Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product 421 Xerox
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WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide 604P1 0712.
Prepar ed by: The Doc ument Co mpany Xe rox GKLS Eur opean Op erations Bessem er Roa d Welwyn G arden C ity Hertford shire AL7 1H E ENGL AND © 2002 by Xer ox Corpor ation .
Xerox WorkCent re Pro 421 Us er Guide T able of Contents-iii T able of Contents 1 About This Guide ............. ......... .............. .............. .......... .. 1-1 Finding Information in the Us er Guide ..... ............. ............. .......
T able of Content s-iv Xerox Work Centre Pro 421 User Guide Modes ................... ............. ............. ............. ............. ............. ............. ..2-1 7 Features Key ......... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... .....
Xerox WorkCent re Pro 421 Us er Guide T able of Contents-v 3. Select the Printe r Driver Featu res ............ ............. ............. ............. .... 4-5 4. Prin t the Job ............. ............. ............. ............. ............ .
T able of Content s-vi Xerox W orkCentre Pr o 421 User G uide Calling for Service ...... ...... ....... ...... ....... ............. ...... ............. ...... ........... 6- 6 Displayin g Error Codes ............. ............. ............. .......
Xerox WorkCent re Pro 421 Us er Guide T able of Contents-vii 8 Appendix A - Safety Notes ............ ......... .............. ............ A-1 Safety S tandards .......... ............. ............. ............. ............ ............. .........
T able of Content s-viii Xerox Work Centre Pro 421 User Guide.
WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide 1-1 About This Guide 1 About This Guide Than k you f or pu r chasi ng t he WorkCentre P ro 421 . Th e WorkC entre Pro 421 i s desig ned for ease of use , but to use your ma chine to its fullest pot ential , take some ti me to read the User Docum entati on.
1-2 WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide Finding In formation in the User Gu ide The Use r Guide conta ins the fo llowin g sect ions: - Table of Content s Use the Tab le of Co ntents to find topi cs eas ily. - About this Guide - Chapter 1 Describes the infor matio n in this User Gui de.
WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide 1-3 About This Guide - Spec ific ations - Appen dix B Provi des infor mation on the mac hine sp ecifi catio ns. Use this ch apter t o ensu re all ma terials being u sed are wi thin speci fication. - Index Refer to the Inde x to loca te spe cific infor mation.
1-4 WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide Custom er Su pport If after p roduct i nstalla tion fur ther as sistanc e is re quired, please call our e xperts a t the X erox We lcom e Centr e or you r local re pres entative. When te lephon ing pl ease quote th e machin e ser ial numbe r.
WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide 1-5 About This Guide Conventio ns Througho ut this User Guide , there are some ter ms that a re used in terchang eably : Document is syn onymo us with or igin al. Button i s synonym ous wi th key . Page is synony mous with shee t .
1-6 WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide Feed Orienta tion Feed O rientati on des cribes th e direc tion the orig inals an d the media i s fed through the m achin e.
WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide 1-7 About This Guide Bracket Text Typeface The [B racket Text] t ypefac e is used to empha size the s elect ion of a fe ature or key. For examp le: Select [Red uce/Enla rge]. Select the re quired s etting . Pres s [Ent er] .
1-8 WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide Notes Notes are state men ts that pr ovide additi on al inf o rmati on . For example : NOTE: Under norm al condi tions the machi ne sh ould b e powered o n 24 ho urs a day . Hints Hints hel p users perfor m a task. For examp le: HINT : Before loa ding paper i nto the paper tray f an the e dges.
WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide 1-9 About This Guide Related Info rmation Sources Informat ion av ailable for the W orkCentre P ro 421 c onsists o f: -T h i s User Guide -T h e Quick S tart Gui de -T h .
1-10 WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide.
WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide 2-1 Product O verview 2 Product Overview This ch apter provide s an o verview of the W or kCentre Pro 421 ’ s hard ware feat ures and opera tion.
2-2 WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide System Overview The WorkC entre P ro 421 is a digita l devic e capa ble of copying and prin ting. When yo u swi tch on th e powe r and the sy stem has warmed up, the machi ne is in the Rea dy mod e and i s ready to use.
WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide 2-3 Product O verview Press the [Feat ures] ke y . Using the numer ic keypad, enter yo ur Departmen t Code. Enter departmen t code Paper : Auto Output : Collated Added Features L/D : Au to R/E : 100% 1 Each digit ente red i s display ed as an asteris k on the scr een.
2-4 WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide Identifying th e Machine Configuration s and Compo nent s The fol lowing pages pr ovid e illus trations and de script ions of the WorkCe ntre Pro 4 21 con figurati ons and c ompone nts. Use the i llustrati ons to ide ntify yo ur WorkCe ntre Pro 421 configu ratio n and th e func tions availabl e for your ma chine .
WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide 2-5 Product O verview WorkCentre Pro 421DE This is a b asic s imple x digital c opier wi th an au tomatic documen t feeder , a sing le pap er tray , a bypas s tray a nd a stand. Additio nal Me mory can b e purc hased as an op tion.
2-6 WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide WorkCentre Pro 421DEi - Eur opean Product This is a digital c opier wit h an auto matic dupl ex unit, a duplex automa tic docume nt feeder , a single pap er tray, a bypa ss tra y and a stan d. Addit ional Mem ory ca n be pur chased as an option .
WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide 2-7 Product O verview WorkCentre Pro 421DEi - North American Product This is a digit al cop ier with an automa tic dup lex un it, a dup lex automa tic docu ment fee der, two paper tr ays, a by pass t ray and a stand. Additio nal Me mory can b e purc hased as an op tion.
2-8 WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide WorkCentre Pro 421Pi This is a digital copier and prin ter, wi th an a utomatic d uplex unit, an offs et catch tr ay, a dupl ex automat ic doc ument feeder , two paper trays a nd a by pass tray . Addit ional Mem ory ca n be pur chased as an option .
WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide 2-9 Product O verview Components Automatic Document Fe eder (ADF) The A DF automa tical ly sep arates a nd feed s orig inals from th e input tr ay. Duplex Automatic Document Fe eder (DADF) The DA DF automa tical ly sepa rates an d feeds origi nals fr om its input tr ay.
2-10 WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide Bypass Tray The Bypas s Tray is for lo ading spe cial pape r, trans parenci es, labels and ca rdsto ck. Th ere is a n exte nsion tray tha t can b e pulled o ut to ena ble la rger s ize paper to be fed. HINT : Refer to Appe ndix B - Speci fications for mor e informa tion ab out appr oved me dia.
WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide 2-1 1 Product O verview Control Panel C omponents and Function Keys The Con trol P anel key s an d funct ions ava ilable d epend o n your Wor kCentre Pro 421 con fig ur ation. Item Descripti on Function 1 Contras t Adjus ter Adjusts the brightne ss an d darkn ess of the LCD display .
2-12 WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide Item Description Fu nction 6 LCD Dis play Displ ays th e status of th e mach ine, op erati on proce ss, various ins truction s and messages . 7 Features This k ey gives acces s to the s creens whi ch en able you to program featur es.
WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide 2-13 Product O verview 13 S top This key affects any acti ve job d isplaye d on the LCD . When presse d during copy ing the job is paus ed. Pres s [St art] to resume or [CA] to cancel. 14 S tart Press thi s ke y to comm ence a job an d start scanni ng the origina ls.
