Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product WDBFJK0030HBK Western Digital
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External D esktop placeholder My Book ® User Manual My Book User Manual.
ii WD Service and Support Should you encounter any problem, please give us a n o pp or tu n it y t o a dd res s i t b ef ore ret ur ni ng this product. Most technical sup port questions can be answered thr ough our know ledge base or email supp ort service at http://s uppo rt.
MY BOOK USER MANUAL T ABLE O F CONTENTS – iii T able of Contents WD Servic e and Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ii Accessing O nline Su pport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
MY BOOK USER MANUAL T ABLE OF CONTENT S – iv Changing Yo ur Password . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Turning Off the Driv e Lock Fe ature. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
MY BOOK USER MANUAL TA B L E O F C O N T E N T S – v B Compliance and W arranty Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 Regulato ry Compliance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
MY BOOK USER MANUAL ABOUT Y OUR WD DRIVE – 1 About Y our WD Dr ive Secure your precious memories o n My Book ® deskto p storage. T his USB 3.0 drive is optimized for the fastest possible data transfer rate s and featur es complete pr otection for your files.
MY BOOK USER MANUAL ABOUT Y OUR WD DRIVE – 2 Univ ersal conn ectivi ty —With this dr ive you g et connect ivity w ith the lat est USB 3.0 devices as well as backward compatibility with USB 2.
MY BOOK USER MANUAL ABOUT Y OUR WD DRIVE – 3 Optional Acc essories For infor mation about optio nal accesso ries for WD products, visit: Operat ing Syste m Compatib ility Y our My Book dr ive and t .
MY BOOK USER MANUAL ABOUT Y OUR WD DRIVE – 4 Power/Activity LE D The power/activity LED sho ws the drive’ s power state as follows: USB 3.0 Interfac e USB 3.0 supports data transfer rates up to 5 G b/s. USB 3.0 is backward compatible with USB 2.0.
MY BOOK USER MANUAL ABOUT Y OUR WD DRIVE – 5 Handlin g Pr ecautions WD products ar e precision instruments and must be handled with car e during unpacking and i nstalla tion.
MY BOOK USER MANUAL CONNE C TIN G THE DRIVE AND GE TT ING STARTED – 6 Connecting the Drive and Getting Started This cha pter provides instructions for conn ecting the drive and installing the WD Drive Utilities, W D Security , and W D SmartW are so ftware on your computer .
MY BOOK USER MANUAL CONNE C TIN G THE DRIVE AND GE TT ING STARTED – 7 4. I f a Fo un d N e w H ard w are sc ree n a p pe ar s, cl ic k Canc el to close it. The W D software installs the proper driver for your drive. 5. V erify that the dr ive appears in your co mp uter’ s file m anagem ent util ity lis ting.
MY BOOK USER MANUAL CONNE C TIN G THE DRIVE AND GE TT ING STARTED – 8 5. On the Cus tom Setup dialog: a. Select an applicatio n name to see a brief description of the application: • WD Drive Util ities •W D S e c u r i t y •W D S m a r t W a r e b.
MY BOOK USER MANUAL CONNE C TIN G THE DRIVE AND GE TT ING STARTED – 9 • Installing the WD Security softwar e with the Launch Application option displa ys the WD Se curity screen (see Figure 5 on p age 10 and “Lo cking and Unl ocking the Drive” on page 46).
MY BOOK USER MANUAL CONNECTING THE DRIVE AND GETTING STARTED – 10 9. The W D SmartW are Pro software upgrade ex tends the backup function to non-W D drives, unsupported WD drives, a nd a remo te Dr opbox folder . Activating your free Figure 5. W D Security Sc ree n Figure 6.
MY BOOK USER MANUAL CONNECTING THE DRIVE AND GETTING STARTED – 11 upgrade installs the WD SmartWar e Pro so ftware on this computer and provides email delivery of an activation co de that you can use to install it on two other com put ers . a. T ype your first name in the First Na me box.
MY BOOK USER MANUAL CONNECTING THE DRIVE AND GETTING STARTED – 12 • B y default, the comp uter option is selected and the computer i con signifies that the backup source device will be either an i.
