Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product FZS10Y Yamaha
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3C3-28199-13 FZS10Y(C) OWNER’S MANUAL Read this manual carefully before operating this vehicle. LIT-11626-22-36.
EAU10042 Read this manua l carefully befor e operating this vehicle. This manual should s tay with this veh icle if it is sold. Page 1 M onday, August 18, 2 008 2:18 PM.
INTRODUCTION EAU10081 Cong ratul ations on your purch ase of the Yama ha F ZS10Y (C). T his model i s t he resu lt of Yamah a’s vas t expe rienc e in t he produ ctio n of fi ne sp ortin g, t ouri ng, and pace settin g r acing machin es.
IMPORTANT MANUAL INFORMATION EAU1013 2 Parti cularl y impor tant in forma tion is di sting uished in this man ual by the follow ing nota tions: This is t he safety aler t symb ol. It is u sed to ale r t you to potential p ersonal injur y hazards. Obey all safety me ssages that follow this symbol to avoid possible injur y or death.
IMPORTANT MANU AL INFORMATION EAU1019 3 FZS10Y(C) OW N E R ’ S MANU AL ©2008 by Y amaha Motor Cor poration, U.S.A. 1st edit ion, May 2008 All right s reser ved. Any reprinting or una uthoriz ed use without the written permissi on of Y amaha Motor Corporation, U .
TABLE OF CONTENTS LOCATION OF IMPORTANT LAB ELS ............. ....................... ......... 1-1 SAFETY INFORMATION ... ...............2-1 DESCRIPTION .. ........... ................. .... 3-1 Left view ................ ...................... .... 3-1 Right view .
TABLE OF CONTENTS Replac ing a turn signal ligh t bulb ....... ...................... .............. 7-33 Replac ing the l icense plat e light bulb ....... ...................... .............. 7-34 Front wheel ............... ............ ........ 7-35 Rear wheel .
LOCATION OF IMPORTANT LABELS 1-1 1 EAU10383 Read an d und ersta nd all of the lab els on your v ehicl e. Th ey co ntain i mport ant inf orm ation f or sa fe and p roper oper ation o f your vehic le.
LOCATION OF IMPORTANT LABELS 1-2 1 1 3 2 5 4 6 7 California onl y as follo ws. NO TICE Cleaning with alkaline or acid cleaner , gasoline or solv en t will damage windshield.
2-1 2 SAFETY INFORMATION EAU10283 Be a Responsible Owner As th e vehi cle ’ s owner, y ou ar e res pon- sibl e for the safe and prop er operati on of your moto rcycle. Motor cycles are single-trac k vehicles. Thei r saf e use and ope ratio n are de- pendent upon th e use of pr oper rid ing techni ques as well as the ex perti se of the operator.
SAFETY INFORMATION 2-2 2 due t o excessive speed or under- corn ering (ins ufficie nt lean angl e for the speed). • Always obe y the sp eed li mit and neve r travel fas ter than warrant- ed by road and traffi c condit ions. • Alway s sign al befor e turni ng or changin g lane s.
SAFETY INFORMATION 2-3 2 ● Do n ot ru n engi ne i n poo rly vent i- lated or p artia lly e nclos ed are as such as ba rns, garage s, or car- ports . ● Do not r un engi ne outd oors where engin e exhau st can b e drawn i nto a build ing th rough op enings such as win dows an d doors.
SAFETY INFORMATION 2-4 2 mod ifica tions no t spec ific ally re com- mended by Yama ha, even if sold and insta lled by a Yamaha de aler. Afte rmarke t Parts, Ac cess ories, and Modifications Whil e yo.
DESC RIPTION 3-1 3 EAU1041 0 Left view 1. F ront fork spring preload adjusting bolt (page 4-16) 2. F ront fork compression dam ping force adjusting screw (page 4-16) 3. Air filter ele ment (page 7-15) 4. Main fuse (page 7-30) 5. Fuel injection syst em fuse (page 7-3 0) 6.
