Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product 9762354A Whirlpool
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GAS RANGE Use & Care Guide For q uesti ons abou t fe atur es , op erati on /per for mance , pa rts, accessories o r service, ca ll: 1-800- 253-130 1 or v isit o ur we bs ite at... In Canada , call for assis tance, insta llation or ser vice, call: 1-800-8 07-6777 or visit our website at.
2 T ABLE OF CONTENTS RANGE SAFETY .................................... ............................ ............. 3 The Anti-Tip Bracket ....................................................... ............. 4 PARTS AND FEATURES ......... .............
3 RANGE SAFETY You can be killed or seriously injured if you don't immediately You can be killed or seriously injured if you don't follow All safety messages will tell you what the potential hazard is, tell you how to reduce the chance of injury, and tell you what can happen if the instructions are not followed.
4 The An ti- Tip Bra cket The range will not tip during normal use. However , the range can tip if you app ly too much force or weight to th e open door wit hout havi ng th e anti-t ip br acket fas tene d do wn p r ope rly . Tip Over Hazard A child or adult can tip the range and be killed.
5 PARTS AND FEATURES This manual covers several different models. The range you have purchased may have some or all of t he parts and feat ures listed . The location s and appeara nces of the features shown here may not match those of you r model. Contr ol Panel Rang e A.
6 COOKTOP U SE Cooktop C ontrols Electric ign iters au tomatically light the su rface bur ners when control knobs are turned t o IGNITE. Before setting a control knob, p lace filled cookw ar e on the grate. Do not operate a bur ner using empty cookware or while the grate is unoccupi ed.
7 Bur ne r port s: Check burn er fl am es o cc asio na lly f or p r oper size and shape as shown above. A good flame is blue in color , not yellow . Keep this area free of soil and do not allow sp ills, food, cleaning agen ts or any other materia l to enter the bur ner ports.
8 ELECTRONIC OVEN CONTROLS Style 1 - Electro nic Oven Controls (on some mod els) Style2 - Electronic Oven Contr ols (on some models) Disp lay When power is fi rst supp lied t o the appliance , “ PF ” or a flashi ng time will appear on the display .
9 T o T u rn Off/On (on so me models): Press and hold ST ART TIME for 5 second s. A t one will sound , and “ Snd OFF ” will appear on the di splay . R epeat to tur n t ones on , and “ Snd on ” wi l l a p pe a r on the dis play . On some models , only the l oudness of the tone s can be adj usted.
10 OVEN USE Odors and smoke are normal when the oven is u sed the first few times, or when it is hea vily so iled. IMPORT AN T : The health of some birds is extremely sensi tive to the f umes gi ven of f. Exp osur e to the f umes may r esult in de ath to certain birds.
11 Bakeware The bakeware mat erial affects cooking r esults. Follow manufact ure r ’ s recommendations and use t he bakeware size recommended in the recipe. Use the following ch art as a guide. Mea t The rmome ter On models wit hout a temperatu re probe, use a meat thermometer to determine donenes s of meat, poultry and fish.
12 Choice Bak e ® Function (on s ome m odels) The CHOICE BAKE ® function reduce s top heat in t he oven durin g cooking. It is i deal w hen baki ng pies , breads a nd cass eroles and when roasting meat and pou ltry . During tradi tional baking an d roasting, the bake an d broil elements or bur ners cyc le on and off at intervals.
13 W arm Hold Featur e allows hot cooked foods to stay serving temperature. It can also be used at the end of a timed cook. T o Use Automatic W arm Hold Feature: At the end of a ti med cook, either wi.
14 Sequence Prog ramming (on some mo dels) Sequence Programming all ows you to pr ogram at one time up to 4 cooking functions. Other oven functions, such as the Timer a nd W arming Drawer may be used when a sequenced Program is running. All steps of a sequenced program must be programmed with a stop ti me.
15 Wa r m i n g D r a w e r (on some models ) The W arming Drawer is ideal for keeping hot cooked foods at serving temperature. It may also be used for warming breads and pastries . Different types of food may be placed in the warmin g drawer at the sam e time.
16 RANGE CARE Self-Clean ing Cycle (on some mode ls) IMPORT AN T : The health of some birds is extremely sensi tive to the fumes give n off during the Sel f-Cleaning cyc le. Exposure to the fume s may result in death to certain birds. Alway s move birds to another clos ed and well-venti lated room.
