Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product P4TGV-R Biostar
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1 P4 TGV-R E NGINEERING V ALIDATION T EST R EPORT SPEC CPU Suppor t Ty pe CPU CPU F requ ency F ront Side Bus Sock e t 478 Inte l Pentium 4 Ma x =2600 M HZ Max =100 MH Z Sock e t 478 Inte l Cele r on .
2 CONTENTS PRODUCT INFORMATION ......... .......... ............... .......... .......... .............. 4 Moth er bo ard Gen era l In for mat i on ........ ...... ...... ......... ...... ......... ...... ...... ......... .... 4 Chipset Details ......
3 Burn-in Ste p ......... ...... ......... ...... ...... ......... ...... ......... ...... ...... ......... ...... ......... ...... ..... 34 HA RDW A RE CO MP A TI BI L IT Y LI ST . ............... .......... ............... ....... 35 CPU ......... .
4 PRODUCT INFOR MATION Motherboard General In formation Vendor Biostar Model Number P4TGV-R Version Number V7.0 / 7.1 Platform AT AT X Micro ATX F l ex ATX Chipset Details Sy stem Chip.
5 Number of Shared Slots 1 None 100/133/200 M Hz F ront Side Bus Su ppo rts Yes No Dual DD R 400 Support Yes No PCI v2. 2 Com plianc e Yes No ATA-3 Co mpliance Yes .
6 VGA Port Connectors Line Up in Case Yes No None Excellent Fai r Poor Audi o Po rt C on n ector s Line Up in Ca s e Yes No None Excellent Fai r Poor Ga.
7 DESIGN REVIEW Mainboard Voltage Measurem ent Voltage L ist Voltage SP EC Voltage Measured Res ult Battery Voltag e 3.0V 2.05 Pass Battery Current 7uA 3.9 Pass +5V 5.0V+-5% 5.11 Pass +12V 12.0V+-5% 11.55 Pass -5V -5. 0V+-5% -5.04 Pass -12V -12.0 V+-10% -11.
8 REQUIRED BIOS DEFAULT SETTINGS Lists Specification Result BIOS F EATURES SETU P CPU Fe a ture Press Enter Pass Virus W arning Disabled Pass Quick Power On Self Test Enabled Pass Boot Up Nu mlock Sta.
9 Resources Controlled By Auto (ESCD) Pass PCI / VGA Palette Snoop Disabl ed Pass INTEGRATED P ERIPHERALS On Board P CI La n En a ble d Pass On Board L an Boou ROM Disable d Pass USB Controller E nabl.
10 FUNCTIONALITY Setup Instal l a tion Test O f Oper ati n g Sy stem Pass/Fail W indows ME Pass W indows 2000 Pr of essional Pass W indows XP Hom e Edition Pass W indows XP Professional Pass Linux (R ed Hat ) 9.0 Pass Basic On-board Function Test Test Platform MS-DOS Operating Comme nt CPU Prescott 2.
11 Power L ED Flash Check Pass Power On Control --- Power On By RTC Test Pass Power On By L AN Test Pass Power On By Mo dem Test Pass Boot Management --- Boot F o rm CD-ROM Pass Boot F r om L AN Pass .
12 Parity Test Pass Pattern Test Pass Extended Pattern Test Pass W alking 1’s Test Pass W alking 0’s Test Pass Random M e m ory Test Pass Address Test Pass Refresh Te st Pass Data Bus Test Pass Ca.
13 Device APM Test Pass ACPI Test Pass Comme nts : Test Platform Window s ME Opera ting Co mment CPU Prescott 2.8 GH Z Memory HY DDR333 256M * 2 HDD Seag ate 40G CDROM Panasonic DVD-ROM 16X Sound Car .
14 Add Printer P nP Test Pass F DD Connect or Test --- Create W indows ME Startup Disk Pass Format 1.44 Floppy Driver Pass IDE Connectors Tes t --- CD-ROM Data Read Test Pass DVD-ROM Data Read Test Pa.
