Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product XC5012 Xantrex Technology
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Xantr ex XC3012, XC5012, XC1524 and XC2524 Ba ttery Ch arger 12 V / 30 A 12 V / 50 A 24 V / 15 A 24 V / 25 A Owne r’ s Gui de XC _C harge r_ Owne r .
XC _C harge r_ Owne r .boo k Page 2 Fr iday , A ug ust 12, 2005 3:2 3 PM.
Xantrex XC3012, XC5012, XC1524 and XC2524 Battery Charger Owne r’s Guide XC _C harge r_ Owne r .boo k Page i Frida y, Au gu st 12, 200 5 3:23 PM.
About X antr ex Xantre x T echn ology Inc. i s a worl d-leading supplie r of a dvanced power e l ectroni cs and contro ls with pr oducts from 50 watt mobi le units to one MW util ity -sca le syste ms for wind, sol ar , batt eries , fuel cells, micr oturbin es, a nd backup power a pplic ations in both grid- conn ecte d and stand-a lone syst ems .
iii About This Guide Pu rpose The purpose of this Owner’ s Guide i s to prov ide expla nation s and pr ocedures f or insta lling, operat ing, mainta ining, and troublesh ooting the Xant rex XC301 2, XC5012, XC1524 a nd XC2524 B attery Cha rger.
Abo ut T his Guid e iv 97 5- 0187-01-01 C on v en t ions U sed The f ollowing conve ntions a re used in this gui de. This Guide contains infor m ati on for fou r vers ions of t he XC Serie s. The Xantrex XC3012 Battery Char ger (12 V , 30 A) will be refe r r ed to as the XC3012 when it is being refe re nc e d indivi dually .
v Important Safety Instructions 1. Before insta lli ng or using the Xantrex XC301 2, XC501 2, XC152 4 or XC2524 Batte r y Char ger ( XC Serie s ), read all instruc tions and c a uti ona ry mar kings on the XC Serie s, the batte ries , and all appr opr ia t e sec tions of this guide .
Safety vi 97 5-0187-01-01 8. The XC Series i s provi de d wit h an AC ground c onductor tha t must be connec ted to the AC input ground and a DC ground stud which must be connec ted to th e DC syste m gr ound.
Sa f ety 975-0187-01-01 vi i 10. Have plent y of fresh wat er and soap nearby in case bat te ry a ci d contacts skin, clot hing, or eyes. 1 1. W ear com plete eye pr otection a nd clothing protection. A void touchin g your eyes w h ile wo rk ing n ear batt eries .
viii XC_Charger_Owne r .book Pa ge viii Friday , August 12, 20 05 3:23 PM.
975-0187-01-01 i x Import an t S af ety In st ruction s Exp losiv e Ga s and B att ery Pre caut ion s - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - vi FCC Info rmat ion - - - - - - -.
Contents x 975-0187-01-01 Inst a l ling Optio na l Access ori e s- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2–13 Batte r y Temper at ure Sensor - - - - - - - - - - - - -.
1 Introducti on Chapter 1 describes the XC Ser ies st andard featur es. It also provides information to prepare for installation of the XC S er i es. XC _C harge r_ Owne r .
Introduction 1–2 975-0187-01-01 Xantr ex XC3012, XC5012, XC1524 and XC2524 Batt ery C h ar ge r Fe atur es The XC S eries provi des th e f ollow ing st anda rd f eatu r es: • t hr ee full current rate d, indepe ndently contr olled outpu ts which ena ble it t o char ge thr ee dif ferent ba tter ies or batter y banks.
XC Ser ies Appeara nce 975-0187-01-01 1–3 XC Se ries App ea r anc e This s ection desc ribes the parts of the XC Series . Figur e 1-2 s hows the XC Serie s. Figur e 1-1 XC Ser ies Ite m Desc ripti on 1 Remote dis pla y for a l l programmi ng funct ions and monitor ing of the XC Series .
Introduction 1–4 975-0187-01-01 Inf ormat io n Cente rs of th e XC Seri es Remot e Displa y This secti on desc r ibes the parts of the remote displa y of the XC Series. The remote displa y can be rota ted 180°, or it can be r emoved a nd r emotely m ount ed up to 20 m (65 ft) fr om the XC Series for convenie nce.
Information C enters of the XC S eries 975-0187-01-01 1–5 The indi cator li ghts and dis pla y are also use d to indicate error codes. See Chapter 4, “T roubleshooti ng” for a list of fa ults and how to clea r them.