DESCRIPTI ON 3-2 3 EAU10420 Right view 1. Owner ’ s t ool kit (page 7-2) 2. Rider seat loc k lev er (page 4-14) 3. Fuse box (page 7-30) 4. Battery (page 7-29) 5. Rear br ake fluid reservoir (page 7-22) 6. Engine oil fi ller cap (page 7-10) 7. F ront brake fluid reser v oir (page 7-22) 8.
DESC RIPTION 3-3 3 EAU1043 0 Controls and instruments 1. Clutch le ver (page 4-10) 2. Left handlebar s wit ches (page 4-9) 3. Main switch/steering lock (page 4-1) 4. Multi-function meter unit (page 4-5) 5. Right handlebar switches (page 4-9) 6. Throttle grip (page 7-17) 7.
INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS 4-1 4 EAU10460 Main switch/steer ing lock The main switch/st eering lock cont rols the igniti on and l igh ting s ystem s, an d is used t o lo ck the steering.
INSTRUMENT A ND CONTROL FUNCTIONS 4-2 4 To unl ock th e stee ring Push the key in, a nd then turn i t to “ OFF ” whi le still pushi ng it. EAU11003 Indicator and warning lights EAU11030 Turn signal indicator lights “” and “” The c orresp ondi ng ind icato r lig ht flas h- es when the tu rn signal switch is pus hed to the lef t or right.
INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS 4-3 4 corrected: The oil level warnin g light w ill fl ash ten times , then go off for 2.5 second s. If th is occ urs, hav e a Yama ha dealer ch eck the vehic le. EAU11425 Coolant temperature warning light “” This warni ng l ight co mes on if the en- gine ov erhe ats.
INSTRUMENT A ND CONTROL FUNCTIONS 4-4 4 Coolant temp er ature Dis pla y Condi tions What to do Under 39 ° C (Under 103 ° F) Mess age “ Lo ” is display ed. OK. Go ahead with riding. 40 – 116 ° C (104 – 242 ° F) T em perature is displa yed. OK.
INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS 4-5 4 EAU11532 Engine trouble warning light “” This wa rning light comes on or fla shes if a pr oblem i s detec ted in the el ectric al circu it moni toring the en gine. I f this oc- curs, h ave a Yamaha dealer check the self-dia gnosis system.
INSTRUMENT A ND CONTROL FUNCTIONS 4-6 4 ● To switch the sp eedome t er and odomet er/tripme ter dis plays be- twee n kilomet ers an d miles, press the “ SELECT ” button for at le ast one seco nd. Tachometer The electric t achomet er allows the ride r to mon itor the engi ne speed an d keep it within the idea l power rang e.
INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS 4-7 4 Push the “ SELECT ” button to switch the dis play betw een the odo meter mode “ ODO ” and the tri pme ter modes “ TRIP A ” and “ TRIP B ” in t he foll owing order : TRIP A → TRIP B → ODO → TRIP A When th e fuel am ount in the fuel tan k decrea ses t o 3.
INSTRUMENT A ND CONTROL FUNCTIONS 4-8 4 NOT ICE ECA10021 Do not continue to operate the en- gine if it is overheating. Air intake temperature mode The ai r intak e temperat ure display in di- cates th e temperat ure of the air dr awn int o the ai r filter c ase.
INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS 4-9 4 LCD and tachom eter brightness control mode This function allow s you to adjus t the brig htness of the L CD and the ta chom - ete r panel and needle to su it the ou t- side light ing c ondit ions . To set the brigh tness 1.
INSTRUMENT A ND CONTROL FUNCTIONS 4-10 4 EAU12400 Dimmer switch “ / ” Set th is swi tch to “” for the hi gh beam a nd to “” for the lo w beam. EAU12460 Turn signal switch “ / ” To sign al a righ t-hand turn, pu sh thi s switch t o “” .
INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS 4-11 4 EAU12870 Shift pedal The s hift pe dal i s loca ted on the lef t side of t he engi ne and is use d in com- binati on with t he c lutch le ver when shift ing the gears of th e 6-spee d con - stant-m esh transm ission eq uipped on this motor cycle.