MY BOOK USER MANUAL CONNECTING THE DRIVE AND GETTING STARTED – 13 c. If you select D r o pbox as your backup tar get device, use the Dropbox Login Required dialog for confi guring your Dropbox acc o.
MY BOOK USER MANUAL CONNECTING THE DRIVE AND GETTING STARTED – 14 b. C lick Next to display the ini tial Select Back up Frequency scr een: 14. On the initial Se lect Backup Frequency screen: a.
MY BOOK USER MANUAL CONNECTING THE DRIVE AND GETTING STARTED – 15 c. C lic k Next to disp lay the init ial Backu p screen. Th e ini tial Ba ckup s creen displa y depends on the type of back up you selected at step 13 on page 13. (See F igure 7 on page 16.
MY BOOK USER MANUAL CONNECTING THE DRIVE AND GETTING STARTED – 16 Figure 7. Initial Backup Screens Initial File Backup Screen Initial Category Backup Screen Note : The initial Backup screen s only app ear one time —whe n you instal l the WD SmartWar e softwar e on your computer .
MY BOOK USER MANUAL WD SMARTWARE SOFTWAR E FUNCTIONAL OVERVIEW – 17 WD SmartW ar e Soft ware Functi onal Over view This chapter provides a brief functional overview of the WD SmartW are software.
MY BOOK USER MANUAL WD SMARTWARE SOFTWAR E FUNCTIONAL OVERVIEW – 18 Note: In a ddition to t he deta iled Help tab informat ion, eac h WD SmartW are displa y provides ea sy access to abbr eviated on line he lp to qu ickly guid e you t hrough your back up, retrieve, a nd setting s tasks.
MY BOOK USER MANUAL WD SMARTWARE SOFTWAR E FUNCTIONAL OVERVIEW – 19 Fi gure 8. Hom e T ab Di sp lay Backup Source Content Gauge Backup T arget Content Gauges Backup Source Device Select or Backup So.
MY BOOK USER MANUAL WD SMARTWARE SOFTWAR E FUNCTIONAL OVERVIEW – 20 T able 1. Home T ab Fu nctional Description Display Component Description Acti vation c ode r equir ed icon Not shown in Figur e 8.
MY BOOK USER MANUAL WD SMARTWARE SOFTWAR E FUNCTIONAL OVERVIEW – 21 Backup sou rce co n tent gau ge The conten t gauge f or the select ed back up sour ce device shows all of the fi les that are av a.
MY BOOK USER MANUAL WD SMARTWARE SOFTWAR E FUNCTIONAL OVERVIEW – 22 Backup sou rce d evice selec tor When the c omputer opt ion is sel ected, li sts all of your compu ter’ s inte rnal hard driv es, har d drive part itions , and d irect -attached drives that ar e available as a b ackup sour ce device.
MY BOOK USER MANUAL WD SMARTWARE SOFTWAR E FUNCTIONAL OVERVIEW – 23 Backup tar get devi ce icon (conti nued) Right-cl icking a dir ect-attached dr ive icon disp lays a me nu with th e followin g opt.
MY BOOK USER MANUAL WD SMARTWARE SOFTWAR E FUNCTIONAL OVERVIEW – 24 Backup tar get device selec tor Not shown in Figur e 8 on page 19: The ba ckup tar get devi ce select or appe ars under the i con for ea ch support ed backup ta r get device that has mor e than one drive parti tion or ne tw ork shar e.
MY BOOK USER MANUAL WD SMARTWARE SOFTWAR E FUNCTIONAL OVERVIEW – 25 Backup T ab D isplays The WD SmartW are software pr ovide s one of two differ e nt Backup tab displays, depending on how you want .
MY BOOK USER MANUAL WD SMARTWARE SOFTWAR E FUNCTIONAL OVERVIEW – 26 T able 2. Ba ckup T ab Functional Description Display Component Description Advanc ed backup are a In category mode, the initial /default configu ration of t he WD S martWare softw are is to ba ck up al l categ orie s of you r files .
MY BOOK USER MANUAL WD SMARTWARE SOFTWAR E FUNCTIONAL OVERVIEW – 27 Advanc ed backup are a (conti nued) In fil e mode, the i nitial/d efault configur ation of th e WD SmartW are software i s with none of the files /folders selected for back up.
