Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product WorkCentre 5020DN Xerox
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© 2008 by Fuji Xer ox Co., Lt d. All rights reserved . Copyri ght protecti on claim ed incl udes all for ms and m atters of co pyright ed materi al and informa tion now al lowed by statutory o r judi.
3 T able of Content s 1 Befor e Using the Ma chine ....... .... ....... .... ....... ...... ..... ...... ....... .... ....... .... . 7 Xerox We lcome Cent er ....... .... ....... .... ....... ....... .... ....... .... ....... ...... ..... ...... . 7 Serial Numb er .
4 5 Mac hine Sta tus .. ..... ....... ...... ..... ...... ..... ...... ....... .... ....... .... ....... ....... .... ... 3 7 Chec king the M achin e S tatus ........ .... ....... ....... .... ....... ...... ..... ...... ..... ..... 37 Chec king the S tatu s of Tray s .
5 IP Filt ering (IP Add ress Restric tion ) ...... ...... ..... ...... ..... ...... ..... ...... ....... ... 74 9 Probl em S olv ing ..... ....... .... ....... ...... ..... ...... ..... ...... ....... .... ....... ....... .... ... 75 Fault Cl earance Proc edure .
7 1 Before Using the Machine Welcome to the Xerox family of Work Centre produc ts. This System Administ ration Gui de provides detailed infor mation, t echnical specifica tions, and procedures for us ing t he integral featur es of the machine. This chapter provi des informati on which users shoul d be aware of before using the mac hin e.
1 Befor e Using the Mach ine 8 Convent ions This section desc ribes the conventi ons that are used throu ghout this System Administra tion Guide. WARNING: indicates statements that a lert you to t he possi bility of personal harm. CAUTION: indicates st atements that suggest the possibilit y of mechanical damage as a res ult o f an ac tion.
Related Informat ion Sour ces 9 • WorkCentre 5020/DN Quick Use Guide NOTE: Dia grams used in thi s System Adminis tration Gui de apply to a f ully conf igured machine and therefor e may not exactly represent the conf igurat ion being used. NOTE: All the screen shot s used in this Syst em Administrati on Guide are taken usi ng Windows XP .
1 Befor e Using the Mach ine 10.
11 2 Maintenance This chapter expl ains how to replac e consumbl es and how to clean the machi ne. The following infor mation is pr ovided in this chapter: Replacin g Consumables – page 1 1 Cleaning.
2 Mainten ance 12 • Use of con sumables/peri odic repl acement parts that are not recommended by Xerox can impair quali ty and performance of the machine. Use onl y consumables/ periodic replacement parts that are spe cifical ly recomme nded by Xerox.
Repl acing Co nsumable s 13 NOTE: When the remaining t oner becomes low , the machine may stop dur ing pri nting to display the err or code. If thi s happens, add toner to con tinue copying or print ing. The following pro cedure describes how to add toner to the Drum Cartridge.
2 Mainten ance 14 4. Pull the Drum Cartri dge out halfway . NOTE: Do not t ouch t he drum (bl ue roller) when pulling out th e Drum Cartridge. 5. T ake a new toner bottl e out of the box.
Repl acing Co nsumable s 15 10. T urn the toner bot tle arou nd in a counter-c lockwis e directi on until the two orange arrows are alig ned, and remove the toner bot tle from the Drum Cartridge. NOTE: Follow the ins truction gi ven on the pack aging for rec yclin g the empty toner bottle.
2 Mainten ance 16 The foll owing pr ocedure descr ibes how to r eplace the Drum Cart ridge. 1. Make sure that the machine is not processing a job, and th en open the Front Cover . 2. Open the L eft Side Cover . 3. Lightly press the orange tab to unl ock the Drum Cartridge.
Cleani ng the Machine 17 Cleaning the Machine The cleaning instructi ons are spec ific to each part of t he machine, su ch as the machine exterior, Document Cover, Document Glass, Fi lm, Narrow Glass Stri p, Doc ument Feeder Roller, and Corotr on Wire.
2 Mainten ance 18 1. Wipe the Document Cover with a soft cloth moistened wi th water to remove any dirt and then wipe it with a soft , dry cloth. NOTE: Do not u se clea ning agent s ot her than water or neut ral detergent.