15 1152x 8 64 16 bit √ √ √ √ Pass 1152x 8 64 32 bit √ √ √ √ Pass Check Screen Have No Any Sha dow Or Garbage Pass Aud i o Fu nction Test --- Audio Drivers Setup I nstallation Test Pass.
16 Hig h-End Disk W inMark 99 Pa ss High-End Graphi cs WinMark 99 Pass Video Tests Pass 3D M ark 2001 S E --- 3D Mar k s Pass Demo Mode Pass Others --- Fina l Reality Pass USBready Pass W inDVD Pass QUAKE II I Pass Comme nts : Test Platform Windows2000 Operating Comme nt CPU P4 2.
17 PS/2 Connector Test --- PS/2 K e y board Test Pass PS/2 Mouse Test Pass COM Port Test --- Add Serial Mouse PnP T est Pass Add Modem P nP Test Pass Print Port Test --- Add Printer P nP Test Pass F DD Connect or Test --- Format 1.
18 Play ing MPE G F iles Test Pass Play ing VCD Test Pass Play ing DVD Test(W ith W inDVD 4) Pass Audio F unction Test --- Audio Drivers Setup I nstallation Test Pass Sy st em Pr ope rties Infor m ati.
19 W inbenc h 99 (1.2) --- Business Disk W inMar k 99 Pass Business Graphics W inMark 99 Pass DirectDraw T ests Pass Disk Inspec tion Tests Pass Disk W inMark Pass GDI/USER I nspection Tests Pass Hig .
20 S4 M ode Test Pass Setup installation M icrosoft Office 200 0 Test Pass System Inform ation Review --- Hardware Resources Pass Components Pass Software Envi ro nmen t Pass Internet Setting Pass Net.
21 Format 1.44 Floppy Driver Pass IDE Connectors Tes t --- CD-ROM Data Read Test Pass DVD-ROM Data Read Test Pass Ultra DMA 33 Hard Disk Test Pass Ultra DMA 66 Hard Disk Test Pass Ultra DMA 100 Hard D.
22 Speake r Out Quality Test Pass Play i ng A udio CD Test Pass Play ing W ave Test Pass Play ing MI DI Test Pass Play ing Video Te st Pass Play ing MP3 Test Pass CNR Slots Test --- Add CNR Software M.
23 Play ing Video Te st Pass Play ing MP3 Test Pass Onboard A udio F or S1 F unction Suppor ts Test Pass Audio W inbench99 (Based onboar d Sound co ntroller) --- Direct Sound CPU Util 44.1 k Hz 16bit Static --- Hardware Voices 16 Voice 8 1.46 Voice 16 2.
24 Voice 32 5.01 Windows Ut ility Test --- BCM Diagnostics --- Sy stem I nfo Pass DMI In f o Pass Processor Test Pass Memory Test Pas s Audio Test Pass Video Test Pass Graphics Test Pass Hard Disk Tes.
25 3D Pinball Pass Free cell Pass Minesweeper Pass Solitaire Pass Ag e of Empire Pass Test Platform Window s XP (P ro fession al ) Oper ating Comme nt CPU Prescott 2.
26 Network Test Pass CD-ROM Pass W instone 2 004 --- Business W i nstone 20 03 Pass Content Creation W instone 2004 Pass PC Mark 2004 --- PcMark Sc ore Pass CPU Score Pass Memory Score Pass HDD Score Pass Graphics Score Pass 3D M ark 2001 S E --- BenchMark P ass Demo Mode Pass Comme nts : Test Platform Linux (Red Hat 9.
27 DVD-ROM Data Read Test Pass L AN Ports Test --- Peer to Peer Data Transfer Test Pass PCI Slots Test --- Add LAN Card Test Pass Add Soun d Ca rd Test Pass Comme nts :.
