Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product GT1NHWXPB00 Whirlpool
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SIDE BY SIDE REFRIG ERATOR Use & Care Guide For quest ions ab out features, operation /perform ance part s, acces sories or service, call: 1-800 -253-1 301 . In Canada, call for assist ance 1-80 0-461-56 81 , for inst allation and ser vice, call: 1-80 0-80 7-677 7 or visit ou r website at.
2 T ABLE OF CONTE NTS REFRIGERATOR SAFETY .................................. ........................... 3 Proper Disposal of Your Old Refrigerator .................................... 3 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS ......... ............................
3 REFRIGER ATOR SAF ETY Proper Disposal of Y our Old Refrigerator IMPORT ANT : Ch ild ent rapment and s uffocation are not problems of the past. Junked or aban doned refrigerators are still dangerous – ev en if they will sit f or “ jus t a f ew days .
4 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS Unpacking Removin g packaging m aterials ■ Remove tape and glue residue fr om surfaces before turning on the refrigerator . Rub a small amount of liquid dish soap over th e adhesive w ith your fing ers. Wipe wi th warm wate r and dry .
5 Electrical R equirements Befo re you move your r efrige rator into it s final l ocatio n, it is important to make sure you have the proper electrical connection . Recommended gr ounding method A 115 V olt, 60 Hz., AC only 15 or 20 amp ere fused, gr ounded electrica l supply i s required.
6 Door Removal TOOLS NE EDED: ¹⁄₄ in. hex -he ad s ock et wr en ch, ⁵⁄₁₆ in. hex-head socke t wrench and a flat -blade screwdriver . IMPORT ANT : Before you begin , tur n the refrigerator control OFF . Unplug refrigerat or or di sconnect p ower .
7 Handle Removal (optional) Style 1 1. Apply firm pressure with your han d on the face of trim. S lide top t rim up a nd bo ttom t rim down away f rom han dle. Lift trim pieces off shoulder screws (s ee Graphic 1). NOTE : S ome models inclu de accent pieces betwe en the handle and the han dle trim.
8 4. Align and replace t he top left hinge as shown (se e Graphic 4). Tighten scr ews. Style 1 ■ Reconne ct both gr ound wir es. ■ Reco nnect wiri ng plu g. Style 2 ■ Reco nnect wiri ng plu g. 5. Replace le ft hinge cov er and screws. 6. Replace the refrigerator d oor by carefully lifting the d oor onto the bottom right hinge.
9 6. Fasten the sh utoff valve t o the cold water p ipe with the pipe clamp. Be sure the outlet end is solidly in the ¹⁄ ₄ in. dr illed ho le in the water pi pe and that the washer is under the pipe clamp. Tighten the packi ng nut. Tighten the pi pe clamp screws carefully and evenl y so washer makes a wate rtight seal.
10 W ater System Preparation Please read before usin g the water sys tem. Immediately af ter insta llation, follow the step s below to make sure that the wa ter system is proper ly cleane d. 1. Open the freezer door and tur n off the ice maker . For Style 1 lift up the wire shutoff arm as shown.
11 Usi ng th e C on tro ls For your convenience, your refrigerator controls are preset at the factory . When installi ng your refrigerator , make sure that th e controls are stil l preset to the “ mid-settings ” as shown. Style 1 Style 2 IMPORT ANT : ■ Y our product will not cool when the Refri gerator Control is set to OFF .
12 The ice disp ense r Ice disp enses from the ice maker storag e bin in the freezer . When the dispe nser lever i s pr esse d: ■ A trap door op ens in a chute b etween t he dispense r and the ice bin. Ic e moves from the bin an d falls through th e chute.
13 Style 2 When you use the disp enser , th e lever will automati cally tu rn the light on. If you want the light to be on continuous ly , you may choose either ON or NIGHT LIGHT . ON: Press the L IGHT bu tton to turn the dis pense r light on. NIGHT LIGH T : Press the LIGHT button a se cond time to sel ect the Night Ligh t mode.
14 W ater F iltration System (on s ome models) NOTE: Do not use with water that is microbiologically unsafe or of unknown qu ality without adequate disinfection before or after the syst em. Changing the W ate r Filter Cartrid ge The base grille water fi lter cartri dge is located be low the freezer comp artment door .
15 Ice Maker and Storage Bin (on some models - Acc essory) Style 1 T o turn the ice maker on/off: The on/off switch for the ice maker is a wire shutoff arm located on the side of the ice maker . 1. T o turn the ice maker on, simply lower the wire s hutoff arm.
