Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product DU930 DP940 Whirlpool
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DISHWASHER Use & C ar e Gu id e For q uesti ons abou t feat ure s, op erati on/p erfor mance, parts, ac cessories or service, c all: 1-80 0-253 -130 1 or visit our we bsite at ww w m In Canad a, for assista nce, installat ion or servic e, call: 1-80 0-807-6 777 or visit our website at www .
2 T ABLE OF CONTENTS DISHWASHER SAFETY ...................................... ........................... 3 PARTS AND FEATURES ..................................... ........................... 5 Control Panels .........................................
3 DISHWASH ER SAFETY You can be killed or seriously injured if you don't immediately You can be killed or seriously injured if you don't follow All safety messages will tell you what the potential hazard is, tell you how to reduce the chance of injury, and tell you what can happen if the instructions are not followed.
4 ■ Instal l where dishwash er is protected from the elements. Protect agains t freezing to avoid pos sible rupt ure of fill va lve. Such rupt ures are not covered by th e warranty .
5 P ARTS A ND FEATURES This manual covers se veral di fferent models. The dishwasher you have purchased may have some or all of the parts and feat ures l isted below . A. Upper level wash B. 3-position adjuster (on so me mod els) C. Water inlet opening (in tub wall) D.
6 Cont rol P anels UNDERCOUNTER START-UP GUIDE Befor e using you r dishwash er , remove all packaging ma terials. Read this en tire Use and Car e Guid e. Y ou will find important s afe ty information and u seful operating tip s. Using Y our Ne w Dis hwa sher 1.
7 2. Properly l oad th e dish washer . (S ee “ Dishwash er Loadi ng. ” ) Make su re nothi ng keeps the spray arm (s) from s pinning freely . 3. Add detergent and check the rin se aid di spenser . Add ri nse aid if nee ded. (See “ Dishwash er Use.
8 6. Press the desi red cycle and option select ions. ( See “ Dishwasher Us e. ” ) 7. Press ST ART/RESU ME. Stoppin g Y our D ishwasher Y ou can stop your dish washer anyt ime during a cycle. 1. Open the door slig htly . 2. W ait for the spraying action to s top.
9 Conn ecting to W ater and Electrical S upply 1. Run water at the faucet unti l it is hot. T urn off the w ater . 2. Pull the hose s out of their st orage compartment on the back of the dishwa sher . NOTE : Make sur e the hos es ar e not kink ed or twis ted.
10 Quiet operat ing tips T o avoid thump ing/clatteri ng noises duri ng operation: ■ Make sure lightwei ght load i tems are secured in the ra cks. ■ Make sure pot lids and hand les, pi zza pans, cooki e sheets, etc., do not touc h interior walls or inte rfere with the rotation of the spr ay ar m.
11 ■ Load plat es, soup bo wls, etc., between ti nes and fac ing inwar d to the s pray . ■ Overlap the edge s of plates for large loads. ■ Load soup, cereal, an d serving bowl s in the rack in a variety of ways depend ing upon their s ize and shape.
12 T o r emove the basket from the d oor 1. Grasp the silve rware basket by the ha ndle. Sli de it toward the top of the door . 2. Lift the ba sket off the holding buttons . T o replace the basket in the door 1. Set th e silv erwar e bas ket on th e hold ing bu ttons.
13 NOTE : Fill amounts show n are for standard powdered detergent. Amounts may vary if y ou use liquid or concent rated powd ered detergent. T a blet detergents should be pl aced in th e main wash section of the detergent dispense r with the cov er closed.
14 T o check water temp erature 1. Run hot wat er at the faucet clos est to your d ishwasher for at least 1 mi nute . 2. Place a candy or meat thermometer in a gl ass measuring cup. 3. Check the temperat ure on the thermometer as the w ater is running i nto the cup.
15 † A small amount of wa ter runs th rou gh the pu mp to r emove so il partic les. Canceling a Cycle Anytime during a cyc le, press CANCEL/DRA IN. Cancel/Dra in glows. The dish washer pauses for about 5 seconds and starts a 2-minute dra in (if ne eded).
16 Hi-T emp Wash Select this high-temperatur e option for impr oved cleaning of heav ily soiled dishes. Selecti ng this option a dds heat , water an d time to th e wash cycl e. Heating t he water he lps improve was hing results. NOTE : H i-T emp W ash is an op tion with He avy wash and Normal wash.