17 Gene ral C le anin g IMPORT AN T : Before clean ing, make sure all controls are of f and the oven and cookt op are cool. Always follow label i nstructio ns on cle ani ng produc ts. Soap, wat er and a sof t cloth or sponge are suggested first unless otherwise noted.
18 BROILER P AN AND GRID (on som e models) Do not clean in the Self-Cleaning cycl e. Cleaning Method: ■ Mildly abrasive cl eanser: Scrub with we t scour ing pad. ■ Solution of ¹₂ cup ( 125 mL) ammonia t o 1 gal . (3.75 L) water: Soak for 20 minutes , then scr ub with s couring or s teel-wool pad.
19 4. Insert the door stop cli p with the angular surface a t the to p of the frame hinge s lot, then pu sh in the bottom of t he clip until flanges are flush with the front frame. 5. Open the door complet ely and remove the door removal pins. Save door removal pi ns for fu ture use.
20 TROUBLESHOOTING T ry the solut ions suggested here first in order to avoid th e cost of an unnecessary service call. Nothing will operate ■ Is the power sup ply cor d unpl ugged? Plug into a gr ounded 3 pr ong outlet. ■ Household fuse blown or cir cuit br eaker tripped? Replace th e fuse or reset the circuit breaker .
21 Oven cooking results no t what expect ed ■ Is the appliance level? Leve l th e app lian ce. See the Inst alla tio n Ins tru ctio ns. ■ Is the proper temp erature set? Double- check the recipe in a reliab le cookbook. ■ Is the proper o ven temperature calibration set? See “ Oven T emperat ure Contr ol ” section.
WHIRLPOOL CORPORA TION MAJOR APPLI ANCE W ARRANTY ONE YEAR LIMITED W ARRANTY For one year from the date of pu rchase, when this major appli ance is operate d and mainta ined according to instructions .
23 SÉCUR ITÉ DE LA CUIS INIÈRE Risque possible de décès ou de blessure grave si vous ne suivez pas immédiatement les instructions. Risque possible de décès ou de blessure grave si vous ne suivez pas les instructions.
24 La brid e anti bascul ement Dans des cond itions de se rvice normales , la cuisi ni è re ne bascule pas. E lle peut cepend ant bascul er si une force ou un poids exc essif est appl iqu é (e) s ur la porte ouverte al ors que la br ide antiba sculement n ’ est p as con vena blem ent fix é e.
25 PIÈCES ET CARACTÉ RISTIQUES Ce manu el couv re p lusieur s mod è le s dif f é r ents. La cuis ini è r e que vous avez ac het é e peut comporter quelqu es-unes ou toutes les pi è ces et caract é rist iques é num é r é es.
26 UTIL ISA TION DE LA T AB LE DE CUISSON Command es de la table de cuisson Les allu meurs é lectriques all ument automatiq uement les br û leur s de surfa ce quand l es bouto ns sont t our n é s à IGNITE (all umer). Ava nt de r é gler un bouton de commande, placer l'uste nsile de cuisso n rempli su r la gri lle.
27 Orifices de br û leur : Examin er occasionnel lement les fl ammes des br û le urs p our en v é rifie r la ta ille et la fo rme te l qu ’ indiq u é ci- dess us .
28 COMMANDES ÉLECTRONIQUES DU FOUR Style 1 - Commandes é lectroniques du four (sur certains mod è les) Style 2 - Commandes é lectroniques du four (sur certains mod è les) Affichage Lors d e la mi se sous tensio n initi ale de l'a ppar eil, “ PF ” ou une heure clignotante ap para î t sur l'affichage.
29 Sur certains mod è les, seul le volu me des si gnaux sonores p eut ê tr e r é gl é . Sur d'autres mod è l es, les si gnaux so nor es ne peuvent ê tr e r é gl é s o u d é sactiv é s. Timbre des signaux sonores : Le timbr e est p r é r é gl é à é le v é , mais il peut ê tre chang é à faible .
30 P ositi onnem ent de s gri lles et d es us tensil es de cu is son IMPORT ANT : Pour é viter des dommages permanent s au fini en porcelaine, ne pa s placer d'a liments ou d' ustensi les de cuiss on directement sur la porte ou le fond du f our .
31 Ustensiles de cuisson Le m at é riau des ustens iles de cu isson affecte le s r é sult ats d e cuisson . Suivre les recommandatio ns du fabrica nt et utilis er le format d ’ ustens iles recommand é dans la r e cett e. Se s ervir d u tableau suivant comme gu ide.
