Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product 785 Xerox
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XEROX W orkCentre Pro 66 5, 685, 76 5, 785 System Administrator ’ s Guide.
Xerox Lim ite d, Global kn owledge and Langu age Servic es, Enterprise Ce ntre, Bessem er Road, WEL WYN GARDEN CITY , AL7 1H L United Ki ngdom ©1999 by Xerox C orporati on. All rights rese rved. Xerox® , Xerox Li mited® and all the p roducts men tioned in this publica tion are trademar ks of Xe rox Cor poration and Xer ox Limit ed.
WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 i T able of Content s Chapter 1 Introduct ion ............. ......... ......... .............. .......... ......... ............ 1-1 Finding Inf ormation in t he System Administrator’s Guide (SAG) ................ 1-1 Informat ion provide d by the Use r’s Guide .
ii WorkCen tre Pro 6 65/685/765/ 785 Modifying or Dele ting One Tou ch Dial Numbers ........ .............. ........ 2-28 Pre-settin g Group Numbe rs .............. .......... ......... .............. ......... .... 2-29 Programming Group Send .......
WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 iii * Not ava ilable in all m arket s. Chapter 3 Rece iving Documents ............... .......... ......... .............. ......... ... 3-1 Basic Receive ........... ......... .............. .......... ......... .....
iv WorkCen tre Pro 6 65/685/765/ 785 Manual Group Dialing ....... .... ..... ..... .... .......... .... ..... ......... ..... ..... ........ 4-13 Chapter 5 Transmi tting Documents ....... .............. .......... .............. .......... 5 -1 Memory Sen d or Direct Se nd Default Mo de .
WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 v * Not ava ilable in all m arket s. Resending a S tored Fax ................ .......... ......... .............. ......... . 5-31 Secure Se nd Setting................ .......... ......... .............. ......... ...
vi WorkCen tre Pro 6 65/685/765/ 785 Creating an ITU-T Mailbox .............. ......... .............. .......... ......... . 8-2 Deleting an ITU-T Mailbox ................... .............. ......... ......... ...... 8-4 S toring a Documen t in a Local I TU-T Mailbox .
WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 vii * Not ava ilable in all m arket s. Pending Jobs Report ........... .............. ......... ......... .............. .......... ..... 9-23 Department Co de Report ........ .............. .......... ......... .....
viii WorkCen tre Pro 6 65/685/765/ 785 Setting t he Fax Receive O ptions ............ .............. ......... ......... .............. .... 15-9 Setting t he Receive Foo ter Option ..... .......... .............. ......... ......... .... 15-9 Receiving Faxes when the P rinter is Unavailabl e .
WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 ix * Not ava ilable in all m arket s. Deleting a De partme nt Code ............. ......... ......... .............. .......... ... 15-23 Printing Repo rt s ............. ......... ..... .... .......... .... ..........
x WorkCen tre Pr o 665/685/7 65/785 Ordering Supplies................ ..... .... ..... ......... ..... ..... ......... ..... ......... ..... .... ..... A-1 Ordering Supplies Aut omatically .. ..... ..... ......... ..... .... .......... .... ..........
WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 xi * Not ava ilable in all m arket s. Environmenta l Compliance .......... .... ..... ..... .... .......... .... ..... ......... ..... ......... .. D-9 ENERG Y STAR ® ................ ......... .............. .......
xii Work Centre P ro 665/6 85/765/785.
Introd uction WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 1-1 1 Introduction Tha nk you f or pu rc ha sin g th e Xer ox W ork Cent re Pro . Th e WorkCentre is designe d for ease o f use, but t o use you r machine t o its fullest potential , take some time to read th e Documentatio n.
Introductio n 1-2 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 Polling - Chapter 7 Describes the Poll ing functio ns and in structs how to perform e ach function. Mailbox Communications - Chapter 8 Describes bo th the Xer ox Mailbox s ystem and th e standard ITU-T Mailbox system and inst ructs how to use the mailbox function s for each syst em.
Introd uction WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 1-3 Maintaining the Pr oduct - Appendix B Provides procedur es to clean and maintain t he machin e. Includ es detailed proce dures fo r replaci ng the co nsumable s.
Introductio n 1-4 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 Basic T roubleshooting - Chapter 5 Guides the user thr ough probl em solv ing, and rec ommended corre ctive acti ons. Environment Specifications - A Provides the safety , d ata coupler , and Canad ian cer tification informat ion.
Introd uction WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 1-5 Document Conventions A docume nt conve ntion is si mply a wa y of presen ting infor mation. This secti on explai ns the conv entions used in th e WorkCentre P ro User ’s G uide. Many pr ocedure s requi re you to press a key to p erform a fun ction; thes e key s app ear in bo ldfa ce ty pe.
Introductio n 1-6 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 Notes, Cautions, and W arnings This manu al uses notes, ca utions, an d warnin gs to emph asize informat ion the r eader nee ds. Notes contain inform ation that supplem ents the text. N otes are emphasized with italic s.
Programmi ng the Mach ine WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 2-1 2 Programming the Machine This cha pter contains d etailed instru ctions f or programmi ng the WorkCentre from t he Contr ol Panel.
Progra mming the Ma chine 2-2 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 Keys used in Menu Mode O peration The following table lists the keys commonly used when prog ramming the machi ne in Men u Mode. Key Key Description Press the Menu key to chang e the disp lay fr om S t andby Mode to the men u scr een.
Programmi ng the Mach ine WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 2-3 T o program a Menu feat ure using the scroll k eys: 1. From the S t andby Mode, p ress: The activ e item is hi ghlighted . 2. Using the and a rrow ke ys, scro ll through th e list until the featur e you wis h to progra m is highli ghted, then press the Enter key .
Progra mming the Ma chine 2-4 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 Menu Flow Map.
Programmi ng the Mach ine WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 2-5.
Progra mming the Ma chine 2-6 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5.
Programmi ng the Mach ine WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 2-7 Char acter Entr ies When pr ogrammin g your Mac hine ID or names ass igned to S peed Dial numb ers and O ne T ouch Keys, y ou enter char acters. A lso, many features programme d in the Me nu Mode r equire te xt entries .
Progra mming the Ma chine 2-8 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 Character Code T a ble The Charac ter Code T able li sts special c haracters that can be ent ered whe n pr ogra mmi ng t he W or kCent re . The table lists th e alpha k eys in the l eft colum n and the c haracte rs that co rrespond t o each key in the right column.
Programmi ng the Mach ine WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 2-9 Entering Charac ters Using the Keyboar d and the N umeric Keypad to ente r charac ters: Correcting Characte rs Replacing Character s Input cor rect charac ters over the existi ng charact ers.
Progra mming the Ma chine 2-10 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 Deleting or Inser ting Characters 1. Using the and arrow ke ys, positi on the cursor at the char acter to be dele ted or at th e point of i nsertio n. 2. Pres s: . The mess age “Inser t” is display ed.
Programmi ng the Mach ine WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 2-11 Direct Access Function Keys The 14 Dire ct Acce ss Function K eys, lo cated in th e left of the C ontrol Panel, ar e programmed to perform som e of the most freq uently us ed features automatic ally .
Progra mming the Ma chine 2-12 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5.
Programmi ng the Mach ine WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 2-13 Setting Up the Phoneb ook Remote tele phone n umbers can be assi gned to Spe ed Dial num bers and/or On e T ou ch Key s in th e Phoneb ook. The numbers are used for Alpha Di aling, Sp eed Diali ng, One T ouch Dialing, C hain Dial ing, Group D ialing an d Polling Ope rations .
Progra mming the Ma chine 2-14 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 • Determin e which fa x options you want to store with the One T ouch or Speed Di al teleph one number. The following opt ions are ava ilable: Send La t er: S elect this option to design ate the time you want t o begin the job.
Programmi ng the Mach ine WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 2-15 Once y ou assign a Speed Dial numb er and s elect Fax Optio ns for that numbe r , y ou can link the Speed Dial numb er to a O ne T ouch Dialing Key for fas ter dialing . If you li nk the s peed dial number to a one touch key , you can dial th e number using bot h methods.
Progra mming the Ma chine 2-16 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 4. Usi ng the Key board an d Numeric K eypad, enter the name (ma x. 20 char acters) you want to a ssign to thi s Speed Dial numbe r , then press Enter . After 2 seconds. .. 5. Using the Numeric Ke ypad, ente r the fax tel ephone num ber (max.
Programmi ng the Mach ine WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 2-17 6. Using the Numeric K eypad, enter the alternate telephone number , then press Enter ; or to skip th is step, press Enter . 7. T o skip th e Fax Options , press and g o to step 2 5 to complete the proc edure.
Progra mming the Ma chine 2-18 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 Send Later 9. Enter the desired ti me you want to start the job ( within 24 hours). For the 12 hour format, sele ct AM/PM , then press Enter . 10. T o add an addi tional optio n, go to step 8.
Programmi ng the Mach ine WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 2-19 Sub address 17. T o exit this opti on, press . T o send a docu ment to a s ub address locatio n, press to sele ct SUB . T o po ll a docu ment from a sub add ress locatio n, press to sele ct SE P .
Progra mming the Ma chine 2-20 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 Line Selection* * 23. T o sele ct eit her line, pr ess . T o s elect Lin e #1, pres s . T o s elect Lin e #2, pres s . 24. T o add an addi tional optio n, go to step 8. T o ex it, press and go to step 25 to com plete the pr ocedure.
Programmi ng the Mach ine WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 2-21 Modifying or Deleting Speed Dial Numbers Use this procedure to change or dele te a previou sly assi gned Spee d Dial numb er . Whe n you ente r the Spe ed Dial nu mber yo u want to change or delete, the “Spee d dial nu mber Already assign ed” message display s.
Progra mming the Ma chine 2-22 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 Pre-se tting One T ouch Numbers Fifty One -T ouch Ke ys can be programm ed to d ial a singl e telephon e number , a Speed Di al number o r a Group of numb ers. An alter nate telep hone numbe r can be stored wi th the On e T ouch key .
Programmi ng the Mach ine WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 2-23 3. Using the Keyboar d and Nume ric Keypad, e nter the na me (max . 20 char acters) you want to a ssign to thi s One T ouch num ber , then press Enter . After 2 second s … 4. Using the Numeric K eypad, enter the remote fax telep hone number (ma x.
Progra mming the Ma chine 2-24 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 5. Using the Numer ic keypad, enter the alternate telepho ne number , then press Enter ; or to skip thi s step, press Enter . 6. T o prog ram the Fax Options, p ress and g o to step 7 . T o skip th e Fax Options , press and g o to ste p 22.
Programmi ng the Mach ine WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 2-25 Send Later 8. Enter the de sired time ( within 24 hour s) you want to s tart the job. For 12 hou r format, s elect AM /PM, the n press Enter . 9. T o ad d an additi onal opti on, go to s tep 7.
Progra mming the Ma chine 2-26 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 Fax Speed 14. T o s elect Off, press . 15. T o sele ct 144 00bps, pr es s . T o s elect 960 0bps, press . T o s elect 480 0bps, press . 16. T o add an addi tional optio n, go to step 7. T o ex it, press and go to step 22.
Programmi ng the Mach ine WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 2-27 19. T o ad d a password to t he sub add ress, press to s elect PWD; or to exit th is option , go to ste p 20. 20. Enter the numeric r emote su b address pas sword, th en press Enter . 21.