2-14 WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide Power ON/OFF Poweri ng On Ensu re that the machi ne is conn ected to a suita ble pow er supply and tha t the pow er co rd is fu lly p lugged into t he electric al outlet. NOTE: For voltage inf ormat ion refer to Ap pendix B - Specifi catio ns.
WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide 2-15 Product O verview Power Save The mac hine has a Pow er Sa ve fea ture wh ich sig nific antly reduce s the p ower con sumpti on duri ng per iods of i nactivi ty.
2-16 WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide Standby Mode As deliv ered, the machi ne automat ically switche s into Standby Mode 15 mi nutes afte r the last acti vity. In thi s mode, th e LCD screen is v isible and the m essage “ Standby mode ” i s sho wn on the LCD sc reen when the Wo rkCentre P ro 421 is in Featu res Mode.
WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide 2-17 Product O verview Modes There ar e two m odes availa ble on the machi ne: Features This key gives a ccess t o the scre ens wh ich en able use rs to programm e featur es.
2-18 WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide Features Key Use the F eatures key to selec t progra mmable features in the Copy fun cti on. NOTE: The func tions availab le dep end on the c onfigura tion of your ma chine . NOTE: This screen is the defaul t setting on del ivery .
WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide 2-19 Product O verview Machine Status Options The o ptio ns av ailab le in Machi ne Sta tus are: NOTE: The op tions av ailab le may v ary depe nding on y our mach ine confi gura tion. Default settings Contains the def ault valu es of the m achi ne.
2-20 WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide Customer support number Call this te lephon e numbe r if yo u have any qu estions or problem s with your Wo rkCentr e Pro 42 1 . Machine ser ial numb er Thi s is where yo u find the seri al number of the ma chine . It can also be found i nside the front right cove r.
WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide 3-1 Copy 3 Copy This cha pter contai ns infor matio n about the Cop y functi on and the feature s availabl e. It provi des step b y step ins tructions for programmi ng and ru nni ng a copy job. As deli vere d the m achin e will hav e the f actory default co py settings .
3-2 WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide Copyi ng Proc edure Before ma king copies i dentify wha t is to be copie d, the num ber of copi es requ ired and any spe cial progra mming requir ement s. Use the fol lowin g step s to ma ke a cop y. NOTE: Press [CA] tw ice to clea r or ca ncel any prev ious programmi ng se lecti ons befor e starting.
WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide 3-3 Copy When Auto Paper is selec ted, the do cumen t feeder senses th e size an d orienta tion of the or igina ls, it the n check s the p aper trays t o find one that co rrespo nds. NOTE: Auto Paper is use d with standar d original sizes .
3-4 WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide Document Glass The docume nt glas s shoul d be used for sin gle pages or bound origina ls up to a ma ximum size o f A3 ( 11 x 17 in ch). Raise th e docu ment fe eder or the docum ent gla ss cov er if fitted. Positi on the o riginal fac e down on the doc ument glass.
WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide 3-5 Copy 2. Press the Features Key Featur es Key Pres s [Fe atur es]. Ensure tha t the Rea dy to Copy screen is di spla yed .
3-6 WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide 3. Select the Copy Features There ar e four s tanda rd fea tures av ailable . The keys ar e located to the l eft of the LCD screen . For most of the standard fea tures, whe n the keys are pr essed the LCD sc reen dis plays the cho ices whic h appl y to ea ch feature.
WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide 3-7 Copy 4. Enter the Quantity Up to 999 c opies c an be en tered us ing the numeric keypad . Use the num eric keypad to enter the number of copie s required. T he quant ity en tered is disp layed in the top righ t corner of t he LCD s creen.
3-8 WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide 5. Press Star t Start key Press [St art]. Eac h origi nal is scanned once only . NOTE: See page 3-17 if you are making c olla ted co pies fro m the docum ent glas s. If a res ource prob lem or progra mming co nflic t preven ts the jo b comple ting, a message will be display ed.
WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide 3-9 Copy Using Job Int errupt If the m achine i s in t he proce ss of copying it is poss ible to pause the cu rrent job t o ma ke a con venie nce c opy. Press [Job inte rrupt].The light nex t to the Job interr upt key wi ll il lu minat e.
3-10 WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide S t andard Copy Features The sta ndard Copy featu res are s electe d by usi ng the key s loca ted on th e contro l pane l. NOTE: Some option s ar e not avai lable in al l Marke ts and for every machi ne con f ig urati on.
WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide 3-1 1 Copy Reduce/Enlarge Reduce/Enlarge Options 100% Size for si ze copi es. Auto% Automa tically r educ es/enlar ges an image to fit on th e paper size se lected . Preset % Display s the mos t frequen tly used pres et reduc e/enla rge settings.
3-12 WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide For the Am ericas and Can ada, the preset R educe/ Enlarge settin gs are: 65% - 11x17 ” to 8. 5x11 ” and 8.5x11 ” to 5.5x 8.5 ” 78% - 8.5x14 ” to 8.5x11 ” 97% - 8.5 x 11 i nch to A4 129% - 8.5x11 ” to 11x17 ” and 5.
WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide 3-13 Copy Pape r Supply Paper Supply Options Use to se lect a n indivi dual p aper tray. Pa per size a nd orientat ion is displa yed on the r ight side of the i llustrati on. Use to se lect t he bypas s tray. P aper s ize and o rientatio n is display ed on the right side of the i llustratio n.
3-14 WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide Orig inal Ty pe Original Type Options Tex t Used for scan ning te xt, so lids, li ne ar t and ha lftone s. Text/Photo Automa tically adj usts the image quality ba se d on the attrib utes of the origin al. Text/P hoto can also be used to make c opies of origina ls that c ontain halfto nes and di fferent i mages .
WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide 3-15 Copy Adde d Feat ures T o view the Copy Added Fea tures menu selec t [Co py] if availabl e, and pres s the scroll key . The Add ed Features menu display s each f eatu re and it s current s etting. Quick Pathw ay Select [ Added Features] .
3-16 WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide Output Use this feature to prod uce the c opied o utput as c ollated o r uncolla ted se ts. T he machin e de fault set ting is col lated. Output Options NOTE: Only Network connec ted machi nes ha ve the offset feature.
WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide 3-17 Copy Making Collated Sets from the Document Glass When you m ake co pies from the docu ment glass, the machi ne will sc an each o riginal . When you s elect Don e the m achin e then pri nts the num ber of collate d sets requ ested.
3-18 WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide 2-Sided If your Wo rkCentr e Pro 4 21 is c onfigu red w ith a d uplex un it, up to 50 dou ble-si ded copie s rang ing in size fro m A5 to A3 (8.5 x 5.5 to 11 x 17 i nch) c an b e made auto matica lly from o ne or two- sided or igin als.
WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide 3-19 Copy Bound Orig in al Select B ound O rigin al t o make copies of page s from bound origina ls or m agazi nes usi ng the Do cumen t Glass . NOTE: There are a number o f featur es which ar e not availab le with Bo und O riginal .
3-20 WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide Bound Original Opti ons Off The f eature is unav ailable. On (Both Pages) Cop ies both p ages o f an ope n bound docu ment and places each page on a s eparate s heet of pa per. On (Binde r Erase) Er ases be tween 4 and 30 m m (0.
WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide 3-21 Copy Image Shift Use this featur e to ch ange the position o f the image on a page. Image Shift Options Off The f eature is unav ailable. Left Margin Sh ifts the ima ge to the r ight. The imag e can be s hifted between 4 and 15 m m (0.
3-22 WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide Edge Erase Use this featur e to eras e unwante d marks such as hole pu nch impres sions fr om the edge o f the co py. NOTE: There are a number o f featur es which ar e not availab le with Edge Er ase. Any featur es not av ailable will be grayed-ou t.
WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide 3-23 Copy 2-Up This featu re prin ts the i mages from two indepe ndent or iginal s onto one s heet of paper. T he WorkC entre Pro 4 21 reduces/ enlarge s the ima ges as neede d to prin t them i n land scape orientat ion on one pag e base d on the paper supply sele cted.
3-24 WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide Booklet If your WorkC en tr e Pr o 421 is configured with a duplex uni t, it can be used to pr oduce bookl ets from b oth A3 a nd A4 (11 x 17 and 8.5 x 11 inc h) ori ginals . A3 (1 1 x 17 inch ) origi nal s are aut omat ical ly red uced t o A5 (8.
WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide 3-25 Copy To Produce a Bookl et NOTE: Y ou ca n plac e the o riginals direc tly on th e glas s. A3 (1 1 x 17 in ch) p ortrait orig inals s hould be placed face d own with the bo ttom edg e to the left of the mac hine.
3-26 WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide Annotation Use this featur e to add the da te, time and pag e number s to the copy ou tput. NOTE: There are a number o f featur es which ar e not availab le with Annotatio n. Any fea tures no t avai lable wil l be grayed-ou t.
WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide 3-27 Copy Build Job Use this feature to build a job that has m ixed t ype ori ginals, differen t settings ma y be req uire d for diffe rent page s.
3-28 WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide NOTE: If more than one se t of each s ection h as bee n selecte d, depe nding o n the fe atures p rogramm ed, the machine will cop y jus t one set of eac h sectio n. At th e end of the j ob t h e rem ain in g set s wi ll be copi ed.
WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide 3-29 Copy Use the s croll k ey to select the setting y ou wish to change and press [En ter]. Selec t the ch anges requir ed and pr ess [ Ent er]. The [S etting] screen is display ed again. Us e the scro ll key t o s ele ct [Done ] and pres s [Enter ].
3-30 WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide Stored Job Up to fo ur combi nation s of featur e se lections can b e retain ed in the machine ’ s memory as st ored job s. The m ach ine stor es only the program ming for the job , not the image . Each ti me a stored j ob is retrieved , the image must be sc anned .
WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide 3-31 Copy To Retrieve a Stored Job Use th e scroll key to selec t [ Add ed Featu re s]. Ensure [S t ored Job ] is selecte d and pr ess [E nter]. Ensu re [Retri eve] is select ed and pres s [En ter]. Select t he req uired job in the list and pres s [En ter].
3-32 WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide Paper Type (Bypass Tray O nly) This fe ature ena bles copyi ng in format ion ont o transp arenc ies and he avywe ight stoc k suc h as labels o r ca rdsto ck. Paper Type Options Off Selec t for feedin g stan dard 80g/m 2 (20 lb) paper throug h the Bypass Tray (100 sh eets m aximum) .
WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide 3-33 Copy Menu Map The Menu Map is a l ist of all machine fe atures a nd settings in a report fo rmat. Use the s croll key t o select [Added Feat ures].
3-34 WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide Changing C opy Defau lt s T o access th e Copy def aults menu whil e in th e Ready mode, pr ess th e [Machin e S tatus ] key lo cated to th e right of the LCD. The Machi ne Stat us men u display s the default op tions .
WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide 3-35 Copy Copy Defaults The foll owing tabl e lists each Copy defaul t option , the se ttings availab le for ea ch opti on and a des criptio n of eac h set ting. Use the scroll key to selec t the op tion req uired and pres s [Ent er].
3-36 WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide Side s Imag ed 1. 1>1 Produces o ne-s ided cop ies from one-sid ed origi nals. 2. 1>2 Produce s two-si ded c opies fr om one-sid ed origi nals. 3. 2>2 Produce s two-si ded c opies fr om two-side d origin als.
WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide 4-1 Print 4P r i n t The Wo rkCentr e Pro 421 can be con nected to y our work station using th e parall el port on the wo rkstation or throu gh the network. When the WorkC entr e Pro 4 21 is connec ted, electroni c job s that require pr intin g can be s ent from your workst atio n dire ctly to th e m achi ne.
4-2 WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide Printing Proc edure Before t he printi ng functi on can be used o n the WorkCentre Pro 421 the machine m ust be configur ed an d setup on your network or attach ed to y our works tation via the pa rall el port.
WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide 4-3 Print The PC require ments ar e shown be low: Parall el port on the P C must be se t to ‘ bi-d irecti onal ’ . IEEE 12 84 Paral lel Cabl e (10 metr es or 30 fe et max imum).
4-4 WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide 1. Create the Document Documents for printing are create d on your PC or Workstati on using a softwar e appli cation . For example, Mic roSoft Wor d and MicroSoft Power Point ar e widely used document c reation applica tio ns.
WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide 4-5 Print 3. Selec t the Pr inter Dri ver Featur es Select [P roperties ] from the applicat ion Pr int wind ow . NOTE: In s ome appl ications , the Printer Driver fe ature s may be access ed via a Setup o ption. The p rin t e r d riv er fea t ur es ar e display ed in the Prope rt ies window .
4-6 WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide 4. Print the Job When all the requ ired features have been program med, select [OK ]. The Prop erties win dow close s and the app licat ion Pr int wind ow di sp lays . T o send t he job for printin g, select [O K] in th e appli cati on Print wi ndow .
WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide 4-7 Print 5. Retrieve the Print J ob The prin t file is rece ived by the Wo rkCentre P ro 421 , process ed and interp reted an d then pri nted. You r prin t job will be deliv ered to the outp ut are a select ed on th e printer drive r when the j ob was sent.
4-8 WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide 6. Managing Print Jobs If a pr oblem occurs with your print j ob, o r if you need to cance l your print job use the Printe r Default setti ngs ac cessed vi a the Mach ine St atus ke y.
WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide 4-9 Print Cancelling a P rint job If the print j ob has bee n sent in error or if there is a problem with the job, u se the Cancel Cu rrent Job p rinter default setting to cancel the job. NOTE: Y o u must only delete yo ur own jobs from the P rint Queue.
4-10 WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide Setting up Force Feed The For ce Feed printer defa ult se tting is used to forc ibly pr int a print jo b whic h is su spende d due to the pap er siz e mismat ch when Det ect Pa per Mis match is Enab led.
WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide 4-1 1 Print Forcing a Form Feed If a job i s cance lled from the P C, data m ay rema in in the WorkC entre Pro 421 m emory and will requ ire clear ing u sing the Form F eed p rinter defa ult s etting.
4-12 WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide Using Job Int errupt If the mach ine is in the proc ess of pri nting a jo b it is poss ible to programme feat ures for a copy job whic h will the n automa tically start wh en the p rint job has fini shed. Press [Job interrupt ].
WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide 4-13 Print Printer Driver Features There ar e a num ber of Pr inter Dr ivers a vailabl e for t he WorkC entre Pro 421 . The fe atures a vailable de pends on the printer d river bei ng us ed.
4-14 WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide If you re st the mouse poi nter on to p of a c ontro l, Micr osoft Windows will sh ow you a brief He lp Tip a bout tha t contro l. If you sel ect the right m ouse butto n on a c ontro l, the Help system will giv e you mo re det ailed informati on.
WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide 4-15 Print Printe r Configu ration The Pr inter Co nfigurati on dia log allo ws yo u to upd ate the printer dr iver to inte ract wi th the opt ional attac hments insta lled on your printer.
4-16 WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide Offset Catch Tray A unit tha t can be add ed on to the prin ter to so that each print job will be s lightly offse t from one an other in the ca tch tray.
WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide 4-17 Print Paper/Output Allows the se lection of Pape r Size , Paper Orie ntation , Paper Source, M edia T ype and the num ber of copie s for the job (1- 999).
4-18 WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide simultaneou sly . It i s bes t to se t the num ber of c opies in the driver to ’ 1 ’ and set the nu mber o f co pies you wa nt to pr int in the app licatio n. Select Pa per Select Pa per let s you sp ecify the pap er to use for your print job.
WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide 4-19 Print - Paper Tray Select the pap er tray conta ining the type of pap er you want to us e for the d ocume nt cover, b ody, a nd separa tors, if any. Not al l pape r trays a ccept all paper sizes. Only s ource loc ation s whic h accept th e spec ified paper s ize are s hown.
4-20 WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide 2 Sided Printing HINT : If your mac hine con figurati on sup ports this featu re you must sel ect th e duplex option on the P rinter Config uration dialog to activat e 2 Sid ed print ing. Two-side d Printi ng ena bles you to print on both sides o f a page.
WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide 4-21 Print Image Orientation Orien tation refe rs to the rel ative d irectio ns of the lo ng and short edges of the pap er. Your printer c an pr int in either p ortrait or landsc ape or ienta tion. Portra it orientation Prints an image that is tall er than i t is wide.
4-22 WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide Layout The Doc ument Options dialog e nables you to prin t docu ments in bookle t form or to pri nt multip le page im ages on one side of a page. Ea ch pag e can be printe d with o r without a page border. Choose be tween Nor mal and Multip le-u p page f ormats.
WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide 4-23 Print Multiple-up Prints m ore tha n one p age im age on a s ingle sheet of paper. Indicate the r equired number of page i mages per sid e in the Mult iple-up list box. Multiple-up 1 Pa ge up 2 Pages up 4 Pages up 6 Pages up 8 Pages up 16 Pages up Draw Outlines P rints bl ack borde rs a round eac h page im age.
4-24 WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide Image Options The Imag e Options dialog enable s you to set di fferent v isual and grap hic char acteri stics for y our print j ob. It al so lets you choose whether to downloa d your a pplic ation T rueType or bitmap fon ts to th e printe r or to pri nt them as graph ics and device fonts.
WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide 4-25 Print Line Art Ch oose th is settin g for grap hic i mages with intri cate line s and fine detai l, for exam ple cl ip art. Th is set ting prov ides s olid line s and shar p co ntrasts between shade d area s. Pr int Co lored T ext i n Bl ack This se tting pr ints al l color ed text as blac k inste ad of gr ay.
4-26 WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide Graphics This sel ectio n speci fies how g raphi cs are sent to the prin ter. The opti ons avai lable ar e: Vect or This opti on allows you to s end graph ics to the pri nter as a mixtur e of ve ctor and rast er im ages.
WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide 4-27 Print Prin t Qu al ity Toner Sav er Turn Toner Sa ver ’ ON ’ to conse rve the a mount o f toner us ed to prin t a docume nt. Th e print q uality i s reduced b ut the p rint speed m ay be e nhanc ed. This setting is rec ommend ed for verifyi ng docume nt cont ent and layout.
4-28 WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide Overlays The Overla y dialog al lows you t o create, lo ad, or del ete simpl e page over lays f or your printer . A Page O verlay is a gr oup of user-cr eated P CL co mmands and/or dat a that is downl oaded a nd stored in the print er.
WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide 4-29 Print Create Ov erlay Before you c an use an exter nal file as an overlay , you mus t format i t as an ov erlay. Overlay s must be created within the applic ation (s uch as M icroso ft Word) .
4-30 WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide - Open a docu ment an d selec t the Pr int optio n. - Open the p rinter driver Prope rties dialog and selec t the Overlays tab. - Select t he ove rlay you w ant to do wnload from the overla ys l ist. - Select t he Downl oad Now button, a nd selec t the destinat ion.
WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide 4-31 Print Fonts The Fonts dialog enable s you to a dd, re move, or change th e fonts in stall ed on the p rinte r. Installed Fonts Available font s This box shows the PC L 5E fo nts cur rently availabl e on th e compu ter.
4-32 WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide Edit Edit enab les y ou to cha nge di sk-bas ed font names and attribute s. If you pur chase a disk- based fon t that ha s the s ame na me as a font you are a lready using, y ou sho uld chang e the na me of the font w ith the Fon t Installe r.
WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide 4-33 Print Watermarks The Wa terma rk feature print s text in the backgr ound or foregr ound of a do cumen t. A few predefi ned wate rmarks come with the d river. You can change the ex isting o nes or a dd new ones to t he list.
4-34 WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide Delete Delete enable s you to remove a selecte d waterma rk from the list of a vailabl e waterma rks. Se lect the w aterma rk in th e list, sele ct Delete a nd t hen OK to confi rm you w ant to de lete th is watermark.
WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide 4-35 Print Position (from center) Position (fr om center) Use th e verti cal and h orizont al sc roll ba rs to mod ify the watermark ’ s center po sition o n the pa ge. You can c hoose to measur e in inc hes or m illimete rs (mm ).
4-36 WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide Changing Print er Default s T o acce ss the Pri nter defa ults menu whi le in t he Ready to Copy sc reen, pr ess the [Machin e S tatus] key loc ated to the righ t of the L CD. The M achin e St atus m enu displa ys the s ettings o ptions .
WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide 4-37 Print Prin ter D efaul ts The fol lowing table l ists eac h Printe r default o ption, the s ettings availa ble for e ach op tion an d a des cripti on of ea ch se tting. Use the scroll key to selec t the op tion req uired and pres s [Ent er].
4-38 WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide T est print 1. S tatus print Used b y the S ystem Admini stra tor to identify the status of the m achine. 2. Demonstrati on page This optio n produc es a te st page which ca n be us ed to de monst rate printing capab ility .
WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide 5-1 Maintain in g the Pr oduct 5 Maintaining the Product There will be times when the m achin e will r equir e ma intena nce tasks to b e carried out. Thi s chapter p rovides s tep by st ep instr ucti ons fo r ma intai ning t he ma chine a nd rep laci ng consum ables.
5-2 WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide Cleaning Cleaning the WorkCentre Pro 421 Proper maint enance is impo rtant for the sm ooth op eration o f any equi pment. CAUTION: When cleaning the Wo rkCe ntre P ro 4 21 , do not use organic or strong chemical solvents or aerosol cleaners.
WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide 5-3 Maintain in g the Pr oduct Document Glass and Constant Velocity Transport Glass To ens ure optim um im age qua lity at all times , clean th e docu ment gla ss and co nstant vel ocity tr ansport glass mon thly, or more of ten if n eeded.
5-4 WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide Transfer Corotron Wire If you ha ve poo r qual ity o utput with u neven , faint, degraded print o r a white line appeari ng in the direct ion of t he pape r feed , the Transf er Corotr on Wire may be di rty. Refer to the following step s for clean ing in st ructi ons.
WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide 5-5 Maintain in g the Pr oduct Remove th e cleani ng tool fro m it s storag e sp ace on the mach ine. The T ransf er Cor otr on Wir e Cleanin g T ool ha s tw o should ers.
5-6 WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide When po sitio ning th e cle aning tool ove r the T ransfer Cor otron Wire ens ure that t he two should ers are fac ing away from the m achin e.
WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide 5-7 Maintain in g the Pr oduct Ensure tha t the l ip at the ba ck of the cleaning tool is resti ng on the Transfer Corotro n Wire casing. E nsure tha t the two shoulde rs a re locat ed unde r the plas tic guar d. Hold the c leaning tool up right and slide i t alon g the Transfer Corotron W ire from left to ri ght.
5-8 WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide Ordering Su pplies The Toner Cartridge and the Drum Car tridge a re avail able as cust omer re place able un its. The custo mer repl acea ble unit p art nu mbers are liste d belo w: To obta in supp lies , cont act yo ur loc al X erox o ffice, giving you r compa ny name, the pro duct numb er and its s erial number.
WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide 5-9 Maintain in g the Pr oduct Customer Replaceab le Unit s Replacing the To ner Cartrid ge The T oner Ca rtridg e is a c ustome r repla ceabl e unit. This assemb ly holds the to ner for t he Wor kCent re Pro 421 . After ap proxim ately 7,50 0 cop ies the ma chin e will display a messag e to repl ace th e toner.
5-10 WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide Rais e the ca tch to unloc k and relea se the T o ner Cartri dge. Holding the cartri dge, as shown, s lide it o ut of the mach ine. The used T oner Cartrid ge should be recy cled. F ollow the in structi ons g iven in t he cartridg e retu rn bookl et enclos ed with the new T oner Cartridge.
WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide 5-1 1 Maintain in g the Pr oduct Remove th e new T one r Cartridge from t he box an d its wrapper . Vigorou sl y sha ke the car tridge from side to side.
5-12 WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide Install the New T oner Cartridg e into t he mac hine until i t click s in pl ace. After i nstalling t he T oner Cartridg e, pull the Cha rger Wire Cle aning L ever ou t of the Drum Cartridge until it stops and th en push it ba ck in again se veral ti mes.
WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide 5-13 Maintain in g the Pr oduct Close th e Front Cov er ..
5-14 WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide Replacing the Drum Cartridge The Drum Car tridge requ ires r eplaceme nt when th e “ Replac e Drum ” messa ge is dis played at 3 0,000 copies . A “ Drum Life ” warning is displaye d after appr oximat ely 29,000 cop ies.
WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide 5-15 Maintain in g the Pr oduct Rele ase t he h a ndl e to op en the Side Cover . Remo ve the T oner Cartri dge using the inst ructi ons “ Replaci ng the T oner Cartridge ” on page 5-9 .
5-16 WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide CAUTION: Alway s hold the Drum Cartridge by the coloured handles. Do not t ouch the green d rum area. Do not leave the Drum Cartridge out of the machine for an extended pe riod. Lift the c oloured handle and gently pul l the Drum Car tridge from the machine.
WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide 5-17 Maintain in g the Pr oduct Remo ve the new Drum Cartr idge from the box. Back Left Front Right Front Back.
5-18 WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide Remove the protectiv e packaging from the Drum Cartridge a s shown i n the follow ing illu strat ions. Remove the card from the right of t he Drum Ca rtridge.
WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide 5-19 Maintain in g the Pr oduct Remove two piece s of tape. tape tape 1 2 3 Pull tabs num bered 1-3 to remov e more pr otect ive mate ria l.
5-20 WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide Pull tab to un fold prote ctiv e paper . pull Comp letely remov e all t he paper and associ ated tape..
WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide 5-21 Maintain in g the Pr oduct Hold the handle and til t the Drum Cartr idge. Rem ove the plasti c strip along the bottom. left Pull re main ing tab on the left of the Dr um Cartr idge to remov e the last piec e of protec tive packa ging.
5-22 WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide Slide the n ew Dru m Cartridge into the machin e unt il it cl icks into pl ace. Rein stall the T o ner Cartri dge using the ins truc ti ons “ Replaci ng the T oner Cart r idge ” on page 5-9 .
WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide 5-23 Maintain in g the Pr oduct Replacing the Ozone Filter The Ozo ne Fil ter ab sorbs t he ozon e emitt ed by th e machin e. It is locate d in a sl ot in the m iddle of the cent re out put tray.To change t he fil ter remo ve the Ozone Fi lter rec eptacle from the mach ine.
5-24 WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide Loading Pape r Loading the Paper T rays Up to two paper tray s ca n be ins talled on the Wor kC ent r e Pr o 421 . The fol lowing step s show how to load paper in the paper trays. The pape r size in each tr ay mus t be ent ered f rom the Control P anel, in the Machi ne Stat us menu.
WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide 5-25 Maintain in g the Pr oduct If you ar e loading the sa me size paper in to the tra y , load the paper i nto the tray s o that it is against the ri ght si de of the tray . Close the tray , yo u are now ready to conti nue yo ur job.
5-26 WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide To adju st the Front an d Rear Guides: Locate the leve r shown as 1 in the pho to at the left r ear of the tray . Press the lev er down to the ri ght to u nlock th e guides. T o release th e fron t guide , push down on the tab shown as 2 on th e photo and sl ide the front and rear guide s to their ne w positio n.
WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide 5-27 Maintain in g the Pr oduct Load the paper int o the tray and mak e sure th at the guid es are cor rectly positione d for t he paper size and are loc ked fir mly i n p lac e. Press th e lev er at the ba ck of the tray d own to th e left to lock t he front an d rear g uides in positi on.
5-28 WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide Use the sc roll ke y to select [Default settin gs] an d press the [En ter] key . Use the scroll key to select [M achin e defau lts] and pres s the [ Enter ] key . Use t he scro ll key to select [Pa per trays ] and press the [Enter] key .
WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide 5-29 Maintain in g the Pr oduct Press th e [Features] k ey to return to th e Ready mode. The tray is now s et up correct ly and r eady t o use.
5-30 WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide Loading the Bypass Tray The Bypas s Tray can be us ed for a v ariety of differe nt media. It is locate d on the right s ide of the machi ne. To chan ge the p aper si ze for th e Byp ass Tray , it mu st be sel ected fro m the C ontr ol Pa nel .
WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide 6-1 Basic Troubl eshooting 6 Basic T roubleshooting This ch apter provide s info rmation for solv ing p roble ms which may occ ur with yo ur Work Centre Pro 421 . T ables lis ting Err or Messag es and Codes, pr oblem s and pos sible s olutions are provided .