Cleani ng the Machine 19 The following procedur e describes how to clean the Document Feeder Roller. NOTE: Do not use benzene, p aint thinner , or other organic solvent s.
2 Maintenance 20 2. Pull the Corotron Wire back and forth several times. 3. Close the Front Cover . Moving the Machine This section describes how to move th e machine to another location . Before moving the machine, always secure the position of the scanner carriage.
Moving the Machine 21 4. Attach and tighten the screw t o the machine to secure the position of the scanner carriage. 5. Lift the machine and move it gen tly to another location. 6. Loosen the screw attached in S tep 4, and remove it from the machine.
2 Mainten ance 22.
23 3 Using CentreW are Internet Services This chapter expl ains how to enable and use CentreWar e Interne t Services for the mac hin e. The following infor mation is pr ovided in this chapter: Informa.
3 Using C entreW are Inte rnet Servi ces 24 CentreW a re Internet Services Environment s CentreWare Inter net Services uses the embedded HTTP Server that resides in the machine. This allows communic ation wit h the machine through a web browser wit h access to t he Internet or an intranet .
CentreWa re Inter net Se rvices In stallat ion 25 • If Cop y Auditron is en abled 1) Log in to the machine under the System Administrat or's ID. 2) Hold down the <Log In/Out> button on the Cont rol Panel fo r four seconds. The lett er [P ] appears b linki ng in th e Displ ay .
3 Using C entreW are Inte rnet Servi ces 26 If you hav e selected [ 0] (STATI C) in Step 3, pro ceed to St ep 5 to configure the prot ocol settings. Other wise, proceed to Step 8. 5. Using the nu meric k eypad, enter the IP address for the machin e in the format “xxx.
CentreWa re Inter net Se rvices In stallat ion 27 8. When you have finished est ablis hing TCP/IP , press the <Log In/Out> button. The machine exits the System Setti ng Mode. NOTE: If y ou have chang ed any set tings in the Syste m Setting Mode, the ma chine will reboot to reg ister and enable the new setti ngs.
3 Using C entreW are Inte rnet Servi ces 28 T est Access Follow t he steps bel ow to access CentreWar e Inte rnet Servi ces. 1. At a cli ent computer on the network , laun ch a web browser . 2. In the URL field, enter “http://” f ollowed by the In ternet address of the machine.
Standar d Features - Centr eWare Internet Ser vices 29 S t an dard Features - C entreW are Intern et Services CentreWare In ternet Servi ces allo ws you to display, configure, and change the curr ent status or set tings of the machine thr ough a web browser on a computer instead of the Control Panel of the machine.
3 Using C entreW are Inte rnet Servi ces 30 Services The services suppor ted by CentreWare Inter net Servic es are subdivided int o the followi ng categori es. The category i s select ed on t he tab bar in t he header panel. Stat us This page allows you to check the status of t he paper trays and consumables on the machine.
Serv ices 31 Scan This page al lows y ou to creat e, edit , or delete mai lboxes, and import scanned data to a computer. For more inf ormation on this page, refer to Scanner Env ironment Sett ings on page 53 . Properties This page al lows y ou to vie w and set the mac hine propert ies.
3 Using C entreW are Inte rnet Servi ces 32.
33 4J o b S t a t u s This chapter expl ains how to chec k current and compl eted j obs using Cen treWare Internet Servi ces. It also provides inf ormation on how to delete jobs and view error informati on.
4 Job St atus 34 Checking C ompleted Jo bs This section desc ribes how to display a list of completed jobs. 1. Open your web browser , and enter the machine' s IP address in the [Address] box to access CentreW are Internet Serv ices. 2. Click the [Jobs] t ab.
Checking E rror Inf ormation 35 Checking Error Information This section descr ibes how to display a li st of errors t hat have occurred. 1. Open your web browser , and enter the machine' s IP address in th e [Address] box to acc ess Ce ntre W are Inte rnet Serv ices.
4 Job St atus 36.
37 5 Machine S t atus This chapter expl ains how to chec k the ma chine stat us, such as the pa per tr ays, consumables, and how to view gener al infor mation abo ut the machine. It als o provides information on how to downl oad software, print a report , and view the current readings of the machine counters .
