Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product 701P40016 Xerox
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Xerox Production Print Services Guide to Printing Using Xerox Pro duction Print Servi ces 701P4 0016 Ve r s i o n 3 . 7 March, 2 003.
Xerox Cor porat ion Global Knowledge and Langu age Serv ices 800 Ph illips Roa d Buildin g 845-17 S Webster , New Y ork 14580 USA © 2003 Copyright b y Xerox Co rporation.
GUID E TO PRIN TING USIN G XD S iii T able of Contents 1. Introduction 1-1 Before y ou use th is guide 1-1 About XPPS 1-1 XDS 1-2 XDS Pl us 1-2 Xerox custom d river s 1-2 Thir d party d rivers a nd PP.
TABLE OF CONTENTS iv GUIDE TO PR INTING USING XDS Deleting a printer 2-8 Acces sing pr int er infor ma tion 2-9 Checking th e printer c onnections 2-9 3.
TAB LE OF CO NTENT S GUID E TO PRIN TING USIN G XD S v Setting up stock s 4-9 Display ing the st ock window 4-9 Stock windo w compo nents 4-9 Selectin g a sto ck for the job 4-11 Creating a new stoc k.
TABLE OF CONTENTS vi GUIDE TO PR INTING USING XDS Viewin g proper ties 4-28 5. Xerox PPD s and PlugI ns 5-1 PPDs and PlugIns using a M acintos h 5-1 Guidel ines for s electing printin g requir ements .
TAB LE OF CO NTENT S GUID E TO PRIN TING USIN G XD S vii Printing in print comm and mode 6-8 Command qu ick refer ence 6-9 7. The Xerox Custom PCL printer drivers 7- 1 Features 7 -1 Printing a document 7-2 Access ing the fea tures and op tions 7-2 Starting p rinting 7-3 8.
TABLE OF CONTENTS viii GUIDE TO P RINTING USING XDS Speci fyi ng ex ce ptio n page s 9-20 Speci fyi ng full- colo r param eters 9-23 Setting highligh t color par ameters 9-27 Speci fyi ng pag e inse r.
1-1 1. Introduct ion Using a netwo rked workstat ion and the X erox Producti on Print Servic es software, do cuments that ha ve been cr eated u sing a publis hing ap plicat ion can b e printe d at a sup porte d Xerox printe r .
Introduc tion Guide to Printin g Using X erox Pro duction P rint Serv ices 1-2 XDS Xerox Docume nt Submission software appl ication (XDS) is a standa lone app lication th at is use d to enter job ticket in formatio n for an exis ting PD L fi le and subm i t the jo b to an avai lab l e pr i nte r running Do cuSP version 3.
Guide to Printing Us ing Xerox Producti on Print Services Introd uction 1-3 We b I n t e rf ac e With t he web i n terface you use a browser to a ccess windows that en ables you to sele ct a document fil e, set up a job ticket, and sub m it your pr int job to th e printe, all from th e internet.
Introduc tion Guide to Printin g Using X erox Pro duction P rint Serv ices 1-4 • Chapter 6, “Using Command Line C lient,” The Xerox Docume nt Submi ssion Co mmand L ine sof tware enables you to set up and submit p r int j obs by entering commands in a DOS or Unix windo w , from a PC or Sun wor kstat ion.
Guide to Printing Us ing Xerox Producti on Print Services Introd uction 1-5 [Hold job]: The document is h eld at the printer ... [Cancel job ]: The docume nt is not pri nted... • N ote: N otes are hints tha t help you perfo rm a task or under stand t he text.
Introduc tion Guide to Printin g Using X erox Pro duction P rint Serv ices 1-6.
2-1 2. Using XDS This chap ter contains t he procedures for acce ssing the XDS software on a Xero x printing syste m from yo ur computer running Windo ws 95, W indows 9 8 , Windows NT 4 .0, Win dows 2000, Windows Mil lenn ium, XP , a Su n workst at ion that is runnin g Solaris 2.
Usi n g XDS Guide t o Printi ng Using Xe rox Produ ction Pr int Servi ces 2-2 • K now how to save yo ur document as a PDL format file by using the print-to-f i le meth od; or know how to create a va lid TIFF , PDF , or ASCII file. Accessing XDS from Windows Follow the se steps to display the XDS software fro m Windows: 1.
Guide to Printing Us ing Xerox Producti on Print Services Usi ng XDS 2-3 4. Se t up th e print job an d jo b tick et. The fol lowing setu p procedures are accesse d from the Print Setup win do w: • S pecifying the imaging and f inishing op tions. • In cluding the notes that contain info rmation about the job.
