Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product 450c Xerox
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Sy st em Requir ement s.
2 Ch ap t er 1 I n tr od uct i on Welcome! Where to find helpful inform ation Introduction to the Document W orkCentre 450c WorkCentre features Control panel keys How to navigate the WorkCe ntre menus.
3 We l co m e ! Thank you for choosing the Xerox Document WorkCentr e 450c, the dependable and efficient multi-function device that handles your office task s with ease.
4 W her e to fi nd h e l p fu l i n for m at i on Document W orkCentre 450c Quick Installation & Quick Reference Guide Step-by-step instructions explain how to set up the W orkCentre, install the ControlCentre™ software, and perform frequently used tasks.
5 T o obtain a printed version of the guide, use the order form included with the W orkCentr e. Pagis Pro Multimedia T utorial A comprehensive and entertaining summary of the features and benefits of P a gis Pro 97.
6 I nt r o duc t ion to the Doc ume nt W ork C e nt re 4 50 c The Document WorkCentre 450c features an easy-to-use control panel that simplifies your routine tasks.
7 Using the ControlCentre software, you can efficiently monitor the WorkCentre’s status from your PC, change any of the default settings, and set up a Phonebook of speed dial numbers. W ork C e nt re f e a t ure s The WorkCentre 450c’s advanced design lets you easily access its components.
8 CART R I D G E S w i tc h amon g the cartr i d ge m ai ntena nce opti on s: c hang e, cl ean , rep l ace c ol or hea d. COPY S ta rt a copy j ob. SI ZE S wi tch am on g the resi ze o pti ons fo r cop i e s: 95% , 100 % ( s ame si ze ), en l a r ge 125% , enl ar ge 15 0% , 75% , 80% , 85% , 90 % .
9 EXI T / CL EAR D i sp lay the pr evi ou s men u. W hen enter ing text, d elete th e b linki n g char a cter o r , if the curs or is to the r ight of the tex t , de l ete the l ast chara cter .
10 H ow t o na v iga t e the W ork C e nt re me n u s Using control panel keys and the numeric keypad, you c an easily navigate the WorkCentre menus. As you navigate the menus, the LCD displays the options you can choose and provides helpful prompts to guide you.
11 Press ENTER to choose the Print report menu and display the first Print report option: P rint repor t (1- 6) 1 Act ivity Press ENTER to choose Activity. At any time you can press the EXIT/CLEAR key to display the previous menu or press the STOP key to exit the menus.
12 To enter a letter or symbol, you repeatedly press the appropriate key until the character you want displays on the LCD. For example, to enter the letter “ C , ” press the 2 key three times. U nde rs t a ndi ng the do c ume nt f l ow i c ons Document flow icons indicate when the WorkCentre is receiving and sending information.
13 U s i ng the Cont r o l C e nt r e s o f twa r e The ControlCentre software on your PC enables you to easily view the WorkCentre’s status and change any of the WorkCentre’s default setting s. For faster dialing when sending faxes, you can use the ControlCentre to set up your Phonebook of speed dial numbe rs.
14 Note When you move the mouse pointer over the WorkCentre icon in Windows 95, a ToolTip window displays. The ToolTip provides a brief description of the WorkCentre’s status. To open the ControlCentre on your PC, do one of the following: • In W indows 95, double-click the W orkCentre icon in the notification area on the taskbar .
15 The WorkCentre Status window displays, which provides the information shown below. When the WorkCentre’s status changes, the graphic indicates the condition and a helpful message appears in the window. You can find out more about the WorkCentre’s status, including how to correct a problem, by clicking the Help button.
16 S e t ting th e Cont rol C e nt re prop e rtie s Using the ControlCentre Properties dialog box, you can change the conditions under which the WorkCentre Status window automatically opens on y our desktop. For example, you can set the windo w to open any time an error occurs, such as when the WorkCentre is out of paper or ink.
17 The ControlCentre Properties dialog box displays. 2. Under Display status window , click one of the following: • At start-up , to open the W orkCentre Status window when you run W indows. • On error , to open the W orkCentre Status window when an error occurs.
18 Note : You can also click one or more of the Display status window check boxes in the WorkCentre 450c Status window to change the condition under which the window opens. 3. T o not display the W orkCentre icon on your taskbar or desktop, do one of the following: • In W indows 95, click Show icon on the taskbar to remove the check mark.
19 • Click the application and then click Open. The application’ s location displays in the Run scanning application box. 5. Click OK.
20 S e l e ct i ng a nd Or de r ing S uppl i e s You can purchase supplies from your local Xerox retailer. To find the location nearest you, call 1-800-832-6979.
21 Plain paper and media Most types of paper will work w ell in the WorkCentre, although some variables in pape r composition may affect print quality. Most high-grade photocopying papers and cotton bond papers produce good results. You should fully test a paper before pur chasing large quantities.
22 Re g ion Descri p tion Reorder number N or th A mer i ca U ni te d S tates X ero x Imag e S eries L X ( 8 .5 x1 1 in, 24 lb) 3R 38 74 X ero x S e l ect Ink Je t P aper ( 8 .5 x1 1 in, 24 lb) 3R 54 33 C an ada X ero x Imag e S eries L X ( 8 .5 x1 1 in, 24 lb) 3R 42 84 X ero x S e l ect Ink Je t P aper ( 8 .
23 Specialty print media Xerox offers a wide ra nge of specialty print media: transparency film, high resolution paper, photogloss pa per, and a fabric transfer s heet .
24 If your retailer is out of stoc k, you can order supplies through Xerox: • In the United States , call 1-800- 822-2200 • In Canada , call 1-800-668-0199 (English) or 1-800-668-0133 (French). Size Descri p tion Reorder number L ette r ( 8. 5 x1 1 in) In k J et T r anspar ency ( 4 .
25 Colo r I n k Je t ( 100 g /m 2 , 100 sheet s) si ng l e-si ded , mat te-c oa ted p aper 3 R 9 3312 In k Jet Pho t o Glo ssy P aper ( 6 m il , 1 0 she e ts) 3 R 9 3882 In k J et F abr ic T r ansfe r.
26 W ork C e ntre 4 50 c Sp e c if ic at io n s General S p ecifications Po w e r 1 10/22 0 V A C ; 5 0/60 H z P ower cons um pti on 1 4 watts, in idle mo d e S iz e an d wei ght Hei g ht ( wi th tr a ys) : 1 1 . 5 in ( 2 9 2 m m ) W idth : 16.5 in (4 19 m m ) D ep th: 1 7.
27 Se c u r i t y Con fi denti a l send a nd re cei ve Re so lu t io n 3 00 x 30 0 dpi Docu m e n t sizes ( for d ocume nt tr ay) L ett er : 8.5x 1 1 i n ( 216x27 9 m m ) L egal : 8 .
28 Printer S p ecifications T e chnol og y T her m al i nk j et drop -on- dem and Co m p a t ib ilit y W indo ws 3.1/3 .1 1, W ind ows 95, D OS P rint speed B lac k and w hi te H i gh cap ac it y i n .
29 R esi d ent fo nts Cou rier (por trait a nd l an ds cape) P it ch: 5, 10, 16.67 , 20 cp i P o int si ze : 6, 1 2, 2 4 p t U ni ve rs (p ortr ait and l andsc a pe) P it ch: P ro por t i o nal P o in.
30 Co p ier S p ecifications C op y s peed U p to 3 p ages p er m i n ute M u lt ip le c o p ie s U p to 99 copi es of mul ti -p age o rigi nal s Re so lu t io n 3 00 x 30 0 dpi Im age qual ity N or m.
31 Scanner S p ecifications S cann er sp eed 1 0 s econ ds per page Re so lu t io n 3 00 x 30 0 dpi Co m p a t ib ilit y T W A IN -com pl i ant Sc a n t o PC 3 00 x 300 and 20 0 x 200 spi , s i n gl e.
32 K ey p ad C h ar a ct er As si gn m e n t s Alphabetic characters and symbols are assigned to the keys on the numeric keypad, which enables you to enter words at the control panel. For exa mple, if you are adding a Phonebook entry at the control panel, you can enter the name that you want to assign to the speed dial number.
33 Keypad character assignments for North and South America The following table shows the characters assigned to each numeric key for North and South America. Press the appropriate key severa l times until the character you want displays on the control panel LCD.
