Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product E42A ACTi
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Bullet Camera Series Hardware Manual D41, D42, E41, E42, E43 E41A, E42A, E43A V er . 2013/ 12 / 25.
w w w .a ct i. co m Hardware Manual 2 T able of Con tents Precautions 4 Safety Instructions ........................................................................... 6 Introduction 7 List of Models ...................................................
w w w .a ct i. co m Hardware Manual 3 Attach the Sunshield ...................................................................... 33 A ppendix 34 How to Make an Ethernet Cable .
w w w .a ct i. co m Hardware Manual 4 Precautions Read these instru ctions Y ou sho uld read all the saf ety and operating instructi ons before usi ng this produc t. Heed all warnings Y ou m ust adhere to all the warnings on the prod uct and in the instruct ion manual.
w w w .a ct i. co m Hardware Manual 5 Federal Communic ations Commission Statement This equipm ent has been tested and foun d to com ply with the limi ts f or a class B digital device , pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide r easonable protection a gainst harmf ul interf erence in a residential installation.
w w w .a ct i. co m Hardware Manual 6 Safety Instructions Don’t open the housing of the product Cleaning Disconnect this video prod uct from the power supply before cleani ng. Attachments Do not use attachm ents not recom mended by the video prod uct manuf acturer as they ma y cause hazards.
w w w .a ct i. co m Hardware Manual 7 In troduction List of Models This hardware m anual contains the fol lowing models : D41 1MP Bullet with D/N, I R, Vari- focal lens D42 3MP Bullet with D/N, I R, V.
w w w .a ct i. co m Hardware Manual 8 Package Contents Bullet Camera Sunshield Conduit Gland Mounting Scre w Kit Sunshield Scre w Kit Quick Installation Gui de Bracket Bracket Plate W arranty Card.
w w w .a ct i. co m Hardware Manual 9 Physical Descri ption 1) Reset Button Use the Reset Butt on to reset the cam era to its fac tory default settings. W hile the cam era is powered on, press an d hold the Reset button for 5 sec onds or until the Po wer LED lights up.
w w w .a ct i. co m Hardware Manual 10 In stallation Procedures Mount the Camera Using the Bundled Bracket 1. Mark the location of the three (3) sc rew holes using th e bracket plate inclu ded in the package. NOTE: Depending on the surface where y ou will install the cam era, it ma y be necessary to drill the holes and use the supp lied screw tox.
w w w .a ct i. co m Hardware Manual 11 4. Depending on ho w you want to install the c amera, attach the cam era to the brac ket through one of the two (2) holes below: If the cam era will be installed.
w w w .a ct i. co m Hardware Manual 12 6. Connect an Ethernet c able from the network side to the Etherne t port of the cam era to complete the installati on.
w w w .a ct i. co m Hardware Manual 13 Other Mounting Options In areas with fierc e weather conditions, th e light bundled brac ket can be replac ed by a heav y duty outdoor brack et combined with additional m ounting access ories. Below are the optiona l mounting acces sories that you can use with the cam era.
w w w .a ct i. co m Hardware Manual 14 W aterpro of Cable Installati on The camera and the pre-installed n etwork c able are resistant t o salt water , weak acid, alcohol, oil, grease and ot her common solve nts.
w w w .a ct i. co m Hardware Manual 15 Step 1: Remove the Pre- installed Network Cable (“Pigtail”) 1. Loosen the three (3) screws to detach the bac k cover . NOTE: A cable is connecte d inside the c amera; do not abruptl y pull the back cover . 2.
w w w .a ct i. co m Hardware Manual 16 Step 2: Prepare the Conduit Gland and Flex Conduit 1. Disass em ble the bundled c onduit gland as s hown below . 2. Pull the Ethernet ca ble through the flex conduit. 3. Insert the clam ping nut through the flex c onduit.
w w w .a ct i. co m Hardware Manual 17 4. Insert the sealing ins ert and attach it at the end of the f lex conduit. Step 3: Install the Ethernet Cable 1. Insert the bod y (A) to the bac k cover and secure it with the lock nut (B). 2. Insert the Ethernet cable through the back cover and t hen align the sealin g insert to the gland bod y .
