Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product ZQ110 Zebra Technologies
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P1 069085 -0 01 Rev. A ZQ110 Mobile Prin ter Com mand Man ual.
ZQ1 10 Rev . 1.00 - 2 - Mobile Printer Comman d Ma nu al Ta ble of Contents 1. Notice ............................................................................................................................. 6 2. Control Co mm ands List ..........
ZQ1 10 Rev . 1.00 - 3 - Mobile Printer Comman d Ma nu al ■ P ropr ietary Statements This m anual co ntains propr ie tary information f or Zebra Tech nolog ie s Corporation. It is intended solel y for the inform ati on and use of parties operating and m ain taining the equ ip - m ent descri bed herein.
ZQ1 10 Rev . 1.00 - 4 - Mobile Printer Comman d Ma nu al Canadian Compliance Statement This Class B digital apparatus com pl ies w i th Canad i an ICES - 003. Cet appareil num é riq ue de la c l asse B est con forme á l a norm e NMB -00 3 du Canada.
ZQ1 10 Rev . 1.00 - 5 - Mobile Printer Comman d Ma nu al Copyright s The copyrights i n this m anual and the l a bel print engine described th ere in are owned by Zebra T echnologies Cor poration.
ZQ1 10 Rev . 1.00 - 6 - Mobile Printer Comman d Ma nu al 1. Notice This m anu al contains i nformation on the proto col and functions of all control comm ands that can be used w i t h the ZQ110 pr i nter.
ZQ1 10 Rev . 1.00 - 7 - Mobile Printer Comman d Ma nu al No Command Name 31 ESC { Turn upside -dow n print mode on/off 32 FS & Se l ect Kanji character m o de 33 FS .
ZQ1 10 Rev . 1.00 - 8 - Mobile Printer Comman d Ma nu al 3. Control C omman ds Deta il s 3-1 Co mm and Not a tio n [Nam e] [Format] [Range] [Description] The na m e of the comm and. The code sequence: ASCII indicates the ASCII character equiva len t s.
ZQ1 10 Rev . 1.00 - 9 - Mobile Printer Comman d Ma nu al 3-3 Co ntrol C ommands Details EOT n [Nam e] [Format] [Range] [Description] T ransm i t status ASCII EOT n Hex 04 n Decimal 4 n 1 ≤ n ≤ 4 �.
ZQ1 10 Rev . 1.00 - 10 - Mobile Printer Comman d Ma nu al n=3: Error status Bit Off/On Hex Decimal Functio n 0 Off 00 0 Fi x ed 1 On 02 2 Fi x ed 2 Off 00 0 Fi x ed 3 Off 00 0 Fi x ed 4 On 10 16 Fi x .
ZQ1 10 Rev . 1.00 - 11 - Mobile Printer Comman d Ma nu al HT [Nam e] [Format] [Description] [Ex a m ple ] Hori z ontal tab. ASCII HT Hex 09 Decimal 9 ▪ Moves the print position to the nex t horizon t al tab pos ition .
ZQ1 10 Rev . 1.00 - 12 - Mobile Printer Comman d Ma nu al FF [Nam e] [Format] [Description] [Ex a m ple ] If i n p age m ode, after printing, the printer is re turne d to standa rd m ode. ASCII FF Hex 0C Decimal 12 ▪ All data collected to the cu rren t po int is printed, and then the printer i s converted from p age m ode to standard m ode.
ZQ1 10 Rev . 1.00 - 13 - Mobile Printer Comman d Ma nu al DLE [Nam e] [Format] [Description] Set real- t i m e co mm an d m o de. ASCII DLE Hex 10 Decimal 16 ▪ Set real-ti m e comm and m ode. ▪ A si ngle co mm and f ollowing this comm and is r egarded as a real tim e comm and th at the printer ex ecutes u pon receiving it.
ZQ1 10 Rev . 1.00 - 14 - Mobile Printer Comman d Ma nu al ES C SP [Nam e] [Format] [Range] [Default] [Description] [Ex a m ple ] Set right- s i de character spac ing.
