Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product GVW9959K-0 Whirlpool
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INTRODUCTION This Job Aid, “ELECTRONIC CONTROL WASHER WITH CAL YPSO WASH MOTION ,” (Part No. 8078010), provides specific information on the new features and design elements of Whirlpool Electronic Control washers with Calypso W ash Motion.
i TABLE OF CONTENTS MODEL/SERIAL PLATE MODEL/SERIAL PLATE MODEL/SERIAL PLATE MODEL/SERIAL PLATE MODEL/SERIAL PLATE DESIGNATOR...............................................ii DESIGNATOR...............................................ii DESIGNATOR......
1 SECTION ONE INSTALLATION CONSIDERATIONS INST ALLA TION INSTRUCTIONS Proper installation is your responsibility. You will need A water heater set to deliver a minimum of 120°F (49°C) water to the washer. A grounded electrical outlet located within 4 ft.
2 T ools needed and Parts Supplied Assemble the necessary tools and supplies before beginning the washer installation. Do not re-install into the washer, the styrofoam that contains the supplied parts. To connect the drain hose and water inlet hoses You will need these following tools 1.
3 Floor drain system The floor drain system requires a siphon break (purchased separately .) The siphon break must be above the high-water level in the washer , at least 28 in.
4 For a laundry tub drain or standpipe Connecting the drain hose “hook” to the corrugated drain hose 1. Open the yellow single-wire clamp and slide over the end of the drain hose about 4 inches. (Pliers optional) 2. Wet the outside end of the drain hose with tap water.
5 4. Attach the hose with the blue coupling to the COLD (left) inlet valve. Screw on coupling by hand. Using the pliers, tighten the coupling an additional two-thirds turn. NOTE: Do not overtighten. Damage to the valve may result. 1. Cold water inlet valve (blue) 2.
6 Use & Care Information Due to the unique washing action of the CAL YPSO™ washer , it is strongly recommended that the consumer use a High Efficiency detergent. High Efficiency detergents are formulated to control sudsing which may occur with use of regular detergents.
7 SECTION TWO THEORY OF OPERATION CONTROL PANEL NUTATION nu-ta-tion n(y)ü-’ta-shen n The spiral movement of the axis of a rotating body, such as the oscillation of a spinning top.
8 OPTION DESCRIPTIONS Soil Level Soil Level adjusts the amount of nutation or spray wash time in the selected cycle. It is valid for all cycles except Extend Spin and Rinse & Spin stand-alone cycles. Soil Level changes the 7-segment display in 1-minute increments, looping back to the minimum time once the maximum time has been reached.
9 W ater T emp The W A TER TEMP keypad provides for selection of different wash and rinse combinations. W ater fill temperatures can be either HOT (hot water valve only), W ARM (both the hot and cold water valves) or COLD (cold water valve only). Fills during rinses may be COLD until the final rinse/spin interval.
10 End of Cycle Signal There are three (3) volume levels for the End of Cycle Signal, HIGH, LOW and OFF . Pressing the END OF CYCLE SIGNAL keypad toggles between these options by lighting one of the LEDs and beeping the corresponding end of cycle signal at the volume level selected.
11 MACHINE CONTROLLER The Machine Controller interprets the consumer inputs from the keyswitch pads to operate the cycle selected. The Machine Controller interfaces with the Motor Controller to operate the Drive motor and Pump motor through their vari- ous functions during the cycle.
12 NUT A TION The Calypso washer achieves a significant en- ergy savings by utilizing less water than a tradi- tional top loading machine with an agitator . This is made possible by the use of a W ash Plate which provides an undulating motion to toss the wash load.
13 UNIVERSAL JOINT During Nutation, the W ash Plate is tipped at a 35 degree angle and must be free to undulate to move the clothing properly . The W ash Plate is attached to a Universal Joint that allows the Plate that freedom of movement.
14 INTERLOCK SWITCHES There are two (2) Interlock Switches located behind the front panel and the bottom panel that ground the drive motor circuit when either panel is removed. When the machine is running with both panels in place, the drive motor is electrically isolated from ground.
