Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product Series 941 Whirlpool
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DISHWA SHER Use & Car e Guide For questions about feat ures, oper a t ion/performanc e, parts accesso ries or serv ice, call: 1-800 -253-1 30 1 . In Can ada, ca ll for assist ance 1-80 0-461-56 81 , for insta llation and s ervice, ca ll: 1-800-8 07-6777 or visi t our websi te at.
2 T ABLE OF CONTENTS DISHWASHER SAFETY ........................ ................. ..................... 3 PARTS AND FE ATURES ...................... ................. ................. .... 5 UNDERCOUNTER START -UP GUIDE ................. ............
3 DI SHW AS HE R SAF ET Y You can be killed or seriously injured if you don't immediately follow instructions. You can be killed or seriously injured if you don't follow instructions.
4 ■ Install whe re dishwashe r is prot ected fr om the ele ments. Pro tect against freezing to avoid possible rupture of fill valve. Such ruptur es are not cover ed by the war ranty . See “ Stori ng Y our Dishwash er ” in the “ Dishwa sher Care ” section for winter storag e information .
5 P ARTS A N D FEATURES This manual cover s several differ ent m odels. The dishwashe r you have purchas ed may have some or all of the parts an d feature s l isted belo w . 1. Upper level wash 2. 3-position a djuster [on s ome models ] 3. Fold-down tines [on some models] 4.
6 Series 940 and 945 Series 941 UNDERC OUNTER START-UP GUIDE Befor e using your dishwash er , remove all packaging materials. Read this entir e Use an d Care Guide. Y ou will find importa nt sa fety info rma tio n an d use ful o per ati ng ti ps. Using Y our New Dishwasher 1.
7 3. Add det er gent and che ck the rinse aid dispense r . Ad d rinse aid if ne eded. (See “ Dishwashe r Use. ” ) 4. Push door firmly closed. T he door latc hes autom atically . Run hot wa ter at th e sink neares t your dish washer unt il the water is hot.
8 6. Pres s the desir ed cycle and option se lections. (S ee “ Dishwasher Use. ” ) Stoppi ng Y our Dis hwasher Y ou can stop your dishwasher anytime during a cycle. 1. Open th e door slightly . 2. W ait for the spray i n g action t o stop. Then open the doo r all the way , if needed .
9 4. When the connecto r snaps into plac e, release t he locking collar . 5. T ur n the hot water on slowly until it is all the way on. 6. Plug in to a gr ound ed 3 pr ong outlet . Using the F aucet Y ou can dr aw water fr om the fauce t while the d ishwasher is connec ted.
10 ■ Load glasses in top rack only . The bottom rack is not desi gned for gl asses. D amage c an occur . ■ Place c ups and glasses in t he r ows between tin es. Placing them o ver the t ines can lead to brea kage. ■ China, cr ystal, and other delicate items mu st not to uch each other during di shwasher oper ation.
11 Fold-down ti nes (on some mode ls) Y ou can fold down one r ow of tines at the back of the b ottom rack. 1. Grasp t he tip of the t ine that is in the tine ho lder . 2. Gently pull the t ine out of the tine hol der . 3. Lay the r ow of tines down in the rack to make ro om for lar ger dishes, b owls, pots, pans or roast ers.
12 DISHW ASHER USE Det ergent Di spense r The d eterg ent dispens er has 2 sec tions. The Pr e-W ash sectio n emptie s deter gent into the dishwasher when you clo se the door . 1. C ove r 2. Main Was h s ecti on 3. Cover latch 4. Pre-W ash section The M ain W ash section aut omatically empties deter g ent into the dishwashe r during the main wash.
13 Rinse Aid Disp enser Rinse aids pr event wat er fr om forming dr oplets tha t can dry as spots or st reaks. They also improve drying b y allowing water to drain of f of th e dishes during t he final rinse by releasing a small amoun t of the rinse a id into the rinse water .
14 † A small amo unt of wat er runs thr ough the p ump to r emove soil particles. Canceling a Cycle Anytime du ring a cycle, pre ss Cancel/Dra in glows. The dishwash er pauses for ab out 5 seconds and sta rts a 2-minut e drain (if n eeded). Let th e dishwasher dr ain comp l e tely .
15 Opti on Sel ections Y ou can custo mize your cycles b y pressing a n option. If you change your mind, pr ess the option again to t ur n the option of f. Select a dif ferent o ption if desired . Y ou can chan ge an option a nytime bef ore the se lected op tion begins.