ZQ1 10 Rev . 1.00 - 15 - Mobile Printer Comman d Ma nu al ESC ! [Nam e] [Format] [Ra nge] [Default] [Description] [Ex a m ple ] Select print mode(s). ASCII ESC ! n Hex 1B 21 n Decimal 27 33 n 0 ≤ n ≤ 255 n=0 ▪ Selects pr in t m ode(s) u s i ng n as follow s : Bit Of f/On Hex Deci m al Function 0 Of f 00 0 Character font A (12 × 24) selected.
ZQ1 10 Rev . 1.00 - 16 - Mobile Printer Comman d Ma nu al ESC $ [Nam e] [Format] [Range] [Description] [Ex a m ple ] Set absolute print position. ASCII ESC $ nL nH Hex 1B 24 nL nH Decimal 27 36 nL nH .
ZQ1 10 Rev . 1.00 - 17 - Mobile Printer Comman d Ma nu al ESC * [Nam e] [Format] [Range] [Description] [Ex a m ple ] Select bit i m a ge m ode. ASCII ESC * m nL nH d1.
ZQ1 10 Rev . 1.00 - 18 - Mobile Printer Comman d Ma nu al ESC – [Nam e] [F ormat] [Range] [Default] [Description] [Ex a m ple ] T urn underline m ode on/off.
ZQ1 10 Rev . 1.00 - 19 - Mobile Printer Comman d Ma nu al ESC 2 [Nam e] [Format] [Description] Select default line spacing. ASCII ESC 2 Hex 1B 32 Decimal 27 50 ▪ The default line sp acing is a pprox imately 3.75 m m, which i s equivalent to 30 dots.
ZQ1 10 Rev . 1.00 - 20 - Mobile Printer Comman d Ma nu al ESC = [Nam e] [Format] [Range] [Default] [Description] Select peripheral device ASCII ESC = n Hex 1B 3D n Decimal 27 61 n 1 ≤ n ≤ 3 n = 1 ▪ The select ion o f per i p her a l s accord i ng to th e n value is as fo l low s.
ZQ1 10 Rev . 1.00 - 21 - Mobile Printer Comman d Ma nu al [Ex a m ple ] ▪ Input: 0x48 0x 09 0x48 0 x09 0x 48 0x09 0 x 48 0x0a 0x1b 0x 44 0x0a 0 x14 0x 1e 0x00 0x48 0x 09 0x48 0 x09 0x 48 0x09 0 x 48 0x0a ▪ Output: ESC E [Nam e] [Format] [Range] [Default] [Description] [Ex a m ple ] T urn emphasized m ode on / off.
ZQ1 10 Rev . 1.00 - 22 - Mobile Printer Comman d Ma nu al ESC G [Nam e] [Format] [Range] [Default] [Description] [Ex a m ple ] T urn double- s trike mode on/off. ASCII ESC G n Hex 1B 47 n Decimal 27 71 n 0 ≤ n ≤ 255 n=0 ▪ T urn s double-stri ke m ode on or off.
ZQ1 10 Rev . 1.00 - 23 - Mobile Printer Comman d Ma nu al ESC J [Nam e] [Format] [Range] [Description] [Ex a m ple ] Print and feed paper . ASCII ESC J n Hex 1B 4A n Decimal 27 74 n 0 ≤ n ≤ 255 ▪ Prin t s the data in the print buf fer and feeds the paper [n X vert i ca l m otio n uni t ].
ZQ1 10 Rev . 1.00 - 24 - Mobile Printer Comman d Ma nu al ESC M [Nam e] [Format] [Range] [Default] [Description] [Notes] Select character font./ MSR card r ead ASCII ESC M n Hex 1B 4D n Decimal 27 77 .
ZQ1 10 Rev . 1.00 - 25 - Mobile Printer Comman d Ma nu al [Ex a m ple ] - W hen MS R set to T rack 1/2/ 3 Read mode START cha racters (Max 10 byte) Max DAT A 76 charac ters (1Track data) END cha racte.
ZQ1 10 Rev . 1.00 - 26 - Mobile Printer Comman d Ma nu al ESC R [Nam e] [Format] [Range] [Default] [Description] [Ex a m ple ] Select an international character set. ASCII ESC R n Hex 1B 52 n Decimal 27 82 n 0 ≤ n ≤ 13 n=0 ▪ Selects internationa l ch aracte r set in from the following table : n Character set n Character set 0 U.