INSTRUMENT A ND CONTROL FUNCTIONS 4-12 4 EAU13074 Fuel tank cap To open the fuel tank c ap Open t he fuel ta nk cap loc k cover , in- sert the ke y into the lock , and th en t urn it 1/ 4 turn cl ockwise. The lock wil l be re- lea sed a nd the fuel tank cap can be opened .
INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS 4-13 4 3. Wipe up any spilled fu el immedi- ately. NOTIC E: Immed iately wi pe off spilled fuel wi th a clean, dry, soft clot h, sinc e fuel may det eri- orate p ainted surfac es or pla stic parts. [ECA10 071] 4. Be sure to s ecurel y close th e fuel tank ca p.
INSTRUMENT A ND CONTROL FUNCTIONS 4-14 4 EAU13444 Catalytic conve rters This v ehicl e is equi pped wi th cat alyti c conve rters in the exhaus t system .
INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS 4-15 4 2. Remove the key. Ride r seat To remove the rider seat 1. Remove the passe nger s eat. 2. Push the ride r seat lock lever, l o- cated u nder the bac k of th e ride r sea t, to t he right as shown, and then pull the seat off.
INSTRUMENT A ND CONTROL FUNCTIONS 4-16 4 EAU14461 Storage compartm ent The st orage c ompar tment is locate d under the passeng er seat. ( See p age 4-14.) W ARNING EWA10961 ● Do not ex ceed the load lim it of 3 kg (7 lb) for the storage com- partment.
INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS 4-17 4 Rebound damping force The r ebound damp ing f orce is adju sted on the ri ght fron t fork le g only. To in - crea se the rebo und da mpin g force and there by har den the re bound da mping, turn th e adju sting s crew in direc tion (a ).
INSTRUMENT A ND CONTROL FUNCTIONS 4-18 4 pres sion damp ing for ce and there by soften the co mpres sion dampin g, turn the a djust ing sc rew i n dir ection (b).
INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS 4-19 4 To incre ase the spr ing preloa d and ther eby hard en the susp ension, tur n the adj usting ring in dire ction (a). To d e- crease th e spring pr eload an d thereby softe n the sus pensi on, tur n the adju st- ing ring in dir ection (b).
INSTRUMENT A ND CONTROL FUNCTIONS 4-20 4 ● Do not dispose of a damaged or worn -out sh ock abs orber as- sembly yourself. Ta ke the shock absorb er assemb ly to a Ya maha deale r for any se rvic e. EAU15151 Luggage strap holders There i s a lu ggage s trap ho lder o n each pas senge r footrest.
INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS 4-21 4 EAU15301 Sidestand The side stand is locate d on the le ft side of the f rame. R ais e the side stan d or lower it wi th your fo ot while holding th e vehi cle uprig ht. TIP The built -in sidest and swit ch is part of the ig nition circuit cu t-off system, w h ich cuts the i gniti on in cert ain si tuation s.
INSTRUMENT A ND CONTROL FUNCTIONS 4-22 4 With the engine turned off: 1. Mov e the sidestand down. 2. Make sure that the engine stop s witch is tur ned on. 3. T ur n the key on. 4. Shift the transmission into the neutral position. 5. Push the star t switch.
FOR YOUR SAFETY – PR E-OPERATION CHECKS 5-1 5 EAU15595 Inspect your vehicle each time you use it to make sur e the ve hicle is in safe o peratin g condition. Always fo llow the insp ection and m ainte nance proc edures and s chedu les d escrib ed in t he O wner ’ s M anual.
FOR YOUR SAFETY – PRE-OPERATION CHECKS 5-2 5 EAU15605 Pre-opera tion check list ITEM CHECKS P A GE Fuel • Check fuel l evel in fuel tank. • Refuel if necessary . • Check fuel l ine for leakage. 4-12 Engin e oil • Check oil le v el in engine.