16 Locked Use Locke d to pr event unint ended use of t he dishwashe r . Y ou can also use the Lo cked featur e to pr event unin tended cy cle or option changes durin g a cycle. NOTE: When Locked is lit, all buttons ar e disabled . T o lock t he contr ols Pres s and hold for 5 seconds.
17 DISHWASHER CARE Cleaning Y our Dishwasher Cleaning t h e exterior In mo st cases, r egular use o f a soft, damp cloth or s ponge and a mild de ter gent is all that is necessary to keep the outside o f your dishwashe r looking ni ce and clean.
18 TROUBLESHOOTI NG First try the solutions sugg ested here and possibly avoid the cost of a service call... Dishwasher is not operating properly ■ ■ ■ ■ Dish was her do es n ot ru n or sto ps d uring a cy cle Is the d oor closed tig htly and latched? Is the r ight cycle selec ted? Refer to t he “ Cycle Selection Chart.
19 1. W ash and rinse dishes. Use an air -dry or a n ener gy- saving dry option . Remove all silverware or m etal items. 2. Put 2 cups (500 mL) white vinegar in a glass or dishwashe r -safe measu ring cup on th e bottom ra ck. 3. Run the d ishwasher t hrough a complete washin g cycle usin g an air -dry or an en er gy-saving dry option.
20 AS SIST A NCE OR SE RVI CE Before calling for assistance or service, please chec k “ T rou blesho oting. ” It m ay save you the co st of a service call. If you still need help, fo llow t h e instructions below . When calling, please know the pur chase date and the complete model and serial number of your appliance .
21 WH I RL POOL ® DISHWA SHER W ARRANTY ONE-YEAR FULL WARRANTY For o ne year fr om the date of pur chase, w hen this dishwasher is operated a nd maintain ed accor ding to instruc tions attac hed to o.
22 LA S É CURIT É DU LAV E-VAISSELLE Risque possible de d é c è s ou de blessure grave si Risque possible de d é c è s ou de blessure grave si vous ne suivez pas les instructions.
23 ■ Installer le lave- vaisselle dans un endr oit à l ’ ab ri des intemp é ries. Pr ot é ge r l ’ appareil contr e le gel pour é viter u ne rup ture p ossi ble du r obi net de re mpli ssag e. D e te lles rupt ures ne sont pas couver tes par la gar antie.
24 PI È CES E T CARACT É RIS TIQU E S Ce manue l couv re plu sie urs m od è les diff é r ents. Le lave-vaisse l le que vous a vez achet é peu t avo ir cert ain es o u to utes les caract é ristiques indiqu é es ci- dessous. 1. Arro sage niveau sup é rieur 2.
25 S é ries 940 et 945 S é rie 941 GUIDE DE MIS E EN MARCHE DU LA VE-V AISSELLE ENCASTR É Av an t d ’ utiliser le la ve-vaisselle, enlever tous les mat é riaux d ’ emb allage.
26 3. Ajou ter le d é ter gent à vaisselle et contr ô ler le niveau d ’ agent de r in ç ag e dan s le di stri but eur . Ajou ter l ’ age nt de rin ç age au bes oin . (V oi r “ Utilisation du lave-vaisselle ” .) 4. Bien f ermer la porte. Le v errou de la por te s ’ en gage autom atiquemen t.
27 5. Bien f ermer la porte. Le v errou de la por te s ’ en gage autom atiquemen t. Laisser l ’ eau couler du ro binet l e plus pr è s du lave-vaisselle ju squ ’à ce qu ’ elle so i t chaude. (V oir “ Conseils d ’ ef ficacit é pour le lave-vaisselle ” .
28 Connexion à l a s o u r c e d ’ eau et d ’ al imentation é le ct ri q ue 1. Ouvrir le r obinet d ’ eau chaude et attendr e que l ’ eau soit cha ude . Fer mer le robinet . 2. Tir er les tuyaux du compartimen t de ran gement à l ’ arr i è re du lave-vaisselle.
29 Consei l s de fo nctionneme nt silencieux Pour é vite r les bruits de c hoc et d ’ entr echoc dur ant le fonctio nnement : ■ S ’ assur er que les articles l é gers sont bie n retenu s dans les pan iers. ■ S ’ assur er que les couver cles et poign é es de casser ole, plaq ues à pizza et à biscuit s, etc.
30 Chargement du panier inf é ri eu r Le p anier inf é r ieur est con ç u pour le s assiettes, plats, casser oles et uste nsiles. Y char ger les articles sur lesquels des pr oduits alimenta ires ont cu it ou s é ch é ; orienter la sur face sale vers l ’ int é rieu r , vers les bras d ’ aspersio n.