ZQ1 10 Rev . 1.00 - 27 - Mobile Printer Comman d Ma nu al 0x1b 0x 52 0x0a 0x23 0x 24 0x40 0 x5b 0x 5c 0x5d 0x5e 0x60 0x7b 0x 7c 0 x7d 0x 7e 0x0a 0x1b 0x 52 0x0b 0x23 0x 24 0x40 0 x5b 0x 5c 0x5d 0 x5e .
ZQ1 10 Rev . 1.00 - 28 - Mobile Printer Comman d Ma nu al ESC T [Nam e] [Format] [Range] [Default] [Description] [Ex a m ple ] Select print direction in page m od e. ASCII ESC T n Hex 1B 54 n Decimal 27 84 n 0 ≤ n ≤ 3, 48 ≤ n ≤ 51 n=o ▪ Selects the print d ir ection and st arting pos i t ion in page mode.
ZQ1 10 Rev . 1.00 - 29 - Mobile Printer Comman d Ma nu al ESC W [Nam e] [Format] [Range] [Default] [Description] [Ex a m ple ] Set relative print position.
ZQ1 10 Rev . 1.00 - 30 - Mobile Printer Comman d Ma nu al ESC \ [Nam e] [Format] [Range] [Description] [Ex a m ple ] Set relative print position. ASCII ESC \ n nH Hex 1B 5C nL nH Decimal 27 92 .
ZQ1 10 Rev . 1.00 - 31 - Mobile Printer Comman d Ma nu al ESC a [Nam e] [Format] [Range] [Default] [Description] [Ex a m ple ] Select justification. ASC I ESC a n Hex 1B 61 n Decimal 27 97 n 0 ≤ .
ZQ1 10 Rev . 1.00 - 32 - Mobile Printer Comman d Ma nu al ESC d [Nam e] [Format] [Range] [Description] [Ex a m ple ] Print and feed n lines. ASCII ESC d n Hex 1B 64 n Decimal 27 10 0 n 0 ≤ n ≤ 255 ▪ Prin t s the data in the print buf fer and feeds n lines.
ZQ1 10 Rev . 1.00 - 33 - Mobile Printer Comman d Ma nu al ESC t [Nam e] [Format] [Rang e] [Default] [Description] Select character code tab le. ASCII ESC t n Hex 1B 74 n Decimal 27 1 16 n 0 ≤ n ≤ .
ZQ1 10 Rev . 1.00 - 34 - Mobile Printer Comman d Ma nu al ESC { [Nam e] [Format] [Range] [Default] [Description] [Ex a m ple ] T urns upside-down pr i nting m od e on/off. ASCII ESC { n Hex 1B 7B n Decimal 27 123 n 0 ≤ n ≤ 255 n=0 ▪ T urn s upside-dow n pr inting m ode on o r of f.
ZQ1 10 Rev . 1.00 - 35 - Mobile Printer Comman d Ma nu al GS ! [Nam e] [Format] [Range] [Default] [Description] Select character size. ASCII GS ! n Hex 1D 21 n Decimal 29 33 n 0 ≤ n ≤ 255 (where 1.
ZQ1 10 Rev . 1.00 - 36 - Mobile Printer Comman d Ma nu al [Ex a m ple ] ▪ Input: 0x41 0x 42 0x43 0a 0x1d 0x 21 0x20 0x41 0x 42 0x43 0a 0x1d 0x 21 0x02 0x41 0x 42 0x43 0a 0x1d 0x 21 0x44 0x41 0x 42 0x43 0a ▪ Output: GS $ [Nam e] [Format] [Range] [Description] [Ex a m ple ] Set absolute vertical print position in page m o de.
ZQ1 10 Rev . 1.00 - 37 - Mobile Printer Comman d Ma nu al ▪ Output: GS ( A [Nam e] [Format] [Range] [Description] [Notes] Ex ecute test print. ASCII GS ( A pL pH n m He 1D 28 41 pL pH n m Decima.