w w w .a ct i. co m Hardware Manual 18 3. Secure the clam ping nut to the bod y . Step 4 : Connect the Ethernet Cable 1. Connect the Etherne t cable to the Ethernet port i nside the cam era. 2. W hen done, close the back cover b y tightening the three (3) sc rews.
w w w .a ct i. co m Hardware Manual 19 Replace the Pre -Installed Netw ork Cable The pre-installed n etwork cable c omes with an Ethern et port (fem ale connector), or k nown as a “pigtail”. The length of the c able is around 14 ~ 35 c m (varies by model).
w w w .a ct i. co m Hardware Manual 20 Step 1: Remove the Pre- installed Network Cable (“Pigtail”) 1. Loosen the three (3) screws to detach the b ack c over . NOTE: A cable is connecte d inside the cam era; do not abruptl y pull the back c over . 2.
w w w .a ct i. co m Hardware Manual 21 Step 2: Install the New Ethernet Cable 1. Insert the new Ethern et cable through the sealing n ut, claw , se al, and cable gland of the back cover . 2. Attach the RJ- 45 connector to th e Ethernet cable . See Ho w to Make an Ethernet Cable on page 34 for more inform ation.
w w w .a ct i. co m Hardware Manual 22 5. Ti ghten the sealing nut. NOTES on using Eth ernet cable s: W hen replacing the pre- installed network cable, it is recommended to use exterior-grade Et herne.
w w w .a ct i. co m Hardware Manual 23 Basic Connections T o connect the cam era, you need to pre pare the f ollowing: Power over Ethernet (P oE) supported s witch (to connect m ultiple cameras) o.
w w w .a ct i. co m Hardware Manual 24 Connecting Multiple Cameras T o connect m ultiple cameras, use a Po E switch . 1. Connect the c amera( s) to the PoE s witch using Et hernet cables. 2. Connect the PoE s witch to a network and an AC p ower source.
w w w .a ct i. co m Hardware Manual 25 Access ing the Camera Configure the IP A ddresses In order to be able to communicate with the camera from y our PC, both the camera and the PC have to be within th e sam e network segment.
w w w .a ct i. co m Hardware Manual 26 launch t he default browser of th e PC wi th the IP address of the t arget camera filled i n the address bar of the bro wser already . If you work w ith our cam eras regularl y , t hen t here is ev en a better w ay to discover the cameras in the network – by using IP Utility .
w w w .a ct i. co m Hardware Manual 27 Us ing the Default Camera IP A ddress If there is no DHCP server in the given network, the user ma y have to assign the IP addresses to both PC and cam era m anually to make sure the y are in the sam e network s egment.
w w w .a ct i. co m Hardware Manual 28 Manually adjust the I P addresses of multiple came ras: If there are m ore than 1 c am era to be used i n the sam e local area network and there is n o DHCP server to ass ign unique IP addresses to each of them, all of the cam eras would the n have the i nitial IP address of 192.
w w w .a ct i. co m Hardware Manual 29 Access the Ca mera Now that the cam era and the PC are bot h having their unique IP addresses and are und er the same network segm ent, it is possible to use the Web browser of the PC to access the camera.
w w w .a ct i. co m Hardware Manual 30 The follow ing exampl es in this manual a re based on Internet Explore r b rowser in o rder to cover all functions of t he camera.
w w w .a ct i. co m Hardware Manual 31 T o check the firmware version through the Web Configurator , access the Setup page and click System > S ystem Info .
w w w .a ct i. co m Hardware Manual 32 Other Adjustments and Accessor ies Adjust the Vie wing A ngle 1. Open the front cover . 2. Based on the live vie w from the cam era, adjust the focal len gth and focus of the t arget area. 3. W hen done, close the front cover .
w w w .a ct i. co m Hardware Manual 33 Attach the Sunshield The use of sunshie ld is optional if the c amera will be ins talled indoors. However , if the cam era will be installed outdoors, attach the sunshield to protect the lens from all types of weather and lighting conditions.
w w w .a ct i. co m Hardware Manual 34 Appendix How to Make an Ethernet Cable 1. Prepare the follo wing tools: Ethernet cable without connectors RJ - 45 Connector (x 2) RJ45 Crimping T ool Scissors 2. Cut about 1 inch into the plastic sheath fr om the end of the cable.
