Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product W10017610 Whirlpool
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ELECTRIC RANGES Use & Care Guide In Canada, fo r assistance, installation an d service, ca ll: 1-800 -807 -6777 or visit ou r website at... www .whirlpool.
2 T ABLE OF CONTENTS RANGE SAFETY .................................................. ........................... 3 The Anti-Tip Bracket ......................................... ........................... 3 PARTS AND FEATURES ........................
3 RANGE SAFETY The An ti -Tip Br ac ket The range will not tip durin g normal use. Howev er , th e range can ti p if you appl y too much force or weight to t he open door wit hout havi ng th e an ti-tip brac ket faste ned down p ro per ly .
4 IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS SA VE THESE INSTRUCTIONS WARNING: To reduce the risk of fire, electrical shock, injury to persons, or damage when using the range, follow basic precautions, including the following: ■ WARNING: TO REDUCE THE RISK OF TIPPING OF THE RANGE, THE RANGE MUST BE SECURED BY PROPERLY INSTALLED ANTI-TIP DEVICES.
5 P ARTS AND FEATURES This manual covers several different models. The range y ou have purchased may hav e some or all of the parts and featu res listed . The location and appearance of t he features shown here may not matc h those of your model . Contr ol Panels A.
6 Rang e A. Appliance out let B. A ppliance o utlet circuit bre aker C. O ven vent (on ce ramic glass models) D. Ceramic glass E. Dual element (on some models) F. A n t i - t i p b r a c k e t G. Mo del and serial numbe r plate (behind left si de of storage drawer ) H.
7 COOKTOP U SE Cooktop C ontrols The control knobs can be set to anywh ere between HI and LO. Push in an d tur n to setti ng. Use the follow ing chart as a gu ide when se tting he at lev els. NOTE : On self-c leanin g ceramic glass mode ls, the cooktop will not opera te when t he range is i n a s elf-cleani ng mode.
8 The W arm Zone element area will not glow red when cy cling on. However , its ind icator light wi ll glow as long as the W arm Zone element area is too hot to tou ch. ■ Use only cookware and dishes recommende d for oven and cooktop use. ■ Cover all food s with a li d or alumi num foil.
9 2. Pull the c oil ele ment strai ght away from the receptac le. 3. Lift out the bu rner bow l. T o R eplace: 1. Line up openi ngs in the bur ner bowl with the coi l element receptacle. 2. Holding the coi l element as l evel as pos sible, sl owly push the coil element t erminal into th e receptacle.
10 ELECTRONIC OVEN CONTROLS Style 1 - Electronic Oven Contr ol (on some models) Style 2 - Electronic Oven Contr ol (on some models) Style 3 - Electronic Oven Contr ol (on some model s) Disp lay Style 1 - Elec tronic Oven Control When power is first s upplied to t he applian ce, “ 12: 00 PM ” will appear on th e displa y .
11 Start Style 1- Ele ctronic Ov en Control The Start pad begins any oven function. The display will show “ SET TE MP OR TIME O R PUSH ST ART . ” Styles 2 & 3 - Electronic Oven Con trols The Start pad begins any oven function.
12 Ti m er The Timer c an be set in hours or mi nutes u p to 12 hou rs and 0 minutes, and cou nts down the set ti me. The Timer does not start or stop t he oven. To S e t : 1. Press TIMER SET/OF F . The timer indicator light w ill light up on some models.
13 OVEN USE Odors and smoke are normal when the oven is u sed the first few times, or when it is heavily soiled . IMPORT AN T : The healt h of some birds is ex tremely sensiti ve to the f umes gi ven o ff . Exposu re to the f umes m ay r esul t in dea th to certain birds.
14 5. When finished cooking, slowly remove it ems. Bakeware The bakeware mat erial affects cooking r esults. Follow manufact urer ’ s recommendations an d use the bakeware size recommended in the recipe.
15 Pr eh eati ng Style 1 - Elect ronic Oven Control After ST ART is pressed, the oven will ente r a timed preheat condit ioning. “ Lo ” will app ear on the d isplay until the t emperature is ab ove 1 70 º F (75 º C).
16 BROILING CHART For best res ults, place food 3" (7 cm) or more from the br oil element. Time s are guideline s only and ma y need to be ad justed for indivi dual tastes. Rec ommend ed rack posi tions are num bered fro m th e bott om (1) to the t op (5) .