17 W ASHI NG SP ECIA L IT EMS If you have doubts about washing a part icular item, ch eck with the manufac turer to see if it i s dishwashe r safe. Material Dishwasher Safe?/Comment s Alumi num Ye s High water temp erature and detergents can affect finish of an odized alumin um.
18 DISHWA SHER CARE Cle aning Cleaning the exterior In most case s, regular use of a soft, d amp cloth or sponge and a mild d eter gent is all that is neces sary to keep t he outs ide of your dishwash er looking nice an d clean. If y our dishwas her has a stainles s steel exteri or , a stainless steel cl eaner is recommended.
19 TROUBLESHOOTING First try the solutions suggested here and possibly avoid the cost of a service call... Dis hwashe r is n ot op erat ing pr operly ■ Dishwasher does not run or stops during a cycle Is the door closed tightly an d latche d? Is the right c ycle se lected? Refer t o the “ Cycle Sele ction Charts.
20 Is the home water pressur e high enough for pr oper dishwas her filling? Home wa ter pr essur e should be 20 to 120 psi (138 to 828 kPa) f or prop er dish washer fi ll. If yo u have questi ons about you r water pressure, cal l a licen sed, qu alified plumb er .
21 ASSISTANCE OR SERVICE Before calling for ass istance or serv ice, please ch eck “ T r oubleshooting. ” It may sa ve you t he cost of a servi ce call . If you sti ll nee d help, f ollow the i nstruct ions be low . When calli ng, please know the purchase date and t he complete model and s erial number of your appli ance.
22 WHIRLPOOL CORPORA TION MAJOR APPLI ANCE W ARRANTY ONE YEAR LIMITED W ARRANTY For one year from the date of pu rchase, when this major appl iance is ope rated and mai ntained a ccording to instruct .
23 SÉCURITÉ DU LAVE-VAISSELLE Risque possible de décès ou de blessure grave si vous ne suivez pas immédiatement les instructions. Risque possible de décès ou de blessure grave si vous ne suivez pas les instructions.
24 ■ Instal ler le l ave-vaiss elle dans un endroit à l ’ abri des inte mp é ries. Prot é ger l ’ appareil contre le gel p our é viter une ruptur e po ssible du r obinet de r empliss age. De te lles ruptu res ne sont pas cou vertes par la ga rantie.
25 PIÈCES ET CARACTÉ RISTIQUES Ce manu el couvr e plusieur s mod è le s diff é rents. Le lave-v aisselle qu e vous avez achet é peut avoir cert aines ou toutes les caract é rist iques i ndiq u é es ci-dess ous. A. Arr osage au niveau supérieur B.
26 T ableaux de comman de GUIDE DE MISE EN MARCHE - SOUS COMPTOIR Ava nt d ’ utilis er le lav e-vaiss elle, en lever tous les mat é riau x d ’ emballag e. Lire ce guide d ’ utilis ation e t d ’ entretien au complet. V ous y trouverez des renseignements de s é curit é importants ainsi que des consei ls d ’ utilisa tion utile s.
27 2. Bien charger le lave-vai sselle . (V oir “ Char gemen t du l ave- vaissel le ” .) S ’ assurer que rien n ’ emp ê che le ou les bras d ’ aspersion d e tourner librement . 3. Ajou ter le d é terg ent à vai sselle et con tr ô ler le niv eau d ’ ag ent de rin ç age dans le distribute ur .
28 5. Bien fermer la porte. Le v errou de l a porte s ’ engage automatiqu ement. Lais ser l ’ eau coul er du robinet auquel le lave-vai sselle s era connect é jusqu ’à ce qu ’ elle so it chaud e. (V oir “ Conseils d ’ efficacit é pour le lave-va issel le ” .
29 Connex ion à la so urce d ’ea u et d’alim entatio n électrique 1. Ouvrir le r obinet d ’ eau chaude et atten dre que l ’ eau so it chaude. Fermer le r obinet. 2. Tire r les tuyaux hors du compartiment de rang ement à l ’ arri è re du lave-vai sselle.
30 Conseils de fonctionnement silenc ieux Pour é viter l es bruits de cho c et d ’ entr echoc d uran t le fon ctio nne ment : ■ S ’ assurer que les arti cles l é gers sont b ien rete nus dans les paniers. ■ S ’ assurer que les couvercles et poign é es de cass eroles, plaques à pizza et à bisc uits, etc .
