Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product V768 ZTE
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1 ZTE V768 User Manual and Safety Information.
2 LEG A L INFORM A TION Copyright © 2012 ZTE CORPORATION. A ll rights reserved. N o p a r t o f t h i s p ub li c at io n m ay b e qu ot ed , re p ro du c ed , translated or used in any for m or by any means, electroni c or mec han ical , i ncl udi ng pho toc op ying an d mi cr ofilm , witho ut the prior wr itten permission of Z TE Corporation.
3 Contents G et ting Started ................................................................................................ 10 Overview .................................................................................................................
4 Turning the Speaker phone O n/ O ff ........................................................................ 28 Ending a Call ........................................................................................................ 28 Call Settings .
5 T urn ing On Wi- Fi ........................................................................................................ 43 Connecting to a Wi- Fi Networ k ................................................................................... 44 Checking the W i- Fi Ne twork Status .
6 Creating a New Playlist ........................................................................................ 55 Adding a Song to a Playlist ................................................................................... 55 Managing Playlists .
7 Switching Netw ork Modes ..................................................................................... 66 Switching Netw orks .............................................................................................. 66 Setting Access Poin t Names .
8 Task M anager ........................................................................................................... 75 Voice Dialer ................................ ..............................................................................
9 Faulty and Da maged Products .............................................................................. 86 Radio Frequen cy Interference .................................................................................... 87 General State ment on Interference .
10 G et ting Started Overv iew Power Key LED Indicator Touch Scre en Search Key Back Key Earpiece Home Key Headset Jack Charger/ USB Jac k Menu Key.
11 Volume Key s Camera Speaker Back Co ver.
12 Keys Explained Key Function Power Key Press a nd hold to turn o n or off S ilent or Airplane mode, or to power off. Press to sw itch your phone to Sle ep mode. Press to wa ke up your phone. Home Key Touch to return to the Home Scre en from any appl ication or scree n.
13 2. Hold the SIM card with the cut corne r oriented as shown and slip it into the card holder. 3. Hold your mic roSD card with the metal contacts facing dow n and slide it in.
14 5. Press the cove r gently back into pl ace until you hear a cl ick. Removing the Battery, SIM and microSD Ca rd 1. Make sure that you r mobile phone is off. 2. Remove the ba ck cover. 3. Lift the battery up and out. 4. Slide the SIM card out. 5. Slide the micro SD card out .
15 2. Connect the charger to a standar d AC wall outlet. 3. Disconnect the charger whe n the battery is fully charged. NOTE: If the ba ttery is not full a fter 10 hours o f continuous charg ing, please reconne ct the phone and the ada pter.
16 Setting Up Your Phone for the First T ime When you first power on you r phone after you purchase it or reset it to factory setting s (see Sorting ou t Your Phone Settings – Priv acy: Reset to Factory Settings ), you need to p erform some setting s before using it.
17 Getting Around Your Phone Using the Touch Scr een Your phone’s tou ch screen let s you control action s through a var iety of touch ge stures. Touch When you wa nt to type using the o nscreen keyboa rd, select onscreen items such a s application and settings icons, or p ress onscreen bu ttons, simply tou ch them with your finger.
18 Home Screen You c hoose wha t is sh own on your Hom e Sc re en. S et you r o wn wal lp ape r, add t he widge ts o r a ppl ic ati on s hortc uts you ne ed, or rem ove them as yo u li ke . Extended Ho me Screen The Home Screen ex t ends beyond the screen width, giving you lot more space to add more stuff.
19 3. T o uc h G a l l e r y , L i v e w a l l p a p er s , o r Wallpapers an d c h oo s e t h e i m a g e o r a n i m a t i o n y o u w a nt t o u s e a s t h e wa l l p ap e r . Some cropping may be needed for Gallery images. 4. Touch Save or Set wallpaper .
20 Status and Notificatio n Icons GPRS connected No signal GPRS in use Signal strength EDGE connected Phone speaker of f EDGE in use Phone microphon e off 3G connected GPS on 3G in use microSD card un.
21 New Gmail messa ge New Wi -Fi network detected New instant mess age USB connected Missed call Call on hold Call in progress Using the Notification Panel Flic k t he st atus bar downwa rds f rom ac .
22 A ppli cations Descripti on A larm Set alarms. MOBILE WEB Browse the Inter net. Calculator Do basic cal culation. Calendar Schedule appoin tments and event s. Call log View the calls yo u made, receiv ed, and missed. Camcorder Shoot video clip s. Camera Take some gre at pictures.
