Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product 8182042 Whirlpool
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FRONT-LOADING AUTOMATIC WASHER Use & Care Guide For que stions abou t featu res, operatio n/perfor mance, parts, acce ssories or se rvice call: 1-800 -253-130 1 In Canada, for ass istance call: 1 -800-46 1-5681 , for installati on and service call: 1-8 00-807-6 777 or visit our website at www .
2 T ABLE OF CONTE NTS WASHER SAFETY ................................. ............................ ............. 3 INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS ................................... ............. 4 Tools and Parts ........ .................................
3 W ASHER SAFETY You can be killed or seriously injured if you don't immediately follow instructions. You can be killed or seriously injured if you don't follow instructions.
4 INST ALLA TION REQUIREMENTS T ools an d P arts Assemble the neces sary tools a nd suppl ies before begin ning the washer ins tallation . The parts su pplied are in the was her drum. T ools needed for connecting the water inlet hoses ■ Pliers (that ope n to 1 ⁹⁄₁₆ in.
5 Installation clearances ■ The location must be lar ge enough t o allow the washer door to be fully open ed. ■ Additi onal spacin g should be consi dered for ease of ins tallat ion and se rvicing . ■ Additi onal clearanc es might be required for wall, door , and floor mo ldings.
6 Recomme nded instal lation spacing for ca binet installation ■ The dim ensi ons sho wn ar e for the r eco mm ende d spa cing . ■ For cabinet in stallati on, with a door , the minimum vent ilation openings in the top are required.
7 ■ Check with a quali fied elect rician if you are not sure the washer i s prope rly grou nded. ■ Do not have a fus e in th e neutr al or gr ound cir c uit. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS Remove Transport System IMPORT AN T : Pos ition the was her so that the rear of the unit is within app roximately 3 ft (90 cm) of the final locati on.
8 Conn ect t he Inlet H oses Connect the inlet h oses to the water f aucets Make su re the wash er dru m is emp ty . 1. Using pliers, c heck the tightness of the hose coupl ings already attach ed to the wash er . NOTE : Do no t over tigh ten. Da mag e to the coup ling can re su l t.
9 7. Plug into a gr ounded 3 pr ong outlet. 8. Read “ Washer Use. ” 9. T o test and t o clean your wash er , meas ure ¹⁄₂ the normal recommended amount of powdered or liqui d High Efficiency (HE) dete rgent or ¼ the normal recommended amount of regular powdered or liquid d etergent.
10 WASHER USE Starting Y our W a s her WAR N IN G: T o redu ce the risk of fi re, ele ctric shock, or injur y to persons, read the IMPOR T ANT SAFETY INS TRUCTIONS before ope ratin g this app liance . The following is a guide to using your washer . Please refer to specific sections of th is manual for more detail ed information.
11 4. T ur n on th e washer by s electin g CONTROL ON. Select one of the cycles by tur ning the cycle sel ector . The indi cator light for the selec ted cycle will gl ow . When se lectin g a wash cycle, the preset Options, W ater T e mp, Spin Speed, and S oil Level for the sele cted cycl e will glow .
12 Main W ash d etergent compartment (Number 3 i n Dispenser Il lustration) Add liq uid or po wdered dete rgent to thi s compar tment for y our main wash cy cle.
13 Status Light s These lights show which portion of the cycl e the washer is operating. They al so indicat e when you can add an additional item to the wa sh cycle and w hen the controls ar e locked.
14 Normal Use this cycle to wash normal ly soiled cottons an d linens. Th is cycle co mbines medi um speed tu mbling and h igh speed spi n. Bulky Items Use th is cycl e to w ash large i tems su ch as bl ankets and comforters. This cycle st arts with a soak to thoroughly saturate your la r ge load .
15 Options Y ou can customize y our wash b y adding “ Options ” to your cycle selections . Y ou can add or change an option after start ing a cycle anytime b efore the selected opt ion begins.
16 T emp erature Guide In wash water temperatur es colder than 70°F (21°C), detergen ts do not dissolve well. So ils may b e diffi cult to remo ve. ACCUWASH ™ Automatic T emperature Contr ol The ACCUWASH ™ control electronically sen ses and maint ains a uniform water temperature.