FOR YOUR SAFETY – PR E-OPERATION CHECKS 5-3 5 Thr ottl e grip • Make sure that operation is smooth. • Check cab le free play . • If necessar y , ha ve Y amaha dealer adjust cable free play and lubricate cabl e and grip housing. 7-17, 7-25 Cont rol ca bles • Make sure that operation is smooth.
OPERATION AND IM PORTANT RIDING POINTS 6-1 6 EAU15951 Read t he Owner ’ s Manual carefully to beco me fami liar with all control s. If there i s a contr ol or func tion y ou do not under stand, ask y our Yama ha de aler.
OPERATION AND IMPORTANT RIDING P OINTS 6-2 6 2. Shif t the tr ansmi ssio n int o the neu - tra l position . (See page 6-2. ) The neutra l ind icator light shou ld come on. If not, ask a Yamaha deale r to check the elect rical circ uit. 3. Start t he en gine b y pu shing the start swit ch.
OPERATION AND IM PORTANT RIDING POINTS 6-3 6 NOT ICE ECA10260 ● Even with the transmission in the neutral position, d o not coast for long periods of time with the engin e off, and do not tow the motorcycle for long dis- tances. The transmissi on is properly lubricated on ly when the engine is running.
OPERATION AND IMPORTANT RIDING P OINTS 6-4 6 EAU16841 Engine break-in There is ne ver a mor e impo rtant p eriod in the l ife of y our en gine than the pe riod betw een 0 and 1600 km (1000 m i). For this re ason, y ou sho uld read the fo llow- ing mate rial carefully.
PERIODI C MAINTENANCE AND ADJ USTMENT 7-1 7 EAU17232 Perio dic inspecti on, adjustme nt, and lu- bricati on wil l keep your ve hicle i n the safes t and mos t effici ent co ndit ion pos- sible . Safet y is an oblig ation of the v ehi- cle ow ner/op era tor.
PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND ADJUSTMENT 7-2 7 EAU17491 Owner ’ s tool kit The ow ner ’ s tool kit is l ocated inside th e stor age com partm ent unde r the p as- senge r sea t.
PERIODI C MAINTENANCE AND ADJ USTMENT 7-3 7 EAU17600 Periodic ma intenance c hart for the emis sion control sy stem * S ince thes e items requ ire speci al tools, data an d technical sk ills, have a Yamah a dealer pe rform the ser vice.
PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND ADJUSTMENT 7-4 7 EAU32185 General maintenance and lubrication chart No. ITEM ROUT I NE INITIAL ODOMETER READINGS 600 mi (1000 km) or 1 month 4000 mi (7000 km) or 6 month s 800.
PERIODI C MAINTENANCE AND ADJ USTMENT 7-5 7 10 Drive chain • Check chain slack, alignment and condition. • Adjust and lubricate chain with a special O-ring chain lubricant thoroughly . Every 600 mi (1000 km) and after washing the motorcycle or riding in the rain 11 * Steering bearings • Check bearing as semblies f or looseness.
PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND ADJUSTMENT 7-6 7 19 * Fr ont fork • Check operation and for oil leak- age. • Replace if necessary . √√√√√ 20 * Shock absorber as- sembly • Check operation and for oil leak- age. • Replace if necessary . √√√√√ 21 * Rear suspension link piv ots • Check operation.
PERIODI C MAINTENANCE AND ADJ USTMENT 7-7 7 * S ince thes e items requ ire speci al tools, data an d technical sk ills, have a Yamah a dealer pe rform the ser vice. TIP From 24000 mi (3700 0 km) or 36 mon ths, r epeat the ma intena nce interv als starti ng from 8 000 mi (13 000 km) or 12 months.
PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND ADJUSTMENT 7-8 7 EAU18771 Removing and installing pan- els The p anels sh own ne ed to be r emoved to pe rform so me of th e maint enan ce jobs descri bed in this chapte r. Refer to this s ectio n each tim e a panel ne eds to be r emoved and insta lled.