34 Keypad character assignments for Europe The following table shows the characters assigned to each numeric key for Europe. Press the appropriate key seve ral times until the character you want displays on the control panel LCD.
35 Ch a p t e r 2 In st a llat i o n , set u p a n d ma i nt e na n ce Connecting the telephone lines Connecting the power and pa rallel cables Using the Setup Wizard to select your fax options Custom.
36 C onne c t ing t he t e l e pho ne li ne s There are three telephone line jacks at the rear of the WorkCentre. To connect th e telephone lines properly, decide how you will use the W orkCentre and then follow the appropriate steps. I will receive fax calls only on the telephone line (dedicated fax machine).
37 I will receive both fax and voice calls on the telephone line, and I will not use an answering machine. 1. Insert one end of the telephone cord supplied with the WorkCentre into the Line jack at the rear of the Work- Centre, and insert the other e nd into your telephone wall plug.
38 I will receive both fax and voice calls on the telephone line, and I will use an answering machine. 1. Insert one end of the telephone cord supplied with the WorkCentre into the Line jack at the rear of the Work- Centre, and insert the other e nd into your telephone wall plug.
39 I also want to use a data modem w ith my PC and WorkCentre 450c. Use a phone cord “Y” cable, or splitter at the wall jack. A splitter has one connector that plugs into your wall jack, and two jacks that ac cept phone cables.
40 C onne c t ing t he powe r a nd pa r a l le l c a bl e s The WorkCentre 450c includes a parallel cable and a power cord. The parallel cable connects the WorkCentre to your PC and the power cord connects the WorkCentre to an electrical outlet. Note Before connecting the cables, make sure your PC is turned Off .
41 1. Attach the parallel cable to the parallel port at the rear of the WorkCentre, securing it with the wire clips, and then to a free parallel (printer) port on your PC. 2. Attach the power cord to the power connector at the rear of the W orkCentre.
42 U s i ng th e S e tup W i z ar d to s e l e c t y our fa x opt i o ns The Setup Wizard helps you select basic options for sending and receiving faxes. You may have run the wizard after you installed your software to select your fax options. You can run the Setup Wizard at any time to change your fax options.
43 C us t omi zing t he Cont rol Pa ne l After you’ve been using the WorkCentre for a while, you may want to change the control panel’s default settings. For example, you can specify the types of sounds the WorkCentre makes a nd the settings for some of the keys on the control panel.
44 Changing the control panel default setting s 1. At your PC, double-click the Wo rkCentre icon. 2. In the W orkCentre Status window , click Settings.
45 4. Change the defaults for an y of these options: Language Sets the language used to display the menus on the W orkCentre’ s LCD. The options vary , depending on the country in which you reside. V olume Sets the volume level for the a l a rm, button, and dial tone sounds.
46 Contrast Adjusts the lightness and darkness of your copies and outgoing faxes. Options are lighten , normal , darken , photo lighten , photo normal , and photo darken . Size Reduces or enlar ges copies by the percentage you choose. Options are 95%, 100 % (same size) , enlarge 125% , enlarge 150% , 75% , 80% , 85% , and 90% .
47 5. Do one of the following: • Click OK to change the options a t the W orkCentre and close the W orkCentre Settings window . • Click Apply to change the options a t the W orkCentre and keep the W orkCentre Settings window open. Note To use the factory defaults, click the Restore Defaults button.
48 1. At the WorkCentre 450c, press the CARTRIDGE key twice to display [clean] on the LCD. 2. Press ENTER . A message displays on the LCD while the W ork Centre is cleaning. When cleaning is complete, you can run a printer test to check your print quality .
49 Installing a high capacity (black only) ink jet cartridge The WorkCentre 450c Status window on your PC includes an ink level gauge which indicates your ink supply. When the ink supply runs low, the WorkCentre displays a message in the WorkCentre 450c Status window and on the control panel LCD.
50 2. Press ENTER. The W orkCentre moves the high capa city ink jet cartridge to the center of the printer so you can you remove it. Note If the high capacity ink jet cartridge does not move to the center of the printer, unplug the WorkCentre’s power cord, wait a few seconds, and then reconnect it.
51 4. Pull the green carriage loc k lever forward and remove the cartridge. Note If you are changing from color to black-and- white printing, place the color print head in the print head storage box. This prevents the ink from drying out and clogging the ink jets.
52 6. W ith the green carriage lock lever still in the forward position, install the cartridge by aligning the hole in the cartridge with the green p ost on the printer carriage.
53 7. Push the green carriage l o ck lever backward to secure the cartridge. Do not force the lever backward. 8. Close the printer cover and replace the document tray . 9. Do one of the following: • If yo u installed a new high capacity ink jet cartridge, press START .
54 Installing the color ink cartridges For co l o r printing, the WorkCentre uses four ink cartridges: magenta, cyan, yellow, and black. The four cartridges are housed in the color print head.
55 The W orkCentre moves the color print head to the center of the printer so you can access the color ink cartridges. Note If the color print head does not move to the center of the printer, unplug the WorkCentre’s power cord, wait a few seconds, and then reconnect it.
56 5. Remove the new ink cartridg e from its package. Slowly remove the protective str ip from the cartridge in the direction of the arrow . Note Do not touch the uncovered hole in the ink cartridge, as ink will get on your hands. 6. Insert the ink cartridge into the correct location on the color print head as shown.
57 7. Snap the ink cartridge into position. Caution Do not force the ink cartridge into the print head. 8. Close the printer cover and replace the document tray .
58 The color print head retur ns to the home position (far left side of printer) and the WorkCentre cleans the head. After a few moments, the printer r eturns to normal print mode. If the color print head does not return to the home position, try removing and reinstalling the head.
59 2. Press ENTER . The W orkCentre moves the color print head to the center of the printer so you can you remove it. Note If the color print head does not move to the center of the printer, unplug the WorkCentre’s power cord, wait a few seconds, and then reconnect it.
60 Note If you are changing from black-and-white to color printing, place the high capacity ink jet cartridge in the print head storage box. This prevents the ink from drying out and clogging the ink jets. 5. If you are installing a new color print head, remove the color ink cartridges from the print head.
61 6. Insert the ink cartridges into the new print head as shown. The ink cartridges and corre sponding locations are color coded and numb ered..
62 7. Reinstall the print head by aligning the hole in the print head with the green post on the printer carriage. Gently lower the print head into position.
63 8. Push the green carriage l o ck lever backward to secure the print head. Do not force the lever backward. 9. Close the printer cover and replace the document tray . 10. Do one of the following: • If you installed a new color print head, press START .
64 The color print head retur ns to the home position (far left side of printer) and the WorkCentre cleans the head. After a few moments, the printer r eturns to normal print mode. If the print head does not re turn to the home position, try removing and reinstalling the he ad.
65 3. Press 9 [Maintenance] and ENTER . 4. Press ENTER to select [Replac e ADF pad]. 5. Open the scanner cover . The ADF pad is located on the back side of the scanner cover .
66 6. Squeeze the two sides of the plastic housing that holds the pad and remove the housing with the pad..
67 7. Replace the ADF pad by inserting the plastic tabs on the housing into the slots in the back sid e of the scanner cover and snapping the pad into place. 8. Close the scanner cover . 9. Do one of the following: • If you installed a new ADF pa d, press ST A R T .
68 C l e a n i ng t he W or k Ce nt r e Dirt and dust can accumulate in the WorkCentre, which can cause paper misfeeds. W hen frequent misfeeds occur, you should clean the paper exit and automatic document feed rollers. Use a lint-f ree cloth dampened with water to clean the rollers.
69 3. W ipe the paper exit rollers. 4. Close the paper exit roller cover firmly to snap the corner latches into place. 5. Close the printer cover and replace the document tray .
70 7. W ipe the rollers located on the back side of the scanner cover and opposite the bac k side of the scanner cover . 8. W ipe the white plastic platen cover located under the two white rollers.
71 Ch a p t e r 3 F ax Op er atio n s Sending a Fax Changing fax settings before s ending a fax Sending a fax to more than one fax number Sending a fax at a later time Using a confidential charge code.
72 Creating a phonebook of speed dial entries Creating an individual speed dial entry Creating a group speed dial entry Editing a speed dial entry Deleting speed dial entries Saving a Phonebook file t.