ZQ1 10 Rev . 1.00 - 38 - Mobile Printer Comman d Ma nu al GS ( F [Nam e] [Description] [Notes] Set bl ack m ark control functions. ▪ Th i s comm and perf orm s vari ous functions to control the b la.
ZQ1 10 Rev . 1.00 - 39 - Mobile Printer Comman d Ma nu al <Function 1 12> GS ( F pL pH m aL aH bL bH (m =1 12) [Format] [Range] [Default] [Description] [Notes] ASCII GS ( F pL pH m aL aH bL bH H.
ZQ1 10 Rev . 1.00 - 40 - Mobile Printer Comman d Ma nu al GS ( k pL p H cn fn [param e ter] [Nam e] [Description] S peci fy and pr i nt the sym b ol. ▪ Processes the data co ncer n i ng tw o -di m ensional code. - Sy m bol typ e i s spec ified by cn.
ZQ1 10 Rev . 1.00 - 41 - Mobile Printer Comman d Ma nu al <Function 065> GS ( k p L pH cn f n n (fn=65 ) [Format] [Range] [Default] [Description] [Notes] ASCII GS ( k pL pH cn fn n Hex 1D 28 6B .
ZQ1 10 Rev . 1.00 - 42 - Mobile Printer Comman d Ma nu al <Function 067> GS ( k p L pH cn f n n (fn=67 ) [Format] [Range] [Default] [Description] [Notes] ASCII GS ( k pL pH cn fn n Hex 1D 28 6B .
ZQ1 10 Rev . 1.00 - 43 - Mobile Printer Comman d Ma nu al [Default] [Description] [Notes] n=1 S peci fies the error correct io n leve l of PDF4 17. m Function 48 The error correction level is spec i fied by “ l evel” ▪ Settings of this function af fect the processing of Functions 081.
ZQ1 10 Rev . 1.00 - 44 - Mobile Printer Comman d Ma nu al <Function 080> GS ( k p L pH cn f n m d1...d k (fn=80) [Format] [Range] [Description] [Notes] ASCII GS ( k pL pH cn fn m Hex 1D 28 6B pL pH 30 50 30 Decimal 29 40 107 pL pH 48 80 48 d1.
ZQ1 10 Rev . 1.00 - 45 - Mobile Printer Comman d Ma nu al [Ex a m ple ] ▪ The foll owing da t a is added autom at ically by the encode processing: - S t art pattern and stop p attern. - Indicator code word of left and r igh t. - The descriptor of sym bol le ngth.
ZQ1 10 Rev . 1.00 - 46 - Mobile Printer Comman d Ma nu al ▪ Output <Function 165> GS ( k p L pH cn f n n1 n2 ( fn= 65) [Format] [Range] [Defaults] [Description] [Notes] ASCII GS ( k pL pH cn f.
ZQ1 10 Rev . 1.00 - 47 - Mobile Printer Comman d Ma nu al <Function 169> GS ( k pL pH cn fn n (fn=69 ) [Format] [Range] [Default] [Description] ASCII GS ( k pL pH cn fn n Hex 1D 28 6B 03 00 31 4.
ZQ1 10 Rev . 1.00 - 48 - Mobile Printer Comman d Ma nu al <Function 181> GS ( k p L pH cn f n m (fn =81) [Format] [Range] [Description] [Notes] ASCII GS ( k pL pH cn fn m Hex 1D 28 6B 03 00 31 5.
ZQ1 10 Rev . 1.00 - 49 - Mobile Printer Comman d Ma nu al [Ex a m ple ] ▪ Input 0x1d 0x 28 0x6b 0 x04 0x 00 0x31 0 x 41 0x32 0x00 0x1d 0x 28 0x6b 0 x03 0x 00 0x31 0 x 43 0x05 0x1d 0x 28 0x6b 0 x03 0.
ZQ1 10 Rev . 1.00 - 50 - Mobile Printer Comman d Ma nu al <Function 367> GS ( k p L pH cn n ( fn=67) [Format] [Range] [Default] [Description] ASCII GS ( k pL pH cn fn n Hex 1D 28 6B 03 00 33 43 .