23 A ppli cations Descripti on News & Weather Check the we ather forecast and th e latest new s of your interest. Note pad Create tex t notes. Places Find restauran ts, ATMs, and other businesses or attra ctions near yo u. Play Magazines Read magazine s from the Google Play Store.
24 Wireless & netw orks Configure and manage wireless connections, su ch as Wi -Fi, Wi -Fi Calling, Bluetooth ® , mobile netw orks, mobile data conne ction sharing, a nd Virtual Private Networks.
25 Opening Recently -Used Applications 1. Touch and hold the Home Key from any screen. The phone w ill display icons of applications you u sed recently.
26 Phone Calls M ak ing Calls There are many ways to make a call with your phone . And they’re al l easy to do . Calling From the Dialer 1. Touch the Home Key > > Dialer or tou ch on the Ho me Screen. 2. Enter the phone nu m ber with the o n-screen keypad.
27 Us ing Speed Dial Touch and hold 1 ~ 9 key from the dialer to call the corr esponding sp eed dial number. The number key 1 is reserved to speed dial your vo icemail. To assign a spee d dial key : 1. Touch the Menu Key > Settings > Call settings > Speed dial fro m the Home Screen.
28 Putting a Call on Hold During a call, you can put it on hol d by touching on the screen. The icon will appear on the sta tus bar. Touch to unhold the call. Turning th e Speakerphone O n/ O ff Touch Speaker during a call to turn the speakerphone on.
29 Cell broadcast Enable or disable re c eipt of the cel l broadcast message s. Cell broadcast settings Set cell broadca st channel and language. Call forwar ding Forwa rd your incoming calls to a d ifferent nu mber. Y ou can choose when to forward: A l ways forward ; Forward when busy ; Forw ard when unans wered , or Forward when unreachable .
30 Contacts Yo u ca n a d d con tac ts on y o ur ph o ne a nd syn chr on iz e th em w ith th e c o nt a ct s in y ou r Go og le a cc ou nt o r ot he r a cc ou nt s th at s up po rt c on ta ct s yn cin g. To see your conta cts, touch the Home Key > > Contact s .
31 Sharing Contacts Info rmation 1. Touch the Menu Key > Import/Export > Share visible contacts from the Contacts Screen. 2. Tick the conta cts you want to shar e and touch OK . Your phone w ill export the contacts information to a vC ard file. 3.
32 Creating a Ne w Group 1. Touch the Groups tab from the C ontacts Screen. 2. Touch the icon at the bottom o f the screen. 3. Enter the group name and touch Done . 4. Touch the new group and touch to add group me mbers. 5. Tick the conta cts you want to add an d touch OK .
33 E ntering T ext When you touch a field that needs tex t or numbers, a keyboar d automatically app ears on the screen. Hold the input box and touch Input metho d from the pop -up menu to change input method. You can touch the Back Key or hold the Menu Key t o hide the ons creen keyboard.
34 Touch to delete the tex t before the cursor. Touch to select n umbers and sy mbols. You can then touch to find more. Al so, often used sy mbols are displayed on top of the keyboard. Flick left or right to find the one you need and touch to enter.
35 Reduced keyboa rd Phone keypad Start of the word End of the word Touch and hold to s witch between multi-tap and predictive te xt input. Touch and hold to s witch between multi-tap and predictive te xt input.
36 To use the toolbar : NOTE: The ic on is availab le when more than one language i s activated. You can select more input languages by touching the Menu Key > Settings > Language & keyboard > XT 9 Text Input > Languages a nd settings fro m the Home Screen.
37 Messaging You r S MS (tex t me ssag e) an d MMS ( multi media me ssa gin g s er vic e ) are combi ne d i nto on e menu in Messag es . Message Box Instead of an inbox and outbox, your phone organize.
38 Message Settings Th e p ho ne’ s mes sage set tin gs a re p re - con figur ed for yo u to u se i mme dia tel y. To c ha nge the m , tou ch th e Men u Key > Set ting s fr om the M essa g es Screen. Storage settings: Delete old mes sages : Select to d elete old message s when your stor age limits are reached.
39 Select ringtone : C hoose a ringto ne for your in coming messages. Vibrate : Make your phone vibr ate w hen a new message arriv es. Enable A uto-Unlock : Make your p hone unlock the scree n automatically w hen a new message arrives. NOTE : Thi s feature is unav ailable w hen you have set an unlock patter n, PIN or password.
