Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product W10063560 Whirlpool
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FRON T-LOADING AUTOMA TIC WASHE R Use & Car e Guide For que stions ab out fe atures, oper ation/pe rforma nce, parts, acce ssories o r service call: 1-800- 253-130 1 In Canada, ca ll: 1-80 0-807- 6777 or visit our website at www . whirl pool. com or www .
2 T ABLE OF CONTENTS WASHER SAFETY ................................. ............................ ............. 3 INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS ................................... ............. 4 Tools and Parts ........ ..................................
3 W ASHER SAFETY You can be killed or seriously injured if you don't immediately You can be killed or seriously injured if you don't follow All safety messages will tell you what the potential hazard is, tell you how to reduce the chance of injury, and tell you what can happen if the instructions are not followed.
4 INST ALL A TION REQUIREMENTS To o l s a n d P a r t s Gat her the r equ ir ed tools an d parts befor e startin g instal latio n. The parts supp lied are in the w asher drum. T ools needed for connecting the water inlet hoses ■ Pliers (that open to 1 ⁹⁄₁₆ " [39.
5 Location R equirem ents Selecti ng the proper location for your washer improves performance and minimizes n oise and possi ble washer “walk.” Y our washer can be ins talled under a cu stom counte r , or in a basement, lau ndry room, closet, or recessed area.
6 Recomme nded insta llation spac ing for recessed or closet ins tallation, with st acked w asher an d drye r The dim ensi ons sh own a r e for the r ecomm ende d spa cing. * Min. top and bott om air openings for closet door . ** Exter nal exhaus t elbow requires addit ional space.
7 Electrical Require ments ■ A 120 v olt, 60 Hz., A C only , 15- or 20-amp, fused el ectrical supply is required. A time-del ay fuse or c ircuit breaker is recommended. It is recommended that a s eparate circuit serving only this app liance be provided.
8 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS Remove T ransport System IMPORT AN T : Position t he washer so th at the rear of the washer is w ithin ap pr oximat ely 3 f t (90 cm) of its fi nal loca tion. There are 4 b lue b olts in the rear panel of the wash er that s upport the suspen sion syste m during tran sportati on.
9 Connect the inlet h oses to the washer 1. Attach the hot wa ter ho se to th e washer ’ s hot (H) water inle t valve. Scr ew on c oupling by hand until it is sea ted on the washer . 2. Attach the cold w ater hose to the w asher ’ s cold (C) wa te r faucet.
10 Level t he W ashe r The right front foot has been installed at a differ ent height on your new washer . The other three feet w ere preset at the factory . Pr oper ly leveli ng your washer w ill mi nimize exce ssive n oise a nd vibrat ion. 1. Push o n the upper f r ont pane l to be sur e tha t the w asher i s on the rear feet.
11 FEA TURES AND BENEFITS Y our new front-loading hi gh efficiency washer , was design ed to conserve resources and lower your wat er and energy bills. The washer is d esigned to dete rmine and then provide the amoun t of water needed for the best performance.
12 WASH ER USE Start ing Y our W a sher WAR N I N G: T o redu ce the risk of fi re, elec tric shock, or in jury to persons, read the IMPOR T A NT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS before ope ratin g this applia nce. The following is a guide to using your washer . Please refer to specific sections of this manual for more detailed in formation.
13 6. If desired, select the END OF CY CLE SIGNAL. The si gnal is helpful w hen you are washing i tems that sh ould be removed from the washer as soon as it st ops. Press END OF CYCLE SIGN AL to se le ct LOUD , SO F T or OFF . 7. T o begin the wash cycle immediately Selec t and hold ST A RT (for approximately 1 secon d).
14 Pa u s i n g o r R e s t a r t i n g 1. T o pause the w asher at an y time, sele ct P AUSE/ CANCEL. 2. T o continu e the cycle , select and hold ST ART (for approximately 1 s econd). Chan g ing Cy cl es a nd Op tio n s Not all Opti ons are availab le with all Cycle s.
15 Cycle s W ash Cycles Choose Wash Cycles by rotating t he Cycle se lector knob to t he desired cycle. Th e indicator li ght for the cy cle selected will illumina te. Each cycle i s designed for different type s of fabric and soil levels. ■ Each cycle has a p reset cycle time, WASH TEMP , SPIN SPEED, an d may have preset Opt ions.
16 Drain/Spin Use this cycle to dr ain your wash er or to drain and spin your wash lo ad. The spin speed i s pres et to HIGH. If d esir ed, you can reduce the spi n speed by sel ecting th e speed you want from the SPIN SP EED modifie r .
17 Laun dry Guide Refer to thi s chart for suggested l oad types an d their correspondin g cycle s. Listed to th e right are the options av ailabl e to e ach of thes e washer cycle s. LAUNDRY T IPS Preparing clothes for washing Follow these re commendations to help you prolong th e life of your garment s.
18 Sortin g ■ Sepa rate hea vily s oiled it ems fr om lightl y soil ed ones , even if they woul d normally be wash ed together . Separate lint -givers (tow els, chen ille ) fr om li nt-t aker s (co rd uro y , synthe tics, permane nt pr ess). W hen possi ble, tu rn lint-giver s insid e-out.