PERIODI C MAINTENANCE AND ADJ USTMENT 7-9 7 To ins tall the pa nel Place the p anel in the ori gin al posi tion, and then instal l the scre w. EAU19652 Checki ng the spark pl ugs The spa rk plugs are import ant engine compon ents, wh ich sho uld be checke d perio dical ly, pr eferab ly by a Yam aha dealer .
PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND ADJUSTMENT 7-10 7 TIP If a tor que wr ench is not av ailabl e when install ing a spark plug , a good est imate of the c orrec t torqu e is 1/4 – 1/2 tur n past fi nger tight . However , the spa rk plug s hould be tightene d to the spec i- fied torq ue as soon as po ssib le.
PERIODI C MAINTENANCE AND ADJ USTMENT 7-11 7 4. If the engine oil i s belo w the mini- mum leve l mark, add suff icien t oil of the r ecomm ended ty pe to rai se it to the co rrect level . To change the engine oil (with or without oil filter cartridge replace- ment) 1.
PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND ADJUSTMENT 7-12 7 TIP Make sure th at the O-r ing is pr operly seated . 7. Instal l the new oil fi lter ca rtrid ge with an o il fil ter wren ch, an d then tighten it to th e specifi ed to rque with a t orque wrench. 8. Inst all the engin e oil drain b olt, and then tighten it to the specif ied torque .
PERIODI C MAINTENANCE AND ADJ USTMENT 7-13 7 10. Star t the engine , and then let it idle for several mi nutes while checki ng it for oi l leaka ge. If oil i s leak ing, im- media tely turn th e engi ne o ff and check for the cause.
PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND ADJUSTMENT 7-14 7 3. If th e coolan t is at or be low the minimu m le vel m ark, re move pan- el C. ( See pa ge 7- 8.) 4. Remove the reservoir cap, add coolan t to the maxi mum le vel mark, and then insta ll the r eserv oir cap.
PERIODI C MAINTENANCE AND ADJ USTMENT 7-15 7 EAU40052 Replaci ng the air filte r element The air fi lter elem ent shou ld be re- place d at the i nterv als spe cifie d in the peri odic maintena nce and lubri cation chart. Replace th e air filte r eleme nt more f requently if you are ri ding in un- usual ly w et or dust y are as.
PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND ADJUSTMENT 7-16 7 8. Ins ert a n ew air f ilter el ement i nto the air filter c ase. NOTIC E: Make sure that the air filte r eleme nt is prope rly sea ted i n the air fi lter case.
PERIODI C MAINTENANCE AND ADJ USTMENT 7-17 7 EAU44732 Checking the engine idling speed Check the engin e idling sp eed and, if necessary, have it adjus t ed by a Yamaha dealer at the interv als speci - fied i n the pe riodi c mai ntenanc e and l u- bricati on ch art.
PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND ADJUSTMENT 7-18 7 EAU21751 Tires To ma ximize the per forma nce, du rabil - ity, and sa fe oper ation of you r mot or- cycle, no te the follow ing points rega rding th e spec ified tires. Tire air press ure The ti re air pr essure shoul d be chec ked and, if necessary , ad justed be fore each ride.
PERIODI C MAINTENANCE AND ADJ USTMENT 7-19 7 W ARNING EWA10580 ● It is dangerous to ride wi th a worn-out tire. When a tire tread begins to show crosswise line s, have a Yamaha dealer replace the ti re immediat ely.
PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND ADJUSTMENT 7-20 7 “ broken in ” . Therefore , it is ad- visable before doing any high- speed riding to ride conserva- tively for a ppro ximate ly 1 00 km (60 mi) after installing a new tire. ● The tires must be warmed up before a high-speed run.
PERIODI C MAINTENANCE AND ADJ USTMENT 7-21 7 TIP If the spe cifie d free play cannot be ob- taine d as descri bed above or if the clutch does not ope rate c o rrect ly, have a Yama ha dealer che ck the int ernal clutch mechanism.
PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND ADJUSTMENT 7-22 7 the poi nt that a wear indicator almost touc hes the br ake disc, have a Yam aha deale r replac e the bra ke pads as a set. EAU22500 Rear b rake pads Check each rear brake pad for da mage and mea sure the linin g thickness.
PERIODI C MAINTENANCE AND ADJ USTMENT 7-23 7 ● Be care ful th at wate r does not en- ter t he br ake flui d reservo ir when refilli ng. Water will si gnificantly lower the boili ng poin t of t he flui d and may resul t in vapor lock. ● Brake fl uid may deterio rate paint- ed su rface s or plast ic p arts.
PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND ADJUSTMENT 7-24 7 5. If the dri ve chai n slack is inc orrect , adjust it a s fol lows. EAU34313 To ad just t he dr ive ch ain sl ack 1.
PERIODI C MAINTENANCE AND ADJ USTMENT 7-25 7 may contain substances that could damage the O-rings. [ECA1111 1] EAU23093 Checki ng and lubricating the cables The o peratio n of all cont rol cables a nd the co nditio n of the ca bles should be checked before each ride, and the ca- bles a nd cable ends sh ould be lub ricat- ed if ne cessary.
PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND ADJUSTMENT 7-26 7 EAU44271 Checking and lubricating the brake and shift pedals The op erati on of the b rake a nd shif t pedals sh ould be checked be fore eac h ride , and t he peda l pivo ts sh ould be lu- bricat ed if necessary.
PERIODI C MAINTENANCE AND ADJ USTMENT 7-27 7 EAU23213 Checki ng and lubricating the centerstand and sidestand The op erat ion of the cent ersta nd and sidest and should be che cked before each r ide, and the piv ots a nd m etal-to- metal contact surfaces shou ld be lubri- cated i f necessa ry.
PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND ADJUSTMENT 7-28 7 EAU23272 Checking the front fork The c ondit ion a nd op erati on of th e fr ont fork must be c hecke d as f ollo ws at the inter vals speci fied in the period ic main - ten ance and lu bric atio n chart . To check the condition Check the in ner tub es fo r scra tches , damage and excessive oil l eakage.
PERIODI C MAINTENANCE AND ADJ USTMENT 7-29 7 EAU23290 Checking the wheel be arings The fron t and rear whee l be arings m ust be chec ked at the inte rvals specified in the pe riodic ma intena nce and lubri ca- tion ch art.
PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND ADJUSTMENT 7-30 7 batte ry tends to dis charge mor e quick ly if th e vehicle is eq uipped with opt ional electr ical accesso ries. NOT ICE ECA16520 To charge a VRLA (Valve Regulated Lead Acid) battery, a special (con- stant-voltage) battery charger is r e- quired.
PERIODI C MAINTENANCE AND ADJ USTMENT 7-31 7 If a fuse is blow n, repla ce it as follo ws. TIP Incl ude step s 2 and 6 only for th e fuel inject ion system fu se. 1. Turn the key t o “ OFF ” and tu rn off the el ectric al ci rcuit in ques tion. 2.
PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND ADJUSTMENT 7-32 7 EAU23932 Replacing a headlight bulb This model i s equip ped wit h quartz bulb headli ghts. If a headlight bul b burn s out , replac e it as fol lows.
PERIODI C MAINTENANCE AND ADJ USTMENT 7-33 7 EAU24114 Replacing the tail/brake l ight bulb 1. Remove t he passenger seat. (See page 4- 14.) 2. Remove the soc ket (toget her with the b ulb) by tur ning i t coun ter- clockwis e. 3. Remove t he burnt-o ut bulb by pushi ng it in and turn ing it co unte r- clockwis e.
PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND ADJUSTMENT 7-34 7 6. Instal l the turn si gnal li ght unit by insta lling t h e sc rew. NOT ICE: Do not overtighten the s crew, oth- erwise the len s may break. [ECA11 191] EAU24312 Replacing the license plate light bulb 1. Remo ve the license plat e lig ht unit by remov ing the screws.
