Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product 8260DB Bell'O
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1 English In tr od uc ti on Cong rat ula tion s on your de cis ion to mo unt yo ur TV with a TV W a ll Mo unt ing Ki t For Dumm ies . The encl ose d moun tin g brack et was en gin eer ed and des ign e.
2 English NEVER exceed the maximum load capacity of: TV Wall Mount 8260: 65 lbs (30 kg) TV Wall Mount 8265: 50 lbs (23 kg) Precautions! • This mounting bracket was designed to be installed and utilized ONL Y as specified in this manual.
3 English Parts Included in This Kit (IG) Installation Guide & DVD, Quantity: 1 each (IT) Installation T emplate, Quantity: 1 (MP) Monitor Plate Quantity: 1 Installation Video for Bell’O TV Wall.
Parts Included in This Kit (continued) 4 English (D) M4/M5 Short Spacer , Quantity: 6 (E) M4/M5 Long Spacer , Quantity: 6 (Q) M6/M8 Short Spacer , Quantity: 4 (P) M6/M8 Long Spacer , Quantity: 4 (S) M.
5 Parts Included in This Kit (continued) English (WT) Wire Management T ies, Quantity: 6 TOGGLER ® brand ALLIGA TOR ® SOLID-W ALL ANCHORS are patented under one or more of US P a tent numbers 5,161,296 and 5,938,3 85; and foreign counterpar ts thereof and of 4,752,170.
6 Getting ready to hang the TV The Monitor Plate (MP) was shipped pre-installed to the Extension Arm (EA). Before you begin, remove the two Security Screws (SS) as shown in Figure 1 and separate the two components. Do not throw out the security screws because you will need them later in the installation process.
7 English Who is VESA? The V ide o El ec tro ni cs S ta nd ar ds As so ci at io n is an i nt er na ti on al no np ro fi t or gan iz at io n re pr ese nt in g har dw ar e, s of twa re , PC , di sp lay , and co mpo ne nt m an uf act ur er s, c ab le a nd te le ph on e co mpa ni es , an d ser vi ce p ro vi de rs.
8 English Use spacers in situations when the arms do not fit firmly against the back of the television, such as when the back of the television is curved, contains larger recessed mounting holes, or some other obstruction is in the way .
English 9 Figure 4 Figure 5 The 200x100 configuration typically uses six TV mounting screws for this type of installation. All other configurations typically use four TV mounting screws.
10 Step 2: Securing the Extension Arm Finding a wood stud to mount to Usin g a stud fin der , determ ine th e exac t locat ion of th e stud to wh ich yo u want to at tach th e wall moun t. Usi ng an ele ctr onic s tud fin der wo rks be st bec ause it gi ves yo u an indi cat ion of whe re the ri ght and lef t side s of the stu d are.
11 16 Inches (406mm) Height to bottom of TV W ood Studs IT Level Determining the location of the TV After the Monitor Plate (MP) has been mounted to the TV , you can now measure the distance from the bracket holes to the top and bottom of the TV to help determine the desired height of the TV on your wall.
12 Y ou must be careful to accurately drill the holes or else the screws may not line up with the holes in your Extension Arm (EA). English Using the Installation T emplate The Installation T emplate (IT) included in this kit helps you select the correct positions for drilling the holes for the TV mounting.
13 English Nex t in se rt t he p la sti c Fi ni sh in g Cap s (Z ) in to t he h ol es in t he Extensi on Arm (EA) to co ve r up t he Lag Bolts (T) . When you hav e prepare d the holes for m ounting th e Extensio n Arm (EA), pla ce the exten sion arm ove r the holes an d screw in the t wo Lag Bolts (T ).
14 When mounting to solid concrete or cinder block Figure 10 Because drilling an accurate and clean hole is essential to securing your mount, be sure to use a new drill bit. An old drill bit can not only make an uneven hole, it can also break out the back of the concrete block which can diminish the holding ability of the anchor .
15 English Concrete Figure 12 EA U T After the holes are drilled, remove the template and place two ALLIGA TO R ® Anchors (U) into the concrete wall as shown in Figure 11.
16 Step 3: Mounting the TV English TIL T KNOB P AN KNOBS Y If your audio, video, and power cables will not be accessible after you mount the TV , you need to make those connections now .
17 English Figure 14 EA MP Mounting the TV When you’re ready to put the Monitor Plate (MP) onto the Extension Arm (EA), get a friend or an assistant to help you lift the TV and guide the monitor plate onto the extension arm as shown in Figure 14.
Using the wire management feature Y our TV W all Mounting Kit For Dummies was designed with a unique feature which helps you manage all of your A/V wires and cables neatly and effortlessly .
Adjusting your mount Afte r your TV is in sta lle d, you can ad jus t the til t and hor izon tal po sit ion . The tilt k nob car rie s the weig ht of the TV an d must be ti ght ened wi th the su ppl ied Al len Ke y T ool (Y ) after t he desi red po sit ion of the mon ito r is achi eve d.
20 If you need to remove the TV Flat screen TVs are very heavy and extremely fragile. Exercise caution when removing the display from the mount to avoid equipment damage or personal injury . If your ca ble s are acc ess ible , disc onn ect al l power an d A/V cab les be for e remov ing th e disp lay fro m the Extension Arm (EA).
V i sit ww w .Bell O.c om for mor e info rma tio n on home the ate r furn itu re. V i sit ww w .Dumm ies .com fo r othe r grea t produ cts, bo oks , and fre e eT ips! V i sit ww w .Pala din -T ools. com for in for mat ion on th e Cabl e & Satell ite In sta lla tion K it For Dum mie s.
An important point after buying a device Bell'O 8260DB (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Bell'O 8260DB yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Bell'O 8260DB - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Bell'O 8260DB you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Bell'O 8260DB will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Bell'O 8260DB, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Bell'O 8260DB.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Bell'O 8260DB. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Bell'O 8260DB along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center