17 T o Select Convection Se ttings There are 5 convection presets for time an d temperature. Each can be acti vated by s equenti ally press ing the CONVE CT key .
18 *Do not stuff poultry when convec tion roasting. Wa r m H o l d F e a t u r e (on some mode ls) IMPORT AN T : Food must be at serving temperature befor e placing it in the warmed oven. Food may be held up to 1 hour; however , breads a nd casseroles may become too dry if left in the oven during W arm Hold.
19 Style 2 - Elect ronic Oven Control T o Set a Timed Cook: 1. Press desir ed cook function (optional). 2. Press the TEMP “ up ” or “ down ” arr ow pads to en ter a temperatu re other than the one displaye d. 3. Press STOP TIME. 4. Press the HR a nd MIN “ up ” or “ dow n ” arrow pads to enter the desired time to end cooking.
20 NOTE : If ST ART is pressed af ter only one seq uence has been programmed, a r egular cooking mode will start. For example, if you chose BAKE as your first step, an d ST A RT is pressed, the oven will begi n a normal baking cy cle. Aft er ST A RT has been pressed, addi tional steps cannot be added to the sequ encing.
21 RANGE CARE Self-Cleani ng Cycle (on some mo dels) IMPORT AN T : The healt h of some birds is ex tremely sensiti ve to the fumes give n off during the S elf-Clean ing cycle. E xposure to the fume s may result in de ath to cert ain bi rds. Always mo ve birds to another clos ed and well-ven tilate d room.
22 Styles 2 & 3 - Electronic Oven Con trol Before self-clean ing, make su re the door is closed complete ly or it will not lock and the cycl e will not begin. 1. Press AUTO CLE AN. 2. Press the TEMP /TIME “ up ” or “ down ” arr ow pad t o set a clean time other than 3 hour s 30 minutes.
23 MET ALLIC P AIN T (on some m odels) Cleaning Method: ■ Do not use abras ive cleaners, cl eaners with bleach, rus t r emove rs, am monia or sod ium hy dr oxide (lye) becaus e pai nt surface ma y stai n.
24 OVEN CA VITY Food spills should be cleaned when ov en cools. At high temperatures, foods react with porcela in and stai ning, etch ing, pittin g or f aint wh ite sp ots can re sult. Cleaning Method: ■ Sel f-Cl ean ing cy cle: See “ Self -Clea ning C ycle ” first.
25 4. Lift the oven door while holding b oth sides. Continue to push the oven door closed and pull it aw ay from the oven door frame. T o R eplace: 1. Insert both hanger arms into t he door . 2. Open the oven d oor . Y ou should hear a “ clic k ” as the door i s set int o place.
26 TROUBLESHOOTING T ry the solut ions suggested here first in order to avoid the cost of an unn ecessary service call. Nothing will operate ■ Is the power sup ply cord unplug ged? Plug into a gr ounded outlet. ■ Has a household fuse blown, or h as a circuit br eaker tripped? Replace th e fuse or reset the circuit breaker .
27 ASSISTANCE OR SERVICE Before calling for ass istance or serv ice, plea se check “ T roubleshooting. ” It may sa ve you t he cost of a ser vice call. If you sti ll nee d help, follow the ins tructio ns belo w . When calli ng, please kn ow the purchase date and t he complete model and s erial number of you r appliance.
28 WHIRLPOOL CORPORA TION MAJOR APPLIANCE W ARRANTY ONE YEAR LIMITED W ARRANTY For one year from the date of pu rchase, when th is major a ppliance i s operate d and mainta ined a ccording to instruct.
29 Note s.
30 SÉCUR ITÉ DE LA CUIS INIÈR E La brid e ant ibas culeme nt Dans l es cond itions d e servic e normal es, la cuisini è r e ne bascule pas . Elle peu t cependan t basculer si une force ou un poids excessif est appl iqu é sur l a porte ouverte alors que la bride anti bascul ement n ’ est pas con vena bleme nt fix é e.
31 IMPORT ANTES INSTRUCTIONS DE S É CURIT É CONSER VEZ CES INSTRUCTIONS AVERTISSEMENT : Pour r é duire le risque d ’ incendie, de choc é lectrique, de blessures ou de dommages lors de l ’ util.