MY BOOK USER MANUAL WD SMARTWARE SOFTWAR E FUNCTIONAL OVERVIEW – 28 Ret rie ve T a b Dis pla ys Three WD SmartW ar e software Retri eve tab displays guide you thr ough the tasks for finding ba ckup .
MY BOOK USER MANUAL WD SMARTWARE SOFTWAR E FUNCTIONAL OVERVIEW – 29 T able 3. Re trieve T ab Functional Description Display Component Description Backed Up V o lumes sele ction box Lists th e backed up volumes tha t are ava ilable t o retr ieve files fr om on the sel ected backup ta rg et device.
MY BOOK USER MANUAL WD SMARTWARE SOFTWAR E FUNCTIONAL OVERVIEW – 30 Setting s T ab Display See Figu re 11 and T able 4 for a brief func tional descrip tion of the S ettings tab display .
MY BOOK USER MANUAL WD SMARTWARE SOFTWAR E FUNCTIONAL OVERVIEW – 31 Help T ab Display The WD SmartW a r e Help tab display provides quick access to Lear ning Center top ics and li nks to online s upport services. See Figu re 12 and T able 5 for a brief func tional descrip tion of the Hel p tab display .
MY BOOK USER MANUAL WD SMARTWARE SOFTWAR E FUNCTIONAL OVERVIEW – 32 Support l ink Uses your W eb br owser to connect to the WD Servi ce & Support Home page at http://suppo m . WD Stor e link Uses your W eb browser t o connect to the WD online st or e at: http://store.
MY BOOK USER MANUAL BACKING UP FILES – 33 Backing Up Files This chapte r includ es the follow ing top ics: How the B ackup Function W orks Backing Up F iles How th e Backup F unction W orks The WD S.
MY BOOK USER MANUAL BACKING UP FILES – 34 • S electi ng the Dr o pbox op tion displ ays the Dropbox icon to sign ify that the backup source devi ce will be a remote Dropbox folder : b.
MY BOOK USER MANUAL BACKING UP FILES – 35 5. On the S et Backup Frequency dialog : a. Se lect t he S cheduled Backup option. b. Se le ct t he Hourly , Dai ly , o r Monthly optio n and use the check boxes and selection boxes to schedule y our backups: d.
MY BOOK USER MANUAL BACKING UP FILES – 36 b. C lick Adva nced View to open the backup by catego ries selectio n box and verify that the check boxes for all six categories are selected: c. Select any cleared check boxes and then click Apply Change s to create a custom backup plan and refresh the content gauges.
MY BOOK USER MANUAL BACKING UP FILES – 37 b. C lick A dvanced View to open the backup by categories selection box: c. In the backup by categories selection box: • C lear the check boxes for the categories o f files that you want to exclude from the backup.
MY BOOK USER MANUAL BACKING UP FILES – 38 If the bac kup mode is categ ory and Ready to perform categ ory backup app ears there, then click the Swi tch to Fi le Backup button and OK at the Switching Backup Plan prompt. b. In the backup by files selection bo x, se le ct the check box for the b ackup source device: c.
MY BOOK USER MANUAL BACKING UP FILES – 39 10. T o backup sel ected files or folders from selected backup source device: a. V erify that the backup mode is file and that Ready to perform file bac kup appears at the upper -left corn er of the Backup scr een.
MY BOOK USER MANUAL BACKING UP FILES – 40 11. During the backup: • A pr o gr ess bar and message indicate the amount of data that has been backed up.
MY BOOK USER MANUAL RETRI EVIN G FILE S – 41 Retrieving Files This chapte r includ es the follow ing top ics: How the Retrieve Function W orks Retr ieving F iles How the Retri eve Fu nction Works Th.
MY BOOK USER MANUAL RETRI EVIN G FILE S – 42 • S electi ng the Dr o pbox op tion displ ays the Dropbox icon to sign ify that the retrieve des tination will be a remote Dropbox f older: b.
