Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product 8-/16-/24-Port 10/100 PoE PSE Web Smart Switch Black Box
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8-/16-/24-Port 10/1 00 PoE P SE Web S mart Switch Connect VoIP phone s, IP c a meras , o r a ny Po E PD dev i ces th rough ma na geab l e, switched l in ks. Complie s with 802.a f Po wer-ove r Etherne t s tanda r d. Suppo rts W eb-bas ed configu ration and manage m e nt .
8- /16 -/24-Port 10/10 0 PoE PSE Web S ma rt Swit c h 724-746- 5500 l w w bo m 2 Fe der al Com m un icat ions Co m m i s si o n and I ndu st r y C anada Radi o F re quenc y I n te r fe re.
NOM St ate m ent an d CE Di recti ve 72 4-746-5 500 l m 3 No r m a s O fi ciale s Me x ic ana s (NO M ) E lec tr i cal S af et y S ta tem ent IN S TRUCCI ON ES D E S EG URI D AD 1. T odas las i nstrucciones de s eguridad y operació n deberán s er le ídas ant es de que el apar ato eléc tri co sea operado .
8- /16 -/24-Port 10/10 0 PoE PSE Web S ma rt Swit c h 724-7 46- 5500 l w w ackbo m 4 Tab le of Conte nt s 1. Spe c i fic a tio n s ............................................................................................................ .
Tabl e of C ont ent s 72 4-746-5 500 l m 5 4.8 Spann ing Tree ...................................................................................................................................................... 36 4.8. 1 ST P Br idg e S et ting .
8- /16 -/24-Port 10/10 0 PoE PSE Web S ma rt Swit c h 724-7 46- 5500 l w w ackbo m 6 1. Sp ecificati o n s Hardware S pecifi cat ion s B uf fer Memor y: L PB708A , LPB716 A: E mbedded 1625 K bits frame buffer; LPB724A : 2750 K bi ts Certif i ca tions: F C C C l as s A , CE Flow Con tro l: I EEE802 .
Chapter 1 : Specifications 72 4-746-5 500 l m 7 Ma nagem ent Sof tware Speci ficatio ns Backup/Recovery Co nfiguration IGMP Snooping : V1/V 2 Port Management : Port Configuration, P o.
8- /16 -/24-Port 10/10 0 PoE PSE Web S ma rt Swit c h 724-7 46- 5500 l w w ackbo m 8 2. O ve r view 2.1 Introdu ctio n LPB708A /LPB716A/LP B724A, is a sta ndard 8-P ort/16-Port/24-Por t 10/100 PoE P SE Web Smar t Sw it ch that mee ts all IEEE 8 0 2.
Chapte r 2 : Overvi ew 72 4-746-5 500 l m 9 LED Indicat ors LED Indicat ors AC Po w e r Inp u t 24 RJ-45 TP Por ts 2 Combo UTP/SFP Por ts LED Indicat ors 8 RJ-45 TP p orts 2. 4 F ro nt and B ac k P anel s 2. 4. 1 F ro n t P anel LPB708A .
8- /16 -/24-Port 10/10 0 PoE PSE Web S ma rt Swit c h 724-7 46- 5500 l w w ackbo m 10 2.5 LED Ind icator s Figure 2-3. L ED Indicat ors. LPB716A LPB724A LPB708A.
Chapte r 2 : Overvi ew 72 4-746-5 500 l m 11 Table 2-1 . LED des criptions . LED Color Function Systems LED ( All models) Power Green Lit when power is on Reset Used to re stor e mana.
8- /16 -/24-Port 10/10 0 PoE PSE Web S ma rt Swit c h 724-7 46- 5500 l w w ackbo m 12 3. Installation 3. 1 Ha rdwa re and Cable Ins talla tion CAUTION: Wear a grounding device to avoid da mage from electrostatic d ischarge. Be sure that the power s witch is OFF before you co nnect the power cord to the p ower source.
Chapte r 3: In stall ation 72 4-746-5 500 l m 13 3.1.3 Pow er On The sw it ch suppor ts a 100-2 40 VAC, 50-6 0 Hz power s upply. Th e power s upply w ill au tomati cally co nvert the l ocal AC power source to DC power . It does not matter whether any connec tion is plugg ed into the s witch or not whe n powering on.