73 Retrieving documents from another fax machine to the WorkCentre Receiving faxes to your PC Changing the default settings for receiving faxes Changing telephone line answer options Changing the fax .
74 S en din g a Fax You send a fax at the Wor kCentre using the keys on the control panel. By default, the WorkCentre uses standard resolution and normal contrast. When sending a fax, you c an use the following dialing methods: Note Make sure the document you want to fax is free of rips, wrinkles, folds, staples, paper clips, and sticky notes.
75 2. Do one of the following: • Using the numeric keypad, enter the fax number . • T o change the fax number, pr ess the LEFT ARROW key to move the cursor to the left, press the RIGHT ARROW key to move the cursor to the right, and press the EXIT/CLEAR key to delete a highlighted number .
76 C ha ng i ng f a x s e ttings be f ore se nd i n g a f ax Before sending a fax, you can change the contrast and resolution of your document. You can also choose to include the cover page the WorkCentre provides, a nd print a confirmation report after the fax is sent.
77 3. T o print a confirmation report after the fax is sent, press the CONFIRM key to display [yes] and then press ENTER . 4. Press the CONTRAST key seve ral times to switch among these options: When you choose a photo setting, the W orkCentre automatically sets the resolution to fine if it was previously set to standard.
78 Note Fine and superfine assure you of a better quality fax. However, the fax transmission time is longer, which may increase your telephone cost. Generally, standard resolution is good for documents with font sizes of 10 points and larger; fine and superfine improve readability of documents with font sizes smaller than 10 points.
79 S e ndi ng a f a x t o mor e t ha n one f a x nu m b e r You can send the same fax to more than one fax number. You can use a combination of both direc t and speed dialing. Note If you routinely send faxes to the same group of fax numbers, you can create a group entry in your Phonebook.
80 3. Press ENTER . 4. Repeat step 2 to enter the ne xt fax number . 5. Do one of the following: • Press ENTER and enter anoth er fax number . The maximum number of entries is ten. • Press START to begin the fax tra nsmission. S e nding a fa x a t a l a t e r tim e You can set up a fax at the WorkCentre and have it sent at a later time.
81 5. Using the numeric keypad, enter the time. T o change the time, press the LEFT ARROW key to move the cursor to the left, press the RIGHT ARROW key to move the cursor to the right, and press the EXIT/ CLEAR key to delete a highlighted number . 6. If you are using a 12-hour clock, press RIGHT ARROW to switch between am and pm.
82 U s ing a c onf i de nt ia l c ha r ge c od e w he n s e nding a f a x Depending on your telephone system, you might need to use a charge code whe n sending a fax to a number outside your local area. A charge code could be your calling card number or some other number your long-distance service provides.
83 5. Press RIGHT ARROW to display [d ial options] and ENTER . The W orkCentre sounds a confirmation beep. 6. Press STOP to exit the menus. 7. Load up to 20 pages face down in the document tray . 8. Enter the fax number . Note If you need to add a pause (timed interval) in the fax number, press PAUSE and then ENTER.
84 12. When you are done ente ring the charge code, press PAUSE . Any additional numbers you might ente r will display on the LCD. 13. Do one of the following: • Press START to begin the fax tra nsmission. • Press ENTER , add another fax number, and then press START .
85 S wi t c h i ng f rom p ul s e t o t ouc h- t one di a l i ng du r ing a di a l i ng s e que nc e If your phone line uses pulse ( rotary) dialing, you can switch from pulse to touch-tone dialing when sending a fax.
86 7. Load up to 20 pages face down in the document tray . 8. Begin dialing the fax number . 9. When you need to switch to touc h-tone dialing, press the PAUSE key to display the dial options. 10. Press the RIGHT ARROW key tw ice to display [tone dialing] and then press ENTER .
87 C ombi ni n g s e ve r a l num be rs d u r i n g a s in g le d ial i n g se q u e n ce You can combine a fax number, speed dial numbers, and access numbers during a sin gle dialing sequence.
88 5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 to until you’ve entered the complete number . 6. Press START . Fa x i ng l ong do c um e nt s If the document you want to f ax is longer than 40 inches, you must use the WorkCentre’s long original feature. This feature lets you fax a long document without causing a paper jam or an error condition.
89 S e nding c onf ident i a l fa x e s To keep faxes confidential, you can fax them to a mailbox on a remote WorkCentre, or you can store them to memory on your WorkCentre.
90 3. When you hear a pause in the tone sequence, press # and wait for three confir mation tones. 4. Press **1# and the mailbox number . 5. Press ## . For example, the complete key sequence is as follows: #**1# mailbox number ## 6. After you hear three c onfirmation tones, press START .
91 Storing documents to memory for retrieval by a remote fax machine You can store a document to the WorkCentre’s memory to have another fax machine retrieve it later. This capability, called being polled or poll out , lets another fax user choose when to retrieve the docum ent.
92 Fa x i ng do c ume nts from y our P C The WorkCentre 450c provides a CCITT-compatible Class 2 interface for sending a nd receiving fax documents using your PC. To use the WorkCentre as a fax modem for your PC, a fax application must be installed on your computer.
93 2. Click T ools, point to Microsoft Fax T ools, then click Options. 3. Click the Modem tab. 4. In the A vailable Fax Modems box, click Xerox WC450c Class 2 Fax Modem and then click the Set as Active Fax Modem button. Note The WorkCentre 450c supports MR compression.
94 4. Use the Compose New Fax wizard to specify the fax information and send the fax. Note If you experience problems using your current version of Microsoft Fax, you can download Windows Messenging (a newer version of Microsoft Ex chang e) from the Microsoft Web site: h ttp :/ /ww w.
95 C hang i n g t he de fa ul t se tti ng s for se nd i n g fa xe s Using the ControlCentre software on your PC, you can easily change the default s ettings for sending faxes.
96 Ch an g i n g t h e f ax o u t o p t i on s 1. At your PC, double-click the Wo rkCentre icon. 2. In the W orkCentre Status window , click Settings. 3.
97 4. Change the defaults for an y of these options: Add cover page Faxes a separate page t h at includes the W orkCentre’ s name and fax number , the date and time of the fax transmission, the reci.
98 Always send fr om memory Scans the document and store s it to memory until the fax is sent. This lets you remo ve your document from the W orkCentre once it’ s scanne d.
99 Ch an g i n g t h e set u p a nd c o m m u n ic a t i on op t i on s 1. At your PC, double-click the Wo rkCentre icon. 2. In the W orkCentre 450c Status window , click Settings.
10 0 4. Change the defaults for an y of these options: Fax number Displays the number specified using the Setup W izard. If your fax number changes, you can edit the number . Do not include pare ntheses or hyphens in the number . Y our fax number is included on the send header and cover page, and displays on the fax machine receiving your fax.
10 1 Set Date and Time From PC Click to use the date and time set on your PC for the W orkCentre. Maximum fax speed Sets the maximum speed at which a fax is initially sent.
10 2 Note To use the factory defaults, click the Restore Defaults button. C ha ng i ng t e l e phone li ne di a l i ng op tions 1. At your PC, double-click the Wo rkCentre icon. 2. In the W orkCentre 450c Status window , click Settings. 3. Click the Phone Line tab.
10 3 4. Change the defaults for an y of these options: Redials Specifies the number of times, from 0 to 9, you want the W orkCentre to redial a fax number after a failed fax transmission. Redial interval (min) Specifies the interval, from 1 to 255 minutes, between redials.
10 4 Detect dial tone Instructs the W orkCentre to wait for a dial tone before sending a fax. If the phone system does not pr ovide a dial tone quickly or uses a different type of dial tone, you can clear Detect dia l tone to have the W orkCentre send a fax without waiting for a dial ton e.
10 5 U si n g a d o cu m e n t ca r r i er When faxing fragile documents and photographs, use a document carrier to protect your original. A document carrier is a protective “sleeve” that has a clear plastic front and a white paper backin g.
10 6 C r eat in g a p h o n eb o o k o f s peed d i al en tr ies To use the SPEED DIAL key on the WorkCentre, you need to create a Phonebook of speed dial entries.
10 7 C r e a t i ng a n i ndi v i du a l s pe e d dia l en t r y You can create up to 94 individual speed dial entries. Each entry must include a fax number. You can op tionally add a person’s name or your cha rge code when dialing long distance. You can specify extra f eatures for any of your entries.