PERIODI C MAINTENANCE AND ADJ USTMENT 7-35 7 EAU24360 Front wheel EAU40201 To remove the f ront wheel W ARNING EWA10821 To avoid injury , securely suppor t the vehicle so the re is no danger of it falling over. 1. P lace th e vehic le on the c enter- stand.
PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND ADJUSTMENT 7-36 7 7. Pu sh do wn hard on the hand lebar several times to check for pro per for k operation . EAU25080 Rear wheel EAU40021 To re move th e rear wheel W ARNING EWA10821 To avoid injury, s ecurely support the vehicle so there is no danger of it falling over .
PERIODI C MAINTENANCE AND ADJ USTMENT 7-37 7 EAU39411 To in stall th e rea r whee l 1. Instal l the wheel and the b rake c al- iper brack et by inse rting the wheel axle f rom th e left-hand si de. TIP ● Make s ure that the sl ot in the brak e calipe r brack et is fit ov er the r etain- er on the swinga rm.
PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND ADJUSTMENT 7-38 7 heate rs or fu rnaces . Gaso line or gasoline vapors can ignite or ex- plode, causing s evere injury or property damage.
PERIODI C MAINTENANCE AND ADJ USTMENT 7-39 7 EAU42501 Troubleshooting charts Starting problems or poor engine pe rformance Check the fuel level in the fuel tank. 1. Fuel There is enough fuel. There is no fuel. Check the compression. Supply fuel. The engine does not start.
PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND ADJUSTMENT 7-40 7 Engine overheating W ARNING EWAT1040 ● Do not remove the radiator cap when the e n gine and radiator are hot. Scalding hot fluid and steam may be blown out under pressur e, which could cause serious injury.
MOTORCY CLE CARE AND STORAGE 8-1 8 EAU37833 Matte color caution NOT ICE ECA15192 Some models are equipped with matt e colo red fin ished part s. Be sure to consult a Ya ma ha dealer for advice on what products to u se be- fore cleaning the vehicle.
MOTORCYC LE CARE AND STORAGE 8-2 8 contact with strong or abrasive cleaning products, solv ent or thinner, fu el (gasoline ), rust re- movers or inhibitors, brake flu- id, antifr eeze or e lectrolyte .
MOTORCY CLE CARE AND STORAGE 8-3 8 5. Use spra y oil as a univ ersal clean- er to remov e any remai ning dirt. 6. Touc h up minor paint dam age caus ed by ston es, etc. 7. Wax al l pain ted sur faces. 8. Let t he mo torcycle dry c ompletely before storing or co verin g it.
MOTORCYC LE CARE AND STORAGE 8-4 8 3. Perfo rm the fo llowing step s to pro- tect the cylind ers, pisto n rings, etc. from corrosi on. a. Remo ve the spa rk plug caps and sp ark p lugs. b. Pour a teaspo onfu l of en gine o il into each spark plug bor e.
SPECI FIC ATIO NS 9-1 9 Dimensions: Overa ll length: 2140 mm (84.3 in) Overa ll width: 770 mm (30.3 in ) Overa ll height: 1205 mm (47.4 in) Seat hei ght: 815 mm (32.1 in ) Wheel base: 1460 mm (57.5 in) Gro und clear ance: 135 mm (5.31 in ) Minimu m turning r adius: 3000 mm (118 .
SPECIFICATIONS 9-2 9 Oper ation : Left foot o peration Gear ratio: 1st: 38/1 5 (2.53 3) 2nd: 33/1 6 (2.06 3) 3rd: 37/2 1 (1.76 2) 4th: 35/2 3 (1.52 2) 5th: 27/2 0 (1.35 0) 6th: 29/2 4 (1.20 8) Chassis: Frame type: Diamo nd Caste r angle: 25.00 ° Trail: 109.