40 Email To uch the Hom e K ey > > Emai l . Yo u c an ent er the E mail Sc ree n to set up yo ur Emai l acc oun t a nd ex cha ng e E mail s. Creating an Email Account 1. When you op en Email for the first ti me, enter your E mail address and pas sword.
41 Composing and Sending an Email Afte r cre atin g an Ema il ac cou nt, yo u ca n c omp ose an d sen d E mail mes sag es. 1. Touch the Menu Key > Compose from the Inbox Screen. 2. Touch To field and enter the re cipient’s addr ess. When y ou en ter th e a ddr ess, mat chi ng con tacts o n the ph one wi ll be d isp lay ed .
42 Email Settings Touch the account you want to set fro m the Accounts Screen and touch the Menu Key > More > Ac count settings . You can get the settings for the Email account. You can also touch the Menu Key > M ore > Syst em settings to set up stor age, ex change and other settings.
43 G et ting Connected to the Internet Your phone’s i mpressive netw orking capabilities allow you to access the Internet or you r corporate netw ork with ease. You can use defau lt connection settings to conn ect to the Internet via your mobile networ k (GPRS/EDGE/3G) , or Wi-Fi.
44 Connecting to a Wi- Fi N etwork 1. Touch the Home Key > > Settings > Wireless & net works > Wi-Fi settings . The W i-Fi n etwor k n am es a nd s ecur ity sett in gs ( ope n or sec ur ed) that you r phone has detected ar e shown in the Wi - Fi networks sec tion.
45 Method tw o: P IN number 1. Tou ch the Home Key > > Settin gs > Wireless & network s and tick Wi - Fi to tur n it on. 2. Tou ch Wi -Fi set tings > A dd WPS network . 3. Tou ch the WPS method drop -do wn menu, and then touch Pin Number .
46 Browsing the Intern et You can use yo ur phone to get on the Internet via a GPRS, EDGE, 3G, or W i - Fi connection. Touch the Home Key > > MOBILE WEB . There are differen t ways to open web pages: Touch the addres s bar to enter the website you w ant to browse and then touch .
47 Using Bookmarks 1. Op en a w eb pag e to b e a dded to boo kmar ks . 2. To uch or the Me nu Key > Boo kmar ks . 3. T ou ch A dd or A dd bookmark . 4. Giv e the bookmark a na me and tou ch OK . TIP: You can touch the Menu Key > List view/Thum bnail view to chan ge how you v iew bookmarks.
48 Bluetooth ® Blu eto oth ® is a sh or t-r an ge wir eless co mmuni cati on te chn ol ogy . Ph one s o r oth er d evi ces with Blu eto oth capa bi liti es c an ex chan ge i nfo rma tio n w irel essl y w ithin a dis tan ce o f a bo ut 1 0 mete rs . T he Blu eto oth de vi ces mu st be pai re d b efo re the com mun ica ti on is p er for med .
49 2. Tic k the Bluetooth box if it is not alrea dy ticked. 3. Tou ch Device name . 4. Ed it the name and touch OK . Pairing With a Bluetoo th Device To pair with another Bluetooth device, you need to turn the Bluetooth function o f both devices on and make the other Bl uetooth device visib le.
50 2. In the list of paired dev ices, touch a paired and connected device. 3. Tou ch OK to disconnect it. Unpairing From a Blu etooth Device You can make you r phone forge t its pairing connec tion with another Bluetooth device . To connect to the device again, you ma y need to enter or confirm a passcode again.
51 Making the M ost of M ultim edia Taking Pictures With Your Cam era 1. Op en the camera by touching the Home Key > > Camera . 2. Ai m the camera at the subject and touch to take a shot. 3. Tou ch the thumbnail in the right corner of the screen to view the pictu re you’ve just taken.
52 Adjusting Camcorder Settings From the Ca mcorder Screen, you can do the following set tings: Tou ch to ad just co lo r e ffec t o r r estor e c amer a set tin gs. Touch to change w hite balance. Touch High , Low , MMS or YouTube to chang e the video quali ty.
53 Creating Playlists Playlists help you org anize your music files: 1. Select a music f ile you want to ad d to a new playlist. 2. Touch and hold on the file until a sh ortcut menu pops up . 3. Touch Add to play li st > New . 4. Type the playli st name and touch Save .
54 NOTE: For more in formation about Play M usic, touch the Menu Key > Help in Play Music screen to view the online instructio ns. Playing Your M usic 1. Touch the Home Key > > Play Mu sic . 2. In the music library screen, swipe l eft or right to sele ct RECENT/A RTISTS/A LBUMS/SONGS/PLAY LISTS/ GENRES and view the songs you want to play.