ZQ1 10 Rev . 1.00 - 51 - Mobile Printer Comman d Ma nu al <Function 381> GS ( k p L pH cn fn m (fn=81) [Format] [Range] [Description] [Notes] [Ex a m ple ] ASCII GS ( k pL pH cn fn m Hex 1D 28 6.
ZQ1 10 Rev . 1.00 - 52 - Mobile Printer Comman d Ma nu al ▪ Output: <Function 465> GS ( k p L pH cn f n n (fn=65) [Format] [Range] [Default] [Description] [Notes] ASCII GS ( k pL pH cn fn n Hex 1D 28 6B 03 00 34 41 n Decimal 29 40 107 3 0 52 65 n (pL + pH x 256) = 3 (pL=3, pH=0) cn=52 fn=65 50<=n<=60 n=50 Selects the GS1 Databar .
ZQ1 10 Rev . 1.00 - 53 - Mobile Printer Comman d Ma nu al <Function 466> GS ( k p L pH cn f n n (fn=66) [Format] [Range] [Default] [Description] [Notes] ASCII GS ( k pL pH cn fn n1 n2 Hex 1D 28 .
ZQ1 10 Rev . 1.00 - 54 - Mobile Printer Comman d Ma nu al <Function 470> GS ( k p L pH cn f n n (fn=70 ) [Format] [Range] [Default] [Description] [Notes] ASCII GS ( k pL pH cn fn n Hex 1D 28 6B .
ZQ1 10 Rev . 1.00 - 55 - Mobile Printer Comman d Ma nu al [Notes] ▪ The dat a stored to the sym bol sto rage a rea by this comm and i s executed by Function 481. The data rem ai ns reserved in the symbol storage area. ▪ Encodes a Global T rade Item Nu mber(GTIN ) and AI’s(Applicat ion Identifiers) ▪ GS1 DataBar ho l ds a 14-digit num ber .
ZQ1 10 Rev . 1.00 - 56 - Mobile Printer Comman d Ma nu al ▪ output: <Function 565> GS ( k p L pH cn f n n (fn=65 ) [Format] [Range] [Default] [Description] [Notes] ASCII GS ( k pL pH cn fn n Hex 1D 28 6B 03 00 35 41 n Decimal 29 40 107 3 0 53 65 n (pL + pH x 256) = 3 (pL=3, pH=0) cn=53 fn=65 1<=n<=8 n=2 Set the size of .
ZQ1 10 Rev . 1.00 - 57 - Mobile Printer Comman d Ma nu al <Function 567> GS ( k p L pH cn f n n (fn=67 ) [Format] [Range] [Default] [Description] [Notes] ASCII GS ( k pL pH cn fn n Hex 1D 28 6B 03 00 35 43 n Decimal 29 40 107 3 0 53 67 n (pL + pH x 256) = 3 (pL=3, pH=0) cn=53 fn=67 0<=n<=2 n=0 Set the m ode of .
ZQ1 10 Rev . 1.00 - 58 - Mobile Printer Comman d Ma nu al <Function 581> GS ( k p L pH cn f n m (fn =81) [Format] [Range] [Default] [Description] [Notes] ASCII GS ( k pL pH cn fn m Hex 1D 28 6B .
ZQ1 10 Rev . 1.00 - 59 - Mobile Printer Comman d Ma nu al GS ( E [Nam e] [Description] [Notes] Set NV user m e m ory area This comm and store s the customized values t o the NV use r m e m ory area and uses them for the p rinter operat i on. The t abl e be l ow explains th e functions avail able in t his c ommand.
ZQ1 10 Rev . 1.00 - 60 - Mobile Printer Comman d Ma nu al <Function 1> GS ( E pL pH fn d1 d2 (fn =1) [Format] [Range] [Description] [Notes] ASCII GS ( E pL pH fn d1 d2 Hex 1D 28 45 pL pH fn d1 d.
ZQ1 10 Rev . 1.00 - 61 - Mobile Printer Comman d Ma nu al <Function 3 > GS ( E pL pH fn [a1 b18...b11]...[ak bk8...bk1] (fn=3) [Format] [Range] [Default] [Description] ASCII GS ( E pL pH fn [b18...b1 1]... [bk8...bk1] Hex 1D 28 45 pL pH fn [b18.
