Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product Interface Converter, 4-Port Black Box
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B L A C K B O X ® C o n n e ct up to fo u r D B 9 s er i a l d e v i c e s to a USB por t . Configurable via software; no jumpers or switches to set. USB to RS-232/422/485 Interface Converter , 4-Port Or de r to ll -fr ee i n th e U.S . : Ca ll 87 7- 87 7- BB OX ( ou t sid e U.
Page 3 724-746-5500 | NOM Stat ement 4. T odas las instrucciones de operación y uso deben ser seguidas. 5. El aparato eléctrico no deberá ser usado cer ca del agua—por ejemplo, cer ca de la tina de baño, lavabo, sótano mojado o cerca de una alber ca, etc.
Page 4 724-746-5500 | NOM Stat ement 16. El cable de corriente deberá ser desconectado del cuando el equipo no sea usado por un largo periodo de tiempo. 17. Cuidado debe ser tomado de tal manera que objectos liquidos no sean derramados sobr e la cubierta u orificios de ventilación.
Page 5 724-746-5500 | T rademark s Us ed in this Manual T rademar ks U se d in this Manual Black Box and the Double Diamond logo are r egistered trademarks of BB T echnologies, Inc. Windows and W indows V ista are r egistered trademarks of Micr osoft Corporation.
Page 6 724-746-5500 | T able of Content s T able of Content s 1 . Sp ecifications ........................................................................................ 7 2 . O verv iew ..................................................
Page 7 724-746-5500 | Chapter 1: S pecifications 1 . Spe cifications Inter face — (4) RS- 2 3 2/4 2 2/48 5 s er i a l po rts , ( 1 ) U S B Maximum Dat a Rate — Up t o 9 2 1 .
Page 8 724-746-5500 | Chap ter 2 : O ve r v iew 2. Ove r view 2. 1 Introdu c tion The USB to Mul ti RS - 23 2/42 2/ 485 Int erf ac e C on ve rte r ( IC 29 2A) pr ov id es an ea sy wa y t o c on nect up to fo ur DB9 ser ia l de vic es to a si ng le U SB port.
Page 9 724-746-5500 | Chap ter 2 : O ve r v iew 2. 3 What ’s Included The in te rf ac e co n ve rte r sh ip s wi th t he f ol lo wi ng it em s. If an y of the se i te ms is mi ss in g or dam aged , c on tact Bla ck Bo x T ech nica l S up port a t 72 4- 7 46 -5 500 or info @ blackb ox.
Page 10 724-746-5500 | Chap ter 2 : O ve r v iew 2.5 Hard ware Des cription Fi gu r es 2 - 1 an d 2 - 2 sh ow the fr on t an d ba ck pan el s of the IC2 92 A. T abl e 2 - 1 describes its components. 1 2 3 4 Fi gu r e 2 - 1 . Fr on t pa ne l: 4-port in t erf ac e c on ve rte r ( IC2 92 A).
Page 11 724-746-5500 | Chapter 3 : Ins talla tion and Config urat ion 3. Ins t allation and Configuration 3. 1 Sof t ware In s tallation Win dows 98 / ME/ 200 0 / XP / Vista Opera ti ng S ystems 1 . S tart Win do ws. 2 . In se rt the inc l ude d so ftwar e C D in to yo ur CD/ DVD d riv e .
Page 12 724-746-5500 | Chapter 3 : Ins talla tion and Confi gurat ion 2 . Wi n dows wil l sho w a wa rn in g me ssa ge th a t th e ha rd wa re ha s no t pa ssed Windows log o testing.
Page 13 724-746-5500 | Chapter 3 : Ins talla tion and Config urat ion Figure 3- 1 . Device Manager screen. 3.4 Hard ware Configuration 3.4 . 1 Elec trical Inter face Mode S elec tion The in te rf ac e co n ve rte r off ers RS- 23 2, RS- 42 2 , an d RS- 485 ( fu ll- an d ha lf -dup lex) mod es.
Page 14 724-746-5500 | Chapter 3 : Ins talla tion and Confi gurat ion Figure 3-2 . Inter face set tings. 4. Sel ect th e app r opr ia t e el ectri ca l in terf ac e f or you r ap pl ic at ion an d cl ic k on “ O K .” NO TE: T he el ectr ic al in te rfac e se tti ng s ar e ma i nt a in ed ac ro ss m ul ti pl e co mp ut ers.