55 1. Tou ch to view the Now play ing list. 2. Tou ch the album cove r to hide the ons creen options. Touch again to show the options. 3. Infor mation (title, artist and album) of the current track: Touch and ho ld to search for related informa ti on.
56 Manag ing Playlists You can play, rena me or delete th e playlists. 1. Touch the Home Key > > Pla y Music . 2. Open the Playlist librar y and touch the triang ular menu button to the right o f the playlist you w ant to play or edit. 3. Touch Play , Re name or Delete .
57 Opening Your Gallery Touch the Home Key > > Gallery . Y ou c an us e Gall er y to view pic tur es and pla y vid eos. Y ou c an als o do som e b asic editing of your pictures – such a s setting them as wallpap er or contact icons, and sh aring w ith friends.
58 4. Touch to play ba ck the voice rec ording. 5. Touch OK to save the voice recor ding, or touch Discard to dele te the recording. TIP: You can find yo ur recording s by touching the Menu Key > rev iew or tou ching the Home Key > > Music Play er > Pla y l ists > My rec ordings .
59 Turning On/Off US B Mass Storage You can use the U S B mass storage fea ture to tra nsfer da ta betwe en the microSD card and PC. To turn on USB mass storage : 1. Insert the microSD card in to your phon e and connect the phone to the PC w ith a USB cable.
60 U sing Y our Google ™ Applications Signing in to yo ur Google Account lets you synchronize G mail, Calend ar, and Contacts betwee n your phone and the w eb. And if you don’t ha ve an accoun t, you can easily create one. 1. Touch a Google app lication that n eeds a Google account, such as Gmail .
61 scheduled. You can also synchronize appointments to your Google account, w hic h en ables you to manage your schedule onli ne on your PC. Google Talk Google Talk is Goog le’s instant messaging progra m, which enables y ou to communicate with other peo ple who also use i t.
62 Places Google Places he lps you find all ki nds of busines ses near you. 1. Touch the Home Key > > Settings > L ocation & secur ity and tick the Use GP S satellites or Use wire less networks check box. 2. Touch the Home Key > > Places .
63 Touch the Home Key > > Latitude to enable Latitude service. Each time you laun ch Maps applic ation, your location will be determi ned using GPS or the phone netw ork, and your Latitude status will be up dated.
64 S orting out Your Phone Settings Setting Date and Time 1. Touch the Home Key > > Settings > Da te & time . 2. Clear the A utomatic check box if you want to set the time and date b y yourself. 3. Set date, time, ti me zone, and dat e/time format.
65 Screen lock so unds: Tick the ch eck box and the phon e will play a sound when you lock or unlock the screen. Haptic feedb ack: Tick the check box and the phone w ill vibrate when you press soft keys or on cer tain user interface interactions.
66 Switching Network M odes 1. Touch the Home Key > > Settings > Wireless & net works > Mobile net works > Network Mode . 2. Select one of the following: GSM/WCD M A AU TO , WCDMA only or GSM only . NOTE: To save ba ttery, you can tick the Use only 2G networks check box to use only GSM netwo rk.
67 Protecting Your Phone W ith a Screen Un lock Patt ern Creating Your Scree n Unlock Pattern 1. Touch the Home Key > > Settin gs > Location & sec urity > Set up screen lock > Pattern . 2. Read the instructions and touch Ne xt . 3. Watch the ex ample pattern and touch Next .
68 4. Enter it again an d touch OK to confir m. Unlocking the Screen With Your PIN or Password 1. Press the Power Key to wake up the phone. 2. Touch and hold icon to unlock th e screen.
69 5. Enter your new PIN and touch OK . 6. Enter the new PIN again and touch OK . Restoring a Lo cked SIM Card Put all your con fidential passwo rds in a safe place for future use. I f you enter the wrong SIM PIN mor e times than allow ed, your SIM car d will be locked an d you cannot ac cess the mobile phone netw ork.
70 Privacy: Reset to Factory Settings 1. Touch the Home Key > > Settings > Privacy > Factor y data reset > Reset phone . 2. Enter six zer os on t he sc reen and touch Erase every thing . WARN ING! All your personal infor mation and dow nloaded app lications on your phone w ill be erased after the resetting.
71 1. Copy the applica tion file to the mi croSD card and install the card on your phone. 2. Touch the Home Key > > Fi le manage r , and open the folder w here the ap plication file is. 3. Touch the file to start installation. 4. Read the installa tion instru ctions t hat co me with the a pplication a nd follow it to complete the setup.