5 Machi ne Stat us 38 Status Displays the st atus of t he paper trays as [Ready] , [Empty], [Not Available ], or [Unknown]. NOTE: The st atus of the p aper tray may be d isplayed as [Unknown] if th e machine is in the Power Saver mode. Paper Remaining Displays t he status o f paper loaded in the p aper tray s as [Paper Loaded] or [No Paper] .
Machi ne Information 39 Machine Informatio n This sectio n describ es how to vie w general info rmation abo ut the machine, such as the serial n umber, memory capaci ty, an d availabl e printe r lang uage. I t als o provides informati on on how to change the machine settings, such as paper size table and Power Saver feature.
5 Machi ne Stat us 40 Gener al Setup Confi guration Display s infor mation su ch as the memor y capacity , availab le print er langu age, and installed s oftware. •M e m o r y Displa ys the size o f the in stalled memory , a nd amount of memory used for each port/p rotocol.
Downloadi ng Software 41 Downloading So f twa re This secti on descr ibes how t o manually upgrade t he machine’ s softwar e. 1. Open your web browser , and enter the machine' s IP address in th e [Address] box to acc ess Ce ntre W are Inte rnet Serv ices.
5 Machi ne Stat us 42 Viewing the T o t al Number of Pages Made o n the Machine This secti on descr ibes how to di splay the current reading s of th e entire set of machine counters. 1. Open your web browser , and enter the machine' s IP address in the [Address] box to access CentreW are Internet Serv ices.
43 6 Printer Environment Settings This ch apter de scribes how to set up t he pri nting envi ronmen t for t he machin e. The following infor mation is pr ovided in this chapter: TCP/IP (LPD or Port910.
6 Prin ter Envi ronm ent Settin gs 44 TCP/IP (LPD or Port9100) Environment s Syst em con fig uration As the machine supports the LPD and Port9 100 protocol, you can print directl y from a Windows computer .
TCP/IP ( LPD or Port910 0) 45 4) If you ar e using the Port 9100 port , sel ect the [ Enabled] che ck box for [Port9100]. If you are using the LPD port, select the [Enabled] check box for [LPD]. NOTE: Confirm t hat the SNMP port is enabled. If not enabled, s elect the [ Enabled] check box for [SNMP].
6 Prin ter Envi ronm ent Settin gs 46 4) Click [ Apply]. 5) If prompt ed, enter the Syst em Administr ator user I D and p asscode, an d cli ck [OK]. NOTE: Click the [ Reboot Machine] butto n when it is di splayed. If t he [Reboot Machine] button fails to be displ ayed, click the [S t atus] t ab and then click the [Reboot Machine] button .
USB Po rt 47 USB Port This secti on expl ains how t o set up the machine in a USB port envir onment. The following infor mation is provi ded: Informati on Checklist – p age 47 USB Port Environment .
6 Prin ter Envi ronm ent Settin gs 48 USB Port Inst allati on Follow these ins tallation proc edures for usi ng the machine on a USB port. Inst allation Proc edure There are three stages requi red to install the machi ne on a USB port. USB Port Communic ation Setup This requi res the machine t o be set up f or USB port printi ng.
SNMP Configur ation 49 4. If prompted, ente r the System Administ rator user ID and passco de, and cli ck [OK]. NOTE: Click the [Reb oot Machine] button when it is displayed. If the [Reboot Machine] butt on fails to be disp layed, cl ick the [S tat us] t ab and then click the [Reboot Machine] butt on.
6 Prin ter Envi ronm ent Settin gs 50 8. Configure r equired set tings. The foll owing t able shows t he it ems that ca n be set . 9. Click [Apply]. 10.
SNMP Configur ation 51 NOTE: Click the [Reb oot Machine] button when it is displayed. If the [Reboot Machine] butt on fails to be disp layed, cl ick the [S tat us] t ab and then click the [Reboot Machine] butt on. NOTE: If the machine is reboot ed, all scanned dat a stor ed in the mailboxes will be deleted.
6 Prin ter Envi ronm ent Settin gs 52.
53 7 Scanner Environment Settings This chapter expla ins how to set up Scanning Service s in the supporte d environments. The following infor mation is pr ovided in this chapter: Scanning Overview –.
7 Scann er Envi ronment S etting s 54 3. Confirm that the foll owing port s are enabled: • SNMP • WebDAV (only when using Networ k Scanner Ut ility 3) • SOAP (only when using Networ k Scanner Utility 3) Follow these steps to enable the ports .