28 OVER CLOCK TES T Test Platform Window s XP H ome Ed ition (FSB:10 0 M Hz) CPU Celeron 2.4G H Z Memory King ston DDR333 256M*2 HDD S a msung 40G CD-ROM Samsung DVD-ROM 16X Sound Car d On boar d Vide.
29 Test Platform Window s XP H ome Ed ition (FSB:13 3 M Hz) CPU P4 2.8GH Z Memory King ston DDR333 256M*2 HDD S a msung 40G CD-ROM Samsung DVD-ROM 16X Sound Car d On boar d Video Car d On boar d CPU F.
30 PERFORMANCE TEST Test Platform Windows ME Memory HY DD R3 33 25 6M*2 HDD Seagat e 40 G CD-ROM Panasonic DVD-ROM 16X Sound Car d On boar d Video Car d On boar d CPU Celero n 2.6G (100MHz) Prescott 2.8G (133MHz) PC M ark 2002 CPU Scor e 5461 5744 Mem ory Score 3411 6000 HDD Score 1030 1283 Comme nts : W i nstone 20 03 Business W instone 2002 17.
31 Test Platform Windows 2000 Professional Memory Sam sung DDR333 256M* 2 HDD Seagat e 40 G CD-ROM AOMEGA DVD-ROM 16X Sound Car d On boar d Video Car d On boar d CPU In te l 2.
32 Test Platform Window s XP Prof essional Memory Apacer DDR333 256M*2 HDD Samsung 40 G CD-ROM Aopen DVD-R OM 16X Sound Car d On boar d Video Car d On boar d CPU Celero n 2.
33 Display Card Di spl a y Car d Perform ance Vendo r Model Chips Resu lt ASUS V9280 G eforce 4 T i 4200-8X 6830 ASUS V9480/T VD Geforc e 4 Ti4800 6984 ASUS V9520 Gefor ce F X5200 3688 ASUS V9950/TD G.
34 RELIABILITY T EST Motherboard General In formation Vendor Biostar Model Number P4TGV-R Temperature rate ( ℃ ) 0 ~ 45 ℃ Humidity rate ( % ) 0 ~ 60 % Time ( h r ) 72 hr OS W indows ME Test Program Continuous Play DVD + TombII DEMO Burn-in Step STEP 1 Temperature 45 ℃ ~ Humidity 60% ~ 12 hr.
35 HARD WARE CO MPAT IBI L ITY LI ST CPU Ven do r Model Frequenc y Type Re sult Intel Pe ntium 4 1.7 GHz ( 100 MHZ) Socket 478 Pass Intel Pe ntium 4 1.8 GHz ( 100 MHZ) Socket 478 Pass Intel Pe ntium 4 2.0 GHz ( 100 MHZ) Socket 478 Pass Intel Pe ntium 4 2.
36 NEC CDR-190 1A ATA-3 3 Pass Comme nts : Camera Device Ven do r Model Type Drive rs Resul t 3COM 3718 US B Pass L og itech V-UH9 USB Pass Kodak DC240 USB Pass Koda k CX63 30 US B Pass ORITE MC310 US.
37 TEAC DV-516E -A 16X ATA-33 Pass TEAC DV-516E 16X ATA-66 Pass ASUS DVD-E616 16X ATA-33 Pass ASUS DVD-E608 16X ATA-33 Pass ASUS E616 16X ATA-100 Pass Comme nts : Di sp l a y Car d Vendo r Model Chips Drivers Re sult ASUS V9280 G e f orce 4 Ti 4200- 8X 4.
38 MITSUM I D359 M3D 1.44 Pass MITSUM I D353 M3 1.4 4 Pass NEC F D123H 1.44 Pass NEC F D1231H 1.44 Pass TEAC F D -235HF 1.44 Pass SONY MPF 920 1.44 Pass SONY MPF 920-E 1.44 Pass SONY MPF 928-E 1.44 Pass Panason ic JU257A60 6P 1.44 Pass SUMSUNG S FD-321B 1.