32 IMPORT ANTES INSTRUCTIONS DE S É CURIT É CONSER VEZ CES INSTRUCTIONS ■ Nettoyer la table de cuisson avec prudence – Si une é ponge ou un chiffon mouill é est utilis é pour essuyer les renversements sur une surface de cuisson chaude, é viter les br û lures caus é es par la vapeur chaude.
33 PIÈCES ET CARACTÉ RISTIQUES Ce manu el couvr e plus ieurs mod è les dif f é r ents. La cu isini è re que vous avez ache t é e peut comporter quelqu es-unes ou toutes les pi è ces et caract é rist ique s é num é r é es.
34 Cuisinière A. Prise él ectrique de l'ap pareil B. Disjoncteur de la prise électrique de l’ appareil C. Évent du four ( sur les modèles avec vitrocéram ique) D. Vitro céramique E. Élément double (sur certains modèle s) F . Bride an tib asc ule men t G.
35 UTIL ISA TION D E LA T A BLE DE CUISSO N Command es de la table de cuisson Les boutons de commande peuvent ê tre r é gl é s à n'imp orte quelle position e ntre HI et LO. Pousser et tour ner le bouton au r é glage. Utilis er le tableau sui vant comme guide l ors du r é glage des nive aux de chaleu r .
36 Élémen t zone de réch auffage (sur certain s modèles) Utili ser l' é l é me nt zone de r é chauffage pour garder au chaud les aliment s cuits. Un e heure est la du r é e maximale recommand é e pour main teni r la quali t é des alimen ts.
37 Élémen ts en spirale et cuv ettes de brûl eur (s ur certa i ns mo dèle s) Les é l é ments en spirale doi vent ê tre de niveau pou r une cuisson id é ale. Les cuvet tes de br û leur , lor squ ’ elle s sont p rop re s, r é fl é chisse nt la chaleu r sur l ’ uste nsile de cuisson .
38 Ustensiles de cuisson IMPORT ANT : Ne pas laisser un uste nsile d e cuisso n vide sur la surface d ’ une tabl e de cuiss on, d ’ un é l é ment ou d ’ un br û leur d e sur fac e chau ds.
39 Style 3 - Commande électr onique du four (sur certains mod è les) Affichage Style 1 - Com mande électronique du fo ur Lors d e la mise sous te nsion in itiale de l'a ppare il, “ 12:00 PM ” appara î t sur l'a ffi cha ge. V oir la s ection “ Horloge ” pour r é gler l ’ heur e.
40 Désactivation/activation : Appuyer sur CLOCK (horloge) pendan t 5 seconde s. Un signal sonor e se fait en tendr e lorsqu ’ on passe de OFF à ON.
41 C o m m a n d ed el at e m p é r a t u r ed uf o u r IMPORT ANT : Ne pas utiliser d e thermom è tre pour mesurer la temp é ratur e du four c ar l' ouver tur e de l a port e du four p eut provoqu er des mesures incorrectes d u br û leur à fonctionneme nt par intermit tence.
42 Cuisson par convection USTENSILE S DE CUISSON L ’ air chaud d oit pouvoir circul er autour de l ’ aliment p our le cu ir e unif orm é ment. Laisser 2" (5 c m) d'espace en tre les ustensi les de cuisson et les pa rois du four . Se s ervir du tableau suivan t comme guide.
43 Ther mo mè tre à vi a nde Sur les mod è le s sans sonde t hermo m é triqu e, toujour s se se rvir d'un the rmom è tre à viand e pour v é rifier la cu isson de l a viande, de la v olaille et du p oisson . C'est l a temp é ratu re i nterne qui importe et non l 'apparence.
44 Utilisation : 1. Appuyer sur la fonction CHOICE BAKE ® . Appuyer sur les tou ches TEMP à fl è che (vers le hau t ou vers le bas) pour entrer une temp é ratur e autre qu e 350 ° F (175 ° C) en tranches d e 5 ° . La temp é rature de cuiss on au fou r peut ê tr e r é gl é e entre 170 ° F et 500 ° F (75 ° C et 260 ° C).
45 Cuisson par convection ( S t y l e1-C o m m a n d eé l e c t r o n i q u ed uf o u r ) Au cours de l a cuisson par con vection , le ventilat eur permet une circulation accrue de l'air chaud, d e fa ç on contin ue et plu s unif orm é ment, dan s tout le f our .
46 1. Appuyer sur la to uche CONVECT . Le p remier r é glage affich é indi que la conv ectio n à 325 ° F (165 ° C) et un t exte d é rou lan t au bas de l' é cran pr é sente d ans cet ordr.