Progra mming the Ma chine 2-28 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 Modifying or Deleting One T ouch Dial Numbers Use this procedure to change or dele te a previou sly assi gned One T ouch nu mber . When you p ress the O ne T ouc h key yo u want to change or delete, the “One T ouch nu mber Alre ady assig ned” message display s.
Programmi ng the Mach ine WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 2-29 Pre-setting Group Numbers If you fre quently send faxes to th e same group of telephone numbers , you can assign these numb ers to a Group. O nly Sp eed Dial o r One T ouch nu mbers c an be ass igned to a group.
Progra mming the Ma chine 2-30 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 2. Using the Numeric Ke ypad, ente r the number (1-1999) you want to assign to this group . 3. Press: 4. Using the Keyboa rd and Nu meric Key pad, enter the G roup na me, then press Enter .
Programmi ng the Mach ine WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 2-31 8. T o ass ign this group to a O ne T ou ch key , press the One T ouch key . T o skip this ste p, press Enter . 9. The Enter Group Nu mber screen redisp lays. P ress Exit or Sto p to return to the S tandby Mode .
Progra mming the Ma chine 2-32 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 5. Using the Numeric Ke ypad, ente r the group number you w ant to use to se nd the doc ument, then press Enter . The machi ne dials eac h number in the grou p and send s the document . Deleting or Modify ing a Group Number 1.
Programmi ng the Mach ine WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 2-33 Filling out the One T ouch Label As you a ssign p hone numbe rs to the One T ouch key s, use a pencil to fill in the location name on the One T ouch Lab el.
Progra mming the Ma chine 2-34 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 Setting t he Dep artment Codes Use of the machine can be li mited to au thorized pe rsonnel wi thin each depa rtment by setting up a Maste r Department Code and indivi dual Departme nt Codes .
Programmi ng the Mach ine WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 2-35 2. T o setup the Maste r Department Code, press . T o di sable the Department Con trol feat ure, press . P ress Exit or S top. After 2 second s … Note: T o rese t the Departmen t Code, the fo llowing i s display ed.
Progra mming the Ma chine 2-36 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 3. Using the Keyboar d and Nume ric Keypad, e nter the na me to assign to the Mas ter Department, th en press Enter . After 2 second s … 4. Using the Numeric Ke ypad, ente r the 5-dig it master c ode to assign to the Mas ter Department, th en press Enter .
Programmi ng the Mach ine WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 2-37 7. Using the Keyboar d and Nume ric Keypad, e nter the na me to assign to this De partment (max 20 characte rs), then p ress Enter . Refer to th e “Charact er Entries” Se ction . After 2 second s … After 2 second s … 8.
Progra mming the Ma chine 2-38 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 Changing the Dep artment Code Settings The “Mas ter Department Cod e” is req uired to add, chang e, or del ete the Departmen t Code setti ngs. This me nu is not available t o other department c odes.
Programmi ng the Mach ine WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 2-39 4. T o mo dify the De partment Codes currently set, pre ss and go to S tep 5. T o set ne w Department Codes , press . Setting t he informa tion as de sired. I f needed, refe r to “Se tting the Department Cod es” proc edure.
Progra mming the Ma chine 2-40 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 Setting the Machine Default Settings Error Correct - ECM Defa ult Setting Error Corr ection M ode (ECM) i s an int ernationall y-recogn ized erro r correcti on syst em.
Programmi ng the Mach ine WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 2-41 Long Original Setting Using the Lo ng Origina l setting en ables the WorkCentr e to scan lon g documents. Th e availa ble length options are: T o s et the Long Origin al settin g: 1. Press: 2.
Progra mming the Ma chine 2-42 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 Byp ass T ray Paper Size Setting 1. Select the paper size usin g the s lider at th e side of the by pass tray . Pape r size setti ng: LGL: Select when you loa d Legal size paper . LT R : Selec t when you load l etter si ze paper .
Programmi ng the Mach ine WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 2-43 Redial Count and Interval S etting* When a do cumen t is rese rved in m emory a nd a job nu mber is assign ed, the mac hine autom aticall y attempts to sen d the do cument accord ing to the redial s etting .
Progra mming the Ma chine 2-44 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 3. Usi ng the Nume ric Key pad, enter the num ber of mi nutes you want the machi ne to wait before redi aling, the n press Enter . Yo u m u s t use a lea ding 0. 4. The menu selecti on screen redisp lays.
Programmi ng the Mach ine WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 2-45 Receiv e Int erval Y ou can s et a certain interval to try to rec eive an i ncoming doc ument when tran smitting an outgoin g documen t consec utively from the same pho ne line. The interv al set by thi s procedu re is inse rted after every fourth trans mission.
Progra mming the Ma chine 2-46 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 Resolution and Contrast Setting The default settin gs can b e changed during a tr ansmit or c opy oper ati on by pres sing the Contrast and Resolution keys on t he Cont rol Panel .
Programmi ng the Mach ine WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 2-47 T o chang e the Co ntrast and Re solut ion: 1. Press: 2. Select t he Reso lutio n: T o s elect S tandard, pr ess . T o sele ct Fine , press . T o select Super fine , pr ess . 3. Select t he Contras t: T o select Normal , pr ess .
Progra mming the Ma chine 2-48 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 Powe r Save r Setti ng The Power Sa ver functio n allows yo u to turn the p ower off to save power co nsumptio n. If the Pow er Sa ver functi on is On, a warm up period is needed befo re printin g occur s.
Programmi ng the Mach ine WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 2-49 3. When you sele ct the Aut omatic mode, us ing the Num eric Keypad, enter the time period ( in minutes) for standby before the machine enters t he Supe r Power Sa ve mo de autom aticall y .
Progra mming the Ma chine 2-50 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 Print De nsit y The print density for recepti on, copy , PC printin g, and rep ort printin g can be s et. Five de nsity le vels are a vailabl e from -2 (li ghter prin t) to +2 (dar ker prin t).
Programmi ng the Mach ine WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 2-51 Refuse Junk Mail Setting This featu re prevents your machin e from rec eiving d ocuments from unknown part ies. D ocuments ar e receive d only fr om those parties whose tel ephone numb ers are as signed to your ma chine pho nebook.
Progra mming the Ma chine 2-52 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 Ringer V olume Setting Use this feature to adjust the WorkCen tre Ringe r V olu me. The volu me range is from 0 ( off) to 7 (hig h). T o ad just the Ri nger volum e: 1. Press: 2. Using th e Numeric K eypad, ente r the Ring er V olum e settin g from 0-7, then press Enter .
Programmi ng the Mach ine WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 2-53 Alarm V olume Setting Use this feature to adjust the WorkCen tre Alarm V olume. The volume range is from 0 (off) to 7 (high). T o ad just the A larm vo lume: 1. Press: 2. Using the Numeric K eypad, enter the Alarm V olume s etting from 0-7, then press Enter .
Progra mming the Ma chine 2-54 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 Key T ouch V olume Setting Use this fea ture to adj ust the WorkCentre K ey T ouc h V olum e. The volu me range is from 0 ( off) to 7 (hig h). T o ad just the K ey T ouc h volume: 1. Press: 2.
Programmi ng the Mach ine WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 2-55 Monitor V olume Setting Use this fea ture to adj ust the WorkCentre Mo nitor V olume. The volu me range is from 0 ( off) to 7 (hig h). T o ad just the M onitor vol ume: 1. Press: 2. Using the Numeric K eypad, enter the Monitor V olume setting from 0-7, th en press Enter .
Progra mming the Ma chine 2-56 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 Send Afte r Scan Defa ult Sett ing This featu re enabl es you to determin e whether the dialing starts while the machi ne is sca nning the d ocuments or aft er the mac hine has scanned all d ocuments in the Memo ry Send mo de.
Programmi ng the Mach ine WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 2-57 Remote Service S etting Remote Access This featu re allows a remote X erox test fa cility or s ervice cente r to perform di agnostic tests on your machine . There are thr ee Remote Access s electio ns: Always O n, One Time Acces s, and Alway s Off.
Progra mming the Ma chine 2-58 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 Download This selec tion is u sed to ena ble firmwar e to be dow nloade d to the machine . The options are anyti me or If no job in m emory . There are two Downloa d selectio ns: No Job in Memor y and An y Ti m e .
Programmi ng the Mach ine WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 2-59 RDC Password Allows you to passw ord protect the machi ne from a ny unautho rized person dialing into the machi ne.
Progra mming the Ma chine 2-60 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 Supplies Order Allows the option o f the supp lies order report to b e sent aut omatical ly . The report is sent out to or der mo re suppli es (Drum and T oner) w hen you selec t On. Setting up Au to supply or dering detail s is describ ed in Appen dix A.
Programmi ng the Mach ine WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 2-61 Sep arator Page Default Setting When this feature is set to “On”, the WorkCentre prints a page between ea ch rece ived fax , Copy and PC prin t.
Progra mming the Ma chine 2-62 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 3. Select t he Copy Se parator Page o ption: T o en able the Cop y Separator P age feature, press . T o disabl e the C opy Sep arat or Pa ge fe atu re, pr es s . 4. Select t he PC Pri nt Separator P age optio n: T o en able the P C Print Separa tor Page feat ure, pre ss .
Programmi ng the Mach ine WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 2-63 Line Monitor Default Setting Enable thi s feature to l isten to the in itial cal l sequenc e during al l send and polli ng opera tions. T o enabl e this fea ture for a s ingle op eration, refer to “Listen to Dial in c hapter 5".
Progra mming the Ma chine 2-64 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5.
Receiving Do cuments WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 3-1 3 Receiving Document s The WorkCentre c an receiv e docume nts automatic ally or m anually .
Receiving Do cuments 3-2 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 Basic Receiv e The WorkCentre c an receiv e docume nts automatic ally or m anually depending on the Answer Mode you hav e select ed. If the A nswer Mode is set to Auto , the mach ine rec eives a doc ument auto maticall y upon rec eiving a c all.
Receiving Do cuments WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 3-3 3. If set to A uto answer, using the Numer ic Keypad, ente r the number o f times th e phone mus t ring befor e the mac hine answers, th en press Enter (you m ust use 2 di gits). 4. The menu select ion scr een redi splays.
Receiving Do cuments 3-4 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 T o set th e Line 2 A nswer Mo de: 1. Press: 2. Select t he Answer Mode: T o use l ine 2 for both tran smitting and receiv ing, press . Then pres s Exit or St o p to return to the S tandby mode.
Receiving Do cuments WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 3-5 Auto Receive When the A nswer M ode is s et to Auto, your docum ents are rece ived automatic ally . V ariou s advanced features are availa ble for rec eiving documents, r efer to t he Advanc ed Recei ve sect ion la ter in thi s Chapter .
Receiving Do cuments 3-6 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 Advance d Rece ive V ari ous adva nced recei ve modes and feature s are avai lable on t he WorkCentre to fit you r individual needs.
Receiving Do cuments WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 3-7 2. Select t he colla te fax opti on: T o en able the coll ate op tion, press . T o di sable the collate option , press . 3. The menu select ion scr een redi splays. Press Exit or Sto p to return to th e S tandby Mode.
Receiving Do cuments 3-8 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 Receive to Memory When this feature is enabl ed and the printer is not avai lable, the machine automatic ally rec eives the do cumen t to memory . I f this feature i s disabled , the mach ine doe s not ans wer the phone .
Receiving Do cuments WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 3-9 2. Select t he Rece ive to Me mory op tion: T o en able the Re ceive to Memory mod e, press . T o di sable the Rec eive to Memory mod e, press . 3. The menu select ion scr een redi splays. Press Exit or Sto p to return to th e S tandby Mode.