Introduction 1–6 975-0187-01-01 Onboa rd Stat us P a ne l This s ection desc ribes the parts of the onboar d status pa nel of t he XC Serie s. Figure 1-3 shows the panel.
Rear P anel 975-0187-01-01 1–7 Re ar P ane l This se ction de scribe s the pa rts of the rear panel of the XC S eries. Figure 1-4 shows the rear panel.
Introduction 1–8 975-0187-01-01 Prepa ring for In stal lati on The XC Serie s i s desi gne d to be pe rmanently mounted. Figure 1-1 shows a typi c al insta llation with three bat ter i e s, a BTS and a remote display . It also shows the AC and DC wiring and protec tion device s require d for a successf ul in sta llatio n.
Preparing for Installation 975-0187-01-01 1–9 T ools and Mat er i als T o m ount and c onne ct the X C Se ries y ou need the f ollo wing tools : • 10 m m wrench or socket for the DC ter minals and.
Introduction 1–10 975-0187-01-01 Location Inst a l l the XC Serie s in a loca tion that meet s the following requi r ements : When planning whe r e and how to mount the XC Series, be sure the installa ti on allo ws the char ger to be mounte d in one of the permitted vertic a l or horiz onta l orienta tions.
Preparing for Installation 975-0187-01-01 1–11 Figur e 1-6 XC Ser ies M ounting Orientation s Horiz ontal Vertical Verti cal - thi s confi guration may be used in an e nviron ment wh ich i s dry and cl ean only (no n- mar ine) Verti cal - this conf ig uration i s uns afe and should not be used a) b) c) d) XC _C harge r_ Owne r .
Introduction 1–12 975-0187-01-01 Wirin g Re qu irem ents DC Wi ring The following two table s show some typic al wir e size s, based on 3% voltage drop (round ci r cui t), 75 °C (167 ° F) rate d wire and wiring being insi de the engine compartm e nt – assumed ambient of 50 °C (122 °F).
Preparing for Installation 975-0187-01-01 1–13 Ove r -cur rent protect ion disco n nec t The DC circuit from the batt ery to the char ger must be equipped with a disconne ct and over -current prote ction de vic e .
Introduction 1–14 975-0187-01-01 Battery Bank Size Requir ements The XC Serie s i s desi gne d to work w ith a mi nimum batt e ry ba nk s ize. Ea ch bank should meet the minimum Ah rating shown in T able 1-2 .
2 Installation Chapter 2 provides procedures for installing, tes ting and configuring the XC Series. The unit is packed with the foll owing materials : • Owner ’ s Guide • AC cable stra in re li.
Insta llation 2–2 975-0187-01-01 Ins t alli n g t h e X C Se ri es Instal lation Sequence T o make charger inst allation quick and eas y , Xa n tre x r ecomme nds tha t the insta llation t a sks be pe rformed in the f ollowing seq ue nce: 1. Select c harger m ounting position a nd plan AC and DC cabl e routing (pa ge 1–8) 2.
Insta lling th e X C S eri es 975-0187-01-01 2–3 Pr e-Installin g DC W iring The procedur e for insta lli ng t he DC wiring applie s to a single batt ery or multip le batt e rie s or battery bank s. T o install DC wiring: 1. Identif y the b at tery or bank that most freq uent ly be com es deeply discha r ge d.
Insta llation 2–4 975-0187-01-01 5. Route t he wiring to the ba tteri es a nd to t he XC Series, but do n’t connect i t yet. A void r o uting wiring through a n elect rical dist r i bution panel, batter y isola tor , or other dev ice tha t will a dd volta ge drops .
Insta lling th e X C S eri es 975-0187-01-01 2–5 5. In s tall the cable strain rel ief on the X C Seri es end of the s our ce A C cab le. 6. Caref ully re move 50 – 75 mm (2 – 3 in.) of the out er j acket, being c areful not to cut or nick the insul a t ion on the indi vidua l conductors.
Insta llation 2–6 975-0187-01-01 T o co nnect AC w ires w ith the crimp -on butt-s plice con necto r: a) Using a wi re s trip per , caref ully s trip 8 mm (5/1 6 in.
Insta lling th e X C S eri es 975-0187-01-01 2–7 Mo unting t he Remote D isplay T o accommodate the cha rger mountin g orientati on, the r emote dis play can be removed and turned 180 ° for readabil ity .