16 REMEMBER ■ Allow 2 4 hours t o prod uce the first batch of ice. A llow 3 d ays to completel y fill ice conta iner . ■ Discard the first three batches of ice p roduced to avoid impurities that ma y be flushed out of the system. ■ The quality of your ice will be only as good as the quality of the water s upplied to y our ice maker .
17 Adjust able Flip-u p She lf (on s ome models) T o raise or lower the shelf: 1. Raise the she lf by firs t slidin g it bac k and down to make it half -width. (Y ou ca n use the she lf in t his posi tion to allo w taller it ems to be stored on the s helf below.
18 Conv erti ble V e geta ble/ Meat Drawer T emperature Cont rol (on s ome models) The convertib le vegetable/meat drawer can be adjus ted to pr operly chill me ats or veget ables .
19 F REEZER FEATURES Y our model may hav e some or all of t hese featu res. Features that can be purchased separate ly as product access ories are labe led with th e word “ Accessory .
20 Door R ails The door rails may be r emoved for easier cleaning. Snap-on Door Rails T o remove and replace the rails: 1. Remove the rails by pushing in slightly on the fr ont of the bracket w hile pull ing out on th e inside ta b. Repeat these steps for the ot her end of the rail .
21 Satina ™ stainless look finish : W ash with a cl ean sponge or soft cloth an d a mild dete rgent in warm water . Do not use abrasive or harsh cleaners, or cleaners designed for stainless steel. Dry thor oughly with a soft cloth. Stainless st eel finish : Wash wi th a clean s ponge or soft cloth and a mild detergent in w arm water .
22 Lower Freezer Light (on some models) Style 1 - Beneath Ice Bin ■ Remove the li ght shield by grasping t he sides an d squeezing in toward the center .
23 T ROUBLESHOOTIN G T ry the solutions suggested her e first in order to avoid the cost of an unnecessa ry service call. Y our refrigerator will not operate ■ Is the power supply cor d unplugged? Plug into a grounded 3 prong ou tlet. ■ Has a household fuse or cir cuit breaker tripped? Replace the fuse or reset the circuit breaker .
24 Off-taste, odor or gr ay color in the ice ■ Are the plumbing connections new , causing discolored or off-f lavored ice? D isc ard the first few bat ches of ice. ■ Have the ice cubes been stored too long? Thr ow old ice away an d make a new supply .
25 The divider between the two c ompartments is warm The warmth is pro bably du e to no rmal ope ration of the automatic e xterior moistu re control. If st ill conce rned, call for servic e. T emperatur e is too w arm ■ Are the air vents blocked in either compartment? This prevents the movement of cold air from the freezer to the refrigerator .
26 For further assistance If you need f urther assistan ce, you can wr ite to Whirlp ool Corporation with any qu estions or concer ns at: Whirlpool Brand Home A ppliances Custo mer In tera ction Center 553 Bens on Road Benton Harbor , MI 49022- 2692 Please include a daytim e phone n umber in yo ur correspondence.
27 PRODUCT DATA SHEETS Base Grille W ater Filtration System Model WF-NL240/NL240 Capacity 240 Gallons (908 Liters) Model WF-L400/L400 Ca pacity 400 Gal lons (1514 Liters ) This system has b een tested acc ording to ANSI/NSF 4 2/53 for the reduction of th e substances listed below .
28 Base Grille W ater Filtration System This system has b een tested acc ording to ANSI/NSF 4 2/53 for the reduction of th e substances listed below . The concentrati on of the in dicated substanc es .
29 WHIRLPOOL ® REFRIGERATOR W ARRANTY ONE-YEAR FULL WARRANTY For one year from the date of purchase, whe n this refrigerator (excluding the water filt er) is operate d and maintaine d accordin g to i.
30 S É CURIT É DU R É FRIG É RA TEUR Mise au rebut de votre vieu x r é frig é rateur IMPORT ANT : L ’ em pris onne ment et l ’é touf fement des enfa nts ne sont p as un probl è me du pass é .
31 INSTRUCTIONS D ’ INSTALLATION D é ballage Enl è vement des mat é riaux d ’ emba llage ■ Enlev er le ruban ad h é sif et tou t r é sidu de col le du r é frig é rateu r avant de l e mettr e en ma rche . Fr otter un e petite quanti t é de savon liqui de à vais selle su r l ’ adh é sif avec les doigts.