19 WA S H E R C A R E Cle ani ng Y ou r W asher Cleaning the Door Seal/Bellow 1. Open the w asher door and remove any cl othing or it ems from the wash er . 2. Inspect the gray colored seal /bellow be tween the d oor opening and t he basket for stai ned areas.
20 Cleaning the dispens er drawe r The dispenser drawer is removable for easy cleaning. 1. Unlock the dis penser drawer by pressing the Re lease Leve r . See “ Usin g the Dis pen ser . ” Remove the drawer . 2. Remove the ins erts (the sip hon from the softener and bleac h compartmen ts).
21 TROUBLESHOOTING First try the solutions suggested her e to possibly avoid the cost of a service call... W asher and Componen ts Error cod es An error code may be shown in the Estimated Time Remaini ng displ ay . Chec k the li st below for po tentia l pro blem and troubleshooti ng checks.
22 Dispenser operat ion ■ Did yo u follo w the m anufac turer ’ s directions when adding detergent and fabric s oftener to th e dispensers? Measure detergent and fab ric so ftener . Slowl y pour int o the dispen sers. Wipe u p all spi lls. Dilu te fabri c softe ner in t he fabric softener dis penser .
23 W asher continues to fill or dr ain, drain cycle seems stuck ■ Is the top of drain hose lower than 30" (76 cm) on washer? The top of the drai n hose must be at least 30" (7 6 cm) above the floor .
24 ■ Are you using a low speed wash cycle? Powder e d dete rge nts may not dissolv e well in a slow-sp eed cycle . For best results, use liqu id de tergent for slow -spee d cycles su ch as Del icate /Hand Wash. ■ Did you unload the washer pr omptly? T o avoid dy e transfer , unload t he washer as soon as it stops.
25 WHIRLPOOL CORPORA TION MAJOR APPLIANCE W ARRANTY TWO YEAR LIMITED WARRANTY For two year s from the date of purchase, w hen thi s major appl iance is operated an d maintai ned according to i nstruct.
26 SÉCURITÉ DE LA LA VEUSE Risque possible de décès ou de blessure grave si vous ne suivez pas immédiatement les instructions. Risque possible de décès ou de blessure grave si vous ne suivez pas les instructions.
27 EXIGENCES D'INSTALLATION Out il la ge et p ièc es Rass embl er le s outi ls et p i è ces n é cessaires avant de commen cer l'in stallati on.
28 Ensemble de superpo sition Pr é voye z-vou s de super poser vot re laveuse e t votre s é cheu se? Pour ce fai re, vous devrez achet er un ensembl e de sup erposition . Pour command er , t é l é phoner au marchand chez qui vous avez achet é votre laveuse ou cons ulter la sect ion “ Assist ance ou servic e ” de ce manue l.
29 Installation dans un encastrement ou placar d - laveuse sur pi é destal Espacem ent recomm and é pour une installation dans un encastrement ou da ns un placard, ave c laveuse et s é cheuse su perpos é es Les dimens ions indi qu é es sont pour l'espacement recomman d é .
30 Syst è me de vida nge ave c é vier de b uanderie (vue A) L' é vier de bu anderie d oit avoi r une capacit é minimale de 2 0 gal. (76 L). L a partie sup é rieure de l' é vier de buander ie doit ê tre à au moins 30" (76, 2 cm) au-dessu s du plan cher .
31 INSTRU CTIONS D'INSTALLATION Élimination des accessoir es de transport IMPORT ANT : Positionner la laveus e de sorte que l'arri è re de l'apparei l s oit à environ 3 pi (90 cm) de son em placement final.
32 Connecter les tuyaux d'alimentation à la laveuse 1. Fixer le tu yau d 'eau ch aude à la v alve du t uyau d 'alimenta tion d'eau chau de (H) de la l aveuse. Visser le raccord à la main pour qu'il comp rime la r ondelle. 2.
33 Immobilisation du tuyau de vidange 1. Faire passer le co rdon d'alimentat ion par-dessus la laveuse . 2. D é placer la laveu se à son empl acement f inal. 3. Placer le t uyau de vi dange d ans l' é vi er de buan derie ou le tuya u de rejet à l' é gou t - voir l'ill ust rati on.
34 CARACTÉRISTIQUES ET A V A NT AGES V otre nouv elle lav euse haute efficacit é à char gement frontal a é t é con ç ue po ur pr é server les ressources et dimin uer vos factu res d'eau et d' é ner gie. La lave use est co n ç ue p our d é te rminer puis fournir la quantit é d'eau n é cessaire à une performance optimale .
35 UTI LIS A T ION DE LA LA VE USE Mise en mar che de la lave use A VERTIS SEMEN T : Pou r r é du ire le risque d'i ncendie, de choc é lectrique ou de b lessures corporelles, l ire les INSTRUC TIONS IMPOR T ANTES D E S É CURIT É avant de faire foncti onner cet appareil.
36 2. Fermer la porte de la la veuse en la poussant fermement jusqu ' à ce que le verrou s'enclenche. La porte de la laveuse demeurera verrouill é e duran t le programme de l avage .
