Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product TV EasyFix SuperSlim Wentronic
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DE EN FR IT BETRIEBSANLEITUNG USER‘S MANUAL MODE D‘EMPLOI ISTRUZIONI PER L‘USO T V -Wandhalter T V mount T V Suppor t mural Suppor to per T V 6347 3 Goobay T V Eas yFix Su p erSlim 634 93 Goobay.
2 Betr iebs anleitun g BETRIEBSANLEIT UNG Inhalt 1 Sic herh eitshi nweise ..................................................................... 3 1 . 1 All gemei nes ...................................................................... 3 1 . 2 Benut zerg rupp en .
3 1 Sicherheit shin weise 1 . 1 Allg eme ines • LesenS iediebe iliege ndeProduk tdok umentat ionvollst ändigun dsorgf ältig vorBen utzun g.
4 Betr iebs anleitun g > > T ech nisch eDatenallerver wendeter Produk tevergle iche n.Diese müsse nüberein stimmeno derimang egeb enen Berei chlieg en.
5 2 Beschreibung und F unk tion IhrWandhalte rdientderM ontag eIhresFlac hbilds chir msansta bilen,ver ti kalen Wänden.Di ekompakteun dach eBauweiseu nterstüt z teinindiv iduelle s,plat z - spare ndes A nbrin gen.
6 Betr iebs anleitun g T V-A bstan dhalter M - G 8 T V-A bstan dhalter M - H 4 Tab. 2: L iefe rum fang 2. 2 ben ötig tes We rk zeu g Wer k zeug Ab bil dung Leitun gspr üfer Wasser waa ge Stif t Kre uzsch lit z - Sc hraube ndrehe r Bohr masc hine Beton -/ Steinbo hrer 8x6 0 mm zwe ite Perso n Tab.
7 3. 1 Nut zun gsb eschrä nkung en Nurint rockene nInnenräu menver wende n. 4 Montage 4. 1 V or ber eitu ng V oll stä ndigkei t und Unverse hr th eit pr üf en > > Packungsi nhalt mit hilfe des L ieferu mfangs auf Vollst ändigkeit und Unversehr theitkontro lliere n.
8 Betr iebs anleitun g Fig. 1: Wand mont age 1 . PrüfenS ievordemBo hren,obsi chGas -,Wasser-,oderSt romlei tungen inderWandb endenu ndbesc hädige nSiedies enicht . 2. Benut zen Sie e ine Wasser waa ge um die Bohr löc her zu mar kie ren.
9 4. 3. 1 Flachb ildsc hirm emit acherRü ckseit e Fig. 2: Fl achb ilds chi rme mi t ac her Rü ckse ite 1 . LehnenSi edenFlachb ildsc hirmver t ikalgeg eneinewei che,groß ächig e Unter lage od er eine Wand und sic her n Sie ihn g egen K rat zer und Umk ip - pen.
10 Betr iebs anleitun g 1 . Geh enSiebi sauffolge ndenZwisc hensc hrit tvorwi einKapite l4.3. 1 bes chr ieben. 2.
1 1 End e der M ontag e. Zur D emont age g ehen S ie in r ück wär t ige r Reihe nfolg e vor . 5 Gewährleistung und Haf tung • DerH erstel lergewähr tau feinneue sProduk t2Jahreg eset zlich eGewähr- lei stung.
12 Betr iebs anleitun g rü ckbl eiben. • Heb enSiedie O rigi nalverp ackungfürdenT rans por tauf, umSchä denzu ver- mei den.
13 Datenindie serAn leitungkönne nSiediemö glich enBefesti gungsp unktede nie - ren.Einig eMod ellelas seneinestu fenlos e,individu elleBefe stigun gzu. (z.B.30 0x30 0 mmfürSo nyTVs ).
User ‘s Manu al 14 BETRIEBSANLEIT UNG ............................................. 2 USER’ S MA NU AL ....................................................... 1 4 MODE D‘EMPL OI ....................................................... 26 ISTR UZI ONI P ER L ‘USO .
15 1 Safet y Instruc tions 1 . 1 Gen eral N otes • Readthei ncludi ngprodu ctdoc ument ationc ompl etelyandc arefullyb efore use.
User ‘s Manu al 16 > > Avoidex tremec ondi tions,su chasext remeheat ,col dness,h umidit yor direc texposuretot hesun, aswellasvibr ation sandmec hanic alpres su- re.
1 7 2. 1 Sco pe of De liver y Par t Figu re S ymb ol A moun t Wall moun ting Wall mount 6 3473 or Wall mount 6 349 3 B 1 Wall screw 6 .3x55 W- A 63 473: 2 63 49 3: 4 Con crete anc hor W- B 63 473: 2 6.