32 Sp é cification s é le ctriques Avant de placer le r é frig é rate ur à son emplace ment final , il est impor tant de vo us assu rer d ’ avoir la connexi on é lectrique appropri é e.
33 Enl è vemen t des portes OUTILS REQU IS : Cl é s à douill es à t ê te hexag onal e de ¹⁄₄ po et ⁵⁄₁₆ po et un tournevis à lame pl ate. IMPORT ANT : Avant de commencer , tourner la commande d u r é frig é rateur à OFF (arr ê t), d é bran cher le r é frig é rateur ou d é connecter la sour ce de co urant é lectrique.
34 Enl è vement des poign é es (facu ltatif) Style 1 1. Appliq uer une pression forte ave c votre main sur la surfac e de la g arnitur e. Gliss er la garnitur e sup é rieure vers le haut et la gar nit ure inf é rieure vers le bas hors d e la poign é e.
35 4. Aligner et replacer l a charn i è re s u p é rieur e gauche t el qu'indi qu é (vo ir dess in 4). Serrer les vis . Style 1 ■ Reconnect er les de ux fils de l iaison à la terr e en util isan t la vis verte d e liaiso n à la terre. ■ Reconnect er la fiche d es fils.
36 5. À l ’ aide d ’ une p erceuse é lectrique rel i é e à la terr e, per cer un trou d e ¹⁄₄ po dans le tuya u de canal isation d ’ ea u fr oid e choisi. 6. Fixer le r obinet d ’ arr ê t sur la c analisatio n d ’ eau froide avec la bride d e tuya u.
37 Style 3 1. D é brancher le r é frig é rateur ou d é connecter la source de courant é lect rique. 2. Enlev er le ruban go mm é d ’ exp é ditio n du tu be gri s, en serpen tin p our l ’ eau, à l ’ arri è re d u r é frig é rate ur . 3.
38 Sons normaux Il es t possib le que l e r é frig é rateur n euf é mette des br uits que l ’ app are il pr é c é dent ne prod uisait pas. Comme ces bru its sont nouv eaux, ils pe uvent vous inqui é ter . La plupart de ces nou veaux bruits sont normau x.
39 Utilisation des commandes Pour vous accommoder , le s commandes du r é frig é rateur ont é t é pr é r é gl é es à l ’ usine. L ors de l ’ instal lation d u r é frig é rateur , s ’ assurer que les commandes sont en core pr é r é gl é es aux “ r é glages moyens ” tel qu ’ in diqu é .
40 Le distributeur d e gla ç on s Les gl a ç ons so nt distr ibu é s du bac d ’ entreposage de gla ç ons du cong é lateu r . Lors qu ’ on ap puie su r le levi er du di stribu teur : ■ Une trappe s ’ ouvre dans une goulot te entre le distribut eur et le b ac d ’ entr epo sage de g la ç ons.
41 Style 2 Lors qu ’ on utili se le dist ribut eur , le levier allu me au tomatiqu ement la l umi è re. Pour avoir la lumi è r e allu m é e en per man ence, s é lectionner ON ou NIGHT LIGHT . ON : A ppuyer sur le bou ton de la lumi è re pou r é clairer le distr ibuteu r .
42 Syst è me de filtrat ion d ’ eau (sur certains mod è les) REMARQUE : Ne pas utiliser avec de l ’ eau microbiologiq uement dangereuse ou de qu alit é inco nnue sans une d é sinfection ad é quate avant ou apr è s le syst è me.
43 Machine à gla ç ons et bac d ’ en treposage (sur certai ns mod è les -accesso ire) Style 1 Mise en marche/arr ê t de la machine à gla ç ons : Le commutateur marche/arr ê t po ur la mac hine à gla ç ons est un bras de com mande en broch e situ é sur le c ô t é de la machine à gla ç ons.
44 À NOTER ■ Attendr e 24 h eures pour pr oduir e la p remi è re q u an t i t é de gla ç ons. Att endr e 3 jours pour que le bac à gla ç ons se remplisse enti è rem ent . ■ Jete r les tro is premi è re s q u an t i t é s de gla ç ons produites p our é viter les imp uret é s qui peuvent ê tre expuls é es du syst è me.
45 T able tte rele vable ajus table (sur certains mod è les) Pour relever ou abaisser la tablette : 1. Soulever la table tte en l a glissa nt d ’ abord à l ’ arri è re et v e rs l e bas pou r la moi ti é de la lar ge ur .
46 R é glage de la temp é rature du tiroir à l é gumes/vian de convertible (sur certains mod è les) Le t iroir à l é gumes/vian de converti ble peut ê tre ajust é pour refr oidir correctemen t les viande s ou l é gumes.