Usi n g XDS Guide t o Printi ng Using Xe rox Produ ction Pr int Servi ces 2-4 • P age range ([ T o] and [From]) • [Jo b T ype] • [Disposi tion] 8. Enter the job notes. 9. Define the stocks that you will use for the prin t job. 10. Select any special featu re s fo r the job, such as cove rs, blank inserts, or exce ption pages 1 1.
Guide to Printing Us ing Xerox Producti on Print Services Usi ng XDS 2-5 3. When a ll jobs tha t have been d ropped on XDS have b een submit t ed or c ancell ed, XDS c loses au tomat i cally .
Usi n g XDS Guide t o Printi ng Using Xe rox Produ ction Pr int Servi ces 2-6 2. Select the file tha t you want to print. The file must be in one o f the supp orted forma ts: PostScript, P DF , PCL, ASCII, o r TIFF , as sup ported by the pr inter . NOTE: Ensure that file name s are fairly small in len gth.
Guide to Printing Us ing Xerox Producti on Print Services Usi ng XDS 2-7 Adding a printer Y ou ca n set up a custom ized list of print e rs tha t you use regularly . T o start a printer list or add to an existing one, follow thes e steps : 1. Select [Connections] on the XD S windo w .
Usi n g XDS Guide t o Printi ng Using Xe rox Produ ction Pr int Servi ces 2-8 Modifying a print queue The XD S s oftwa re allows y o u to chan ge a prin t queu e name in the Co nnected P r inter s list b ox, or to reassign t he name to anot her p rint q ueue.
Guide to Printing Us ing Xerox Producti on Print Services Usi ng XDS 2-9 Accessing printer information Y ou may access the follo win g information a bout any printer in the Conn ected Printers list b .
Usi n g XDS Guide t o Printi ng Using Xe rox Produ ction Pr int Servi ces 2-10 2. T o check one p rinter , select its name and select [Check Printe r]. Whi le the c on nectio n to the s electe d printe r is bein g checked , a window is display e d, showin g the st at us of the checking pro cess.
3-1 3. Using the XDS Plus software This chap ter contains t he procedures for acce ssing the XDS Plus sof tware on a X e rox printing system from your computer running Windows 95 , Window s 98, Wi ndows NT 4.0, Windows 2000, Wind ows Millennium, XP , a Sun wo rkstation that i s running Solaris 2.
Using the XDS Plu s software Guide to Printin g Using X erox Pro duction P rint Servic es 3-2 Accessing the XDS Plus software The XDS P lus window gives you access to a ll job setup, p rinting, and job m anagement tasks that you can perform on your Windows or Sola ris or Macintosh client.
Guide to Printing Us ing Xerox Producti on Print Se rvices Using the XDS Plus s oftware 3-3 4. W ait for the XDS Plus window to open. This may take several seconds.
Using the XDS Plu s software Guide to Printin g Using X erox Pro duction P rint Servic es 3-4 XDS Plus printing process 1. Open th e XDS Plus win dow . Refer to “Accessin g the XDS P lus software,” i n the previous section. 2. Select a print q ueue.
Guide to Printing Us ing Xerox Producti on Print Se rvices Using the XDS Plus s oftware 3-5 While th e jo b is print ing, you can check t he job st atus by selecti ng the [A dministratio n] button a nd view the inf ormation . Refer t o “Check ing job, pr inter , a nd queue st atus, ” later in th is chapter .
Using the XDS Plu s software Guide to Printin g Using X erox Pro duction P rint Servic es 3-6 The columns in the Printers table d isplay the following prop erti es: – Name: The name th at was give n.
Guide to Printing Us ing Xerox Producti on Print Se rvices Using the XDS Plus s oftware 3-7 Y ou ca n also ex pand ei ther s ection t o fill th e wo rk spac e of the Change Printer window by sele cting th e small , triang ular button s near t he left edg e of t he splitte r bar .
Using the XDS Plu s software Guide to Printin g Using X erox Pro duction P rint Servic es 3-8 2. In the [ Printers] or [Qu eues] section o n the Ch ange Printe r window , d ou ble- select th e name of t he print er or queue. Or , right- select on a printer or q ueue and select [Pro pertie s].