10 8 • Select an unassigned speed dial number (01 through 94) in the Individuals box and click New . The Phonebook Entry dialog box displays. 4. In the Name box, type the person’ s name. 5. In the Number box, type the fax number . As needed, include a prefix (for exa mple, 8 or 9) and type a , (comma) to add a pause in th e number .
10 9 6. T o include a char ge code with the fax number , do one of the following: • Click Enter now . T ype your charge code in the Enter charge code box and click OK. The charge code displays as a series of vertical bars (| ) and is entered automatically whe n you use the speed dial number .
11 0 Note When sending or distributing a fax to a Phonebook group, the WorkCentre ignores this feature. • T o specify a fax speed that is dif ferent (usually lower) than the maximum fax speed set on the Setup/Comm property page, selec t a maximum speed in the Maximum fax speed box.
111 C r e a t i ng a group s pe e d di a l e n try Group speed dial entries enable you to quickly send a fax to several fax numbers at one time. When you use the group’s speed dial number, the WorkCentre will send the fax to each group member. Before you can create a group speed dial entry, you need to create the individual entries.
11 2 3. Do one of the following: • Double-click an unassigned speed dial number (numbers 95 through 99) in the G roups box. • Select an unassigned speed d ial number (numbers 95 through 99) in the Groups box and click New . The Phonebook Group dialog box appears, showing the individual entries in the Phonebook b ox.
11 3 6. T o remove an individual from the group, do one of the following: • Double-click the name in the Group members box. • Select the name in the Group members box and click << -- . 7. Click OK. The group name you assigned to the speed dial number and the number of group members appear in the Gr oups box.
11 4 Ed i t i n g a sp ee d d i al en t ry Once you’ve created a Phonebook of spee d dial entries, you can change an individual or a group entry at any time. 1. At your PC, double-click the Wo rkCentre icon. 2. In the W orkCentre 450c Status window , click Settings.
11 5 D e l e tin g s p ee d d ial en t r i es You can delete the individual or group assigned to a speed dial number, or the entries a ssigned to all the speed dial numbers in your Phonebook. 1. At your PC, double-click the Wo rkCentre icon. 2. In the W orkCentre 450c Status window , click Settings.
11 6 3. T o delete one entry , do the following: • Click the individual or group name you want to delete. • Click Delete. • In the confirmation box, click Y es. 4. T o delete all the entries, click Clear All and then click Y es in the confirmation box.
11 7 You can save a Phonebook in one of two file formats: • Phonebook files (*. phn) Provides a complete backup c opy by saving all the individual and group information in your Phonebook. • Delimited text files (*. txt) Saves all the individual and group information in your Phonebook.
11 8 The Save As dialog box displays. 4. In the Save in box, select a location for the Phonebook. 5. In the File name box, type a n ame for the Phonebook. 6. Click the arrow next to Save as type and click one of the following formats: • Phonebook files (*.
11 9 O pe ni ng a P hone book f i l e When you open a Phonebook file, it replaces the Phonebook in the WorkCentre. Therefore, before opening another Phonebook, make sure you have a backup copy of your current Phonebook. You can open a Phonebook file saved in one of the following file formats: • Phonebook files (*.
12 0 Field 6 Fax speed (0=4800, 1=9600, 2=14400) Field 7 Group members (individual speed dial numbers, each separated by a comma) Note For an individual entry, fields 3, 5, and 6 are optional and field 7 is not required. For a group entry, fields 4, 5, and 6 are not required.
12 1 • If you have not saved the c urrently displayed Phonebook, click No. Save your Phonebook using the procedure described in “Saving a Phonebook file to your PC” earlier in this chapte r . The Open dialog box displays. 5. Click the arrow next to Files of type and click one of the following formats: • Phonebook files (*.
12 2 7. Click Open. The Phonebook property page displays the entries from the Phonebook you opene d. P r i nt i ng a P hone book of s pe e d d ial en t r ies You can print a Phonebook report that includes the information about the individual an d group speed dial entries you created.
12 3 4. Click the Phonebook button. 5. In the confirmation box, click Y es. Note You can also print a Phonebook using the WorkCentre menus. C l i c k P h one bo ok t o p ri n t th e r epo r t .
12 4 R ec eivin g F axes Faxes sent to the WorkCentre are either printed, stored to the WorkCentre’s memory, received in a mailbox, or, if you are using a PC fax application, stored to your PC. R e ce iv i n g an in c o min g f a x The WorkCentre is set to automatically print incoming faxes.
12 5 R e c e iv i n g a f a x t o me mory To keep your faxes conf idential, you can receive them to memory. However, you should print the faxes as soon as possible to free up memory so y ou can continue receiving faxes. The following section “Printing a fax stored to memory” explains how to print stored faxes.
12 6 6. Click the Fax In tab. 7. Under Receive , click T o memory . 8. Click OK. Pr in t i n g a fa x s t o r ed t o m em o r y You should print a fax stored to memory to free up memory on the WorkCentre. After you print the fax, it is deleted from memory.
12 7 M a n u a lly re c e iv in g a f ax If you are receiving both fax and voice calls on the same telephone line and the Answer mode is set to manual , you will answer both telephone an d fax calls on the same line. 1. Pick up your telephone handset to answer the incoming call.
12 8 R e ce i vi n g co n f i d en t ial fa xe s i n ma il b o x es Mailboxes provide the ability to receive confidential faxes that only the mailbox user can a ccess. When the WorkCentre receive s a fax in a mailbox, it stores the fax to memory and prints a Mailbox Receipt report.
12 9 1. At your PC, double-click the Wo rkCentre icon. 2. In the W orkCentre 450c Status window , click Settings. 3. Click the Mailbox tab. 4. Do one of the following: • Double-click an unassigned mailbox number . • Click an unassigned mailbox number and click New .
13 0 Note If you enabled security, do not use your security password. 6. Do one of the following: • Click OK to create the mailbox on the W orkCentre and close the W orkCentre 450c Settings window . • Click Apply to create the mailbox on the W orkCentre and keep the W orkCentre 450c Settings window open.
13 1 Printing the faxes received in a mailbox To obtain paper copies of your faxes and free up WorkCentre memory, you sho uld print the contents of a mailbox. The WorkCentre de letes the faxes after they’re printed. 1. At the WorkCentre 450c, press the MENU key.
13 2 Deleting the contents of a mailbox If you don’t want to print the faxes stored to a mailbox, you can clear the m ailbox. Clearing a mailbox deletes all of the faxes and documents stored to it, and frees WorkCentre memory. 1. At the WorkCentre 450c, press the MENU key.
13 3 2. In the W orkCentre 450c Status window , click Settings. 3. Click the Mailbox tab. 4. In the Mailboxes box, select the mailbox you want to delete. Note To delete all the mailboxes at once, click Clear All. 5. Click Delete. 6. Click Y es to confirm the deletion.
13 4 Printing a list of mailboxes If you want to keep a printe d record of the mailboxes created on the WorkCentre, you can print the information. If security is enabled, the ma ilbox list includes the user’s password. If security is not enabled, asterisks print instead of the password.
13 5 4. Click Print Mailbox List. 5. In the confirmation box, click Y es. Note You can also print a mailbox list using the WorkCentre menus. Editing a mailbox You can change both the name and password assigned to a mailbox. 1. At your PC, double-click the Wo rkCentre icon.
13 6 • Click Apply to change the mailbox on the W orkCentre and keep the W orkCentre 450c Settings window open. R e t ri e v i ng y our fa x e s a nd pri nting t he m on a nothe r fa x ma c hi ne When you’re away from the W orkCentre, you can r etrieve your faxes remotely.
13 7 3. When you hear a pause in the tone sequence, press # and wait for three confir mation tones. 4. Press **3#. 5. Do one of the following: • If you’re retrieving faxes from your mailbox, press your mailbox password and ## . • If you’re retrieving the f axes stored to memory , press the password used to enable security and ## .
13 8 Retrieving your faxes using a telephone not connected to the remote fax machine 1. Lift the telephone handset an d wait for a dial tone. 2. Dial your W orkCentre’ s fax number . After the W orkCentre answers, you hear a fax tone sequence. 3. When you hear a pause in the tone sequence, press # and wait for three confir mation tones.