47 CARAC T É RISTIQUES DU CONG É LA TEUR Vo t r e m o d è le peut comporter l ’ ensemble de ces caract é ristiques ou certaines d ’ entr e e lles. Les cara ct é ristiq ues qu i peuven t ê tre achet é es s é par é me nt comme acce ssoires du p roduit comportent le m ot “ accessoire ” .
48 Compartiment fra î cheur De l 'air froi d du cong é lateu r pas se dir ect emen t au com part iment de la port e sous les é vents. REMARQUE : Le comp artiment à p roduit s lait iers et la gri lle à cannettes ne sont pas froids.
49 ENTRETIEN DU R É FRIG É RATEUR Nettoyage Les se ction s de r é frig é ratio n et de cong é lation se d é givrent automatiqu ement. T outefois, n ettoyer les d eux section s au moins une f ois par m ois pou r emp ê cher une accumulati on d'odeurs.
50 Remplacemen t des ampoules d ’é cl air age REMARQUE : Vo t re r é frig é rateur ne pourra pas a ccommoder toute s les a mpoule s pour les app ar eils m é nage rs. S ’ assurer de faire le remplacement par une ampoule de grosseur et de forme sembl ables.
51 Lumi è re in f é rieur e du cong é lateur (sur certains mod è les) Style 1 - so us le b ac à gla ç ons ■ Enlever le protecteur d ’ ampo ule en sais issa nt les c ô t é s et en pressant vers l e centre.
52 Si vous choisissez d ’ arr ê ter le fon ctionnement du r é frig é rate ur avant votr e absence : 1. Enlev er tous le s alim ents du r é frig é rateur .
53 Le plat de d é givrage contien t de l ’ eau ■ Le r é frig é rateur est-il en train de se d é givr er? L ’ eau s ’é vap orer a. C ’ est norm al pour l ’ eau de d é goutter dans le plat d e d é giv rage.
54 Mauvais go û t , od eur ou couleur grise des gla ç ons ■ Les raccords de plomberie sont-ils neufs et causent-ils une d é colorati on et un mauvais go û t des gla ç ons? Jeter les premi è re s q u a nt i t é s de g la ç ons.
55 ■ Un gl a ç on coin c é dans la goulotte main tient-il ouverte la porte de dis tribution? Enleve r le gla ç on. ■ Un filtre à eau est-il install é sur le r é frig é rat eur ? Il peut y avoir de l ’ air dans l es canalisation s du syst è me de filtration de l ’ eau ce qui cause des gouttes.
56 ASSISTANCE OU SERVICE Avant de demander un e assistan ce ou un service, veu illez v é rifier la s ection “ D é pannage ” . Cette v é rification peut vous faire é conomiser le co û t d ’ une vi site d e r é paration . Si vous avez encore beso in d ’ ai de, suivre le s instruction s ci-dess ous.
57 FEUILLES DE DONN É ES SUR LE PRODUIT Syst è me de filtration d ’ eau à la grille de la base Mod è le WF-NL240/NL240 Capacit é 240 gall ons (908 litres) Mod è le WF-L400/L400 Capacit é 400 .
58 Syst è me de filtration d ’ eau à la grille de la base Ce produit a é t é test é selon les n ormes 4 2 et 53 AN SI/NSF pour la r é duction de s substa nces é num é r é es ci-dess ous.
59 GARANTIE DU R É FRIG É RA TEUR WHIRLP OOL ® GARANTIE COMPL È TE DE UN AN Pend ant un an à compter de la d ate d ’ achat, lo rsque ce r é fri g é rateur ( à l ’ exclusion du filtre à ea.
2188772 © 2003 Whirlpool Corporation. All r ights re served. Tous dr oits r é serv é s. ® Re gistered Tradem ark/TM Tradem ark of Whirlpool , U.S.A ., Whirlpo ol Canad a Inc. L icensee in Canad a ® Marqu e d é pos é e/T M Marq ue de comme rce de Whir lpoo l, U .
An important point after buying a device Whirlpool GT1NHWXPB00 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Whirlpool GT1NHWXPB00 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Whirlpool GT1NHWXPB00 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Whirlpool GT1NHWXPB00 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Whirlpool GT1NHWXPB00 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Whirlpool GT1NHWXPB00, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Whirlpool GT1NHWXPB00.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Whirlpool GT1NHWXPB00. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Whirlpool GT1NHWXPB00 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center