Receiving Do cuments 3-10 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 2. T o set a s ecurity code for the first tim e, or to chang e your security code, press the n press . T o en able or dis able the S ecure Rece ive featu re, press then pres s , then go t o S tep 5.
Receiving Do cuments WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 3-11 5. Enter y our security code an d press Enter . 6. Select t he Sec ure Rece ive opti on: T o di sable the Secu re Receive Mode, press , the n press Exit or St o p to return t o the St andby Mod e.
Receiving Do cuments 3-12 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 8. Select th e days of t he week su bject to the time peri od designate d in S tep 7. T o en able the WorkCen tre to Secur e Receive documents du ring the desig nated t ime period e very day , pr ess .
Receiving Do cuments WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 3-13 Manual Secure Receive Once the Secure Rec eive Mo de is enable d (see “A utomatic Secure Receive S etup”) you can enforce th e mode at any time (even outside of the t ime period s pecified i n “Automati c Secure R eceive S etup”).
Receiving Do cuments 3-14 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 Printing the S tored Document i n Secure Receive Mode Once the Secure Rec eive Mo de is activ ated, eith er automa tically or manually , you can i mmedia tely print the sto red docu ments. T o pr int all receiv ed docume nts: 1.
Receiving Do cuments WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 3-15 Discard E xt ra Setti ng* When the Disc ard Extra Setting feat ure is enabled, any portion of the document , up to 10mm , that i s longer tha n the recor ding area i s discarde d. If the excess po rtion is gr eater than 1 0mm, the document is printed on 2 pages.
Receiving Do cuments 3-16 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 Notes:.
Dia lin g Me thod s WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 4-1 4 Diali ng Met hod s Dialing Methods When sen ding docum ents you mus t dial the tel ephone num ber of the remote party’s fax machin e. The WorkCentre has 8 diali ng methods . Each dialing method ca n be used for fax tran smis sions, polling recepti ons, or telephone calling operatio ns.
Dialing Me tho ds 4-2 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 Manual Dial (On-hook and Off-hook Dialing) T o initiat e On-ho ok di ali ng pres s th e Manu al D ial key, di al the number a nd listen for a facs imile tone, th en press the Sta rt key to initiate a transm ission .
Dia lin g Me thod s WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 4-3 5. The machi ne dials the number a nd connec ts with the remo te machine . When you hea r the fa x tone s press the Sta rt k ey. I f y ou are using O n Hook di aling and the remot e operator a nswers, you can pic k up the ha ndset* to talk.
Dialing Me tho ds 4-4 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 Alpha Dialing Alpha di aling is used to d ial by sea rching for the first c haracter of the name in th e Speed Di al, One T ouch Dia l, and Gr oup Phon ebooks.
Dia lin g Me thod s WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 4-5 4. Using the Keyboar d, press t he key th at corres ponds to th e first letter of the first name. 5. Press the and ar row keys to scr oll through the names. 6. When the d esired name is hig hlighted, press Sta rt .
Dialing Me tho ds 4-6 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 Speed Dialing Once you a ssigned a destin ation fax number as a Speed Dialing number , you can dial your destination by enter ing the Sp eed Dial number (00 1-999).
Dia lin g Me thod s WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 4-7 5. Using the Numeric K eypad, enter the Speed D ial numbe r , th en press St a r t . after 2 s econds … The machi ne automat ically dials the ph one nu mber , c onfirms the connec tion, and s ends the document.
Dialing Me tho ds 4-8 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 after 2 s econds … The machin e automatic ally dials the phone nu mber , confirms the conne ction, an d sends t he doc ument. Keyp ad Dialing This featu re allows y ou to dial your dest inatio n by enteri ng the number u sing the N umeric Key pad.
Dia lin g Me thod s WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 4-9 The machi ne dials the number , confirm s the co nnection, and sends the docum ent. Automatic Redialing* When the l ine o f the party y ou are ca lling i s busy , the m achin e automatic ally redi als the n umber acco rding to the redia l interval sele cted.
Dialing Me tho ds 4-10 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 3. When y ou hea r th e fax t one , pr es s Sta rt . The machi ne dial s the nu mber . I f the connecti on is con firmed the document is sent. If the line is still busy , the job remains i n the pending j ob list.
Dia lin g Me thod s WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 4-11 Chain Dialing Chain Dial ing allows you to dial numbe rs that may re quire many di gits with pause s for voic e promp ts or variati ons in nu mber seq uence s.
Dialing Me tho ds 4-12 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 5. Repeat ste p 4 to enter addition al number s. 6. When all numbers are entere d, press Sta rt .
Dia lin g Me thod s WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 4-13 Manual Group Dialing The machi ne can se nd a docu ment to mul tiple num bers tha t you dial manually . Y ou d o not need to p rogram the numbe rs as a group for this procedu re. Enter n umbers usi ng the Nume ric Keypad, O ne T ouch keys, o r Speed Dial numbe rs.
Dialing Me tho ds 4-14 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 5. Repeat ste p 4 to enter addition al number s. 6. When you have entered all the number s, press St a r t . The machi ne dials eac h number in the grou p and send s the document . Note: If you se lect the s ame entr y twice, y ou are p rompted t o delete or retain that sec ond entr y .
T ransmitting Docum ent s WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 5-1 5 T ra nsmitting Documents The WorkCentre o f fers vari ous transmis sion modes to simplify th e faxing pr ocess. Each tran smissi on mod e may be p erforme d using any one o f the diali ng method s describ ed in t he previou s section.
T r ansmitting Documents 5-2 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 Memory As the ma chine s cans docum ents into mem ory , t he avail able Free Memory is reduce d.
T ransmitting Docum ent s WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 5-3 Memory Send or Direct S end Default Mode In the “Me mory Send” mode, the machine first sca ns the doc ument into memo ry , then dial s the num ber and sen ds the fax . The Memor y Send mode allow s up to 100 jobs to be reserved and sent a s the line becomes available .
T r ansmitting Documents 5-4 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 2. Select t he defau lt transmiss ion mode: T o set M emory S end as the default mo de, press . T o set Di rect Se nd as the d efault mod e, press . 3. The menu selecti on screen redisp lays.
T ransmitting Docum ent s WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 5-5 T o send a Docu ment usin g the Memory Send mod e: 1. Load the do cumen t face down in the Doc ument T ray . 2. Select t he desired Resolution and Contrast . 3. Using one of the dia ling meth ods, dial the fax numbe r and pr ess St a r t , if neces sary .
T r ansmitting Documents 5-6 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 Direct Send When the D irect S end defaul t transmis sion mode is selec ted, the machine first dial s the rem ote fax ma chine an d confirms the connecti on . When the con nec ti on is confi rm ed the machi ne sen ds each docume nt page as it is scanned .
T ransmitting Docum ent s WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 5-7 Direct Send with Memory Send Selected When fre e memory be comes 0% due to m any job res ervations , a Direct Sen d transm ission can be.
T r ansmitting Documents 5-8 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 Manual Send Refer to “Ma nual Dial ” in Chap ter 4 “Di aling Method s”. Delayed St art T ransmittin g a docume nt at a p rogrammed time is known as a Delayed St art. Y ou c an set up a job to be gin one mo nth in advance.
T ransmitting Docum ent s WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 5-9 Priority T ransmission Use this procedure to send a document immediate ly , even whe n other jo bs are res erved in m emory . T o Pri ority Send a docume nt: 1. Load the do cumen t face down in the Doc ument T ray .
T r ansmitting Documents 5-10 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 Line Selec tion The Line Se lec tio n key allo ws you to se lect t he l ine yo u wa nt th e WorkCentre to us e when performi ng the curren t communi cation.
T ransmitting Docum ent s WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 5-11 Charge Codes The Charge Code funct ion key is used to enter a charge cod e in a telephone number . Charge c odes can be entered m anually during K eypad dialing or stored i n the Speed Dia l and One T ouch num bers for dia ling numbers that alway s require this featur e.
T r ansmitting Documents 5-12 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 Cover Shee t The Cover Sheet featu re attaches a cover shee t to the top of a document being tra nsmitted. The c over she et can inc lude a un ique image such as your company logo, as well as your statio n ID, the receiv ing station’s ID and the page count .
T ransmitting Docum ent s WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 5-13 Cover Sheet Se tup T o set up a cover sheet fo r the first tim e, prepare a n image to be pasted to the c over shee t, then per form the f ollowing steps. T o en able the Cover Sheet fe ature: 1.
T r ansmitting Documents 5-14 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 5. Press St a r t to scan t he image a nd paste i t on your cover sheet. The scann ed image c an app ears on yo ur cove r sheet when yo u send a docume nt using t he “Sending Documents wi th a Cover S heet” procedu re.
T ransmitting Docum ent s WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 5-15 5. Using the Keyboar d and Nume ric Keypad, e nter the na me of the person or company the document is being sent to, the n press Enter . 6. Using the Keyboar d and Nume ric Keypad, e nter you r name or company nam e, then press Enter .
T r ansmitting Documents 5-16 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 Batching When mul tiple doc uments with th e same de stination are sent in a single transmiss ion, the pro cess is c alled ba tching. The machine automatic ally batches documents int ended for the same destina tion if the delay start time and other opti ons are the same.
T ransmitting Docum ent s WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 5-17 Confirming a T ransmission After s ending a do cument, y ou can c onfirm whethe r your ma chine sent the d ocument s uccessfu lly .
T r ansmitting Documents 5-18 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 One T ime Fax Options Before s endin g a docum ent, you c an set up various options that effect only th e current j ob. With the docume nt in the Do cument Tray , set each option you want to apply to that job, th en using one of t he dialing methods, s end the fax.
T ransmitting Docum ent s WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 5-19 Number of Pages This featu re allows y ou to set the total numbe r of pages in a Direct Send job for the cu rrent job. Y ou do n ot need to s elect thi s feature for Memory Send since the ma chine aut omatically totals the nu mber of scanned image s.
T r ansmitting Documents 5-20 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 Listen to Dia l Enable this featu re to l isten to the fax tone dur ing the sen d and polling operatio ns (this is a one time procedur e). T o enab le this fe ature fo r all send, re ceive, a nd polli ng operat ions, refer to Line M onitor Defaul t Settings ** in Chap ter 2.
T ransmitting Docum ent s WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 5-21 Send th en Pol l This featu re perform s two oper ations, t ransmit and poll, in a single operatio n. If the r emote mac hine has a document s et to b e polled , the polling document is receiv ed after yo ur docum ent is s ent, during th e same ca ll (this is a on e time pr ocedure).
T r ansmitting Documents 5-22 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 5. Select t he Secur ity option: T o en ter a Secur ity Code, pr ess , the n use the Nu meric Keypad to ent er a 4-d igit code, an d press Enter . If you do n ot wish to ent er a security c ode, press .
T ransmitting Docum ent s WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 5-23 ECM Disa ble Once the E rror Correction M ode Default S etting is se t to “ON”, this feature a llows you t o disabl e the ECM mode for a single tr ansmis sion. Once tha t transm ission is complet e, the defau lt status is r egained.
T r ansmitting Documents 5-24 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 Secure Se nd T ransmissi on The Secure S end fe ature prevents y our mach ine from se nding to an incorrec tly dia led number. With this functio n enabled , the diale d number i s compared to the remote machine ID telephon e number .
