Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product PHASER Phaser 4400 Xerox
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Phaser ™ Laser Printer 4400 T rays and P aper Guide.
Cop yrigh t © 20 02, Xerox C orpo ration . A ll Ri ghts R ese rved. Unpub lish ed ri ghts r ese rved under the c opy right l aws o f t he Un ited St ate s. Co ntent s of t his pu bli cati on ma y not be r eproduc ed i n an y form with out p ermis sion o f Xe rox Cor por atio n.
Copyr ight © 200 2 Xer ox Corp orati on. All Ri ghts R eserv ed. i Content s Supported P apers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Trays. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Ph aser™ 4400 Las er Printe r Copyr ight © 200 2 Xer ox Corp orati on. All Ri ghts R eserv ed. 1 Support ed Papers A large a moun t of inf ormat ion is stored in your p rinte r as prin tabl e page s. The follo wing pag es sho w the Paper Tips pr int ab le page , wh ic h pr ov ide s in fo rm ati on on th e su ppor t ed pa p ers .
Page 1 of 3 550-Sheet Tray Refer to the following tables to ensure the best print-quality and to avoid paper jams. For best results, use Xerox-branded paper as it is guaranteed to produce excellent results on your Xerox Phaser TM 4400 Laser Printer.
Paper weights The Phaser 4400 Laser Printer supports paper weights as follows: • 16 - 130 lbs. (60 - 216 g/m ) simplex/one-sided • 16 - 28 lbs. (60 - 105 g/m ) duplex/two-sided Plain Paper: (60 - 120 g/m ) (16 - 32 lb.) Card Stock: (120 - 216 g/m ) (32 - 130 lb.
Ordering supplies See www for information on ordering supplies. Xerox Branded Paper Item Paper Size Part Number Plain Paper Xerox P.
Phaser ™ 4400 Laser Printer Copyr ight © 200 2 Xer ox Corp orati on. All Ri ghts R eserv ed. 2 Tra y s This sectio n cove rs: ■ Loadi ng pa per in T ray 1, 2, or 3 — see page 3. ■ Loadi ng pa per in the Multi -Pur pose T ray — see p a ge 7.
Tray s Phase r ™ 44 00 L as er Pr in te r 3 Loading pap er in Tray 1, 2, or 3 To load paper in Tray 1, 2, or 3: 1. Remove the tr ay fro m the printe r: a. Pull out the tr ay until it stop s. b. Gently remove th e tray from the prin ter whil e lif ting up.
Tray s Phase r ™ 44 00 L as er Pr in te r 4 3. To load paper longer than 297 mm (11.69 in .), adjust the catch as shown below. There are th ree sett ings for the ca tch. Choose th e one th at is clos est beyon d the le ngth of the pap er. a. Press the squar e lat ch.
Tray s Phase r ™ 44 00 L as er Pr in te r 5 6. Alig n the four corners of the paper st ack and inse rt it into th e tray, f ollow ing the simp lex and dupl ex inst ruc tions belo w. Top view of tray: A. Simplex printing, B. Duplex printing 7. Whil e sq ueezing the rig ht side of the guid es handle, a djust the guides to the paper wi dth.
Tray s Phase r ™ 44 00 L as er Pr in te r 6 8. When the side guides are a ligned, adj ust the le ngt h guide to th e pape r len gth. Not e To avoi d pap er jams or incor r ect pap er size sens ing, make su re the length gu ide stoppe r is firmly seated in the flo or of t he tray.
Tray s Phase r ™ 44 00 L as er Pr in te r 7 10. When the fr ont pa nel pro mpts you: ■ If you haven ’ t chang ed the ty pe of pape r, press th e OK key to accept th e cur rent settin g for pap er type . ■ If you have cha nged the ty pe of pa per, scroll to the corre ct pa per type a nd pr ess th e OK ke y to save y our sel ecti on.
Tray s Phase r ™ 44 00 L as er Pr in te r 8 2. Exte nd the Mul ti-Purp ose Tray and adjust the paper guide to fit the medi a you inten d to use. Not e To prevent possib le jams, be sure to adj ust the guides correctly and do no t overload the tray. 3.
Tray s Phase r ™ 44 00 L as er Pr in te r 9 Top view of Multi-Purpose Tray: A. Simplex printing, B. Duplex printing Not e If y ou change the s i ze or t ype of pa per wh ile the fr ont p anel di splays a Lo ad MPT message, the prin ter auto matically s ets the menu s to the size and type spe cified in the message.
Tray s Phase r ™ 44 00 L as er Pr in te r 10 Loading env elopes in the env elope feeder The envelope feed er is an optional device for you r printer. In addi tion to fe eding envelop es, it can also be used to feed card stock, such as A6 po st cards .
