Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product W10112488 Whirlpool
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2 INST ALL A TION REQUIREMENTS T ools an d P art s Gather the required tools and parts before startin g installation. The parts supplied ar e in the washer basket. Parts needed (not provided with washer): To o r d e r : ■ Call the dealer from whom you purchased your washer .
3 Location Require ments Selecting the proper location for your washer impr oves performance and minimizes no ise and possible washer “ wal k. ” Y our washer can be installed in a basement, laundry room, closet, or recessed ar ea. See “ Drain System.
4 Electrical Require ments ■ A 120 volt, 60 Hz., AC only , 15- or 20- amp, fused electrica l supply is required. A time-delay fuse or circuit breaker is reco mmended. It is r ecomm ended that a separ ate circu it serving only this appliance be provided.
5 Straight po wer cord 1. Remove power plug and yell ow strap from machine base to release the rear leveling system. 2. Firmly grasp th e power cord and pull to completely remove the power cord, cor d restraint, and pin from the rear panel. 3. Confirm that the power c o r d restraint (A), an d pin (B) ar e rem ov e d.
6 Conn ect Drain Hose Proper connection of the drain hose protects your floors fr om damage due to water leakage. Read and follow these instructions. The drain hose is connected to your washer and is stored in side the washer cabin et.
7 Connect the inlet hoses to the washer 1. Attach the hot water hose to the bottom inlet valve. 2. Attaching the hot water coupling first makes it easier to tighten connectio n with pliers. 3. Screw on couplin g by hand until it is seated on the washer .
8 2. Screw the locknut onto each foot to within 1" (2.5 cm) of the foot base. 3. Screw the feet into the threaded holes at the front corner of the washer until the n uts touch the washer . T wist the feet to install. NOTE: Do no t tighten the nu ts until th e washer is level.
9 INSTRUCCI ONES P ARA LA INST ALACI Ó N DE LA LA V ADORA SEGURIDAD DE LA LAVADORA REQUISI TOS DE INST ALACI Ó N Herramie ntas y p iezas Re ú na las herramientas y piezas necesar ias antes de comenzar la instalaci ó n. Las piezas provistas est á n en la ca n asta de la lavadora.
10 Piezas alter nativas Su inst alaci ó n pu ede requerir piezas suple mentarias. Para informaci ó n sobr e c ó mo pedir , s í rvase referirse a los n ú meros gratuitos ubicados en la portada de sus In strucciones para el usuario de l a lavadora .
11 Para evitar el efecto de sif ó n, no debe haber m á s de 8" (20,3 cm) de manguera de desag ü e dentro del tubo vertical. Aj uste la manguer a de desag ü e con un fleje de atadura rebor deado. Siste ma de des ag ü e en un lavader o (vista C) El lavader o debe tener una capac i dad m í nima de 20 g al.
12 INSTRUCCIONES DE INST ALACI Ó N Ante s de empe zar NOTA: Para evitar da ñ o s al piso, col oque la lavadora sobre un cart ó n a n tes de moverla po r el piso. C ó mo quita r el m aterial de transport e Para un funcionamie nto adecuado es necesar i o quitar el m aterial de transporte.
13 1. T ome el fleje de embalaje amarillo con firmeza y j á lelo h asta quitar completamente ambos extr emos de la lavadora. 2. V erifique que las dos (2) chavetas se hayan quitado con el fleje de e mba laje.
14 3. Usando los alicates, apriete los acoplamientos dos tercios de vuelta adicional. NOT A: No apriete demasiado ni use cinta o selladores en la v á lvula.
15 3. Enr olle la ma nguera de des ag ü e a l a pata del lavader o, al tubo vert ical o a la s man guer as d e e ntr ada util izan do el fl ej e de atadura re bordeado. Empuje el ajustador hasta el orificio m á s cerca no en el fleje de atadura r ebordeado.
16 5. Despu é s de que la lavadora est é en su ubicaci ó n final y nivelada, use una llave de boca de ⁹⁄₁ ₆ " ó 14 mm para gira r hacia la izquierda las tuercas de las patas y ajustarlas firmemente contr a el gabinete de la lavado ra.
17 EXIGENCES D ’ INST ALLA TION Outillage et pi è ces Rassembler les outils et pi è ces n é cessair es avan t de commen cer l ’ in stalla tion. Les pi è ces fourn ies se trouvent dans le panier de la laveuse.
18 Exigences d ’ emplacement La s é lection de l ’ em placement appr opri é pour la laveuse permettra d ’ optimis er sa perfo rmance et de minimise r le bruit et les risques de mou vement de la laveuse. On peut installer la laveuse dans un sou s-sol, u ne buanderie , un placard, ou un espace d ’ en cast rement .
19 Sp é cifications é lectriques ■ Alimenter la laveuse au moyen d ’ un cir cuit individuel de 120 volts, 60 Hz, CA seulement, prot é g é par un fusible de 15 ou 20 amp è res. On r ecommande l ’ emploi d ’ un f usible temporis é ou disjoncteur .
20 Cordon d ’ alimentation dro it 1. Ô ter la fiche du co rdo n d'alimen tation et la sangl e jaune de la base de l'appareil pour lib é r er le syst è me de ni velleme nt arri è re.
21 Raccordeme nt du tuyau de vida n ge V eiller à raccorder c o rr ectement le tuyau de vidange pour qu ’ aucu ne f ui te d ’ eau ne puisse d é t é rior er le plancher .
22 Raccor der les tuyaux d ’ arriv é e d ’ eau à la laveuse 1. Conn ect er l e tu yau d'ea u c haud e à l ’ entr é e en bas de l ’é lectrovanne. 2. La connexion du tuyau d'eau chaude en premier facilite le serrage du raccor d avec la pince.
23 R é gl age de l ’ aplomb de l a laveuse Un bon a plomb de la laveus e é vite le bru it et les vi brations ex cessifs. Insta llation de s pieds de nivelleme nt avant 1. Soulever l ’ a van t de la laveuse d ’ environ 4" (10,2 cm) avec un bloc de bois ou un objet s emblable.
Achever l ’ installation 1. Consulter les sp é cifications é lectriques. V é rifier qu e la tension é lectrique disponible est correcte et que la prise de courant est convenablement reli é e à la terre. V oir “ Sp é cifications é lectriques ” .
An important point after buying a device Whirlpool W10112488 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Whirlpool W10112488 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Whirlpool W10112488 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Whirlpool W10112488 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Whirlpool W10112488 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Whirlpool W10112488, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Whirlpool W10112488.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Whirlpool W10112488. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Whirlpool W10112488 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center