T ransmitting Docum ent s WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 5-25 Send Aft er S ca n Ena ble Once the Send Afte r Scan Mod e Default S etting is set to “OFF” , this feature a llows you e nable t he Send A fter Scan mo de for a sin gle transmiss ion.
T r ansmitting Documents 5-26 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 5. Select t he memo ry full opt ion. T o de lete the pages being scan ned, pres s . T o send the pages b eing scann ed, press . 6. Press Menu to sel ect additi onal fax options, or using on e of the dialing methods, e nter the fa x number , then pres s Enter if necessar y .
T ransmitting Docum ent s WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 5-27 Advance d T ransmissions Using an Account Code Enterin g an account code w hen sendi ng a docu ment to a remote party allows you to track the activi ty to that party . The a ccount code entry is e ffective for the curren t operati on.
T r ansmitting Documents 5-28 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 Account Code Default Setting The Acco unt Code fea ture allo ws you to enter an account n umber when tran smitting documents to a remote party .
T ransmitting Docum ent s WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 5-29 T ransmitt ing Using a Dep artment Code When the D epartment Code option is set, the “Enter D ept. code” screen is dis playe d. T o set or c hange Departmen t Codes, refer to Chapter 2, “Changi ng Department Codes”.
T r ansmitting Documents 5-30 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 Resend Stored Fax Default S etting Normall y , w hen a tran smissi on can no t be co mpleted, t he mac hine automatic ally att empts to send the document accordi ng to the r edial criteria .
T ransmitting Docum ent s WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 5-31 3. Use the Nu meric Key pad to enter the numbe r of hours (you m ust use 2 dig its) for the ma chine to store the document , then pre ss Enter . 4. The menu select ion scr een redi splays.
T r ansmitting Documents 5-32 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 4. Select t he Chang e option: T o res end the job without c hanging th e facsim ile number , press . The machi ne starts dialing the number. T o res end the job with a differe nt facsim ile numb er , pre ss .
T ransmitting Docum ent s WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 5-33 Secure Se nd Setting When the S ecure S end Mode is enabl ed, all trans missions are secure . The machi ne compares th e number dialed to the remot e machine s ID teleph one number and if th e numbers match, t he document is sent.
T r ansmitting Documents 5-34 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 ITU-T Relay Communications Relay Com municati on allows y ou to send documents from your fa x machine (initiatin g station) to one fax mac hine (rela y station ), which further se nds them t o addit ional fax machine s (end stations ).
T ransmitting Docum ent s WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 5-35 T o pe rform a I TU-T Rela y T ransm ission : 1. Load the do cumen t face down in the Doc ument T ray . 2. Select t he desired Resolution and Contrast . 3. Press: 4. Using the Numeric K eypad enter a relay b ox numbe r , then p ress Enter .
T r ansmitting Documents 5-36 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 7. Enter the Speed Di al or On e T ouch key that y ou preset for the Relay S tation, (Y ou must press Ph one book , th en pr ess Ente r before en tering a speed dia l number) . The documen t is sent to the Rel ay S tation.
T ransmitting Docum ent s WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 5-37 Presetting ITU-T Rela y Box Y ou can as sign up to 100 Relay Boxes . Each rel ay box can contain up to 50 E nd S tations that are preset to S peed Dial numbers or One T ouch k eys or G roups.
T r ansmitting Documents 5-38 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 T o pres et a Relay Box at the r elay station: 1. Press: 2. Using the Numeric Ke ypad, ente r a mailbox number , then press Enter . 3. Select t he Pass word optio n: T o ass ign a password, press and go t o step 4.
T ransmitting Docum ent s WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 5-39 5. Enter a S peed Dial Number , Name, One T ouch K ey , or Group Number y ou want to a ssign to the End St ation. T o ass ign a One T ouch K ey to the E nd S tatio n: Press the One T ou ch Key y ou want to assign t o the En d S tation.
T r ansmitting Documents 5-40 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 6. Repeat ste p 5 to enter addition al number s. 7. When you comp lete ass igning al l the End S tat ions, pres s St a r t .
T ransmitting Docum ent s WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 5-41 Deleting a Relay Box T o de lete a R elay Box : 1. Press: 2. Select t he Mai lbox opti on: T o retur n to the St andby Mod e, press . T o de lete a R elay Box , press . 3. Using the Numeric K eypad, enter the box num ber you wan t to dele te, then pres s Enter .
T r ansmitting Documents 5-42 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 Notes:.
Cancell ing Jo bs WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 6-1 6 Cancelling Jobs Jobs on the WorkCentr e can be cancell ed by pr essing the Job St a t u s key or the Cancel Job key . Active jobs on the WorkCen tre can be can celled by pr essing the Job St a t u s key .
Cancellin g Jobs 6-2 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 2. If you woul d like to c ancel the displayed job, p ress 3. Press to can cel the d isplayed j ob, or pr ess to return to the St andby Mode. The machi ne returns to the S tandby Mode. Cancel Job Key Pending jobs can be ca ncelled as they a re confirm ed in the display .
Cancell ing Jo bs WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 6-3 T o canc el a pendi ng job: 1. Press: 2. Select t he type of job yo u want to c ancel. T o canc el an Inc oming Rec eption, pres s . T o canc el a Memo ry Send tr ansmissi on, press . T o canc el a Pol ling operati on, press .
Cancellin g Jobs 6-4 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 The first pen ding job of the type selecte d is displ ayed. 3. Press the and arrow key s to view each pendin g job of this ty pe. 4. When the job yo u want to ca ncel is displa yed, pr ess Enter .
Cancell ing Jo bs WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 6-5 Direct Send Jobs Use this procedure only if the docum ent is in the process o f being transmitted in the Direc t Send mo de. If the Di rect Se nd job is in the Redial Mo de the job is a pend ing job.
Cancellin g Jobs 6-6 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 Notes:.
Polling WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 7-1 7 Polli ng Polling Communications The Polling functi on key allo ws you to poll a remote machine (Po ll), set up a do cumen t to b e poll ed by a rem ote mac hine (B e Pol led), or poll multip le re mote ma chine s duri ng th e same op erati on (Gr oup or Contin uous Pol l).
Polli ng 7-2 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 Storing a Document to be Polled This featur e stores documents in polling boxes on yo ur machine to be retrieved by other s. The foll owing typ es of Polli ng boxes ar e availab le. • Poll-once Box — Documents stored in a poll -onc e box ar e cleare d when they are polled .
Polling WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 7-3 S toring a Doc ument to be Polled in a Poll-on ce Box This featur e stores a doc ument in a Poll -once bo x and prepares your machine to be poll ed once b y a remote m achin e. The docum ent is deleted af ter poll ing.
Polli ng 7-4 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 5. Select t he sec urity opti on for st oring in this Po ll-onc e box. T o sele ct no sec urity , p ress and g o to st ep 7. (If you stored a docume nt in a Mul ti-poll bo x you ca n not stor e a docum ent withou t a securit y code) .
Polling WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 7-5 S tor ing a Document to be Polled in a Multi-poll Box This featu re stores a documen t in a Mul ti-poll box and p repares your machine to be poll ed multipl e times by variou s remote m achines . Y o u can only store o ne docume nt in a Mu lti-poll bo x.
Polli ng 7-6 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 Cancelling Docume nt s S tored in a Pol ling Box T o canc el a poll ing job ref er to C hapter 6, “Ca ncellin g Jobs”. Modifying Docu ments St ored in a Polling Box Once a d ocument is stored i n a polling box, addi tional doc uments may re place it o r be ad ded to i t.
Polling WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 7-7 5. Select the type of security us ed when the prev ious docu ment was stored t o the P oll-once b ox. If no sec urity was u sed, press , th en go to st ep 7. If only a secu rity code w as us ed, press . If only th e remote fax num ber was use d, press .
Polli ng 7-8 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 Polling a Remote Document (Poll-once or Multi-poll Box) Use this procedure to poll a document from a remo te machin e. If the remote op erator st ored th e documen t with a se curity code, yo u must enter that same sec urity code to poll the document.
Polling WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 7-9 The machi ne dials the number a nd retriev es the docum ent. -or- 4. Using one of the dia ling meth ods, dial the remote te lephone number , then press St a r t if neces sary .
Polli ng 7-10 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 3. Using the numeric keypad, Phonebook or One T ouch key s, enter the number a nd press Enter if ne cessar y . Groups ca n also be entere d if preset to a One T ou ch key . 4. Repeat step 3 until yo u entered e ach numbe r you want to i nclude in the Group Pol l.
Polling WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 7-11 Continuous Polling* Use this procedure to poll th e same ma chine or gr oup of ma chine s frequentl y , you can set up your ma chine to autom aticall y perform this task on a regul ar schedu le.
Polli ng 7-12 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 3. Enter the Pollin g start time and stop time , then pres s Enter . 4. Using the up and down arrow key s, sele ct the starting day of the week. Whe n the startin g day yo u want is bli nking, pres s Enter .
Polling WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 7-13 8. If required , enter a 4-digit S ecurity C ode, then pr ess Enter . Continuous Polli ng starts when the ma chine c lock reaches the start time. Deleting Conti nuous Poll Jobs T o mo dify the conti nuous po ll opera tion, you m ust delet e and reenter the informat ion.
Polli ng 7-14 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 Notes:.
Mailbox Com munication s WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 8-1 8 Mailbox Commun ications Mailbox ITU-T Communications The Mailbo x ITU-T functi on key prov ides ma ilbox comm unications with any compati ble remot e machine usi ng ITU-T standards. ITU-T is an int ernational f ax ind ustry standar ds org anizatio n.
Mailbox Commu nications 8-2 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 Local Mailbox (ITU-T) Once you p reset th e ITU-T mailbox numbers on your ow n mach ine, you can store do cuments in th em for other s to retri eve.
Mailbox Com munication s WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 8-3 2. Select t he Mai lbox opti on. T o retur n to the St andby Mod e, press . T o cre ate a mail box, press , then go to st ep 4. 3. The menu select ion scr een redi splays. Press Sto p to return to the S tandby Mode .
Mailbox Commu nications 8-4 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 6. Select t he Pass word optio n: T o ass ign a password, press an d go to ste p 7. If you do n ot want t o assign a pas sword, pres s an d go to step 8 . 7. Using the Numeric Ke ypad, ente r the password you want to assign to this bo x, then pr ess Enter .
Mailbox Com munication s WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 8-5 2. Select t he Mai lbox opti on. T o retur n to the St andby Mod e, press . T o de lete a ma ilbox, press . 3. Using the Numeric K eypad, enter the box num ber you wan t to dele te, then pres s Enter .
Mailbox Commu nications 8-6 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 4. Select the type of mailb ox in whi ch to store the docume nt. T o st ore in a Conf idential mailbox , press . T o s tore in a Bulletin Board m ailbox, press . – o r – 5. T o s tore a doc ument in a local m ailbo x, press .
Mailbox Com munication s WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 8-7 6. Using the Numeric Ke ypad enter th e mailbox number , then press Enter . 7. Enter a pas sword if re quired, then press Enter .
Mailbox Commu nications 8-8 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 – o r – 3. T o prin t from a l ocal mailb ox, press . – o r – 4. Using the Numeric Ke ypad enter th e mailbox number , then press Enter . 5. Enter the password if r equired, the n press Enter .
Mailbox Com munication s WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 8-9 Deleting a Document S tored i n a Local I TU-T Mailbox T o de lete docu ments stored in ITU-T mail boxes on yo ur machi ne, you mus t know the b ox number and passwo rd, if requi red. T o de lete a doc ument stored in a L ocal ITU-T Mai lbox: 1.