Setu p Pr oced ure 55 T arget Computers • Windows 2000/Windows XP/Wi ndows Server 20 03/Windows Vist a Scanning Procedure 1. From a workst ation, open up a web browser (such as Internet Explorer), and then enter the Internet address of the machine.
7 Scann er Envi ronment S etting s 56 Computer Setup To retrieve scan ned documents, instal l Network Scanner Uti lity 3 or activat e CentreWare Inter net Services. For more informat ion about the operati ng environment for Network Scanner Utility 3 and the installati on method, refer to the PCL Pr int Driver CD-ROM.
Settin g Up a Mai lbox 57 Document List Displays t he [Mai lbox Docu ment Lis t] page wher e you c an set the docu ment processing sett ings for the sel ected mailbox. Delete Deletes the select ed mailbox. Edit Display s the [Edit Mailbox ] page, which allows you to edit th e selec ted mailbox.
7 Scann er Envi ronment S etting s 58 Creating a Mailbox The following procedure explains how to create a mailbox fo r storing scanned documents. Scanned docu ments in mai lboxes can be import ed to computers vi a Network Scanner Utility 3 or CentreWare Internet Ser vices.
Settin g Up a Mai lbox 59 Setting the Scan Options After creati ng a mailbox, you can set the scan options for the mailbox. The setti ngs made her e are val id and specific to the respecti ve mail boxes. Thus, you must set up the sc an opti ons for each mailbox.
7 Scann er Envi ronment S etting s 60 The foll owing t able li sts the op tions availa ble. Parameter V alue When Doc ument Feeder i s used Origina l Orie ntation S p ecify the or ientation of origina ls when scanning a document from the D ocume nt Feeder .
Settin g Up a Mai lbox 61 When Do cument Glass is used Orig inal Ori entation Specify the o rientation o f origin als when scanning a docu ment from the Docume nt Glas s. • [Si deways I mages (T op to Left)] • [Upr ight Imag es] (Default) Orig inal Si ze S pec ify t he size of origi nals.
7 Scann er Envi ronment S etting s 62 4. Click [Apply]. Resolu tion S p ecify th e scan res olution f or the docum ents to be scanned. • [200 x 200 dpi] (Default) • [300 x 3 00 dpi] • [400 x 4 00 dpi] • [600 x 6 00 dpi] Reduce / Enlarg e Prese t % Sele ct the pr eset enla rgement/r eduction ratio.
Settin g Up a Mai lbox 63 Editin g a Ma ilbox The following procedur e explains how to change mailbox settings. NOTE: Some mailboxes may req uire y ou to enter a p asscode depending on the [Check Mailb ox Passcode] setti ng on the [ Mailbox Setup] page .
7 Scann er Envi ronment S etting s 64.
65 8 Accounting and Securities The machine has an Account Administrat ion feature that restrict s the ability to use functions and manages the use of each machine feature. This chap ter contai ns in formation f or the Sys tem Administr ator on the feat ures use d to change the settings and on the setting procedur es.
8 Acco unting and Secu rities 66 NOTE: A user ID and passcode are onl y required fo r copy and pri nt jobs. Users do not need to enter a user ID and p asscode to l og in to t he machine for a scan j ob.
Managing User Accounts 67 • Accounting Disabled Does not perform account manage ment on the machine. NOTE: If [Accounting Disabled] is selected, [Auditron (Cop y Service)] and [Auditron (Print Service)] are disabled even if their check boxes are selected in S tep 5.
8 Acco unting and Secu rities 68 2. Click the [Proper ties] tab. 3. On the collaps ible menu of the Menu Panel, cli ck the [Accounti ng] folde r , and then [Accounting Confi guration] . The [Accounting Confi guration > S tep 1 of 2] page is displ ayed.
Mana ging the Counters 69 Deleting a User Account At your Computer The follo wing descri bes how t o delete all registered infor mation for a selected user account. 1. Open your web browser , and enter the machine' s IP address in th e [Address] box to acc ess Ce ntre W are Inte rnet Serv ices.