Insta llation 2–8 975-0187-01-01 T o remot el y mo un t the displ a y: 1. Remove the disp la y as describe d on page 2–7. 2. Secure the blank plate i n the displ a y socke t as described. 3. Ensure that the extension c able used for the r emote dis play is l ong enough t o suit the insta lla ti on.
Insta lling th e X C S eri es 975-0187-01-01 2–9 3. Secure the encl osed m ounting t emplate to the mount ing sur face with t ape. 4. Drill the six pilot holes for the mounti ng screws, taking c are t ha t t here i s nothing be hind the s ur face that can be damaged by the drill.
Insta llation 2–10 975-0187-01-01 Fina l Conn ections Once t he DC cab le s, A C cabl es an d XC Se ries are al l in place the fina l conn ect io n may be made. Figure 2-1 shows the conn ectio n order . Figur e 2-1 DC Wiring C onnecti on Order 5 2 6 3 7 4 8 9 10 12 13 14 1 11 15 XC _C harge r_ Owne r .
Insta lling th e X C S eri es 975-0187-01-01 2–11 Final DC Connect ions T o m ake the l ast DC co nnec tions : 1. Connect the negat ive cable f rom the ne g at ive te r m i nal on the battery (if yo.
Insta llation 2–12 975-0187-01-01 8. Secure cables in place using tie - wraps, P-cl amps or cable straps acc ording to electri cal codes . C oil an d tie any extra BTS or remo te di splay exten sio n cable. 9. T he DC br eaker s m ay be clos ed or fuses ins erted at th is t ime.
Inst allin g O ption a l Acc es s o ries 975-0187-01-01 2–13 Ins t alli ng Op t iona l Ac ce ssor ie s The XC Series sh ips with a batter y temperature sensor ( B TS) and dr ip pr otecti on rubber boots fo r the DC ca bles.
Insta llation 2–14 975-0187-01-01 Drip Protectio n Rubber Bo ots Xantre x reco mmends that you inst a l l the supp lie d rubber boots ove r the XC Series DC ter m inals t o provide drip protection. T o install rubber boots : 1. Before making the DC connectio ns to the char ger , feed the rubber boot ove r the char ger end of t he DC cables.
Configuring the XC S eries 975-0187-01-01 2–15 C onfi guri ng t he XC Seri es Once the char ger is connected to a batter y on bank 1 or to AC, it is live and it may be c onfigured. There wil l be a shor t delay o f about 15 seconds be fore the r emote displa y begins reporting.
Insta llation 2–16 975-0187-01-01 T o co nfigure the charg ing type: 1. Press and hold MODE until (s etu p ) is d is p la yed . 2. Press M ODE to se le ct 2-stage ( ) or 3-stage ( ) chargi ng. When you have selec ted a char ging type t hat i s diff erent fr om the pr esent con f igurat ion, th e bank indi c ator light fla she s.
3 Op erat ion Chapter 3 des cr ibes the oper ating states and pr ovides procedures for charging a ba ttery and performing an equalization. XC _C harge r_ Owne r .
Operat ion 3–2 975-0187-01-01 About Charging The XC Serie s has three f ull cu r rent rated, indep e ndently c ont rolled o utputs which enable it to c harge three dif f ere nt bat ter ies or b a ttery banks.
About Char ging 975-0187-01-01 3–3 Seq uen tia l 2- St age C hargi ng In sequen tial c har ging mode the charge r wi ll chec k all batt ery ban ks every 15 minutes to de te rm ine which banks are present, healthy , and in most in need of char ge. The bank m o st in need of char ge will then be char ged for the next 15 minutes.
Operat ion 3–4 975-0187-01-01 Disqualif ied Batter ies The X C S eries can ide n tify w hen a batt ery w ill not accep t a ch arge (batt ery is damaged) or when it is full y charge d (healt hy) and does not requir e further charge.
About Char ging 975-0187-01-01 3–5 Things to be awar e of When the XC Series is ope rati ng, f ans and lights (DC loads ) may vary in speed or inte nsity . This is normal. The XC S eries wil l not harm any load connec ted to it as long as ther e is a battery prese nt on that ba nk .
Operat ion 3–6 975-0187-01-01 Cha rging B att er ie s Before you start to char ge batter ies r ead t he “Important S afety I nst ructions ” on page v and fol low all safe ty prec au tions when worki ng with bat teri es. T o charge your batteries : 1.
Ch argi ng Ba tter i es 975-0187-01-01 3–7 After chargi ng is comple te, the XC S eries ente rs in to one of t hese modes: Float mode When the ready in dicator li ght illu m inates, a ll batter ies are f ull y char ged a nd ready for use.
