the poi nt of terminati on as possibl e. The maxi mum v ent length is 26 feet ( 8 m) with one 90 degr ee elbow.
6 720 607 057 12 Applia nce deta ils Room s ealed installa tion (TWIN PIPE SYSTEM) Fig. 12 Combus tion air pip e: ≤ 26 ft (8 m ) Exha ust ve nt pipe : ≤ 26 f t (8 m ) I f t h e t o t a l h o r iz o n t a l e x h a u s t v e n t l e n g t h i n a s i d e w a l l installa tion is gr eater than o r equal to 5 f eet (1.
6 720 607 057 App lianc e de tails 13 Recomm ended exh aust vent t erminator pos ition Fig. 16 * Subject to local c odes and anticipated sn ow level ** Other equipment t hat operate s with a me chanical ai r inlet may require grea ter dista nces, refere nce manufact urer's instruc tio ns Ref.
6 720 607 057 14 Applia nce deta ils Supportin g the exha ust vent sys tem and th e use of an external condensate trap Extern al cond ensate tr aps B A condensat e trap must be used in any sidewall exha ust vent in stallatio ns when the tota l vent len gth is ≥ 5 ft (1.
6 720 607 057 App lianc e de tails 15 A co ndensate drai n tu be must be attach ed to t he exhau st collar of t he heater for any vertica lly e xhaust ed vents, see p age 14.
6 720 607 057 16 Applia nce deta ils FOR NA TU RAL GAS Maximu m Capacity of pipe i n Cubic Feet of Gas per Hour for Gas Pres sure of 0.5 Psig or less and a Pressure dr op of 0. 3 in Water Col umn (0 .75mbar ).(Bas ed on a 0 .60 Speci fic Grav ity G as) Btu number s given i n thou sands.
6 720 607 057 App lianc e de tails 17 2.11 Gas line sizing B It is strongl y recomme nded that the Natu ral Gas pipe be B lack Iron pipe th e entire dista nce from the outside met er to the inlet of th e gas connecti on. ¾” B l a c k I r o n p i p e u p t o 2 0 f e e t ( 6 .
6 720 607 057 18 Applia nce deta ils 2.13 Water con nections W h e n f a c i n g t h e h e a t e r , t h e ¾ ” c o l d w a t e r i n l e t i s o n t h e b o t to m r ig h t a n d th e h o t wa t e r o u t l e t i s o n t h e b o t t o m left .
6 720 607 057 App lianc e de tails 19 2.14 Ele ctrical connections The 250 SX requires an ele ctrical p ower su pply from a 120VAC 60Hz ci rcuit and mu st be p roperly grounde d. A means f or switch ing of f the 120VAC power supply must be provided. The heate r is wired as shown in the wiring diag ram (chapter 6, Fi g.
6 720 607 057 20 Applia nce deta ils When the heater is i n operat ion you will hear its power vent fan a nd burne r operatin g. Upo n turning off the h ot water flow the power v ent fan w ill cont inue to op erate for up to 60 seconds to exha ust all flue ga ses.
6 720 607 057 Operat ion instructi ons 21 3 Operation in structions Fig. 26 1 On/O ff switch 2 Reset butt on 3 Progr am Key 4 Increasing temperat ure selecto r 5 Decreasing temperat ure selecto r 6 LCD displ ay 3.1 Power On B T o sta rt the a ppliance switch the bu tton to pos ition ( I ).
6 720 607 057 22 Operat ion in stru ctions Setti ng th e wat er tem perat ure The desired t emperat ure o f the hot wat er can be adju sted on the front control panel of the heate r.
6 720 607 057 Operat ion instructi ons 23 3.3 Use of remote contro l accessory Fig. 30 R emote control The wireless remot e cont rol a ccessory and the tempera ture sel ector b uttons o n th e front o f the wa ter heate r operate i dentica lly. Cont act your distri butor or CEC to o rder if the remote control acces sory is prefer red.