Page 15 724-746-5500 | Chapter 3 : Ins talla tion and Config urat ion T able 3- 1 . Pull-up and pull- down resis tor s et ting s. Mode PU S et t ing P D Se t ti ng R S -2 32 A lw ays of f Al way s of f RS - 422 A lway s of f Alw ays of f RS - 4 85 A lwa ys on Al way s o n 3.
Page 16 724-746-5500 | Chapter 3 : Ins talla tion and Confi gurat ion 3.4 .4 Echo The RS - 485 “E c ho ” is the res u lt o f c on necti ng th e re ce iv er inp uts to t he tr a ns mi tte r ou tp uts. Eac h ti me a ch ar act er is tr ans m itt ed , it is a lso rec ei ve d.
Page 17 724-746-5500 | Chapter 3 : Ins talla tion and Config urat ion • E N [ab le] (Gr ee n) – Li gh ts wh en t he h ub is pr oper ly po we re d th r ou gh t he U SB por t and commun ication bet ween the d evice and hos t has b een enabled.
Page 18 724-746-5500 | App endix A : T roubleshoo ting App endix A . T rouble shoo ting A . 1 T rouble sho oting Tips The adapter should provide years of trouble -free ser vice. However , if it appears to be f un ctio ni ng in c orr ectl y , th e f ol lo win g t ip s can el im in a te most com mo n problems.
Page 19 724-746-5500 | App endix A : T roubleshoo ting Figur e A- 1 . Port informat ion tab. • C li ck the “Se tti ng s ” butt on to open the C OM3 Pr op erti es me nu . C ha ng e yo ur paramet ers to 9 60 0 bit s per se cond, 8 data bit s, no parity , 1 stop bit, and no flow control, as pic tured in Figure A - 2.
Page 20 724-746-5500 | App endix A : T roubleshoo ting • C lick “ A pply” and “OK. ” • Se lect the “BE RT ” tab an d wit h th e loo pb ac k co nn ecte d t o th e port y ou w an t t o te st, cli ck on th e “ S tart” b utt on .
Page 21 724-746-5500 | App endix A : T roubleshoo ting Figure A - 4. Calculate d dat a rate. • Y ou ca n c on ti n ue t est in g th is port wi th diff ere nt co nf ig u ra ti on s or pro ce ed wi th testing other por ts, if necess ar y .
Page 22 724-746-5500 | App endix A : T roubleshoo ting A . 2 Shipping an d Packaging If y ou need to t ra ns po rt or sh ip yo ur USB to 4 - Po rt RS - 23 2/42 2/ 485 Int erf ac e C onverter: • Package it carefully . We recommend that you use the original container .
Page 23 724-746-5500 | Appe ndix B : Elec trical Inter faces App endix B . Elec trical Inter face s The IC2 92A co nn ects to a si ng le USB port an d pr ov id es ei gh t RS - 2 3 2/ 4 22/485 so ftwar e c on fi gu r ab le se ri al ports. Th e IC2 92 A us es h ig h-spe ed U SB/ U ART s wit h 1 28-byt e T X FIFOs an d 384-byte RX FIFOs.
Page 24 724-746-5500 | Appe ndix B : Elec trical Inter faces RS - 42 2 and R S - 4 85 four-wire ( DB9 male ) Figure B - 2. DB9 male connector . T able B- 2 . RS- 4 22 and RS- 485 (DB9 m al e c on nect or pin ou t). Pin N um be r Signal 1 RX+ 2 R X- 3 TX+ 4 T X- 5 GND 6 9 NOTE: Pins 6 –9 are not connec ted.
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An important point after buying a device Black Box Black Box Interface Converter, 4-Port (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Black Box Black Box Interface Converter, 4-Port yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Black Box Black Box Interface Converter, 4-Port - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Black Box Black Box Interface Converter, 4-Port you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Black Box Black Box Interface Converter, 4-Port will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Black Box Black Box Interface Converter, 4-Port, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Black Box Black Box Interface Converter, 4-Port.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Black Box Black Box Interface Converter, 4-Port. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Black Box Black Box Interface Converter, 4-Port along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center