Operat ion 3–8 975-0187-01-01 Equali zing Fl oode d Ba tt eri es Ab out Eq uali zing The XC Serie s equa lizes o nly floode d lead-acid or lead-c a lcium batteri e s. It does not e qualize s e aled l ead-aci d batteries since th ey c an be da m aged by t his pr ocess.
E q u a liz ing F lo o d ed Bat teries 975-0187-01-01 3–9 Performin g A n Equaliza ti on T urn of f or disc onnect all DC l oa ds on the bat tery dur ing equaliz ation. Th e volt a ge appli e d to the bat te ry during equa liz ation may be above the safe le vel s for some loa d s.
Operat ion 3–10 975-0187-01-01 T ran siti oni ng th e XC Se r ies to On, Dis abl ed o r O ff There a re tw o wa ys to tur n the XC Se ries o n: • connect AC power at the sourc e • press ON / ST ANDB Y on the remote display if AC i s still connec ted.
Accessing Charge r Infor m ation 975-0187-01-01 3–11 Acce ss ing Ch arg er Info rma tio n The XC Serie s can give you a lot of infor mation a bout t he st a t us of t he char ge r and the batte ries.
Operat ion 3–12 975-0187-01-01 T able 3-1 Reading X C Se ries Status Char ger S tatus Remo te Displa y Onboar d S tatus I nd icat or Li gh ts Charg ing in bulk or absorp tion mode. Remot e dis play shows sc rolling di splay o f char ging state, batter y voltage i n volt s and c har ging curre nt in amps .
Accessing Charge r Infor m ation 975-0187-01-01 3–13 Re port ing W hile Charg ing or Equalizin g After configur a tion , the XC Series de faul ts to a scrol ling display .
Operat ion 3–14 975-0187-01-01 Repor tin g W h il e Batt ery Mon itor ing The XC Serie s is consid e re d to be batt ery mo nitoring if i t is experi e ncing a char ger level fault.
Accessing Charge r Infor m ation 975-0187-01-01 3–15 ◆ Pres s ON / S TAN DBY on the option a l remote displa y to init ia lize anothe r cycle. If AC po w er is con n ected , the XC S eri e s wi ll turn o n, ch eck w hic h bat tery banks are pr esent and health y , a n d begin cha r gin g.
3–16 XC _C harge r_ Owne r .boo k Page 16 Fri day, Au gu st 12 , 200 5 3: 23 PM.
4 T r oubles hoot ing Chapter 4 contains information o n error codes and procedures for troubleshooting yo ur XC Series charger . XC _C harge r_ Owne r .
T roubleshooting 4–2 975-0187-01-01 Care an d Mai nten a nc e The XC S er ies conta ins so lid- sta te electronic compone nts that r equi re no mainte na nce. The best care y ou can g ive the unit is to protect i t from c ontact with liquids , spray , or fumes whic h may cause cor rosion.
Indicator Light Fl ashing Sequences 975-0187-01-01 4–3 Indica tor Li ght Fla shing Seque nces T able 4-1 Indicator Lig ht Sequences on the X C Series Activ ity Ch arg er status Charg ing indic at or.
T roubleshooting 4–4 975-0187-01-01 Erro r Mess ages o n R emote Disp la y T able 4-2 Erro r Me ssages Di spl a y Onboard Status P anel Indicat o r lights F ault Soluti on Red fau lt indic ator lig ht flashi ng or illumina t e d Fault A faul t has been detecte d .
Error Messages on Rem ote Display 975-0187-01-01 4–5 Red fau lt indic ator lig ht illu m ina te d Green 10% i ndicator light flashe s Disp lay gr een bank indicat or light for af fected ba ttery ban k illu m ina te d Batte ry T oo Cold Shutdo wn Allow batt e ri es to war m up before a tte m p ti ng to ch arg e ag ai n.
T roubleshooting 4–6 975-0187-01-01 Green 100 % indicator light flashe s Disp lay gr een bank indicat or lig h t fo r the aff e ct ed ba tt e ry bank il luminate d Batte ry too Hot W arning Allow ba ttery t o c ool. Improve ve ntila tion or inst all i n coo ler l ocati on.
Pro b lem So lv ing 975-0187-01-01 4–7 Proble m Sol vin g If the remote display is not fu nct ionin g, tr ouble shoot y our XC Serie s using the tabl e s below . In the event that you have a proble m with your X C S eri es , the foll owing tables wil l he lp you to i dentif y t he proble m and of fe r poss ible s oluti ons t o the proble m .