MY BOOK USER MANUAL RETRI EVIN G FILE S – 43 4. On the S elect a d estinatio n for retrieved files dialo g: Created multip le back up volumes on the selec ted retrieve sour ce (bac kup ta rg et) de .
MY BOOK USER MANUAL RETRI EVIN G FILE S – 44 5. Click Next to dis play the Select content to retrieve ... dialog. 6. In the Retrieve So me Files se lection b ox, navigate throu gh the folder structure to find the files you want .
MY BOOK USER MANUAL RETRI EVIN G FILE S – 45 8. During th e r etrie ve: • The Retrieve scr ee n displays a pr ogr ess bar and a message indicating the amount of da ta that has been cop ied to the speci fied retrieve location. •A Cance l Retrievi ng button is available for sto pping the retrieve.
MY BOOK USER MANUAL LOCKING AND UN LOCKING THE DRIVE – 46 Locking and Unlocking the Driv e This chapte r includ es the follow ing top ics: Passwor d Pr otecting the Drive Unlocking the Drive Changin.
MY BOOK USER MANUAL LOCKING AND UN LOCKING THE DRIVE – 47 4. Click the I understand check box to signify that you accept the risk. 5. T ype yo ur pas swo rd in t he Choose a passwor d box, usi ng up to 25 characters. 6. Retype your passwor d in the V erify passwor d box.
MY BOOK USER MANUAL LOCKING AND UN LOCKING THE DRIVE – 48 Unlocking the Driv e with the WD S ecurity or WD Drive Utilities Software Whenever you shut down and restart your computer or disconnect and.
MY BOOK USER MANUAL LOCKING AND UN LOCKING THE DRIVE – 49 Unlocking the Driv e with the WD S martW are Software Whenever you shut down and restart your computer , or disconnect and reconnect the dri.
MY BOOK USER MANUAL LOCKING AND UN LOCKING THE DRIVE – 50 Unlocking the Driv e with the WD D rive Unlock Utility Whenever you connect your p asswor d-protected d rive t o a c ompu ter that doe s n ot ha ve the WD so ftware installed, yo u can use the W D Drive Unlo ck utility to u nlock the drive there.
MY BOOK USER MANUAL LOCKING AND UN LOCKING THE DRIVE – 51 Chan ging Y our Pas swor d 1. O pen the Change S ecurity dialog b y clicking either: • The WD Security desktop shortcut icon if you created one when you install ed the applicatio n • Star t > ( Al l) P r ograms > We s t e r n D i g i t a l > WD Apps > WD Security 2.
MY BOOK USER MANUAL LOCKING AND UN LOCKING THE DRIVE – 52 T ur ning Off the Dr ive Lock Fe ature 1. O pen the Change S ecurity dialog b y clicking either: • The WD Security desktop shortcut icon i.
MY BOOK USER MANUAL MAN AGING AND CUSTO MIZING TH E DRI VE – 53 Managing a nd Custom izing the Drive This chapte r includ es the follow ing top ics: Using the WD Quick View Icon Opening the WD Smart.
MY BOOK USER MANUAL MAN AGING AND CUSTO MIZING TH E DRI VE – 54 Checkin g Drive St atus Y ou can see the drive capaci ty used and driv e temperature status, and find out if the drive is locked by h .
MY BOOK USER MANUAL MAN AGING AND CUSTO MIZING TH E DRI VE – 55 Setting the Drive Sleep Time r The drive sleep timer tur ns off the power to yo ur dr ive after a certain period of inactivity to conserve power and minim ize long-term wear on the drive.
MY BOOK USER MANUAL MAN AGING AND CUSTO MIZING TH E DRI VE – 56 4. Click Registration to display the Registrati on dialog: 5. On the Registration dialog: a. T ype your first name in the First na me box. b. T ype your last name in the Last name box. c.
MY BOOK USER MANUAL MAN AGING AND CUSTO MIZING TH E DRI VE – 57 • C omplete Dr ive T est The most comprehensive drive diag nostic is the complete drive test. It tests ever y sector for erro r cond itio ns, an d inse rts b ad sector mar kers as requir ed.