8 Acco unting and Secu rities 70 1. Enter the System Setting Mode. The letter [ P] appear s blin king i n the Displ ay . NOTE: For information on how to enter the System Set ting Mode, ref er to Entering the System Setting Mode on pa ge 109 . 2. Enter the menu number us ing t he numeri c keyp ad, ref errin g to the ta bles bel ow .
Mana ging the Counters 71 V iewing the T ota l Number of Copies or Print s for a User Account The following d escribes how to view the tot al number of copies or print s made on ea ch user account. At the Machine To view the total number of copies or pr ints made on a user account, you mus t enter the System Setting Mode.
8 Acco unting and Secu rities 72 Resetting the T ot al Number of Copies and Print s for All Users The followi ng describes how to reset the copy and print tot als for all user accounts i n a single op eratio n. At the Machine 1. Enter the System Setting Mode.
Changing the S ystem A dminist rator Set tings 73 Changing t he System Administrat or Settings This secti on describes the f eatures that allow you to change the Syst em Administr ator’s ID and pa sscode. The machine enters t he System Setting Mode only whe n a cor rect System Administra tor’s ID is enter ed.
8 Acco unting and Secu rities 74 IP Filtering ( IP Address Restri ction) The IP Filter ing feature prov ides securi ty to the machi ne, b y allowin g you t o regist er t he IP addresses permit ted to c ommunicate wi th the mac hine. The IP addres ses to be filtered can be speci fied on CentreWare Internet Services .
75 9 Problem Solving This chapter descr ibes what needs to be done when a problem occurs wit h the machine. It provides infor mation on how to troubles hoot a problem by r eferr ing to t he Machine Diagram (mimic), Error Code Label, and Trouble shooting Table.
9 Probl em So lving 76 NOTE: If t he machine is switche d of f, all s canned data s tored in the mai lboxes wil l be deleted. • Network-related Pr oblem If the problem sti ll persi sts, refe r to Network-rel ated Problems on page 102 .
Fault Clea rance P rocedure 77 Replace Drum Cart ridge The red indicat or lights up when the Dr um Cartridge ne eds to be repl aced in the near futur e. Prepare a new Drum Cart ridge. No error code is displayed at t his point. The red in dicator flashes when the Dr um Cartridge needs to be replaced immediately .
9 Probl em So lving 78 Error Codes The following table shows the error codes that appear in the Displ ay. If an error occur s, the six-di git error code (* **-** *) is also displaye d on CentreWare Internet Ser vices. For information on how to vie w the error histor y, refer to Checking Error Infor mation on page 35 .
Fault Clea rance P rocedure 79 C0 024-965 W hen Automati c Tray Switc hing (menu num ber: 163) is enable d, the s el ect ed t ray r uns out of paper. Load paper in the tray . For infor mation on how to l oad paper in the trays, refer to the User Guide.
9 Probl em So lving 80 C3 00 2-910 075-910 The Bypas s Tray has run out of paper. Load pap er in By pass T ray, and press th e <Start> button to resume th e job. For info rmation on how to lo ad paper in the Bypass Tray , refer to the U ser Guide.
Fault Clea rance P rocedure 81 C6 024-951 Tr ay 2 has run out of paper. Load pa per in Tray 2. For infor mation on how to l oad paper in Tray 2, refer to the User Guide.
9 Probl em So lving 82 C8 00 3-963 When Automati c Paper Selecti on (menu num ber: 164) is enabled , the mac hine is u nable to select a t ray, becaus e the machine does not supp ort the paper si ze that was specif ied by the job, or becaus e none of th e trays are loaded with th e appropriat e size o f paper.
Fault Clea rance P rocedure 83 E3 072-101 077-904 Paper i s jammed in or arou nd Tray 2. Remove the jamme d paper. Check tha t the paper guides are adjusted correctl y. For infor mation on how to remove the jamme d paper in a nd around Tray 2, refer to E3: Pa per Jam in Tray 2 on page 9 9 .
9 Probl em So lving 84 H9 01 0-325 An internal co mmunica tion error occurred in the machine. Switch the machine of f and on. If the e rror persist s, contac t the Xerox W elcome C enter. J1 093-912 Out of toner. Add ton er. For info rmation on how to ad d toner , refer to Adding T on er to the D rum Cartridge on page 12 .