39 Maxtor 33 073H4 30G ATA-10 0 Pass Maxtor 4W 100H6 100G ATA-10 0 Pass Maxtor 4G 120J6 120G ATA- 133 Pass Maxtor 4G 160J8 160G ATA- 133 Pass QUANTUM AS40A0110-01-A 40 G ATA-100 Pass QUANTUM AT Fireball Plus AS 40 G ATA-100 Pass QUANTUM BIGF OOT 4.0 G PIO-4 Pass QUANTUM EX3200AT 3.
40 L ogitech W ingman Action USB Pass Microsoft Side W inde r Dual Strike US B Pass Microso ft Side W inder Joy st ick USB Pass Comme nts : Keyb oard Vendor Model Type Result Microso f t X03-51764 US .
41 Comme nts : LAN HUB Vendor Model Transfer Rate Re sult TENDA THE-800S 10/100M Pass 3COM 100/10 Switch office4 00 10/100M Pass BUF F LO L SW 10/100-8H 10/100M Pass D-L ink DE -805TP 10-Base Pass D-L.
42 KI NGSTO N 9905192-0 22.A00 256M PC-4 00 Pass APACE R HYB25D256800BT- 6B 256M PC-3 33 Pass APACE R HY5DU56822BT- J 256M PC-333 Pass APACE R HYB25D256800BT- 5B 256M PC-4 00 Pass TRANS CEND V58C22568.
43 AZTECH MDP 780 0U 4.90.30 00 PCI Pass L ectron I 56LV P-F 1 7.66-9K -03 P CI Pass ADI M DX-56 KRE COM Pass LE ME L M D - 5 6 KV C C O M P a s s Comme nts : Mous e Ven do r Model Dri vers Ty pe Resu.
44 View Sonic E70 17” CRT Pass L G 775F T 17 ″ CRT Pass L G 772EF 17 ″ CRT Pass SAMSUNG Sy ncmaster 763MB 17 ″ CRT Pass KTC 7002D 17 ″ CRT Pass MAGE 786F D 17 ″ CRT Pass MAGE 786F T 17.
45 +12V 1 1.96 Pa ss -12V -11.69 Pass 5V S tanby 5.02 Pass -5V - 5.08 Pa ss +3.3V 3.37 Pass Seven T e a m ST 52OHL P 520W +5V 5.11 Pass +12V 1 1.55 Pa ss -12V -11.95 Pa ss 5V S tanby 5.20 Pass -5V -5.04 Pa ss Comme nts : Printer Ven do r Model Dri vers Ty pe Re sult CANON BJC-85 Ver 2.
46 USB HUB & USB 2.0 DEVICE Vendor Model Drivers Resul t D-Link DU-H4 1.0 Pass ATEN U H-204 2.0 Pass L INK W ORLD Hi-Sp eed HUB 2.0 Pass NEW MAN USB HDD 2.0 Pass D-L ink DUB-H4 2.0 Pass TEAC CD-W 28PU 2.0 Pass VIPO W ER VP-8258 2.0 Pass TERASYS YAMAHA CD-RW 2.
47 SOFTWARE COMPATIBILITY LIST DOS Version Resu lt MS -DOS 6. 22 Pass Windo w s - -- --- W indows M E 4.90.3000 Pass W indows 2000 Pr ofession Release Pass W indows XP H om e Edition 2002 P ass W indows XP Professional 2002 Pass Linux Red hat 9.
48 FOUR CO RNER T EST Test Equipment & En vir o n ment M/B TYPE TGV-R V7.1 CPU Level Prescott 2.8G F SB533 RAM TYPE Kingstone DDR400 512 *2 VGA TYPE W infast Gefo rce MX440 8X Power Supply ST-402H.
An important point after buying a device Biostar P4TGV-R (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Biostar P4TGV-R yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Biostar P4TGV-R - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Biostar P4TGV-R you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Biostar P4TGV-R will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Biostar P4TGV-R, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Biostar P4TGV-R.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Biostar P4TGV-R. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Biostar P4TGV-R along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center