Guide to Printing Us ing Xerox Producti on Print Se rvices Using the XDS Plus s oftware 3-9 Prin te rs and their qu eues fo r XDS Plus p rinti ng are set up automatically wh en XDS Plus is installed and ru n. XD S Plus detects all printing systems wi th DocuSP controllers run ning DocuSP 3.
Using the XDS Plu s software Guide to Printin g Using X erox Pro duction P rint Servic es 3-10 • [Queues]: The [Q ueues] sectio n lists the pri nt queue s that have been set up at the pri nte r con tro l ler for your sel ecte d printer .
Guide to Printing Us ing Xerox Producti on Print Se rvices Using the XDS Plus s oftware 3-11 • [Set P rint Path] : Confirms you r queue sele ction and cl oses the Ch ange Pr inter window . This but ton is gr ayed out unl ess a queu e is selected. • [Refresh]: Upda tes and re display s the Pr inters a nd Queues lists.
Using the XDS Plu s software Guide to Printin g Using X erox Pro duction P rint Servic es 3-12 Selecting a printer and queue Follo w these st eps to select a prin ter and print queue fo r your job: 1. On the XD S Plus window , select [C hange Printe r] to open the Change Pr inter windo w .
4-1 4. Printing a jo b using the Do cuSP web inte rfac e This chap ter contai ns the pr ocedures for printing us ing the DocuSP web inte rface on you r works tation a nd submitt ing a document file over the web for printing on a Xerox print i ng system using XPPS .
Printi ng a job us ing the Do cuSP web interfac e Guide to Printin g Using X erox Pro duction P rint Serv ices 4-2 7. Set up the remaining job ticket paramete rs in this section o f the Job Submission wi n dow as r eq uir ed . R ef er to “ Se tti ng up a pri nt jo b.
Guide to Printing Us ing Xer ox Produc tion Print Services Printin g a job us ing the Doc uSP web interface 4-3 “a-z” “A-Z” “0- 9” “-” “_” “.” “!” “~” “*” “‘” “(“ “)” The follo wing sectio ns discuss the parame ters and pr int instructions th at you can specif y from the Job Submission window .
Printi ng a job us ing the Do cuSP web interfac e Guide to Printin g Using X erox Pro duction P rint Serv ices 4-4 • S elect [Print] to submit the job. • S ave the sp ecificat io ns as your de faul t job ticke t. Refer to “Modif ying the de fault job ti cket,” la ter in this chapter .
Guide to Printing Us ing Xer ox Produc tion Print Services Printin g a job us ing the Doc uSP web interface 4-5 Selecting the type of page descri ption language The [PDL T ype] field, located in the s.
Printi ng a job us ing the Do cuSP web interfac e Guide to Printin g Using X erox Pro duction P rint Serv ices 4-6 If you wan t to use th e default job t i cket that is stored on your workstation to print the job , follow the se steps: 1. Se lect th e queue an d the f ile to pri nt.
Guide to Printing Us ing Xer ox Produc tion Print Services Printin g a job us ing the Doc uSP web interface 4-7 When [Printer De fault] is selecte d, the job is printed using the option that w as set in one of the categories that are shown in prio rity or der in the fol l owi ng figure.
Printi ng a job us ing the Do cuSP web interfac e Guide to Printin g Using X erox Pro duction P rint Serv ices 4-8 Specifying a page range for printing T o specify a range of pag es that will be printe d, foll ow these steps: 1. On the Jo b Submission windo w , scroll until the [Quantity] field is visible.
Guide to Printing Us ing Xer ox Produc tion Print Services Printin g a job us ing the Doc uSP web interface 4-9 Y o u can also define a sto ck by selecting [New] from the Main Paper Stock windo w .
Printi ng a job us ing the Do cuSP web interfac e Guide to Printin g Using X erox Pro duction P rint Serv ices 4-10 Stock properties Each section disp lays the following pr operties for each stock tha t it cont ains: • Name: The n ame of the stock.
Guide to Printing Us ing Xer ox Produc tion Print Services Printin g a job us ing the Doc uSP web interface 4-11 • [User Stock] : Displays the Custom window , which contains fields th at enable you to defi ne prop erties for a user stock. Refer to “Adding a user stock,” later in this cha pter , for the proc edure.
Printi ng a job us ing the Do cuSP web interfac e Guide to Printin g Using X erox Pro duction P rint Serv ices 4-12 1. On the Jo b Submission window , select [Stocks...]. 2. On the st ock window , select [User Stock...]. The User Stock dialo g wi ndow is displaye d.