8- /16 -/24-Port 10/10 0 PoE PSE Web S ma rt Swit c h 724-7 46- 5500 l w w ackbo m 14 3. 4 S wi tc h Ca scadi ng in Topolog y Theore tically , the swi tch par titions t he co llision do main for e ach por t in sw itch casc ading s o tha t y ou may upl in k an unlimited num ber o f switches.
Chapte r 3: In stall ation 72 4-746-5 500 l m 15 Case2a: Port-based VLAN (See Figure 3-4). Figure 3-4. O ne sw itch connec ted to four VLANs in a p ort-based VLAN . 1. T he same VLAN me mbers ca n not be in different s wit ches. 2. E very VLAN me mbers can not access each other’s VLAN.
8- /16 -/24-Port 10/10 0 PoE PSE Web S ma rt Swit c h 724-7 46- 5500 l w w ackbo m 16 Case 3 : The s ame VLAN me mbers c an be a t di ff erent switches w it h the same VID ( See Fig ure 3-6).
Chapte r 3: In stall ation 72 4-746-5 500 l m 17 NOTE: If a PC directl y connec ts to the s witch, you hav e to se tup the sa me subne t mask b etwe en the m. Bu t, subnet mask may be d iffe re n t fo r the PC a t the r e mote s i te.
8- /16 -/24-Port 10/10 0 PoE PSE Web S ma rt Swit c h 724-7 46- 5500 l w w ackbo m 18 4. Op e ra t ion of W e b -bas ed M a nagem ent This chapter instru cts you ho w to configure an d manage the switch through the web user interfac e it supports, to access and manage the swit ch .
Chapte r 6 : IP Ad dress A ssi gnme nt 72 4-746-5 500 l m 19 Configuration Function Bar Port Connection Status In Figure 4-2 , for example , the le ft section sh ows the w hole func tion tree w ith web user. Each opt ion is d escrib ed in this chapter.
8- /16 -/24-Port 10/10 0 PoE PSE Web S ma rt Swit c h 724-7 46- 5500 l w w ackbo m 20 S ys t em St atu s Load D efault Setti ng Firm ware Up date Reboot Device 4.2.1 A uthentic atio n Co nfi gur ati o n Func tio n na me: Authentication C onf iguration Func tio n de sc ri pt i on: Change the default lo gin usern ame (ID) or pas sword.
Chapte r 6 : IP Ad dress A ssi gnme nt 72 4-746-5 500 l m 21 Figure 4-5. System IP Configura tion screen. 4.2.3 S yste m Statu s Function name: System Status Fun ct ion descript ion : Di splay th e system inf ormation of the swit ch. Parameter descrip ti on: MAC Address: The MAC addre ss of this swi tch.
8- /16 -/24-Port 10/10 0 PoE PSE Web S ma rt Swit c h 724-7 46- 5500 l w w ackbo m 22 4.2.4 Loa d Defa u lt Setti n g Func tio n na me: L oad Def ault Se tt ing Func tio n de sc ri pt i on: Back to f actory def ault se ttings of the switch. Param et er desc ri ptio n: C lick <Lo ad> to back to the facto r y d ef a ult se tt ing.
Chapte r 6 : IP Ad dress A ssi gnme nt 72 4-746-5 500 l m 23 4.3.1 P or t C o nfi gur atio n Func tio n na me: Port Configuration Func tio n de sc ri pt i on: Conf igure each port’s s peed, full- or hal f-duplex, and so o n. Param et er desc ri ptio n: Au to : Enable or disable Auto-Negoti ation.
8- /16 -/24-Port 10/10 0 PoE PSE Web S ma rt Swit c h 724-7 46- 5500 l w w ackbo m 24 Parameter descripti on: Destination Port: Select the port for monitoring an d the egress traffic will be copied to the monitoring port. Monitor Packe ts: Enable or Disable if you want to copy the pac ket from source port to des tination por t.