ZQ1 10 Rev . 1.00 - 62 - Mobile Printer Comman d Ma nu al ▪ The setting item s o f the m e mory sw i tch 2 are as follows: Code page select io n using the m emory sw itch 2 -3 through 2- 8.
ZQ1 10 Rev . 1.00 - 63 - Mobile Printer Comman d Ma nu al ▪ The sett ing ite m s of the m e m ory s witch 5 are as follows: S peci fy the length of idle t ime before the printer enters the pow er -d ow n m ode.
ZQ1 10 Rev . 1.00 - 64 - Mobile Printer Comman d Ma nu al ▪ The sett ing ite m s of the m e m ory s witch 8 are as follows: - Either the character font A or B or C is se l ected. - The beep i s activated f or the audible paper e m pty w arni ng signal.
ZQ1 10 Rev . 1.00 - 65 - Mobile Printer Comman d Ma nu al <Function 4> GS ( E pL pH fn a (fn=4) [Format] [Range] [Description] ASCII GS ( E pL pH fn a Hex 1D 28 45 pL pH fn a Decimal 29 40 69 pL.
ZQ1 10 Rev . 1.00 - 66 - Mobile Printer Comman d Ma nu al GS ( L, GS 8 L [Nam e] [Format] [Description] [Notes] Select graphics data ASCII GS ( L pL pH m fn [param eter] Hex 1D 28 4C pL pH m fn [param.
ZQ1 10 Rev . 1.00 - 67 - Mobile Printer Comman d Ma nu al <Function 48> GS ( L pL pH m fn (fn =0, 48) [Format] [Range] [Description] ASCII GS ( L pL pH m fn Hex 1D 28 4C pL pH m fn Decimal 29 40.
ZQ1 10 Rev . 1.00 - 68 - Mobile Printer Comman d Ma nu al <Function 51> GS ( L pL pH m fn (fn =3, 51) [Format] [Range] [Description] ASCII GS ( L pL pH m fn Hex 1D 28 4C pL pH m fn Decimal 29 40.
ZQ1 10 Rev . 1.00 - 69 - Mobile Printer Comman d Ma nu al ▪ Af ter th e [Header-NULL] is transm itt ed, the p ri nter rece i ves a response from the h ost; then it perform s the proce ss defined by the response.
ZQ1 10 Rev . 1.00 - 70 - Mobile Printer Comman d Ma nu al <Function 67> GS ( L pL pH m fn a kc1 kc2 b x L x H yL yH [c d1...d k]1...[c]b (fn=67) [Format] [Range] [Description] [Notes] ASCII GS ( L pL pH m fn a kc1 kc2 b xL xH yL yH [ c d1 .
ZQ1 10 Rev . 1.00 - 71 - Mobile Printer Comman d Ma nu al <Function 112> GS ( L pL pH m fn a bx by c xL xH yL yH ( fn=112) [Format] [Range] [Description] [Notes] ASCII GS ( L pL pH m fn a bx by c x L xH yL yH d1...d k Hex 1D 28 4C pL pH m fn a bx by c x L xH yL yH d1.
ZQ1 10 Rev . 1.00 - 72 - Mobile Printer Comman d Ma nu al GS B [Nam e] [Format] [Range] [Default] [Description] [Ex a m ple ] T urns white/black reverse pr i nting m od e on / of f. ASCII GS B n Hex 1D 42 n Decimal 29 66 n 0 ≤ n ≤ 2 55 n=0 ▪ T urn s w hite/black reverse printing m ode on or off.
ZQ1 10 Rev . 1.00 - 73 - Mobile Printer Comman d Ma nu al [Ex a m ple ] ▪ Input: 0x1d 0x 68 0x50 0x1d 0x 48 0x00 0x1d 0 x6b 0x49 0 x0a 0 x31 0 x32 0x33 0 x34 0x35 0 x36 0x37 0 x 38 0 x39 0x30 0x1b 0.
ZQ1 10 Rev . 1.00 - 74 - Mobile Printer Comman d Ma nu al GS I [Nam e] [Format] [Range] [Description] T ransm i ts pr in ter ID. ASCII GS I n Hex 1D 49 n Decimal 29 73 n 1 ≤ n ≤ 69, ▪ T ran sm its the pr in ter ID spec i fied.