Tray s Phase r ™ 44 00 L as er Pr in te r 11 3. Lift th e envel ope holder and load the envelope feeder w ith the appropri ate size and type of enve lopes . ■ Place the sid e to be printed faceu p . ■ Th e t o p of t he en v elo pe s sh ou ld be to wa r d th e left of the prin ter.
Tray s Phase r ™ 44 00 L as er Pr in te r 12 6. If th e front panel pro mpts you and you have ch ange d the siz e or typ e of en velopes : a. P ress the Do wn A rr ow k ey to s croll to Ch ange Pa pe r Typ e , t hen p ress the OK ke y. b. Scroll to th e correct paper typ e (usually Env elo pe ) an d pr es s t he OK ke y to s ave you r selecti on.
Tray s Phase r ™ 44 00 L as er Pr in te r 13 Loading cus tom size paper In ad dition to the wide v arie ty of pape r s izes ava ilabl e for this p rinte r, you c an use cu st om siz e paper .
Tray s Phase r ™ 44 00 L as er Pr in te r 14 g. Press the Do wn Ar row or Up Arro w key to scroll to the value for X , and th en press the OK key. (Th e X value is the me asuremen t from the lef t to the right of the paper in the tra y.) h. Scr ol l to Se t Cu stom Y and pr e ss t h e OK ke y.
Tray s Phase r ™ 44 00 L as er Pr in te r 15 Loading cus tom size pap er in the M ulti-Purpos e Tray 1. Open the Mult i-Pu rpose Tray. 2. Inser t the custom size paper and adjust the gui des to match the size of the pap er. Top view of Multi-Purpose Tray: A.
Phaser ™ 4400 Laser Printer Copyr ight © 200 2 Xer ox Corp orati on. All Ri ghts R eserv ed. 16 Specialty P rint ing This sectio n cove rs: ■ Autom atic 2 -sid ed prin ting — see p age 16 . ■ Manua l 2-s ided pri nti ng — see pa ge 19 . ■ Transparencie s — see pa ge 25 .
Spec ialty P rinti ng Phase r ™ 44 00 L as er Pr in te r 17 Printi ng 2-s ided pag es a utoma tica lly using Tr ays 1, 2, o r 3 1. Inse rt a s tack of p ap er i nto th e t ray. For mo re i nfo rm atio n, refer t o th e Tray s section o f the Tr ays and Pa per Gui de on the Interactiv e Docu mentation CD-ROM .
Spec ialty P rinti ng Phase r ™ 44 00 L as er Pr in te r 18 2. In the printer driver: ■ Sele ct the t ray cont aini ng th e paper. ■ Select th e orientatio n. ■ Sele ct 2-s ide d pri nti ng. Ref er to t he ta ble o n pa ge 18 for i nst ructi ons a nd t he wo rding used in the prin ter drivers .
Spec ialty P rinti ng Phase r ™ 44 00 L as er Pr in te r 19 Manual 2-s ided printing If the prin ter doesn ’ t ha ve a dupl ex un it or if yo u need to duple x paper size s or weigh ts outs ide the du pl ex un i t ’ s limit s, you can still have th e printe r print on both s ides of the pa per .
Spec ialty P rinti ng Phase r ™ 44 00 L as er Pr in te r 20 2. In the printer driver: ■ Select th e tray cont aining the paper as the paper source. ■ Do not s elect the option for 2- sided pri nting. 3. In the appli cati on, se lect th e option to pr int odd- numb ered page s.
Spec ialty P rinti ng Phase r ™ 44 00 L as er Pr in te r 21 ■ Lands cape orient atio n (sh ort-e dge bi ndi ng): Place the prin ted side faceup with t he top o f th e page on the left of the tr ay; (th e side to b e print ed is fa cedow n ). 2. In the printer driver: ■ Select th e tray cont aining the paper as the paper source.
Spec ialty P rinti ng Phase r ™ 44 00 L as er Pr in te r 22 Manua l 2-side d printing usi ng the Multi -Purpose Tray Printing the od d-numbered pages 1. Ins ert a stack of paper int o the Multi -P urpose Tra y. For more in form ati on, ref er to the Tra ys sect ion of the T rays and Pa per Gu ide on the Interac tive Documentati on CD-ROM .
Spec ialty P rinti ng Phase r ™ 44 00 L as er Pr in te r 23 Printing the even-numbered pages 1. Ins ert the pa per printed with the odd- number ed pages int o the Mu lti-P urpos e Tr ay. If the pri nt job has an odd number of pages, do no t place the last odd-n umbered page back into th e Multi -P urpo se Tray.