User ‘s Manu al 18 2. 2 Requi red too ls T o ol Figu re Line teste r Spir itlevel Penci l Phillip sscrewdr iver Dr illingma shine Con crete dr ill 8x6 0m m Sec ond pe rson Tab.
19 4 Installing 4. 1 Prepa ring Chec kin g the c omp let ene ss an d int egr it y > > Checkt hepack ingco ntentbycompa ringittot hesc opeofdeli ver y regar ding co mpletene ss and inte grit y .
User ‘s Manu al 20 Fig. 6: Wal l moun ting 1 . Befor edrilli ng,atten dtolivecab lesorot herlinesl yingbeh indplaster ,an d do not damag e them. 2. Useasp iritleveltoma rkthedr illho lesont hewall.
21 4. 3. 1 Flatscr eensw ith atback Fig. 7: Flat s cre ens wi th at b ack 1 . Leanthe atscree nver tic allyonasof t,la rgesur fa ceorawalla ndprotec tit ofsc ratchesa ndover turni ng.
User ‘s Manu al 22 4. 4 Att achi ngandlo ckingt hea tscree n W arning level Safety instruction Bid/Ban Risk o f injur y by t rip ping an d falli ng > > > > Plac e,transpo r tandinst allpro duct,pa r ts and ac ceo rie s in a safe way .
23 andpr ovideyoursa lesslipo rinvoiceasevid enceoft hepurch ase,if nec ess ar y .Y ourd ealerwi llrepairt hefaulteit heronsi te,orsendth edevice to the m anufac turer .
User ‘s Manu al 24 Thewal lmountis hard to al ign. > > > > Not lo nger adju stabl e afte r lock ing. Releas ethewallmo untandreat tac hitinoptim ized posi tion. Ot herquest ions >> Co ntact you r dealer .
25 1 0 Disposal Inst ructions Thisp roduc tshouldn otbedispo sedtog etherwit hdome sticwaste.Pleas e retur nyourprod uctfre eofchar geattheen d.
Mo de d‘emplo i 26 MODE D‘EMPL OI BETRIEBSANLEIT UNG ............................................. 2 USER’ S MA NU AL ....................................................... 1 4 MODE D‘EMPL OI ..................................................
27 1 Consignes de sécurité 1 . 1 No tes g énér al • Lisezat tentivem enttoutelado cument ationdup roduitfo urni eav antut ilisat i- on.
Mo de d‘emplo i 28 Risq ue de d omma ge du ma tér iau pa r comb inaiso n inapp ropr ié e du prod uit Lac ombin aisondupr oduitinc ompat ibleneré pondpa sauxfonc tionsre quises , ellep eutentraînerun eper tedequal itéouundomm agematér iel.
29 Mis esengard econtr elesdang erspo uvantentraînerde s ble ssur es en c as de non re spec t. Mis esengard econtr elesdang erspo uvantentraînerun d omm age m até ri el en cas d e non res pect .
Mo de d‘emplo i 30 M 6x1 4 M - B 4 M8 x2 0 M - C 4 M 6x30 M - D 4 M8 x30 M - E 4 Ronde lle M - F 4 Ronde lled‘espac ementT V M - G 8 Ronde lled‘espac ementT V M - H 4 Tab.
31 Sec onde p erso nne Tab. 2 2: Out ils r equis 3 Utilisation prévue Cepr oduitestd estinéaum ontag edesécr ansplatsd etaill esd‘écran s,depoids etd.
Mo de d‘emplo i 32 4. 2 Mo ntag e mura l Nivea ux de mis es en g ard e Con sign es d e sécu rit é Do main es / Ban Risq ue de b les sures pa r cond iti ons amb iant es ina pprop ri ées > > > > V ér ie zlastru cturemu raleavant l‘in stallat ion ou c hoisi ssez un emp lace - ment d‘ instal lation s ans ris que.
33 5. Mo ntez le supp or t mur al (B )à l ’ aidedes vismurales ( W- A) et rond elles(W- C). 4. 3 Mo ntag e de l‘éc ran p lat Nivea ux de mis es en g .
Mo de d‘emplo i 34 4. 3.2 Ecrans p lat s avec face a rr ière c ourb ée Fig. 12: Ecr ans pl ats ave c fac e arr ière c our bée 1 . E xceptépourl ‘é t apesuivante-pr océ dezco mmeindiq uédanslec hapitr e 4.
35 Fig. 13: As semb ler et xer l‘é cran p lat 1 . Fixerl’écranplatàl ’ aidede spatte sdexati on(A)ausuppor tmur al(B )en vousfai santaide rparunesec ondep erso nne.
