Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product S25CD Woods Equipment
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OP E R A TO R ' S M A NU A L FL A I L SHR ED DER MAN0506 (Rev . 1 1/8/201 1) Cente r Drive S15CD S20CD S22CD S25CD S27CD.
2 Introduction Gen’l (Rev . 3/5/2010) T O THE DE ALER: Assemb ly and prop er installati on of this product is the respons ibil ity of the Woods ® dea ler .
Introduction 3 MAN050 6 (Rev . 9/5/2008) T ABLE OF CO NTENT S INTRODUCTIO N . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 SPECIFICA TIO NS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4 Introduction MAN050 6 (Rev . 9/5/2008 SPECIFICATIONS Maximum Outside Body Wi dth: 15 ′ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189 in. ( 4.9 m) 20 ′ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 253 in. ( 6.4 m) 22 ′ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 277 in.
Introduction 5 MAN050 6 (Rev . 9/5/2008) IMPORT ANT! BALANCE ST ATEMENT Both of t he Woods Center Dri ve Shre dder flai l tubes are balan ced as roto r assem blies to mee t or exce ed factory standar ds bef ore installa tion. After ins tallation , the shredd ers are sta tistica lly in spec ted to chec k bal- ance.
6 Safety CD Flai l Shredder M AN0506 (4/15 /2006) TRAINING Safety instructions are important! Read a ll att achment and power unit manuals ; follow all safety ru les and safety d ecal i nformat ion. (Rep lace- ment manua ls and safety d ecals ar e avai lable f rom your dealer .
Safety 7 CD Flail Shredder MA N0506 (4/15/ 2006) Connect PT O driveline directly to power unit PTO shaft. N ever u se a dapter slee ves o r a dapter shaft s. Adapters can cau se driv eline fa ilures du e to incorrect spline or incorrect operating le ngth and can result i n personal injury or death.
8 Safety CD Flai l Shredder M AN0506 (4/15 /2006) (Safety R ules conti nued fr om previous page) Look down and to the rear a nd make sure area is clear befo re operating in reverse. Do not operate or transpo rt on steep slopes. Do not stop, st art, or change directions sud- denly on slopes.
Safety 9 CD Flail Shredder MA N0506 (4/15/ 2006) Make sur e all safe ty decal s are installed. Replace if d amaged. ( See Saf ety Decal s sectio n for location.) Make sure shields and guards are properly inst alled and in good condition. Rep lace if dam- aged.
10 Safety MAN050 6 (Rev . 9/5/2008) SAFETY & INSTR UCTIONAL DECALS A TTENTION! BECOME ALERT! Y OUR SAFE TY IS INV OL VED! Replace Imm ediatel y If Dama ged! 3 - SERIAL NUMBER PLATE MODEL NO. SE R IAL NO. W oods Equipment Company Oregon, Illinois, U.
Safety 11 MAN050 6 (Rev . 9/5/2008) SAFETY & INSTRUCTIONAL DECALS A TTENTION! BECOME ALERT! Y OUR SAFETY IS INV OL VED! Replace Imme diatel y If Dama ged! (Saf ety Dec als contin ued on ne xt page) 6 - PN 50 030978 ROT A TING DRIVELINE HAZARD T o prevent serious injury or death from rotating driveline: 1.
12 Safety MAN050 6 (Rev . 9/5/2008) SAFETY & INSTR UCTION AL DECALS A TTENTION! BECOME A LER T! Y OUR SA FETY I S IN V OL V ED! Replace Immediatel y If Damaged! 14 - PN 50530315 W ARNING HIGH-PRESSURE FLUID HAZARD T o prevent serious injury or death: 1.
Operator Record 13 MAN050 6 (Rev . 9/5/2008) OPERATOR SIGN-OF F RECORD . Woods Equipm ent Company fol lows the gener al safety standards s peci fied by the A meric an Soci ety o f Agri- cultur al and B iolog ical En gineers (ASAB E) and t he Occupation al Safety an d Health Adm inistrati on (OSH A) for a gricul tural equ ipmen t.
14 Operation MAN050 6 (Rev . 9/5/2008) OPERATION The Woods Flail S hredder is des igned to pic k up an d shred cr op and plant resid ue left in the fiel d. Rotational power to th e flails is p rovided by the trac tor PTO. Be fam iliar with the flai l shre dder be fore start ing.