37 Compartiment pour d é tergent du la vage prin cipal (Lettre B dans l'illus trati on du distri buteur) Ve r s e r l e d é tergent HE l iquide ou en poud re dans ce compartiment pour l e programme de lavage princip al.
38 Cycle Complete (p rogramme termin é ) Le t é moin lumineux Cycle Complete (programme t ermin é ) reste allum é pendant 5 minutes à la fin du pr ogramme. En suite, la laveus e s ' é tein t. V errouillage des commandes La foncti on Control Lock (verrouillage des c ommandes) é vite l'ut ilisati on invo lontair e de la lave use.
39 *L e s d u r é es de programme varient aut omatiquemen t en fonction de la pres sion e t de l a temp é rature de l'eau, du d é te rgent et de la char ge de linge. La d ur é e du programme sera prolong é e en cas d'ex c è s de mous se ou si la char ge es t d é s é quil ibr é e.
40 Son s nor mau x Comme av ec tout nouv eau pr oduit, v ous enten drez des sons auxqu els vous n' ê tes p as ha bitu é s. V ous pouvez en tendre diff é ren ts son s lor s du ver rou illag e/d é verr ouilla ge de l a porte et duran t le processu s de lav age, rin ç age ou essorage.
41 Guide de lessivage Consulter ce tabl eau pour les types de charges sugg é r é s et le programme correspondant. Pour chacun des programmes de la laveuse, les o ptions disp onibles sont i ndiq u é es à droite.
42 CONSEILS DE LESSIVAGE Pr é parat ion des v ê tements pour le lavage Suivre l es recommandations suivantes pour pr olonger la vie de vos v ê tement s. ■ Utiliser u niquement des d é ter gents Haute ef ficacit é . Pou r ce type de d é tergent, “ HE ” ou “ Haute ef ficacit é” s era mention n é sur l'emballage.
43 Guide pour l'élimination des taches T ache Utiliser un agent de blanchiment au chlore liquide ou sans danger pour les couleurs Utiliser le pro gramme de lavage sugg é r é T ache Utiliser un.
44 ENTRETIEN DE LA L AVEUSE Nettoyag e de la la veuse Nettoyage du joint /soufflet d e la porte 1. Ouvrir la porte de la laveuse et retirer tout v ê tem ent ou arti cle de la la veuse. 2. Examiner le j oint/soufflet de coule ur grise ent re l'ouverture de la porte et le panier pou r d é cel er des zones tach é es.
45 Nettoya ge de l'ex t é rieur Utili ser une é po nge ou un lin ge dou x hu mide pour e ssuy er le s renversements. Ess uyer occasi onnell ement les su rfaces e xtern es de la la veuse p our maint enir son appar ence d'a ppar eil neu f. Utili ser un s avon dou x et de l'eau.
46 DÉPANNAGE Essayer d'abord les s olutions sugg é r é es ici pour é v iter pos siblement le co û t d'une visite de service... La laveuse et ses composant s Codes d'erreur Un code d'er reur peut a ppara î tre sur l'affich eur de la dur é e r é sidue lle esti m é e.
47 Fuites d'eau de la laveuse ■ La porte a-t-elle é t é ouverte pen dant “ Add a garment ” (ajouter un v ê tement)? De l'eau peut suin ter de l 'int é rieu r de la porte si celle-ci est ouverte apr è s le d é but d'un progr amme.
48 ■ Le tuya u d'arriv é e d'eau est-il d é form é ? Redresser les tuyau x. ■ Les tamis de la valve d'arri v é e d'eau sont-ils obstru é s? Couper l'arriv é e d'eau et retirer les tuyaux d'arriv é e d'ea u de la l aveu se.
49 Soin de s vête ments Charge t rop mouill é e ■ Avez-vous utilis é le bon pr ogramme pour la charge à laver? Choisir un programme avec une vitesse d 'essorage plus é lev é e.
50 ASSISTANCE OU SERVICE Ava n t d e t é l é pho ner pou r assist ance ou servic e, veu illez v é rifier “ D é panna ge ” . Ceci pourrait vous é viter le co û t d ’ une vi site de service. Si vous avez enc ore besoin d ’ aid e, veui llez su ivre les instructi ons ci -dessous .
51 GARANTIE DE S GROS A PP AREILS MÉNAGERS WHIRLPOOL CORPORA TION GARANTIE LIMIT É E DE DEUX AN S Pendant deux ans à compt er de la date d'achat, lorsq ue ce gros appareil m é nag er est util.
W1006 3560 © 2006 Wh irlp ool Corpor ati on. ® Registered T rademar k/TM T rademark of Wh irlpool, U.S .A., Whirlpool Canada LP licensee in Canada 5/06 All ri ghts reser ved. T ous droi ts r é serv é s. ® Marque d é pos é e/T M Marque de commerce de Whirlpool, U.
An important point after buying a device Whirlpool W10063560 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Whirlpool W10063560 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Whirlpool W10063560 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Whirlpool W10063560 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Whirlpool W10063560 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Whirlpool W10063560, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Whirlpool W10063560.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Whirlpool W10063560. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Whirlpool W10063560 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center