Mo de d‘emplo i 36 6 Entretien,maintenance,stockageettranspor t • Lepro duitnedoitêt remaintenuqu epardesateli erspr ofessi onnels.
37 8 Spécic ations T aille Spécication Uni té T VT ail le 63 4 73: 23 - 5 5 63 493: 37 -7 0 “/Pouc e VESA 63 4 73: ma x.
Mo de d‘emplo i 38 1 0 Inst ruct ions pour l’ élimination Cepr oduitnedo itpasêtremi saurebutaveclesd échet sménage rs.
Istr uzion i per l‘us o 40 ISTR UZI ONI P ER L ‘USO BETRIEBSANLEIT UNG ............................................. 2 USER’ S MA NU AL ....................................................... 1 4 MODE D‘EMPL OI ................................
4 1 1 Istr uzioni per la sicurez za 1 . 1 No te Ge nera li • Legg ereinmod ocom pletoedac curatolad ocume ntazi onedelp rodot to pr ima dell ‘uso Fa par te del pr odot to.
Istr uzion i per l‘us o 42 Lac ombin azion ediprod ottii ncom patibilin onsodd isfalef unzionin eces sar ie, puòc ausarelap erdit adiqualit àodannimater iali.
43 2 Descriz ione e F unz ione Ilkitp erinsta llazi oneaparetese r veperinsta llarelosupa retistab iliever tic ali. Ildes ignco mpat toesott ilesupp or tal’inst alla zioneind ividual eedinec onom ia dispa zio.
Istr uzion i per l‘us o 44 M8 x30 M - E 4 Ronde lla M - F 4 Dist anziator eT V M - G 8 Dist anziator eT V M - H 4 Tab. 31: Sc opo de lla c onse gna 2.
45 3 Scopo d‘utiliz zo Que stoprod ottoère alizz atoperl’inst allaz ionesuun aparetever tic aledi sch ermipi att icondim ension i,pesiepunt id’installa zion espec ic i,cheson o- ria ssuntine lcapi tolo„ Datitec nici “ .
Istr uzion i per l‘us o 46 Peric olo di d anni ma ter iali pr ov oc ati d a con diz ioni am bien tali in appr opr iate > > La sciar espazios uf ci enteintor noal pro dotto e d all‘inte ro sistema p er garant ire un‘adeguat aventilaz ioneelam obilit à.
47 Risc hio di da nni mat eri ali a cau sa di proc edur e inap propr iat e > > Uti lizz are sol o una for za m oderat a per str ingerel evitiinm ododaevit aredidan - negg iarelal ett atura.
Istr uzion i per l‘us o 48 Fig. 16: Sc her mi pia tti c on fo ndo c urv o 1 . Fatt aecc ezion eperlafas edilavorochese gue,pro cede recom eindic atoal c apitolo 4.
49 Fig. 17: Fiss are e as sicu rare d ello s cher mo pi att o 1 . Fis sarelosc her mopiat toprepa ratoco nlestaf fedic olle gamento(A)al sistem ad’install azion eaparete(B)conl’ ai utodiunasec ondap erso na.
Istr uzion i per l‘us o 50 6 Manutenz ione,C ura,conser vaz ioneetraspor to • Ilpro dot todeveesserema ntenutosol odaof ci nespec ializ zate. • Protegg eregliang olidasp orcoeg rassor egolar mentec onoli olegge roper mac chine.
5 1 VESA 63 4 73: ma x. 40 0x 20 0 63 493: ma x. 80 0x4 00 mm Car icar e 63 4 73: ma x. 45 63 493: ma x. 65 kg An golo di inc linazi one +/- 0 ° An golo di rota zion e +/- 0 ° Dist anzada lla parete 1 9 mm Dime nsioni 63 4 73: 46 0 x 26 0 x 1 9 63 493: 85 8 x 4 40 x 19 mm Car ico 63 4 73: 1 .
DE EN FR IT BETRIEBSANLEITUNG USER‘S MANUAL MODE D‘EMPLOI ISTRUZIONI PER L‘USO T V -Wandhalter T V mount T V Suppor t mural Suppor to per T V 6347 3 634 93 Revisio n201 3 - 06 -27 V er sion 2 Go obay ® Pillman nstraße 12 381 1 2 Br aunschwei g Ger many Made i n China.
An important point after buying a device Wentronic TV EasyFix SuperSlim (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Wentronic TV EasyFix SuperSlim yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Wentronic TV EasyFix SuperSlim - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Wentronic TV EasyFix SuperSlim you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Wentronic TV EasyFix SuperSlim will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Wentronic TV EasyFix SuperSlim, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Wentronic TV EasyFix SuperSlim.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Wentronic TV EasyFix SuperSlim. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Wentronic TV EasyFix SuperSlim along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center