SPECI FIC ATIO NS 9-3 9 Spring /shock abso rber type: Coil spr ing/gas -oil da mper Wheel travel : 130.0 mm (5.12 in ) Electrical system: Ignition system: TCI (digital) Char ging system: AC magn eto Battery: Model : YTZ14S Voltag e, capacity: 12 V, 11.
CONSUMER INFORMATI O N 10-1 10 EAU26351 Identification numbers Recor d the key identi fication number, vehic le identif icat ion nu mber a nd mod- el labe l informa t ion in th e spaces pr o- vided bel o w fo r assist ance when order ing spare pa rts from a Yam aha deal er or f or refer e nce in case the v ehi- cle is stole n.
CONSUMER INFORMA T ION 10-2 10 EAU26470 Model label The mod el label is affixe d to the fram e under the rid er seat. (See pa ge 4-1 4.) Record the info rmatio n on this la bel in the sp ace pr ovide d. This info rmatio n will b e need ed wh en ord ering s pare part s from a Yam aha deal er.
CONSUMER INFORMATI O N 10-3 10 EAU26551 Reporting safety defects If you be lieve that you r vehicl e has a defect whi ch cou ld caus e a crash or could c ause inj ury or dea th, yo u shoul d immedi atel y infor m the Nation al Highwa y Traffi c Saf ety Ad minis tration (NH TSA) in addi tion to not ifyi ng Yamaha Mo tor Corpo rati on, U.
CONSUMER INFORMA T ION 10-4 10 EAU26560 Motorcycle noise regulation TAMPERIN G WITH NOIS E CONTROL SYSTEM PROHIBIT ED: Federa l law pro hibits the foll owing ac ts or the ca using th ereof: (1) The re.
CONSUMER INFORMATI O N 10-5 10 EAU26632 Maintenance record Copie s of work or ders an d/or receip ts for parts purcha sed and ins talle d on your ve hicle will be req uired to doc ument th at maint enan ce has b een co mplete d in acc ordan ce with the emis sions warrant y.
CONSUMER INFORMA T ION 10-6 10 36000 mi (55000 km) or 54 months 40000 mi (61000 km) or 60 months Maintenance interval Date of service Mile age Servicing dealer name and add ress Remarks U3C313E0.
CONSUMER INFORMA T ION 10-8 10 W ARRANTY QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS What costs are my responsibility during the warranty period? The customer ’ s responsibility includes all costs of nor mal maintenance ser vices, non-warranty repairs , accident and collision damages, and oil, oil filters, air filters , spark plugs, and brake shoes .
CONSUMER INFORMATI O N 10-9 10 EAU26750 YAMAHA EXTENDED SERVICE (Y.E.S.) K eep your Y amaha protected even after y our warranty expires with gen uine Y amaha Extended Ser vice (Y .E.S.). Y .E.S. is designed and administered by Y amaha Motor Corporation to provide maximum owner satisf action.
CONSUMER INFORMA T ION 10-10 10 We urge y ou to act now . Y ou ’ ll get the e xcellent benefits of TRIP cov erage r ight aw ay , and you ’ ll rest easy kno wing you ’ ll hav e strong factory-backed protection e ven after your Y amaha Limited W arranty e xpires.
INDEX A Air filt er element, r eplacing ......... ......... . 7-15 B Batter y ........... ........ ......... .......... ......... ... 7-29 Brake and clutch levers, checking and lubricating .......................... .......... 7-26 Brake and shift pedals, checking and lubricating .
INDEX Turn signal light bulb, replacing ............ 7-33 Turn si gnal switch ... ..... ...... ........ ........... 4-10 V Valve c learance ...... ....... ........ ........... .... 7-17 Vehicle identification number ................ 10-1 W Warranty, ex tended. Page 3 M onday, August 18, 2 008 2:18 PM.
An important point after buying a device Yamaha FZS10Y (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Yamaha FZS10Y yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Yamaha FZS10Y - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Yamaha FZS10Y you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Yamaha FZS10Y will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Yamaha FZS10Y, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Yamaha FZS10Y.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Yamaha FZS10Y. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Yamaha FZS10Y along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center