17 LAUNDRY T IPS Preparing clothes for washing Follow these re commendations to help you pr olong the life of your garment s. ■ Close zippers, snaps, and hooks to avoid snagging ot her items. Remove pi ns, buckles, and oth er hard objects to avoid scratchin g the washer int erior .
18 V acation, Storage, and Moving Care Install an d store your washer w here it will not freeze. Beca use some water may stay in the hoses , freezing can damage yo ur washer . If storing or moving your washer during freezing weather , winteri ze it. Non-use or vacat ion care: Operate your washe r only when you are at home.
19 W asher stops ■ Check the following : Is the power cord plugged in to a grounded 3 prong outlet? Is there power at the pl ug? Check elect rical source or call electri cian. Has a fu se blo wn or has the c irc uit br eake r tr ipped ? If pr obl em conti nues , call elect rician .
20 Load is w rinkled ■ Did you unload the washer pr omptly? Unload the w asher as soon as it stops. ■ Did you use the right cycle for the load being washed? Use the Deli cate/Casual cycl e or another cycle with a low spin sp eed to reduce wr inkling.
21 WHIRLPOOL ® W ASHER W A RRANTY ONE-YEAR FULL WARRANTY For one year from the dat e of purchase, when t his washer is op erated and mai ntained according to i nstructions attached to or fu rn i s h .
22 S É CURIT É DE LA LAVEUSE Risque possible de décès ou de blessure grave si Risque possible de décès ou de blessure grave si vous ne suivez pas les instructions.
23 EXIGENCES D ’ INST ALLA TION Out il s et p i è ces Assembler les outils et les fournitur es n é cessaires ava nt de commencer l ’ instal latio n de la la veuse .
24 Espacements d'installation ■ L'emplacemen t doit ê tre assez grand pour permettre d'ouvrir compl è tement la porte d e la lav euse. ■ On doit pr é vo ir un peu pl us d' esp ace po ur fac iliter l'inst allation et l'entret ien.
25 Espacem ent recomman d é pour l'installation de la caisse ■ Les dimensions indiqu é es sont p our l'espac ement re co mm a n d é . ■ Pour inst allati on de la cai sse avec po rte, on doit p r é voir des ouvertur es minimum d'entr é e d'air au sommet de l a caisse.
26 ■ Ne pas effectuer de lia ison à la terre su r une canalisation de gaz. ■ En cas de dout e concernan t la quali t é de la li aison à la terr e de la la veuse , v é rif ier aupr è s d ’ un é lectricien q ualifi é . ■ Ne pas utili ser u n fusi ble d ans le ci rcuit neut re ou de l iaison à la t erre.
27 Raccordement des tuyaux d ’ alimen tation Connecter les tuyaux d ’ alimentation aux r ob inets S ’ assur er que le tambour de la l aveuse est vide. 1. Avec une pince, v é rifier le serrage des raccords d e tuyaux d é j à joi nts à la laveuse.
28 R é glage de l ’ a plomb de la lave use Un bon aplo mb de la lav euse mini misera le b ruit et les vi bratio ns. 1. V é rifier l ’ ap lomb de la laveu se en pla ç ant un niveau sur le bord de la ta ble, tra nsvers alemen t, puis dan s le sens avant arri è re.
29 Distributeurs intelligents Les dist ribu teurs in tellig ents rend ent votre la veuse vr aiment automati que. Cette l aveuse four nit un di stributeu r à quatr e compartiments qui comp rend d es c.
30 UTILISA TION DE LA LA VEUSE M i s e e n m a r c h e d e l a l a v e u s e A VERTISSE MENT : Pour r é duir e le risque d' incendi e, de choc é lectrique ou de b lessures corporelles, l ire les INSTRUCTIONS IMPOR T ANTE S DE S É CURIT É ava nt de faire fonctionner ce t appareil.
31 4. Mett r e la l ave use en ma rc he e n ch ois issa nt C ONTR OL O N (Commande en mar che). S é l ect ionner l'un de s pro grammes en tournan t le s é lecteur de programme. Le t é moin lum ineux pour le pr ogramme choisi s ’ i lluminera.