Mailbox Commu nications 8-10 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 3. T o de lete a doc ument fro m a local ma ilbox, pre ss . – o r – 4. Using the Num eric Keypad, en ter the mail box numbe r , then press Enter . 5. If you ente red a passwor d when creat ing thi s mailbox number , enter tha t same passw ord, then pre ss Enter .
Mailbox Com munication s WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 8-11 T o send documents to a Remote Ma ilbox: 1. Load the do cumen t face down in the Doc ument T ray . 2. Select t he desired Resolution and Contrast . 3. Press : 4. Select t he type of mailbox you wa nt to send t he docume nt to.
Mailbox Commu nications 8-12 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 5. T o send to a remot e mailbox , press . – o r – 6. Using the Numeric Ke ypad enter th e remote Confidenti al or Bulleti n Board m ailbox num ber , then press Enter .
Mailbox Com munication s WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 8-13 Polling a Remote ITU-T Mailbox T o retr ieve docum ents stored in an ITU-T mail box of a remote machine, you need to kn ow the type of box the docume nt is stored in , and the ITU- T mailbox number .
Mailbox Commu nications 8-14 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 3. T o po ll a rem ote mailbo x, pres s . – o r – 4. Using the Numeric Ke ypad enter th e mailbox number , then press Enter . 5. If you se lected Con fident ial, enter th e remote pass word the n press Enter .
Mailbox Com munication s WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 8-15 Att aching an ITU-T Sub Address The sub addr ess feature is used to sen d a document to a compatible remote fax mac hine and re que st that mac hi ne to forwar d the documen t to the f inal dest ination spe cified i n the sub a ddress, normal ly on a Lo cal Area Ne twork (LA N).
Mailbox Commu nications 8-16 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 T ransmitting a Document to an ITU-T Sub Address Use the foll owing proced ure to transm it a docume nt to a sub addr ess: 1. Load the do cumen t face down in the Doc ument T ray . 2. Select t he desired Resolution and Contrast .
Mailbox Com munication s WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 8-17 7. T o exit the men u, press to s elect Done . 8. Using one of the dia ling meth ods, enter th e remote p hone telephone number a nd press Enter . The documen t is sent to the remote fa x machin e and forwar ded to the specifi ed su b addr es s.
Mailbox Commu nications 8-18 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 5. T o en ter a password, pres s to select P WD. Usin g the numeric keypad, enter the remot e password, if r equired by the remote m achin e, and pre ss Enter . 6. T o exit the men u, press to s elect Done .
Repo rt s WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 9-1 9 Report s V a rious Repor ts and Lists are available t o help yo u navigat e through the menu, c heck th e machine configurat ion, an d monitor the use of the machi ne. Repor ts can be se t up to includ e speci fic informa tion or to print automatic ally .
Repor t s 9-2 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 Activity Report Setup The Activ ity Report contains the details of send and rece ive communi cations. It also i ncludes the scan, pr int, drum a nd toner counter . Using t he Activity Report Setu p proced ure, you ca n designat e which rep orts are prin ted auto matically and under what conditi ons.
Repo rt s WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 9-3 * The Code is displayed in 3 digits to the right of the Mode symbol. Mode Communica tion m ode* t : 2nd Line C ommunic ation EX: Exc lusive Error Contro.
Repor t s 9-4 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 T o set th e autom atic Activ ity Report p rint status: 1. Press: 2. Select t he repor t mode: T o sele ct the type of re ports that print wh en the Activity key is presse d, press . 3. T o prin t reports of al l Sent and Receive d commun ications, press .
Repo rt s WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 9-5 Confirmation Report Setup Confirma tion Repor ts can automati cally be printed by the WorkCent re followin g each t ransmiss ion, or only f ollowing tr ansmissi ons where an error oc curred.
Repor t s 9-6 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 Confirmation Report The Confir mation Repo rt contains the same ite ms as the Activity Report. Refer to t he Activit y Report Secti on. T o set th e Confirm ation Repor t automati c print status : 1. Press: 2.
Repo rt s WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 9-7 The followi ng infor mation is printed on the Memor y Send Confirma tion Repor t: Confirmation Report - Memory Send T o set th e Confirm ation Repor t-Memory S end auto matic prin t status. 1. Press: *** Menu item number s may vary according to configurations.
Repor t s 9-8 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 2. Select t he Memo ry Send Con firmatio n report pr int funct ion: To automati cally p rint a repo rt after a Memory Se nd, pres s . T o au tomatically print a re port when an error o ccurs, pres s . T o disab le the automa tic report p rint funct ion, press , then go to step 4.
Repo rt s WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 9-9 The followi ng infor mation is printed on the Grou p Send Con firmatio n Report: Group Send Report T o set th e Group Send Repor t automati c print s tatus. 1. Press: *** Menu item number s may vary according to configurations.
Repor t s 9-10 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 2. Select t he Grou p Send Conf irmation Report pri nt option: To a utoma tic ally prin t a re por t aft er a Gr oup Send, pres s . T o au tomatically print a re port when an error o ccurs, pres s . T o di sable the report feat ure, pre ss , then go to step 4.
Repo rt s WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 9-11 The follow ing infor mation i s printed on the G roup P olling C onfirmation Report: Group Poll Report T o set th e Group Poll Repo rt automa tic print s tatus. 1. Press: 2. Select t he Grou p Polling Co nfirmati on Report p rint option: To automati cally p rint a repo rt after a Group Pol l, press .
Repor t s 9-12 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 The followi ng inf ormation is printed on the R elay Or iginator Conf irm ati on R epor t: Relay Origi nator Report T o set th e Relay Or iginator Report au tomatic p rint status. 1. Press: *** Menu item number s may vary according to configurations.
Repo rt s WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 9-13 2. Select t he Rela y Origin ator Confirm ation Repo rt print option: To autom aticall y print a report afte r the R elay, pr ess . T o au tomatically print a re port when an error o ccurs, pres s . T o di sable the report feat ure, pre ss .
Repor t s 9-14 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 The followi ng informa tion is printed o n the Relay St ation Confir mation Report: Relay S t ation Report T o set th e Relay St ation Report auto matic prin t status. 1. Press: *** Menu item number s may vary according to configurations.
Repo rt s WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 9-15 2. Select t he Rela y S tation Confirma tion Repor t print optio n: To automati cally p rint a repo rt after a Rel ay, press . T o au tomatically print a re port when an error o ccurs, pres s . T o di sable the report feat ure, pre ss , then go to step 4.
Repor t s 9-16 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 The followi ng infor mation is printed on the Rela y Destin ation Conf irm ati on R epor t: Relay Destination Rep ort T o set th e Relay De stinat ion Report au tomatic p rint status. 1. Press: *** Menu item number s may vary according to configurations.
Repo rt s WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 9-17 2. Select t he Rela y Destina tion Confi rmation R eport print option: To autom aticall y print a report afte r the R elay, pr ess . T o auto matically p rint a report when an er ror occurs , pre ss . T o di sable the report feat ure, pre ss , then go to step 4.
Repor t s 9-18 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 Confirmation Report Override A Confir mation Rep ort can be pr inted aut omatical ly for each communi cation jo b by sett ing the def ault repo rt print op tion (se e the previo us secti on, “Conf irmat ion Repor t Setup”).
Repo rt s WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 9-19 Reception Report Setup Reception Reports can automatic ally be pr inted by the WorkCentre whenever a docume nt is rece ived at th e Relay St ation or int o a Mailbox . Refer to th e procedur es that fol low to man ually pri nt a Recept ion report for the ITU-T Mailb oxes.
Repor t s 9-20 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 3. Press Exit or Sto p to return to the St andby Mod e. The followi ng infor mation is printed on the Mailbo x Recepti on Report: Item Description Job n umber Job n umber . Mail box Mail box numb er . Mailbox T ype Mail box T ype: Pol l-once, M ulti-po ll, Private Mail box.
Repo rt s WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 9-21 Printing Report s and Lists V a rious rep orts and lis ts can be pr inted detail ing infor matio n about your WorkCentr e and informa tion yo u have stored in it.
Repor t s 9-22 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 ITU-T Mailbox Report The ITU-T Mailbox Repo rt lists all docume nts entered throug h your own statio n and remote stations, using the ITU-T mailbox system.
Repo rt s WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 9-23 Pending Jobs Report The Pendin g Jobs Re port lists all c ommunic ation job s reserved in memory . The followi ng infor mation is printed on the Pendin g Jobs Re port listed by comm unicatio n type; (i.
Repor t s 9-24 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 Dep artment Code Report The Department Cod e report lists the Department Names and Codes. The usage for each department is l isted by num ber of pages sent, receiv ed and co pied. If you ente r the mas ter code, th e report li sts the mast er departmen t code and all departme nts.
Repo rt s WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 9-25 Power Failure Lis t The WorkCentre has a battery t o back up the document data mem ory contents. Howe ver , when the power is turned off for a long t i.
Repor t s 9-26 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 Menu Map The Menu Ma p is a li st of all machine features in a flow cha rt forma t. Refer to Ch apter 2 fo r a detailed Men u Flow Ma p. T o prin t the Me nu Map: 1. Press: -or- Press Menu Map. 2. The Menu Ma p prints, the n the mach ine return s to the S tandby mode.
Repo rt s WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 9-27 Settings Report The Setting s Report prints a list of each ma chine fun ction and the curre nt setting s.
Repor t s 9-28 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 T o prin t the Settings Report: 1. Press : The Setting s Report prints, then the machine returns to the S tandby Mode. Note: T otal Pages represents the grand to tal for Scan ned and Printed pages , it is no t the same as Drum cou nt that is found on th e Activity Rep ort.
Copying Docum ent s WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 10-1 10 Copying Docume nt s Using the copy fea ture you can print u p to 99 cop ies. The fo llowing sele ctions a re availab le when yo u cop y a docum ent: • Contrast • Resolution • Reduction • Collate Making Copies T o copy a docume nt: 1.
Copying Do cuments 10-2 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 4. Using the arrow key s, select th e paper size ( if you hav e an optional pape r tray or bypass tray ins talled) and the collate option. 5. Using the Numeric Ke ypad, selec t the desi red numb er of copies and pres s Sta rt .
Scan Func tionali ty WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 11-1 1 1 Scan Functionality In order to use the WorkCentre as a scann er , it h as to be confi gured for a TW AIN driver . The following table desc ribes the TW AIN settings and contr ols. Scan Size Specifies the d ocument size that yo u are scannin g.
Scan Funct i ona lit y 11-2 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 Notes:.
PCL Printing Fun ctionality WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 12-1 12 PCL Printing Funct ion al ity This opti on will be made ava ilable soon . When yo u order thi s option, you will receiv e the late st docum entation whi ch will support this option and its functio nality .
PCL P r in ting Functi on alit y 12-2 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 Notes:.
Networ k Functional ity WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 13-1 13 Network Functionality This opti on will be made ava ilable soon . When yo u order thi s option, you will receiv e the late st docum entation whi ch will support this option and its functio nality .
Networ k Functional ity 13-2 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 Notes:.
Internet F AX Function ality WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 14-1 14 Internet F AX Functionality This opti on will be made ava ilable soon . When yo u order thi s option, you will receiv e the late st docum entation whi ch will support this option and its functio nality .
Intern et F AX Functionality 14-2 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 Notes:.
Using the Contro lCentre WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 15-1 15 Using the ControlCentre The Control Centre softw are on y our PC ena bles yo u to easily change th e WorkCentre’s se ttings. Y ou can set u p the telep hone lines, c hoose fa x setting s, and create m ailboxe s.