ZQ1 10 Rev . 1.00 - 75 - Mobile Printer Comman d Ma nu al GS I b [Nam e] [Format] [Description] [Notes] T ransm i ts battery st atus. ASCII GS I b Hex 1D 49 62 Decimal 29 73 98 T ransm i ts the batter.
ZQ1 10 Rev . 1.00 - 76 - Mobile Printer Comman d Ma nu al GS L [Nam e] [Format] [Range] [Default] [Description] [Ex a m ple ] Set left m argi n. ASCII GS L nL nH Hex 1D 4C nL nH Decimal 29 76 nL nH 0 ≤ nL ≤ 255, 0 ≤ nH ≤ 255 (nL + nH x 256)=0 (nL=0, nH=0) ▪ Sets the le f t m argi n specified by nL an d nH.
ZQ1 10 Rev . 1.00 - 77 - Mobile Printer Comman d Ma nu al GS T [Nam e] [Format] [Range] [Description] [Notes] [Ex a m ple ] Set print position to the beginn i ng of print line. ASCII GS T n Hex 1D 54 n Decimal 29 84 n n=0, 1, 48, 49 ▪ Th i s comm and sets the print position to the beginning of the print line.
ZQ1 10 Rev . 1.00 - 78 - Mobile Printer Comman d Ma nu al GS W [Nam e] [Format] [Range] [Default] [Description] [Ex a m ple ] Set printing area width. ASCII GS W nL nH Hex 1D 57 nL nH Decimal 29 87 nL.
ZQ1 10 Rev . 1.00 - 79 - Mobile Printer Comman d Ma nu al GS \ [Nam e] [Format] [Range] [Description] [Ex a m ple ] Set relative vertical print position in p age mode.
ZQ1 10 Rev . 1.00 - 80 - Mobile Printer Comman d Ma nu al GS ^ [Nam e] [Format] [Range] [Description] Ex ecute m acro. ASCII GS ^ r t m Hex 1D 5E r t m Decimal 29 94 r t m 0 ≤ r ≤ 255 0 ≤ t ≤ 255 m=0, 1 ▪ Ex ecutes a m acro. - r spe c i fies the n um ber o f times to ex ecute t he m acro.
ZQ1 10 Rev . 1.00 - 81 - Mobile Printer Comman d Ma nu al ▪ The pr inter infor m ation tran sm itted is com pri sed of 4 b y tes as follows: - Fir st byte( pr inter infor m ation) Bit Off /On Hex Decimal Function 0 Off 00 0 Not used. Fi x ed to Off 1 Off 00 0 Not used.
ZQ1 10 Rev . 1.00 - 82 - Mobile Printer Comman d Ma nu al GS f [Nam e] [Format] [Range] [Default] [Description] [Ex a m ple ] Select font for HRI cha racters. ASCII GS f n Hex 1D 66 n Decimal 29 102 n n=0, 1, 48, 49 n=0 ▪ Selects a font for th e HRI characters used when printing a bar code.
ZQ1 10 Rev . 1.00 - 83 - Mobile Printer Comman d Ma nu al GS h [Nam e] [Format] [Range] [Default] [Description] [Ex a m ple ] Selects bar code he ig ht. ASCII GS h n Hex 1D 68 n Decimal 29 104 n 1 ≤ nL ≤ 255 n=162 ▪ Selects the he i ght of t he bar code as n dots.
ZQ1 10 Rev . 1.00 - 84 - Mobile Printer Comman d Ma nu al GS k [Nam e] [Format] [Range] [Description] Print bar code. ① ASCII GS k m NUL Hex 1D 6B m NUL Decimal 29 107 m NUL ② ASCII GS k m n d1...dn Hex 1D 6B m n d1...dn Decimal 29 107 m n d1.
ZQ1 10 Rev . 1.00 - 85 - Mobile Printer Comman d Ma nu al [Ex a m ple ] ▪ Input: 0x1d 0x 68 0x50 0x1d 0x 77 0x02 0x 1d 0x6b 0x06 0x31 0x32 0x33 0x34 0x35 0x36 0x37 0x 38 0x39 0x30 0x41 0x 42 0x43 0 .