32 Compartiment pour d é tergent Main W ash (lavage principal) (Le num é ro 3 dans l ’ illustrat ion du dist ributeur) Ajou ter le d é tergent liquide ou en pou dre dans ce compartiment pour v otr e pr ogr amme de lavag e princ ipal. L e s é parate ur de d é ter gent doit toujou rs ê tre en place, soit à la positi on avan t ou arri è re.
33 Pour vidanger la laveuse ma nuellement 1. Appuyer sur P AUSE/CANCEL. 2. S é le ction ner DR AIN/SP IN (V idange /ess orage) . 3. Appuyer sur HOLD TO ST ART (environ 1 seconde) pour commencer la vidan ge. 4. Lors que l ’ essora ge est achev é , la porte se d é clenche.
34 Whitest Whites (Blancs les plus blancs) Ce programme est sp é cialement con ç u pour netto yer d es charges de tissus blancs s ales, ave c l ’ additi on d ’ eau de Jav el. Les te mp é ratures de lavage à l ’ eau chaude a ssurent l ’ act ivi t é id é ale de l ’ eau de Javel.
35 R é glages pr é r é gl é s des programmes Chaque programme a un niveau de sa let é (temps du programme), un e temp é rature de l ’ eau, et une vites se d ’ essorage pr é r é gl é s. Les r é glages pr é r é gl é s fourniss ent le s soin s recommand é s des ti ssus pou r le pr ogramme choi si.
36 Prewash (Pr é la vage) Utiliser cett e option pour les ch arges tr è s sales qui ont be soin de pr é traite ment. Cett e option ajoute u n pr é lava ge et un e vidan ge de 15 minu tes au prog ramme de lavage pr incipa l.
37 Guide de le ssivage Se r é f é rer à ce tableau pou r des types d e charges sugg é r é s et leurs programmes correspondants. À droite se trouv ent les options disponibl es pour chacun de ces programmes.
38 CONSEILS DE LE SSIV AGE Pr é paration des v ê tem ents pour le lavag e Suivre l es recommandations suivantes pou r prolonger la v ie de vos v ê tement s. ■ Fermer les fermetur es à glissi è r e, le s bouto ns pressio n et les croche ts p our é viter d ’ accr ocher d ’ autres arti cles.
39 Pr é paration avant des vacances, un entreposage ou un d é m é nagement Inst alle r e t remis er la lav euse à un emplacement o ù elle ne sera pas expos é e au gel. Comme il pe ut rester un r é sidu d ’ eau dans les tu yaux, le gel p ourrai t end ommag er la lav euse.
40 La laveuse ne se met pas en mar che ■ V é rifier ce qui suit : Le c ordon d ’ alim entation est-i l branch é sur une prise à 3 alv é oles reli é e à la ter re? La porte de l a laveuse est.
41 ■ Avez-vous surcharg é la laveuse? Ne pa s surcharger la l aveus e. La l aveus e peut ê tre remplie compl è teme nt, mais le ling e ne doit pas ê tr e tass é . La charge de lavag e doit ê tre é q uilib r é e. Les particu les de charpi e peuvent ê tre emprisonn é es dans l a charge s ’ il y a surchar ge.
42 ASSISTANCE OU SE RVICE Ava nt de t é l é phoner po ur assist ance ou ser vice, veuill ez v é rifier “ D é panna ge ” . Ceci pourrait v ous é vi ter le co û t d ’ un e visit e de service. Si vous avez enc ore besoin d ’ aide, veuillez suivre le s instructi ons ci-de ssous.
43 GARA NTIE DE LA LA VEUSE WHIRLPOOL ® GARANTIE COMPL È TE DE UN AN Pend ant un an à compter de la date d ’ acha t, lorsque ce tte la veuse est utilis é e e t entretenue conform é me nt aux in.
46197020 7471 © 2003 Whirlpoo l Co rporation. All rig hts rese rved. Tous dr oits r é serv é s. ® Registered Trademark/TM Trademark of Wh irlpool, U.S.A., Whirlpool Canada Inc. Licensee in Canada The Woolmark symbol is a registered trademark of The Wool mark Company.
An important point after buying a device Whirlpool 8182042 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Whirlpool 8182042 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Whirlpool 8182042 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Whirlpool 8182042 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Whirlpool 8182042 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Whirlpool 8182042, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Whirlpool 8182042.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Whirlpool 8182042. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Whirlpool 8182042 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center