Using the Con t rolCentre 15-2 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 Setting up the WorkCentre Usin g the C ontr olC entre , you ca n spec ify d efau lt W orkC entr e settings , such a s contra st, resolu tion an d volume levels , and set u p your tel ephone li nes.
Using the Contro lCentre WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 15-3 7. T o prin t a separator page between documents, sel ect one or more of th e followi ng options: Fax printout Prints a page bet ween each receiv ed fax. PC printout Print a page b etween e ach printe d documen t.
Using the Con t rolCentre 15-4 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 6 Cli ck Enable error co rrection mod e - ECM to have the WorkCentre mon itor the phone lin e for errors and, if an error occurs , resend any por tion of the docum ent until t he trans mission is comp lete.
Using the Contro lCentre WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 15-5 Setting the PC’ s Date and Time on the W orkCentre Y ou can us e the date a nd tim e set on your PC for t he WorkCentre.
Using the Con t rolCentre 15-6 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 Setting the Fax Send Options Y ou can s elect the options y ou want to u se for fa x transmis sions on the Fax Se nd page.
Using the Contro lCentre WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 15-7 WorkCentre is able to res end any p ortion o f a docume nt that d id not transm it successfull y due to communi cation erro rs, or resend a fax when telephone lines ar e availab le.
Using the Con t rolCentre 15-8 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 Note Y ou will n eed to re send the s tored fax at the WorkCentre. On the W orkC entr e’ s Access Panel , pr ess R esend . Us e the arrow key s to find the job to res end, then press E nter .
Using the Contro lCentre WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 15-9 Setting t he Fax Re ce ive Opt ions On the Fax Receive page, y ou can c hoose the WorkCentre se ttings to us e when re ceivin g faxe s. Y ou can set up th e secure receiv e feature a nd cho ose the op tions for reduci ng and co llating i ncoming faxes.
Using the Con t rolCentre 15-10 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 memory , then automa tically pri nted at the e nd of th e time perio d. Also, an y print jobs that you s end from your PC to the WorkCen tre are stored in memor y during t he speci fied time period.
Using the Contro lCentre WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 15-11 Receiving Faxes from the Fax Numbers Assigned to Y our Phonebook Only T o prev ent the WorkCent re from rec eiving fax es from unknown sende rs, you ca n choose to rece ive fa xes fro m the fax n umbers specifi ed in yo ur Phone book only .
Using the Con t rolCentre 15-12 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 Receiving Faxes to Y our PC 1 Click th e PC Fax ic on. 2 T o specif y how f axes are re cei ved to your PC, sele ct one of th e followin g optio ns in the Receive fax es to PC b ox. Never T o print all faxe s at the WorkCentre .
Using the Contro lCentre WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 15-13 5 In t he Add On e T ou ch from b ox, sele ct Indiv idual. 6 In t he Name box , type the person’s name.
Using the Con t rolCentre 15-14 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 Assigning a Speed Dial or Group Dial Number to a One T ouch Key This pro cedure des cribes ho w to link a preset Sp eed Dia l or Group Dial numb er to a O ne T ouch key .
Using the Contro lCentre WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 15-15 Deleting One T ouch Key Entries 1 Cli ck the P honebook icon. 2 Cli ck the One T ouch tab. 3 Cli ck the One T ouch n umber yo u want to del ete. Note T o dele te all the One T ou ch number s at once, c lick C lear All.
Using the Con t rolCentre 15-16 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 Print confirmation report T o print a confirmati on report after each fax you send to the fax number . Dial later T o send faxes at a specific time. In the Dial lat er time (hr:min) box, type the time usi ng the for mat for eithe r a 12- or 24-hour c lock.
Using the Contro lCentre WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 15-17 Deleting Speed Dial Numbers 1 Cli ck the P honebook icon. 2 Cli ck the Spee d Dial tab. 3 Cli ck the Spee d Dial num ber you wan t to delete. Note T o dele te all the Speed Dia l number s at once , click Cl ear All.
Using the Con t rolCentre 15-18 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 8 Rep eat steps 6 an d 7 unti l you’ve assigne d all the numbers you want to t he group. Note Y ou can as sign a m aximum of 30 0 speed d ial numbe rs or 68 One T ouch key n umbers t o the grou p.
Using the Contro lCentre WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 15-19 Saving a P honebook to Y our PC Y ou can sa ve all your On e T ouch , Speed Dia l, and Group D ial entries to a sing le file. 1 Cli ck the P honebook icon. 2 Cli ck the Sav e As butt on.
Using the Con t rolCentre 15-20 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 Creating Mailboxes The WorkCentre supp orts the ITU-T communicat ions standa rd, which enables you to create m ailboxe s.
Using the Contro lCentre WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 15-21 • T o spec ify a fax number for the end s tation, select Fax number i n the Entry from box. T ype the number in th e Fax number b ox. • T o spec ify a fax number from your Spe ed Dial nu mbers fo r the end statio n, select Sp eed Dial in t he Entry from bo x.
Using the Con t rolCentre 15-22 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 Deleting a Mailbox 1 Cli ck the M ailbox i con. 2 Selec t the mai lbox you want to del ete. Note T o dele te all the mailbox es at once, c lick Clea r All. 3 Cli ck Dele te. 4 Clic k Apply to set the option s at the WorkCentre.
Using the Contro lCentre WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 15-23 • Click A pply to ass ign anoth er department c ode. 9 Clic k Apply to set the option s at the WorkCentre. Note T o print th e Department Code Report, on the WorkCentre’s Acces s Panel, press M ENU, 2, 3.
Using the Con t rolCentre 15-24 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 Printing Report s Y ou can set u p the WorkCentre to p rint a variety of reports to provid e you with info rmation ab out fax transmi ssions and r eceptions. Y ou c an also pr int the Se ttings Rep ort, which l ists the curr ent defaul ts set on the WorkCen t re.
Using the Contro lCentre WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 15-25 5 In t he Group po ll box, sel ect the op tion you w ant when retrievi ng documents from multipl e remote m achines us ing grou p pollin g. 6 Und er the ITU-T Relay , ch oose the r eport setup for relay comm unicatio ns.
Using the Con t rolCentre 15-26 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 Saving the W orkCentre Settings Y ou can sav e the ControlC entre option s you set an d your Phone book to a file o n your PC . If needed , the file provides you with a backup copy of y our WorkCentre settings .
Using the Contro lCentre WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 15-27 Enabling Xerox personnel to perform remote test s 1 Cli ck the Gen eral icon and then c lick the A dvanced Features tab. 2 Cli ck Remote ac cess to al low a remote Xerox test faci lity or service center t o perform di agnostic tests on the WorkCentre.
Using the Con t rolCentre 15-28 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 • In the Par t number box, enter th e toner c artridge’s part num ber . See your Syste m Admini strator ’s Guide S ection C for the part number . • In the Qua ntity box, sel ect the nu mber of cartridg es to order .
T rou blesh ooting WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 16-1 16 T roubleshooting Self T est The self te st enable s you to understand the pe rforman ce of the machine and diagn ose an y probl ems it ma y have. Y ou ma y be request ed to do this by a Xerox cu stome r support c enter representa tive.
T rou blesh ooting 16-2 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 Key test - Press then . Y ou wi ll be as ked t o pr ess a ll the keys on the co ntrol panel and then pres s the S top key at the end of the t est. Y ou will recei ve an OK p rompt if t he test is succes sful .
T rou blesh ooting WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 16-3 Calling for Serv ice If you hav e an error with the m achine wh ich you ar e unable cor rect using th e tables, p lease c ontact the cus tomer S upport Ce nter . B efore callin g, please have the s erial numb er of the machine a vailable a nd any mes sages that ar e displ ayed.
T rou blesh ooting 16-4 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 Phonebook dat a was lost Phonebook inform ation w as lost Rep rogram the dial data fro m the co ntro l panel or Co ntro l Centre. Comm. erro r - retry The communic ation did not end norma lly .
T rou blesh ooting WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 16-5 Mid dl e pape r empt y T he mid dle pape r tra y is empty . Add pape r to the middl e paper t ray a nd clos e th e t ray corr ectly . Lower p aper em pty The lo wer p aper tra y is empty . Ad d paper t o the lower paper tray and close th e tray corr ectly .
T rou blesh ooting 16-6 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 Error Codes Code Probable Cause Corrective Action 10 The Paper t ray is Empty Add paper t o the tray . Ensure th e tray is c losed. 11 A Paper Jam occurred. O pen the T op Cover , a nd clear the copy p aper jam.
T rou blesh ooting WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 16-7 87 No resid ual memory w as remaini ng on the r emot e par ty’s mach ine in a Relay or Mailb ox tran smissi on. Check the re mote m achin e. Retr y the transm issi on. B0 B1 The funct ions o f the re mote mac hine and yours do not m atch.
T rou blesh ooting 16-8 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 Device Error Codes Code Description Replace Part s 21 The new drum unit does not functi on properly . Drum un it 22 Fuser error 1 (Case1) Fuser uni t, Call for Se rvice. 23 Fuser error 1 (Case2) Fuser uni t, Call for Se rvice.
T rou blesh ooting WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 16-9 Pape r Ja m If a p aper jam occur s dur ing a rec eptio n or copy ing o per at ion , the message “P APE R JAM XX” is displa yed.
T rou blesh ooting 16-10 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 1. Remove an y docume nts from the D ocument Tray . 2. Grasp the T op Co ver Open L ever to o pen the T o p Cove r .
T rou blesh ooting WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 16-11 3. Open th e Ri gh t Si de Co ver an d re move an y ja mmed pa per . CAUTION Always hold th e Dev eloper Assembl y by the green handles . Do not expo se the gr een drum to li ght for more than 3 minutes.
T rou blesh ooting 16-12 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 5. Pull up on the g reen Paper Feed Release L ever an d remove jammed paper . Avoid teari ng the paper .
T rou blesh ooting WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 16-13 W ARNIN G The black colored fuse r housing may be hot if the machine was i n use prior to this paper jam. 6. If the paper i s jammed partwa y throug h the Fuser Uni t (black colo red housing ), remo ve the jam med paper in the di rection of the arrow .
T rou blesh ooting 16-14 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 7. Install the Develop er Assem bly with the Dru m Unit. P lace it i n the machine , press firml y on the g reen sq uares on the Drum U nit until the Drum Unit clicks i nto place . 8. Clos e the R igh t Side Cov er , th en clos e th e T op Cover .
T rou blesh ooting WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 16-15 Document Jam If a docum ent jam oc curs dur ing a trans mission, th e messag e “DOCUME NT JAM” i s display ed.
T rou blesh ooting 16-16 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 1. Remove al l docume nts from the Doc ument Tray . 2. Press the T ransmiss ion Cover Re lease B utton to open the T ran smissi on Cove r .
T rou blesh ooting WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 16-17 3. Remove th e documen t jam. R emove any pieces of paper , paper clips, or staples that may ha ve caus ed the jam . 4. Close the T ransmis sion Cov er . En sure the latch engage s. 5. V erify the displa y has r eturned to the S tandb y Mode .
T rou blesh ooting 16-18 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 St atus Code T able A status code is displ ayed on so me repor ts. The Code is dis played i n 3 digits to th e right of the Mode sy mbol. Code T ransmission Speed Code Line Density Code Encoding 0 2400 bps 0 8 pels/ mm x 3.