Fault Clea rance P rocedure 85 n0 002-970 This error c ode appea rs after the paper jam, w hich occur red during a copy job, h as been cleared. Press the <Start> button to res ume the co py j ob. n1 003-972 When co pying doc uments, t he number o f pages th at can be stored in memor y exceeded the maximum (999 pag es).
9 Probl em So lving 86 n2 003-942 The size of the or iginal documents was not d etected by the Document Feeder . Press t he <Stop> button to cance l the job. Rel oad the unsca nned do cuments, and press th e <Start> button to resume sc anning the rest of th e docum ents.
Fault Clea rance P rocedure 87 n5 016-712 The sp ecified d ocument a rea is too smal l. Select a higher res olution or a larger scan area. 016-776 An error oc curre d during im age conversi on proc essing. Retrieve the da ta via CentreWa re Internet S ervic es.
9 Probl em So lving 88 n6 003-760 Incompatible fea tures are selected in the document scan conditio ns. Check the se lected options. 016-701 An error occu rred due to insuffic ient m emory for the PCL decompos er. Lower t he resoluti on if possi ble. 016-702 A page compres sion err or occurred .
Fault Clea rance P rocedure 89 n7 016-726 The printer language cannot be autom aticall y sel ected. Use the ma chine’s print driv er . If the problem persists, contact the Xerox Welc ome Center. 016-749 T he printer la nguage rece ived from a pri nt driver cannot be printed on the m achine.
9 Probl em So lving 90 T roubleshooting T able If you ar e experi encing any di fficul ties us ing th e machine, check the t able bel ow for the recommended s olutions. Symptom Recommendation The ma chine wi ll not switch o n. z Check the power co rd.
Fault Clea rance P rocedure 91 A print job is sent to the m achine c orrectly, but the mac hine does not start p rinting. z Make su re tha t the compu ter appl ication you are sending a print j ob from i s working cor rectl y. z Make su re that the app ropriate p rinter cable i s used.
9 Probl em So lving 92 Streaks , solid or dotted lin es, or spot s z Clean the Co rotron Wire . For infor mation on how to cle an the Corotron Wire, refe r to Cleanin g the Corotron Wi re on page 19 .
Fault Clea rance P rocedure 93 Ghostin g (res idual im ages) z Check th e quality of t he docume nts. z Feed the document SEF. Wash out z Check th e quality of t he docume nts. z If the imag e is lighte r near the bo rders, se t the densi ty featur e to a dar ker set ting.
9 Probl em So lving 94 Paper Jams This section desc ribes procedur es to clear paper jams. When paper jams in t he machine, the machine stops, and the indi cator on t he Machine Diagram (mi mic) fla shes. An err or code also appear s in the Di splay, whi ch indicat es which procedures t o take to remove the jammed paper.
Paper J ams 95 If the p aper is jammed around the Fuser 1) Pull down the latches . 2) Remove the jammed paper. NOTE: Do not leave any torn pie ces of paper i nside the machine. 3) Return the latch es back to their original posi tion . 4) Gently close the Lef t Side Cover.
9 Probl em So lving 96 E2: Paper Jam inside the Lef t Side Cover The foll owing proc edure desc ribes how to clear paper jams insi de the L eft Side Cove r when an err or code [E2] ap pears in t he Dis play. 1. Hold the lat ch, and op en Access Cover 1.
Paper J ams 97 3) If the paper is jammed in th e location shown in th e diagram, and if the edges of the jammed paper is not accessible t o be pulled out, pull up the green lever, and remove the jammed paper. 4. Gently cl ose the Le ft Side Cover and Access Cover 1.
9 Probl em So lving 98 4. Remove the jammed paper . NOTE: Do not l eave any torn pi eces of pa per in side t he machine . 1) If the paper is jammed in the location shown i n the diagram, remove the j ammed paper by pulling it upwards. 2) If the paper is jammed in the location shown i n the diagram, remove the j ammed paper by pulling it upwards.
Paper J ams 99 4. Push T ray 1 gently back into position . C2: Pape r Jam in T ray 2 The following procedur e describes how to clear paper jams in Tray 2 when an error code [C2] ap pears i n the Display. NOTE: Paper T ray 2 is an optional accessory that c an be us ed as T ray 2.