Operation 15 MAN050 6 (Rev . 9/5/2008) Figure 1 . Flail S hred der Princ ipal Compone nts PRE-OPERA T ION CHECK LIST (OWNER'S RESPONSIB ILITY) NOTICE ■ This Pre-Operation Check List is provided for the operator . It is important to follow for both per- sonal safety and maintenance of the flail shredder .
16 Operation MAN050 6 (Rev . 9/5/2008) Figure 2 . T ractor F ront Weight 3. 3-Poin t Hitch The 3-point hi tch mode ls requir e that the trac tor be equipped w ith a Cate gory II or Category III 3-poin t hitch. If the h itch ca n be conve rted fr om one to th e other , use a Catego ry III to provide a wi der stance and more stabil ity .
Operation 17 MAN050 6 (Rev . 9/5/2008) Keep byst a nders away f rom equipment. 1. Clear the area of a ll by standers. 2. Attach the 3-p oint hitch to the unit but n ot the PTO drivel ine. 3. Raise th e unit until th e tra ctor PTO and ge arbox shafts are the s ame he ight.
18 Operation MAN050 6 (Rev . 9/5/2008) Without Quick Hitch Att achment: 1. Back tr actor lowe r 3-poi nt ar ms between lower mast plate s and a lign w ith lo wer 3- point hole. 2. Pla ce 1- 3/4 OD spac er th rough 3-poin t ar m pivot (both si des). 3.
Operation 19 MAN050 6 (Rev . 9/5/2008) Raise Stands 1. Use hitch ratc het s or 3- poi nt hit ch to r aise t he fro nt of the m achine. 2. Unpin fro nt frame s tands. Rai se and pi n in the ir upper po sitio n. See Fi gure 10. REMOVING SHRED DER FR OM T RACTOR Reverse th e abov e proc edure (S teps 1-17 ) whe n removi ng unit fr om the tractor .
20 Operation MAN050 6 (Rev . 9/5/2008) the fla ils under a ll oper ating condi tions. ( See Ba lance S tateme nt, page 5.) NOTE: T o a void unn ecess ary wea r on kn ives and related parts, ne ver set the unit lowe r than the re com- mended se tting. (See Bal ance S tateme nt, page 5.
Operation 21 MAN050 6 (Rev . 9/5/2008) . Figure 14 . Optio nal Fla il Cont our Figure 15 . “L” Fl ai ls Figure 16 . Cu p Flails Setting Flail Height 1. Be su re wh eels a re set t o foll ow in the center of furrow row . Set flails 3 t o 6 inches (75 to 150 mm) above the grou nd.
22 Operation MAN050 6 (Rev . 9/5/2008) HAZARD A REA Make cer ta in all move ment o f equ ipment com- ponents has stop ped befo re appr oachin g for ser - vice.
Operation 23 MAN050 6 (Rev . 9/5/2008) ● Replace a ny safety decals that are miss ing or n ot readabl e (suppl ied free by your Woods deale r). See Safet y Deca ls s ection fo r loca tion dr awing. STORAGE Block equ ipment secure ly for s torage.
24 Service & Maintenance MAN050 6 (Rev . 9/5/2008) SERVICE & MAINTENANCE Befor e dis mount ing pow er unit or p erfor ming any service or maintenance, follow these steps: disengage power t.
Service & Maintenance 25 MAN050 6 (Rev . 9/5/2008) Figure 22 . PTO Driveli ne Lubri catio n Poin ts Figure 23 . Lubric ation Poin ts A. Da ily or 8 h ours B.
26 Service & Maintenance MAN050 6 (Rev . 9/5/2008) Daily or every 8 hours of operation 1. Lubrica te PTO U-joints and o ver-runn ing c lutch. 2. Check ge arbox d aily or every 8 hour s of o peration . See Fig ure 2 4 for gear box oil fill locat ion.
Service & Maintenance 27 MAN050 6 (Rev . 9/5/2008) GEARBOX OIL LEAKAGE NOTICE ■ Major oil leakage from the gearbox s haft seal area is n ot a cceptable and c ould ca use the gear box to fail due to lack of lubrication and cooling. It is the operator ’ s res ponsibility to che ck the gear box oil level per the Lubrication Service T able.
28 Service & Maintenance MAN050 6 (Rev . 9/5/2008) Gearbox leakage & T roubleshooting Some g earbox oil le akage may b e acceptable if : 1. Oil cover s less than a 3- inch diamete r circle aroun d the s haf t seal area (see F igure 30). 2. Oil cover s less than a 4- inch diamete r circle aroun d the dipstic k tube (s ee Figu re 30).