Chapte r 6 : IP Ad dress A ssi gnme nt 72 4-746-5 500 l m 25 Figure 4-11 . Bandwid th Control screen . 4.3.4 Br oa dcast Storm Co ntro l Func tio n na me: Broadcast Storm Control Func tio n de sc ri pt i on: Yo u can limit the bandwid th of r eceived a nd transmitted frames t o eac h port.
8- /16 -/24-Port 10/10 0 PoE PSE Web S ma rt Swit c h 724-7 46- 5500 l w w ackbo m 26 Figure 4-13 . PoE screen. 4.4 VLAN Se t tin g The sw itch suppor ts Tag-based VL AN (802.1Q) and Port-based VLAN . It supports 4094 active VLANs and VL AN ID 1– 4094.
Chapte r 6 : IP Ad dress A ssi gnme nt 72 4-746-5 500 l m 27 Figure 4-15. Port-based VLAN Me mber Setting screen. 4.4.3 Tag-b a s e d VL A N Function name: Tag-based VL AN Function description: Wh en yo u enable tag-based VLA N, you ne ed to configure the packe t forwarding options first.
8- /16 -/24-Port 10/10 0 PoE PSE Web S ma rt Swit c h 724-7 46- 5500 l w w ackbo m 28 Figure 4-16. Tag-based VL AN screen. 4.4.4 Tag-b a s e d VL A N— VL A N Me mb er Function name: VLAN Me mber Function description: Wh en yo u enable tag-based VLA N, you ne ed to configure VLAN me mbers w it h each por t.
Chapte r 6 : IP Ad dress A ssi gnme nt 72 4-746-5 500 l m 29 Figure 4-17. Tag-based VL AN Member Setting screen . 4.4.5 Multi to 2 S etting Func tio n na me: Mu l t i to 2 Se tt i ng Func tio n de sc ri pt i on: Th is s ets th e s wi tc h VL AN in to “ VL AN Pe r P or t.
8- /16 -/24-Port 10/10 0 PoE PSE Web S ma rt Swit c h 724-7 46- 5500 l w w ackbo m 30 Figure 4-18 . Multi to 2 Setting screen . 4.5 Per P ort C o u nter 4.
Chapte r 6 : IP Ad dress A ssi gnme nt 72 4-746-5 500 l m 31 Figure 4-19 . Per Port Counter screen . 4.6 QoS Set ting 4.6.1 Prior it y Mode Function name: Pri or ity Mode Function description: T his is t he page that allows you to conf igure Qo S (Qua lit y o f Service) to enhanc e networ k performance.
8- /16 -/24-Port 10/10 0 PoE PSE Web S ma rt Swit c h 724-7 46- 5500 l w w ackbo m 32 4.6.3 Class of Se rvice— TCP/UD P Function name: TCP/UDP Port Function des cription: You need to con fi gure the queu e priority for eac h TC P and UD P service.
Chapte r 6 : IP Ad dress A ssi gnme nt 72 4-746-5 500 l m 33 4.6.4 Cl a s s of Ser vice—IP T OS /DS Func tio n na me: IP TOS /DS (Type of Serv ice/ Differential Service) Func tio n de sc ri pt i on: When you enab le this func ti on, the pack ets with spec ial I P will be tra nsmitted fi rst.
8- /16 -/24-Port 10/10 0 PoE PSE Web S ma rt Swit c h 724-7 46- 5500 l w w ackbo m 34 4.6.6 Cl a s s of Ser vice—Phys i c a l Port Function name: Physical Port Function description: Sele c t the p or t tha t yo u wa n t to co n figu re a s Q 1– Q4 pri o rity .
Chapte r 6 : IP Ad dress A ssi gnme nt 72 4-746-5 500 l m 35 4.7.2 TCP /UDP Filter C o nfig ur atio n Func tio n na me: TCP/UD P Filter C onf iguration Func tio n de sc ri pt i on: Th.
8- /16 -/24-Port 10/10 0 PoE PSE Web S ma rt Swit c h 724-7 46- 5500 l w w ackbo m 36 Figure 4-26 . TC P/ UD P filtering co nfiguration. 4. 8 S panning T ree 4.8.1 S TP B ri dg e Setting s Func tio n na me: STP Br id g e Se t tin g s Func tio n de sc ri pt i on: Spanning Tree c an preven t net work loops .