Guide to Printing Us ing Xer ox Produc tion Print Services Printin g a job us ing the Doc uSP web interface 4-13 • Sides Co ated: Select the nu mber o f sides th at are coated f rom the pull-d own menu. Se lect [Un coated] if the stock has no sp ecial coating.
Printi ng a job us ing the Do cuSP web interfac e Guide to Printin g Using X erox Pro duction P rint Serv ices 4-14 Specifying a finishing option The [Fin ishing] fi eld allows you t o select how the job is finishe d. The av ailable fi nishing optio ns are depen dant on t he selected printer .
Guide to Printing Us ing Xer ox Produc tion Print Services Printin g a job us ing the Doc uSP web interface 4-15 Setting up advanced features As you s c roll down t he Job Su bmi ssion window , you a rrive at a section called “Advanced Featu res.
Printi ng a job us ing the Do cuSP web interfac e Guide to Printin g Using X erox Pro duction P rint Serv ices 4-16 – For side 2, a posit ive x value shifts th e image to t he left and a positive y value shifts the image down .
Guide to Printing Us ing Xer ox Produc tion Print Services Printin g a job us ing the Doc uSP web interface 4-17 • [T andem X and Y]: A horizo ntal an d vertical shif t that moves the i mages o n both side 1 and si de 2 in th e same directi on.
Printi ng a job us ing the Do cuSP web interfac e Guide to Printin g Using X erox Pro duction P rint Serv ices 4-18 • Scan and Gathe r: The contro ller scans and also attemp ts to locate high- resolut ion files an d retrie ve them to t he inpu t spool disk prior t o decomposition.
Guide to Printing Us ing Xer ox Produc tion Print Services Printin g a job us ing the Doc uSP web interface 4-19 • [T rapping]: Compensates for misregistration occurring at the pri nter . When color pl anes ar e not regis tered exactl y with one an other , whi te gaps a nd regions o f shifted hue ca n appear at obj ect bou ndaries.
Printi ng a job us ing the Do cuSP web interfac e Guide to Printin g Using X erox Pro duction P rint Serv ices 4-20 Exampl e: If a co lor such as a paste l is below a thr eshold level, it may print as no colo r if a contrast value of 100 is specified.
Guide to Printing Us ing Xer ox Produc tion Print Services Printin g a job us ing the Doc uSP web interface 4-21 • If you want to confirm your sele ctio ns without closing the Expert Color Se ttings window , select [Ap ply]. • S elect [OK] to con firm your selection s and close t he Expert Color Se ttings window .
Printi ng a job us ing the Do cuSP web interfac e Guide to Printin g Using X erox Pro duction P rint Serv ices 4-22 The pull-d ow n me nu contai n a list of the desti na ti on pr ofil es that ha ve been created at the co ntroller . Y ou may se lect a profile that applies to both th e front of th e page a nd the b ack.
Guide to Printing Us ing Xer ox Produc tion Print Services Printin g a job us ing the Doc uSP web interface 4-23 – [Automatic]: Selects allows the printer t o choose the best c hoice for r ender ing. (S electing [ Automatic] disables all othe r Rende ring Inte nt opt i o ns.
Printi ng a job us ing the Do cuSP web interfac e Guide to Printin g Using X erox Pro duction P rint Serv ices 4-24 •P e r i o d ( . ) • The spa ce char acte r NOTE: he first charac ter i n the accou nt field may not be a spac e c harac ter. • [Sender Name]: The na me of the user who is subm itting the job.
Guide to Printing Us ing Xer ox Produc tion Print Services Printin g a job us ing the Doc uSP web interface 4-25 • [Character Set]: Fr om the p ull-down menu, select t he font in w hi ch al l te xt on the we b in ter fa c e Jo b S ub missi on windows will be presented.
Printi ng a job us ing the Do cuSP web interfac e Guide to Printin g Using X erox Pro duction P rint Serv ices 4-26 Selecting a file for printi ng T o select a file fo r printing, follow these ste ps: 1.
Guide to Printing Us ing Xer ox Produc tion Print Services Printin g a job us ing the Doc uSP web interface 4-27 Follo w these st eps to displa y the job an d queue status informa tion: 1. On the w eb int erface Jo b Submissi on windo w , select [Admi nistrat ion].
Printi ng a job us ing the Do cuSP web interfac e Guide to Printin g Using X erox Pro duction P rint Serv ices 4-28 Vi ewing messages Y ou can view message s of any job, qu eue, or printer th at is displa yed on t he Statu s and Me ssage s for Que ue s and Jo bs window .