47 Caractéri stique W arm Hold ( garder au chau d) (s ur certa i ns mo dèle s) IMPORT ANT : Les a limen ts doive nt ê tr e à la temp é ratur e de service ava nt de les p lacer dans l e four cha ud.
48 7. Appuyer sur ST ART (mise en marche). “ DE LA Y ” (dif f é r é e) appara î t sur l'afficheu r . Lors que l ’ heur e de mise e n mar che e st atte inte, l e four s ’ allume auto matiquemen t.
49 4. R é gler la dur é e de cuisson en app uyant s ur les touc hes HOUR et/ou MIN. “ PUSH ST A RT OR ADD STEP ” (a ppuyer su r start ou ajout er une é tape) appara î t sur l'afficheur du four . Si on appuie sur ST ART (mise en marche), la pr ogrammation de s é quences d é bute.
50 ENTRETIEN DE LA C UISINIÈRE Program me d'auton ettoyage (sur c ert ains mo dèl es) IMPORT ANT : La sant é de certains oiseaux est tr è s sensib le aux é manations q ui surviennent durant le pr ogramme d'autonet toyage. L'expo sition au x é manation s peut entra î ner la mort de cert ains oiseaux.
51 Autonettoyage : Style 1 - Com mande électronique du fo ur Av ant l 'auton ettoya ge, s' assur er que la po rte es t compl è te ment ferm é e sinon elle ne s e verr ouillera pas et le progra mme ne commencera pas.
52 Style 3 - Com mande électronique du fo ur L'au tone tto yage à mise en marche diff é r é e n'est pas di sponible sur la commande du four d e Style 3.
53 Souillure épaisse, rayures fon cées, piqûres et décoloration ■ Cr è me à poli r pour t able d e cuis son ou u n produit de nett oyage non abra sif : Frotter l e produ it sur la surface souill é e avec un ess uie- tout ou un linge doux h umide.
54 CA VITÉ DU FOUR Les renv erse ments d 'ali men ts doi vent ê tre netto y é s lorsq ue le four a refroidi. À des temp é ratures é lev é es, les alim ents r é agissent av ec la porcelaine et cette r é acti on peut causer d es tache s, é cl ats, pi q û res ou marques blanch â tres.
55 Po r t e d u f o u r Il n ’ est p as recommand é d ’ enlever l a porte du four p our une utilis ation normale. T outefois, s ’ il est n é cessaire de l ’ enleve r , s ’ assurer que le four est é t eint et froid. Puis suiv re ces instr ucti ons .
56 T iroir-ré cha ud (s ur certa i ns mo dèle s) Retirer tous les arti cles de l 'int é rieur du tir oir -r é chaud et laisser l'ap pare il refro id ir co mpl è tement avant d' essayer d' enlever l e tiroir . Pour enlever : 1.
57 La tempéra ture du four est trop élevée ou t rop basse ■ Le calibrage de la température du four a-t-il besoin d'être ajusté? V oir la sec tion “ Commande de la temp é rature du four ” .
58 ASSISTANCE OU SERVICE Avant de faire un appel pou r assistance ou servic e, consulter la section “ D é pan nage ” . Ce guide peut vous faire é conomiser le co û t d ’ une visite de se rvice. Si vous av ez enc ore besoin d ’ aide, suivre les instr uctio ns ci-de ssous .
59 GARANTIE DE S GROS A PP A REILS MÉNAGER S WHIRLPOOL CORPORA TION GARANTI E LIMIT ÉE DE UN AN Pend ant un an à compt er de la date d 'achat, lorsque ce gros appareil m é nager est utili s .
W1001761 0 © 2005 Wh irlpo ol Cor porat ion. All rig hts reserv ed. Tous dr oits r é se rv é s. ® Registere d Tradem ark/TM T radem ark of Whirlpoo l, U.S.A ., Whirl pool C anada LP License e in C anada ® Marq ue d é pos é e/TM Marque de commerce de W hirlpoo l, U.
An important point after buying a device Whirlpool W10017610 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Whirlpool W10017610 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Whirlpool W10017610 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Whirlpool W10017610 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Whirlpool W10017610 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Whirlpool W10017610, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Whirlpool W10017610.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Whirlpool W10017610. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Whirlpool W10017610 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center