MY BOOK USER MANUAL MAN AGING AND CUSTO MIZING TH E DRI VE – 58 WD D rive U tilitie s provides two w ays to e rase yo ur dr ive, de pending o n whet her yo ur drive is lock ed o r no t: Using the Drive E rase Function T o erase your drive wh en it is not lock ed: 1.
MY BOOK USER MANUAL MAN AGING AND CUSTO MIZING TH E DRI VE – 59 Using the WD Driv e Unlock Utility T o erase your drive when it is locked an d you have for gott en or lost your passw or d : 1.
MY BOOK USER MANUAL MAN AGING AND CUSTO MIZING TH E DRI VE – 60 4. Click Eras e Drive to display a w arning about erasin g all of the data on the drive: 5. Read the war ning and select the I understand check box to signify that you accept the risk. 6.
MY BOOK USER MANUAL MANAGIN G AND CUSTOM IZING THE SOFTWARE – 61 Managing a nd Custom izing the Soft war e This chapte r includ es the follow ing top ics: Specifying the Number of Ba ckup V ersions .
MY BOOK USER MANUAL MANAGIN G AND CUSTOM IZING THE SOFTWARE – 62 3. On the So ftwa r e Set tin gs sc r een , cli ck Retrieve Fol der to display the Set Retrieve Folder di alog: 4. On the S et Retrieve Folder dial og: a. C lic k Br owse and use the browse function to identify the new r etrieve folder .
MY BOOK USER MANUAL MANAGIN G AND CUSTOM IZING THE SOFTWARE – 63 3. Click Sel ect Acco unt to display the Dr o pbox Login Requ ired dialog: 4. On the Dropbox Logi n Required dialog: a.
MY BOOK USER MANUAL MANAGIN G AND CUSTOM IZING THE SOFTWARE – 64 Uninstalling the WD Softwa r e Use your o perating system’ s Add or Remo ve Programs function to uni nstall the WD software fr om your computer . Uninstallin g on Windows XP 1. Click Start > Control Panel .
MY BOOK USER MANUAL USING THE DRIVE WI T H A MAC – 65 Using the Drive with a Mac The My Boo k drive is form atted as a single NTFS partition for comp atibilit y with up dated Windows operating systems. T o use the drive on Mac OS X operating systems , and to use Time Machine, if you want, you must r efo rmat the drive to a single HFS+J partition.
MY BOOK USER MANUAL T ROUBLE SHOOTI NG – 66 T r oubleshooting This chapte r includ es the follow ing top ics: Installing, Partit ioning, and Formatting the Drive Frequentl y Asked Quest ions If you have pr oblems installing or using this produc t, r e fer to this t r oubleshoo ting se ction or visit our s upport website at http:/ /supp ort.
MY BOOK USER MANUAL T ROUBLE SHOOTI NG – 67 Q: Why is the data transfer rate slow? A: Y our system may be operating at USB 1.1 speeds due to an incorrect driver installation of the USB 3.0 or USB 2.0 adapter card or a sy stem that does not support USB 3.
MY BOOK USER MANUAL INSTALLING THE SES DRIVER – 68 Installing the SES Driver If yo u do no t inst all the WD so ftware, you shou ld inst all the SC SI Enclosure Services (SES) driver on Windows computers to keep the hardwar e popup wizard fr o m displaying every time you connect your drive to your computer .
MY BOOK USER MANUAL INSTALLING THE SES DRIVER – 69 4. Select Inst all the s oftw ar e automa tically and click Next : 5. When the installation comp letes, click Finish :.
MY BOOK USER MANUAL INSTALLING THE SES DRIVER – 70 Installing t he Driver Manually If your computer is not connected to the Internet, install the driver manuall y: 1. O n the Found New Hardwar e W izar d screen, select No, not this time to inhi bit a connection attempt to Windows Update: 2.
MY BOOK USER MANUAL INSTALLING THE SES DRIVER – 71 d. C lick Next : 5. When the installation comp letes, click Finish :.
MY BOOK USER MANUAL INSTALLING THE SES DRIVER – 72 Installing on Windows V ista Computers After connecting t he drive as shown in F igur e 3 on page 6, the Found New Har dware screen d isplays. Note: If Au toplay i s enabled, two additi onal scr eens might appear at the same time as the Foun d New Hardwa re scr een.