5-1 5. Xerox PPDs an d PlugIns If the Xe rox PlugIn is loa ded, the Ad obePS printer driver uses the PlugIn rather than the Xerox PPD files. Any job ticket sett i ngs overr ide th e PPD setti ngs.
Xerox P PDs and PlugIn s Guide to Printin g Using X erox Pr oductio n Print Ser vices 5-2 • If you are submitt ing yo ur d ocu me nt to a service bu reau, any printi ng requ irements you sel e ct from the XDS dial og boxes are igno red. Y ou must ent er your requ irement s at the ser vice bureau , usin g a hardc opy job req uest fo rm.
Guide to Printing Us ing Xerox Producti on Print Se rvices Xerox P PDs and P lugIns 5-3 Using drag and drop to print one or more jobs T o select on e or more jo bs using drag and drop, follow these steps: NOTE: This will not work on the Mac OS X because it do es not have desktop printe r s.
Xerox P PDs and PlugIn s Guide to Printin g Using X erox Pr oductio n Print Ser vices 5-4 NOTE: Fo nt downloadin g and substitu tion may be d ifferen t betwee n PostSc ript an d PDF file s of the same job. In ad dition, font di f feren ces may be experi enced be tween v ersions of Wi ndows.
Guide to Printing Us ing Xerox Producti on Print Se rvices Xerox P PDs and P lugIns 5-5 Coll a te copi es Keep se lected (on) . Keep s elected (on). T a ble 5-2.
Xerox P PDs and PlugIn s Guide to Printin g Using X erox Pr oductio n Print Ser vices 5-6 With hea d-to-toe pri n ting, also know n as “tu mble dupl ex,” bo th sides o f the pag e are pri nted; bu t the position o f the imag e is revers ed ( fr o m t op to bottom ) on ever y o the r pa ge, si mi l ar to th e layout of a calendar .
6-1 6. Using Co mmand Li ne Clie nt The Xerox D ocument Su bmission Command Line softw are enabl es you to se t up and submit pr int jobs b y enteri ng comman ds in a DOS or Unix windo w , f rom a PC or Sun workst ation. Th is chapte r describe s the pro cedure a nd synta x for enter ing the print an d job se tup co mm ands.
Using Com mand Line Client Guide to Printin g Using X erox Pro duction P rint Servic es 6-2 1. Log on to your networ k. 2. Use the main applic ation ca lled P rint. T ype Print - <argu ment>. Additional inf ormation abou t using this application is in the following section .
Guide to Printing Us ing Xerox Producti on Print Se rvices Usin g Command L ine Clien t 6-3 Syntax –he lp -? Exiting XDS Command Line: -exi t Exit s XDS Command Line . Syntax –e xit Listing the printe rs: -ListP Displa ys the director y paths and nam es of the ava ilable pri nters.
Using Com mand Line Client Guide to Printin g Using X erox Pro duction P rint Servic es 6-4 Syntax –f <file> Argument <file> Specifie s the directory p ath and n ame of the document file that will be p rinted. Setting the job ticket: -jt <job> Specifies the job ticket tha t will be u sed with the curre nt job.
Guide to Printing Us ing Xerox Producti on Print Se rvices Usin g Command L ine Clien t 6-5 Setting the finishing option Specifi es the fin i shing for the job.
Using Com mand Line Client Guide to Printin g Using X erox Pro duction P rint Servic es 6-6 Displays the inform ation in verbo se mode. All job infor mation will be dis played up t o 40 jobs. The num ber of record s displayed can be spec ified using the -n opti on.
Guide to Printing Us ing Xerox Producti on Print Se rvices Usin g Command L ine Clien t 6-7 Setting the printer: -p <printer> Specifies and sets the p rinter that will be u sed for pr int jobs.
Using Com mand Line Client Guide to Printin g Using X erox Pro duction P rint Servic es 6-8 Setting t he RegFileLoc For informatio n on creating and setting up the printer discovery file, refer to the Installation Guide. T o set the Printer Registrat i on File location, use this syna tax.
Guide to Printing Us ing Xerox Producti on Print Se rvices Usin g Command L ine Clien t 6-9 2. The job i s submi tted when yo u execute the batch file. The sing le com mand mo de is o fte n used fo r batch operati on. T o do this , copy a nd paste t he c ommand line a nd cha nge th e parame ters.
Using Com mand Line Client Guide to Printin g Using X erox Pro duction P rint Servic es 6-10 –help Display list of a vailable comma nds –Listp Display list of printers -v or - V Displ ays printer .