Service & Maintenance 29 MAN050 6 (Rev . 9/5/2008) Figure 31 . Dr ain Plug (Unde rside of Unit) 7. Re-install and tighte n drain p lug. 8. Dispose of use d oil in an appr oved co ntainer . 9. Add SAE 85W90 gear oil through t he dipsti ck cove r . Us e the dipstick t o check the oi l level (Figu re 32) and a dd oil accor dingly .
30 Service & Maintenance MAN050 6 (Rev . 9/5/2008) 3. Disconn ect driv eline and h ydrauli c lines from th e tractor . 4. Place sa fety stands or large blocks under th e frame. 5. Loose n and remove the w orn f lail and i ts opposit e on the o ther side of the r otor .
Service & Maintenance 31 MAN050 6 (Rev . 9/5/2008) T e chnic al Ser vice f or re -balance opt ions or furthe r details. Follow t he proce dure belo w if ro tor removal or repl ace- ment is re quired . Use a suitable lif ting devic e of sufficient cap ac- ity .
32 Service & Maintenance MAN050 6 (Rev . 9/5/2008) Figure 37 . Ro tor Direction of Rotation REPLACING STUB SHAF T 1. Remove ro tor (see Servicin g Rotors (Flail Tubes), pag e 3 0 ). 2. Remo ve thr ee 1/2 x 2- 1/2 he x bolt s in t aper loc k hub and re- install bolts in thre e thread ed holes (see Figu re 38 ).
Service & Maintenance 33 MAN050 6 (Rev . 9/5/2008) NOTE: The sha ft is heav y . Grasp t he clut ch fir mly with bo th hands a nd slide off the input shaft. Rebuilding Friction Pack Disassemb ly 1. Positio n clu tch and univ ersal j oint as semb ly on a bench so that end is a ccess ible.
34 Service & Maintenance MAN050 6 (Rev . 9/5/2008) NOTES.
T roubleshooting 35 MAN050 6 (Rev . 9/5/2008) TROUB LESHOOTI NG The Woods Fl ail S hredder uses s winging f lails to pick up an d shred cro p resid ue left in the fie ld. It i s a sim ple an d reli- able syste m that req uire s minima l mainten ance. The fol lowing table l ists prob lems, c auses, and s olutio ns th at yo u may en count er .
36 Contour Flail Patterns MAN050 6 (Rev . 9/5/2008) WORKSH EET FOR CONT OUR FLAIL P A TTERNS.
Contour Flail Patterns 37 MAN050 6 (Rev . 9/5/2008) WORKSH EET FOR CONT OUR FLAIL P A TTERNS 24’.
38 Assembly MAN050 6 (Rev . 9/5/2008) ASSEMBLY DEALER SET-UP INSTR UCTIONS Do not allo w bystanders in the area w hen oper- ating, att aching, removing, assembl ing, or servic- ing equipment. Do not handle knives with bare hands. Careless or improper handling may r esult in ser ious injury .
Assem bly 39 MAN050 6 (Rev . 9/5/2008) 7. Attach fron t top l ink spacer , bolts, a nd lock nuts to front of u pper mas t assemb ly . NOTE: For Quick Hitch Ca t II , use spacer in front lower hole of up per ma st as sembly . For Quick Hitch Cat I II , use spacer in front upper hole of up per ma st as sembly .
40 Assembly MAN050 6 (Rev . 9/5/2008) MANUAL STORAGE T UBE INST ALLATION The ma nual sto rage tube may be s upplied in eith er o f the follow ing st yles. For One-P iece St yle Manual T ube: Mount t he manual tube to the in side of the shr edder side she et, usin g three 3/8 x 1-1/4" hex bo lts, washers , and 3/8" nu ts.
Assem bly 41 MAN050 6 (Rev . 9/5/2008) provid ed. Make sure that li ght lenses are in the corre ct positi on in rela tion to direc tion of eq uipmen t travel: amber l enses o n the outside, red lenses on the in side fac ing rear of sh redde r .
42 Assembly MAN050 6 (Rev . 9/5/2008) CENTER CUT KIT INST ALLATION Block Shredded Never go underneath equipmen t (lowered to the ground or raised) unless it is properly blocke d and secured. Never place any p art of the body under- neath equipmen t or betw een moveable p arts even when the en gin e has be en tur ned off.
Assem bly 43 MAN050 6 (Rev . 9/5/2008) Inst all Motor Housing 1. Slide mo tor ass embly between shre dder cen ter channel an d secur e to the left side using two 1/2 NC x 1-1/4 carri age bolts (29) and flange lock nuts (30).