31 Chargem ent du pani er inférieu r Le pa nier inf é rieur est con ç u pour les as siettes , plat s, casse roles et us tensiles . Y cha rg er les art icles su r lesqu els des pro duits alimentaires ont cuit ou s é ch é ; or ienter la s urface sale vers l ’ int é rieur , vers les bras d ’ aspersion.
32 ■ Placer les petits art icles t els que le s t é tine s de bi berons, couvercles de bocaux, poign é es à é pis de ma ï s, etc. dans l a ou les section s avec couvercle(s) articul é (s). Fermer le couvercle pour ma intenir le s peti ts articles en place.
33 UTILISATION DU LAVE -VAISSELLE Distribut eur de déterge nt Le distr ibute ur de d é tergent comporte 2 sections. La s ection de pr é lavage v ide le d é t er gent da ns le lav e-vaissell e lors d e la fermeture d e la porte.
34 Distribute ur d’age nt de rinçage Un agent de rin ç age emp ê che l ’ eau de former des gou ttelette s qui peuve nt s é cher en laissan t des tach es ou coul é es.
35 T ableaux de sélection de programm es Choisir le programme de lavage et les options d é sir é s et appuy er sur ST ART/RESUME. Le la ve-vaissell e commence à se rem plir lorsque vous ap puyez sur ST ART/RESUME, except é si vo us choi sisse z un lav age d iff é r é .
36 Annu latio n d’un progra mme En tout temp s au cours d ’ un programme, appuyer sur CANCE L/ DRAIN (annu lation/vid ange). Cancel /Drain (annulat ion/vidange) s ’ allume. Le lave -vaissel le fait une p ause d ’ en viron 5 secondes et commence une vidan ge de 2 minutes (si n é cessair e).
37 Locked/verrouillage Utili ser le verrou illag e des co mman des po ur é viter l ’ utili sation non i ntention nelle du lave-va issel le. Le ve rrou illage des commandes peut aus si ê tr e util is é pour é vi ter les c hangemen ts non intention nels de programme ou d ’ option durant un programme.
38 LAVAGE D’A RTICLES SPÉCIAUX En cas d e doute au sujet du lavage d ’ un article particul ier , consulter le fa bricant po ur d é terminer si l ’ article est lavab le au lave -vaisse lle.
39 ENTRETIEN DU LAVE- VAISSELLE Nettoyag e Nettoya ge de l ’ ext é rieur Dans l a plupart des cas, il suf fit d ’ utilise r u n li nge doux , h umide ou une é p onge et un d é tergent doux pou r nettoyer l es surfaces ext é rieures du l ave-vaiss elle et pr é server son asp ect de prod uit neu f.
40 DÉP ANNAGE Essayer d ’ abord les solutions sugg é r é es ici; elles pourraient v ous é viter le co û t d ’ une visite de service... Le lave-vaisselle ne f onctionne pas corr ectement ■ L.
41 La t emp é rature de l ’ eau est-ell e trop basse ? Pour les meilleurs r é sultats de lavag e, l ’ eau devrai t ê tre à 120 ° F (49 ° C) à son entr é e dans le lave-vai sselle. V oi r la secti on “ Conse ils d ’ efficacit é pour le la ve-vai sselle ” .
42 ASSISTANCE OU SERVICE Avant de demander un e assistan ce ou un service, veu illez v é rifier la s ection “ D é pannage ” . Cette v é rification peut vous f air e é conomiser le co û t d ’ une vi site d e servi ce. Si vous av ez en core besoin d ’ aide, suivr e les instruc tions ci-dess ous.
43 GARANTIE DE S GROS APP A REILS MÉNAGERS WHIRLPOOL CORPORA TION GARANTIE LIMIT É E DE UN A N Pend ant un an à compter de l a date d'a chat, lorsqu e ce gros appareil m é nager est utilis é.
W1007340 0 © 2006 Whirlpool Corporation. All r ights re served. Tous dr oits r é serv é s. ® R egistere d Tradem ark/ ™ Tra demark o f Whirlpoo l, U.S.A ., Whirlp ool Cana da LP Lic ensee in Canada ® Marque d é pos é e/ ™ Marqu e de comm erce de Whirlpoo l, U.
An important point after buying a device Whirlpool DU930 DP940 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Whirlpool DU930 DP940 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Whirlpool DU930 DP940 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Whirlpool DU930 DP940 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Whirlpool DU930 DP940 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Whirlpool DU930 DP940, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Whirlpool DU930 DP940.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Whirlpool DU930 DP940. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Whirlpool DU930 DP940 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center