13 9 7. By default, the W orkCentre deletes the fax after it’ s sent. T o change the default, press one of the following: • 1 to save the fax on your W orkCentre after transmission. • 2 to print the fax on your W orkCentre, then delete it after transmission.
14 0 4. Click Enable security and then click the Apply button. 5. In the Set Security Password dialog box, type a four- digit password and click OK. T y pe a f ou r - d i g i t pa s swo r d.
14 1 6. Click the Fax Routing tab. 7. Click Forward all faxes . 8. In the T o fax number box, type the fax number you want your faxes sent to. F o r w a r d s y o u r fa xe s to an ot her f ax n um b .
14 2 9. Do one of the following: • Click OK to change the options a t the W orkCentre and close the W orkCentre 450c Settings window . • Click Apply to change the options a t the W orkCentre and keep the W orkCentre 450c Settings window open.
14 3 5. Press your four-digit security pa ssword and # . 6. Press the fax number you want your faxes forwarded to and ## . 7. Remain on the line until you hear three beeps, which means the W orkCentre receive d your request, and the n hang up the telephone.
14 4 4. Press **5# . 5. Press your four-digit security pa ssword and ## . 6. Remain on the line until you hear three beeps, which means the W orkCentre receive d your request, and the n hang up the telephone. Turning on fax forwarding from a r emote location If you turned off fax forwarding, you can easily turn it on again.
14 5 D i s tri but i ng c opies of y our f a x e s t o a P hone book gr oup You can distribute copies of the faxes received from up to two fax numbers to a Phonebook group. To use this feature, make sure your Phonebook inc ludes the group entry you want to use.
14 6 3. Click the Fax Routing tab. 4. Click Distribute faxes . 5. Enter a fax number in the From sender (fax number) box and the group speed dial n umber in the T o gr oup box.
14 7 Note To verify that the sender’s fax number is the same as the number the WorkCentre receives, select Include receive header on the Fax In property page and have the sender fax you a document. Enter the fax number printed on the fax header in the From sender ( fax number ) box.
14 8 1. At the WorkCentre 450c, enter the fax number of the remote machine and press the START key. 2. Press START again. 3. Do one of the following: • If a password is not required, press ENTER . • If a password is required, press RIGHT ARROW and ENTER .
14 9 Setting up Microsoft Fax to receive faxes from your PC 5. By default, the WorkCentre is set to receive incoming faxes. Before you can receive fax a document using Microsoft Fax, you need to star t Microsoft Exchange and set up your modem properties.
15 0 4. In the A vailable Fax Modems box, click Xerox WC450c Class 2 Fax Modem and t h en click the Properties button. The Fax Modem Properties dialog box opens. 5. In the Answer Mode box, c li c k one of the following: • Answer after # rings. Microsoft Fax receives a fax after the number of rings you specify .
15 1 7. Do not Exit the Inbox. Microsoft Exchange must be running to receive faxes to your PC. Note Do not use the Microsoft Fax Request a Fax wizard to retrieve a document from a remote fax machine. This capability is an optional feature for Class 2 modems.
15 2 C hang i n g t he de fa ul t se tti ng s for r e ce i vi n g f a xe s Using the ControlCentre software on your PC, you can easily change the default s ettings for receiving faxes. The WorkCentre 450c is c onfigured with the following factory default settings Note You can also change the default settings using the WorkCentre menus.
15 3 C ha ng i ng t e l e phone li ne a ns w e r op tions 1. At your PC, double-click the Wo rkCentre icon. 2. In the W orkCentre 450c Status window , click Settings.
15 4 4. Change the defaults for an y of these options: Answer mode Specifies how the W orkCentre answers a fax. Options include: • automatic Y ou are using a telephone number for fax communication only (no voice c alls). The W orkCentre answers the call after the number of rings entered in the Rings to answ er box.
15 5 Distinctive ring If your telephone company offers a distinctive ring service, you can have multiple telephone numbers on the same phone line. The telephone company provides a distinctive ring pattern for each telephone number so you can distinguish which number is receiving a call.
15 6 activate the W orkCentre. Y ou need to inform callers of your pick-up code in your telephone answer message. 5. Do one of the following: • Click OK to change the options a t the W orkCentre and close the W orkCentre 450c Settings window .
15 7 C ha ng i ng t he f a x in opt i on s 1. At your PC, double-click the Wo rkCentre icon. 2. In the W orkCentre 450c Status window , click Settings.
15 8 4. Change the defaults for an y of these options: Include receive header Prints the date and time the fax is received, the number sending the fax, your fax name (if specified) or your fax number , and the page number at the top of each page received.
15 9 Reduce Reduces the size of the incoming fax. Options include: r educe to fit , none (100%) , l egal > letter (75%) , legal > A4 (80%) , A4 > le tter (90%) , and 95% . Loaded paper size Specifies the paper loaded in the W orkCentre: letter , legal , or A4 .
16 0 Enabling security You need to select the Enable security option if you want to receive your faxes to memory and forward your faxes to another fax machine. After y ou enable security, you must to enter your password each time you click Settings in the WorkCentre 450c Status window and when you use secure features at the WorkCentre.
16 1 3. Click the Setup/Comm tab. 4. Click Enable security . 5. Click OK. 6. In the Set Security Password dialog box, type a four- digit password in the Password box.
16 2 Note Record the password used, as you will need to enter it to use secure features. 7. Click OK. If you want to change your password, click Enable security on the Setup/Comm prope rty page to remove the check mark and click Apply . Click Enable security , click OK, and then type a new password in the Set Security Password dialog box.
16 3 C h eckin g th e s tat u s o f yo u r f ax jo b s You can view the status of yo ur fax jobs on the control panel LCD or the LCD display in the WorkCentre Status window. The WorkCentre d i s plays active jobs first, then pending jobs. 1. At the WorkCentre control pa nel, press the JOB STATUS key.
16 4 The information that displays on the LCD for a pending fax varies, depen ding on the type of job and the details about the job. In the e xample below , the LCD shows the status for a fa x to be sent at a later time. The information displayed on the LCD varies, depending on the type of fax job and the details about the job.
16 5 The information displa yed on the LCD about incoming and outgoing faxes can include: Item Descri p tion Jo b num ber T h e num ber the W or kC entr e ass i gn s to the job.
16 6 Rece ive P oll (r e triev ing a docu m ent from a re mote fax mach ine) Jo b sta tu s Outg o ing fa x P ending (que ued f or di a l i n g) R edi al ( wai ti ng to r edia l ) S tored (wai ti ng to.
16 7 C an celi n g a fax jo b You cancel a fax job at th e WorkCentre. 1. At the WorkCentre control pa nel, press the JOB STATUS key. 2. Do one of the following: • Press the RIGHT ARROW key u ntil the job you want to cancel displays. • Press the JOB STATUS key until the job you want to cancel displays.
16 8 Ch a p t e r 4 P r i nti ng D o cu men ts Printing guidelines Printing a document Setting printer options Setting advanced image quality options Using preset files Saving printer options to a pre.
16 9 The WorkCentre provides high quality color and black- and-white printing. You can print on a range of media, including plain paper, transpa rency film, and envelopes.
17 0 Choose and load media For a list of the types of media you can use f or printing and media loading instructions, see Chapter 5, " Copy . " For instructions on how to load enve lopes in the W orkCentre, see " Loading envelopes " later in this chapter .
17 1 P r i nt i ng a doc ume nt You print a document on the WorkCentre from a Windows application. The WorkCentre prints one - sided pages within these margins: 1.
17 2 S e t t i ng pr i nte r options Before you print a documen t , you can change the size and orientation of the document, select the printing media, and set the print quality. The settings you choose a re used until you change them. Note Some applications may override any of the options you choose.
17 3 2. Change the defaults for an y of these options: Mode Prints the document in Color or Blac k and White . T o print in color , the color print hea d and ink cartridges must be installed in the W orkCentre. T o print in black and white, either the color print head and cartridges or the high capacity ink jet cartridge can be installed.
17 4 T ype Selects the image quality to use based on the contents of the docum ent. Options are Auto , Photo , Graphics , and Te x t . Print quality Sets printing at different speed and print quality combinations.