6-2 WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide Jam Clearance There ar e two types of jam : - Document Feede r (ADF/DA DF ) jam - Paper path J am If a ja m occurs durin g mach ine op eration, refer to the message s dis pl ay ed on the LCD. IMPORTANT: Follow the step by step procedures shown on the mes sage di splay to c lear th e fault.
WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide 6-3 Basic Troubl eshooting Example of Paper Jam See the f ollowi ng for an examp le of ty pical j am cl earance messag es. Clear paper jam Open side cover. 1/3 Clear paper jam Remove jammed paper 2/3 Remove any p a per visi ble in this ar ea.
6-4 WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide NOTE: The di spla y instr uctio ns may v ary dep ending on the optio ns in stalled. Prev entin g Pa per J ams Paper ja ms happen fo r a variet y of reason s. Use the following recomm endations to reduc e the p otenti al for ja ms.
WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide 6-5 Basic Troubl eshooting Example of Document Feeder (ADF/DADF) Ja m Clear misfed o riginal Push ja m ac cess button 1/12 Clear misfed or iginal Open jam access cover 2/.
6-6 WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide Calling for Service If the pr oblem p ersists, contac t the Xer ox Welc ome Ce ntre or your loc al repr esenta tive. T he seri al numb er of the machine will be requi.
WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide 6-7 Basic Troubl eshooting Error Messages and Codes If an abno rmal condi tion ari ses in t he mac hine o r an inc orrect operati on is perfo rmed, an alarm signa l is gene rated for a few second s and a mess age indi catin g the na ture o f the err or is displa yed.
6-8 WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide Memory error Initial settings have be en los t (due to a leng thy power fail ure, depleted battery , etc.). Press [Clear ] to res tore the idle state. If this Error M essage is repeate dly d ispl ayed m achin e progr amming has b ecome corrupte d.
WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide 6-9 Basic Troubl eshooting Error Codes Ty p e Error Code Probable Cause Corrective Action CALL FOR SER VICE C01 - 05 Call your local serv ice repr esentativ e. T emporar y paper supp ly mech anism error C13 T ray 1 error Pull tray 1 out and push b ack in.
6-10 WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide T ransport jam s in main body E08 T ranspo rting jam in side t he ADU. Op en the side cov er and exi t cover of the cop ier and r emov e any ja mmed paper . Open the ADU (Aut o Duple x uni t) cove r a nd re mo ve a ny jamm ed paper .
WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide 6-1 1 Basic Troubl eshooting E43 ADU (Auto Duplex Un it) is opened dur ing cop ying. Open the side c over a nd exi t cover and remov e any ja mmed paper . Also if you ha ve an A DU (Auto Duplex unit), a job se parator or an offset catch tr ay , open t he cover and remove an y jamme d paper .
6-12 WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide Image Quality Problems Variou s situati ons can affect the qual ity o f the ou tput. Che ck the follo wing c onditions to ensure o ptimum copy an d print performanc e. If you st ill c annot res olve the prob lem, c ontact the Key Operato r or a loc al se rvice re presenta tive.
WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide 7-1 Machine Defa ults & Setups 7 Machine Defaults & Setups As deli vered the ma chine has the fac tory defa ult setting s. This chapter lists the set tings that are c ustom er chan geable and step by step i nstruct ions on h ow to c hange t hem.
7-2 WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide Changing Mach ine Defaul t s Use the fo llowing i nstruc tions to a ccess the Machi ne Default opt ions. I nstru ction s for cust omizin g each M achi ne Default s etting is then prov ided. NOTE: Some op tions ar e not av ailable in al l Mar kets and for eve ry mach ine c onfigu ration.
WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide 7-3 Machine Defa ults & Setups Paper Trays Use the P aper Tra ys setting to selec t the pap er size a nd orienta tion fo r each t ray. You can als o dete rmine the paper tray that will be us ed as a de fault. Th is wil l be autom atic selec tion or tray 1 .
7-4 WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide Use th e scroll keys and to select the tray y ou have chang ed, then press the [Enter] k ey . Use th e scroll keys and to se le ct th e pape r size and orie ntation yo u have installed i n the tr ay and th en press the [En ter] key .
WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide 7-5 Machine Defa ults & Setups Timers Use the Tim ers settin g to se t the defaul t time for Time Out , Standb y mode and Slee p mode . Time Out Time ou t clears a ny feat ures tha t may h ave be en selec ted and returns to the Sta ndby mode .
7-6 WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide Standby Mode The default settin g is to au tomati cally swi tch in to Standby mode after remain ing id le for 15 minute s.
WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide 7-7 Machine Defa ults & Setups Sleep Mode The def ault setti ng is for the ma chin e to auto maticall y pow er down 15 mi nutes after the machine enters S tandby mo de. To activa te the m achin e, press an y key on the control panel or open t he docume nt glass cove r or docum ent fee der.
7-8 WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide Use the s croll keys or to selec t the req uired value b etween 3 and 240 minutes . The fol lowing valu es are select able: 3 , 5, 10, 1 5, 20, 25, 30, 35 , 40, 45 , 50, 55 , 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 11 0, 120, 150, 180, 2 10 and 240 minutes .
WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide 7-9 Machine Defa ults & Setups Inter rup t Key Use the Inte rrupt Ke y opti on to ena ble or dis able the In terrupt function . Select [ Interr upt ke y] using the s croll key and press [Enter]. Machine defaults 04. S peak er vo lume 05.
7-10 WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide Speaker Vol ume There ar e two Sp eaker V olume selec tions av aila ble: - Alarm volume - when the machi ne has an error an alarm rin gs to noti fy the us er. - Key touch volume - when you make any s election or touch any key on the con trol pan el the m achin e blee ps.
WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide 7-1 1 Machine Defa ults & Setups Department Codes Use of th e machi ne c an be lim ited t o au thori sed pers onn el within a departmen t by setti ng up D epartm ent Code s.
7-12 WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide Setup of the Master Department Code Use the s croll key to select [Dep artment c ode], and then p ress [E nter ]. Machine defaults 01. Paper tray s 02. Ti mers 03. Int errupt key 04. Sp eaker volume 05. De part ment code To enab le the Departmen t code fun ction, s elect [On] and pr ess [ Enter ].
WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide 7-13 Machine Defa ults & Setups Setup of individual Department Codes NOTE: If you e ntered the Maste r Code to gain ac cess to the machin e, you will no t have to enter it again h ere. Use the s croll key to select [Dep artment c ode], and then p ress [E nter ].
7-14 WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide Using the numer ic keypad enter the first 2 d igit Department Num ber you want to setup, bet ween 2 a nd 99. Press [E nter]. Department code s Enter maste r co de (1) or Enter departme nt code (2 - 9 9) 6 Using the numer ic keypad, enter a 5 digit Department Code and pr ess [E nter].
WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide 7-15 Machine Defa ults & Setups Modifying and Deleting D epartment Codes NOTE: If you e ntered the Maste r Code to gain ac cess to the machin e, you will no t have to enter it again h ere. Use the s croll key to select [Dep artment c ode], and then p ress [E nter ].
7-16 WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide Using the numer ic keypad enter the 2 digit Depar tment Number you want to modify or delet e. Enter [1 ] to m odify th e Mas ter Code, or betwe en [2] and [99 ] to modify the Ind ividual Department Cod es. Press [E nter].
WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide 7-17 Machine Defa ults & Setups T o ch ange the code detail s, select [M odify] an d press [Enter ]. Make th e chan ges req uired and pres s [Ent er].
7-18 WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide Using Department Codes Once the Dep artme nt Codes ha ve bee n setu p, the Ready mode sc reens prom pt users to enter a Departm ent Code before ac cess to th e Copy function i s allowe d. HINT : The Department Code Rep ort can b e printed to view the machi ne usage for each Department Cod e.
WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide 7-19 Machine Defa ults & Setups Printing Repo rt s There ar e two r eports th at can be print ed fro m the mach ine: - Depar tment cod e - Setti ng report NOTE: Some op tion s are no t availa ble in all M arkets a nd for eve ry mach ine c onfigu ration.
7-20 WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide Department Code Report The Depa rtment Code repo rt lists the De partment C ode s. The usage for each depar tment is l isted by numbe r of pages copied. If you ente r the master cod e, the r eport lists t he mas ter departme nt cod e and all depart ments.
WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide 7-21 Machine Defa ults & Setups Settings Report The Setti ngs Rep ort print s a list of eac h machine functio n and the cur rent sett ings.
7-22 WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide To Print the Settings Report: NOTE: T otal Pages repre sents the gr and total fo r Scann ed and Pri nted pages, it is no t the same as Drum count t hat is found on th e Activ ity Report. NOTE: The firmware i dentifi cation n umber is located at the top of t he Setting s Repor t.
WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide 7-23 Machine Defa ults & Setups Changing the Initia l Setup Initial setup a llows the user to localis e their machine and customi ze to m eet the ir ind ividual needs .
7-24 WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide Date & Time Sett ing Setting a llows us ers to view an d edit t he curr ent Date & Time informa tion . Ensure [Date & T ime] is sele cted an d press [E nter]. Initial Setup 01. Date & Time 02. Localizat ion 03.
WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide 7-25 Machine Defa ults & Setups Time Format Use the T ime Fo rmat set ting to select a 12 hour or 24 h our cloc k. Change the set tin gs using the scr oll key s and num eric keypad . Use th e scroll key t o select the di git/ent ry req uiring chang e.
7-26 WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide Date Format Use the Dat e Forma t setting to select the date or der, for example the ye ar, the mo nth, the day o r the mon th, the d ay, the year etc . Month Format Use the Mont h Format sett ing to choo se whet her to di splay th e month usi ng num eric di gits or the mon th name .
WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide 7-27 Machine Defa ults & Setups Select t he op tion req uire d usin g the sc roll ke y and press [En ter ]. Press [ Feature s] key to return to the Fea tures mo de.
7-28 WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide Localization Use the lo caliza tion s etting to s elect whe ther t o displa y meas urem ent s i n i nches or mil lim etre s. Select [Loc aliz atio n] usin g the scr oll ke y a nd pre ss [Enter] . Initial Setup 01. Date & Time 02.
WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide 7-29 Machine Defa ults & Setups Language Use the L anguag e setting to selec t whic h languag e the s creen will us e. Select [L anguage ] usi ng the scroll key and press [Ent er] . Initial Setup 01. Date & Time 02.
7-30 WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide Machine Se rial Number For easy re ference the machin e serial nu mber ca n be stored in the setups . NOTE: T o locate the machine serial num ber , refer to Chapter 1 - Abou t This Gu ide, page 1-4 . Select [Mac hine se rial numb er] usin g the scr oll key and pre ss [Ente r].
WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide 7-31 Machine Defa ults & Setups Customer Suppor t Use this option t o store the Xerox Cus tomer Suppo rt telepho ne number and the Xerox S uppli es teleph one num ber. . Select [Cus tomer S upport] using t he scro ll key and pres s [Ent er] .
7-32 WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide Xerox Supply Number . Selec t [Xerox supply numb er] using t he scro ll key and pres s [Ent er] . Customer support 01. Custo mer suppo rt numb er 02. Xero x supply n umber Use the n umeri c keypad to enter y our Xer ox supp ly telephon e numb er and press [Enter] .
WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide 7-33 Machine Defa ults & Setups Network The net work set tings are u sed to ins tall and co nfigure t he WorkC entre Pro 421 o n your n etwork.
7-34 WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide Menu Map The menu map cont ains a lis t of all the settin gs provi ded in Mach ine St atus. NOTE: Some op tions ar e not av ailable in al l Mar kets and for eve ry mach ine c onfigu ration. T herefor e, feat ure numbe ring ca n vary .
WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide 7-35 Machine Defa ults & Setups Self T est Automatic Test A serie s of machine test s can be car ried out by the user to enable y ou to und erstand the per formanc e of the m achin e and diagn ose an y proble ms it m ay have.
7-36 WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide In divi dual Tes t These ind ividual tests ar e avail able. The Aut o test sc reen disp lays duri ng tes tin g. Auto t est 01. Aut o tes t ------------- ----------- ------------------ -------- The “ Completed ” message display s when the test i s comple te.
WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide 7-37 Machine Defa ults & Setups Print Test Result Use the scroll key to select [P rint tes t result]. Pres s [En ter]. Self te st 01. Auto test 02. Indi vidual t est 03. Print te st result The “ Printing a ccep ted ” messa ge dis play s and the test resu lt s are pr inted .
7-38 WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide Customer Supp ort Number This opt ion displa ys th e cust omer s upport n umber enter ed using th e Initi al Se tup options . NOTE: Some op tions ar e not av ailable in al l Mar kets and for eve ry mach ine c onfigu ration.
WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide 7-39 Machine Defa ults & Setups Machine Serial Number This op tion dis plays the seri al num ber of your ma chine . NOTE: Some op tion s are no t availa ble in all M arkets a nd for eve ry mach ine c onfigu ration. T herefor e, feat ure numbe ring ca n vary .
7-40 WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide Xerox Supply Number This op tion dis plays the tele phone n umber to ca ll for ordering su pplies fr om X erox. NOTE: Some op tions ar e not av ailable in al l Mar kets and for eve ry mach ine c onfigura tion. T herefor e, fea ture numbe ring ca n vary .
WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide 7-41 Machine Defa ults & Setups T ot al Print C ounter This opti on displ ays th e total num ber of prints t he mac hine has d one. NOTE: Some op tion s are no t availa ble in all M arkets a nd for eve ry mach ine c onfigura tion.
7-42 WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide Machine Revisions Use this optio n to vi ew a list of ma chine r evisi ons. NOTE: Some op tions ar e not av ailable in al l Mar kets and for eve ry mach ine c onfigura tion. T herefor e, fea ture numbe ring ca n vary .
WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide A-1 Appendix A - Safet y Notes Appendix A - Safety Notes Your X erox prod uct and suppl ies have been desig ned and tested to me et stric t safety requiremen ts. These incl ude Safe ty Agency approv al, and compl iance to estab lished envir onmenta l standar ds.
A-2 WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide Use of an extension cord with this product is not recommended or authorized. Users should c heck bu ildin g codes a nd ins urance re quire ments if a prop erly earthed extension c ord is to be u sed.
WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide A-3 Appendix A - Safet y Notes Never defe at inte rlock swi tches. M achin es are d esigned to restric t opera tor acce ss to u nsafe area s. Cove rs, gu ards and interl ock swi tches ar e pro vided to ensure t hat the m achi ne will not oper ate with cover s open ed.
A-4 WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide Regulatory Inform ation The CE marking appli ed to th is prod uct sym bolizes Xerox Limited Declaration of Confo rmit y with the followi ng appli cable Direct ives of.
WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide A-5 Appendix A - Safet y Notes W ARN ING:In order to allow this equipme nt to operate in proximity to Industrial, Scientific and Medical (ISM ) equipment, the external radiation f rom the ISM equipment may have limited or sp ecial mitigation meas ures taken.
A-6 WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide Laser Safety CAUTION: Use of controls or adjustments or performance of procedures other than those specified he rein may result in hazardous radiation exposure.
WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide A-7 Appendix A - Safet y Notes QUESTION: What is the Electricity at Work Regulation? ANSWER: The Ele ctricity at Work Re gulation 1 989 ca me into for ce in En gland an d Wal es on th e 1 Apri l 1990.
A-8 WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide QUESTION: Does the XEROX equipment in my premises comply with the Elect ricity at Wo rk Regulat ions? ANSWER: A ll emplo yers and self-e mpl oyed p erson s must ensure that the electri cal syste ms in the ir prem ises ar e saf e.
WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide A-9 Appendix A - Safet y Notes Please conta ct us if y ou ha ve any qu eries r egardin g the info rmati on pr ovide d in th is docu ment .
A-10 WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide NOTE: Although thi s produ ct ca n use either lo op dis connec t (pulse ) or DTMF (tone) signall ing it is recom mended that it is set t o use DT MF si gnall ing. D TMF s ignalli ng pr ovides reliab le and fa ster ca ll set- up.
WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide A-1 1 Appendix A - Safet y Notes The REN is usefu l to de termine t he quan tity o f device s you may co nnect t o your te lephon e line and s till ha ve all of thos e device s ri ng when your nu mber i s call ed. In m ost, bu t not all areas, the su m of the RENs o f all d evices s hould n ot excee d five ( 5.
A-12 WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide The tel ephone company will, w here practic al, noti fy yo u when they need to tem poraril y disc onnect s ervic e. Howev er, if a ction is reason able a nd nec essary, b ut prior notice i s not practical , they may still te mpor arily d isconne ct your servi ce.
WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide A-13 Appendix A - Safet y Notes Canadia n Certif ication Notice: The In dustry Canada L abel o n the ma chine ident ifies certif ied equ ipmen t. This certifi cation means tha t the equipme nt meets certai n telecom munic ations n etworks protec tive, oper ation al and safety r equirem ents.
A-14 WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide Environmental Compliance Energy Star ® XEROX Corporat ion desi gned thi s produ ct to c omply wi th the guideli nes of the ENER GY STAR ® program of the Envir onmenta l Protecti on Age ncy.
WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide B-1 Appen dix B - Sp eci ficat ions Appendix B - Specifications The WorkCe ntre Pro 42 1 adher es to st rict spec ificat ions , approv als and c ertific ations . These spec ificati ons are d esign ed to prov ide for th e safety of use rs and to ensure that the machin e oper ates in a fully fun ction al sta te.
B-2 WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide Machine Specifications Hardware Configuratio n WorkCentre Pr o 421E Si mplex digital copier with a document g lass, a singl e pape r tray, a byp ass tra y and a s tand. WorkCentre Pr o 421 DE Simplex digital copier with an automa tic docu ment feeder (ADF), on e pape r tray, a by pass tr ay an d a stand.
WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide B-3 Appen dix B - Sp eci ficat ions Height - 10 41 mm (41 inche s) Copy Speed A4 - 21 cpm A3 - 12 cpm Letter (8 .5 x 11) - 21 cpm Legal ( 8.5 x 1 4) - 14 cpm Ledge r (11 x 17) - 12 cpm Copy Magnifications Zoom rang e 25% to 400% in 1% i ncremen ts Fixed Ratios: Warm-up Time Less th an 60 s econd s.
B-4 WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide Automatic Document Feeder and Duplex Automatic Document Feeder ADF Cap acity: 50 sheets DADF Capacity : 100 shee ts Paper si zes: A5 to A 3 (5 .
WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide B-5 Appen dix B - Sp eci ficat ions For Use in Bypass Tray O nly: Transpa renc y: A4 Xerox 3R96019 Letter ( 8.5 x 1 1) Xerox 3R3028 Labels: A4 XERO X 3R97 400 (1 up )* A4 XERO X 3R97 408 (24 u p)* Letter (8.5 x 11) XEROX 3R4472 (8 up)* Letter (8.
B-6 WorkCentre Pro 421 User Guide GDI Pr int Dri ver A GDI pr inter driver i s avail able f or the Wo rkCentr e Pro 42 1 copier products - y ou can downl oad it from the ’ Dri vers ’ area of . A User Guide and installati on instructions are include d withi n the downl oaded p rinter driver s oftware.
Xerox WorkCent re Pro 421 Us er Guide Index-i Index Index Numerics 2 Sided P rinting , printer driver 4- 20 2-Sided 3-18 1>1 Sid ed 3-18 1>2 Sid ed 3-18 2>1 Sid ed 3-18 2>2 Sid ed 3-18 2-U.
Index-ii Xerox WorkCentre P ro 421 User Guide WorkCentr e Pro 42 1 5-2 Clear All key 2-12 Coll atio n, prin ter dr iver 4-20 Components 2-9 Auto Duplex Unit (ADU) 2-9 Automatic Documen t Feeder (ADF) .
Xerox WorkCent re Pro 421 Us er Guide Index-iii Index Energy savi ng 2-15 Energy Star A-14 Enter k ey 2-13 Enter the Quan tity 3-7 Error Codes 6-9 Error Messa ges 6-7 Error Me ssag es and Cod es 6-7 E.
Index-iv Xerox WorkCentre P ro 421 User Guide Interrupt K ey 7-9 Paper Tr ays 7-3 Speaker Volu me 7-10 Timers 7-5 Machine Default s & Setup s 7-1 Machine Default s, Chan ging 7-2 Mach ine Revi sio.
Xerox WorkCent re Pro 421 Us er Guide Index-v Index Power Swi tch lo cation 2- 14 Power ing Off 2-14 Power ing On 2- 14 Press S tart 3-8 Pre ss the Fe atur es K e y 3-5 Print 4-1 Default Settin gs 4-3.
Index-vi Xerox WorkCent re Pro 421 User Guide Setting Re port 7-21 Resoluti on, print er driver 4-26 Retrieve the Print J ob 4-7 S Safety Not es Appen dix A A-1 Safety S tandards A-3 Saving powe r 2-1.
Xerox WorkCent re Pro 421 Us er Guide Index-vii Index Using Jo b Inter rupt 3-9 , 4-12 W Walk- up Scre en Copy 2-2 Warm- up Time B-3 warning lig ht 2- 13 Warnin g ligh ts, co ntrol panel 2-11 Warnin g.
Index-viii Xerox WorkCentre P ro 421 User Guide.
An important point after buying a device Xerox 421 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Xerox 421 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Xerox 421 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Xerox 421 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Xerox 421 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Xerox 421, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Xerox 421.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Xerox 421. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Xerox 421 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center