MY BOOK USER MANUAL INSTALLING THE SES DRIVER – 73 Installing t he Driver Manually If your computer is not connected to the Internet, install the driver manuall y: 1. O n th e Fo un d N e w H a rdw are wi z ard sc ree n, cl i ck Locate and ins tall d river soft war e : 2.
MY BOOK USER MANUAL INSTALLING THE SES DRIVER – 74 4. Brows e to Computer and: a. Doub le-clic k the M y Book drive. b. Doub le-clic k the Ext ras folde r .
MY BOOK USER MANUAL INSTALLING THE SES DRIVER – 75 Installing on Windows 7 and Win dows 8 Computers After connecting t he drive as shown in F igur e 3 on page 6 or , use the Windows Computer Management utility to install the SES driver: 1. Open All Pr ograms and clic k Compu ter > Manage : 2.
MY BOOK USER MANUAL INSTALLING THE SES DRIVER – 76 3. Click Browse my com puter for d river s oftw are . 4. Brows e to Computer , d ouble-c lick the My Bo ok drive, double-cli ck the Ext ras folder , and s el ect WD SES Devic e Driver : 5. Click Next .
MY BOOK USER MANUAL COMPLIANCE AND W ARRANTY INFORMATION – 77 Compliance and W arranty Inform ation This a ppendix includes the foll owing t opics: Regulatory Co mpliance Envir onmental Compliance (.
MY BOOK USER MANUAL COMPLIANCE AND W ARRANTY INFORMATION – 78 CE Compliance Fo r Europe Marking by the CE sy m bol indicates complian ce of this system to the appli cable Council Directi ves of the European Union, including the EMC Dir e ctive (2004/108/ EC) and the Low V oltage Dire ctive (2006/95/EC).
MY BOOK USER MANUAL COMPLIANCE AND W ARRANTY INFORMATION – 79 Limited W arranty WD warrants that the Product, in the course of its normal use, will for the term defined below , be free from defects in materia l and workmanship and will conform to WD’ s specific ation therefor .
MY BOOK USER MANUAL COMPLIANCE AND W ARRANTY INFORMATION – 80 Obtaining Ser vice WD values your business and always attempts to pr ovide you the very best of service. Should you encounter any problem, pl ease give us an opp ortunity to address it before returning thi s Pro duct.
MY BOOK USER MANUAL COMPLIANCE AND W ARRANTY INFORMATION – 81 product is on the list o f limited user -serviceab le products and the specifi c alteration is within the scop e of the applicab le ins truction s, as found at http://support.w ), acci dent or mish andling whi le in t he poss essi on of someon e other than WD.
MY BOOK USER MANUAL INDEX – 8 2 Index A Acces s or ies, optional 3 Acronis Tr ue Image WD Edition software 1 , 2 software downlo ad 1 , 2 user guide download 1 , 2 Activation c ode required icon 20 .
MY BOOK USER MANUAL INDEX – 8 3 Erase Drive dialog 58 Erasing the dr ive 57 F FCC Cla ss B info rmation 77 File His tor y button 30 Flashing icon alerts 54 Free trial countdown i con 24 Full media s.
MY BOOK USER MANUAL INDEX – 8 4 Change Se curity dialog 51 , 52 Set Security dialog 10 , 46 Select Backup F requency screen 14 , 34 Backup Pl an screen 13 Select Backup D evice scre en 11 Set Backup.
Information furnished by WD is believed to be accurate and reli able; ho wever , no responsibility is as sumed by WD for its use nor for any infrin gement of patents or ot her rights of thir d parties which may r esult from its use. No license is gr anted by implication or otherwise under any pate nt or patent rights of WD.
An important point after buying a device Western Digital WDBFJK0030HBK (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Western Digital WDBFJK0030HBK yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Western Digital WDBFJK0030HBK - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Western Digital WDBFJK0030HBK you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Western Digital WDBFJK0030HBK will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Western Digital WDBFJK0030HBK, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Western Digital WDBFJK0030HBK.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Western Digital WDBFJK0030HBK. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Western Digital WDBFJK0030HBK along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center