Guide to Printing Us ing Xerox Producti on Print Se rvices Usin g Command L ine Clien t 6-11 -p or -P <printer queue na me> Displa ys inf o rma tion for th e speci fied printe r queue.
Using Com mand Line Client Guide to Printin g Using X erox Pro duction P rint Servic es 6-12.
7-1 7. The Xerox Custom PCL pr inter driv ers This ch a pter de scribes how you ma y best u s e the Xero x PCL printer drivers when using a Windows or Solaris based system.
The Xerox Custom P CL printe r driver s Guide to Printin g Using X erox Pro duction P rint Servic es 7-2 Printing a document This secti on ex plains ho w to select the options and f eatures of the Xer ox PCL p rinter drive rs for Wi ndows, o r Solari s applic ations.
Guide to Printi ng Using Xer ox Produc tion Print Services The Xer ox Custom PCL prin ter drivers 7-3 NOTE: If yo u are subm itti ng a job wit h a defi ned page range and the applicatio n supports defi ning a page r ange to print, set the page ra nge i n the appl icatio n rath er than in the X erox Job T icket.
The Xerox Custom P CL printe r driver s Guide to Printin g Using X erox Pro duction P rint Servic es 7-4.
8-1 8. The Xerox Custom PostScr ipt printer dri vers This chapte r describes how you may b est use the Xe rox Custom PostSc ript pr inter dr ivers when using a Windows, Macintosh, or Solaris based syste m .
The Xe rox Custom PostScri pt printe r driver s Gui de to Pri nting Using Xero x Product ion Pr int Servi ces 8-2 • A ccess to the printer job ticket items from within ap plication s • Fa ster pro.
Guide to Printing Us ing Xerox Producti on Print Services The Xerox Custom P ostScrip t printer drivers 8-3 5. Select [Option s] or [Prope rties]. The Job T icket setup window is displayed . NOTE: Fo r Wind ows NT and Wi ndows 2 000, selectin g [Optio ns] or [Properties] provides t he printe r properties.
The Xe rox Custom PostScri pt printe r driver s Gui de to Pri nting Using Xero x Product ion Pr int Servi ces 8-4.
9-1 9. Job ticket options This chap ter contai ns the pr ocedure s for printing a docum ent using the XD S and XD S Plus softw ar e on a X erox p rinti ng system from your comp uter ru nning Wind ows 95, Windows 98, Window s NT 4.0, Wind ows 2000, W indows Millenn ium, XP , or a Sun wo rkstation that is running So laris 2.
Job tick et opt ions Guide to Printin g Using X erox Pro duction Print Ser vices 9-2 The Printer default option A Pri nter def ault select ion app ears in many of the job ticket fields .
Guide to Printing Us ing Xerox Producti on Print Services J ob ticket o ptions 9-3 NOTE: Th e featur es that ap pear in the jo b ticket fiel ds and list boxe s on the S etup win dow vary depend i ng on whic h featur es are ava ilable from the j ob ticket se ttings that you select or are suppor ted by the printe r that you ar e using.
Job tick et opt ions Guide to Printin g Using X erox Pro duction Print Ser vices 9-4 3. If you wan t to use an existing jo b ticket as th e base for your new one, select the [O pen] button to the right of the [Jo b T icket] field, and browse to sel e ct the job ticke t th at you wan t to use.
Guide to Printing Us ing Xerox Producti on Print Services J ob ticket o ptions 9-5 The featu r es th at app ea r on the windows an d th e list boxes vary depend ing on which f eatures are a vailable fro m the job ti cket settings you select or for th e printer you are u sing as well as the platfo rm being used.
Job tick et opt ions Guide to Printin g Using X erox Pro duction Print Ser vices 9-6 Specifying the job disposition (printing or saving) The Dis position menu enable s you to print, sa ve, or print and save your job, de p ending on your printer cap abilities.
Guide to Printing Us ing Xerox Producti on Print Services J ob ticket o ptions 9-7 The follo wing secti ons descri be the op tions th at may be avail able on th e Job T icket dialo g box, de pending on your printe r . Selecting the document type The “do cument typ e” is the pag e description l anguage (P DL) format fo r the documen t.
Job tick et opt ions Guide to Printin g Using X erox Pro duction Print Ser vices 9-8 Custom finishing i s available for some of the Xe rox printers. For availability , refer to the guide ti tled, Job ticket fe atures guide.” If your connecte d printer supp orts a printer capability file, a pop u p button is available.