72 Voice Input and Ou tput You can set the text- to -speech an d voice recognition options by touching the Ho me Key > > Settings > Voice input & outp ut . NOTE: You need to download v oice data in order to u se the text- to -speech fun ction.
73 Other Applications Alarm 1. Touch the Home Key > > Alarm . 2. Touch the defaul t alarm to configu re it. Or , to create a new alarm, touch the Menu Key > A dd alarm . 3. Ti ck th e T ur n o n a lar m b ox a nd s et u p t he al arm o pt io ns.
74 directory a nd Preferences . Select a folder or file to copy, pas te, move or delete it. Touch and hold a folder or file to select, rename, delete it or view it s properties. 3. Touch your desire d file to launch t he associated appli cation.
75 Play Mov ies Touch the Home Key > > Play Movies to watch movies yo u rent from Play Store as well as your pe rsonal videos store d on the phon e. The My Rentals tab displays your recent mov ie rentals. You can stre am them for online watching or dow nload them to watch offline.
76 Calling a Contact With Vo ice Dialer 1. Tou ch the Home Key > > Voice Dialer . 2. W hen you see “Listening”, say “Call” follow ed by the name and labe l of contact you want to call. For example, say “C all John Doe Mobile ”. Calling a Phone Numb er With Voice Diale r 1.
77 For Your Safet y General Safety Don’t make or rec eive hand hel d calls while driving. And never text while driving. Don’t use at gas st ations. Keep your phone at l east 15 mm away from your ear or bo dy while making calls. Your phone ma y produce a bright or flashing light.
78 Radio Frequency (RF) Energy This model phone meets the gove rnment’s require ments for exp osure to radio wav es. This phon e is designed a nd manuf actured no t to ex ceed the emissio n limits for ex posure to ra dio frequency (RF) energy set by the Federal Communi cations Commi ssion of the U.
79 compliance w ith FCC RF exp osure guidelines. If you do not use a b ody- worn accessory and are not holding the phone at the ear, position the handset a mini mum of 1.5 c m from your body when the phone is sw itched on. FCC Compliance This device co mplies with part 15 o f the FCC Rules.
80 Using Your Phone W ith a Hearing A id Device Your ZTE V768 is compliant with t he FCC Hearing Aid Compatibility (HAC) requiremen ts. For additional H AC information, including the HAC rating o f this prod uct, please refer to www
81 For additional infor mation about th e FCC's actions w ith regard to hear ing aid compatible wireless device s and other steps t he FCC has taken to ensure that in dividuals with disabilities have access to teleco mmunications servi ces, please go to www .
82 Product Handling General Statement on Handling and Use You alone are re sponsible for how you use your phone and any con sequences of it s use. You must alw ays switch off your phone w herever the use of a phone is prohibited. Use of your phone is subject to safety mea sures designed to pro tect users an d their environment.
83 Only use the battery w ith a charging system that has been qualif ied with the sys tem per CTIA Certifica tion Requirements for Battery Syste m Compliance to IEE E 1725. Use of an unqualified ba ttery or charger may present a ri sk of fire, ex plosion, leakage, or other hazard.
84 Antenna Do not touch the an t enna unnece ssarily. Normal Use Position When placing or receiving a phon e call, hold your pho ne to your ear, w ith the bottom toward s your mouth.
85 Air Bags Do not place a phone in the area o ver an air bag or in the air bag dep loyment area a s an airbag inflates w ith great force and serious injury could result. Store the phone safely before driv ing your vehicle. Seizures/Blackouts The phone can produce a bright or flashing light.
86 Take lots of brea ks to stretch and relax. Emergency Calls This phone, li ke a ny wireless phone, o perates usi ng radio s ignals, whic h cannot guarantee c onnection in all cond itions. Therefor e, you must never rely solely on any wireless phone for emergency co mmunications.
87 If you r p hone or its acc ess ory has bee n s ubme rge d i n wat er, p unct ure d, or s ubj ecte d t o a severe fall, do not use it until yo u have taken it to be checked at a n authorized service centre.
88 Aircraft Switch off your w ireless device w henever you are instructed to do so by airport or airline staff. Consult the airline staff about the use of wire less devices on board t he aircraft. If your device offers a ‘ flight mode’, this must be enabled prior to boarding an aircraft.
An important point after buying a device ZTE V768 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought ZTE V768 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data ZTE V768 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, ZTE V768 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get ZTE V768 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of ZTE V768, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime ZTE V768.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with ZTE V768. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device ZTE V768 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center