15 PRESSURE SWITCHES The washer uses two pressure switches to control the amount of water entering the tub and to protect against an overfill condition. The operating pressure switch, marked OPR, controls the amount of water that enters the tub during normal wash and rinse functions.
16 RECIRCULATION AND DRAIN W ater Pump/Pump Motor The pump is directly driven by a separate reversible 120 V AC 60 Hz motor . By being reversible, the motor provides for two separate operations of the washer .
17 Changing Cycles and Options Y ou can change Cycles and Options any time before Start is pressed. • A short tone sounds when a change is selected. • Two short tones sound if an unavailable combination is selected. The last selection will not be accepted.
18 T he follow ing note s appl y to al l cycle she ets wher e indicate d in the NO T ES colum n of the cycle s heet. W hen ther e is a contr adict ion, t he cycle s heet it s elf has pr iori ty.
19 DRI VE MO TO R NOT ES Spin is d efined as a clockwi se ( CW ) M oto r and Bask et rot ati on when loo king dow n from the t op of the m ac hine. N utate is a cou nter-clo ckwise (C C W ) ro tation of the m oto r. 16. S tep Spin. Dri v e m otor r am ps up t o spe ed followi ng spe cific m otor pr ofiles .
20 Whitest Whites This cycle introduces liquid chlorine bleach to the load at the proper time for improved whitening of your heavily soiled white fabrics. Use this cycle to get 13 to 17 minutes of medium speed wash action and high speed final spin. For maximum soil and stain removal, liquid chlorine bleach must be used.
21 Heavy Duty Use this cycle to get 15 to 19 minutes of wash time for loads of sturdy, colorfast fabrics such as work clothes. Cycle combines high speed wash action and high spin speed.
22 Normal Use this cycle to get 12 to 16 minutes of wash time for normally soiled cottons and linens. Cycle combines medium speed wash action and high speed spin.
23 Jeans/Darks Use this cycle to get 14 to 18 minutes of wash time for dark, colored items that may run or fade. Cycle combines low/medium speed wash action and high spin speed.
24 Bulky Items Use this cycle to get 13 to 17 minutes of wash time for large items like blankets and comforters. Cleaning starts with a spray of water and detergent mixture to thoroughly saturate your large load. This is followed by a low/medium wash action and low/medium spin speed to maintain load balance.
25 Quick W ash Use this cycle to get 7 to 11 minutes of wash time for small, lightly soiled loads that are needed in a hurry. Fast cleaning starts with a continuous spray of water and detergent mixture as the load is spun at extra-low speed, followed by a brief period of low/medium speed wash action.
26 Delicate/Casual Use this cycle to get 12 to 16 minutes of low speed wash action for no-iron fabrics and garments indicating “Gentle” cycle on the care label. Low/medium spin is used to reduce wrinkling. The preset cycle wash time is 14 minutes.
27 Wool Use this cycle to get 6 to 10 minutes of wash time for washable items that are normally dry cleaned. Cycle combines extra-low speed spray cleaning and wash action to provide gentle care for delicate items such as wool sweaters and silk blouses.
28 Handwash Use this cycle to get 7 to 11 minutes of wash time for garments labeled “Hand Wash” and special care items. Gentle cleaning starts with a continuous spray of water and detergent mixture as the load is spun at an extra-low speed. This lasts for about one minute and is followed by a brief period of extra- low wash action.
29 Soak Cycle Use this option for set-In stains and soil that need extra time for removal. Soaking in this washer is different than in a conventional washer. The washer sprays the load with water and detergent for 4 minutes at extra low spin speed followed by a brief period of wash action at the speed of the selected cycle.
30 Rinse & Spin Use this option to get a combination of rinses and spins followed by a high-speed spin. The time displayed will include an estimate of how long it will take to fill and drain the washer. Fabric softener can be added to the Fabric Softener dispenser.
31 SECTION THREE COMPONENT ACCESS COMPONENT LOCATION Machine Control Board Motor Control Board Pressure Switches Line Filter Dome Tub Ring Inner Wash Plate Leveler Outer Wash Plate Universal Joint Pum.