Guide to Printing Us ing Xerox Producti on Print Services J ob ticket o ptions 9-9 • [V ertical image s hift]: Moves the image vert ically on the portra it or lands cape pa ge. The up ar row shift s the imag e towards t he t op of t he pag e and the do wn ar row sh if ts the imag e towards the bottom of t he page.
Job tick et opt ions Guide to Printin g Using X erox Pro duction Print Ser vices 9-10 • [T andem Y]: A vertical shift tha t moves the images on both side s in the same d irection. This l eaves the horizont al shift ind ependen t for both sid es. T andem is best us ed for head-to-t oe jobs.
Guide to Printing Us ing Xerox Producti on Print Services J ob ticket o ptions 9-11 Spec ifying a n ti-alia sing The [Anti -aliasin g ] field allo ws you to alleviate any aliasing proble m that may occur in an ima ge. Aliasing means in accurate rendi tion of line w idth and position , a nd a j a gge d appearance on the edges o f imag es.
Job tick et opt ions Guide to Printin g Using X erox Pro duction Print Ser vices 9-12 DocuT ech 135 and DocuT ech/DocuPrint 9 0 restrictions: On these syste ms, the [Accou nt:] field must conta in a minimum of thre e characters.
Guide to Printing Us ing Xerox Producti on Print Services J ob ticket o ptions 9-13 Stock categories The XDS sof tware organizes the stocks that it detects in job tickets into the following categories: NOTE: This sectio n is specifical ly for M acintosh users.
Job tick et opt ions Guide to Printin g Using X erox Pro duction Print Ser vices 9-14 For example, if yo u plan to use five differe nt stocks for this job (possibly for the main stock plus covers, exc.
Guide to Printing Us ing Xerox Producti on Print Services J ob ticket o ptions 9-15 2. Make chang es to the specifica tions in the pr operty fields a s desired. Refer to “Specifying stock properties,” la ter in this chapter , for an e xplanat ion of these fields .
Job tick et opt ions Guide to Printin g Using X erox Pro duction Print Ser vices 9-16 3. If ne cessary , select t he radio but ton for the desire d unit o f measur e for your stock size. Y our option s are [in. ] (in ches) or [mm] (millimeters) . Spec if ying the st ock color Follow the se steps to select the color of the stock: 1.
Guide to Printing Us ing Xerox Producti on Print Services J ob ticket o ptions 9-17 • [Custom]: A stock t ype th at is not on the T ype menu. The stock type name may have up to 30 chara cter s. Do not us e spac es when en teri ng the cu stom s t ock ty pe name.
Job tick et opt ions Guide to Printin g Using X erox Pro duction Print Ser vices 9-18 Specifying front cover or back cover only Y ou can add just a front cover or a back cover to the print jo b. Follo w these st eps to add one cover and to select the printing opti ons: 1.
Guide to Printing Us ing Xerox Producti on Print Services J ob ticket o ptions 9-19 2. In the Cover s dialog box, select e ither [Fron t and Back Sam e] or [Fro nt and B ack Diffe rent] to add both a fro nt and a back cover to the job.
Job tick et opt ions Guide to Printin g Using X erox Pro duction Print Ser vices 9-20 Specifying exception pages The Except ion Pages di alog bo x enables yo u to select di ff erent paper stocks for a ny specified pag es or page ranges in the print job.
Guide to Printing Us ing Xerox Producti on Print Services J ob ticket o ptions 9-21 • [Sides Imaged] : Select 1-sided , 2-sided , or hea d-to-toe printi ng from the pop - up menu in this fi eld. Y ou can al so select [Use Job Setting]. • [Rotation]: Select Printer Defau lt, None, or 180 to rotate an imag e.
Job tick et opt ions Guide to Printin g Using X erox Pro duction Print Ser vices 9-22 4. On the E xception Pages dialog b ox, select [Ad d]. The excepti on page rang e is added to t he [Defined Ranges] list box. 5. Repea t steps 2 th rough 4 to program ad ditional excep tion pages if desire d.
Guide to Printing Us ing Xerox Producti on Print Services J ob ticket o ptions 9-23 Specifying full-color param eters The [Co lor ...] icon open s a C ol o r dial og bo x, w hic h all ow s yo u t o specify jo b submission attri butes for optimal co lor print quali ty .
Job tick et opt ions Guide to Printin g Using X erox Pro duction Print Ser vices 9-24 – A contr ast value of 100 causes the output colors to use either fu ll col o r or no col or f or cyan, yello w , magen ta, a nd black , depen ding on th e conten t of the original im age.