ZQ1 10 Rev . 1.00 - 86 - Mobile Printer Comman d Ma nu al GS v 0 [Nam e] [Format] [Range] Print raster bit im age. ASCII GS v 0 m xL xH yL yH Hex 1D 76 30 m xL xH yL yH d1.
ZQ1 10 Rev . 1.00 - 87 - Mobile Printer Comman d Ma nu al [Ex a m ple ] ▪ Input: 0x1d 0x 68 0x50 0x1d 0x 77 0x02 0x1d 0x 6b 0 x46 0x0a 0x31 0x32 0x33 0x34 0x35 0x36 0x37 0x38 0x39 0x30 0x0a 0x1d 0x .
ZQ1 10 Rev . 1.00 - 88 - Mobile Printer Comman d Ma nu al BS L R [Nam e] [Format] [Description] [Notes] Change receipt mode. ASCII BS L R Hex 08 4C 52 Decim al 8 76 82 ▪ Change from l abel m ode to r eceipt m o de. ▪ The m emory sw itch setting is changed.
ZQ1 10 Rev . 1.00 - 89 - Mobile Printer Comman d Ma nu al BS M S PL PH fn2 m d1~dk [Nam e] [Format] [Range] [Default] [Description] Set S tart characters ASCII BS M S pL pH fn 2 m d1~dk Hex 08 4D 53 p.
ZQ1 10 Rev . 1.00 - 90 - Mobile Printer Comman d Ma nu al Dynam ic se ntin el c har ac ter mode START characters (Max 10 byte ) Max DATA 76 characters (1Track data) END characters (Max 10 byte ) 0DH 0.
ZQ1 10 Rev . 1.00 - 91 - Mobile Printer Comman d Ma nu al US US i [Nam e] [Format] [Range] [Description] Get B/T configurat i on ASCII US US i n Hex 1F 1F 69 n Decimal 31 31 105 n n = 99, 1 15 , 100, .
ZQ1 10 Rev . 1.00 - 92 - Mobile Printer Comman d Ma nu al US US p [Nam e] [Format] [Range] [Description ] Set B/T conf i gurat io n ASCII US US p n m p1~pk CR d1~dk CR Hex 1F 1F 70 n m p1~pk 0D d1~dk .
ZQ1 10 Rev . 1.00 - 93 - Mobile Printer Comman d Ma nu al W LAN conf ig urat io n [Nam e] [Description] W LAN conf ig urat io n com m and ‘ S tart Message ’ i s necessary before sending c ommand via USB in t erfa ce.
ZQ1 10 Rev . 1.00 - 94 - Mobile Printer Comman d Ma nu al ▪ Reference for requesting WALN conf i gurat ion Operation M essag e Value Size Remark Conn ect Reque st (Hos t → Printer) Syste m Reques .
ZQ1 10 Rev . 1.00 - 95 - Mobile Printer Comman d Ma nu al W EP Key_2 uns igned cha r[26] W EP Key_3 uns igned cha r[26] PSK Key uns igned cha r[64] Adho cchanne l uns igned cha r EAP Mode uns igned ch.
ZQ1 10 Rev . 1.00 - 96 - Mobile Printer Comman d Ma nu al ▪ Reference for setting W LAN conf i guration , Operation Mess age Value Size Remark Configura tion Set Value (Hos t → Printer) Configura .
ZQ1 10 Rev . 1.00 - 97 - Mobile Printer Comman d Ma nu al P2P_Pin_co de uns igned cha r[9] Max 8bytes P2P_C hanne l uns igned cha r[3] 1,6,11 USER NAME uns igned cha r[32] Syste m ID USER PAS SWORD un.
An important point after buying a device Zebra Technologies ZQ110 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Zebra Technologies ZQ110 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Zebra Technologies ZQ110 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Zebra Technologies ZQ110 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Zebra Technologies ZQ110 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Zebra Technologies ZQ110, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Zebra Technologies ZQ110.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Zebra Technologies ZQ110. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Zebra Technologies ZQ110 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center