9 Probl em So lving 100 3. If the j ammed p aper is accessible through Access Cover 1, remove the jammed paper . 4. Pull out T ray 2 toward you, and remove the jammed paper . NOTE: Do not l eave any torn pi eces of pape r inside the machine. 5. Push T ray 2 gently back int o posit ion, and close Acc ess Cover 1 and Access Cov er 2 .
A1/A2: Doc ument Jams 101 A1/A2: Docum ent Jams If a document jams in the Document Feeder, the machine stops, and an error code [A1] or [A2] appears in the Dis play. The Document Feeder Jam indicato r on the Machine Diagram (mimi c) fl ashes. The following procedur e describes how to remove t he jammed documents in t he Document Feeder.
9 Probl em So lving 102 Network- related Problems Problem Solvin g Procedure This section enables you to identif y network-relate d machine problems. Use the followi ng steps t o ident ify and solve a problem. 1. Resolve any local copi er problems fir st.
Network -related Pr oblems 103 When the r equired pr inting r esult i s not obtained Restrictions This section expl ains the restr ictions that appl y while using TCP/IP. Machine settings • The IP address is a unique address administ ered system-wi de.
9 Probl em So lving 104 Ce ntreW are In terne t Serv ices This sect ion exp lains th e troub leshooting procedur es while u sing Cent reWare Int ernet Services. T roubleshooting The possibl e causes, c onfirmati on methods, an d acti ons are as foll ows.
Network -related Pr oblems 105 Scanning Services This section expl ains the troubl eshooting procedu res and restric tions while using the scan function. T roubleshooting The possibl e causes, co nfirmatio n methods, and actio ns are as foll ows. Restrictions This secti on expl ains the restric tions that appl y while us ing t he scan funct ion.
9 Probl em So lving 106 Internet/Intranet Connection This section explai ns the troublesho oting procedures and restricti ons while using Internet and i ntranet connections.
Xerox W elcome Center 107 Restrictions This secti on expl ains the restric tions that appl y while us ing I nternet or intranet connections. Internet/I ntranet conn ections Connection to the Interne t.
9 Probl em So lving 108 Viewing/Editing Supp ort Informatio n The foll owing explai ns how to view suppo rt infor mation for the machi ne, incl uding a li nk for so ftware updates and contact s for technic al suppor t. The info rmation o n this pa ge, except the softwar e upgrade website, can be edit ed.
109 10 Appendix This chapter provi des the s ystem set tings menu l ist, machine sp ecificat ions, optiona l acc esso ry li st. The following infor mation is pr ovided in this chapter: System Settings.
10 Ap pendix 110 2. Enter the System Administrat or ’ s ID using a numeric keyp ad. NOTE: The defaul t Sys tem Administrat or ’s I D i s “ 11111 ” . 3. Press the < S tart> but ton to confir m the entered ID. The machine enters t he System Setting Mode.
Syst em Sett in gs 111 • If the System Administr ator’s passcode i s set, [---] appears i n the Display. Proceed to the next st ep. 3. Enter t he p asscode us ing the numer ic keypad. For securi ty reasons, as you ent er each digit o f the passcode, a hyphen appears in the Displa y instead of th e actual number that you enter .
10 Ap pendix 112 Configuri ng the System Settings After t he machine enters t he System Setting Mode, fol low the st eps bel ow. 1. Enter a menu number that you wish to confi gure using the numeric keypad, referri ng to System Sett ing Li st on p age 1 13 .
Syst em Sett in gs 113 System Sett ing List Menu Number Menu Description Value 1 Machine Cloc k (Year) Enter th e current year with two digits. 00 - 99 (y ear) 2 Machine Cloc k (Month) Enter the current month. 1 - 12 (mon th) 3 Machine Cloc k (Day) Enter th e current day.
10 Ap pendix 114 14 <S can Com ple ted> A uto Cl ear Time When t he indicator n ext to t he <Scan Co mpleted> button is blinkin g durin g a copy or sca n job, and if the <Scan Compl ete.
Syst em Sett in gs 115 24 Language Select the lan guage to be displa yed on the Conf iguratio n Report. 2: E ngl ish* 3: French 4: German 5: Italian 6: Spanish 8: Russian 14: Dutch 15: Danis h 16: Sw .