Spec ialty P rinti ng Phase r ™ 44 00 L as er Pr in te r 24 ■ Landsc ape orient atio n (sh ort- e dge bindi ng) : Place th e printed sid e facedown w ith the t op o f the pag e on the lef t ; (the sid e to b e print ed i s faceup ). 2. In the printer driver: ■ Select Mult i-Purp ose Tray as the paper source.
Spec ialty P rinti ng Phase r ™ 44 00 L as er Pr in te r 25 Tran sparenc ies Transparencie s can b e prin ted f rom Tray 1, 2 , or 3 or the Mu lti-Purpose Tray. H andle t ransparenci es by the ed ges and w ith both hands to avoid finger print s an d creas es, wh ich can cause poo r pr int qual ity .
Spec ialty P rinti ng Phase r ™ 44 00 L as er Pr in te r 26 Printi ng trans pare ncie s from the M ulti-Purpo se T ray 1. Inser t the transparen cies into th e Multi-Purpo se Tray (max imum capacit y is 100 sheets).
Spec ialty P rinti ng Phase r ™ 44 00 L as er Pr in te r 27 Envel opes Envel ope s can be pri nte d from the op tional e nvelo pe fe eder , the Mult i-Pu rpo se Tray, or Tra y 1, 2, or 3. Not e Some envelopes may curl or wrinkl e, even with the envelo pe feeder.
Spec ialty P rinti ng Phase r ™ 44 00 L as er Pr in te r 28 Printi ng en velopes fr om the envelop e fe eder 1. Inser t the envelo pes int o the envelo pe feeder . For more in formatio n, refe r to the Tray s se cti o n of the T ray s and P aper Gu ide on the In teractive Docume ntation CD-ROM .
Spec ialty P rinti ng Phase r ™ 44 00 L as er Pr in te r 29 Printing en vel opes from the Tray 1, 2, or 3 1. Inser t the en velopes i nto th e tray. F or mor e informati on, r efer to t he Trays section of the T rays an d Paper Guide on the Interact ive D ocumentatio n CD-ROM .
Spec ialty P rinti ng Phase r ™ 44 00 L as er Pr in te r 30 Printing en vel opes from the Mu lti-Purpose Tray 1. Inser t the env elop es int o the Mul ti-Purp ose Tra y. For m ore in formatio n, refer to the Trays section of t h e Trays and Paper Gui de on the Interactiv e Documentation CD-ROM .
Spec ialty P rinti ng Phase r ™ 44 00 L as er Pr in te r 31 Labels Label s can be printe d fr om Tray 1, 2, or 3 an d the Mu lti -Pur pose Tr ay. R efe r to th e Supp lies se cti on of the S uppor t Guide on the I nteractive Doc umentation CD-ROM f or info rma tion o n par t numbe rs for ordering these ite ms.
Spec ialty P rinti ng Phase r ™ 44 00 L as er Pr in te r 32 Printing la bels from th e M ulti-Purpose Tra y 1. If y our appl icati on has a se tting f or labe ls, us e it as a te mplat e. 2. Inser t the shee ts of labels into the Mu lti-P urpose T ray.
Phaser ™ 4400 Laser Printer Copyr ight © 200 2 Xer ox Corp orati on. All Ri ghts R eserv ed. 33 Output Trays You can s end outp ut to the fo llowin g trays : To change the defau lt outpu t desti nation o n the fro nt panel: 1. With Me nus highlighted , press the OK key.
Outpu t Tr ays Phase r ™ 44 00 L as er Pr in te r 34 Offsetting out put Whe n you sen d output to the 500 -sh eet s tacke r, you can also selec t offs ettin g. Off setti ng se parate s print jobs or collated sets of a sing le job by appro ximately 25 mm (1 in.
Copyr ight © 200 2 Xer ox Corp orati on. All Ri ghts R eserv ed. 35 Index Numerics 2-si ded p ri nting autom atic 16 , 17 driv er selection s 18 manua l 1 9 500-sheet s tacker 33 A autom atic 2- side.
Phase r ™ 44 00 L as er Pr in te r 36 Inde x T transparenc ies 25 loadin g in Multi -Pur pose Tr ay 26 loadin g in Tr ay 1, 2, or 3 25 Tray 1, 2, or 3 cha nging pa per type 7 loadin g 3 orien tati o.
An important point after buying a device Xerox PHASER Phaser 4400 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Xerox PHASER Phaser 4400 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Xerox PHASER Phaser 4400 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Xerox PHASER Phaser 4400 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Xerox PHASER Phaser 4400 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Xerox PHASER Phaser 4400, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Xerox PHASER Phaser 4400.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Xerox PHASER Phaser 4400. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Xerox PHASER Phaser 4400 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center