6 720 607 057 24 Maint enance a nd se rvice 4 Maintenance and service The unit shoul d be checked o nce a year by a gas technic ian. If re pairs are needed, the repairs sho uld be done b y a gas technicia n To r emove front cov er B R e m o v e p l a s t i c d e c a l s o n f r o n t p a n e l ( P a g e 5 , F i g .
6 720 607 057 Troubleshooting 25 Test by following 4th bullet under BURNERS DO NOT IGNITE WHEN HOT WATER IS TURNED O N. LOW WATER FLOW/PRESSURE • T o o m a n y h o t w a t e r a p p l i c a t i o n s a r e b e i n g us ed si mul ta ne ous ly or too mu ch flo w i s b ei ng demande d The 250 SX will effect ively sup port two 2.
6 720 607 057 26 Troubleshooting Display Cause Solution E9 Temperature limiter opened circuit (overheat). Trips at 220F ( 104C). Check connections.* Check heat exchanger condition.* EA No i onization during safety t ime (safety time out) . Note: appliance makes 3 ignition attempts before entering error mode “EA”.
6 720 607 057 Electr ical di agram 27 6 Electrical d iagram Fig. 36 Electrical scheme 1 Intlet water temp erature sensor 2 Ioniz ation s ensor 3 Water flow sensor 4 Over heat protect ion 5 Temperature.
6 720 607 057 28 250 SX Functiona l scheme 7 250 SX Functional s cheme Fig. 37 Func tional scheme.
6 720 607 057 Inte rior comp onent s dia gram a nd par ts li st 29 8 Interior components diagram and parts list 8.1 Interi or componen ts Fig. 38 C omponents 1 Cover 2 On/O ff switch 3 Reset butt on 4.
6 720 607 057 30 Inte rior com ponent s diagr am an d parts lis t 8.2 Comp onents diagram Fig. 40 Comp onents Diagram.
6 720 607 057 Inte rior comp onent s dia gram a nd par ts li st 31 8.3 Parts list Item Descri ption Ref erence 1 Front cover 8 705 42 1 83 7 2 Shield 8 7 05 506 66 1 3 Heat exc hanger 8 7 05 406 285 4.
6 720 607 057 32 Specia l adjustm ent for mea suring and adjusting CO2 level s 9 Special adj ustment for measuring and adjus ting CO 2 levels The CO 2 can only be adjusted by a certi fied gas techni cian wit h a cali brated CO 2 ana lyzer. 9.1 Adjust ing the unit Fact ory settings of this applian ce are listed in table 7.
6 720 607 057 Specia l adjustmen t for measuring and ad justing CO2 lev els 33 Fig. 43 Adjusting Leave “Pr ogram” mode B Turn ON/OFF switch in positi on OFF and then ON again . i NOTE: turn ing screw clockwise decreases CO 2 lev el, tur ning coun tercl ockwis e inc reases it.
6 720 607 057 34 Protect ing the environme nt 10 Protect ing the envir onment Packin g Th e pa ck ing b ox may be ful ly rec yc le d as co nfi rme d by the rec ycling symbol . Component s Many parts in the heater can be full y recycle d in the end o f t h e p r o d u c t l i f e .
6 720 607 057 Twel ve Year L imited Wa rranty 35 11 Twelve Year Limited Warranty Gene ral Aquasta r wate r heaters are warra nted by the Manufa cturer (BOSCH) through Cont rolle d Energy Corp.
Replacemen t Parts available from North American Distributo r CONT RO L LED E NE RG Y CORP . 340 Mad Ri ver Park W aitsf ield, V er mont 0567 3 Phone 800-642- 3 1 1 1 Fax (802) 496-6924 www .cont tec hsupport@controll edenergy .com VU L C ANO T ermodoméstic os S.
An important point after buying a device Bosch Appliances 250SX NG (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Bosch Appliances 250SX NG yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Bosch Appliances 250SX NG - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Bosch Appliances 250SX NG you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Bosch Appliances 250SX NG will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Bosch Appliances 250SX NG, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Bosch Appliances 250SX NG.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Bosch Appliances 250SX NG. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Bosch Appliances 250SX NG along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center