34 Chapter 2 Using W indow s Scr een A t a Gla nc e Desk top Thi s pro vides s imil ar functi on s t o th os e pro vided b y the de sktop in p rio r Wind o ws 8 v ersio n s. 3 4 2 2 1 1 Desk top R efer s to t he Desktop . 2 Dis pla ying the Charms The C ha rm s is h idden a t the rig ht of t he scre en.
34 35 Chapter 2 Using W indow s The C ha rm s i s a new type of me nu t ha t com bi nes t he St art menu wit h the C on trol P anel o f exi sti ng Wi ndo ws. The C ha rm s al lows y ou to q uic kly c on gu re t he devi c e( s ) c on nected t o y ou r c omp ut er , sea rc h for Ap p( s ) / le( s ) , and u se the sh ar in g fun ction , et c.
36 37 Chapter 2 Using W indow s U si ng Ap p s An A pp r efer s to a n appl ica tion p rog ram ( here after r efe rred t o as an App ) . In a l ar ger s en se , it r efe rs t o al l th e soft war e pr ogr am s in stall ed on t he oper at in g syst em.
42 Chapter 2 Using W indow s Wi nd o ws H ot K e y F un c tion Y ou ca n us e the f ol lo wi ng c on ve ni en t hot k ey s in Wi ndow s. F unct ion Hot K e ys F unc tion Descr iptio n Displa ying the S tart Screen Wind ow s K e y S wit ches t o St art mode.
44 45 Chapter 2 Using W indow s U si ng a T ou ch S cree n (T ouch screen model s only ) T ouch Opera tion F unction Descr iption T ouc hin g sli gh tly ( Clicking) Sl ig ht ly pre ss w it h yo ur nge r to s elect an it em. ( If y ou sl igh tl y to uc h a spec ic m en u, op ti on, a ppl icat ion i c on, et c.
50 Chapter 2 Using W indow s U si ng a T ou ch S cree n (T ouch screen model s only ) Note fo r Usi ng the T ouch Scr een When u sin g the t ouc h scr een, ma k e s ur e to k eep y our h ands • cl ea n an d dr y .
52 Chapter 3. Using the c omputer Key b o a r d Sh ortcu t k ey f uncti on s an d pr oc edu re s ar e dis cu ssed in t he foll o win g sectio ns . The k ey boar d im age m a y dier f rom t he actual k eyboa rd . • The k ey boar d ma y di er de pend ing o n yo ur c oun try .
52 53 Chapter 3. Using the c omputer Key b o a r d Sho rtcut K ey s Name F unction Set tings The Sa ms ung so f t war e con trol pr ogram , the Settings , is la unch ed.
54 Chapter 3. Using the c omputer Key b o a r d Other F unc tion K ey s ( Optional ) P er form s th e rig h t - cl ic k mou se functi on ( to uch pad) . • + If y ou pr es s the • F n Lock ke y , yo u ca n use t he hot k ey fun ction s wit hout pr es sin g the Fn k e y.
54 55 Chapter 3. Using the c omputer To u c h p a d The t ouc hpad pr ovid es t he sa me fun ction a s a mous e and t he lef t an d rig h t butto ns o f the t ouc hp ad pl a ys t he r ole o f th e lef t an d rig ht butto n s of a mo us e. T ouc h the t ouc hpa d wit h you r ng ers on ly .
56 Chapter 3. Using the c omputer Righ t Button F unction Thi s cor re spo nd s to c lic kin g the r ig ht m ou se bu t t on. P re ss t he righ t tou ch pad b utton o nc e . The c orr espon di ng pop-up menu ap p ears . Click Dra g F unction Drag gi ng r efe rs t o mo vi ng an i t em t o anot her pla c e after s electi ng it.
56 57 Chapter 3. Using the c omputer The Scr oll F unction Thi s functio n is t he same a s th e sc rol l are a of t he T ouch pad . If y ou pl ac e t wo nge rs ov er th e T ouc hpad an d mo v e th em u p , do wn, l ef t or ri gh t, the sc ree n i s scr olled u p , do wn, l ef t or ri gh t accordingly .
58 59 Chapter 3. Using the c omputer Thi s com pute r su ppor ts an extern al U SB C D -ROM dr iv e ( can be additionall y purchased). Ch eck i f th e in terface type of t he ex t ern al C D -ROM dr iv e i s a U SB t ype. F or deta il ed spec i cat ion s, re fer t o the ca tal og.