44 Assembly MAN050 6 (Rev . 9/5/2008) Install Hose Clam p s 1. Place hose c lamps (3 6) aro und h oses ( 1 1) an d center h oses bet ween ce nter p late. 2. Mark cl amp hol es in desi red lo cation on shedd er body a nd dril l two 1 1/ 32" ho les.
Dealer Check List s 45 MAN050 6 (Rev . 9/5/2008) DEALER CH ECK LIST S PRE-DELIVER Y CHECK LIST (DEALE R’S RESP ONSIB ILITY ) Inspect t he equipme nt thor oughly aft er asse mbly to make sure t hat it is set u p proper ly before del iveri ng it to the cus tomer .
46 Dealer Check Lists MAN050 6 (Rev . 9/5/2008) NOTES.
Part s 47 MAN050 6 (Rev . 9/7/201 1) P AR TS INDEX FLAIL SHREDDER Center Drive FRAME ASSEMBL Y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48-48 FLAIL TUB E ASSEMBL Y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Part s 49 MAN050 6 (Rev . 9/7/201 1) CENTER DRIVE FLAIL SHREDDER FRAME ASSEMBLY P ARTS LIST R E F P ART QTY DESCRIPTION 1 NSS 1 S15CD Bo dy w eldm ent 1 NSS 1 S20CD Bo dy w eldm ent 1 NSS 1 S22CD Bo d.
50 Part s MAN050 6 (Rev . 9/5/2008) FLAIL TUBE ASSEMBLY REF LEFT PA R T # RIGHT PA R T # QTY DESCRIPTION 1 1016199 LK 101619 8LK 1 15’ Flail tube w/k nives 1 1016199HD 1016198HD 1 15’ H D Cotton t.
Part s 51 MAN050 6 (Rev . 9/7/201 1) WHEEL ASSEMBLY REF PART NO QTY DESCR IPTION 1 90509009 1 Dust cap 2 90109002 1 Seal 3 90101023 1 Inner bearing cone 4 90101 022 1 In ner cup 5 9050901 1 5 1/2 NF W.
52 Part s MAN050 6 (Rev . 9/5/2008) BED CONE ASSEMBLY (OPTIONAL) 50510065 TYPE A - W EASLER ® 24 K PULL -T YPE P TO SHAF T WITH T ORQM ASTER CL UTCH REF PART NO QTY DESCRIPTION 1 2 0031440 1 U-Bolt, 3 /4 NC x 4 x 5 .
Part s 53 MAN050 6 (Rev . 9/7/201 1) TYPE B - W EASLER ® 24 K PULL -T YPE P TO SHAF T WITH T ORQM ASTER CL UTCH REF PART NO QTY DESCRIPTIO N A 1016108 1 PT O com plete 1-3/8 21 splin e -or- A 1016109 1 PT O com plete 1-3/4 20 splin e 1 19851 1 Slide lo ck rep air kit 1.
54 Part s MAN050 6 (Rev . 9/5/2008) WE A S L E R ® 24K 2-POINT & 3-POI NT PTO SHAF T WITH T ORQMASTER CLUTCH DUAL SAFETY LIG HT KIT (OPTIONAL) CD6523 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 5 10 3 11 R E F PART QTY DESCRIPTION 1 19851 1 Slide lock rep air ki t 1.38 ID -or- 1 198 37 1 Slide lock rep air kit 1.
Part s 55 MAN050 6 (Rev . 9/7/201 1) WEA SL E R ® 24K T ORQMASTER CLUTCH ASSEMBLY WEAS L E R ® AUTOMATIC CLU TCH (OPTIONAL) REF PART NO QTY DESCRIPTION 9 9031817 0 1 Leaf spring 10 90318171 1 Over running k ey 1 1 9031817 5 2 Friction disk 12 90318174 1 Sep arator plate 13 90003055 4 M10 x 1.
56 Part s MAN050 6 (Rev . 9/5/2008) WEAS L E R ® 30K 3- POINT PTO SHAFT WITH AUTOMATIC CLUTCH (OPTIONAL) WEAS L E R ® 30K 3- POINT PTO SHAFT WITH AUTOMATIC CLUTCH (OPTIONAL) R E F PART QTY DESCRIPTION A 1019810 - PT O Shaf t complete 1-3/4 20-spli ne 30K 3-poi nt with auto matic clutc h 1 198 37 1 Slide lock rep air kit 1.