32 ACCESSING COMPONENTS IN THE CONSOLE Components accessible inside the console are: • Log Valve Assembly • Machine Control Board Hot Water Inlet Valve • Motor Control Board Cold Water Inlet Val.
33 Removing the Console 1. Disconnect power from the washing machine. 2. Slide the blade of a putty knife between the bottom of the console and the washer top at each front corner (Arrow in Fig. 3-3) and push the spring clip back far enough to release it from the slot in the washer top.
34 Plastic Hoses Harness Connectors NOTE: Although the pressure switches look identi- cal, they are not. When replacing the pres- sure switches, be sure to match part num- ber and connect the correct set of wires to the replacement switch.
35 ACCESSING COMPONENTS BENEATH THE WASHER TOP Components accessible beneath the washer top are: • Tub Ring • Balance Ring • Inner/Outer Wash Plates • Leveler • Universal Joint • Dispensers • Bleach Venturi • Lid Switch Raising the Washer Top to the Service Position The washer top is hinged at the back edge.
36 INS ET Removing Components in the Tub 1. Disconnect power from the washing ma- chine. 2. Raise the washer top to the service posi- tion. 3. Disconnect the fresh water inlet hose from the tub ring. (Fig. 3-10) 4. Unsnap the tabs that secure the tub ring to the tub.
37 1 1. Remove the spanner nut. Once this is done, the universal joint assembly can be lifted from the basket. 12 . The basket can now be lifted from the tub. NOTE: It may be necessary to spread apart one of the drive block sections to loosen the basket from the splines of the spin tube.
38 6. There is a tab on the underside of the inner wash plate that corresponds to a slot on the universal joint. These should fit together when reassembling the inner wash plate over the universal joint. NOTE: Do not rotate the inner wash plate when reassembling to the universal joint.
39 ACCESSING COMPONENTS BENEATH THE TUB Components accessible beneath the tub are: • Suspension Assemblies • Pump, Pump Motor and Capacitor • Drive Motor and Drive Pulley Assembly • Drain and .
40 Servicing Components from the Bottom of the W asher Removing the Drive Motor 1. Disconnect the power from the washing machine. 2. Carefully lay the washer on its back.
41 2. Remove the T-40 Torx head bolt securing the drive shaft bearing to the thrust plate. 3. Remove the four (4) T-40 Torx head bolts securing the thrust plate to the posts on the motor mounting plate. NOTE: The two (2) screws at the top of the bracket have ball ends.
42 Removing the Pump and Pump Motor Refer to Figure 3-34 for these procedures. 1. Disconnect power from the washing machine. 2. Carefully lay the washer on its back. 3. Remove the bottom panel secured to the washer frame. 4. Disconnect the pump motor wiring harness from the connector block attached to the front bottom frame rail.
43 SECTION FOUR TROUBLESHOOTING AND DIAGNOSIS TROUBLESHOOTING CHART PROBLEM POSSIBLE CAUSE SOLUTION Won’t Power Up 120V AC electrical supply . Open AC cord. Line filter open. Machine control board open. Lid Switch failure. Check voltage supply to washer .
44 PROBLEM POSSIBLE CAUSE SOLUTION Overfills Operating Pressure Switch fail- ure. Pressure Switch tube off at Pressure Switch or tub pressure dome or kink in tubing. Not draining. Check Operating Pressure Switch con- tact and wiring harness connections.
45 PROBLEM POSSIBLE CAUSE SOLUTION Won’t Drain Foreign material in pump, tub sump or drain hoses. Pump impellar cracked/broken. Pump bound. Pump motor failure. Clear foreign material. Check pump for proper movement and check for impellar problems. Replace pump as needed.
46 Long Fill L F If the water fill time exceeds ten (10) minutes, the water valves are turned off and “LF” is flashed. Press STOP/CANCEL to clear the display . PROBLEM POSSIBLE CAUSE SOLUTION Load is Wrinkled Not removing load promptly . Wrong cycle for fabrics being washed.
47 Communications Error If there is any breakdown in communication between the machine controller and the motor controller, “CE” flashes and the unit beeps once. Some common causes of “CE” errors include: • Conformal coating on serial communications pins between the machine controller and motor controller.