T roubleshooting 4–8 975-0187-01-01 Symp tom Fault indicator l ight f lashes. XC Series stops f unction ing. Symp tom Fault indicator l ight il lum inates . 100% i ndicator l ight fla shes. Symp tom Fault indicator l ight il lum inates . 10% i ndicator li ght flas hes.
Pro b lem So lv ing 975-0187-01-01 4–9 Symp tom The XC Serie s appears to be taking too lon g to char ge batt ery . Ready indic ator light does not ill um i nat e after 24 hours of char ging. Symp tom The XC Series wil l not transitio n to equaliz ation mode.
4–10 XC _C harge r_ Owne r .boo k Page 10 Fri day, Au gu st 12 , 200 5 3: 23 PM.
A Spe c ific at ions Appendix A details the s pecifications for the XC Series. XC _C harge r_ Owne r .boo k Page 1 Fr iday , A ug ust 12, 2005 3:2 3 PM.
Specif ications A–2 97 5-0187-01-01 Ph ys ic a l Spec if i cat ions Elec t ric a l Sp ec if i cat ions Dimensio ns Base un it: 367 mm x 24 0 mm x 106 mm 14.45 in. x 9.45 in . x 4.17 in. Remote Dis play: 1 18 mm x 41 m m x 32 mm 4.65 in. x 1.6 in. x 1.
AC Input Specific at ions 975-0187-01-01 A–3 A C I n pu t Spe cifi cat ions Float volt age (in VDC for XC3012 and XC5012) (Multipl y VDC by 2 to get the float vol tage for XC152 4 a nd XC2524) 50 °C (122 ° F) 25 °C (77 °F) < 0° C ( 3 2° F ) Flooded 12.
Specif ications A–4 97 5-0187-01-01 T e mpe rature Spec if icat ion s Protec t ion Feat ure s Nominal a mbient 25 ° C (77 °F) Operati ng range 0 – 50 °C (32 – 122 °F) Current de -rating approx.
Approvals 975-0187-01-01 A–5 Approval s Safety CSA/NR T L approv ed to CSA107 .2 a nd UL1236, including the marin e supple me nt , ignition prot ection, a nd UL1564 EN60335-1, EN6033 5-2-29 Ba ttery.
A–6 XC _C harge r_ Owne r .boo k Page 6 Fr iday , A ug ust 12, 2005 3:2 3 PM.
975-0187-01-01 WA –1 W arranty and Pr oduct Information Lim ited Warrant y f or: Xa ntrex XC3012 Battery Char g er Xa ntrex XC5012 Battery Charg er Xa ntrex XC1524 Battery Charg er Xa ntrex XC2524 B.
W ar ranty a nd Prod uct In f ormati on WA–2 975-0187-01-01 What does this warranty not co ve r? Thi s Li mited W arranty do es not cover normal we ar an d tear of the p rod uct or cost s rela ted to th e removal , ins tallat ion, or tr oubleshoo ting of the cus tomer's elect rical sy stems.
975-0187-01-01 WA –3 W ARNI NG: LIMIT A TI ONS ON USE Plea se ref er to your produc t us er manual for li mitat io ns on uses of th e produc t. Spec ific al ly , plea se n ote tha t the Xa ntr ex Ba.
W ar ranty a nd Prod uct In f ormati on WA–4 975-0187-01-01 Inform ation Abo ut Y our Sys tem As soon as you op en your Xan trex XC301 2, XC5 012, XC1524 or X C 252 4 Battery Cha rger pac kage, reco rd the fol lowing inf ormati on an d be sure to kee p your pro of of purcha se.
XC _C harge r_ Owne r .boo k Page 5 Fr iday , A ug ust 12, 2005 3:2 3 PM.
Xantr ex Technology Inc. Phone: 1 800 670 0707 (toll free Nort h America) +34 93 470 5330 (Europe) 1 360 925 5097 (direct and rest of wor ld) Fax: 1-800 994 7828 (toll fr e e North America) +34 93 473 6093 (Europe) 1 360 925 5143 (direct and rest of wor ld) Email : custo merse rvice @xan t rex.
An important point after buying a device Xantrex Technology XC5012 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Xantrex Technology XC5012 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Xantrex Technology XC5012 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Xantrex Technology XC5012 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Xantrex Technology XC5012 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Xantrex Technology XC5012, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Xantrex Technology XC5012.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Xantrex Technology XC5012. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Xantrex Technology XC5012 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center