T rou blesh ooting WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 16-19 T r ansmi ssion P ro blem s When transm issi ons a r e not succ es sfu l, chec k th e item s in th e ta ble below . If you confi rm thes e items are set up co rrectly and transmi ssions ar e still unsucc essful, call for technic al supp ort.
T rou blesh ooting 16-20 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 Reception Problems When re ceptions are not suc cessful, c heck th e items in th e followin g table. If you c onfirm thes e items are set u p correctly and rec eptions are st ill un success ful, call fo r tech nical s uppor t.
T rou blesh ooting WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 16-21 Image Quali ty If the Do cument Sc anner or Re cord ing Unit is dirty , the q uality o f your transmitted or recei ved imag es can be poor . It is rec ommended t hat these ar eas are cleaned regula rly .
T rou blesh ooting 16-22 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 Notes:.
WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 A-1 A Ordering Su pplies Ordering Supplies T o orde r supplies , contact the Xerox sup plies cent er at the fo llowing number: • USA – Suppli es cente r 1-800- 82.
A-2 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 Note: For more informat ion rega rding di fferent Me dia Su pplies a nd WorkCe ntre Opt ions ple ase refer to Appen dix C - Product Data Sheet.
WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 A-3.
A-4 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 2. Press . 3. Enter the Speed Di al or On e T ouch key that y ou preset for the supplie s cen ter , (Y ou mu st pres s Phonebook , then pr ess Enter before en tering a speed dia l number) . 4. The menu selecti on screen redisp lays.
WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 A-5 3. Press the n to order autom aticall y . 4. Press the n and use t he keypad to enter the part number o f the toner or drum. 5. Press the n and use t he keypad to enter the q uantity required. 6. The menu select ion scr een redi splays.
A-6 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 Entering orderi ng det ails T o set th e order ing details: 1. Press: 2. Press . 3. Press and use the k eypad to enter y our custo mer numbe r . Menu *** Supplies order setup 1. De sti nat ion setup 2. Supplies 3.
WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 A-7 Press and use the k eypad to enter t he contact name. Press and use the k eypad to enter t he contact telephone number . Press and use the k eypad to enter t he name to whom the item s will be desp atch ed. Press a nd use the ke ypad to enter the shippin g address for items.
A-8 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 Printing the order form T o prin t the orde r form: 1. Press: 2. Press . The order fo rm will prin t. 3. The menu selecti on screen redisp lays. P ress Exit or Sto p to return to th e Stand by Mode. Menu *** Supplies order setup 1.
WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 B-1 B Maint aining the Product Replacing the Paper When the m achine r uns out o f paper , “P AP ER TRA Y IS EM PTY” display s and pr inting s tops. Repl ace the paper using th e followin g procedu re: T o repla ce the paper: 1.
B-2 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 3. Press down the pap er press ure plate until it clicks. 4. Insert u p to 250 sh eets into the pape r tray . CAUTION T o avoi d paper jams, d o not exc eed the upp er limi t line on th e Pape r Guid e. Be car eful not to d amage the claws of the paper tray .
WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 B-3 5. Push the paper tr ay all th e way into the machine. Pa pe r T ray 041.
B-4 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 Replacing the T oner Cartridge and Fuser Cleaner When the T oner Cartridg e requires replaci ng, the Fus er Cleaner must also be r eplace d. The TONER IS LO W messa ge is displ ayed when the T oner Cartridge needs to b e replaced .
WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 B-5 CAUTION Always hold th e Dev eloper Assembl y by the green handles . Do not touc h the gree n drum area or the black to ner roller . Do not leave the Drum Unit out of the mach ine fo r an exte nded per iod. T ou ching th e drum or exposin g the Dru m Unit to light cou ld lo wer the prin t qualit y .
B-6 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 4. Lift up on two green handles to separate the Drum Unit fr om the Develope r Assembl y . The followi ng figure s hows the Drum Unit and the Dev eloper Assembly . 5. Place the Drum Unit on a leve l surface. Cov er the Drum Unit with a clean cl oth to pro tect the uni t from expo sure to l ight.
WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 B-7 8. Press the green Bu tton the le ft of the Developer A ssembl y and slide the toner ca rtridge to the left to d isengage it from t he Develop er Assem bly . The followi ng figur e shows how to remove the T o ner Cartridge from the Develope r Asse mbly.
B-8 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 1 1. Align the fo ur hooks on the ne w T oner Car tridge with the sl ots on the Devel oper Asse mbly . Fit the c artridge t o the asse mbly . The following figure sho ws how the T on er Cartridge and the Develope r Asse mbly co nne ct.
WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 B-9 14. Positio n the Drum Unit with t he green d rum surface facing the black t oner rolle r on the De veloper A ssembly . W ithout touc hing the green drum su rface, hook the Drum Unit to the De veloper Assemb ly . The following figure s hows how to join the Drum U nit and the Dev eloper Assembly .
B-10 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 15. Holding th e Develop er Assemb ly by th e green h andles, a lign the three sh afts on the Develope r Assembl y sides with the s lots in the machi ne frame . Lower the assembly into th e machine . The followi ng figure s hows how the s hafts on the Devel oper Assemb ly align wi th the slo ts.
WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 B-11 16. Press fi rmly on the green sq uares on the Drum Uni t until the Drum Unit clicks i nto place. The follow ing figure shows how to press the Drum Unit into plac e.
B-12 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 T o replace the Fus er Cleaner: The Fuser Cleaner is located i n the blac k fuser ho using. W ARNIN G The black colored fuse r housing may be hot if the machine was i n use prior to this s ervicing. 17. Grasp the two green tabs and lift the Fu ser C leaner from the machine .
WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 B-13 18. Install the n ew Fuser Clean er by po sitioning i ts left side first. 19. Place th e fuser cleaner on the fuser housing from its front si de first. At th is time, the guides of the fus er cleaner should be positio ned on the r ight side.
B-14 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 20. Close the T op Co ver . P ress down o n the T op Cover until a “ click” is hear d to ensur e the co ver is cl osed.
WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 B-15 Replacing the Drum Unit The Drum Unit req uires replacement whe n the DRUM LIFE W ARNING is displayed. When the D rum Unit req uires repla cement, the Fus er Cleaner and Ozone Filte r must also be replaced. Do not rep lace the Drum Un it with one that h as been used .
B-16 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 CAUTION Always hold th e Dev eloper Assembl y by the green handles. Do not to uch the gree n drum area or the black ton er roller . Do not leave the Drum Unit out of the machi ne for an extended period. T ouchi ng the drum or expos i ng the Dru m Uni t to l igh t could l ower the pri nt quality .
WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 B-17 4. Place the Develop er Assembl y on a flat cle an surfac e. Discard of the used D rum Unit p roperly . 5. Positio n the new Dr um Unit wi th the gre en drum sur face facing the black toner rol ler on the De velop er Assemb ly .
B-18 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 The followi ng figure s hows how the s hafts on the Devel oper Assemb ly align wi th the slo ts. 7. Press fir mly on the green sq uares on the Drum Unit until the Drum Unit clicks i nto place. The follow ing figure shows how to press the Drum Unit i nto plac e.
WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 B-19 T o replace the Ozone Filter: 8. Remove th e Ozone Filter from t he insid e of the mac hine. Then , place the new ozone filter into the machi ne. 9. Close the T op Co ver . P ress down o n the T op Cover until a “ click” is hear d to ensure the latche s engage.
B-20 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 Cleaning the Machine Cleaning the Cabinet and Ozone Filter Wipe the ma chine with a dam p cloth to re move dust and fingerp rints. Use water to dam pen the cloth . Do not use chemi cals for cl eaning, as this ca n cause dis coloratio n or dama ge to the fin ish of the machine .
WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 B-21 Cleaning the Document Scanner The quality of scanned im ages deterio rates if the Docum ent Scanne r becomes dirty . Use the fol lowing pr ocedure to clean th e Scanner c omponents: 1. Press the Transmission Cov er Open Butto n to open th e T ran smissi on Cove r .
B-22 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 3. Wipe the Retard Pad an d the roll ers with a d ry cloth. If the sur faces requ ire moistu re to remov e the dir t, use a clo th slightl y dampen ed with wate r to remov e the dir t, followe d by a dry cloth. 4.
WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 B-23 Cleaning the Developer Assembly and the Surrounding Part s The perio d for clean ing all th e parts associated w ith the Developer Assemb ly is eve ry 3,000 pages and at 10 ,000 pages, or e very 6 months.
B-24 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 Use the fol lowing pr ocedure to clean th e Developer Assemb ly and the su rrounding parts: 1. Grasp the T op Co ver Open L ever and open the T op Cov er . W ARNIN G Do not touc h the fuse r housi ng inside the machine .
WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 B-25 CAUTION Always hold th e Dev eloper Assembl y by the green handles . Do not touc h the gree n drum area or the black rol ler . Do not leav e the Drum Unit out o f the machine for an ex tended peri od. T ouchi ng the drum or expos i ng th e Dru m Uni t to l igh t could l ower the pri nt quality .
B-26 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 CAUTION Do not touch th e Discharge W ire or Tr ansfer Wire with yo ur hands. Th e oils from y our hands could contaminate t he wire r esultin g in lower p rint quality . T o clea n the T ransf er Wire and Discharge Wire 4.
WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 B-27 T o clean the Developer Assembly 6. Lift up on th e 2 green handles to separate the Drum Unit f rom the Develope r Assembl y . The followi ng figure s hows the Drum Unit and the Dev eloper Assembly . 7. Cover th e entire Dru m Unit with a clean c loth to prot ect the dr um from ex posure to li ght.
B-28 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 10. Positio n the Drum Unit with t he green d rum surface facing the black rol ler on t he Develop er Assem bly . Without touching the green drum surfac e, hook the Drum Unit to the Dev eloper Assemb ly . The following figure show s how to join the Drum Unit and the Dev eloper Assembly .
WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 B-29 1 1. Holding th e Develop er Assem bly by th e green h andles, a lign the three sh afts on the Develope r Assembl y sides with the s lots in the machi ne frame . Lower the assembly into th e machine . The followi ng figur e shows h ow the shaf ts on the Devel oper Assemb ly align wi th the slo ts.
B-30 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 12. Press fir mly on the green sq uares on the Drum Unit until the Drum Unit clicks i nto place. The follow ing figure shows how to press the Drum Unit i nto plac e. 13. Close the T op Co ver . P ress down o n the T op Cover until a “ click” is hear d to ensur e the co ver is cl osed.
WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 B-31 Cleaning the Charger Wire and the Laser Beam Window Clean the f ollowing parts of the mach ine when y ou repl ace the Drum Unit or the oz one filter . The period for cl eanin g is every 10 ,000 pages or every 6 months.
B-32 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 T o clea n the Laser Beam Window 2. Wipe the laser beam win dow with a c otton swab or a dr y cloth (lens cl eaner cl oth).
WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 B-33 CAUTION Always hold th e Dev eloper Assembl y by the green handles . Do not touc h the gree n drum area or the black rol ler . Do not leav e the Drum Unit out o f the machine for an exte nded period. T ouchi ng the dru m or exposin g the Drum Unit to light could lower the print qu ality .
B-34 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 4. Place th e Deve loper Ass embly on a level surface . 5. Lift up on th e 2 green handles to separate the Drum Unit f rom the Develope r Assembly . Place the Drum Unit on a level surface. The following figure sho ws the Dru m Unit and the Dev elo per Assemb ly .
WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 B-35 8. Positio n the Drum Unit with t he green d rum surface facing the black t oner rolle r on the De veloper A ssembly . W ithout touc hing the green drum su rface, hook the Drum Unit to the De veloper Assemb ly . The following figure s hows how to join the Drum U nit and the Dev eloper Assembly .
B-36 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 9. Holding th e Develop er Assemb ly by th e green h andles, a lign the three sh afts on the Develope r Assembl y sides with the s lots in the machi ne frame . Lower the assembly into th e machine . The followi ng figure s hows how the s hafts on the Devel oper Assemb ly align wi th the slo ts.
WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 B-37 10. Press fi rmly on the green sq uares on the Drum Uni t until the Drum Unit clicks i nto place. The follow ing figure shows how to press the Drum Unit into plac e. 11 . Clo se the T o p Cover . Press do wn on the T op Cov er until a “click” is hear d to ensur e the co ver is cl osed.
B-38 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 Cleaning t he Component s as Needed Dir t or du st gat her in th e mac hine and can ca use t he mach ine to pr int incorrec tly . The foll owing lists the parts to clean and h ow the d irt can affect the print q uality .
WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 B-39 Use the fol lowing pr ocedure to clean th e addition al compo nents: 1. Grasp the T op Co ver Open L ever and open the T op Cov er . W ARNIN G Do not touc h the fuse r housi ng inside the machine . The fuser housing is extreme ly hot whi le the ma chine is operating.
B-40 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 CAUTION Always hold th e Dev eloper Assembl y by the green handles. Do not to uch the gree n drum area or the black rol ler . Do not leav e the Drum Unit out o f the machine for an exten ded peri od. T ouchi ng the drum or expos i ng the Dru m Uni t to l igh t could l ower the pri nt quality .
WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 B-41 4. Separate the Drum Unit from the De veloper Assembly . The followin g figure sho ws the Dru m Unit and the Dev elo per Assemb ly . 5. Place the Drum Unit on a leve l surface. Cov er the Drum Unit with a clean cl oth to pro tect the un it from ex posure to l ight.
B-42 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 T o clean Contact s 6. Use a cot ton swa b to clean the silver c ontacts in the mac hine. Contacts are loca ted insid e the chass is in the front, on the right, and in the rear . The foll owing figu re shows th e locatio ns of the contacts.
WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 B-43 T o clean the Metering Bla de 7. Use the My lar Scrape r to scrap e off the toner b etween t he meterin g blade and the black t oner rol ler on the De veloper Assemb ly . The following figure s hows how to clean th e Meterin g Blade.
B-44 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 8. Positio n the Drum Unit with t he green d rum surface facing the black t oner rolle r on the Deve loper A ssembly . W ithout touc hing the green drum su rface, hook the Drum Unit to the De veloper Assemb ly . The following figure show s how to join the Drum Unit and the Dev eloper Assembly .
WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 B-45 The followi ng figur e shows h ow the shaf ts on the Devel oper Assemb ly align wi th the slo ts. 028.
B-46 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 10. Press fir mly on the green sq uares on the Drum Unit until the Drum Unit clicks i nto place. The follow ing figure shows how to press the Drum Unit i nto plac e. 11 . Close t he T op Cov er . Pres s dow n the T op Co ver u ntil a “cl ick” i s heard to ensure the c over is c losed.
WorkCentr e Pro 665/68 5/765/785 C-1 C Product Dat a Sheet Item Specification Document Size Width: 8.5 in. ma x. (216 mm) max. 5.8 in. min. (148 mm) m in. Length: 16.5 in. m ax. (420 m m) ma x. 3.9 in. min. (100 mm) m in. Max cap acity of the Document T ray (20 lb.
C-2 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 Scanning Resolutio n Horizont al: 20 3 dpi (8 do ts/ mm), 406 dpi (1 6 dot s/mm) V ertical: 97.8 lines /inch (3. 85 lin es/mm) 196 lines /inch (7.7 lines /mm) 391 lines /inch (15.4 line s/mm ) T ran smissi on Rate V .
WorkCentr e Pro 665/68 5/765/785 C-3 Unit Dim ensio ns (see Ch apter 2 of t he User ’s G uide for Space Req uirem ents Width: 29.9 ” (760mm) Depth: 23.
C-4 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 WorkCentre Pro Options Part Numbers Auxiliary Paper T ray - Lett er 98S04398 Auxiliary Paper T ray - A4 98S04408 Handset 9 8S04399 Bypas s Tray 98S0 4397 Media Su pplies Letter: Paper - (20 l b.) - 3R721 Paper - (20 l b.
WorkCentr e Pro 665/68 5/765/785 D-1 D Safety Certification and Environme nt al Compliance Y our Xer ox produc t and supp lies hav e been des igned and tested to meet str ict safety r equiremen ts. These includ e safety agency examina tion and ap proval, and comp liance to es tablished environme ntal standards.
D-2 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 W ARNIN G This product must be earthed This product is equ ipped w ith a 3-wir e grounding type plug (e.g., a plug hav ing a third groundin g pin). Thi s plug will fit only in to a groundi ng-type powe r outlet. Th is is a sa fety featur e.
WorkCentr e Pro 665/68 5/765/785 D-3 extension c ord do n ot exceed the exten sion cord amp ere rating. Also, make su re that the total ampera ge of all p roducts plugg ed into the wall outl ets does not e xceed the ou tlet rating. Do not put your hands into the f user area, loca ted just ins ide the exi t tray area, as you m ay be burne d.
D-4 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 manufactu red from Au gust 1, 19 76. Comp liance is mandatory fo r products m arketed in t he Unite d S tates. The WorkCentre P ro is in complia nce with t he CDRH regu lation.
WorkCentr e Pro 665/68 5/765/785 D-5 Unique European Certification Approvals and Certification The CE mar king app lied to this product symboli zes Xero x Limite d Declaratio n of Con formity with the.
D-6 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 W ARNIN G In order to allow this product to ope rate in proximity to industrial, Scientific and medical (ISM ) equipment, the external radiation from the ISM equipment may have to be l imited or special mitigation measures taken.
WorkCentr e Pro 665/68 5/765/785 D-7 practicab le, danger. This includes en suring all electr ical produ cts connecte d to such electric al systems are sa fely const ructed, maintained an d operate d.
D-8 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 THE USE OF INAP PROPRIA T E TEST PROCEDURE S AND TEST EQUI PMENT M A Y PROVI DE MI SLEADI NG RE SUL TS AND M A Y CAUSE DEA TH, PE RSONAL INJURY AND/OR DAMAGE TO PROPER TY . QUESTION: I would like to carry out my own s afety test s on the Xerox equipment in my premis es.
WorkCentr e Pro 665/68 5/765/785 D-9 Environment al Compliance ENERGY ST AR ® Environment al Choice M 120v , 60Hz produc ts for Canada. SWISS ENERG Y 2000 230V , 50 Hz Xerox Corporation has desi gned.
D-10 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 T e lecommunications Requirement s European Fax Approvals and Certification This Xer ox produ ct has bee n self-c ertified by Xerox fo r pan-Euro pean single t ermin al connec tion to the analogue p ublic s witche d telephon e network (PSTN) in a ccordance Directiv e 1999/5/EC .
WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 D-11 FCC Regulations Send Header Requirement s Federal Co mmunica tions Comm ission ( FCC) regulati ons requir e all persons wi thin the Unite d S tates who send any m essage via a facsimile mach ine to inclu de an iden tifying m essage in t he transmiss ion.
D-12 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 responsibility and/or liability for any damage caused by the connection of this machine to an unauthorized jack.
WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 D-13 W ARNIN G When programming emergency numbe rs and/or making test cal ls to emergency numbers: Remain on the line and briefly explain to t he disp atcher the reason for the call before hanging up. Perform such activities in the off-peak hours, such as early morn ing hours or late evenings.
D-14 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 Notice: The Ri nger Equiv alence Nu mber (REN) assigned t o each terminal de vice pr ovides an indicati on of the m aximum n umber of terminals allowed to be co nnected to a telephon e interfa ce.
WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 INDEX -1 Index Symbol s . B-25 A access ories see a lso optio ns, supp lies account co des 5- 28 default s etting 5-28 using 5-27 activity re port automatic mode 9-4 .
INDEX-2 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 causes of docume nt jams 16 -15 Chain Dial K ey using 4-11 chang ing number o f redials 2- 43 password fo r Contro lCentre 15 -5 charac ters alpha diali ng 4-.
WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 INDEX -3 editing m ailbox 15-21 editing o ne touch k ey 15-14 fax numbe rs assig ned to phon ebook 15-11 faxing l ong origina ls 15-8 group di al numbers 15-17 , 15- .
INDEX-4 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 departme nt codes chang ing 2-38 changing using Co ntrolCentr e 15-23 deleting using Con trolCentre 15-2 3 Department Cod e Report 9-24 setting 2-34 setting u.
WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 INDEX -5 departme nt codes 2-34 ECM 2-40 Enablin g Xerox per sonnel to perform r emote tests 15-27 encoding systems C-2 end tone 5-17 Enter K ey for progr amming the .
INDEX-6 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 machine dimensi ons C-3 I idle mod e see als o standby mode image quality 16-2 1 cleanin g the ma chine 16- 21 recepti on probl ems 16-20 Insert Key used 2-10.
WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 INDEX -7 attach ing a sub address 8-15 bulletin board ma ilbox 8-1 confiden tial m ailbox 8-1 creatin g & de leting mai lboxes 8-2 , 8-4 deleting documents in a l.
INDEX-8 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 descr ibed 5-18 setting 5- 19 Numeric Keypad for progr amming the menu mode 2-2 O off-hook dialing 4- 2 one touch dialing 4-7 see als o one touc h keys one t .
WorkCe ntre Pro 66 5/685/765/7 85 INDEX -9 setting s peed dial numbers 2- 14 setup 2-13 phonebook setting using Con trolC entre 15-12 – 15-1 9 Phonebook Setup K ey using 2-13 – 2-33 picture qualit.
INDEX-10 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 descr ibed 3-1 , 3-8 receiv ing do cuments 3-1 – 3-15 automatic reception 3-5 collate fax 3- 6 default c ontrast and r esoluti on 2-46 discar d extra 3-15 .
WorkCentr e Pro 665/68 5/765/785 INDEX-11 recepti on repor ts 9-19 , 15- 25 relay d estin ation 9-5 , 9-16 relay o rigi nator 9- 5 , 9-12 rela y stat ion 9-5 , 9- 14 settings report 9-27 settings repo.
INDEX-12 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 secu red send see als o securit y job fea ture 5-18 , 5-24 – 5-26 , 5-33 setting u sing Control Centre 15-7 secu rity error code 16 -6 refuse junk m ail 2-.
WorkCentr e Pro 665/68 5/765/785 INDEX-13 polling 7-1 – 7-13 storing docum ents delayed sta rt 5- 8 ITU-T mailbox es 8-5 Subaddr ess ITU -T Key attach ing a sub address 8-15 polling a docu ment usin.
INDEX-14 WorkCen tre Pro 665 /685/765/78 5 image quality 16-21 paper ja ms 16-9 – 16-1 4 recepti on probl ems 16 -20 transmiss ion pro blems 16-19 TWAIN settings 11- 1 – 11-2 type, mac hine typ e .
An important point after buying a device Xerox 785 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Xerox 785 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Xerox 785 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Xerox 785 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Xerox 785 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Xerox 785, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Xerox 785.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Xerox 785. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Xerox 785 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center