48 SELF DIAGNOSTIC ROUTINES Automatic Service Diagnostics Mode STEP 1 2 3 4 5 DESCRIPTION Nutate + Fill Nutate + Recirc Nutate + Fill + Drain Nutate + Fill + Drain Spin + Drain Return to Standby W A T.
49 Manual Diagnostic Mode The manual diagnostic mode will enable activation of specific machine functions without having to run a cycle. Each function test will time out in three (3) minutes. T o enter the manual diagnostic mode: 1 . Press: SOAK - CYCLE SIGNAL - SOAK - CYCLE SIGNAL within five (5) seconds while the machine is in Standby Mode.
50 NUT A T E AND REC IRCUL A T E T ES T T his te st se qu ence assu me s the con trol is off . The te st will ti m eout aft er 3 min ute s of u se. PRESS T OUCH PAD DI S PL AY CON TROL A CTI ON 1 SOA .
51 WATER INLET AND D ISP ENSER V A LVE, OPER A T ING PS T ES T If Oper atin g Pr essur e S wit ch t rip s at any time , all w ater valv e s shou ld t urn off. P ress EXT R A RIN SE t o st art drain ing aft er key pr es s #5 to star t dr ain ing . Pr ess E XT RA R I N SE agai n to tur n of f t he pu mp .
52 Console Switches and Indicators T est The console switches and indicators can be tested by pressing the following touchpads: SOAK - CYCLE SIGNAL - SOAK - CYCLE SIGNAL within five (5) seconds while the machine is in Standby Mode. The 7-segment LED will display “dt”.
53 TOUCHP AD + LEAD - LEAD KEY SWITCH MA TRIX • If any switches fail this test, replace the console panel/touchpad assembly . • If all switches are OK, replace the control board.
54 RESIST ANCE CHART COMPONENT WINDING RESIST ANCE V ALUE Drive Motor Pump Motor RD to BK YL to WH RD to YL RD to WH YL to WH RD to YL 2 - 4 ohms 2 - 4 ohms 5 - 7 ohms 10 - 12 ohms 10 - 12 ohms 20 - 2.
55 TROUBLESHOOTING TESTS 120VAC Electrical Supply 1. Check for 120VAC on the power cord connection to the line filter. If no AC power is present, replace the power cord. 2. Check for 120VAC on the line filter connection to the machine controller. If no AC power is present, replace line filter.
56 Motor and Motor Control System Test These tests check the machine controller power to the motor controller, the motor controller board, the wiring connections between the control board and the drive motor, and the drive motor itself. Machine Control Relay 1.
57 Automatic T emperature Control T est This test checks the water inlet solenoids, the temperature sensor and the control board. • Check that the hot and cold water fill valves are working. NOTE: This test MUST be done with the Automatic T emperature Control (A TC) selected.
58 → → → → → Replace the control board. Operating and Over Fill Pressure Switch T est Check the hose connections between each pressure switch in the console and the pressure dome attached to the tub. If hose connections are good, check the Operating Pressure Switch as follows: • Press HEA VY DUTY then ST ART to start a cycle.
59 • Remove the connector at the motor and take measurements as shown in the following table. Recirc to Neutral 10 - 12 Ω RD to WH Drain to Neutral 10 - 12 Ω YL to WH Recirc to Drain 20 - 25 Ω RD to YL • If the resistance is much higher than shown, replace the pump motor .
60 - NOTES -.
62 RESIST ANCE CHART COMPONENT WINDING TEMPERA TURE ° F RESIST ANCE V ALUE Drive Motor Pump Motor Thermistor RD to BK YL to WH RD to YL RD to WH YL to WH RD to YL 2 - 4 ohms 2 - 4 ohms 5 - 7 ohms 10 .
An important point after buying a device Whirlpool GVW9959K-0 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Whirlpool GVW9959K-0 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Whirlpool GVW9959K-0 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Whirlpool GVW9959K-0 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Whirlpool GVW9959K-0 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Whirlpool GVW9959K-0, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Whirlpool GVW9959K-0.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Whirlpool GVW9959K-0. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Whirlpool GVW9959K-0 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center