Chapte r 6 : IP Ad dress A ssi gnme nt 72 4-746-5 500 l m 37 Bridge Pri ority (0–61440) : Usually, the bridge wi th the h ighest bridg e priority is the roo t. If you w ant to h ave the switch as the r oo t b rid g e, y ou c an se t t his v alu e lo w er th an t ha t o f br id ge i n the L AN .
8- /16 -/24-Port 10/10 0 PoE PSE Web S ma rt Swit c h 724-7 46- 5500 l w w ackbo m 38 802.1w R STP rec ommen ded value : (Valid ra nge: 1– 200,000 ,000) 10 Mbps: 2,000,000 100 Mbps: 200,000 Fi gure 4-28. STP Port Settings screen. 4. 9 T run king The sw it ch suppor ts two kinds o f port trunking methods , L ACP and Sta tic.
Chapte r 6 : IP Ad dress A ssi gnme nt 72 4-746-5 500 l m 39 - Aggrega ti on with non-IEEE 8 02.3 MAC link - Ope ra ting in ha lf-du p lex mod e - Ag g re ga te th e po r ts wi th d i.
8- /16 -/24-Port 10/10 0 PoE PSE Web S ma rt Swit c h 724-7 46- 5500 l w w ackbo m 40 Figure 4-30 . Trunking c onfiguration s creen for link grou ps. 4.1 0 Back u p /R ec o ver y Func tio n na me: B ackup/Recovery Func tio n de sc ri pt i on: You c an back up or res tore th e c onfi guration from a s pecified local drive o f your PC.
Chapte r 6 : IP Ad dress A ssi gnme nt 72 4-746-5 500 l m 41 Param et er desc ri ptio n: Aging Time : You c an set queue agi ng time of t he pac ket bu ff er into different timi ng or disable this func ti on. The options are 200 , 400, 600 and 80 0 mi niseconds.
8- /16 -/24-Port 10/10 0 PoE PSE Web S ma rt Swit c h 724-7 46- 5500 l w w ackbo m 42 5. Troub le s h o oti ng Q: Resolvin g No Li nk Con dition A: The p ossible c auses for a n o link L ED sta tus are as fol l ows: - The a tt ached d evice is no t powered on .
Chapte r 6 : IP Ad dress A ssi gnme nt 72 4-746-5 500 l m 43 6. IP A ddre s s As s i g n m e nt For IP ad dress con figuration, there are three parameter s y ou n eed to fill in . They are I P address, Subne t Mask, and Default Ga teway and DN S.
8- /16 -/24-Port 10/10 0 PoE PSE Web S ma rt Swit c h 724-7 46- 5500 l w w ackbo m 44 we divide it into s maller n etworks by extend ing the ne twork prefix from 16 bi ts to , say 24 bits, the network use s its th ird byte to s ubnet thi s class B net work.
Chapte r 6 : IP Ad dress A ssi gnme nt 72 4-746-5 500 l m 45 Figure 6-3. System IP configurat ion sc reen. First, IP Address: as shown in the Figure 6-3 , enter de fault I P address “ 192.168 .1.1”, for instance. F or sure, a n IP address such as 19 2.
LPB 70 8A, r ev . 2.
An important point after buying a device Black Box 8-/16-/24-Port 10/100 PoE PSE Web Smart Switch (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Black Box 8-/16-/24-Port 10/100 PoE PSE Web Smart Switch yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Black Box 8-/16-/24-Port 10/100 PoE PSE Web Smart Switch - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Black Box 8-/16-/24-Port 10/100 PoE PSE Web Smart Switch you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Black Box 8-/16-/24-Port 10/100 PoE PSE Web Smart Switch will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Black Box 8-/16-/24-Port 10/100 PoE PSE Web Smart Switch, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Black Box 8-/16-/24-Port 10/100 PoE PSE Web Smart Switch.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Black Box 8-/16-/24-Port 10/100 PoE PSE Web Smart Switch. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Black Box 8-/16-/24-Port 10/100 PoE PSE Web Smart Switch along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center