Guide to Printing Us ing Xerox Producti on Print Services J ob ticket o ptions 9-25 The menu s cont ain profiles tha t ar e pr ovid ed b y Xerox, p l us any additiona l profiles that have been add ed by the system administrator a t the controller .
Job tick et opt ions Guide to Printin g Using X erox Pro duction Print Ser vices 9-26 – [Same Rendering for All] check box: Causes the rendering int ent that you select from the Images menu to be use d for tex t and gr ap hics as well. (The Graph ics and T ext menus are d isabled when you select this check box.
Guide to Printing Us ing Xerox Producti on Print Services J ob ticket o ptions 9-27 3. Select [OK] to save your cha nge s and to return to the Color dialo g b ox. If you wan t to return to the Colo r dialog box without saving any changes, select [Cancel].
Job tick et opt ions Guide to Printin g Using X erox Pro duction Print Ser vices 9-28 Extra ction colo r determines how the existi ng colo r of text, shading, or grap hics contained in a job will p rin t on your printer , and whi ch color will pr int in the solid highlight in k color .
Guide to Printing Us ing Xerox Producti on Print Services J ob ticket o ptions 9-29 Specifying page inserts The [Inserts. ..] icon opens the Page Insert s dialog box on which you specify blank pages that will b e inserted into the current docume nt.
Job tick et opt ions Guide to Printin g Using X erox Pro duction Print Ser vices 9-30 e. Sele c t [OK ] t o clos e the P aper St ock di alog bo x and return t o the Inserts di alog b ox. Y our ne w stock specific ations a re displayed in the [Pape r Stock] field o n the Inse rts dialog box.
Guide to Printing Us ing Xerox Producti on Print Services J ob ticket o ptions 9-31 If you wan t to remove the changes that you made, select [Cancel]. Spec if ying ch apter st arts Use the [Ch apter Start] option to id entify a page as t he fir st pag e of a cha pter or sect ion of t he job.
Job tick et opt ions Guide to Printin g Using X erox Pro duction Print Ser vices 9-32 Deleti ng a c hapter s tart page Follo w these st eps to delete a chapter start page. 1. On the Jo b T icket dial og box, select the [Chapter St arts...] icon. 2. In the [ Page] list bo x, select th e page n umber tha t you want to delete .
Guide to Printing Us ing Xerox Producti on Print Services J ob ticket o ptions 9-33 • U se the Window Ex plorer to sele ct the fi le and drag and dr op the file on to the XDS application. The file is sent d i rectly to the pr inter . • Use the co mmand lin e.
Job tick et opt ions Guide to Printin g Using X erox Pro duction Print Ser vices 9-34 Saved jobs ma y be reprinted in one of the following wa ys: • W ithout changin g any of th e saved j ob ticket p.
Guide to Printing Us ing Xerox Producti on Print Services J ob ticket o ptions 9-35 6. Sele ct [Print]. The job is sent to the printer for reprinting. Reprinting with different job ticket parameter s When a jo b is saved , its job t i cket is saved with it.
Job tick et opt ions Guide to Printin g Using X erox Pro duction Print Ser vices 9-36 Checking the status of a job T o check th e status of a job that ha s been sent to a Novell print queue, use the Novell NetW are PCO NSOLE ut ility . T o view the Novell print queue: 1.
Guide to Printing Us ing Xerox Producti on Print Services J ob ticket o ptions 9-37 If [Restore X D S when a file is dropped ] is not select ed, XDS r emains mi nimized when f iles are droppe d on it. • [Print com mand- line doc um ent fil es ]: Enable s XDS t o print f iles that are sp ec ified on the comma nd line.
Job tick et opt ions Guide to Printin g Using X erox Pro duction Print Ser vices 9-38 • S tocks in the S tock Library (names a nd records) • Fo nts that have b een loade d • Desti nati on IC C p.
Guide to Printing Us ing Xerox Producti on Print Services J ob ticket o ptions 9-39 6. On the Sa ve Prin ter Capabilit ies File window , locate a nd open th e folder in which you want th e system to save the printer capa bilities file that it generates.
An important point after buying a device Xerox 701P40016 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Xerox 701P40016 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Xerox 701P40016 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Xerox 701P40016 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Xerox 701P40016 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Xerox 701P40016, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Xerox 701P40016.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Xerox 701P40016. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Xerox 701P40016 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center