31 ■ Assortir les articles dan s chaque se ction du panier , certains vers le ha ut et d ’ aut res ve rs l e ba s afi n qu ’ ils ne s ’ imbri quent pas. Le jet d ’ eau ne peu t atteind re les article s imbriqu é s. IM PORT ANT : T oujour s char ger les articles ac é r é s (coute aux, br ochettes, etc .
32 Remplissage du distributeur 1. Si le co uvercle d u distributeur est ferm é , l ’ ouvrir en poussant le loque t du couver cle. 2. Ve r s e r l e d é terg ent dans la section de lavage principal. V oir “ Quantit é de d é ter gent à utiliser ” .
33 Dis tributeur d ’ agent de rin ç age Un agent de rin ç age em p ê che l ’ eau de f ormer des gouttelett es qui peuv ent s é cher en laissant d es taches ou co ul é es.
34 Ta b l e a u d e s é lec tion de pr o gr a mme Choisir le pr ogramme de lavage et les options d é sir é es. Le lave- vaisselle com mence à se r emplir lorsque vous appuyez su r un pr ogramme, excep t é si vous choisissez un lavage diff é r é .
35 Annulation d ’ un programme En to ut temps au co urs d ’ un pro gramm e, appuyer sur Cancel /Drain (ann ulation/vi dange) s ’ allume. Le lave-vaisselle fait une p ause d ’ envir on 5 secondes e t commence une vid ange de 2 minutes (si n é cessair e).
36 SANI RINSE ™ Option/optio n de ri n ç age sanita i re Choi sir cette o ption pour a ugmenter la temp é rat ure de l ’ eau à envir on 155 ° F (68 ° C) pendant 10 m inutes. L ’ op tion SAN I RIN SE augme nte la chaleu r et la dur é e du pro gra mme.
37 Pour enclencher le dispo sitif de ver rouil lage Appuyer sur la touche penda nt 5 secon des. L ’ indicateu r Locked (verr ouill é es) s ’ allume. Si on appuie sur une touche p endant que l e lave-vaisse lle est ve rrouill é , le t é moin lumine ux clign ote 3 fois.
38 ENTRETIEN DU LAVE-V AISSELLE Nettoyage du lave-vaisselle Netto yage de l ’ ext é rieur Dans la plupart des cas, il suffit d ’ utiliser un linge doux, humide ou une é ponge e t un d é ter gent doux po ur nettoyer les surfaces ext é rieu res du lave-vaisselle et pr é server so n aspect de produ it n euf.
39 Disposit if anti-refoulement V é rifi er le disposit if anti-r efoulement lorsque v otre lave - vaisselle ne se vidan ge pas bien. Certains codes de pl omberie pr ovinciaux ou lo caux exigen t l ’ installation d ’ u n dispositif anti-refoulem ent entre un lave- vaisselle enca str é et le syst è me de canalis ation du domicile.
40 V aiss elle pas compl è tement nettoy é e ■ ■ ■ ■ R é sidus d e pro duits aliment aires sur la vaisse lle La vaisselle es t-elle charg é e corr ectement? V oir la se ction “ Char gement du lave-vaisselle ” .
41 ■ ■ ■ ■ Mar ques noir es ou grises sur la vaisselle Des articles d ’ alum inium fr ottent-ils contre la vaisselle durant le lavage? Les articles d ’ alum inium j e tables peu vent se d é t é ri orer dans le lave-vaisselle et cause r de s mar ques.
42 ASSISTANCE OU SERVIC E A vant de deman der une assistance ou un ser vice, veuillez v é rifier la section “ D é pannage ” . Cet te v é rificat ion peut vo us faire é cono miser le co û t d ’ une visite de service. Si vous avez encor e besoin d ’ aide , suivre les inst ructions ci-dessous.
43 GARA NTIE DU LA VE-V AISSELLE WHIRLPOOL ® GARANTIE COMPL È TE DE UN AN Pend ant un an , à co mpter de la d ate d ’ achat, lorsqu e le lave-vaisselle est utilis é et entre tenu conf orm é men.
8051574 © 20 01 W hirlpoo l Cor pora tion. All rights reserved. Tous droit s r é se rv é s. ® Reg ister ed Tr ademar k/TM Tr adema rk of Whir lpool , U.S. A., W hirl pool Canada Lice nsee in Cana da ® Marque d é pos é e/TM M a rqu e de commerce de Whirl pool, U.
An important point after buying a device Whirlpool Series 941 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Whirlpool Series 941 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Whirlpool Series 941 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Whirlpool Series 941 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Whirlpool Series 941 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Whirlpool Series 941, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Whirlpool Series 941.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Whirlpool Series 941. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Whirlpool Series 941 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center