60 Chapter 3. Using the c omputer Inserting a nd E jecting a CD 1 P re ss t he Ejec t but to n of t he C D driv e. S tatu s In di cat or E ject Butto n E mer gen c y Hole 2 When t he CD t ra y opens , in ser t a CD o r D VD an d pu sh t he tra y in u nt il it c li cks.
66 67 Chapter 3. Using the c omputer A d ju sti ng the V o lu me Y ou ca n ad ju st the v olu me us in g the k eyboa rd an d the v olu me c on tr ol prog ram . Ad justin g the V ol ume usi ng the K eybo ard + o r + Alt erna ti vel y , pr ess t he + k ey c ombi nat ion t o tu rn th e vol ume on or o .
68 Chapter 3. Using the c omputer Us ing So undA liv e ( Optional ) The Sou ndAl ive fu nction e na bles y ou to ex perie nc e more st ereo phon ic so und u sing s ter eo spea ke rs. The so f t war e prog ram s pro vid er ma y var y , depend ing o n • yo ur c omput er model .
70 71 Chapter 3. Using the c omputer Wi red Netw or k A wi red netwo rk i s a networ k en viro nme nt u sed fo r a co mpa n y netwo rk or br oad band i nt ernet c onn ec tio n at h ome . Y ou can u se wir ed L AN b y usi ng th e L AN a dap te r ( Opt ion al) .
72 73 Chapter 3. Using the c omputer Wi red Netw or k 6 C on gur e the IP se t ti ng s. When u sin g DHC P , select Obtain an IP a ddress automatically . T o us e a stat ic IP a ddr ess, s elect Use the follo wing IP addres s , and s et th e IP add re ss m an ual ly .
74 Chapter 3. Using the c omputer Wi red Netw or k W ake On LAN acti vat ed by Ping i s not s upported. When c onnect ed to a 1 00Mbps/ 1 Gbps w ir ed L AN a nd th e c ompu te r exits S leep /hibern ati on mode , a messa ge appe ars in form in g you o f a c onnecti on t o a 1 0Mb ps/ 1 0 0Mbps wi red LAN.
74 75 Chapter 3. Using the c omputer A wi rele ss n et w ork (Wir eles s L AN ) en vir onme nt i s a network en vir onme nt t hat e nab les c ommu nica ti on between m ul ti ple c omp ut ers at h ome or a s mal l-si ze o ce t hr oug h wir eles s L AN devices.
78 Chapter 3. Using the c omputer U sin g the T P M Sec ur ity De vi c e ( O pt ional) A TP M ( T rust ed Pla t form Mod ule ) secu rit y de vic e is a sec uri t y sol ut ion t ha t pro tects y our pers ona l in form ati on by sa vin g th e use r aut hent icat ion da ta on t he TP M chi p insta lled on t he com puter .
78 79 Chapter 3. Using the c omputer Ini tializi ng the TP M chip When y ou use t he TP M functi on fo r the rst ti me or y ou wa nt t o reg ist er the u ser aga in, y ou ha v e to i ni ti ali ze the TP M ch ip. In it ial izin g the TP M ch ip era ses a ll a uth en tic at ion • in form at ion sa ved o n the TP M ch ip.
80 81 Chapter 3. Using the c omputer U sin g the T P M Sec ur ity De vi c e ( O pt ional) Regi steri ng the TP M progr am 1 On th e St ar t scree n, c li ck t he bottom-left ic on , an d then c lic k Inneon Secur ity Platform So lution > Secur ity Platform Man agmen t > User Settings .
82 83 Chapter 3. Using the c omputer U sin g the T P M Sec ur ity De vi c e ( O pt ional) 4 Y ou wi ll be a ble t o c on rm th at t he col or of t he fol der ( l e ) na me in t he encrypted f old er ha s been c han ged t o gree n. Openin g an encrypted folder ( le ) 1 Dou ble- cli ck a n enc r ypt ed fold er ( le ) .
An important point after buying a device ACTi E42A (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought ACTi E42A yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data ACTi E42A - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, ACTi E42A you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get ACTi E42A will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of ACTi E42A, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime ACTi E42A.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with ACTi E42A. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device ACTi E42A along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center