17 5 Reverse order Prints the document from last page to first page. Media Specifies the type of paper used for printing. Media size Sets the paper size used for printing.
17 6 S e t t i ng a dv a nc e d im a ge qua li t y op tions You can control advanced image quality features, including image brightness and halftone printing. 1. At your PC, do one of the following : • From the application’ s File menu, clic k Print.
17 7 3. Change the defaults for an y of these options: Intensity Adjusts the image brightness, by da rkening or lightening text and graphics. Automatic image enhancem ent Sets optimum print quality for pictures and photographs.
17 8 Mirr or image Reverses the image from le ft to right for special applications such as transfer media. Halftone Sets the halftone rendering. Use None to print solid colors and black, Fine Dither f.
17 9 Saving printer options to a preset file 5. Y ou can save printer and advanced image quality options to a preset file. 1. At your PC, do one of the following : • From the application’ s File menu, clic k Print. In the Print dialog box, click Properties ( or Setup).
18 0 3. Under Main Contr ols and Advanced , set the options you want. Refer to the section s “Setting printer options” a nd “Setting advanced image quality options” for information on the options. 4. Click Save As. 5. In the Save As dialog box, type a name in the Preset name box and click OK.
18 1 Refer to the sections "Setting printer options" and " Setting advanced image quality options" for information on the options. 5. Click OK. 6. In the confirmation box, click Y es to save the changes. 7. Click OK to save the changes to the same preset file.
18 2 Deleting a preset file When you no longer need a preset file, you can delete it. 1. At your PC, do one of the following: • From the application’ s File menu, clic k Print. In the Print dialog box, click Properties ( or Setup). • Double-click the W orkCentre icon.
18 3 U s ing pr i nt e r s e r v ice s You can use printer servic es to view the status of your current print job and the ink level in the cartridges, mainta in the color print head and high capacity ink jet cartridge, and choose the conditions under which the printer icon or Status property page displays on your desktop.
18 4 2. T o cancel the current print job, click Cancel Print. 3. T o pause a print job, click Pause. 4. Do one of the following: • Click Close to exit the printer settings. • Click Print Driver to return to the Main Controls property page and keep t h e Status property page open.
18 5 Maintaining the color print head or high capacity ink jet cartridge You use the Print Head property page to perform maintenance tasks such as cleaning, replacing, and aligning the color print head and high c apacity ink jet cartridge.
18 6 5. Under Default Print Head , click the type of print head currently installed in the W orkCentre: C o l o r Color print head and ink cartridges. High Capacity Black High capacity ink jet cartrid ge.
18 7 6. Under Maintenance , click one of the following buttons: Clean Cleans the color print head or high capacity ink jet cartridge. Change Moves the printer carriage to the center position so you can remove the print head or ink jet cartridge.
18 8 Choosing the printer status display options You can choose the conditions under which the printer icon or Status property page displays on your desktop. You can specify the display settings for idle, printing, and error conditions. 1. At your PC, double-click the Wo rkCentre icon.
18 9 5. Under Display Conditions , click the op t io n you want when the printer is Idle , Printing , a nd in need of attention ( Error ): Icon Displays a printer icon on the d esktop. W indow Opens the Status property page on the desktop. 6. Click Close.
19 0 The Spool Manage r window displays, showing the list of print jobs pending on the W orkCentre and the status of each job. 2. T o change the status of a print job, click the document name and then.
19 1 3. T o change the status of the print queue, do the following: • Under Printer/document name , click Xerox W orkCentre 400c Series. • On the Queue menu, click H old to stop printing the documents in the print queue, or to release a held print queue.
19 2 Lo a di ng e nv e l ope s You can load either letter- or legal-size envelopes. 1. Remove the printer output tray and any media from the paper tray.
19 3 3. Load up to 10 envelopes flap side up and against the envelope guide in the paper tray ..
19 4 4. Slide the paper guide to the lef t until it rests lightly against the envelopes. 5. Install the printer output tray ..
19 5 P r i nting from DO S If you print from DOS or a DOS application, the WorkCentre 450c includes a software application called the DOS Control Panel. The DOS Control Panel enables you to change DOS printing options such as font, point size, and page orientation.
19 6 Ch a p t e r 5 C o pyi n g D o cum en ts The WorkCentre provides high quality black-and-white copying at speeds up to three pages per minute. You can make up to 99 copies of a single document, collate multiple copies, and reduce or enlarge originals.
19 7 C hoos i ng t he m e di a t o us e You can copy documents on the following types of media. T yp e o f M e d ia Maxim um n u m b er o f sh eet s in p a p er tr a y P lai n pap er ( 16 t o 36 lb o r 6 0 t o 1 35 g/ m2) Le t t er 8 . 5 x 1 1 i n ( 2 16 x 2 79 mm 150 s h eet s (20 lb o r 7 5 g/ m 2) L ega l 8 .
19 8 Lo a di ng pa pe r You can load letter, legal, and A4 size paper. To avoid a printer jam, do not load paper in the paper tray while the WorkCentre is printing. 1. Remove the clear, plastic printer output tray. 2. Make sure the paper guide is positioned to the far right side of the paper tray .
19 9 4. Insert up to 150 sheets of 16 to 24 lb paper print side down in the paper tray . The arrow on the paper ’ s packaging indica tes the print side.
20 0 L o a d in g t r an sp a r en c y f i lm When loading transparenc y film, insert the end with the adhesive strip first..
20 1 C opy ing a doc um e nt You copy a document using the keys on the WorkCentre control panel. Before copying a document, you can change the contrast and reduce or enlarge the original. The settings you choose are used for the document you are copying.
20 2 4. T o change the lightness and darkness of your copies, press the CONTRAST key sev eral times to switch among these options: 5. T o reduce or enlar ge your document, press the SIZE key several times to switch among these Size options: 95% , 100% , 125% , 150% , 75% , 80% , 85% , 90% .
20 3 S e t t i ng c opy c ol l a t ion be f ore c opy i n g a doc ume nt By default, the WorkCentre does not collate multiple copies. You can change the default setting at the control panel to have the WorkCen tre always collate multiple copies. Note The WorkCentre stores the document to memory before printing the collated copies.
20 4 C ha ng i ng c opy q ua li t y The WorkCentre is set to print copies at fast speed. You can change the copy speed to print copies at a slower speed with higher quality results. 1. At the WorkCentre 450c, press the MENU key. 2. Press 6 [Printer] and ENTER.
20 5 U si n g a d o cu m e n t ca r r i er When copying fragile documents and photographs, use a document carrier to protect your original. A document carrier is a protective " sleeve" that has a clear plastic front and a white paper backin g.
20 6 Ch a p t e r 6 S can n in g Do cu m en ts Specifying the location of your scanning application Scanning a document Scanning a document using Pagis Pro 97 Scanning a document using Tex t B ridge P.
20 7 The WorkCentre includes TWAIN-compliant PC scanning functionality that is compatible with most scanning applications. Included on your WorkCentre CD-ROM is Xerox Pagis Pro 97 and TextBridge Pro software. If your PC does not have a CD-ROM driv e, you can obtain the software on floppy disk using the order form that came with the WorkCentre.
20 8 If you don’t know the name o f the folder (directory) in which your scanning application was installed, you can browse your hard drive to look for the application. 1. At your PC, do one of the following: • In W indows 95, click the W orkCentre icon on the taskbar with the right mouse button and then click Properties.
20 9 2. Click Run scanning application. 3. Click the Browse button to look for the scanning application’ s location. 4. Click the application and then click Open. The application’ s location displays in the Run scanning application box. 5. Click OK.
21 0 S c a nni ng a d oc ume nt The WorkCentre scans a black-and-white document at 10 seconds per page. You can scan letter-, legal-, and A4- size documents. This section provide s instructions for scanning documents using Pagis Pro 97, TextBridge Pro, a nd other scanning applications.
21 1 Scanning a document using Pagis Pro 97 1. At the WorkCentre 450c, load up to 20 pages face down in the document tray. 2. Press the SCAN key . The Pagis Scan T ool opens on your W indows desktop. 3. Select the options you want and c lick Scan. The WorkCentre begins scanning the document.