Part s 57 MAN050 6 (Rev . 9/7/201 1) TYPE A - WEASLER ® 30K PULL-T YPE PTO SHAF T WITH AUTOMATIC CLUTC H (OPTIONAL) TYPE B - WEASLER ® 30K PULL-T YPE PTO SHAF T WITH AUTOMATIC CLUTC H (OPTIONAL) R E F PART QTY DESCRIPTION A 1019820 - PT O Shaf t complete 1-3/4 20-spli ne 30K pull -type with a utomatic cl utch 1 198 37 1 Slide lock rep air kit 1.
58 Part s MAN050 6 (Rev . 9/5/2008) CENTER DRIVE GEARBOX R E F PART QTY DESCRIPTION A 1013 049 1 Complete gea rbox, Series 8 00 1 1019 782 1 Casting, T hreaded ho les 2 1019 783 1 Casting, N on-thread.
Part s 59 MAN050 6 (Rev . 9/7/201 1) RUBBER BELTING R E F P ART QTY DESCRIPTION 1 101 2202 4 Rubbe r belting ( 15 f t) 1 101 2202 6 Rubbe r belting ( 20 ft & 2 2 ft) 1 101 2202 8 Rubbe r belting (.
60 Part s MAN050 6 (Rev . 9/5/2008) CENTER CUTTER KIT (OPTIONAL) W ARNING HIGH-PRESSURE FLUID HAZARD T o prevent serious injury or death: 1. Relieve pressure on system before repairing, adjusting, or disconnecting. 2. Wear proper hand and eye protection when searching for leaks.
Part s 61 MAN050 6 (Rev . 9/7/201 1) CENTER CUTTER KIT PART S LIST CENTER DEFLECTOR (OPTIONAL) R E F P ART QTY DESCRIPTION 1 10246 71 1 Blade hu b 2 10161 61 1 Motor ho using 3 10246 74 1 Blade, .
62 Part s MAN050 6 (Rev . 9/5/2008) RUBBER FLAP R E F P ART QTY DESCRIPTION 1 50 531089 14 Rubber flap (12" - 15 ft) 1 50 531089 18 Rubber flap (12" - 20 ft) 1 50 531089 20 Rubber flap (12&q.
Appendix 63 Bolt T orque & Size Ch arts (Rev . 3/28/2007 ) BOLT T ORQUE C HART Always tighten hardwar e to the se value s unl ess a di fferent torque valu e or ti ghtening procedur e is listed f or a spe cific applica tio n. Fasteners must al ways be rep laced with the s ame grad e as spec ified in the ma nual parts list.
64 Appendix Bolt T orque & Size Charts (Re v . 3/28/2007 ) BOLT SIZE CHART NOTE: Chart s hows b olt thr ead s izes an d corr espond ing he ad (wren ch) sizes f or standa rd SA E and metric bolts. ABBREVIATIONS AG ..... .......... .......... ......
Index 65 MAN050 6 (Rev . 9/5/2008) INDEX ASSEMBLY Dealer Set- Up Instr uctions 38 Optional E quipme nt Center Cut Kit Installation 42 Rubber Belting Installation 40 Rubber Flap Installation 40 Safety .
F-3079 (Rev . 2/14/201 1) W oods Equip ment Company 260 6 South Illinois Route 2 Post Office Box 1000 Oregon, Illi nois 61061 USA 800-319-663 7 te l 800 -399 -663 7 f ax www .W oodsEquipm W ARRANTY All Models Except Mow ’ n Machine TM Zero-T urn Mowers Plea se En ter In fo rma tion B elow an d Save for F utu re R efer ence .
F-8494 (Rev . 10/3/201 1) W ARRAN TY (Replacement Parts F or All Models Except Mo w’ n Machine TM Zero-T urn Mowers) W oods Equipment Compan y (“WOODS”) w arrants this product t o be free from d.
W oods Equipment Company 2606 Sou th Illi nois Route 2 P ost Office Bo x 1000 Oregon , Illinois 61061 800- 319-6637 tel 800- 399-6637 f ax www .WoodsEqu ipment.c om ©2006 Woods Equipment Company . All rights reserved. WOODS, the Woods logo, and “T es ted.
An important point after buying a device Woods Equipment S25CD (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Woods Equipment S25CD yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Woods Equipment S25CD - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Woods Equipment S25CD you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Woods Equipment S25CD will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Woods Equipment S25CD, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Woods Equipment S25CD.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Woods Equipment S25CD. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Woods Equipment S25CD along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center