10 Ap pendix 116 110 S ubnet Mask (4th block ) Enter a value i n the four th block of the subne t mask. 0 - 255 111 G ateway A ddress ( 1st bloc k) Enter a v alue in the firs t block of the gatew ay addres s. 0 - 255 112 G ateway A ddress ( 2nd block) Enter a v alue in the secon d block of the g ateway add ress.
Syst em Sett in gs 117 132 Pr int Are a Spec ify the p rintable area. Select [1] (Stand ard) to cr op a margin 4.1 mm (0.16 i nches) w ide along al l four ed ges of the paper. Select [2] (Ext ended) to crop a mar gin of 2 mm ( 0.0 8 in ches ) along the edges.
10 Ap pendix 118 162 Sha rpn ess (Cop ying ) S ele ct t he defa ult sha rpne ss le vel for copy j obs. 0: Least S harp 1: Less Shar p 2: Normal* 3: Sharp 4: Sharpe st 163 Aut oma tic Tr ay Sw itc hing NOTE: This feature i s availabl e only whe n the machin e is fitted wi th the optional Paper Tray 2.
Syst em Sett in gs 119 353 Pr int Audi tron Select whet her to ena ble or disabl e the Print Aud itron feature , which trac ks and cou nts prints made on th e mac hine per us er accoun t. NOTE: T o enab le this f eature, select [1] (Enab led) und er Account Mo de (menu number: 351).
10 Ap pendix 120 *: De fau lt se tting 801 to 899 Copy Jo b Limit fo r Acco unt Number 1 - 99 NOTE: When enteri ng the menu num ber , enter 8 plu s the accou nt number . For example, for ac count numb er 45, en ter "845" as the men u number .
Syst em Sett in gs 121 Document Sizes Detect able by the Document Feeder Switch the pap er size ta ble as nec essary in t he System Sett ing Mode (menu number: 21). NOTE: When an undetect able size of docu ment is loaded in the Documen t Feeder , the error code [ A2] appear s in t he displa y .
10 Ap pendix 122 Specifications This section l ists the main specifi catio ns of the machine. Note that t he specifications and the appea rance of the product may change without pr ior notice. Copy Feature Specificat ions T yp e Console Copyin g metho d Laser Xerograp hy Scan resol ution 600 x 600 dpi (23.
Specif ications 123 Print Feature Specif icati ons Continuous copy spee d NOTE: The speed may be reduc ed due to image quality adj ustment. NOTE: The pe rfo rma nc e may be r educed depending on the paper type.
10 Ap pendix 124 Scan Feature Specificat ions Document Feeder Specifications Suppor ted oper ating systems Microsoft® Windows ® 2000 Pr ofessional Microsoft® Windows ® XP Profe ssional Microsoft®.
Optio nal Ac cess ories 125 Print able Area The area on the paper that can be printed is as foll ows. St andard Print able Area The standard print able area is an area on the paper excludi ng a 4 mm margins on all four edges of the paper. The actual printabl e area, however, may vary dependi ng on the printer ( plotte r) control l anguage.
10 Ap pendix 126.
127 1 1 Index Numerics 2-side d (Copyi ng) - Sys tem Setti ngs .......... ...... 1 17 A Access Cover 1 ........... ................... .............. 96 , 97 Access Cover 2 ..... ................... ............. ....... 97 , 99 Accoun t Mode ........
Index 128 D Date Format - System Settings . ................ ........ 1 1 3 deleting jobs ....... ................ ................ ................. 33 deleting user accounts ................. ................ .......69 Density - System Settings ....
Index 129 Contin uous printi ng speed ............ ............. 123 Emulati on .................. ............. .................... 124 Interface . ................... ............. .................... 124 Page des cription l anguage .... .........
Index 130 Total Counte r .. ................... ............. ............ 1 15 Transition Time To Lo w Power Mode ......... 1 13 Transition Time to Sleep Mode ............ ...... 1 13 Tray Prio rity (Copyin g) ................... ............ 1 17 Tray Priority for Automatic Paper Selection 11 4 USB .
An important point after buying a device Xerox WorkCentre 5020DN (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Xerox WorkCentre 5020DN yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Xerox WorkCentre 5020DN - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Xerox WorkCentre 5020DN you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Xerox WorkCentre 5020DN will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Xerox WorkCentre 5020DN, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Xerox WorkCentre 5020DN.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Xerox WorkCentre 5020DN. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Xerox WorkCentre 5020DN along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center