21 2 Scanning a document using TextBridge Pro 1. At the WorkCentre 450c, load up to 20 pages face down in the document tray. 2. Press the SCAN key . The T extBridge Pro window opens on your W indows desktop. 3. Click Go on the T e xtBridge toolbar . The W orkCentre 400c Series Scanner Setup dia log box displays.
21 3 Resolution Sets the scan resolution. Options are fine (200 x 200 dpi) and superfine (300 x 300 dpi). Superfine is recommended for OCR processing. Color Depth Specifies the number of bits per picture element (pixel) at which the scanned image is stored in a file.
21 4 Scanning a document using another scanning application This section provides a gener al procedure for scanning a document using other scanning a pplications. See the application’s documentation for specific information. 1. At the WorkCentre 450c, load up to 20 pages face down in the document tray.
21 5 4. On the File menu, click Acquire , or click T wain and then Acquire. The W orkCentre 400c Series Scanner Setup dialog box displays. 5. Choose from the following options: Paper Size Specifies the document size y ou are scanning: letter , legal, and A4.
21 6 Color Depth Specifies the number of bits per picture element (pixel) at which the scanned image is stored in a file. Options are black and white and 16 shades of gray . Contrast Adjusts the lightness and darkness of the scanned document. Options are darke n, normal, and lighten.
21 7 U si n g a d o cu m e n t ca r r i er When copying fragile documents and photographs, use a document carrier to protect your original. A document carrier is a protective " sleeve" that has a clear plastic front and a white paper backin g.
21 8 Ch a p t e r 7 T r ou bl e sho oti ng This chapter provides the Xerox Customer Support Center telephone number, explains ho w to solve common WorkCentre problems, and d escribes the messages you might see when using the WorkCentre.
21 9 C alli n g t he Xe ro x Cu s t omer S u ppor t Ce nt e r If you are unable to solve a WorkCentre problem using this guide or the online Help, call the Xerox Customer Support Center.
22 0 C l e a ri ng pa pe r j a m s Paper can jam in the WorkCentre’s printer or scanner. When a jam occurs, the WorkCentre displays a message on the control panel LCD, and displays a graphic and message in the WorkCentre 450c Status window on your PC.
22 1 Cl ear in g p ri n ter j ams A printer jam can occur as paper is fed from the paper tray to the WorkCentre’s printer. After clearing a printer jam, you will need to reprint the jammed page. Note To avoid printer jams, do not load paper in the paper tray while the WorkCentre is printing.
22 2 2. Do one of the following: • If the paper’ s trailing edge is visible in the paper tray , grasp the edge and press and hold the FEED key . The W orkCentre backs out the page.
22 3 • If the paper’ s leading edge is visible, grasp the edge and press the FEED ke y . The W orkCentre feeds the page forward..
22 4 3. If part or all of the paper remains jammed in the printer , do the following: • Remove any paper from the paper tray . • Press one of the green locking latches and push the paper tray backward to release one side of the tray . • Press the other green locking latch to release the paper tray completely .
22 5 • Remove the jammed paper f rom the rear of the W orkCentre. Y ou can press and hold the FEED key to back out the paper . • T o reinstall the paper tray , squeeze the front and back sides of the paper tray together and insert the tray into the slot at the rear of the W ork Centre.
22 6 Cl ear in g s can n er j ams Scanner jams can occur as paper is fed from the document tray to the WorkCentre’s sc anner. 1. Remove any pages from the document tray.
22 7 4. Pull the jammed page up and out. 5. Close the scanner cover..
22 8 S ol v ing W ork C e nt r e pr obl ems Use the solutions in this section to solve the problems that might occur while using the WorkCentre. S o lv ing ge ne r a l Wo r k C e n t r e pr ob l e m s Pr ob l e m So l ut i on M y P C is n ot co m m u n icatin g wi th the W o r k Cent r e.
22 9 I can’ t us e the W or k C e n t re f o r o th e r ta sks whe n I’ m maki ng a p hone c al l usi ng th e tel ep hone a ttache d to th e W o r k Cent r e. P r e ss th e JO B S T AT US ke y to d ispla y th e f oll owi ng m essage on the LC D: D ial n umb er , C OP Y o r p res s STA RT to s tor e T hen perf orm the ta sk y ou wan t.
23 0 S o lv ing pr ob le m s w he n s e ndi ng f axe s P r obl em So l ut i o n I cannot send a fax. Do one o r m o re of the fo ll o wi n g: 1 . C he c k y our tel eph one l ine conne c - ti o ns and m ake s ure you h ave a di al to ne.
23 1 S o lv ing pr ob le m s w he n r e c e iv in g f axe s Pr ob l e m Sol u t i o n I c annot recei v e a f a x . D o on e or m or e of th e fol low ing : 1.
23 2 S o lv ing c opy in g a nd pr in t ing pr ob l e m s Pr ob l e m So l ut i on I can’ t pr i nt on the W o r k Cent r e. Do o ne or mor e of the fo l l o w i n g: 1. C he ck th at your pa rall el cabl e con nects the W or kC en tr e to you r PC .
23 3 T her e are st rea ks or l i n e s on m y c opi es o r p ri nted page s. D o o ne or mor e of the fo l l o w i n g: 1. M ake s ur e the pr inte r ou tput tr ay i s in st a ll e d . 2. C l ean the c o l or pr int he ad or high c a paci ty i nk j e t c artr idge.
23 4 T he p rint qu al it y of m y tr ans pa renci e s i s p oor . D o o ne or mor e of the fo l l o w i n g: 1. M a ke su r e T r an sp a r e n cy is sele cte d a s th e M edi a on the M ai n C on trol s pr oper ty pa ge ( cl ic k P r i n ter in the W or kC entre 450c S ta - tu s w i n dow to open the pr oper ty pag e).
23 5 T he a ppli cati on fr o m wh i ch I’ m p ri nti ng does n ot u s e the pri nti ng o pti ons I chos e on th e M a i n C o nt r o l s pr o p er t y p age. S ome soft w ar e app li ca ti ons ov er r id e the op ti ons s et on the M ai n C o ntro l s pr oper ty page.
23 6 S o lv ing s c a nn ing pr ob le m s P r obl em So l u t i on W he n I p r ess the S C A N ke y , noth i n g hap pens. Do one o r mo r e of the fo l l o w i n g: 1 . C he c k that y our p arall el c a bl e co nnect s t he W orkC e ntre to yo u r P C.
23 7 U nde rs t a nding Work Ce ntre m e ss ag es This section provides an alphabetic listing of the messages you may see when using the W orkCentre. M essa g e Mea nin g Ac t i o n nn is a gr ou p. C ann ot d ial g roup . Y o u c ann ot u se a gr ou p s p eed d i al n umbe r w hen d ial ing ma nua lly .
23 8 C all e nde d. N o dia l t on e. C heck li ne. T he W or k C ent r e e nde d t h e c al l , a f t er us i n g t h e s p ec if ie d nu mber of r ed ial s, be c a us e i t c ou l d no t de t e c t a l ine cu rr ent or a dia l t o ne. Do on e or m or e of t h e f o llo win g: 1 .
23 9 C a n n o t re ce i ve fax. P r i nt er una v ail abl e. T h e WorkC en tre ca n no t re ce i ve the fax b e cau se e it her t he pr i nt er is u nav a ila ble , you se t t he If c a nn ot p ri nt opt io n t o do no t an s w er , or t h er e is n ’t e nou gh m em o ry t o s t ore th e fa x .
24 0 C han ge in k: CA RT R I D G E ke y . Ch e ck pr i n t s . T h e W o r k Ce n t r e r a n ou t of in k w h il e p r in t i n g an i n co mi n g f a x. T h e l ast pa ge p r int ed a nd an y f ol low ing p age s a re s to red t o me mo ry , pro vid e d t h e re i s e n o u g h me mo ry.
24 1 I f l ong d ocum e nt , ST A R T to c o n t i n u e . Or p r e ss EX I T to cl e a r sca n n e r j a m. T he W ork Ce nt r e det ec t ed a l ong d ocum e nt i n t h e d oc um e nt t r ay or t here i s a sca n n e r j a m. I f y ou ar e f ax i ng a lo ng doc u m ent , p r es s ST A R T .