32 3. Appuyer sur ST ART (mise en marche) ou ST ART/ENTER (mise en marche/entr é e ). La t emp é ratur e peut ê tre chang é e apr è s cette é tape.
33 T A BLEAU DE CUISSON AU G RIL Pour ob tenir les meille urs r é sultats, pl acer l'alimen t à au moins 3" (7 cm ) du br û le ur du gril. Les dur é es de cu isso n son t cit é es à titre indicatif s eulement; on peut les r é gler en fonction des go û ts personnels.
34 Cuiss on min utée (sur c ertains m odèles) La cuiss on minut é e permet d'allumer le four à une certaine h eure de la jo urn é e, de faire cuire pendant une dur é e r é gl é e et/ou d' é teindr e le four au tomatiqu emen t.
35 Programma tion de séquences (sur certa ins modèle s) La pr ogrammation de s é quences pe rmet de progr ammer ju squ' à quatre foncti ons de cuisso n en une seule f ois, et ell e est utilisa ble avec d'au tres fonctions é lectr on iqu es d e co mm ande du fou r tell es que la m inute rie et l e tiroir -r é chaud.
36 T iro ir-réc haud (s ur cer tai ns m odè le s) Le t iroir-r é chaud est i d é al pour garder au chaud des aliments cuits, à la temp é ratu re d e service. Il peut aussi s ervir pour r é chauffer des pains et p â tiss erie s. Diff é rents types d' aliment s peuven t ê tr e plac é s da ns le t ir oir - r é chaud en m ê me temps.
37 ENTRETIEN DE LA C UISINI ÈRE Program me d'auton ettoyage (sur c ert ains mo dèles ) IMPORT ANT : La sant é de certains oise aux est tr è s sensible au x é manations q ui surviennent durant le program me d'autonet toyage. L'exposi tion aux é manations pe ut entra î ne r la mort de cert ains oiseau x.
38 Pour diff é rer l ’ autonettoyage (sur certains mod è les) : Ava nt d e di ff é rer la mise en marche de l ’ au ton etto yag e, s ’ assurer que l ’ horloge est r é gl é e à l ’ heur e exacte.
39 GRILLES ET CHAPE AUX É MA ILL É S Les renv ersem ents d ’ aliments contenan t des acid es, tels que le vina igre et les toma tes, doi vent ê tre ne tto y é s aussit ô t que la tabl e de c uisson , les grille s et les c hapea ux son t r efr oidis.
40 Lampe du fou r (s ur cer tai ns m odè le s) La la mpe du fo ur co ntient une amp oule d ’ appareils m é nage rs standa rd de 40 w atts. El le s ’ al lume lo rsqu ’ on ou vr e la porte du four . Elle ne fonc tionne p as pe ndant le pr ogramme d ’ autonettoyage ( sur certain s mod è les).
41 Ti r oi r d e r e m i sa ge Le ti roir de re misag e peut ê tre enlev é . Avant d e l ’ enl ever , s ’ assur er que le tiroir es t fr oid et vid e. Pour enlever : 1. Tirer le tir oir de remisage en ligne droite et vers soi au-del à de l'encoc he de la but é e de tiroir si tu é e à l'extr é mit é des rai ls lat é raux.
42 DÉP ANNAGE Essayer les soluti ons sugg é r é es ici d ’ abord afin d ’é viter le co û t d ’ une visite de service non n é cessaire. Rien ne fonctionne ■ Le cordon d ’ ali mentation est-il d é branch é ? Brancher dans un e prise à 3 alv é oles r eli é e à la terre.
43 Les r é sultats de cuisson au four ne sont pas ceux esp é r é s ■ L ’ apparei l est-il d ’ aplomb? Mettre l ’ appa r ei l d ’ apl omb. V oir les instr uctions d ’ insta llatio n. ■ La temp é ratu re correcte est-elle r é gl é e? V é rifier doubleme nt la recette dan s un livre de recettes fiab le.
GARANTIE DE S GROS A PP AREILS MÉNAGERS WHIRLPOOL CORPORA TION GARANTI E LIMI TÉE DE UN AN Pendant un an à compter de la da te d'achat, l orsque ce gros appareil ménage r est utilis é et ent.
An important point after buying a device Whirlpool 9762354A (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Whirlpool 9762354A yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Whirlpool 9762354A - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Whirlpool 9762354A you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Whirlpool 9762354A will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Whirlpool 9762354A, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Whirlpool 9762354A.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Whirlpool 9762354A. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Whirlpool 9762354A along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center