24 2 In val i d da te o r t ime D a te & Ti m e Y o u did n ot e nt er t h e dat e o r t i me u si n g t h e co rre ct f o rma t . Us e on e of t he f ol low ing f orm a ts to s p e c i fy th e d a te : (1 ) MM/ D D / YY (2 ) YY/ MM/ D D (3 ) D D/MM/ YY E nt er t h e t i m e us in g eit he r a 12- or a 24 - hou r cl ock .
24 3 J o b wil l sta rt wh en p r int er is av a ila ble . Y o u t r i ed t o r et r iev e a d oc um e nt f r om an ot her f ax m a c hin e whe n t h e prin t e r w as una v ail abl e and t he If c a nn ot p ri nt opt io n is s et to do no t an s w er .
24 4 M a ilb ox n h as no en t r y . T he r e is n’ t a m ai lbo x w it h t ha t nu m ber on t he W o rkC e n t re . T o pr in t a li st of th e m ail box e s c r e at ed on t he Wo r k C e n tr e , o p e n th e C o n t ro l C e n t re , cl i ck t h e M ail box t ab, and t he n clic k P r int M ail box Li s t .
24 5 Me mo ry i s f u l l . T he r e is n’ t en oug h W o rkC e n t re me mo ry . I n cre a se me mo ry b y del et ing a ny docu ment s s t o r ed in ma ilb oxes or t o m em or y , or c anc e lin g any p e nd i ng j o bs he l d in me mo ry . Me mo ry i s f u l l .
24 6 Me mo ry i s f u l l . P o ll wa s ca ncel ed. T he re is n’ t en oug h me mo ry t o re t ri e ve the d oc um e nt f r om t he ot he r f a x ma ch i n e . I n cre a se me mo ry b y d e le t i n g or pr i n t i ng t he doc u m ent s s t o r ed t o me mo ry , a n d the n t ry aga in.
24 7 N eed a f ax nu mber t o f o rw a rd f a xe s. Y ou d i d no t en t e r a f ax n u mb e r for fax f o rwa rd i n g . En t e r t h e f a x n u mbe r to whi c h y ou wa nt t he W o rkC e n t re t o f o rw a rd you r f a xe s. N o ac t iv e or pe ndi ng j obs t o r epo r t .
24 8 N o cya n i n k. L o a d ca rt ri d ge . Ei t h er the cya n i n k ca rt ri d g e i s mi ssi n g o r a n i nk c a r t r i dge m a de f or ano t h er m a c hin e is ins t al led i n t h e W o rkC e n t re . I n se rt a Xe ro x col o r i n k ca rt ri d g e .
24 9 N o m ail box en tri es t o re p o rt . Y o u t ri ed t o pr in t a mai lbo x l is t , bu t t here a ren’ t an y m a ilb ox es on t he W o rkC e n t re . N o a c ti on . N o P hon ebo ok e n t ri e s t o re p o rt . Y o u t r i ed t o prin t a P h one boo k, but t h ere ar e n’t a ny s pee d dia l ent rie s.
25 0 Pa ssw o rd al r e ad y i n u s e. Y o u ent er e d a pass w ord u s ed el s ewh er e on t he W or k C ent r e. F o r e xam pl e, yo u ma y h a ve e n t e red yo u r s e c ur it y pas s w or d as t he p a ssw o rd f o r a ma i lb o x. E nt er a uni que f ou r- dig it pas s w or d.
25 1 P e ndi ng jo bs fu ll. T r y ag ain l at er . T he j ob qu eue i s f ul l. Del et e or pr in t an y p end ing j o bs . T r y t h e op e r at io n l a t e r , af t e r so me pen din g job s hav e c o m ple t e d. P h one i s o f f ho ok. Re s e at h an d s et .
25 2 R ec ei v e end ed. Pre ss F EED to c l ea r . T he W o rkC e n t re co u l d n o t r ec e i v e t h e f a x b ec a u s e of a p ape r j am in t he pr i nt er . Rem o v e any pap er f r o m t he pap er t r a y a nd t he pr i nt er out pu t t r ay , a nd t hen d o one o f t he f oll owi ng: 1.
25 3 Sca n n e r co ve r o pen . Cl ear do cs a nd c lo s e. E i t h er t h e s c ann er c ov er is o pen or y ou ope ned it wh ile t h e WorkC en tre w a s s c a nni ng a do c um en t . Pre ss E XIT /C L EAR t o re mo ve any pa ges f r om t h e s c ann er , a nd t h en cl ose t h e sca n n e r co ve r .
25 4 W il l r edi al. No di al t on e. C heck li ne. T h e W o rkC e n t re co u l d n o t d et ect a l ine cu r r ent or dia l to n e . Th e Wo r k C e n tr e w i l l r e dia l t h e num b er . Do on e or m or e of t h e f o llo win g: 1 . Ma ke su re the W o rkC e n t re i s co n n e ct e d t o a t e lep hon e wal l plu g.
25 5 U nde rs t a nd e rr or c o de s This section lists the error codes you may see the WorkCentre LCD and in printe d reports. An error code indicates a problem occurred during fax transmissions or reception. Co de Me anin g Ac t i o n E0 0 1 Com m u nic a t i on en ded w i t h o u t e rro rs.
25 6 E0 0 6 An i n t e rn a l e rro r o ccu rre d a t t h e WorkC e ntre. Y o u ma y hav e t r ie d t o se nd a d o c u me n t, bu t it w a s n o t f o und i n mem or y , or t h e dat a ne ede d t o se nd a doc u m ent c oul d not be f o und Ret r y t h e ope r at i on .
25 7 E 011 T h e re mo te ma ch in e i s bus y . T h e W o rk Cen t re us ed all o f it s r edi al at t empt s. Us e a h and s et t o c he ck th e re mo t e ma ch i n e . Re t ry the ope r at ion a t a la t e r t im e . E0 1 2 T h e WorkC e ntre re ce i ved an il leg al di sc onn ect si gna l f ro m the re mo t e ma ch i n e .
25 8 E0 1 5 T h e W or k Ce nt re had a n e rro r w h i l e tran smitt i ng , or t h er e we r e m is m at c he d i d e n ti fi c a ti o n s i g n a l s bet we en t he t wo m ac h ine s. Che c k t ha t ju nk m ail i s dis a ble d on t he rem o t e ma ch i n e (t h i s f e a t u re fil t e rs out c all s f r om un know n f a x n u mb e rs).
25 9 E0 2 3 A li n e of d at a c ou l d no t be dec o ded w i t hin t he p re scri b e d time , o r the re i s a t ra n smi ssi on sp e ed mi sma t ch (re ce i ve e rr o rs).
26 0 E0 2 7 T h e t ele pho ne l ine drop ped whi le t he W or k C ent re wa s re ce i vi n g a fax from t h e re mo t e ma ch i n e . C a l l t h e re mo te ma ch in e wit h a ha nds e t t o ver if y th e pho ne li ne is go od. T h en r et r y t he o per a t i on.
26 1 E0 4 2 T h e re mo te ma ch i n e d i d n o t re sp o n d w i t h i n 6 0 se co nd s a f t e r st a rt i n g t h e DTMF ope r at ion . Y o u may not h a v e en t e r e d t h e DT M F d i gi t s wi t h i n 60 s e c o nd s a f t e r D T MF st a rt e d .
26 2 E0 4 6 T h e W or k Ce nt re did n ot r ec ei v e a r e s pon se f rom t he re mo t e ma ch i n e w ithi n the r equ ir ed t im e f r am e (C C I T T T 1 t i me -o u t e rr o r). T h e W or k Ce nt re us ed a ll r edi al at t em pt s. T he re coul d be a pr o ble m w it h th e re mo t e ma ch i n e o r i t ma y not be a f ax m ac hi ne.
The software that is include d with the WorkCentre 450c requires an IBM compatib le PC wit h the fo llowing sp ec if i ca t io ns : Xerox Co ntrolCe ntre • a n In tel (o r co mpa tibl e) 8038 6, 804.
Pagis P ro (Wind ows95 only) • an Intel (or c omp atibl e) 80 486 o r P entiu m™ micro process or • VGA, SVGA, or Multi-sync color monito r • 16 meg abyt es (Mb ) of ran do m access mem ory (R.
An important point after buying a device Xerox 450c (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Xerox 450c yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Xerox 450c - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Xerox 450c you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Xerox 450c will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Xerox 450c, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Xerox 450c.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Xerox 450c. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Xerox 450c along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center